首页 文字排版设计技巧方法



文字排版设计技巧方法文字排版设计技巧方法 文字是人类文化的重要组成部分。无论在何种视觉媒体中,文字和图片都是其两大构成要素。文字排列组合的好坏,直接影响着版面的视觉传达效果。因此,文字设计是增强视觉传达效果,提高作品的诉求力,赋予版面审美价值的一种重要构成技术。 在这里,我们主要谈谈在平面设计中文字设计的几条原则,以及文字组合中应注意的几点。特别提醒一下,这部分工作应该是人脑完成的工作,电脑是无法代替的。 下面我们分别从以下几个方面具体讲述文字排列在平面设计中的运用,各小节都配有生动精彩的图例剖析。 1( 提高文字的可读性 ...

文字排版 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 技巧方法 文字是人类文化的重要组成部分。无论在何种视觉媒体中,文字和图片都是其两大构成要素。文字排列组合的好坏,直接影响着版面的视觉传达效果。因此,文字设计是增强视觉传达效果,提高作品的诉求力,赋予版面审美价值的一种重要构成技术。 在这里,我们主要谈谈在平面设计中文字设计的几条原则,以及文字组合中应注意的几点。特别提醒一下,这部分工作应该是人脑完成的工作,电脑是无法代替的。 下面我们分别从以下几个方面具体讲述文字排列在平面设计中的运用,各小节都配有生动精彩的图例剖析。 1( 提高文字的可读性 文字的主要功能是在视觉传达中向大众传达作者的意图和各种信息,要达到这一目的必须考虑文字的整体诉求效果,给人以清晰的视觉印象。因此,设计中的文字应避免繁杂零乱,使人易认,易懂,切忌为了设计而设计,忘记了文字设计的根本目的是为了更好,更有效的传达作者的意图,表达设计的主题和构想意念。 举例如下 让你想表达的内容清晰,醒目。让阅览者一开始就可以明白你的意思 避免使用不清晰的字体,否则容易使阅览者产生反感和麻烦(除非你需要这种效果) 恰当的选择你所需要的字体 但是,经过特别的处理,你可以使用一些本来并不合适的字体,比如 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 注意文字在编排时的方向,注意安排阅览者的视线 如果: 那么,你可以做成这样 或者是这样也可以 最后一点,通常情况下,你应该 2( 文字的位置要符合整体要求 文字在画面中的安排要考虑到全局的因素,不能有视觉上的冲突。否则在画面上主次不分,很容易引起视觉顺序的混乱。而且作品的整个含义和气氛都可能会被破坏,这是一个很微妙的问题,需要去体会。不要指望电脑能帮你安排好,它有时候会帮你的倒忙。细节的地方也一定要注意,1个像素的差距有时候会改变你整个作品的味道。 举例如下: rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 3.在视觉上应给人以美感 在视觉传达的过程中,文字作为画面的形象要素之一,具有传达感情的功能,因而它必须具有视觉上的美感,能够给人以美的感受。字型设计良好,组合巧妙的文字能使人感到愉快,留下美好的印象,从而获得良好的心理反应。反之,则使人看后心里不愉快,视觉上难以产生美感,甚至会让观众拒而不看,这样势必难以传达出作者想表现出的意图和构想。 举例如下: 这是一个带有图形的文字版面,也许你认为这样也不错了 但是是不是太平淡了呢,改一下文字的位置和大小,效果又会怎么样呢,看下图 或者是这样也可以,看下图 感觉到了什么吗,其实就是这么微妙,有时只是一点小变化,味道却不一样多了。 再看看字间距的问题 改一下看看,好一点了吗, rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 对于大的字体如果你照搬上面的做法,也许你会处理成这个样子,这样看起来字与字之间会比较松散 调整后是这样,看起来紧凑多了。字与字之间的对应关系也出来了 看看段落文字的处理 字体加大后,段落之间的距离也应该随之调整(在这里,小字体同样应用这一 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf ,不过是相反的) 比如,没有调整段落距离的时候,调整后可以是这样 如果有多个段落,就要注意更多的问题,比如主次和轻重,以及在内容表达当方面的重要程度等,看这个例子 看看这个不错的版面的处理 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 4.在设计上要富于创造性 根据作品主题的要求,突出文字设计的个性色彩,创造与众不同的独具特色的字体,给人以别开生面的视觉感受,有利于作者设计意图的表现。