首页 《八月迷情》观后感



《八月迷情》观后感《八月迷情》观后感 《八月迷情》--乐章上舞动的真情 听,你听见了吗, 那个音乐,无论到哪我都听得见,它在风里,在空气里,在光线里,它无处不在。你只需敞开自己的心扉。你只需,去聆听。 世人不停践踏你的梦想。但我相信那些旋律是真的。就像有些人相信童话是真的。 ——伊云 这是影片开头伊云的一段独白,他轻柔地、缓慢地、情感丰满地念着,我相信那话语是出自他的内心。紧接着一个眼睛清澈、微微酒窝、脸庞素白、身躯纤长、头发微卷的12岁男孩伊云出现在稻田里,听着随风呼啸的声音,他的眼微闭、他的手随风轻抚,很美的开幕.....

《八月迷情》观后感 《八月迷情》--乐章上舞动的真情 听,你听见了吗, 那个音乐,无论到哪我都听得见,它在风里,在空气里,在光线里,它无处不在。你只需敞开自己的心扉。你只需,去聆听。 世人不停践踏你的梦想。但我相信那些旋律是真的。就像有些人相信童话是真的。 ——伊云 这是影片开头伊云的一段独白,他轻柔地、缓慢地、情感丰满地念着,我相信那话语是出自他的内心。紧接着一个眼睛清澈、微微酒窝、脸庞素白、身躯纤长、头发微卷的12岁男孩伊云出现在稻田里,听着随风呼啸的声音,他的眼微闭、他的手随风轻抚,很美的开幕...... 《八月迷情》讲述这样一个童话般的故事两个不相识的人因为音乐而相爱,却被误会所分开,两个心碎的人却不知道他们的儿子正在苦苦的寻找他们,期待着奇迹可以让爱着的人重逢。 大提琴女拉娜和吉他手路易相识在一个满天繁星的楼顶,拱门下一位路人的演奏声吸引了路易、也吸引了拉娜,音乐是相通的、是直达人心的,于是大提琴和吉他的美丽碰撞将年轻的他们相牵,他们相爱了。第二天一早乖乖女拉娜赶着回家见父亲,路易请求她当天晚上10拱门下见,可不同的家庭背景似乎注定了二人以后的情路艰辛,在严父的看管下拉娜和路易再也没有相约。可那一晚给拉娜留下了一个孩子,她坚持生下孩子,和父亲僵直不罢休的拉娜摔门而去,出餐厅门她遇上迎面的汽车,因为早产拉娜进了医院,经过抢救当她苏醒过来时父亲对她撒了谎“孩子走了”,为了使孩子不影响女儿今后的发展,父亲放弃了孩子的抚养权,将他送进了孤儿院。拉娜和路易的命运似乎从此开始了转折,她不再演奏而去学校当了名大提琴老师、他退出了自己心爱的乐队。 伊云孤单地在孤儿院成长着,他聆听着世间一切的声音、他用心体会着爱、他满心期盼着父母亲的亲情,虽然他的聆听被其他孩子笑为怪胎、虽然他的期盼等待被鄙为痴梦,可他坚持着,因为他相信自己的内心——一股力量在牵引着他。upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 在伊云11岁时,拉娜的父亲病危,临终前他告诉了女儿年久的秘密,于是拉娜疯狂地开始寻找着孩子,她似乎重新看到了生活的希望,而此时路易也重新了回到了乐队,充实自己的音乐梦。 影片跌宕起伏的节奏感把握地很到位,伊云逃离孤儿院来到城区,当听到城市街道上的风声、滑板声、风铃声、转门声时他不禁地跳到水池上演奏了起来,是的,长期积累在他心中的音乐至于爆发了。他遇到了街边卖唱的黑人小孩,走进他的生活,认识了“巫师”,于是这个音乐神童的命运开始改变......“巫师”是一个狂爱音乐的疯子,迫于生活他收养了一大帮孩子,逼迫孩子在街边卖唱来赚钱养命,当发现伊云的天赋后“巫师”将他视为宝贝,一是疼爱这个音乐奇才的孩子,二是利用他赚取更多的钱财。于是伊云被改名,伊云背着吉他开始在街边卖唱,可伊云是快乐的,因为他可以尽情地将心中的音乐畅快地弹奏出来,这是他以前所没有的。包装、欺诈、利用,伊云终于逃脱了“巫师”,他被牧师送到爱丽丝音乐学校,年幼的他被音乐大师震撼。 冥冥之中总有什么是注定的,当拉娜在中央广场上再次登台演奏时,伊云飞赶过去,当小伊云身着西装、手拿指挥棒演奏时,震撼人心的交响乐声吸引住了准备离场的拉娜、吸引住了乘车路过广场的路易。影片告诉我们,音乐连通有缘人的心、真爱象磁石般将两人吸紧,只要我们坚信~当微笑的伊云感应似的回头时,看到母亲拉娜、父亲路易两手相牵,他们幸福地笑着望着儿子。所以。请相信音乐的力量。请相信内心深处的期望。请相信音乐能创造世间的美妙。请相信爱可以让本应在一起的人即使走散也还能再执子手,天长地久。 《八月迷情》整部电影可以说是在音乐中开始的、在音乐中进行的、在音乐中结束的,一切让人觉得是那么完美,让人不自觉的沉浸在电影所表现的亲情、爱情中。