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公务员历史及文学常识大全公务员历史及文学常识大全 2010届高考历史文化常识、题例、解析 高考类汇编 【姓氏起源】 对于考究其来历,姓和氏不是一回事,在上古的时候,氏是从姓那儿派生出来,从汉代开始,姓氏混而为一。现代我们中国人的姓,大部分是从几千年前代代相传下来的,考其来历,大致可分为10多种类别。 ?以国名为氏。如齐、鲁、晋、郑、卫、陈、蔡、曹、许等。 ?以封地(采邑)为氏。如周武王封岔生于苏,岔生后代便姓苏;晋国大夫毕万于魏,其后世子孙以魏为氏。展禽(鲁孝公儿子公子展的后裔)被封柳下,其后便得柳姓。 ?以官名为氏。晋国的...

公务员历史及文学常识大全 2010届高考历史文化常识、题例、解析 高考类汇编 【姓氏起源】 对于考究其来历,姓和氏不是一回事,在上古的时候,氏是从姓那儿派生出来,从汉代开始,姓氏混而为一。现代我们中国人的姓,大部分是从几千年前代代相传下来的,考其来历,大致可分为10多种类别。 ?以国名为氏。如齐、鲁、晋、郑、卫、陈、蔡、曹、许等。 ?以封地(采邑)为氏。如周武王封岔生于苏,岔生后代便姓苏;晋国大夫毕万于魏,其后世子孙以魏为氏。展禽(鲁孝公儿子公子展的后裔)被封柳下,其后便得柳姓。 ?以官名为氏。晋国的荀林父为步兵组织三行里中行的军帅,称中行桓子,其后以中行为氏;宋国执政卿乐喜称司城子罕,其孙乐祁以司城为氏。司徒、司马、司空、司寇也是此类。 ?以职业(技艺)为氏。如巫、卜、祝、史、匠、陶、屠等。 ?以出生地、居住地为氏。这类姓氏中,一般都带邱、郭、门、乡、闾、里、野、官等字,表示不同的居住地点。 ?以同周王或诸侯血缘关系远近之称为氏。周僖王之子虎称王子虎,其孙称王孙苏;郑穆公之子喜称公子喜,其孙舍之称公孙舍之。 ?以祖辈的字为氏。按照宗法 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,公族只包括各代国君的近亲三代,公孙之子不属公族而须另外立氏。这些贵子孙多以其祖父之字为其氏。如郑国公子发字子国,其孙国参即以“子国”的末字为氏。宋戴公之子公子充石,字皇父,其孙以祖父字为氏(汉代时改皇父为皇甫)。郑国公子偃,字子游,其孙便姓游。周平王有庶子字林开,其后代以林为姓。 ?直接承袭姓为氏;?天子赐氏;?以次第为氏;?古代少数民族带来的姓氏;?以谥号为氏;?因赐姓、避讳而改氏等。 【例1】(2009年全国文综卷I,12)古人在分析姓氏起源时说:“氏于国,则齐鲁秦吴„„氏于字,则孟孙叔孙;氏于居,则东门北郭。”由此推论,司马、司徒等姓氏应源自 A.官名 B.爵位 C.谥号 D.行业 【答案】A 【考点】本题考查古文化常识姓氏的起源。 【解析】题干的意思:以国名为氏,如春秋战国时期的诸侯国:齐、鲁、吴、秦等,皆成为今天常见姓;以居住地为姓,如东门、北郭等字,表示不同环境的居住地点。而对于司马、司徒等字词则属于古代的官职,所以这些姓氏是以官职为氏。故本题选择A项。 【例2】(2009年全国文综卷II,12)关于中国姓氏起源,唐人柳芳说:“氏于国,则齐鲁秦吴;氏于谥,则文武成宣„„氏于事,则巫乙匠陶。”由此类推,王、侯、公孙等姓氏应源自 A.族号 B.邑名 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment C.爵号 D.官名 【答案】C 【考点】本题考查古文化常识,姓氏的起源。 【解析】中国人的姓,大部分是从几千年前代代相传下来的,考其来历,大致可分为10多种类别。那么,如题干所示:以国名为氏,如春秋战国时期的诸侯国:齐、鲁、吴、秦等,皆成为今天常见姓;氏于谥,如文武、成宣等字,表示以谥号为氏;而对于王、侯、公孙等字词都属于对有功之臣所封的爵位名称,所以这些姓氏是以爵位为氏。故本题选择C项。 【阴阳五行】 中国古代哲学,以阴阳来解释自然界的各种现象,认为万物都有阴阳两个对立面如天是阳,地是阴;日是阳,月是阴。