首页 武汉红菜苔在恩施无公害生产病虫害综合防治技术方案



武汉红菜苔在恩施无公害生产病虫害综合防治技术方案武汉红菜苔在恩施无公害生产病虫害综合防治技术方案 一、今年的试种表现: 2010年夏季武汉红菜苔首次在宣恩椿木营试种获得成功,9月中下旬进行采收,较武汉本地早上市1个月左右,且品质更优。从今年试种的情况看,该菜苔在本地(尤其是在高山椿木营)生长适宜,品质有一定优势,部分田块长势也很好,只是大面积田间管理和病害防治技术还不够成熟,特别是病害发生较重,导致产量不高。 通过田间调查武汉红菜苔在当地的主要病害有以四种:黑斑病、霜霉病、软腐病和根肿病。叶部虫害不是很重,但地下害虫较多。其中霜霉病发生较早,黑斑病发生普遍...

武汉红菜苔在恩施无公害生产病虫害综合防治技术 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一、今年的试种 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现: 2010年夏季武汉红菜苔首次在宣恩椿木营试种获得成功,9月中下旬进行采收,较武汉本地早上市1个月左右,且品质更优。从今年试种的情况看,该菜苔在本地(尤其是在高山椿木营)生长适宜,品质有一定优势,部分田块长势也很好,只是大面积田间管理和病害防治技术还不够成熟,特别是病害发生较重,导致产量不高。 通过田间调查武汉红菜苔在当地的主要病害有以四种:黑斑病、霜霉病、软腐病和根肿病。叶部虫害不是很重,但地下害虫较多。其中霜霉病发生较早,黑斑病发生普遍且较重,软腐病发生严重(发病株率为10%左右)且损失最大,根肿病有零星发生。 二、今年在田间发病的几种主要病害的发病规律: 1、黑斑病:是武汉菜苔在当地的一种主要病害,是半知菌链格孢真菌引起的一种病害,病菌生长的发育温度为10—35?,最适温度为17?,在湿度大时发病后的病斑上产生灰黑色霉状物,即分生孢子借风雨进行再侵染。在生长期遇低温阴雨时流行快。因此它是属一种低温高湿性病害。 2、霜霉病:也是红菜苔的主要病害,是鞭毛菌寄生性类的低等真菌。发病的温度为8—28?,最适温度为20—24?,但该病的孢子囊形成、萌发和再浸染需要水滴或水膜,因此多雾或多雨天气是该病流行的主要条件。对该病的抗性不同品种间差异较大,武汉红菜苔今年在当地发病不是很重,可能与前期防治或本身抗性有关,有待进一of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 步观察。 3、软腐病:是红菜苔的重要病害,是胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌的一种细菌,病菌生长发育的温度为2—40?,最适温度为25—30?,该病菌不耐光和干燥,田间发病与生长后期高温多雨、病虫及人为造成的伤口多少有关。 4、根肿病:是近几年传入我州的十字花科作物最危险的一种专性病害,该病仅为害十字花科作物。是鞭毛菌亚门根肿菌纲的一种低等真菌,也是目前鞭毛菌亚门最难防治的病害之一。该病菌的休眠孢子囊进入土中越冬或粘附在种子上越冬,并可在土中存活6,7年。越冬孢子囊借雨水、灌溉水、害虫和农事操作等传播,萌发产生游动孢子侵入寄主。气温在9,30?都可发病,最适温度是23?。土壤中存在病原菌特别是多年种植过萝卜或白菜等十字花科的蔬菜连作田中,有大量的根肿菌的休眠孢子囊存在,是该病发生的主要条件。 三、建议: 根据今年病虫害发生情况和这些病虫发生流体规律及防治措施,在明年进一步扩大示范时特提出以下建议供参考。 1、建议在有十字花科根肿病发生的区域不要推广种植。该病是我省的补充检疫对象,且防治难度大,防治成本很高,在发病的区域易传播流行。 2、种植田块尽量不要与十字花科作物连作。 3、在常年蔬菜种植的田块,整地时亩用生石灰200斤全田撒施,以改善土壤酸碱度,抑制病菌产生从而有利作物健长。 logy of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvioussturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest techno, moivival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulchboth the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the sur ots ofnted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, rofficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings plarove eal measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, impng organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technicacti-k) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quichicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make cts in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityeffec2 4、病虫防治要实行统防统治并加强对种植人员的田间操作等技术培训。特别是在采摘期要尽量避免造成较重的植伤。减少软腐病菌的侵染机会。 四、2011年防治技术方案: 1、种子和苗床土壤必须进行消毒处理,以上四种病害均可通过种子带菌传播,播种前种子用70%甲基硫菌灵5克+20%噻唑锌悬浮剂5克对水5公斤浸种2个小时。苗床土用50%敌克松50克+35%甲霜灵25克对水50公斤泼浇。预防猝倒病、青枯病等苗期病害。 2、苗床期在3--4叶时用瑞苗清1包+10%烯啶虫胺1包对水15斤进行叶面喷雾,防治苗期病害和蚜虫。 3、移栽前的大田,用5%的毒死蜱大粒剂1800--2700克/亩穴施防治多种地下害虫,该药持效期60天左右,无内吸传导作用,在蔬菜体内无农残。在施药时可与固体硼肥一起混施。 4、移栽活棵后3--5天亩用芽前除草剂“禾耐斯”3—4包对水3-4喷雾器地表喷雾防治杂草。 5、移栽后半月左右,亩用70%甲基硫菌灵50克+48%噻虫啉1包(4克)+噻唑锌1包(20克)+杰效利1包对水30斤叶面喷雾。 6、中后期每半个月左右,视具体病虫发生情况防治2-3次。可用以下配方选用其中一种。?预防以霜霉病、黑斑病及菜蛾类害虫时用安克20克+禾果利1包(10克)+捍动(5%阿维)10毫升+流体硼1包(20克)+杰效利1包对水30斤喷雾。?预防以黑斑病、软腐病为主时用“拿敌稳”1包(5克)+噻唑锌1包+富万钾1包+杰效利1 ts adifficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce cos the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but s. (4)winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlingth due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope t deaints, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plandrought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, po edlingtors and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance sey growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavaacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote health-ely prevent damage caused by the effect of quickake sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectivring, mof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watend shorten, reduce labor intensity3 包对水30斤喷雾。 