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英语高考单选复习(精华)英语高考单选复习(精华) 导语:2013年高考将于明天开始,小编为大家整理了2013年最新的高考模拟试卷分类汇总, 包括阅读理解、完形填空、单项选择等项,此篇为单项选择的模拟试题汇总的第一篇,附答 案详解,供大家学习之用。 专题一 冠词 1.【2013?乌鲁木齐高三一诊】There is no _________ exact definition of __________word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons, A. ...

英语高考单选复习(精华) 导语:2013年高考将于明天开始,小编为大家整理了2013年最新的高考模拟试卷分类汇总, 包括阅读理解、完形填空、单项选择等项,此篇为单项选择的模拟试题汇总的第一篇,附答 案详解,供大家学习之用。 专题一 冠词 1.【2013?乌鲁木齐高三一诊】There is no _________ exact definition of __________word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons, A. an; a B. the; the C.不填; the D.不填; 不填 【解析】A考查冠词用法。句意:幸福这个词没有明确的定义,幸福的人有各种各样幸 福的理由。definition一词为抽象名词不可数,故用零冠词,后一空特指happiness一词, 故用the。 2.【2013?辽宁东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】---Kathleen, __________ Mr. Heller is waiting for you outside. ---Just a second. I’m on _________ phone. A. a; the B. /; the C. a; / D. /; / 【解析】A考查冠词用法。句意:Kathleen,一个姓Heller的先生在外面等候你。稍 等,我正在打电话。a与Mr.或Mrs.连用 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示一个姓„的人;on the phone 在打电话,惯用 习语。 3.【2013?平顶山市上学期期末调研】It is __________ world of wonders, __________ world where anything can happen. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; / 【解析】B考查冠词用法。world前有形容词修饰或特指时,常表示具体化,故前用不 定冠词,故选B项。 4. 【2013?山东师大附中12月模拟】In __________ old society many young women died by so strange and cruel __________ custom. A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. the;a D. an;a 【解析】C考查冠词用法。句意:在旧社会,很多年轻女子死于这么一种奇怪又残酷的 习俗。old society是特指, 所以要加定冠词“the”, 由“so+adj.+a+单数名词”结构可 知, C项正确。 5.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】It is acknowledged that ________ shortest distance between persons is _________ sincere smile. A.a; the B. the; a C. a;不填 D. the;不填 【解析】B考查冠词用法。句意:人们普遍认为人与人之间的最短的距离是真诚的微笑。 第一空考查形容词最高级前加the;第二空抽象名词具体化,a smile一次微笑。 6.【2013?河北衡水中学二模】The story shows that _________ knowledge of _________ first aid can make ________ real difference. A. the; the; / B. a; /; a C. /; the; a D. a; /; / 【解析】B考查冠词的用法及固定搭配。句意:这个故事表明有了急救知识确实能起很 大的作用。Knowledge是不可数名词,一般前面不能加不定冠词,但a knowledge of sth. 掌握某方面的知识,前面需加a;first aid前面不用加冠词;make a difference有影响, 有关系,是固定短语,故选B项。 7.【2013?邯郸市教学质量检测】Rock climbing is _________ great fun. You will get close to ________ nature and take adventures at the same time. A. /; / B. a; / C. a; the D. /; the 【解析】A考查冠词用法。句意:攀岩运动是有趣的,你既可以接近大自然又同时进行 了一次冒险活动。fun是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不可加不定冠词,其后可接 (in)v-ing。fun可用于另一名词前作定语。nature大自然,自然界,包含各种生物及山脉、 河流等一切自然世界,宇宙万物,并包含一切自然过程,是不可数名词,其前不能加定冠词。 8.【2013?江苏省苏南四校12月月考】Being able to afford _________ drink would be ________ comfort in those tough times. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; 不填 D. 不填;a 【解析】B考查冠词辨析。此处a drink是一份饮料,类似的如two coffees两份咖啡。 a comfort是一件舒服的事。此处comfort是抽象名词具体化,类似的如a pleasure一件 令人愉快的事。 9.【2013?清江中学第四次调研】Everybody has responsibility to save water, if future generations are to enjoy similar standard of living to the one we enjoy now. A. the; / B. a; a C. /; the D. a; the 【解析】B考查冠词用法。句意:我们每个人都有责任节约用水,为了我们的下一代能 够过上和我们现在同样水平的生活。Responsibility责任,可数名词,a responsibility 泛指;standard标准,水平,可数名词,a similar standard泛指。 10.【2013?河南濮阳高三上学期期末】When my father was in high school, he developed _________ interest in art and later became a serious student of art there. A. an; / B. an; the C. the; / D. the; an 【解析】A考查冠词用法。句意:当我父亲念高中时,他培养了对于艺术的兴趣,后来 在那儿成为一位严肃认真的学艺术的学生。a(an)+抽象名词相当于一个具体的事物,比如a success表示一件成功的事情。interest是抽象名词,是不可数,但是句中interest已经 具体为对于艺术的兴趣,所以可以在interest前加an,使其具体化。art是抽象名词,本 不可数,所以前面没有冠词。 11.【2013?南京师范附属中学12月诊断】Each country, of course, in _________ Copenhagen, has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why _________ agreement is so difficult to reach. A. the; an B. /; an C. a; the D. /; the 【解析】B考查冠词用法。句意:哥本哈根(丹麦首都),每一个地区都有自己要优先考 虑和特别关注的问题,这就是很难达成协议的原因。地名前不用加冠词;reach/make/come to an agreement达成协议。 12.【2013?日照一中第三次质量检测】I woke up with bad headache, yet by evening the pain had gone. A. the; the B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an 【解析】C考查冠词的用法。句意:我起床时头痛的厉害,但到傍晚为止,头痛好了。 a bad headache剧烈的头痛;by the evening到晚上。 13.【2013?河北名校名师俱乐部二调】When _________word came that the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature had been awarded to Mo Yan, __________ internationally known author, China went into a national celebration. A. a; the B. 不填; an C. the;the D. the;an 【解析】B考查冠词用法。句意:当消息传来,2012诺贝尔文学奖授于莫言,一位国际 知名的作家,中国进行了全国庆祝。第一空中:当word 作“消息”讲时,是一个不可数名 词,不用冠词,相当于information,这时的word 要特别注意;而第二空中:author是一 个可数名词,而前面internationally又以元音音素开头的,故用an。冠词是英语中的常 考题。 14.【2013?河北保定八校12月联考】— Excuse me, would you please give_________ magazine to Mary? — Sorry, but I don’t think there is_________ Mary in my class. a; / B. the; / C. a; a D. the; a 【解析】D考查冠词用法。第一空中,表说话双方都知道的“杂志”,用定冠词the, 第二空中:我想我们班没有一个叫玛丽的人。表泛指,用不定冠词a。 15.【2013?安徽省级示范高中名校联考】As birthplace of Huaxia civilization, Xi’ an is________ city with a long history and abundant cultural relics. A. the; a B. a; a C. /; a D. the; / 【解析】A 考查冠词。birthplace 后面有of短语做其后置定语,故这里应该是表特指, 用定冠词the;后面“拥有悠久历史和丰富的文化底蕴的一座城市”此处是泛指,故应该用 不定冠词a,故答案为A项。 16.【2013?江苏兴化板桥高级中学12月检测】In 1778, Banks was elected president of Royal Society, position he held for 42 years. A. /, /, a B./, the, a C.the, /, a D.the, the, the 【解析】B考查冠词用法。