阴阳的对立和统一,是万物发展的根源。凡是旺盛、萌动、强壮、外向、功能性的,均属阳;相反,凡是宁静、寒冷、抑制、内在、物质性的,均属阴。 五行,即木、火、土、金、水五种物质的运动。五行学说认为世界上的一切事物,都是由木、火、土、金、水五种基本物质之间的运动变化而生成的;同时,以五行之间的相生、相克关系来阐释事物之间的相互联系,认为任何事物都不是孤立的、静止的,而是在不断地相生、相克的运动中维持着协调平衡。这就是五行学说的基本含义。 【例3】(2008年全国文综卷I,12)中国古代地名中的“阴”“阳”往往体现了该地与相邻山、水的关系。“阴”的方位是 A(山之南、水之北 B(山之南、水之南 C(山之北、水之北 D(山之北、水之南 【答案】D 【例4】(2008年全国文综卷II,12)古人云:“日之所照曰阳。”下列各项中,两者均属于“阳”的方位是 A(山之南、水之北 B(山之南、水之南 C(山之北、水之北 D(山之北、水之南 【答案】A 【解析】这两道题考查的是中国传统文化当中的阴阳问题。古代地名中的“阴” “阳”实际上是一种方位指示,阴阳原指日光向背,向日为阳,背日为阴。我国位于北半球,以我们的视点来观察太阳,从东方升起经由南方最后落到西方,山水一般呈东西走向,山水相间。“日之所照曰阳”,因为山峰高耸,日光能照射到的地方是山的南面;河流因位于地平面以下,太阳能照射到的是其北面。故“山南水北谓之阳,山北水南谓之阴”。我国历史上的许多地名及地理表述与此关系密切,如衡阳、江阴等。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 【例5】中国古代地名中的“阴”“阳”往往体现了该地与相邻山、水的关系。以下都表示“阴”的方位是 A.山之南、水之北 B.山之南、水之南 C.山之北、水之北 D.山之北、水之南 【答案】D 【解析】根据阴阳学说,向日面为阳,背日面为阴。我国位于北半球,地形西北高,向东南渐低,山水一般呈东西走向,山水相间,山的南面、河床的北岸都是向阳的,故山之南、水之北为阳;反之,山的北面、河床的南岸都是背日面,为阴。另外,由于地势的缘故,我国河流在流动时会倾向于往东南方向流动,南岸较容易受到河水的侵蚀,形成北干、南湿的情形,故称水北为阳、水南为阴。 【例6】下列思想主张吸收了阴阳五行学说的是 ?董仲舒的新儒学?基督教教义?道教的《太平经》?朱熹的理学 A.??? B.??? C.??? D.???? 【答案】C 【解析】基督教是外来宗教,其教义与阴阳五行学说无关,?不符合题意。董仲舒结合道家、法家和阴阳五行家的一些思想主张,改造儒学,形成了新的儒学体系。《太平经》是东汉道教的主要经典,以阴阳五行学说解释治国之道,宣扬散财救穷,自食其力。朱熹对自然现象的解释,是从理学(主要是阴阳五行说)出发的。 【年号?谥号?庙号】 年号:年号是中国古代封建皇帝用以纪年的名号。从汉武帝开始有年号,新君即位必须改变年号,称为改元。同一皇帝在位时也可以改元。有的皇帝只有一个年号,如唐太宗年号“贞观”、明太祖年号“洪武”、明成祖年号“永乐”;有的皇帝有两个年号,如宋高宗年号“建炎” “绍兴”、元世祖年号“中统” “至元”;有的皇帝有多个年号,如唐高宗有14个年号、武则天有17个年号。明清两代皇帝一般不改年号,一个皇帝一个年号,故往往就用年号来称呼皇帝,如爱新觉罗?弘历在位年号“乾隆”,称乾隆皇帝。 谥号:谥号是帝王、诸侯与大臣等具有一定地位的人死去之后,朝廷根据他们的生平事迹与品德修养,所给予的带有褒贬性质的称号。帝王将相之谥在西周时已出现,秦时曾一度废除,汉代恢复,直至清末。表褒的称号有文、景、武、明、穆等,如晋文公、秦穆公、汉武帝;表贬的称号有灵、厉、炀、哀等,如周厉王、隋炀帝。后世帝王谥号多用一字,如汉system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 武帝(武,威强睿德曰武)、隋炀帝(炀,好内远礼曰炀);其余人(非帝王者)大多用两字,如文忠公(文忠,欧阳修)、忠烈公(忠烈,史可法)等。 