首页 能源管理体系要求2012



能源管理体系要求2012能源管理体系要求2012 引 言 制定本标准的目的是指导组织建立能源管理体系和必要的管理过程,提高其能源绩效,包括提高能源利用效率和降低能源消耗。本标准的实施旨在通过系统的能源管 理,降低能源成本、减少温室气体排放及其他相关环境影响。本标准适用于所有类型和规模的组织,不受其地理位置、文化及社会条件等的影响。本标准能否成功实 施取决于组织各职能层次的承诺,尤其是最高管理者的承诺。 本标准规定了能源管理体系的要求,使组织能够根据法律法规要求和主要能源使用的信息来 制 定和实施能源方针,建立能源目标、指标及能源管理...

能源管理体系要求2012 引 言 制定本标准的目的是指导组织建立能源管理体系和必要的管理过程,提高其能源绩效,包括提高能源利用效率和降低能源消耗。本标准的实施旨在通过系统的能源管 理,降低能源成本、减少温室气体排放及其他相关环境影响。本标准适用于所有类型和规模的组织,不受其地理位置、文化及社会条件等的影响。本标准能否成功实 施取决于组织各职能层次的承诺,尤其是最高管理者的承诺。 本标准规定了能源管理体系的要求,使组织能够根据法律法规要求和主要能源使用的信息来 制 定和实施能源方针,建立能源目标、指标及能源管理实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。能源管理体系可使组织 采取必要的措施来改进能源绩效,并证实体系符合本 标准的要求。实现其承诺的能源方针, 本标准适用于组织控制下的各项活动,并可根据体系的复杂程度、文化化程度及资源等特殊要求灵活运用。 本标准基于策划—实施—检查—改进的(PDCA)持续改进模式(如图1所示),使能源管理融入组织的日常活动中。 能源管理过程中的PDCA方法总结如下: — 策划:实施能源评审,明确能源基准和能源绩效参数,制定能源目标、指标和能源管理实施方案,从而确保组织依据其能源方针改进能源绩效; — 实施:履行能源管理实施方案; — 检查:对运行的关键特性和过程进行监视和测量,对照能源方针和目标评估确定实现的能源绩效,并 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 结果; — 改进:采取措施,持续改进能源绩效和能源管理体系。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 图1 能源管理体系运行模式 本标准的广泛使用将有利于有限能源资源的有效供应,提升组织竞争力,减少温室气体排放和其他环境影响。本标准适用于所有类型的能源。 本标准可用于对组织的能源管理体系进行认证、评价和组织的自我声明。本标准除要求在能源方针中承诺遵守适用的法律法规和其他要求外,并未对能源绩效水平提出绝对要求,所以两个从事类似活动但具有不同能源绩效水平的组织,可能都符合本标准的要求。 本标准的制定基于管理体系标准的通用要素,确保与GB/T 19001和GB/T 24001保持相同的高水准。 组织可将本标准与其他管理体系要求相结合,如质量、环境或职业健康安全等管理体系要求。 能源管理体系 要求 1. 范围 本标准规定了组织建立、实施、保持和改进能源管理体系的要求,旨在使组织能够采用系统的方法来实现能源目标、包括能源利用效率、能源使用和消耗状况的持续改进。 本标准规定了能源使用和消耗相关要求,包括测量、文件化和报告、设备、系统、过程的设计和采购,以及对能源绩效有影响的人员。 本标准考虑对能源绩效有影响,并且能够被组织监视和施加影响的所有变量。但本标准未规the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 定具体的能源绩效水平要求。 本标准可单独使用,也可与其他管理体系整合使用。 本标准适用于任何自我声明能源方针并希望保证实现和展示其符合程度的组织,其符合性可 通过自我评价、自我声明或外部的能源管理体系认证来确认。 2. 规范性引用文件 无规范性引用文件。列出本条款是为了与其他管理体系标准的条款序列保持一致。 术语和定义 3. 下列术语与定义适用于本文件. 3.1 边界 boundaries 组织确定的物理界限、场所界限或次级组织界限。 注:边界可以是一个或一组过程,一个场所、一个完整的组织或一个组织所控制的多个场所。 3.2 持续改进 continual improvement 不断提升能源绩效和能源管理体系的循环过程。 注1:建立目标并发现改进机会的过程是一个持续的过程。 注2:持续改进能实现整体能源绩效的不断改进,并与组织的能源方针相一致。 3.3 纠正 correction 消除发现的不符合(3.21)所采取的措施。 