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房产测绘报告.房产测绘报告. 项目名称:昆明市XXX小区建筑面积实测 委托单位:XXXXXX 编 号:诚房测报字(XXXX)第004号 昆明XXXXXX有限责任公司 地址:XXXXX 电话:(0871)XXXX 邮编:650021 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wa...

房产测绘 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 . 项目名称:昆明市XXX小区建筑面积实测 委托单位:XXXXXX 编 号:诚房测报字(XXXX)第004号 昆明XXXXXX有限责任公司 地址:XXXXX 电话:(0871)XXXX 邮编:650021 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 房屋建筑面积测绘成果说明 委托 单位:XXXXXX 项目 名称: 昆明市XXX小区建筑面积实测 测算 依据:1,中华人民共和国 GB/T17986.1—2000《房屋测量规范》; 2,房屋测量业务约定书; 3,委托方提供的资料; 4,我公司的现场测绘底稿资料。 测算 结果:1,我公司按照《房屋测量规范》规定,对XXXXXX开发建设的昆明 市XXX小区进行了房屋建筑面积实测,并根据本报告中提及的测算 依据出具本测绘报告; 2,我公司依据《房产测量规范》规定:房屋边长应连续测量两次 取平均值(中数),两次测量读数之差(限差)不超过 GB/T17986.1—2000中所规定的?D =?( Mj+0.02MjD)(距离未超 过50米的界址点的间距误差限差),房产面积二级精度限差 L=0.04s + 0.002 S 。在我公司测量过程中,测量结果考虑了 粉刷层厚度及其误差,数据均在GB二级限差允许范围内。 昆明XXXXXX有限责任公司 二〇一三年十月二十一日 房屋建筑面积测绘报告 委托 单位:XXXXXX 测量 单位:昆明XXXXXX有限责任公司 项目 名称: 昆明市XXX小区建筑面积实测 项目 地址:金碧路复兴村170号 测绘 范围:昆明市XXX小区1栋,2栋,地下室及配套用房 测量 日期:2013年07月02日 报告 编号:诚房测报字(XXXX)第004号 计算结果及过程详见: ?XXX房屋建筑面积成果汇总 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf (实测) ?XXX分栋房屋测绘面积汇总表(实测) ?XXX房屋建筑面积明细汇总表(实测) ?XXX小户型住宅汇总表(实测) ?XXX分摊共用建筑面积清单(实测) ?XXX不应分摊建筑面积清单(实测) ?XXX建筑面积计算书 -plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-in 2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-GB/T5003394 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard -95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-rim design fire protection standard GB5022295 the construction interior t-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-ssure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T71062002 wind pre-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc-2894 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T152-94 curtain GB/T15226-522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T1-ion GB/T152252000 classificat2 XXX建筑面积计算书 一、XXX小区1栋 1,建筑面积计算: 一层建筑面积=664.57+23.06×0.5+23.20×0.5+16.26×0.5-4.81×0.5-3.78×0.5-8.10×0.5=687.49? 二至二十三层建筑面积=687.49×22=15124.78? 二十四层建筑面积=354.40+16.37×0.5×2=370.77? 出屋面楼梯间及电梯机房建筑面积=75.24+13.68×0.5+75.24=157.32? 本栋建筑面积合计=687.49+15124.78+370.77+157.32=16340.36? 2,套内面积计算: 一层套内面积 101号、107号A’户型套内面积 =(3.9+0.05)×(1.8+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+1.1+0.1)+3.3×(1.8+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+ 1.1+0.05)-0.9×1.5+(0.9+0.89+0.1-0.2)×(3.9+0.1+0.1)×0.5+(1.3+0.1-0.2)×(3.3-0.1)×0.5=67.67? 102号、108号B’户型套内面积 =2.7×(1.8+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+1.1+1.3+0.05)+1.8×(1.8-0.05+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+1.1+0.05)+(1.3+0.1-0.2)×4.5×0.5-1.3×0.9=44.33? 103号、104号C1’户型套内面积 =(2.4+1.2-0.05)×(1.8+1.2-0.9)+(2.4+1.2)×(2.1+2.5-0.05)+(1.1+0.9+0.2-0.1)×(2.4+1.2-0.05)×0.5-0.9×(2.4+1.2-0.05)=24.37? 105号C2’户型套内面积 =(1.2+2.4)×(1.8-0.05+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5-0.05)+(2.4+1.2)×(1.1+0.9+0.1-0.2)-1.25×0.9=32.72? 106号D户型套内面积 =(1.8+3.6+0.05)×(2.1+0.05+3.6+1.9+1.1+0.05)+(0.9+0.89-0.2)×(1.8+3.6+0.2)×0.5=52.41? 109号、110号E’户型套内面积 =(1.3+0.05+2)×(1.9+1.4+0.1)+(2.4-0.15)×(2+0.2-0.1)×0.5+3.3×(1.5+1.9+1.4+2.4+0.05)+(0.8+0.9+1.7-0.05)×(1.2+1.5+1.9+1.4+2.4)-1.2×(0.8+0.9)×0.5-0.7×1.4=63.82 111号F’套内面积 =(1.1+2.2+0.1)×(1.3+2+0.05)+2×(1.9-0.05)×0.5+(3.3+0.9+0.8+1.7)×(1 .9+1.1)+(2.2+0.05)×(3.3+0.9+0.8+1.7+0.05)-1.3×0.9=47.36? 