庙号:封建帝王死后,在太庙立室奉祀,特立名号,叫庙号。庙号始于西汉,止于清朝。开国皇帝一般被称为“祖”,如汉高祖、唐高祖、宋太祖、明太祖等;开国皇帝之后的嗣君一般称为“宗”,如唐太宗、宋太宗、明神宗等。大体上来说,唐代以前的殁世帝王一般简称谥号,如汉武帝、隋炀帝,而不称庙号;唐以后则改称庙号,如唐太宗、宋太祖等。 【例7】(2007年全国文综卷I,12)帝王谥号主要依据其生前行为而定。下列各项中属于谥号的是 A(秦始皇 B(汉武帝 C(唐太宗 D(清康熙帝 【答案】B 【解析】这是一道考查考生是否了解古代帝王的年号、谥号和庙号等的文化常识题。年号是中国古代封建皇帝用以纪年的名号。谥号是帝王、诸侯与大臣等具有一定地位的人死去之后,朝廷根据他们的生平事迹与品德修养,所给予的带有褒贬性质的称号。封建帝王死后,在太庙立室奉祀,特立名号,叫庙号。该题的情景是新的,但分析能力强的考生可以根据题目本身材料提供的信息“帝王谥号主要依据其生前行为而议定”一句的提示,提炼核心信息“生前行为”,推断出正确答案。 【常识】干支纪年 干支纪年是我国传统的纪年方法。我国古代是用干支纪年的,大家常看到用“甲午” “戊戌”“丁卯”这样的纪年法。近代史上的甲午中日战争、戊戌变法、辛亥革命等名词就是干支纪年。所谓干支就是十天干和十二地支的简称。因为地支和生肖都是有十二个,所以每一个地支都对应一个生肖。 天干 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸 地支 子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 生肖 子鼠 丑牛 寅虎 卯兔 辰龙 巳蛇 午马 未羊 申猴 酉鸡 戌狗 亥猪 1(求天干的方法。 凡是公历年个位数是4的,天干为甲,个位数是5的,天干为乙,依此类推: 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 2(求地支的方法。 用公历年除以12,余数是4,地支是子,余数是5,地支是丑,于是有: 子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 如:1644年的干支年是甲申年(猴年),1911是辛亥年(猪年),2005年是乙酉年(鸡年),2008年是戊子年(鼠年)等。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 【例8】(2008年宁夏文综卷,24)中国古代用12种动物与“子、丑、寅、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥”十二地支相配,组成十二生肖 相传唐玄宗因属鸡而热衷斗鸡。唐玄宗出生之年应该是 A(庚申年 B(癸卯年 C(甲辰年 D(乙酉年 【答案】 【例9】(2008年海南卷,1)中国古代以干支纪年,天干是“甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸”,地支是“子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥”。甲午战争发生于1894年,八国联军侵华的1900年应是 A(己亥年 B(庚子年 C(辛丑年 D(壬寅年 【答案】 【解析】这两道题实际上是同一类题,考查的是传统文化当中的干支纪年问题。干支纪年是我国传统的纪年方法。所谓干支就是十天干(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸)和十二地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)的简称。因为地支和生肖都是十二个,所以每一个地支都对应一个生肖(子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪)。