3.4 纠正措施 corrective action 为消除已发现的不符合(3.21)的原因所采取的措施。 注1:可能存在导致不符合行为的多个原因。 注2:采取纠正措施是为了防止再发生,而采取预防措施是为了防止产生。 3.5 能源 energy 电、燃料、蒸汽、热力、压缩空气以及其他相似介质。 注1:在本标准中,能源包括可再生能源在内的各种形式,可被购买、贮存、处置、在设备 或过程中使用以及被回收利用。 注2:能源可被定义为一个系统产生外部活动或开展工作的动力。 3.6 能源基准 energy baseline 用作比较能源绩效的定量参考依据。 注1:能源基准反映的是特定时间段的能源利用状况。 注2:能源基准可采用影响能源使用、能源消耗的变量来规范,例如:生产水平、度日数(户 外温度)等。 注3:能源基准也可作为能源绩效改进方案实施前后的参照来计算节能量。 3.7 能源消耗 energy consumption 使用能源的量。 3.8 能源效率 energy efficiency 输出的能源、产品、服务或绩效,与输入的能源之比或其他数量关系。如:转换效率,能源 需求/能源实际使用,输出/输入,理论运行的能源量/实际运行的能源量。 注:输入和输出都需要在数量及质量上进行详细说明,并且可以测量。 3.9 能源管理体系 energy management system(EnMS) 用于建立能源方针、能源目标、过程和程序以实现能源目标的一系列相互关联或相 互作用的要素的集合。 3.10 能源管理团队 energy management team the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 负责有效地实施能源管理体系活动并实现能源绩效持续改进的人员。 注:组织的规模、性质 、可用资源的多少将决定团队的大小。团队可以是一个人,如管理 者代表。 3.11 能源目标 energy objective 为满足组织的能源方针而设定、与改进能源绩效相关的、明确的预期结果或成效。 3.12 能源绩效 energy performance 与能源效率(3.8)、能源使用(3.18)和能源消耗(3.7)有关的、可测量的结果。 注1:在能源管理体系中,可根据组织的能源方针、能源目标、能源指标以及其他能源绩效 要求取得可测量的结果。 注2:能源绩效是能源管理体系绩效的一部分。 3.13 能源绩效参数 energy performance indicator(EnPI) 由组织确定,可量化能源绩效的数值或量度。 注:能源绩效参数可由简单的量值、比率或更为复杂的模型表示。 3.14 能源方针 energy policy 组织最高管理者发布的有关能源绩效的宗旨和方向。 注:能源方针为设定能源目标、指标及采取的措施提供框架。 3.15 能源评审 energy review 基于数据和其他信息,确定组织的能源绩效水平,识别改进机会的工作。 3.16 能源服务 energy services 与能源供应、能源利用有关的活动及其结果。 3.17 能源指标 energy target 由能源目标产生,未实现能源目标所需规定的具体、可量化的能源绩效要求,它们可适用于 整个组织或其局部。 3.18 能源使用 energy use 使用能源的方式和种类。如通风、照明、加热、制冷、运输、加工、生产线等。 3.19 相关方 interested party 与组织能源绩效有关的或可受到组织影响的个人或群体。 3.20 内部审核 internal audit 获得证据并对其进行客观评价,考核能源管理体系要求执行程度的系统、独立、文件化的过 程。 3.21 不符合 nonconformity 不满足要求。 3.22 组织 organization 具有自身职能和行政管理的公司、集团公司、商行、企事业单位、政府机构、社团或其结合 体,或上述单位中具有自身职能和行政管理的一部分,无论其是否具有法人资格、公营或私 营。 注:组织可以是一个人或一个群体。 3.23 预防措施 prevention action 为消除潜在的不符合(3.21)的原因所采取的措施。 注1:可能存在多个潜在不符合的原因。 注2:预防措施是为了防止不符合行为,而纠正措施是为了防止其重复发生。 3.24 程序 procedure the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 为进行某项活动或过程所规定的途径。 注1:程序可以形成文件,也可以不形成文件。 注2:程序一旦形成文件, “形成文件的程序”将被频繁使用。 