7、抽苔初期,以防黑斑病、软腐病为主,用以上?配方防治一次。 8、每轮采收完后用噻唑锌1包+富万钾1包+杰效利1包对水30斤喷雾。喷药后七天内不要采收。 附件:以上各种农药产品的特点和作用介绍 恩施州植保站 李维群 2010年11月19日 附件:以上各种农药产品的特点和作用介绍 在以上方案中选用了五种类型共15种农药及叶面肥等产品。其中7种杀菌剂、4种杀虫剂、2种叶面肥、1种除草剂和1种助剂。现将这些产品特点及作用介绍如下: 一、杀菌剂产品: 1、甲基硫菌灵:是一种三唑类的杀菌剂,其杀菌谱广、成本低而被经常用于防治高等真菌类病害及种子消毒处理。残留期较长,在果树上用的较多,但在蔬菜上多在前期施用较妥。 2、敌克松:是一种广谱性的土壤处理为主的杀菌消毒剂,因见光易分解,因此一般不作叶面喷雾施用,用药时应尽量避开直射阳光。 3、甲霜灵:是一种防治低等真菌的杀菌剂,且内吸性超强在土壤中稳定性好,是一种防治霜霉病、疫病等病害的好产品,但由于我州用该产品防治洋芋晚疫病的时间较长,该药在我州已产生了一定的抗药 ts in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityeffec logy of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvioussturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest techno, moivival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulchboth the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the sur ots ofnted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, rofficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings plarove eal measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, impng organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technicacti-k) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quichicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make c4 性,因此现在一般不用作叶面喷雾防治。 4、瑞苗清:是日本生产的一种防治各种作物苗期的一种由几种杀菌剂复配的一个产品。对苗期病害有非常好的防效,且能促进幼苗生长。 5、禾果利(烯唑醇):是一种广谱性的低毒杀菌剂,对作物的各种叶斑病具有保护、治疗和内吸作用,对人畜、有益昆虫和环境安全。且对十字花科蔬菜生长有一定的调节作用。 6、噻唑锌:是我国目前防治细菌性病害的一种最新的化学杀菌剂,与过去防治细菌性病害类的药相比,防效好、安全性高、无药害和残留而且可与各种其它杀菌剂、杀虫剂和叶面肥一起施用。 7、拿敌稳:是德国拜耳公司最新生产和一种低毒的多元复配制,含肟菌酯25%,戊唑醇50%,对炭疽病、白粉病、斑病等绝大多数高等真菌性病害有丰常好的防效。其内吸作用强,且持效期长。 二、杀虫剂产品: 1、毒死蜱:是一种中等毒性的有机磷广谱性杀虫剂,对多种害虫有很好的杀虫效果,尤其是在避光的土壤中持效期可达60天以上,又因为该药不能被作物的根、叶吸收植体内传导,因此作为对地下害虫的防治不仅效果好,且对农产品安全也有保证。 2、烯啶虫胺:也是一种新引进的低毒杀虫剂,其防治对象和作用与净风相似,但杀虫速度较净风快,且对环境和人畜更安全。 3、噻虫啉(劲风):是我国目前最新引进的一种广谱性杀虫剂,具有用量少,安全间隔期短(仅5天),防效好、有效期长(达20天左右)等优点,对多种刺吸式口器害虫和鳞翅目幼虫有较好的防治效果。 the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but s. (4)winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlingth due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope t deaints, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plandrought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, po edlingtors and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance sey growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavaacting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote health-ely prevent damage caused by the effect of quickake sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectivring, mof chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watend shorten, reduce labor intensityts adifficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce cos 5 4、捍动:是一种生物杀虫剂,5%高含量的阿维菌素,对多种害虫及螨类有较好的防治效果。 三、叶面肥: 1、流体硼:是英国欧迈思公司生产的一种目前世界上最优秀的用于叶面喷施的流体硼肥,能通过叶面快速吸收补充作物硼对的需求量,十字花科对硼肥敏感且需求量较大,土壤施硼常常不能满足其需要。 2、富万钾:是一种用于叶面喷施的有机钾肥,钾是作物的抗性元素也是品质元素。后期补钾不仅且能增强作物对病害的抗性,也能显著的改善农产品的品质。 四、除草剂: 1、禾耐斯:是美国孟山都公司生产的一种酰胺类的高活性芽前选择性土壤处理剂。对十字花科作物出苗后安全性高,可防除绝大部分禾本科杂草和部分小粒种的双子叶杂草。且成本低,有效期长,控草时间可达70天左右。 五、助剂: 1、杰效利:是农业部全国农技推广中心重点推广的一种农药助剂,它可减少药液的喷施量,提高药液在植株上的粘附性,提高药液耐雨水的冲刷、减少药液的流失,并可促进药液被植物的吸收(渗透)。从而达到减药增效结本的作用。 ts in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensityeffec logy of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvioussturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest techno, moivival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulchboth the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the sur ots ofnted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, rofficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings plarove eal measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, impng organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technicacti-k) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quichicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make c6
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