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服装设计实务 备课本


服装设计实务 备课本服装设计实务 备课本 第一章 概述 第一节 服装品牌的现状和由来 一、 品牌的由来 1、商品化生产模式促成品牌的生成 2、现代产业革命促成品牌的行业生成 3、工商登记促成品牌的法律生成 二、 品牌意识在我国的兴起 1、品牌意识的启蒙阶段 2、品牌意识的设计阶段 3、品牌形象的推广阶段 4、品牌资产的经营阶段 三、 服装品牌发展的特征 1、发展迅速 相对繁荣 2、交替频繁 推到偶像 3、竞争激烈 层次错位 4、粮油混杂 仿冒严重 5、兼并重组 征服参与 6、国力增强 消费成熟 四、 ...

服装设计实务 备课本
服装设计实务 备课本 第一章 概述 第一节 服装品牌的现状和由来 一、 品牌的由来 1、商品化生产模式促成品牌的生成 2、现代产业革命促成品牌的行业生成 3、工商登记促成品牌的法律生成 二、 品牌意识在我国的兴起 1、品牌意识的启蒙阶段 2、品牌意识的设计阶段 3、品牌形象的推广阶段 4、品牌资产的经营阶段 三、 服装品牌发展的特征 1、发展迅速 相对繁荣 2、交替频繁 推到偶像 3、竞争激烈 层次错位 4、粮油混杂 仿冒严重 5、兼并重组 征服参与 6、国力增强 消费成熟 四、 我国服装企业的快速增长 、市场长期空缺提供了增长空间 1 2、市场经济模式促进了投资行为 3、科技含量不高刺激了大量生产 4、都市型产业可以解决高就业率 五、 国际性服装品牌的标准 1、强有力的资金拥有量 2、国际性的市场占有率 3、经常性的品牌曝光率 4、世界级的著名设计师 5、强盛的国家整体实力 第二节 品牌的含义 一、 定义 1、品牌服装 2、服装品牌 3、商标 4、品牌 二、 特征 1、品牌服装与非品牌服装的区别 (1) 品牌服装的直接成本高,品质上乘 (2) 品牌服装追求单件产品利润,以利取胜 (3) 品牌服装强调服装设计风格,产品系列化程度高 (4) 品牌服装的投资回报率高,远期效果明显 (5) 品牌服装销售费用大,间接成本高 (6) 品牌服装投资额度达,企业机构齐全 (7) 品牌服装强调企划力度,发展目标明确 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly (8) 品牌服装的感召力大,无形资产明显 2、服装品牌与其他品牌的异同 (1) 投资额少,回报快速 (2) 以人为本,受人关注 (3) 季节性强,调换频繁 第三节 品牌的周期性 一、 品牌的诞生期 二、 品牌生长期 三、 品牌发展期 四、 品牌鼎盛期 五、 品牌持续期 六、 品牌衰落期 第四节 品牌的设计视点 一、品牌的要素 1、品牌的外在要素 2、品牌的内在要素 二、品牌的成功要素 1、人才是品牌成功的核心要素 、时机是品牌成功的机会要素 2 3、地点是品牌成功的区域要素 4、资金是品牌成功的保证要素 三、品牌设计的原则 1、全面综合 实事求是 2、明确中心 正确引导 3、创新求变 4、内外兼顾 第五节 本课程的研究方法 一、 比较的方法 二、 案例研究法 作用表现在: (1) 案例研究法可用以说明 利用定量技术确立的统计数字关系是什么含 义。 (2) 案例研究法可以用来解释这类变量关系在某一组织里如何互相影响。 (3) 案例分析在资料数据收集之前和之后都很有用,可以帮助研究者熟悉 他所研究的那部分,同时抓住相互关系的模式。 (4) 案例研究可以用事实说明问题,具有很强大的说服力。 三、 调研法 第二章品牌服装的分类 第一节 品牌服装的分类研究 一、 品牌服装分类的意义 二、 品牌服装分类的原则与标准 第二节 品牌服装分类的方法 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 一、 以主次分类 二、 以风格分类 三、 以性别年龄分类 四、 以价格分类 五、 以品种分类 六、 以销售方式分类 七、 以企业类型分类 八、 以推介方式分类 九、 按照品牌服装的设计和加工的特性分类 第三章品牌服装的风格 第一节 风格与服装风格 第二节 服装风格分析 一、 前卫风格 二、 民族风格 三、 浪漫风格 四、 乡村风格 五、 优雅风格 六、 质朴风格 七、 经典风格 八、 简约风格 九、 中性风格 十、 运动风格 十一、 都市风格 十二、 繁复风格 十三、 嬉皮风格 十四、 严谨风格 第三节 品牌服装风格的表现 一、服装品牌风格要素分析 1、点、线、面的运用 2、色彩的运用 3、面料的运用 4、相邻艺术的借鉴 二、经典服装品牌风格分析 1、优雅风格 2、奢华风格 3、简约风格 4、前卫风格 第四章 品牌服装市场调研 第一节 服装市场调研 一、市场的概念 1、广义的市场 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 