句意:在1778年,班克斯被选为皇家学会的主席,在这个 位子上他待了42年。当一些表示头衔、职位的名词用作表语、补足语及同位语时,前面通 常不加冠词,president 在此处为补足语,所以第一个空格中填零冠词;第二个空格中Royal Society 是由普通名词构成的专有名词,所以第二个空格中应该加定冠词;第三个空格中 position是Royal Society 的同位语表泛指时,加不定冠词。故选B项。 17.【?2013江苏扬州中学1月质检】 The color green in ancient Egypt symbolized spring, which is the time of _______ year when things in nature start to grow after __________ long winter. A. /; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; a 【解析】A考查冠词用法。句意:在古代埃及绿色象征春天,那是一年中自然界万物在 经历了漫长的冬天之后开始复苏的时候。第一个空考查冠词,year不表示时间长短而表示 年度、年份时用做不可数名词。第二空考查抽象名词具体化,在某个季节前不用冠词,直接 用in winter/in spring,但是如果名词前用形容词修饰了要加不定冠词。 18.【2013届河北五校联盟调研】As _________ unemployment is very high at the moment, it’s very difficult for people to find __________work. A. the; / B. /; / C. the; a D. an; the 【解析】B考查冠词用法。考查冠词的用法。第一空unemployment是抽象名词,表泛 指,其前不用冠词;第二空work是不可数名词,其前不用冠词。 19. 【2013?浙江温州八校联考】---Excuse me, would you please give_________ magazine to Mary? --- Sorry, but I don’t think there is_________ Mary in my class. A. a; / B. the; / C. the; a D. a; a 【解析】C考查冠词用法。句意:---劳驾,请你把这本杂志给玛丽好吗?---对不起, 我想我班没有一个叫玛丽的学生。第一空特指“要给的那本杂志”;第二空泛指“一个叫玛 丽的人”。 20.【2013?山西二诊】Bringing housing prices down to reasonable level is the short-term target, but our long-term goal is to build effective and healthy housing market. A. a; an B. a; the C. the; an D. the; the 【解析】A考查冠词的用法句意:把房价降低到一个合理的水平是我们的短期目标,但 是我们的长远目标是建立一个卓有成效的健康的房产市场。level 和market都是可数名词, 一个合理的水平和一个卓有成效的健康的房产市场都是泛指,而不是特指,所以都选a(an)。 21.【2013?黑龙江哈三中上学期期末】 I want an assistant with __________ little knowledge of French and __________experience of office routine. A. the; a B. the; an C. a; 不填 D. a; an 【解析】C考查冠词用法。句意:我需要一个懂一点法语而且有日常工作经验的助手。 a little knowledge of French懂一点法语知识,故第一空填a;experience作为名词有两 层含义,作“经历”讲是可数名词,而作“经验”讲是不可数名词,第二空指例行工作经验, 故不填冠词,所以本题选C项。 22. 【2013?重庆九校联合诊断】People are living in_________ world where mouse clicks rule our life, so online searches have become_________ must. A. the; / B. /; a C. a; a D. a; the 【解析】C考查冠词用法。句意:人们生活在一个鼠标控制的世界里,因此网上搜索成 为必须。world后有定语从句修饰,故第一空用a;must是名词,一种必须,故第二空也用a, 故选C项。 23. 【2013?山西晋中第二次四校联考】As he already knew French, he gained ________ advantage over ________ rest of the class. A. the; the B. an; the C. an; a D. 不填; the 【解析】B考查冠词用法。句意:因为他已经懂得点法语,所以他有胜过其他同学的优 势。an advantage over the rest of the class胜过其余的同学,其中其他同学是特指, 故第二空用定冠词,故选B项。 24.【2013?北京西城区第一学期期末】The worried lady made _________ second thorough search of her pockets before finding _________purse on the table. A. a, the B. a, a C. the, the D. the, a 【解析】A考查冠词用法。句意:找到了桌上的那个皮夹前,忧心的女士又一次翻遍了 她的口袋。又一次彻底搜寻,故第一空用a;第二空特指桌上的那个皮夹,故用定冠词the, 故选A项。 25.【2013?海淀高三年级第一学期期末】The pigeon has been _________ symbol of _________ peace for thousands of years in many countries. A. the;a B. a;the C. a;/ D. the;/ 【解析】C考查冠词用法。句意:成千上万年前在许多国家鸽子是和平的象征,symbol 是可数名词,故用不定冠词a;第第二空peace是抽象名词,常用零冠词,故选C项。 26. 【2013?河南扶沟县高级中学12月第三次】In ________ old society many young women died by so strange and cruel __________ custom. A. 不填; a B.不填; the C. the; a D. An; a 【解析】C考查冠词用法。句意:在旧社会,许多年轻女子死于怪异而有残酷的习俗。 in society是固定搭配,在society前加形容词修饰时,要加定冠词特指,故用定冠词the, custom是可数名词,故用不定冠词a,so strange and cruel a custom相当于such a strange and cruel custom,故选C项。 1.【2013?福建龙岩市高三1月质检】— How can I take the medicine, sir? — Just follow the __________ on the bottle. A. messages B. introductions C. directions D. Explanations 【解析】C考查名词辨析。句意:——先生,我如何服这个药?——就按照瓶子上的说 明。Message消息,信息;introduction(针对某物的)介绍;(对知识入门等的)说 明;direction(产品等的使用)说明;指示;explanation(针对某事某人给出的)解释;说明。根 据句意可知选C项。 2.【2013?辽宁东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】 Tickets for the most popular ________, such as 100 m race and 4*100 m relay race, were sold out in just a few hours. A. events B. incidents C. affairs D. accidents 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:像100米赛跑和4乘100接力这样最受欢迎赛事的票 几个小时就卖空了。Event事件,大事,运动项目;accident故障,事故,偶发事件,灾 难;affaire大事,事件,事务;incident发生的事,小插曲;暴力事件;军事冲突。根据句意 可知选A项。 3.【2013?乌鲁木齐地区高三一诊】The best way to get better at a __________ is to speak it! Even if there is no one around to speak to, talk to yourself. A. skill B. speech C. language D. experience 【解析】C考查名词辨析。句意: 掌握一门语言的最佳方法就是张嘴说,即使周围没 有可以说话的人,那就和自己说。skill技能;speech演讲;language语言;experience经验, 经历。根据题意可知选C项。 4.【2013?辽宁东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】 The things that _________ is not the problem itself, but what we should do with it. A. minds B. functions C. matters D. benefits 【解析】C考查名词辨析。句意:重要的不是问题本身,而是我们如何处理它。Matter, 要紧,重要;mind,介意;function起作用;benefit 有意义。根据题意可知选C项。 5.【2013?河北衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】Good shoes, clothes and a backpack are the basic__________ you need for your hiking. A. equipment B. instrument C. tools D. fixings 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:好的鞋、衣服和背包都是你去徒步旅行必需品。equipment装备;instrument工具,乐器;tools工具;fixings附件,设备。根据句意选A项。 6.【2013?山东省师大附中高三12月模拟考试】If you take my ________, you’ll make a lot of money in the trade. A. command B. principle C. attitude D. tip 【解析】D考查名词辨析。句意:如果你听从我的建议, 在这次交易中你将赚一大笔钱。 command 命令;principle 原则,准则;attitude 态度;tip建议,忠告;小费,根据题意可 知选D项。 7.【2013?