唐玄宗因属鸡而热衷斗鸡(嗜好),考查的是皇帝的“生肖”;1900年的“干支”年是庚子年,这两题课本中基本上不涉及,属于文化常识题。 其他类编 【春节?春联】 春节,农历正月初一,是我国最隆重的传统节日(又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”“新年”。春节象征团结、兴旺,是对未来寄托新的希望的佳节。 春联是我国特有的一种文学形式,也叫“门对”“春贴”“对联”“对子”。春联,源于桃符,起于五代十国,兴于明清,发展到今天已有一千多年的历史。 1(春节是中国最隆重的传统节日,它依据中国古代历法把正月作为岁首。这一节日最早应起源于 A(秦始皇时期 B(汉武帝时期 C(宋太祖时期 D(唐太宗时期 1.B 西汉汉武帝时期,天文学家制订出中国第一部完整的历法“太初历”,开始以正月为岁首。 2(春联具有很强的时代性。下列新中国成立以来某地农村百姓家盛行的春联,出现的先后顺序是 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment ?扎根农村干革命,志在全球一片红?食堂巧煮千家饭,公社饱暖万人心?改革开放同添异彩,经济建设共展宏图?万里山河归人民,五亿群众庆新生 A(???? B(???? C(???? D(???? 2.B ?与“文化大革命”时期知识青年“上山下乡”有关,?是人民公社化运动时期,?是党的十一届三中全会后,?与新中国成立有关。 【清明节】 清明节是我国民间传统节日,也是二十四节气之一。按农历算在每年三月上半月,按阳历算则在四月五日或六日。 3(祭扫亲人的坟墓是清明节的主要习俗。这种习俗的积极意义在于 A(懂得珍惜生命 B(培养艰苦奋斗的精神 C(增强环境保护意识 D(增强爱国爱家的意识 3.D 认真分析清明节扫墓习俗,可得出正确答案。 4(“清明后,谷雨前,又种高粱又种棉”“谷雨前,先种棉;谷雨后,种瓜豆”。下列关于这些谚语的说法正确的是 ?清明、谷雨是二十四节气里的两个节气 ?二十四节气是北宋沈括制订的 ?这些说法没有任何科学性可言?这些谚语我国古代农民对生产经验的总结 A(??? B(?? C(?? D(??? 4.C 二十四节气在秦汉时期就已经完全确立,是我国古代劳动人民长期生产经验的积累,有一定科学性。??说法错误。 5(最早把二十四节气和十二个月完全统一起来的历法的制订,应归功于 A(汉武帝 B(僧一行 C(沈括 D(郭守敬 5.C 考查学生再认、再现教材基础知识的能力。北宋科学家沈括提倡改革历日制度,按节气定月,以立春为元旦。这种把四季二十四节气和十二个月完全统一起来的历日制度,称为“十二气历”。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 【端午节】 农历五月初五为端午节,又称端阳节、五月节、艾节、夏节等。端午节这天,家家户户都悬钟馗像,挂艾叶菖蒲,赛龙舟,吃粽子,饮雄黄酒,游百病,佩香囊,备牲醴 端午节的由来,有纪念屈原说、纪念伍子胥说、纪念东汉孝女曹娥说等。 6(上述材料,不能说明端午节 A(是某一历史事件或人物故事发生的偶然产物 B(积淀的是深厚的底蕴和千年不变的民族精神 C(背后流传的是悠久的历史、辉煌的文明 D(是民族文化素质在民俗心态中的自然流露和反映 6(A由材料中端午节习俗和起源的多种说法,可知端午节是民族文化素质在民俗心态中的自然流露和反映等,但不是某一历史事件或人物故事发生的偶然产物。 【中秋节】 农历八月十五是中秋节,又称团圆节、仲秋节、八月节等,是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。它的起源主要有三种说法:古代帝王祭月礼制、月下歌舞觅偶习俗、古代秋报拜土地神遗俗。“嫦娥奔月”“吴刚折桂”“玉兔捣药”“朱元璋月饼起义”都是与中秋节有关的神话传说和故事。 