首页 2012年广西师范大学硕士学位英语考试试题



2012年广西师范大学硕士学位英语考试试题2012年广西师范大学硕士学位英语考试试题 广学西师范大年非英师师师究生位英师考师师卷研学2012 ;年月,20126 共分~每小师分 Part I Reading Comprehension (302) Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. At the end of each passage, five questions will be asked about it. For the first three passages, you should r...

2012年广西师范大学硕士学位英语考试试题 广学西师范大年非英师师师究生位英师考师师卷研学2012 ;年月,20126 共分~每小师分 Part I Reading Comprehension (302) Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. At the end of each passage, five questions will be asked about it. For the first three passages, you should read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide on the best choice. Passage One There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world. In most culture, animals are in a worse position than human beings. In some cases, however, people treat their pets like members of their families, or perhaps better. In the United States and Europe, there are special shops that sell clothing and food for cats and dogs. In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets. It is common for big markets in many places to sell cat food and dog food. However, in a small town in France, there is a special restaurant for dogs. Dogs are the only customers. There is seating for twenty of them. The dogs choose from a variety of dishes on the menu. Of course, in most parts of the world, pets don't live in such wealth and comfort. People treat their pets in a more practical way. People own cats and dogs because they keep away mice and other unwanted animals. Owners have some loving feelings for their pets, but they do not see them as equal to family members. In most places in the world, there isn't any special clothing or fine food for animals. There aren't any special restaurants for dogs. Pets around the world live in a great variety of ways, just as people do.1. According to the passage, in most cultures ______________________________. A. animals are in a worse position than human beings B. people treat their pets like members of their families C. there are special shops that sell clothing for dogs and cats D. pets such as dogs and cats are very popular 2. According to the passage, there are ______________________________. A. clothing shops for dogs and cats in the United States and Europe B. restaurants for dogs in every city in France C. no dogs or cats that wear clothing D. some people who treat their pets far better than they treat themselves3. For many people, pets may have a more practical function because ________________. A. pets are often useful companions for old people B. cats and dogs can be used to keep away mice C. pets can sometimes be sold to make money D. some pets may show loving feelings for their owners. 4. What might you think after reading this passage? A. Dogs and cats like to wear expensive clothing. 1 B. Many people visit the dog restaurant in France. C. People in every part of the world like to buy fine clothing for their pets.D. In some cases, animals have better food and clothing than people. 5. The main idea of this reading passage is ____________________________.A. Dogs enjoy fine restaurants B. A rich cat can afford to go to any restaurant C. People treat pets in very different ways in different parts of the worldD. It is stupid to have special food and clothing for animals Passage Two Friends play an important part in our lives. And while we may get along well with a number of people, we can only be friends with very few. The average student, for example, has about 6 friends. Most people spend time with others they like, but still the degree of intimacy between them and the reasons for their shared interest vary enormously. As we get to know people, we take into account things like age, race, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors are not of prime importance, it is more difficult to get along with people when there is a marked difference in age and background. Many friends avoid argument. It is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs. They have attitudes and interests in common that they often talk about and they might think of themselves being "on the same wavelength". It generally takes time to reach this point however. And the more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another for favors and to keep promises. Also, friends have to learn to put up with annoying habits and to tolerate differences of opinion. In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two people. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful bond, which can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers of age, class, or race. 6. What is True according to the first paragraph? A. A person can only have a few real friends. B. We should put things such as age, race, economic conditions, social positions, and intelligence in the first place when making friends. C. People whom we can get along well with are our friends. D. A student has six friends at most. 7. In Paragraph 3, "being on the same wavelength" means ______. A. talking as fast as others B. having the same topic as others C. having attitudes and interests in common D. having the same experiences and emotions 8. The word " intimately" in Paragraph 3 perhaps means______ 2 A. far away B. closely C. well D. in distance 9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Even friends may have difference of opinion. B. Friends never argue with each other. C. It takes time to become good friends. D. Shared experiences can make for a strong friendship. 