山东师大附中高三12月模拟】This book gives a brief ________ of MoYan’ s growth and details of his writing experiences. A. outline B. reference C. article D. Outlook 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 提供了一个简要的关于莫言成长的提纲和写作 经历的详细介绍。outlien概要,轮廓;give an outline of概要说明,描绘„„的轮廓。 根据题意可知选A项。 8.【2013?山东师大附中高三12月模拟】I have no _________ that you will succeed, but I wonder whether you have really got everything ready. A. doubt B. wonder C. chance D. Point 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:他能通过考试,我绝不怀疑,但是我仍在想他是否已 经把一切都准备好了。have no doubt毫无疑问,根据句意可知选A项。 9.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】— Why does he never pick up the waste paper on the ground? — Maybe because he thinks it’s beneath his to do so. A. honesty B. dignity C. property D. liberty 【解析】B考查名词辨析。句意:---为什么他从来不捡地面上的废纸?---可能因为他 认为这样做有失身份。beneath one’s dignity有失身份;honesty诚实;property属 性;liberty自由。根据题意可知选B项。 10.【2013?安徽省级示范高中名校高三联考】Online music providers in China hope to set up a plan that will charge individual users for music . A. prints B. projects C. records D. downloads 【解析】D 考查名词辨析。music download音乐下载。可根据前面的charge判断。 11.【2013?安徽省级示范高中名校高三联考】To see a young couple loving each other is ; but to see an old couple loving each other is the best sight of all. A. no wonder B. no doubt C. no way D. no problem 【解析】A 考查名词词组辨析。句意:看见一对年轻人相亲相爱不足为奇,但看到一对 老夫妇相亲相爱,却是人间最美丽的景致。no wonder不足为奇。 12.【2013?武汉武昌区高三期末调研】He was faced with the _______ of whether or not to return to his country after he got the doctor’s degree in America. A. situation B. circumstance C. environment D. dilemma 【解析】D考查名词辨析。句意:在美国获得博士后,对是否回到自己的国家他进退两 难。Situation处境,形势;circumstance情况;environment环境;dilemma困境;进退两难。 根据题意可知选D项。 【2013?武汉武昌区高三期末调研联考】 The winner of the Nobel Prize in 13. Literature 2012, Mo Yan , said he did not have high for winning. Actually, he thought he only had a slim chance to win. A. assumption B. expectation C. satisfaction D. impression 【解析】B考查名词辨析。句意:2012年获得诺贝尔文学奖的莫言说,他对获奖没有很 高的期望值。事实上,他原以为要获奖的几率很小。assumption假设;expectation期 盼;satisfaction满意;impression印象。根据题意可知选B项。 14.【2013?山东师大附中高三1月期末模拟考试】The children who are addicted to playing computer games are all driven by ________ at first. A.curiosity B.benefit C.surprise D.satisfaction 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:沉迷于电脑游戏的孩子起初都是好奇心驱使的。 curiosity好奇;benefit好处;surprise惊讶;satisfaction满意。根据题意可知选A项。 15.【2013?天津一中高三英语零月考试卷】--- What impressed you most during your stay in Britain? --- I had the ___________ of meeting the Queen when she visited our school. A. treaty B. privilege C. inspiration D. exploration 【解析】B考查名词辨析。句意:——在英国逗留期间你印象最深的是什么?——当她 参观我们学校时,我有幸见到了女王。Treaty条约;privilege特权;优惠;inspiration灵 感;exploration探测。根据句意可知选B项。 16.【2013?江苏泰州高三上学期期末考试】American artist Jeremy Telford made a room with balloons.He got the from Bag End in the Lord of the Rings, which is a hole in the ground where a Hobbit(霍比特人)lives in the film. A. inspiration B.compensation C.occupation D.regulation 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:美国艺术家Jeremy Telford用气球做了一间房子。 他是受了指环王中袋底洞的启发,在这部电影中霍比特人住在地下的洞穴里。inspiration 灵感,鼓舞; compensation补偿,报酬; occupation职业,占有; regulation管理,规则。 根据句意可知选A项。 17.【2013?山东济南高三1月】Mikael was set free very soon because of a lack of___________ that he was guilty. A. doubt B. conclusion C. evidence D. belief 【解析】C考查名词辨析。句意:由于缺少证据表明他有罪,Mikael 被很快释放了。 doubt怀疑;conclusion结论;evidence证据;belief相信,信仰。根据句意可知选C项。 18.【2013?安徽皖南八校高三第二次联考】Most people have for certain colors, patterns or categories of clothing. A.talents B.preferences C.excuses D.responsibilities 【解析】B考查名词辨析。句意:大多数人对服装的某些颜色、款式或者种类有偏爱。 talent天才;preference偏爱;excuse借口;responsibility责任。根据题意可知选B项。 19. 【2013?湖北荆州中学第一次质检】There existed an obvious__________ between the accounts of the witnesses, so a judgment was not announced in court. A. conception B. authority C. conflict D. restriction 【解析】C考查名词辨析。句意:目击证人的证词之间存在明显的分歧,所以法官没有 当庭宣判。Conception概念;authority权利部门;conflict分歧;冲突;restriction限制。 根据题意可知选C项。 20.【2013?福州高三上学期期末质检】After great efforts President Obanoma was elected to a second of office. A. turn B. round C. term D. stage 【解析】C考查名词辨析。句意:巨大的努力过后,奥巴马当选为第二任期总统。Turn 变化;转弯;round循环;term期限,term of office任期;stage阶段;舞台。根据题意可知 选C项。 21.【2013?湖北黄冈中学、孝感中学高三上学期期末联合考试】There is always a pleasant __________ of calm at night in the small mountainous village, different from the noise in the city. A. atmosphere B. environment C. observation D. consideration 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:在小山村,不同于喧闹的城市是,夜间总是保持一种 愉快而又宁静的氛围。atmosphere气氛,氛围;environment环境;observation观 察;consideration考虑。根据题意可知选A项。 22.【2013?广西崇左龙州高中高三调研考试】Our government has taken to stop the hunters killing the tigers in northeastern part of China. A.turns B.measures C.exercises D.photos 【解析】B考查名词辨析。句意:我们政府已经采取措施来阻止猎手杀死中国东北区的 老虎。turn顺序;measure措施,take measures采取措施;exercise练习;photo照片。根 据题意可知选B项。 23.【2013?重庆九校联合高三期末诊断】 ---If you like, I can give you a ride home. ---That’s a very kind __________. A. offer B. point C. suggestion D. service 【解析】A考查名词辨析。句意:——如果你愿意,我搭载你回家。——那是一个非常 好的提议。Offer提议;出价;point 要点 综治信访维稳工作要点综治信访维稳工作要点2018综治平安建设工作要点新学期教学工作要点医院纪检监察工作要点 ;尖端;suggestion建议;service服务。根据题意可 知选A项。 24. 【2013?