3.25 记录 record 阐明所取得的结果或提供所从事活动证据的文件。 注:记录可用作可追溯性文件,并提供验证、预防措施和纠正措施的证据。 范围 scope 3.26 组织通过能源管理体系来管理的活动、设施及决策的范畴,可包括多个边界。 注:范围可包含与运输活动相关的能源。 3.27 主要能源使用 significant energy use 在能源消耗中占有较大比例或在能源绩效改进方面有较大潜力的能源使用。 注:重要程度由组织决定。 3.28 最高管理者 top management 在最高管理层指挥和控制组织的人员。 注:最高管理者在能源管理体系的范围和边界内控制组织. 4. 能源管理体系要求 4.1总要求 组织应: a. 按照本标准要求,建立能源管理体系,编制和完善必要的文件,并按照文件要求组 织具体工作的实施;体系建立后应确保日常工作按照文件要求持续有效运行,并不断完善体 系和相关的文件; b. 界定能源管理体系的管理范围和边界,并在有中关文件明确; c. 策划并确定可行的方法,以满足本标准各项要求,持续改进能源绩效和能源管理体 系。 4.2管理职责 4.2.1 最高管理者 最高管理者应承诺支持能源管理体系,并持续改进能源管理体系的有效性,具体通过以下活 动予以落实: a. 确定能源方针,并实践和保持能源方针; b. 任命管理者代表和批准组建能源管理团队; c. 提供能源管理体系建立、实施、保持和改进所需要的资源,以达到能源绩效目标; 注:资源包括人力资源、专业技能、技术和财务资源等。 d. 确定能源管理体系的范围和边界; e. 在内部传达能源管理的重要性; f. 确保建立能源目标、指标; g. 确保能源绩效参数适用于本组织; h. 在组织长期规划中考虑能源绩效问题; i. 确保按照规定的时间间隔测量和报告能源管理的结果; j. 实施管理评审。 4.2.2 管理者代表 最高管理者应指定具有相应技术和能力的人担任管理者代表,无论其是否具有其他方面的职 责和权限,管理者代表在能源管理体系中的职责权限应包括: the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above a. 确保按照本标准的要求建立、实施、保持和持续改进能源管理体系; b. 指定相关人员,并由相应的管理层授权,共同开展能源管理活动; c. 向最高管理者报告能源绩效; d. 向最高管理者报告能源管理体系绩效; e. 确保策划有效的能源管理活动,以落实能源方针; 在组织内明确规定和传达能源管理相关的职责和权限,以有效推动能源管理; f. g. 制定能够确保能源管理体系有效控制和运行的准则和方法; h. 提高全员对能源方针、能源目标的认识。 4.3 能源方针 能源方针应阐述组织为持续改进能源绩效所作的承诺,最高管理者应制定能源方针,并确保 其满足: a. 与组织能源使用和消耗的特点、规模相适应; b. 包括改进能源绩效的承诺; c. 包含提供可获得的信息和必需的资源的承诺,以确保实现能源目标和指标; d. 包括组织遵守节能相关的法律法规及其他要求的承诺; e. 为制定和评价能源目标、指标提供框架; f. 支持高效产品和服务的采购,及改进能源绩效的设计; g. 形成文件,在内部不同层面得到沟通、传达; h. 根据需要定期评审和更新。 4.4策划 4.4.1 总则 组织应进行能源管理策划,形成文件。策划应与能源方针保持一致,并保证持续改进能源绩 效。 策划应包含对能源绩效有影响活动的评审。 注:关于能源策划的概念图如图A.2 所示。 4.4.2 法律法规及其他要求 组织应建立渠道,获取节能相关的法律法规及其他要求。 组织应确定准则和方法,以确保将法律法规及其他要求应用于能源管理活动中,并确保在建 立、实施和保持能源管理体系时考虑这些要求。 组织应在规定的时间间隔内评审法律法规和其他要求。 4.4.3 能源评审 组织应将实施能源评审的方法学和准则形成文件,并组织实施能源评审,评审结果应进行记 录,能源评审内容包括: a. 基于测量和其他数据,分析能源使用和能源消耗,包括: — 识别当前的能源种类和来源; — 评价过去和现在的能源使用情况和能源消耗水平。 b. 基于对能源使用和能源消耗的分析,识别主要能源使用的区域等,包括: — 识别对能源使用和能源消耗有重要影响的设施、设备、系统、过程和为组织工作或代表 组织工作的人员; — 识别影响主要能源使用的其他相关变量; — 确定与主要能源使用相关的设施、设备、系统、过程的能源绩效现状; — 评估未来的能源使用和能源消耗。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above c. 识别改进能源绩效的机会,并进行排序,识别结果须记录。 