影片有三条故事线既是三位主人公各自引领着一条线索,路易斯、 拉娜和伊云的故事也可以说是三条音乐线,它们有各自的乐章,但又是交错重叠在一起的,表现出相同的爱情、亲情,这也许是音乐之间的相互联系,但更是他们之间有真情在,路易斯和拉娜是爱情相连,路易斯、 拉娜和伊云是亲情相连,upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 真情在美妙的乐章上轻轻的舞动这着,它是一个舞者向人们展现出最优美的一面,人类最伟大的情感莫过于爱情和亲情。 很惊讶很多人对八月迷情的影评不高甚至是很差,但是我很喜欢这部电影。现在很多电影有美女,有帅哥,有听上去很吸引人的东西,可没有看了让人感动的东西。真的很难得可以看到一部有美女有帅哥还有一个惹人喜爱的小男孩,更有一个可以让我感动得想哭的情节的电影。也许这部电影的情节有点悬,但电影本身就是一种夸张的艺术,他的目的就是把现实生活中的平时扩大成银幕上的绚丽。而且我相信冥冥中会有一股力量让人们找到喜欢的人。只是在生活中我们都太现实了,没有心情去发现那个人罢了。就像电影里说的周围都是音乐只要你去听。所以我喜欢电影里那种有点奇幻的氛围。这部电影的音乐也很好听,除了获得奥斯卡提名的raise it up外,还有几首歌也很好听,不过在看电影前听没什么感觉,要看过电影想着路易斯的眼神才更能感受到个中意味。 伊云的父母,创造了这个天才的两个艺术家。电影给了两个人很多的特写,他们要靠面部表情把一切都表现出来。他们的眼神就足够吸引人的了,没有什么肢体语言,但是传神的眼神让我领略到了两个人的风采。男演员不再是以前那个冷冷的棱角特别分明的人了,而女演员给我的印象是外表脆弱但内心坚强。 整部影片中,音乐始终行云流水般贯穿着,加之唯美的爱情、跌宕的情节,让人看后心情久久不能平静,我震撼、我哭着笑着、我的耳朵享受着将1小时53分的它看完。 很多人说这部电影,极度不现实,怎么生活中会有这么多的巧合。但是我想说,生活中的事谁也不知道下一秒会发生什么,也许就是这样的巧合。况且这是一部电影,我们真正要去了解的是影片想要表达的一种思想,一种精神,一种理念。在这个世界里,到处都有风铃,都有音乐。只要你去用心听,用心感受,你会发现的。其实每一种声音都是一种美妙的音乐。用心去听,说不定,也许某一天你会听到,他,或是她,正在那里等着你。 从符号呈现方式来看,影片《八月迷情》颠覆了传统、理性与严密的符号体制,创造了一种以音乐为主的开放式的后现代符号连接方式,通过直接与观众情绪、感觉的连接达到意义upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 的传递与诠释。影片没有制造特别的视觉效果,没有刻意营造的唯美场景。信息在这里似乎也并不重要,语言的必要性被压缩到最低层次——深爱的恋人之间只有最初的几句简单对白,而母子之间则从头至尾都没有对白。传统的“讲述”不再成为故事情节的逻辑线索,而退居为音乐符号与音乐象征的辅助手段。音乐成为影片惟一的纽带,把故事中的人物联系起,也把观众与电影联系起来。无论是摇滚乐与交响乐的交织融合,小August Rush用双手拍打吉他而弹奏出的另类而简单的旋律,都能让最没有音乐造诣的人受到音乐的感动。音乐符号的开放性与激发潜质的能力在这里被发挥到了极致。影片的最后,Juilliard音乐学院院长所说的话为本片做了最后注脚:“没有语言,没有图像,音乐总是凭借其沟通心灵的力量让我们沉醉其中。”音乐,作为一种艺术形式所具有的强大审美与吸引力,已经受到电影创作者的广泛注意,因此用音乐作为电影的创作手法并不少见。但是,我们并不能因此认为《八月迷情》仅仅是一部表现音乐艺术的音乐片。实事上,这里的音乐没有固定的体制,没有引导思维的文本,摇滚乐与交响乐时常交织,小主人公的演奏方式更是独特另类。细心的观众还会发现,除了教堂里教友们排练时唱的那几句歌以外,我们几乎很难找到一首独立完整的音乐作品,呈现在观众面前的大多是音乐的片断与音乐的背景。因此,音乐作为一种符号本身具有的开放性与阅读(广义)的无限多维性,才是影片的主旨所在。upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 也就是说,音乐在这里只是一种符号工具,或者说是意义呈现 的载体与媒介,而不是表达的对象与 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service
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