辽宁盘锦第二高级中学第二次阶段考试】Although he is over 65, Mr. Smith has never been tired. He’s a man full of __________. A. power B. energy C. strength D. force 【解析】B考查名词辨析。句意:虽然斯密斯先生超过六十五岁了,但是他从来不觉得 累。他是一个精力充沛的人。power能力;权利;energy精力;能量;strength体力;force力 量,一般指武力或物理学中提到的力。 25. 【2013?甘肃嘉峪关一中高三第三次模拟考试】The police are trying to find out the ______ of the woman murdered in the bathroom. A. evidence B. characteristic C. status D. identity 【解析】D考查名词辨析。句意:警察在努力查明被谋杀在浴室里的女士的身份。evidence 证据;characteristic特征;status地位;状态;重要身份;identity身份。根据题意可知选D 项。 专题三 代词 1.【2013?甘肃嘉峪关一中高三第三次模拟】— I can’t find my favourite magazine. — I saw Jack going away with _____, but I am not sure whether it is yours. A .it B. that C. one D. some 【解析】A考查代词的用法。句意:——我找不到我喜爱的杂志了。——我看到杰克拿 着它走了,但是我不敢确定是否是你的。杰克拿的杂志就是指上文的magazine,故选填it, 即A项。 2.【2013?山东威海高三上学期期末】I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and ___ half learning drawing. A. another B. the other C. other’s D. other 【解析】B考查代词的用法。我的假期的一半是half,所以另一半则是the other half, 故选填B项。 3.【2013?泸州高三一诊】Of all the books on show in the book fair,_________ is of use for children. A.no B. none C.neither D.nothing 【解析】B考查代词的用法。句意:书交易会上,所有展示的书没有一本适用于孩子的。 空格指代前文的books, no单独作主语,neither指两者不,nothing指什么都没有,而 none指三者以上都不,故用选B项none。 4.【2013?咸阳高考模拟考试】A chemist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than _______ who doesn’t. A. one B. those C./ D. that 【解析】A考查代词用法。根据空格后定语从句中的谓语动词是单数形式可知,此处先 行词为表示单数概念的代词,所以排除those;代词one既可指代人也可指代物,而that只 能指代事物而不能指代人。此处one指代a chemist。 5.【2013?江苏泰州高三上学期期末考试】To prevent Internet crimes, it is important to make new laws similar to concerning international airspace. A.that B.those C. one D.what 【解析】B考查代词的用法。句意:为了防止网络犯罪,重要的是要制定与领空有关法 律相似的法律。这儿需要代词替代前面复数名词laws,所以用those。That代替上文提到 的不可数名词,指代可数名词时相当于the one,one代替上文提到的可数名词单数,表示 泛指。 6. 【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】He is a strict but kind teacher, _________ my son loves and respects. A. one B. he C. the one who D. he who 【解析】A考查代词及同位语的用法。句意:他是一个严格而善良的老师,是我儿子喜 欢和尊敬的老师。此处one代替a teacher表示泛指。 7【2013?安徽皖南八校高三第二次联考】Singing with Sun Yang, the swimming champion , face to face is an unforgettable moment, the little girl always treasures. A.one B.this C.that D.it 【解析】A考查代词。句意:与游泳健将孙杨一起面对面的唱歌是一次不可忘怀的时刻, 是这个小女孩总是珍视的时刻。空格与前文的an unforgettable moment是同位语,后跟定 语从句the little girl always treasures,one后又省掉了关系代词that或which,故 选one。 8.【2013?山西省高三二诊】—Given one more week, I’ll get ready. —Then we’ll have a dinner out to celebrate your success. A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing 【解析】B考查代词的用法。句意:——再多一个周,我就会把一切都准备好。——然 后我们就出去吃饭来庆祝你的成功。get everything ready “把一切准备好”;其它意思不 符句意,故选B。 9.【2013?福建龙岩高三1月教学质量检查】December 21st of 2012 is a special day, ______ people all over the world will remember forever. A. it B. one C. this D. that 【解析】B考查代词的用法。句意: 2012年12月21号是个特殊的日子,一个全世界 人们都将永远记住的日子。本句考查定语从句中缺乏先行词的考点,所以添加不定代词one 补全先行词,one指代前文a special day,而且和a special day是同为关系,people前 省略了which,故选B项。 10.【2013?辽宁东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】---___________ but a miracle can save her now. ---God bless her! A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything 【解析】A考查不定代词的用法。句意:现在只有奇迹能够救她了。nothing but只有。 11.【2013?河北保定期末调研】Will you see to ________ that the luggage is brought back? A. me B. yourself C. it D. them 【解析】C考查形式宾语it的用法。句意:你处理了带回来的行李了吗?此处see to 后跟that或if从句作宾语时,需接it后接宾语从句,故选C项。 12.【2013?河北衡水中学二模】You may depend on _________ that they will look after your daughter when you are away. A. them B. this C. her D. it 【解析】D考查形式宾语it的用法。句意:当你外出时他们可以照看你的女儿。这里 depend on不能直接跟宾语需在宾语从句前加it,故选D项。 13.【2013?河北邯郸高三教学质量检测】Generally speaking, the cost of living in a big city is higher than _____ in a town. A. it B. this C. that D. one 【解析】C考查代词的用法。句意:一般的说来,在大城市的生活费用比在城镇的费用 高。 it代替同一事物,this 用作代词可用以指叙述中的人或事物,即指前面提到过的人或 事物或下文提及的事物;that用作指示代词的意思是“那,那个”。可指前面提到的那件事, 也可指在空间或事件上较另一事物或人,还可指要表明的或提及的事物、想法等。that在 这里代替the cost of living用在比较状语从句中,它后面常跟介词短语。one代替可数 名词的单数,表示同类事物。 14.【2013?江苏苏南四校高三12月月考】A scientist who can speak English is in closer touch with those of other countries than ______ who doesn’t. A. that B. those C. / D. one 【解析】D考查代词辨析。句意:一位能用英语说和写的科学家跟其他国家的科学家的 联系要紧密得多,而不能用英语说和写的科学家做不到。一句话中代表前面出现过的可数名 词单数,泛指用one,特指用the one或that;复数特指用those或the ones,泛指ones; 不可数名词用that,这里的one代表前面的 a scientist。 15.【2013?河南濮阳三高高三上学期期末】---Jack said you got a unique watch for your birthday. ---Yes. Maybe it is not to the taste of , but I like it. A. anyone B. none C. everyone D. nobody 【解析】C考查不定代词的用法。句意:——杰克说你生日的时候收到了一块特别的手 表。——是的。也许它并不合每个人的口味,但我喜欢它。It is one’s taste.合某人的 口味。根据句意everyone 表示每一个人,最为合适。anyone 表示任何一个人;none表示没 有一个人或没有一个事物;nobody 相当于 not anybody 表示没有任何人。 16.【2013?山东日照一中高三第三次质量检测】They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of ________ carried out in their work. A. which B. what C. that D. them 【解析】D考查代词的用法。句意:他们在会上提出了许多 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,在工作中没有落实一 条。题干中逗号后是独立主格结构none of them是carried out的动作承受者。 17.【2013?乌鲁木齐高三一诊】 I don’t like work and _____ does, I think, but I like what is in the work—the chance tofind myself. A. somebody B, anybody C. nobody D. everybody 【解析】B考查不定代词的用法。句意:我不喜欢工作,并且我认为没有人喜欢工作, 但是我喜欢工作所带来的东西—发现自我的机会。anybody某人;anybody任何人;nobody没 有人;everybody每个人。 18.【2013?