注:机会可能与潜在的能源、可再生能源和其他可替代能源(如余能)的使用有关。 组织应按照规定的时间间隔定期进行能源评审,当设施、设备、系统、过程发生显著变化时, 应进行必要的能源评审。 4.4.4 能源基准 组织应使用初始能源评审的信息,并考虑与组织能源使用和能源消耗消耗特点相适应的时 段,建立能源基准。组织应通过与能源基准的对比测量能源绩效的变化。 当出现以下一种或多种情况时,应对能源基准进行调整: a. 能源绩效参数不再能够反映组织能源使用和能源消耗情况时; b. 用能过程、运行方式或用能系统发生重大变化时; c. 其他预先规定的情况。 组织应保持并记录能源基准。 4.4.5 能源绩效参数 组织应识别适应于对能源绩效参数进行监视和测量的能源绩效参数。确定和更新能源绩效参 数的方法学应予以记录,并定期评审此方法学的有效性。 组织应对能源绩效参数进行评审,适用时,与能源基准进行比较。 4.4.6 能源目标、能源指标与能源管理实施方案 组织应建立、实施和保持能源目标和指标,覆盖相关职能、层次、过程或设施等层面,并形 成文件。组织应制定实现能源目标和指标的时间进度要求。 能源目标和指标应与能源方针保持一致,能源指标应与能源目标保持一致。 建立和评审能源目标指标时,组织应考虑能源评审中识别出的法律法规和其他要求、主要能 源使用以及改进能源绩效的机会。同时也应考虑财务、运行、经营条件、可选择的技术以及 相关方的意见。 组织应建立、实施和保持能源管理实施方案以实现能源目标和指标。能源管理实施方案应包 括: a. 职责的明确; b. 达到每项指标的方法和时间进度; c. 验证能源绩效改进的方法; d. 验证结果的方法。 能源管理实施方案应形成文件,并定期更新。 4.5实施与运行 4.5.1 总则 组织在实施和运行体系过程中,应使用策划阶段产生的能源管理实施方案及其他结果。 4.5.2 能力、培训与意识 组织应确保与主要能源使用相关的人员具有基于相应教育、培训、技能或经验所要求的能力, 无论这些人员是为组织或代表组织工作。组织应识别与主要能源使用及与能源管理体系运行 控制有关的培训需求,并提供培训或采取其他措施来满足这些需求。 组织应保持适当的记录。 组织应确保为其或代表其工作的人员认识到: a. 符合能源方针、程序和能源管理体系要求的重要性; b. 满足能源管理体系要求的作用、职责和权限; c. 改进能源绩效所带来的益处; the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above d. 自身活动对能源使用和消耗产生的实际或潜在影响,其活动和行为对实现能源目标 和指标的贡献,以及偏离规定程序的潜在后果。 4.5.3 信息交流 组织应根据自身规模,建立关于能源绩效、能源管理体系运行的内部沟通机制。 组织应建立和实施一个机制,使得任何为其或代表其工作的人员能为能源管理体系的改进提 出建议和意见。 组织应决定是否与外界开展与能源方针、能源管理体系和能源绩效有关的信息交流,并将此 决定形成文件。如果决定与外界进行交流,组织应制定外部交流的方法并实施。 4.5.4 文件 文件要求 组织应以纸质、电子或其他形式建立、实施和保持信息,描述能源管理体系核心要素及其相 互关系。 能源管理体系文件应包括: a. 能源管理体系的范围和边界; b. 能源方针; c. 能源目标、指标和能源管理实施方案; d. 本标准要求的文件,包括记录; e. 组织根据自身需要确定的其他文件。 注:文件的复杂程度因组织的不同而有所差异,取决于: — 组织的规模和活动类型; — 过程及其相互关系的复杂程度; — 人员能力。 文件控制 组织应控制本标准所要求的文件、其他能源管理体系相关的文件,适当时包括技术文件。 组织应建立、实施和保持程序,以便: a. 发布前确认文件适用性; b. 必要时定期评审和更新; c. 确保对文件的更改和现行修订状态作出标识; d. 确保在使用处可获得适用文件的相关版本; e. 确保字迹清楚,易于识别; f. 确保组织策划、运行能源管理体系所需的外来文件得到识别,并对其分发进行控制; g. 防止对过期文件的非预期使用。如需将其保留,应作出适当的标识。 4.5.5 运行控制 组织应识别并策划与主要能源使用相关的运行和维护活动,使之与能源方针、能源目标、指 标和能源管理实施方案一致,以确保其在规定条件下按下列方式运行: a. 建立和设置主要能源使用有效运行和维护的准则,防止因缺乏该准则而导致的能源 绩效的严重偏离; b. 根据运行准则运行和维护设施、设备、系统和过程; c. 将运行控制准则适当地传达给为组织或代表组织工作的人员。 