10. To strengthen friendly relationships, people______. A. should have the same age, class, and race B. should get rid of the annoying habits C. should support and understand each other D. should hold friendship ceremonies Passage Three On a practical level, teachers need a wide variety of skills and abilities. They have to be ready to spend many hours at home planning their lessons and preparing homework. They have to be well organized in class, patient with students, able to appear bright and interested even if they are in fact tired or unhappy, and lively enough to control a group of young people for almost 200 days a year. Outside the classroom, they may have to prepare teaching materials, to choose books to use as texts, to help organize the work of other teachers, or to organize spare time activities for students. If you think that you have all the necessary qualities, you may feel that you would like to be a teacher. One way to decide, if you live in the United States, is by joining a club for future teachers, such as Student Action for Education. Clubs like this give advice about your field, and also allow you to watch teachers at work, attend meetings, and experiment with teaching methods and equipment. You could also talk with the job advisor at your school or university. Finally, you could try teaching a younger student or becoming an advisor at a summer camp for children. Any activity in which you are dealing with children will help you decide whether you have a calling for teaching.11. The first paragraph is mainly about ________. A. how to plan lessons and prepare homework B. how to help organize the work of other teachers C. how to prepare teaching materials D. various skills and abilities teachers need 12. According to the author, a teacher should show a firm mind ________. A. that is active and always asking questions B. that knows no fear, even when a person is faced with many students C. that can help other teachers as well as students D. that is able to deal with tiredness and unhappiness 13. The second paragraph is mainly concerned with ________. A. the ways of deciding one's future employment 3 B. the ways to decide whether teaching should be one's future employment C. joining a club for future teachers D. talking to an advisor when choosing future employment 14. Student Action or Education is ________. A. a summer camp for children B. an activity at a summer camp C. a club for future teachers D. a club for job advisors 15. Which of the following does the author suggest to a person who wants to be a teacher? A. Watching teachers at work and organizing students' spare time activities. B. Joining a future teachers' club, talking with job advisors, and working with children. C. Preparing lessons, correcting homework, and experimenting with teaching methods and equipment. D. Planning lessons and attending teachers' meetings. 共分~每小师分 Part II Skimming and Scanning (101) Directions: True or false? Read the following passages. Then decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Passage One As my train wasn't due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time. I made my 行李小型旅行箱way to the luggage () office to collect the suitcase (). I took out my 收据wallet to find the receipt () for my case, but the receipt was nowhere to be found. When my turn came, I explained this situation to the assistant. The man looked at me 师疑地suspiciously () and asked me to describe the case. I told him that it was an old, brown object no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves. The assistant then gave me a form and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case. If the list was correct, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the articles I had hurriedly packed, and I wrote them down. After I had done this, I went to look among shelves. There were hundreds of cases there and, for one terrible moment, it occurred to me that if someone had picked up the 师师receipt, he could have easily claimed () the case already. This did not happen fortunately, for after a time I found the case lying on its side high up in a corner. After examining the articles inside, the assistant was soon satisfied that it was mine and told me I could take the case away. Again I took out my wallet, this time to pay. I pulled out a 师师ten-shilling note and the "lost" receipt came out with it. I couldn't help blushing () and looked up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say that he had often seen this happen. ; ,16. When the man explained the matter to an assistant, the assistant looked at him 4 with pity. ; ,17. The man got nervous while looking for his suitcase, as he realized anyone could take it with the receipt. ; ,18. The man's suitcase was laid in the corner on the ground. ; ,19. The assistant was trying to verify what the man was saying. "To verify" means to check and make sure of something ; ,20. The man blushed because he felt timid and did not know what to do.Passage Two Body language is the often overlooked means by which we express many of our feelings and thoughts. It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 percent of what we really mean. Surprisingly, words themselves express only seven percent. 易接受的Arms. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive () you are to the people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. Outgoing 外向的() people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies. Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are the monitor in class, you can also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously. However, to appear friendly when listening or speaking, you must move your head a little to one side. Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. So it is best for you to keep your legs still when you are being interviewed. 姿师Posture (). A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling down, you normally don't sit straight. Also, you may hold your shoulders inward. This makes breathing more difficult, which in turn can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable. 师Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse () your lips. You might also use this position to hold back an angry comment you don't wish to show. Regardless of what you are actually thinking, a person is likely to think that you are not happy if you have this expression. ; ,21. Body language is often overlooked because we mainly communicate in words.; ,22. When an outgoing person meets someone he knows, he is most likely to keep his arms close to his body. ; ,影响23. Paragraph five shows that your posture and your feelings affect () each other. ; ,24. If you attend an interview, moving your legs around a lot should be avoided. 5 ; ,25. Without considering possible cultural differences, the writer of the passage is suggesting that body language is a language that is difficult to understand. 共分~每小师分Part III Cloze (10 0. 5) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. To find out what the weather is going to be, many people go straight to the radio, television or newspaper to get an expert weather forecast. But 26 you know what to look for, you can use your own 27 to make your weather 28 . There are many 29 that can help you. For example, in fair weather the air pressure is 30 low. The air is still and often full of dust. Far away objects may look 31 . But when a storm is gathering, the pressure 32 and you are often able to see things more clearly. Sailors 33 of this long ago and came 34 with a saying “The farther the sight, the nearer the rain”. Your sense of 35 can also help you detect weather changes. Just 36 it rains, odors becomes stronger. This is 37 odors are suppressed in a fair, high-pressure center. When a bad weather low 38 , air pressure lessens and smells are 39 . You can also 40 an approaching storm. Sounds 41 heavy storm clouds and return to earth with force. An old saying describes it 42 :”Sound travelling far and wide, a stormy day will come.” And don’t laugh if your grandmother says she can 43 a storm coming. It is commonly known that many people feel pains in their bones when the humidity 44 , the pressure drops, and bad weather is on the 45 .26. A. unlessB. ifC. asD. though 27. A. experiencesB. waysC. sensesD. feelings 28. A. broadcastB. plansC. predictionD. statement 29. A. formsB. signalsC. expressionsD. signs 30. A. ordinarilyB. unusuallyC. commonlyD. generally31. A. mistyB. smallC. clearD. big 32. A. risesB. dropsC. increasesD. descends 33. A. took careB. took noteC. got holdD. made sense34. A. upB. overC. uponD. on 35. A. touchB. tasteC. smellD. sight 36. A. whenB. asC. afterD. before 37. A. whyB. becauseC. howD. hence 38. A. moves awayB. takes upC. moves inD. takes in39. A. releasedB. controlledC. checkedD. roused 40. A. learnB. seeC. hearD. look 41. A. jump upB. jump downC. bounce inD. bounce off42. A. as meaningB. followingC. this wayD. that is43. A. seeB. hearC. feelD. tell 44. A. fallsB. growsC. dropsD. rises 45. A. wayB. marchC. roadD. moving 6 共分Part IV Translation (25 ) Directions: Put the following into Chinese. 1.When we are faced with a problem that we are unable to solve, a simple act of kindness from a stranger may provide a solution, lift our spirits, and even change our lives. Further, their actions may give us an example to follow in our own lives. Even when facing personal problems of our own, we need to choose to make other people’s lives better with our courage, imagination, and generosity. We should live our daily lives with the goal of helping others, and provide support without thinking of our own gains. If we live our lives in this way, we will find the satisfaction and purpose that we seek. 2.Exercise is important for both the body and the mind. Its benefits are obvious in many ways: better health, increased intelligence, better looks and so on. However, many people do not realize that exercise can also have negative effect if one fails to pay attention to their diet when they exercise, such as a decrease in iron levels in one’s blood. So be careful to combine exercise with the correct diet and pay attention to the body’s needs as you go about your exercise program, and you’ll do great. 共分Part V Writing (25 ) Directions: For this part, you are required to write according to the outline given below. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese. How to Achieve Success? 有人师成功。靠运气1. 有人师成功主要勤师~毫无师系。靠与运气2. 你并的师点如何,师明理由。3. ;年月,西师范大广学年非英师师师究生位英师考师师卷 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 研学201262012 共分~每小师分 Part I Reading Comprehension (302) 1-5 AABDC 6-10 ACBBC 11-15 DDBCB 共分~每小师分 Part II Skimming and Scanning (101) 16-20 FTFTF 21-25 FFTTF 共分~每小师分Part III Cloze (10 0. 5) 26-30 BCCDD 31-35 AABAC 36-40 DBCAC 7 41-45 DCCDA 共分Part IV Translation (25 )略 共分Part V writing (25 ) 略 8
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