7(据《礼记》记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日以朝,夕月以夕”。(注:“夕月”即拜月之意)这反映了古代帝王在春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制。那么,中秋节祭月的典礼可能起源于 A(先秦时期 B(秦汉时期 C(唐宋时期 D(辛亥革命时期 7.A中秋节祭月的典礼反映了人们对大自然的原始崇拜,是生产力相对低下的产物。选项所列四个时期,先秦时期生产力水平最为低下,人们的科学知识也比较贫乏。 8(《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月,笙歌远闻千里,嬉戏连坐至晓。”材料描绘的最有可能是哪个时期人们过中秋节的情景 A.汉朝 B.唐朝 C.宋朝 D.明朝 8.C弓}文出自《东京梦华录》,北宋建立后将开封改名为东京,作为都城。可见,题干材料反映的是北宋都城东京中秋之夜的繁华和赏月习俗。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 【重阳节】 重阳节,农历九月九日,又称为双九节、老人节。《易经》中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,九月九日(日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳。重阳节的主要习俗有登高、赏菊、喝菊花酒、吃重阳糕、插莱萸等等。1989年,我国把每年的九月九日定为老人节(敬老节)。传统与现代巧妙地结合,这一节日成为尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的老年人节日。 9.三国时期魏文帝曹丕在《九日与钟繇书》中写道:“岁往月来,忽复九月九。九为阳数,而日月并应,俗嘉其名,以为宜于长久,故以享宴高会。”从材料看,我国传统节日重阳节的主要寓意是人们 A.祈祷姻缘美满 B.祭祀先祖先人 C.祝愿健康长寿 D.期盼合家团圆 9(C九在0至九这十个数字中是最大数,九九重阳,又与“久久”同音,故重阳节有长久长寿的寓意。从材料中的“宜于长久”,也可分析出正确答案。 【国庆节】 国庆节,即国庆纪念日,是一个国家政治性最浓重的节日,伴随着近代民族国家的出现而出现。它是近代民族国家的一种特征,是一个独立国家的标志(反映这个国家的国体和政体。 10.下列各国国庆日及其相关事件搭配不正确的是 A.美国——7月4日——《独立宣言》 B.法国——7月16日——大革命爆发 C.加拿大——7月1日——《大不列颠北美法案》 D.苏联——11月7日——十月革命 10(B 1789年7月14日,法国巴黎人民发动武装起义,攻占巴士底狱。后来,7月14日被定为法国的国庆节。 【四书、五经】 “四书”指《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》;“五经”指《诗经》《尚书》《礼》《易》《春秋》。四书五经都是儒家经典(也是我国古代教育的重要内容。 11.下列儒家经典,不是由孔子编订、整理的是 A(《诗》 B(《书》 C(《论语》 D(《春秋》 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 11(C孔子去世后,他的弟子将其言论编纂成《论语》一书,此书后来成为儒家经典之一。 12(明朝沿袭了前代的科举取士制度,科举考试的试卷命题范围是 A.四书五经 B.时事政治 C.诗赋 D.算术、法律 12(A明朝科举考试规定只从儒家的四书五经中命题,不许考生发挥个人见解,以达到严格控制士人思想的目的。 13.【四书】(《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》的合称),【五经】(《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》五部儒家经典的简称)是儒家经典,也是古代教育的重要内容。