注:在策划意外事故、紧急情况或潜在灾难的预案时(包含设备采购),组织可选择将能源 绩效作为决策的依据之一。 4.5.6 设计 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 组织在新建和改进设施、设备、系统和过程的设计时,并对能源绩效具有重大影响的情况下, 应考虑能源绩效改进的机会和运行控制。 适当时,能源绩效的评估结果应纳入相关项目的规范、设计和采购活动中。 4.5.7 能源服务、产品、设备和能源采购 在购买对主要能源使用具有或可能具有影响的能源服务、产品和设备时,组织应告知供应商, 采购决策将部分基于对能源绩效的评价。 当采购对组织的能源绩效有重大影响的能源服务、设备和产品时,组织应建立和实施相关准 则,评估其在 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的或预期的使用寿命内对能源使用、能源消耗和能源效率的影响。 为实现高效的能源使用,适用时,组织应制定文件化的能源采购规范。 4.6检查 4.6.1 监视、测量与分析 组织应确保对其运行中的决定能源绩效的关键特性进行定期监视、测量和分析,关键特性至 少应包括: a. 主要能源使用和能源评审的输出; b. 与主要能源使用相关的变量; c. 能源绩效参数; d. 能源管理实施方案在实现能源目标、指标方面的有效性; e. 实际能源消耗与预期的对比评价。 组织应保存监视、测量关键特性的记录。 组织应制定和实施测量计划,且测量计划应与组织的规模、复杂程度及监视和测量设备相适 应。 注:测量方式可以只用公用设施计量方式(如:对小型组织),若干个与应用软件相连、能汇 总数据和进行自动分析的完整的监视和测量系统。测量的方式和方法由组织自行决定。 组织应确定并定期评审测量需求。组织应确保用于监视和测量关键特性的设备提供的数据是 准确、可重现的,并应保存标准记录和采取其他方式以确立准确度和可重复性。 组织应调查能源绩效中的重大偏差,并采取应对措施。 组织应保持上述活动的结果。 4.6.2 合规性评价 组织应定期评价组织与能源使用和消耗相关的法律法规和其他要求的遵守情况。 组织应保存合规性评价结果的记录。 4.6.3 能源管理体系的内部审核 组织应定期进行内部审核,确保能源管理体系: a. 符合预定能源管理体系的安排,包括符合本标准的要求; b. 符合建立的能源目标和指标; c. 得到了有效的实施与保持,并改进了能源绩效。 组织应考虑审核的过程、区域的状态和重要性,以及以往审核的结果制定内审方案和计划。 审核员的选择和审核的实施应确保审核过程的客观性和公正性。 组织应记录内部审核的结果并向最高管理者汇报。 4.6.4 不符合、纠正、纠正措施和预防措施 组织应通过纠正、纠正措施和预防措施来识别和处理实际的或潜在的不符合,包括: a. 评审不符合或潜在的不符合; b. 确定不符合或潜在不符合的原因; c. 评估采取措施的需求确保不符合不重复发生或不会发生; the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above d. 制定和实施所需的适宜的措施; e. 保留纠正措施和预防措施的记录; f. 评审所采取的纠正措施和或预防措施的有效性。 纠正措施和预防措施应与实际的或潜在问题的严重程度以及能源绩效结果相适应。 组织应确保在必要时对能源管理体系进行改进。 4.6.5 记录控制 组织应根据需要,建立并保持记录,以证实符合能源管理体系和本标准的要求以及所取得的 能源绩效成果。 组织应对记录的识别、检索和留存进行规定,并实施控制。 相关活动的记录应清楚、标识明确,具有可追溯性。 4.7管理评审 4.7.1 总则 最高管理者应按策划或计划的时间间隔对组织的能源管理体系进行评审,以确保其持续的适 宜性、 充分性和有效性。 组织应保存管理评审的记录。 4.7.2 管理评审的输入 管理评审的输入应包括: a. 以往管理评审的后续措施; b. 能源方针的评审; 能源绩效和相关能源绩效参数的评审; c. d. 合规性评价的结果以及组织应遵循的法律法规和其他要求的变化; e. 能源目标和指标的实现程度; f. 能源管理体系的审核结果; g. 纠正措施和预防措施的实施情况; h. 对下一阶段能源绩效的规划; i. 改进建议。 4.7.3 管理评审的输出 管理评审的输出应包括与下列事项相关的决定和措施: a. 组织能源绩效的变化; b. 能源方针的变化; c. 能源绩效参数的变化; d. 基于持续改进的承诺,组织对能源管理体系的目标、指标和其他要素的调整; e. 资源分配的变化。 f. 