设计时,应从字的形态特征与组合上进行探求,不断修改,反复琢磨,这样才能创造出富有个性的文字,使其外部形态和设计格调都能唤起人们的审美愉悦感受。 举例如下: 这是一个很普通的文字版面 那么加一点自己的感受在里面,对文字的大小、间距、透明度做些调整,就会是完全不同的效果了。很有意思是吗, 根据画面或作品的要求,可以使用一些图形化的文字(这可是汉字设计的一种新观点)。 注:所谓“文字图形化”即将文字笔画做合理的变形搭配,使之产生类似有机或无机图形的趣味。强调字体本身的结构美和笔画美。 比如: rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 一开始好象总感觉文字在这里面的表 味道出来了吗,在一定的条件下,确实不 现力有些苍白了。对主题的表达没有什么能用电脑中提供的字体,必须要自己创造。这 帮助。那么试一下改成这样行不行 也是汉字魅力所在的地方。 比如这个(没有太多的考虑的情况下) 再看看设计的做法 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 差别就在这里,也许只是一点小改动,但是需要你思考的却更多。有时候对文字的笔画做特殊的加工处理往往会产生一些意想不到的效果。而这样的处理是带有创造性的,同时人性化的味道也会更浓一些。这是电脑字体所无法替代的效果,带给观看者的感受自然会要强烈的多。 5.更复杂的应用 文字不仅要在字体上和画面配合好,甚至颜色和部分笔画都要加工,这样才能达到更完整的效果。而这些细节的地方需要的是耐心和功力。记住一定要有自己的想法和感受在里面,如果想表达自己对作品的态度,就不要在文字上偷懒,这也是不能偷懒的地方。 对作品而言,每一件作品都有其特有的风格。在这个前提下,一个作品版面上的各种不同字体的组合,一定要具有一种符合整个作品风格的风格倾向,形成总体的情调和感情倾向,不能各种文字自成一种风格,各行其是。总的基调应该是整体上的协调和局部的对比,于统一之中又具有灵动的变化,从而具有对比和谐的效果。这样,整个作品才会产生视觉上的美感,符合人们的欣赏心理。 除了以统一文字个性的方法来达到设计的基调外,也可以从方向性上来形成文字统一的基调,以及色彩方面的心理感觉来达到统一基调的效果等等。 比如: 一个简单的例子 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 经过修改之后的 再来看看更复杂的:这个画面中所有的出现文字元素都经过了仔细的处理,这是根据主题的需要所必须的。如果没有这样的文字设计或许作品本身的感染力会弱的多。 在有图片的版面中,文字的组合应相对较为集中。如果是以图片为主要的诉求要素,则文字应该紧凑地排列在适当的位置上,不可过分变化分散,以免因主题不明而造成视线流动的混乱。 6. 精彩作品欣赏 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic (1)作品1(视觉招贴) 这幅作品文字版面和样式的设计与图片的配合比较完美。对所有元素的关系进行了良好搭配。同样对主要文字元素运用了图形化的手法。尤其是辅助文字元素的安排和设计是这个作品中的亮点。 注意作品中左下角段落文字的设计,既让人感觉到存在,又不影响作品的感观,同时对行距控制的较好,没有产生拥挤的感觉。整个作品整体同一,细节丰富,完整的表达了作者的思想诉求和意念,值得借鉴。 (可点击放大) (2)作品2(形象宣传) rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 这幅作品是宣传中国形象的招贴。运用了一些汉文化中比较有代表性的图象元素,文字元素在这里可以说是简约到了极致。但是能够感觉到的是作者在这两个字上下的工夫有多少,可以说是起到了画龙点睛的效果。并且与图形的搭配天衣无缝。 不论是字体还是样式还是颜色的应用都非常精彩,作品给人留下的是震撼和深刻的印象,欣赏这样的作品应该说是一种享受。 文字版面的设计也是创意,创意是设计者的思维水准的体现,是评价一件设计作品好坏的重要 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。在现代设计领域,一切制作的程序由电脑代劳,使人类的劳动仅限于思维上,这是好事,省却了许多不必要的工序,为创作提供了更好的条件,但是,在某些必要的阶段上,还是不能完全让电脑来做,人,毕竟才是设计的主体。 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic
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