二至二十四层套内面积 201号-2301号、207号-2307号、2401号、2403号A户型套内面积 =(3.9+0.05)×(1.8+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+1.1+0.1)+3.3×(1.8+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+1.1+0.05)+(0.9+0.89+0.1-0.2)×(3.9+0.1+0.1)×0.5+(1.3+0.1-0.2)×(3.3-0.1)×0.5=69.02? 202号-2302号、208号-2308号、2402号、2404号B户型套内面积 =2.7×(1.8+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5+1.1+1.3+0.05)+1.8×(1.8-0.05+1.1+0.1+2.1+2 .5+1.1+0.05)+(1.3+0.1-0.2)×4.5×0.5=45.50? 203号-2303号、204号-2304号C1户型套内面积 =(2.4+1.2-0.05)×(1.8+1.2-0.9)+(2.4+1.2)×(2.1+2.5-0.05)+(1.1+0.9+0.2 -0.1)×(2.4+1.2-0.05)×0.5-0.9×(2.4+1.2-0.05)+0.95×1.25=25.56? 205号-2305号C2户型套内面积 =(1.2+2.4)×(1.8-0.05+1.1+0.1+2.1+2.5-0.05)+(2.4+1.2)×(1.1+0.9+0.1-0 .2)=33.84? 206号-2306号D户型套内面积 =(1.8+3.6+0.05)×(2.1+0.05+3.6+1.9+1.1+0.05)+(0.9+0.89-0.2)×(1.8+3.6 +0.2)×0.5=52.41? 209号-2309号、210号-2310号E户型套内面积 =(1.3+0.05+2)×(1.9+1.4+0.1)+(2.4-0.15)×(2+0.2-0.1)×0.5+3.3×(1.5+1 .9+1.4+2.4+0.05)+(0.8+0.9+1.7-0.05)×(1.2+1.5+1.9+1.4+2.4)-1.2×(0.8+ 0.9)×0.5=64.80? 211号-2311号F套内面积 =(1.1+2.2+0.1)×(1.3+2+0.05)+2×(1.9-0.05)×0.5+(3.3+0.9+0.8+1.7)×(1 .9+1.1)+(2.2+0.05)×(3.3+0.9+0.8+1.7+0.05)=48.53? 一至二十四层套内面积合计=67.67×2+44.33×2+24.37×2+32.72+52.41+63.82 ×2+47.36+69.02×46+45.50×46+25.56×44+33.84×22+52.41×22+64.80× 532.87+12208.92=12741.79? 44+48.53×22= 3,分摊系数计算 分摊面积=建筑面积-套内面积=16340.36-12741.79=3598.57? 分摊系数=分摊面积?套内面积×100%=(3598.57?12741.79)×100%=28.2423% 4,XXX1栋建筑面积成果一览表: 套内面积分摊面积建筑面积房号 分摊系数(%) 备注 (?) (?) (?) 101 67.67 28.2423% 19.11 86.78 一层A'户型 102 44.33 28.2423% 12.52 56.85 一层B'户型 103 24.37 28.2423% 6.88 31.25 一层C1'户型 104 24.37 28.2423% 6.88 31.25 一层C1'户型 105 32.72 28.2423% 9.24 41.96 一层C2'户型 106 52.41 28.2423% 14.80 67.21 一层D户型 107 67.67 28.2423% 19.11 86.78 一层A'户型 108 44.33 28.2423% 12.52 56.85 一层B'户型 109 63.82 28.2423% 18.02 81.84 一层E'户型 110 63.82 28.2423% 18.02 81.84 一层E'户型 111 47.36 28.2423% 13.38 60.74 一层F'户型 一层小计 683.35 201 69.02 28.2423% 19.49 88.51 二至二十三层A户型 202 45.50 28.2423% 12.85 58.35 二至二十三层B户型 28.2423% 二至二十三层C1户203 25.56 7.22 32.78 型 28.2423% 二至二十三层C1户204 25.56 7.22 32.78 型 94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T152-94 curtain GB/T15226-522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T1-ion GB/T152252000 classificat-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-in 2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-GB/T5003394 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard -95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-rim design fire protection standard GB5022295 the construction interior t-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-ssure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T71062002 wind pre-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc-284 28.2423%二至二十三层C2户205 33.84 9.56 43.40 型 206 52.41 28.2423% 14.80 67.21 二至二十三层D户型 207 69.02 28.2423% 19.49 88.51 二至二十三层A户型 208 45.50 28.2423% 12.85 58.35 二至二十三层B户型 209 64.80 28.2423% 18.30 83.10 二至二十三层E户型 210 64.80 28.2423% 18.30 83.10 二至二十三层E户型 211 48.53 28.2423% 13.71 62.24 二至二十三层F户型 二至二十三层 698.33×22 15363.26 2401 69.02 28.2423% 19.49 88.51 二十四层A户型 2402 45.50 28.2423% 12.85 58.35 二十四层B户型 2403 69.02 28.2423% 19.49 88.51 二十四层A户型 2404 45.50 28.2423% 12.85 58.35 二十四层B户型 二十四层小计 293.72 合计 683.35+15363.26+293.72 16340.33 二、XXX小区2栋 1,建筑面积计算 一层建筑面积=355.52+8.82×0.5×2+5.67×0.5×2=370.01? 