安徽高三开年第一考】When talking about doing exercise, you should choose an activity that you enjoy and that you will stick with. A.the one B.one C./ D.another 【解析】B考查代词的用法。句意:说到锻炼,你应该选一项你喜欢的而且是你能坚持 做下去的活动。根据句意此处需填代词one来代替上文提到过的activity以避免重复,其 前不加任何限定词,故选B项。 19.【2013?福建宁德普通高中毕业班单科质量检查】Many people lost _____to Hurricane Sandy -- homes, possessions, and even loved ones. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 【解析】D考查不定代词的用法。句意:飓风Sandy使得许多人失去了一切——家园、 财产、甚至所爱的人。Something某些东西;anything任何东西;nothing什么也没 有;everything一切,包括人或物,故选D项。 20.【2013?嘉定区高三年级第一次质量调研(一模)】Scientists found that grasshoppers living beside noisy roads produced songs different from ______ living in quieter areas.[ A. that B. one C. ones D. those 【解析】D考查替代词的用法。空格处特指前文提到的grasshoppers,故用that的复 数形式those,故选D项。 专题四 形容词与副词 1.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末】Mo Yan, this year’s Nobel Prize winner for literature, abandons the conventional writing style and advocates his _ way of Magic Realism. A. permanent B. confidential C. unique D. ambiguous 【解析】C考查形容词词义辨析。句意:莫言,今年的诺贝尔文学奖获得者,摒弃了传 统的写作风格,提倡独特的魔幻现实主义的写作方式。permanent永久的; confidential 机 密的,获信任的,表示信任的;unique 独特的;ambiguous模棱两可的,引起歧义的。根据 题意可知选C项。 2. 【2013?湖北荆州中学第一次质检】Having been told ________ where he lived, I had no difficulty in finding Peter’s address. A. exactly B. approximately C. appropriately D. extremely 【解析】A考查副词词义辨析。句意:被告诉了准确的他所住的地方,我没费劲就找到 了Peter的地址。exactly 准确地;approximately 大约地;appropriately恰当 地;extremely极其地。根据句意可知选A项。 3. 【2013?湖北荆州中学第一次质检】Two victims of the car accident, who have gone________ from their loss of blood, have been sent to hospital. A. fascinated B. awkward C. unconscious D. aware 【解析】C考查副词词义辨析。句意:两个在交通事故中因失血过多而失去知觉的人别 送进了医院。此处unconscious失去知觉的。fascinated着迷的;awkward笨拙的;aware意 识到。 4.【2013?安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】----Hello!Friendship Hotel. Can I help you? ----Do you have a room with a double bed for Saturday? A. available B. empty C. possible D. useful 【解析】A 考查形容词辨析。句意:——您好!友谊宾馆,请讲。”——你们那还有双 人间吗?周六入住。available可用到的,可利用的;empty空的,表示容器或房间没有任何 东西和人,在本语境下是不合逻辑的。根据题意可知选A项。 5.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious, ______. A. even B. either C. then D. though 【解析】D考查副词辨析。句意:昨天我下楼时踩空了,摔了一跤,但不严重。此处though 意为“虽然,但是”。 6.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】Peterson used to work in a remote mountain village school, which is only on foot. A.reliable B.accessible C.available D.convenient 【解析】B考查形容词辨析。句意:彼得森过去在一个遥远的山村学校工作,而且只适 合步行去上班。reliable可靠的;accessible可行的;可接近的;available有效的;可利用 的;convenient便利的。根据题意可知选B项。 7.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】We need a (n) _______ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder. A. considerable B. cautious C. dynamic D. conventional 【解析】C考查形容词辨析。句意:我们需要一个有活力的能够真正地激励成员更加努 力工作的团队领导。considerable相当的;cautious谨慎的;dynamic有动力的,有活力 的;conventional传统的。 8.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】China needs to strike a balance between maintaining a ______ fast and stable development and economic structural adjustment. A. relatively B. seemingly C. approximately D. environmentally 【解析】A考查副词词义辨析。句意:中国需要使维持相当快速的、稳定的发展和经济 结构调整相平衡。relatively想当地;seemingl表面看来;approximately大约; environmentally有关环境方面的。根据句意可知选A项。 9.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】The boy _______ five only had three ________ notes in his wallet. A. ages, five dollar’ B. aged, five dollars C. aged, five-dollar D. aging, five-dollars 【解析】C考查形容词用作后置定语及合成形容词的用法。句意:这个五岁的男孩口袋 里仅有三张五美元的钞票。本题中的aged„„岁的,是形容词,aged five作后置定语修饰 the boy;five-dollar是由连字符连接的多词性合成的形容词,用语修饰名词note。名词修 饰名词时,修饰的名词常用单数形式,man和woman例外。故选C项。 【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】— How can we get to the airport, 10. Jane? It’s too far and too expensive to take a taxi. — Don’t worry. There is a ______ bus service to the airport. A. general B. regular C. normal D. usual 【解析】B考查形容词词义辨析。a regular bus service班车,regular指(时间上) “定期的;有规律的” 11.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】 Unemployment in Japan is likely to remain high in 2013,and ______ for the next few years. A. possibly B. necessarily C. gradually D. normally 【解析】A考查副词词义辨析。句意:2013年日本的失业率很可能依然居高不下,而且 很可能在接下来的几年里(都是如此)。Possible可能地;necessarily必须地;gradually渐 渐地;normally正常地。根据题意可知选A项。 12.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断性测验】 —I’m sorry the cake is _____. We’ 11 do better next time, I promise. —I’m sorry, too. You have to take it back. The birthday party is over and we don’t need it any more, A. smelly B. late C. burnt D. expensive 【解析】B考查形容词的用法。句意:抱歉蛋糕来得晚了,我答应下次会做得更好。我 也很抱歉,你得把蛋糕拿回去,生日派对结束了,我们不再需要了。smelly有气味的;burnt 燃烧了的;expensive昂贵的。根据题意可知选B项late迟的。 13.【2013?河北省保定市高三上学期期末联考】 In this lecture, I can only give you a _______ view of how we can live life to the full. A. simple B. good C. secret D. personal 【解析】D考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这个演讲中,我只能给你我个人的关于我们 如何生活得跟充实。simple简单的;good好的;secret秘密的;personal个人的。根据题意 可知选D项。 【2013?山东省师大附中高三12月模拟考试】Many newspapers claim to be 14. politically neutral, but few________ are. A. seriously B. actually C. immediately D. Anxiously 【解析】B考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多报纸都声明政治上中立, 可实际上中立的很 少。