其中《论语》作为封建社会正统教育的必读书目始于 A.汉朝 B.唐朝 C.宋朝 D.明朝 【三纲五常】 “三纲五常”是我国封建社会立法的指导思想。 “三纲”是指“君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲”,要求为臣、为子、为妻的必须绝对服从于君、父、夫,同时也要求君、父、夫为臣、子、妻作出表率。它反映了封建社会中君臣、父子、夫妇之间的一种特殊的道德关系。 “五常”即仁、义、礼、智、信,是用以调整、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友等人伦关系的行为准则。 14.西汉董仲舒提出的“三纲五常”理论,后来成为中国封建社会基本的“道德准则”。从根本上看,这是因为它 A.是封建社会自给自足的自然经济的反映 B.反映了劳动者人身地位的提高 C.适应了封建君主专制统治的需要 D.以人为本,有利于稳定社会秩序 14(C“三纲五常”,宣传忠孝思想,严格等级秩序,规范了封建统治的各种关系,有利于封建统治阶级控制人们的思想,是防止人民“犯上作乱”的思想武器,从根本上适应了封建专制统治的需要。 【三字经】 《三字经》自南宋以来,已有七百多年的历史,是学习中华传统文化不可多得的儿童启蒙读物,共一千多字。内容包括中国传统的教育、历史、天文、地理、伦理和道德以及一些system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 民间传说,广泛、生动而又言简意赅。《三字经》被誉为“蒙学之冠”,现被联合国教科文组织列入《世界儿童道德教育丛书》。 15.《三字经》中说到:“阉乱后,寇内讧。闯逆变,神器终。”下列解读不正确的是 A.明朝末年农民起义不断 B.明朝中后期宦官专权,统治黑暗 C.李自成攻破北京,明朝灭亡 D.倭寇与沿海奸商勾结,倭患愈演愈烈 15(D题干中的“阉乱后,寇内讧”是指明朝末年宦官专权,政治黑暗,导致农民起义。这里的“寇”是指李自成等领导的农民起义军,不是指“倭寇”,D解读不正确。 【百家姓】 北宋初年钱塘(今杭州)的一位儒生将常见的姓氏编成四字一句的韵文,像一首四言诗,便于诵读和记忆,称为《百家姓》。《百家姓》是我国古代流行时间最长,流传地域最广的一种蒙学教材。 16.在宗法观念盛行的社会,姓氏也有贵贱之分 据《百家姓》中的排序“赵钱孙李”,“赵”姓并不是中国最大的姓氏却排第一。由此可推断出《百家姓》最早可能出现在 A.西周 B.唐朝 C.宋朝 D.明朝 16(C宋朝开国皇帝是赵匡胤,所以当时赵姓最尊贵,因而被排在第一位。 【避讳】 避讳是中国封建社会特有的现象,人们对皇帝或尊长不能直呼、直书其名,否则就有坐牢甚至丢脑袋的危险。在说话或者写文章时,人们遇到应该忌讳的人的名字时,必须用音同或音近的字来代替,这就是避讳。 17.中国古代有避讳制度,要避免使用本王朝帝王的名字,遇有相同的字时,必须改用其他字。下列各项属于这种情况的是 A.汉初改“相邦”为“相国” B.唐初改“内史省”为“中书省” C.北宋初改“昌南镇”为“景德镇” D.明初改“大都”为“北平” 17(A汉朝开国皇帝是刘邦,改“相邦”为“相国”就是为了避讳刘邦的名字。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 【皇帝的号】 中国古代的皇帝有庙号、谥号、尊号、年号。庙号是中国古代封建帝王死后在太庙里立室奉祀时追尊的名号,如唐高祖、唐太宗等。谥号是后人根据死者生前事迹评定的一种称号,有褒贬之意,如汉武帝、隋炀帝等。尊号是为皇帝加的全由尊崇褒美之词组成的特殊称号,或生前所上,或死后追加,如唐高祖李渊的尊号为“神光大圣大光孝皇帝”。年号是封建皇帝在位时纪年用的名号,西汉时汉武帝首创,他的第一个年号为“建元”。 18(《清高宗实录》、“文景之治”、《永乐大典》三个专有名词中的“高宗”“文景”“永乐”分别是 A.