二至十层建筑面积=(351.54+5.67×0.5×2+8.82×0.5×2)×9=366.03× 9=3294.27? 顶层建筑面积=31.99? 本栋建筑面积合计=370.01+3294.27+31.99=3696.27? 2,套内面积计算 101号-1001号套内面积=4.65×(4+4.8+3.6)+(2.25+3.3+1.5+2.1)× (3.8+2.9+2.2+2.2)+2.2×(1.5+0.1)-0.54×2.35-(2.9-0.2)×2.1× 0.5=158.64? 102号-1002号套内面积=4.65×(4+4.8+3.6)+(2.25+3.3+1.5+2.1)× (3.8+2.9+2.2+2.2)+2.2×(1.5+0.1)-(2.9-0.2)×2.1×0.5=159.91? 一至十层套内面积合计=158.64×10+159.91×10=3185.50? 3,分摊系数计算 分摊面积=建筑面积-套内面积=3696.27-3185.50=510.77? 分摊系数=分摊面积?套内面积×100%=510.77?3185.50×100%=16.0342% 4,XXX2栋建筑面积成果一览表: 套内面积建筑面积房号 分摊面积(?) 分摊系数 备注 (?) (?) 101 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 102 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 201 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 202 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 301 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 302 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 401 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 402 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 501 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 502 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 601 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 602 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 701 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 702 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 801 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 802 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 901 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 902 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 1001 158.64 25.44 16.0342% 184.08 1002 159.91 25.64 16.0342% 185.55 合计 3696.30 三、XXX小区地下室车库 1,建筑面积计算 地下一层建筑面积=5832.22-177.97-147.89-72.53=5433.83? 地下二层建筑面积=5829.69-72.53=5757.16? 人员疏散口=26.51+23.34+19.93=69.78? 合计:5433.83+5757.16+69.78=11260.77? 2,套内面积计算 5.3=12.72? 地下一层131个标准车位套内面积=2.4× 第下二层146个标准车位(其中人防区内31个,人防区外115个)套内面积=2.4×5.3=12.72? 3,分摊系数计算(分摊系数=分摊面积?套内面积) ?地下室车位分摊系数=(5782.12/3129.12)×100%=184.7842% ?人防区车位分摊系数=261.5617% 名称 计算式 结果(?) 备注 人防区建筑面积 1503 消防水池及消防泵5.9*(8.8+4.3) 77.29 房 车位套内面积 31*12.72 394.32 (1503-77.29-394.32)分摊系数 2.615617 /394.32 94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T1-ion GB/T152252000 classificat-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-in 2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-GB/T5003394 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard -95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-rim design fire protection standard GB5022295 the construction interior t-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-ssure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T71062002 wind pre-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc-2894 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T152-94 curtain GB/T15226-52276 4,地下室建筑面积成果一览表: 分摊面积名称 套内面积(?) 分摊系数 建筑面积(?) 备注 (?) 地下一、二层12.72 184.7842% 23.50 36.22 不包含人防区车位 车位 人防区车位 12.72 261.5617% 33.27 45.99 人防区外车3129.12 5781.00 8910.12 246个 位小计 人防区内车394.32 1031.3700 1425.69 31个 位小计 地下车位合8910.12+1425.69 10335.81 计 地下室合计 10335.81+77.29+846.53 11259.63 四、XXX小区配套用房 1,社区用房建筑面积=(5.4+0.6+0.1+0.2)×(5.4+6.9+5.4+0.4)=114.03? 2,值班室建筑面积=(3+0.4)×(5.4+0.4)=19.72? 昆明XXXXXX有限责任公司 二〇一三年十月二十一日
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