seriously严重地, 严肃地;actually其实, 事实上;immediately迅速地;anxiously 焦急地。根据题意可知选B项。 15.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】— What do you think of investing in today’s stock market? — There are many risks, but also many gains. A. potential B. confidential C. influential D. preferential 【解析】A考查形容词辨析。句意:---你怎么看待投资现在的股市?---有很多风险, 但是同样有巨大的潜在的收益。potential潜在的;confidential秘密的;influential有影 响的;preferential优先的。根据题意可知选A项。 16.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】---Tom, how was your party last night? ---It couldn’t have been . I had a wonderful get-together with my old friends. A. worst B. better C. worse D. best 【解析】B考查形容词的比较等级。句意:——汤姆,你昨晚的聚会怎么样?——非常 好。我和我的老朋友有一个很棒的聚会。从a wonderful get-together判断出聚会很棒, 前面出现了couldn’t,根据“否定词+比较级”相当于最高级的规律,It couldn’t have been better意为“它不可能更好了”,相当于是“它是最好的,非常好”。故选B项。 专题五 动词与动词短语 1.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】The local people continued to the better management of the limited water resources in the area. A .answer for B.push for C.account for D.cater for 【解析】B考查动词短语辨析。句意:当地人继续努力争取更好地管理这个地区的有限 的水资源。answer for因„„而受罚,对„„负责; push for奋力争取; account for是„„ 的原因,导致; cater for满足(需要),迎合,为(宴会、婚礼等)提供食品、服务。根据题 意可知选B项。 2. 【2013?湖北荆州中学第一次质检】The principle that all teachers, regardless of subject, should ________ basic standards of competence in maths and English is already accepted by GCSE requirements. A. attain B. adore C. adopt D. assess 【解析】A考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有的老师在数学和英语方面都应该达到基本的 能力标准的原则已经被英国普通中等教育证书要求所接受。此处attain意为:达到,获得。 Adore崇拜;喜爱;adopt采用;收养;assess评定。 3.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to ______ all his trousers to his measure. A. let out B. give away C. bring in D. make up 【解析】A考查动词短语辨析。句意:John最近长胖了,所以他母亲不得不按照他的尺 寸把他的裤子加肥。此处let out意为“加宽”。give away分发;泄露;bring in引进;make up组成;化妆;编造。 4.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】Legal experts are the Criminal Law to be changed after a number of incidents have come to light. A.looking for B.standing for C.sending for D.calling for 【解析】D考查动词短语辨析。句意:一系列的事件曝光后,法律专家要求改变刑法。 look for寻找;stand for象征;send for派人去叫;call for要求。根据题意可知选D项。 5.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】When chatting with her on the mobile phone, the battery dead suddenly. A.went B.came C.remained D.changed 【解析】A考查动词词义辨析。句意:当征用手机和她聊天时,电池突然没有电了。go dead死机或没电,表示不好的,贬义的形容词常和go搭配,故选A项。remain保持;come 变得,成为;change变得。 6.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】— Do you know why Michael resigned from the board? — He held out for higher wages, but was _______ in the end. A. put down B. broke down C. cut down D. turned down 【解析】D考查动词短语辨析。句意:——你知道Michael为什么要从董事会辞职吗? ——他提出要增加薪水,但最终被拒绝的了。Put down镇压,记下;break down打破,折断, 出故障;cut down消减;砍倒;turn down调小;拒绝。根据题意可知选D项。 7.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】It’s a program designed to _____ __mainly to 10 to 16 year-olds. A.suit B.attach C.appeal D.refer 【解析】C考查动词词义辨析。句意: 这个节目的设置主要是用来吸引10-16岁的人 的。suit合适;attach附着;appeal吸引 ;refer指的是。 refer to参考;appeal to吸引, 符合题意,故选C项。 8.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】Durant,the Thunder basketball player,has ______ some growing pains trying to improve his floor games this season. A. gone through B. got through C. looked through D. broken through 【解析】A考查动词短语辨析。go through经历;通过;完成;get through完成;通过; 接通;look through浏览;break through突破。本句意为“经历了成长的痛苦”,故应选A 项。 9.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断性测验】Yesterday, I came across my former classmate, but his name _____ me, which made me embarrassed. A. forgot B. missed C. escaped D. reminded 【解析】C考查动词词义辨析。句意:以前的昨天我碰见了我以前的同学,但是我记不 起来他的名字了,这让我很尴尬。escape逃脱;被忘记,被忽视。forget 一般指忘记某 物;miss错过;remind使想起。根据题意可知选C项。 10.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】 I will move out next week. I’m not going to _________ my roommate smoking any longer. A. turn to B. stick to C. come up with D. put up with 【解析】D考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我下周就会搬出去。我再也受不了我室友吸烟 了。turn to 向„求助;stick to 坚持;come up with 想出;put up with 忍受。根据题意 可知选D项。 11.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】Everyone should learn something about first aid, for every second will _______ in an emergency. A. play B. count C. happen B. show 【解析】B考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个人都应该学点急救知识,因为在紧急情况下 每一秒都很重要。play玩;count计数;有价值,起关键作用;happen 发生;show展示。根据 题意可知选B项。 12.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】More and more rich people have promised to _____ their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled. A. give away B. give up C. give out D. give in 【解析】A考查动词短语辨析。句意:越来越多的富人已经许诺他们去世后把他们的财 产捐给那些穷人和残疾人。give away赠送,分发;泄露;give up放弃;give out分发,发 出;give in屈服,上交。根据题意可知选A项。 13.【2013?山东省师大附中高三12月模拟考试】Once we discover a mistake, we should not ______ it but correct it immediately, to create better conditions for economic development. A. ignore B. refuse C. deny D. miss 【解析】A考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果发现错误, 我们要赶快纠正, 不要回避, 要 为我们的经济发展创造更好的条件。ignore不理睬, 忽视;refuse拒绝;deny拒绝给予, 否 认;miss错过。根据题意可知选A项。 14.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】All these documents must be the university you are applying for before December, A. donated to B. sent in C. submitted to D. handed in 【解析】C考查动词短语辨析。