谥号、年号、年号 B.庙号、谥号、年号 C.年号、尊号、庙号 D.尊号、谥号、庙号 18(B理解了各种称号的含义,不难找到正确答案。 【金榜】 我国古代科举考试殿试后录取进士、揭晓名次的布告,因用黄纸书写,故而称黄甲、金榜。其多由皇帝点定,俗称皇榜。考中进士就称金榜题名。 19.与“金榜”有关的进士科、殿试、天子门生,分别开始于 A.隋朝、唐朝、南宋 B.唐朝、唐朝、北宋 C.隋朝、唐朝、明朝 D.隋朝、唐朝、北宋 19(D根据所学知识可知,隋炀帝始设进士科,科举制创立;唐朝武则天首创了武举和殿试;北宋时,殿试成为定制,录取权由皇帝直接掌握,进士及第者成为天子门生。 【十二生肖】 “生肖”,又叫“属相”。十二生肖是由11种源于自然界的动物即鼠、牛、虎、兔、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪以及传说中的龙组成,每年一肖,十二种动物便与于支中的十二个地支一一对应起来,顺序排列依次为子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、已蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪,用于记人的出生之年。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 20.“金猪去,玉鼠至,贺岁夜无眠;举金樽,对玉阙,瑞雪似舞翩;家为天,人如仙,快乐走人间;众亲朋,阖家欢,新春福禄全!”这是2008年春节流行的祝福短信,其中的“猪”“鼠”与农历纪年相配。这源自 A.中国古代的神话传说 B.中国古代的农业文明 C.中国原始的图腾崇拜 D.中国原始的自然崇拜 20(B十二生肖是中华民族游牧与农耕两种文化并重的产物。猪是农耕文化下的主要家畜,鼠则是人们追求智慧的象征。 【纪年法】 我国古代纪年法主要有四种:(1)王公即位年次纪年法;(2)帝王年号纪年法;(3)干支纪年法;(4)年号干支兼用法。其中,干支纪年法是十天干(甲、乙、 丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸)和十二地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巴、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)依次相配,组成六十个基本单位,古人将此作为年、月、日、时的序号。 21.农历的干支纪年一直沿用至今,1958年,用干支纪年法应该指的是农历的 己未年 A.己丑年 B. C.戊戌年 D.戊午年 21(C干支纪年法六十年一轮回,1958年前的60年是1898年。根据所学知识可知,1898年是戊戌年。 22.2008年是农历戊子年,那么2012年第30届伦敦奥运会是在农历 A.丙戌年 B.辛丑年 C.壬辰年 D.甲午年 22(C根据天干地支搭配方法进行推算,2012年比2008年晚4年,“戊”后面的第4个是“壬”,“子”后面的第4个是“辰”。故正确答案是C。 23. 1900年庚子失败后,清政府实行新政,教育制度也发生一些变化,期间,清政府通过了张之洞等人拟定的《奏定学堂章程》,史称“癸卯学制”,按推算“癸卯学制”通过是在( ) A(公元1902年 B.公元1904年 C(公元1906年 D(公元1908 23.解析:根据推算是农历1903年,实际是公历1904年1月。 【国学】 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 国学特指中国传统文化,它包括经、史、子、集四大部分。经,指儒家经典;史,指各种体裁的史学著作;子,指先秦诸子百家的著作及其他政治、哲学、医学等著作;集,泛指诗词文赋专集等著作。 24.如果要查阅墨子的光学八条等方面的论述,应该查阅 A.经部 B.史部 C.