附录A (资料性附录) 标准使用 指南 验证指南下载验证指南下载验证指南下载星度指南下载审查指南PDF A.1 总要求 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 本附录增补的内容完全是资料性的,目的是防止对本标准第4章要求的错误理解。本附录阐述第4章的要求,并与之相一致,无意增加、减少或修改这些要求。 依据本标准实施能源管理体系的目的在于改进能源绩效。因此,应用本标准的前提是定期评审、评价能源管理体系,确定改进的机会并付诸实施。组织可灵活掌握持续改进过程的速度、程度和时间进度,并考虑自身经济状况和其他客观条件。 组织可依据范围和边界的概念自行决定能源管理体系所包含的范围。 能源绩效包括能源使用、能源消耗和能源效率,所以组织可选择的能源绩效活动的范围广泛。例如,组织可降低能源需求、利用余热余能,或者改进体系的运行、过程或设备。 图A.1 对能源绩效进行了概念性的示意。 图A.1 能源绩效概念 A.2 管理职责 A.2.1 最高管理者 最高管理者或其指派的代表在组织内部进行沟通时,要通过员工参与的活动,包括授权、激励、赞誉、培训、奖励和参股等来提升能源管理的地位。 组织在制定长期规划时应考虑能源管理内容,如能源资源、能源绩效和能源绩效的改进。 A.2.2 管理者代表 管理者代表可以是组织现有的、新录用的或 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 制的员工。管理者代表可以负责全部或部分的能源管理工作。管理者代表的技术和能力要求可根据组织的规模、文化和复杂性而定,也可根据法律法规和其他要求而定。 能源管理团队应确保能源绩效改进过程的顺利进行。团队的规模根据组织的复杂性而定: — 对于小型组织而言,可以是一个人,如管理者代表; — 对于较大组织而言,跨职能的团队能够采用有效机制,调动组织的各部门策划、实施能源管理体系。 A.3 能源方针 能源方针促使能源管理体系和能源绩效在组织规定的范围和边界内得以实施和改进。能源方针应简明扼要,使组织成员能够快速理解并应用到工作中。能源方针的宣传可促进对组织行为的管理。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 组织运输时所产生的能源使用和能源消耗可纳入能源管理体系的范围和边界中。 A.4 策划 A.4.1 总则 图A.2是能源策划的过程图。该图不是为了展示某一个组织的策划细节。由于组织的不同或环境的不同会出现其他具体内容,因此能源策划图中的信息并不能够穷尽。 图A.2 能源策划过程概念图 本条款着重说明组织的能源绩效,以及保持和持续改进能源绩效的手段。 设 定标杆是对能源绩效数据进行收集和分析的过程,目的是在组织内部及用能单位间评价和比较能源绩效。存在不同类型的标杆,可以是为了鼓励组织内部良好工作行 为的内部标杆,也可以是为了在设备、设施或相同领域中的具体产品和服务中建立最好的行业绩效而设立的外部标杆。设立标杆过程的过程可以在这部分或全部的要 素中实施。如果可获得相关的准确数据,标杆的设立可作为能源评审(见4.4.3)、能源目标和指标(见4.4.6)最终确定的有效输入。 A.4.2 法律法规和其他要求 法律法规包括国际、国家、区域及地区的要求,这些要求可应用到能源管理体系范围内。例如,法律法规可以包括国家节能相关法律或行政法规等。其他要求可以包括与客户签订的协议、自愿原则或守则、自愿计划及其他。 A.4.3 能源评审 组织应在及诶的那个主要能源使用的区域内,识别和评价能源使用过程,并识别改进能源绩效的机会。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 代表组织工作的人员可包括服务承包商、兼职人员以及临时人员。 潜在能源可以包括组织先前未使用过的常规能源。替代能源可以包括化石或非化石燃料。 能源评审的更新意味着更新与分析确定能源绩效改进机会和其重要性有关的信息。 能源审计或评价包括对组织、过程的能源绩效进行细致的评审。它基于适当的对于实际能源绩效的测量和观察。 典型的审计输出包括当前能源消耗和能源绩效的信息,同时提供一系列经排序用于改进能源绩效的建议。 能源审计作为识别和优选改进能源绩效机会的一部分应进行策划和执行。 A.4.4 能源基准 一个合适的数据时段是指组织在这个时间段内,能够明确地说明法定要求或各种变量是如何影响能源使用和能源消耗的,这些变量可以包括天气、季节、业务活动周期以及其他情况。 组织应对能源基准进行维护和记录,并作为组织确定记录保存时间段的一种手段。对能源基准的调整亦可视为维护活动,相关要求应在标准中规定。 A.4.5 能源绩效参数 能 源绩效参数可以是简单的参数、比率,也可以是复杂的模型。