句意:所有的文件必须在十月之前递交给你申请的大学。 donate „to„捐赠;send sth in 寄出;submit to向„递交;hand in上交。根据题意可知 选C项。 15.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】---What on earth are the police busy with? ---They have been looking into how the plane crash _______. A. came out B. came up C. came down D. came about 【解析】D考查动词短语辨析。句意:警察正忙着调查飞机坠毁是怎么发生的。come about 发生,产生;come out出现,出版,结果是;come up走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出;come down下落,流传下来,倒塌,落魄。根据题意可知选D项。 专题六 介词与介词短语 1. 【2013届湖北荆州中学第一次质检】There is no need for you to go on a diet; you are only slightly overweight ________ your height. A. in case of B. in relation to C. in return for D. in response to 【解析】B考查介词短语辨析。句意:你没有必要节食,你和你的身高相比,你只是稍 微超重。In case of万一;in relation to和„„相关;in return for作为回报;in response to回应。根据题意可知选B项。 2.【2013届河北省五校联盟调研考试】— What do you mean saying “The boy is overgrowing”? — I mean that he is tall his age. A. about; with B. as to; for C. by; for D. by; to 【解析】C考查介词的用法。句意:——“The boy is overgrowing”是什么意思?— —我的意思是:他比他这个年龄的孩子高。你的意思是什么常用句型“What do you mean by„?”,故第一空填by;第二空表示对于他这个年龄的孩子来说,故用for,所以本题选C 项。 3.【辽宁省丹东市宽甸二中2013届高三上学期期末】Repair work is _______ progress on the south-bound lane of the highway and will continue until June. A. on B. in C. of D. at 【解析】B考查介词的用法。进展中常用表达in progress,故本题选B项。 4.【2013届河北省五校联盟调研考试】Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give ______ oxygen to us. A. in case B. in turn C. in return D. in addition 【解析】C考查介词短语辨析。句意:一些植物能吸收我们呼出的二氧化碳并放出氧气。 In case万一;in turn相反;in return作为回报;in addition另外。根据题意可知选C项。 5.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】The government work report by Premier Wen conveys a variety of issues, and social justice _____. A. in common B. in general C. in particular D. in practice 【解析】C考查介词词组。温总理作的政府工作报告涉及到一系列的问题,特别是社会 公正问题。in common共同的,普通的; in general大体上的,一般的; in particular特 别的,尤其的; in practice事实上,实际上。根据题意可知选C项。 6.【福建省龙岩市2013届高三1月教学质量检查】 After the earthquake,the villagers decided to build a monument ______ the rescue workers who lost their lives. A. in search of B. in place of C. in need of D. in memory of 【解析】D考查介词短语辨析。句意:震后,村民们决定建造一座纪念碑以纪念那些失 去生命的救援工作人员。in search of寻找;in place of代替; in need of需要;in memory of纪念,根据句意可知选D项。 7.【新疆乌鲁木齐地区2013届高三第一次诊断性测验】--You must have spoken to him today. -- _____ I haven’t. A. As a matter of fact B. Frankly speaking C. Unluckily D. You’re right 【解析】A考查介词短语辨析。句意: 你今天一定和他说过话了。实际上,我并没有 和他说话。must have done表示对过去的猜测,意为:一定。As a matter of fact实际上, 故选A。Frankly speaking坦白的说;Unluckily不幸的是;You’re right.正是这样。 8.【2013届河北保定市期末调研】Mike is kind,determined and full of energy. _______,I can’t speak too highly of him. A. As a result B. In a word C. By the way D. On the contrary 【解析】B考查介词短语辨析。句意:麦克是一位善良,有决心并充满活力的人。总之, 我怎么表扬他都不过分。In a word总之;as a result结果;by the way顺便说一下;on the contrary相反。根据句意可知选B项。 9.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】I went along thinking nothing ___________, just looking at things around me. A. in brief B. in doubt C. in particular D. in harmony 【解析】C考查介词短语辨析。句意:我一直走着,没特别想些什么,只是看看周围的 东西。in brief简单扼要地;in doubt 怀疑地;in harmony 和谐地;in particular特别, 尤其。根据句意故选C项。 10.【山东省师大附中2013届高三12月模拟考试】After walking a whole day, I was almost________, not feeling bad, though. A. out of shape B. out of breath C. out of control D. out of order 【解析】B考查介词短语辨析。句意:走了一整天之后,我几乎喘不起来,但是也不怎 么糟糕。Out of shape变形的,走样的,(人)身体不好;out of breath上气不接下气的;out of control失去控制的;out of order次序颠倒的,不整齐的,状态不好的。 11.【河北省邯郸市2013届高三教学质量检测】I looked _____ the direction of the voice, only to find it was a lovely dog. A. to B. toward C. in D. for 【解析】C考查介词词义辨析。句意:我顺着声音的方向看去,结果发现是一只可爱的 小狗。in the direction of朝某个方向看,这里是固定短语,应选C项。 12.【清江中学2013届高三第四次调研考试】 It is said that about 60% of housewives have a brand before entering the store. A. in mind B. on sale C. in possession D. on purpose 【解析】A考查介词词义辨析。句意:据说60%的家庭主妇在购物之前心里都有一个品 牌。in mind心中;on sale减价;in possession 拥有;on purpose故意的。根据题意选A 项。 13.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】 sales of cars up by 30% last year, the traffic in Beijing has become increasingly terrible. A. As B. Since C. For D. With 【解析】D考查介词词义辨析。句意:伴随着汽车的销售去年增长了 30%,北京的交通 变得越来越糟糕。as 作介词时,意为“作为;如同”。since 作介词时,意为“自从”。for 作介词时,意为“为了;因为”。with 作介词时,意为“用;随着;和„„在一起”。本题在 空格之后出现了 last year,句中也出现了现在完成时,很容易让学生错选 since。 since 后使用表示过去的时间点,比如 1992,two years ago,不是一般的名词词组。 14.【2013安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】The sentence, which puzzled John, was also me and we had to turn to our English teacher for help. A. beyond B. over C. after D. off 【解析】A 考查介词词义辨析。 句意:这个句子难住了约翰,我也不会了,所以我们 只好找英语老师帮忙。beyond超越,在„„那一边,beyond sb.超越了某人的能力或某人 理解不了。 15.【山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】Growing up in a tough environment, the brothers went_________ thick and thin together. A. over B. across C. with D. through 【解析】D考查介词词义辨析。句意:兄弟俩在艰难的环境中成长起来,一起经历了风 风雨雨。go over 意为复习;go across穿过;go with和„„一起,后接人;go through经 历,遭受。根据题意可知选D项。 1.【江苏省泰州市2013届高三上学期期末考试】 Was it the international conference that made the city the focus of this area? A.to hold B.hold C.held D.holding 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:是国际会议的举行使这个城市成为这个地区的焦点。 