2、狭义的市场 二、市场调研的重要性 1、了解品牌服装现状,提供市场决策依据 2、了解对手品牌实情,及时调整经营手段 3、检讨品牌市场地位,制定长远发展战略 4、熟悉市场营销环节,增加运作感性知识 三、市场调研方法 1、问卷法 2、观测法 3、统计法 四、市场调研要点 1、问卷法调研要点 (1) 问题的准确性 (2) 取样的随机性 (3) 数据的准确性 (4) 分析的精确性 2、观测法调研要点 (1) 现场的代表性 (2) 时段的分散性 统计的完整性 (3) 3、、统计法调研要点 (1) 数据的权威性 (2) 资料的全面性 (3) 分析的逻辑性 五、调研对象 1、品牌对象 (1) 单一品牌 (2) 多个品牌 (3) 目标品牌 (4) 同类品牌 2、人员对象 (1) 销售人员 (2) 营业人员 (3) 商场人员 (4) 消费者 (5) 顾客 六、调研内容 七、调研 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 (1) 调研任务 (2) 调研方法 (3) 调研途径 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly (4) 工作过程 (5) 遇到问题 (6) 分析与归纳 (7) 调研结论 (8) 建议 第二节 服装企业调研 一、企业调研的重要性 1、熟悉业内现状,做好投资参谋 2、把握对手品牌,寻找突破时机 3、了解先进模式,掌握运作方向 二、企业调研的方法 1、问卷法 2、采访法 3、侦测法 三、企业调研的要点 1、正确看待调研数 2、选择典型企业 、克服取材困难 3 四、调研内容 第三节 服装商场调研 一、选择商场的原则 1、商场与品牌相匹配 2、商圈错位布局合理 3、商业氛围人气集中 4、商场拥有良好商业信誉 二、调研内容 1、顾客情况 2、销售情况 3、商业氛围 4、商场信誉 5、商场形象 三、商场调研的其他方面 第四节 客观调研结果与主观预定目标的关系一 一、客观调研结果是主观预定目标的依据 二、主观预定目标可以对客观调研结果修正 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 第五章 品牌策划内容 第一节 产品定位 一、定位 二、品牌定位的重要性 1、品牌定位的正确与否直接关系到品牌的命运 2、品牌定位报告决定投资总额和使用比例 3、品牌定位是品牌发展的方向和准则 三、品牌定位的原则 1、顺应原则 2、对立原则 3、空位原则 四、品牌的再定位 品牌经营者在重新定位时应注意一下几个问题: 1、修改幅度大 2、面料样品少 3、资料不齐全 4、目标不明确 、调研不充分 5 6、表现效果差 第二节 产品风格 一、主流风格 1、都市风格 2、乡村风格 3、浪漫风格 4、严谨风格 5、简约风格 6、传统风格 7、前卫风格 8、经典风格 二、支流风格 1、市井风格 2、军警风格 3、民族风格 4、变异风格 5、 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 第三节 品牌产品 第四节 产品价位 一、服装商品的陈本构成 1、直接成本 2、间接成本 二、服装商品的价格构成 三、服装商品的定价 1、定价原则 2、定价公式 3、服装商品的定价策略及价格调整 (1) 服装价格的调整数 A地理定价 B价格折扣和折让 C促销定价 D产品组合定价 E适时发动价格变更 新产品定价策略 (2) A核心产品层的定价策略 B有形产品层的定价策略 C附加产品层的定价策略 四、价格名称 1、第一零售价 2、折扣价 3、代销价 4、代理价 5、经销价 6、批发价 7、出厂价 8、成本价 9、特价 10、 清仓价 五、相对价格与绝对价格 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 六、影响销售价格的因素 1、卖场周边环境 2、销售季节 3、商家促销 4、顾客还价 5、货品断码 6、质次 7、产品结构性调理 8、产品保本销售临界点 9、试销不畅 10、 停业转产 七、设计与设计成本 1、设计成本 2、设计难度与制作难度 3、节约成本的设计方法 第五节 品牌形象 一、品牌形象的定义 1、形象 2、品牌形象 二、品牌形象的表现 三、品牌形象的衡量 1、联想度 2、认知度 3、品牌美誉度 4、品牌知名度 5、传播度 6、差异度 第六节 产品销售 一、服装销售的渠道 1、服装销售的主要渠道 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 2、服装销售的其他渠道 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly
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