举例来说,能源绩效参数包括单位时间能源消耗、单位产品能源消耗或多变量模型。组织可选取能源绩 效参数,说明其运行的能源绩效状况,并在由于商业活动或基准发生变化影响到能源绩效参数相关性的情况下,对能源绩效参数进行适当的改进。 A.4.6 能源目标、能源指标与能源管理实施方案 能 源管理实施方案除了针对具体的能源绩效改进,也可针对整个能源管理或能源管理体系过程的改进。这种管理改进型的能源管理实施方案,可描述如何验证方案取得 的结果。例如:组织的能源管理实施方案可以是提高员工和承包者的节能意识,组织应使用确定的方法验证意识提高的程度及取得的其他结果,并将这种方法写入能 源管理实施方案中。 A.5 实施和运行 A.5.1 总则 无增补说明内容。 A.5.2 能力、培训与意识 组织根据自身需求确定能力、培训和意识的要求。能力可从教育、经验、培训、经历、技能和经验等方面体现。 A.5.3 信息交流 无增补说明内容。 A.5.4 文件 仅本标准明确规定须文件化的程序是必须形成文件的程序。组织可以制定任何认为必要的文件,以有效展示能源绩效和支持能源管理体系。 A.5.5 运行控制 组织应评价主要能源使用的运行状况,并采取措施确保运行是可控制的或能减少相关的负面影响,使运行满足能源方针与能源目标和指标的要求。运行控制应包含运行的所有方面,包括维护活动。 A.5.6 设计 无增补说明内容。 A.5.6 能源服务、产品、设备和能源的采购 采购是通过使用高效的产品和服务以改进能源绩效的机会,同时还可以借此影响供应链合作伙伴改善能源行为。 能源采购规范的使用可根据市场的变化来调整,能源采购规范的要求可参考能源质量、可获the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 得性、成本结构、环境影响和可再生能源等。 组织可适当考虑使用能源供应商所建议的规范。 A.6 检查 A.6.1 监视,测量与分析 无增补说明内容。 A.6.2 合规性评价 无增补说明内容。 A.6.3 能源管理体系内部审核 能源管理体系的内部审核可由组织的内部人员进行或者由组织挑选的外部人员进行。无论何种情况,审核员都应能胜任工作,并公正、客观地进行审核。在小型组织中,可通过将审核员与被审核项目的责任分离来保持审核员的独立性。 如果组织希望将其能源管理体系的内部审核与其他内部审核相结合,应明确规定每项内容的目的和范围。 A.6.4 不符合,纠正,纠正措施和预防措施 无增补说明内容。 A.6.5 记录控制 无增补说明内容。 A.7 管理评审 A.7.1 总则 管理评审应覆盖能源管理体系的所有范围,但并非需要一次完成所有要素的评审工作,评审工作可以在一段时间内分次进行。 A.7.2 管理评审输入 无增补说明内容。 A.7.3 管理评审输出 无增补说明内容。 附录B (资料性附录) GB/T 23331-2012、GB/T 19001-2008、GB/T 24001-2004 和GB/T 22000-2006 之间的联系 表 B.1 GB/T 23331-2012、GB/T 19001-2008、GB/T 24001-2004 和GB/T 22000-2006 之间的对应情况。 表 B.1 GB/T 23331-2012、GB/T 19001-2008、GB/T 24001-2004 和GB/T 22000-2006 的对应情况 GB/T 23331-2012 GB/T 19001-2008 GB/T 24001-2004 GB/T 22000-2006 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 - 前言 - 前言 - 前言 - 前言 - 引言 - 引言 - 引言 - 引言 1 范围 1 范围 1 范围 1 范围 规范性引用规范性引用规范性引用文2 2 规范性引用文件 2 2 文件 文件 件 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above GB/T 23331-2012 GB/T 19001-2008 GB/T 24001-2004 GB/T 22000-2006 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 3 术语和定义 3 术语和定义 3 术语和定义 3 术语和定义 能源管理体环境管理体食品安全管理4 4 质量管理体系 4 4 系要求 系要求 体系 4.1 总要求 4.1 总要求 4.1 总要求 4.1 总要求 4.2 管理职责 5 管理职责 - - 5 管理职责 资源、作用、4.2.1 最高管理者 5.1 管理承诺 