子部 D.集部 24(C墨子是战国时期墨家学派的创始人,属于先秦诸子百家。 【史书体例】 我国古代史书按不同的标准可分为编年体、纪传体、国别体、通史、断代史等。编年体史书以时间为中心,按年、月、日顺序记述史事。纪传体以本纪、 列传人物为纲,以时间为纬,反映历史事件。国别体以国家为单位,分别记叙历史事件。通史连贯地记叙各个时代的史实。断代史的主要特点是只记录某一时期或某一朝代的历史。 25.《资治通鉴》是一部对后代影响深远的历史著作。以下关于《资治通鉴》的说法,不正确的是它 A.是一部编年体断代史 B.叙述了从战国到五代时期的历史 C.由北宋史学家司马光主持编写 D.对研究我国古代历史具有重要参考价值 25(A《资治通鉴》按时间顺序叙述了从战国到五代时期的历史,属于编年体通史,不是断代史。 26.【资治通鉴】司马光撰,全书二百九十四卷。宋神宗以其“鉴于往事,有资于治道”,命名为《资治通鉴》。该书取材广泛,除历朝正史外,尚有野史、实录、谱牒、行状、文集等三百余种剪裁精审,严谨清晰,功力极深,是一部对后代产生很深影响的编年体通史。以下对【资治通鉴】说法正确的是( ) A.是南宋史学家司马光编撰的 B.经过皇帝钦定,为正史之作 C.是按照时间顺序编写的 D.取材广泛,政治、经济、文化等方面内容都非常翔实 【国旗】 国旗是一个国家的象征与标志,它通过一定的式样、色彩和图案反映一个国家的政治特色和历史文化传统,代表的是国家的主权、形象和尊严。 27.辛亥革命后,中国政权几经变化,其中所使用的国旗也发生了变化。下列属于中华民国南京临时政府使用的国旗是 【届?任?位】 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 美国总统的届、任、位各自含义不同。据美国宪法,总统选举四年一次。四牟为一届。如果总统任内死亡或因故去职,未能满任,另由他人接任,则继任总统和前总统属同一届总统。例如,约翰?肯尼迪在1963年11月遇刺身亡,林顿?约翰逊接任,他们二人均为第44届总统。总统的“任”是就他的任职而言的。一个人如连续担任几届总统,仍被认为是一任。富兰克林‘罗斯福就属于这种情况,他1933年至1945年连任4届总统。但一个人如先后担任几届总统,而不属于连选连任,那么当选几次就算几任。格罗弗?克利失兰1885年至1889年和1893年至1897年两度入主白宫,因此算作两任。“位”是指担任过总统的人数。美国自1789年开始举行总统选举至今,已先后有42人担任过总统职务。2008年11月4日,贝拉克。奥巴马当选美国历史上首位非洲裔总统。他将于2009年1月正式宣誓就职,成为美国第56届、第44任和第43位总统。 27(B中华民国南京临时政府采用五色旗作为国旗。 28.美国第一任总统乔治?华盛顿,被美国人民誉为“战争时期第一人,和平时期第一人,同胞心目中第一人”。华盛顿在美国独立战争中的最主要贡献是 A.担任大陆军总司令 B.领导美国人民赢得了民族的独立 C.起草《独立宣言》 D(当选美国总统,成立第一届联邦政府 28(B关键词是“独立战争”“最主要贡献”。领导美国人民推翻英国殖民统治,赢得民族独立,是华盛顿在美国独立战争中的最主要贡献。A、C从属于 B。题干时间是“独立战争中”,D是独立战争后,不符合题意。 29.20世纪30年代,美国第32任总统说:“我们美国正在打一场伟大而成功的战争。这不仅是一种反对匮乏、贫穷与经济不景气的战争,而且是一种争取民主政治生存的战争。我们正为挽救一种伟大而珍贵的政府形式而战。既是为我们自己,也是为全世界。”这位美国总统是 A.胡佛 B.杜鲁门 C.罗斯福 D.里根 29(C由时间“20世纪30年代”和材料内容可知,当时罗斯福正在推行新政,以应对空前严重的经济危机。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment
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