4.4.1 5.1 管理承诺 职责和权限 职责和权限 5.5.1 职责和权限 资源、作用、5.4 4.2.2 管理者代表 4.4.1 食品安全小组5.5.2 管理者代表 职责和权限 5.5 组长 质量方针 4.3 能源方针 5.3 4.2 环境方针 5.2 食品安全方针 5.3 食品安全管理 体系策划 4.4 策划 5.4 策划 4.3 策划 产品安全的策 7 划和实施 质量目标 5.3 食品安全管理5.4.1 4.4.1 总则 与产品有关的要4.3 策划 体系策划 7.2.1 求的确定 7.1 总则 7.2.1 与产品有关的要法律法规和法律法规和7.2.2 (无标题) 4.4.2 求的确定 4.3.2 其他要求 其他要求 7.3.3 产品特性 7.3.2 设计和开发输入 质量目标 5.4.1 产品安全的策4.4.3 能源评审 与产品有关的要4.3.1 环境因素 7 7.2.1 划和实施 求的确定 4.4.4 能源基准 - - - - 7.4 危害分析 危害辨识和可能源绩效参4.4.5 - - - - 7.4.2 接受水平的确数 定 能源目标、能 源指标与能5.4.1 质量目标 目标、指标前提方案4.4.6 4.3.3 7.2 源管理实施7.1 产品实现的策划 和方案 (PRPs) 方案 安全产品的策4.5 实施与运行 7 产品实现 4.4 实施与运行 7 划与实施 产品和服务提供4.5.1 总则 7.5.1 4.4.6 运行控制 7.7.2 (无标题) 的控制 能力、培训与能力、培训和意能力、培训能力、培训和4.5.2 6.2.2 4.4.2 6.2.2 意识 识 和意识 意识 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above GB/T 23331-2012 GB/T 19001-2008 GB/T 24001-2004 GB/T 22000-2006 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 条款号 条款标题 4.5.3 信息交流 5.5.3 内部沟通 4.4.3 信息交流 5.6.2 内部沟通 4.5.4 文件 4.2 文件要求 4.2 文件要求 文件要求 4.2.1 总则 4.4.4 文件 4.2.1 总则 文件控制 4.2.3 文件控制 4.4.5 文件控制 4.2.2 文件控制 产品和服务提供4.5.5 运行控制 7.5.1 4.4.6 运行控制 7.6.1 HACCP计划 的控制 实施危害分析4.5.6 设计 7.3 设计和开发 7.3 的预备步骤 能源服务、产 4.5.7 品、设备和能7.4 采购 - - - - 源的采购 食品安全管理测量、分析和改4.6 检查 8 4.5 检查 8 体系的确认、进 验证和改进 过程的监视和测 8.2.3 量 监视、测量与关键控制点的4.6.1 8.2.4 产品的监视和测4.5.1 监测和测量 7.6.4 分析 监视系统 8.4 量 数据分析 4.6.2 合规性评价 7.3.4 设计和开发评审 4.5.2 合规性评价 - - 能源管理体 4.6.3 系的内部审8.2.2 内部审核 4.5.5 内部审核 8.4.1 内部审核 核 不符合、纠8.3 不合格品控制 不符合、纠 4.6.4 正、纠正措施8.5.2 纠正措施 4.5.3 正措施和预7.10 不符合控制 和预防措施 8.5.3 预防措施 防措施 4.6.5 记录控制 4.2.4 记录控制 4.5.4 记录控制 4.3.2 记录控制 4.7 管理评审 5(6 管理评审 4.6 管理评审 5.8 管理评审 4.7.1 总则 5.6.1 总则 4.6 管理评审 5.8.1 总则 管理评审的4.7.2 5.6.2 评审输入 4.6 管理评审 5.8.2 评审输入 输入 管理评审的4.7.3 5.6.3 评审输出 4.6 管理评审 5.8.3 评审输出 输出 , 参 考 文 献 [1] GB/T 19000-2008 质量管理体系 基础和术语 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above [2] GB/T 19001-2008 质量管理体系 要求 [3] GB/T 24001-2004 环境管理体系 要求及使用指南 [4] GB/T 22000-2006 食品安全管理体系 食品链中各类组织的要求 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above
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