本句为强调句,强调的是主语,所以用动名词做主语。 2.【江苏省泰州市2013届高三上学期期末考试】Having finished her project, she was invited by the school _to the new students. A. speaking B.having spoken C.to speak D.to have spoken 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:完成这个项目后她被学校邀请为新生发表讲话。 “invite sb to do sth. ”邀请某人做某事,动词不定式的动作与谓语动词的动作先后发 生用一般式。 3.【山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】The students started their exciting journey in balloons_________ by jets of hot gas. A. drove B. to drive C. driven D. driving 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们开始了他们的热气球激情之旅。此处balloon 和drive之间是被动关系,气球是被Hot gas 驱动的, 故选择过去分词做定语。 4.【2013届河北省五校联盟调研考试】 ______ at failing in the math exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents. A. Disappointed B. To be disappointed C. Disappointing D. Having disappointed 【解析】A考查过去分词短语作状语。句意:John对他的考试失败很失望,他不想和他 的父母谈起此事。 5.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me _________ to call that in Chinese. A. whether B. how C. which D. what 【解析】D考查疑问词+不定式的结构作宾语。句意:那位法国人指着羹匙问我在中文 中这叫什么。此处what to call that in Chinese作asked的宾语。 6.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life _________some trees waving in the howling wind. A. were B. being C. was D. to be 【解析】B考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:那个村子很荒凉,唯一生命的迹象是那些在 狂风中摇摆的树。此处是现在分词构成的独立主格结构。 7.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】After chatting on QQ a long time, Mary looked up just_________ that it was 11:00 pm, long past her usual bedtime. A. seeing B. saw C. to see D. seen 【解析】C考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:在QQ上聊了很长的时间之后,玛丽抬头看 结果发现11点了,长时间的超过了平时的睡觉的时间。此处不定式短语表示意外的结果。 8.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】Most museums are just for looking. But today some of them have things for you to touch. The _________ say, “_________!” A. signs; Do touch B. notices; To touch C. signals; Be touching D. signs; No touching 【解析】A考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:许多博物馆只是供观看。但现在有些博物馆 里有些东西让你摸。标志牌上写着“一定要摸摸”。 9.【山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】They have already had some everyday words_________ to the new edition of the dictionary. A. adding B. add C. added D. to add 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:他们已经把日常使用的一些词添加到新版的字典中。 Have后接宾语words,又接宾补,此处宾语和宾补是被动关系,即words和add之间是被动 关系,故用过去分词。故选C项。 10.【安徽省皖南八校2013届高三第二次联考】Hurricane Sandy , one of the biggest storms ever, hit the East Coast of the US on Oct, 29, transportation. A.shutting down B.to shut down C.shut down D.to have shut sown 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。shut down的逻辑主语是主句的主语Hurricane Sandy, 故用动词的-ing形式,相当于and shut down。 11.【山西省2013届高三第二次诊断考试】The killer insisted that she was defending herself when . A.attacking B.attacked C.to attack D.having attacked 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:杀人犯强调着说当受到攻击时,她只是正当防卫。 When后面完整的句子是when she was attacked按照状语从句的紧缩现象,省略与主句相 同的主语she和be动词,所以选B项。 12.【山西省2013届高三第二次诊断考试】Many people are taking part in various TV programs overnight success. A.achieving B.to achieve C.being achieved D.having been achieved 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:许多人为了获得一夜成名正积极参加不同的电视节 目;只有动词不定式表示目的,其它选项不符合题意,所以选B项。 13.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】 David got well-prepared for the university interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity ________. A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:戴维为大学面试做了充分准备,因为他不能冒险失 去这个好机会。Risk后勇动名词形式,机会是被失去,故用被动语态,the good opportunity being lost是动名词的复合结构做宾语。故选D项。 14.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】 _____, they dived into a taxi and headed for the airport. A. Goodbye was said B. Goodbye had been said C. Goodbye said D. When goodbye said 【解析】C考查独立主格结构。句意:说再见以后,他们进入出租车向机场驶去。句中 用逗号隔开,后面是完整的句子,同时句中也没有连词,所以前面只能用独立主格形式,D 中是从句但缺少谓语动词,故选C项。 15.【江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学2013届高三12月度检测】 ,the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him. A.Wanting the job very much B.Although wanting the job badly C.Though he wanted the job very much D.He wanted the job badly 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管他非常想找到工作,但不得不在女人手下工作 的想法让他放弃了。选项A 中非谓语动词作状语是其逻辑主语必须和主句的主语保持一致, 而句子的主语为the idea of having to work under a woman, 故排除A . B 项; D项中 需要连词连接两个简单句,故排除D 项。 故正确答案为C 。 16.【江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学2013届高三12月度检测】About 40 houses fell down under the weight of the snow, with 22 people ______ . A.reported injured B.reported injuring C.reporting injured D.reporting injuring 【解析】A考查With的复合结构的用法。本句中report作为with的补足语和people 是被动关系,故用reported形式。injure作为report的补足语和people也是被动关系。 故正确选项为A 17.【福建省龙岩市2013届高三1月教学质量检查】______ with the theft,he was forced to leave the company. A. Concerned B. Being concerned C. Having concerned D. Concerning 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:牵涉到偷窃,他被迫离开公司。be concerned with 与„„有关;补全成原因状语从句为(Because he was)concerned with the theft, he was forced to leave the company. 18.【福建省龙岩市2013届高三1月教学质量检查】 The passenger,sitting in his chair andcompletely______ in a magazine,looked as if nobody was around. A. absorbing B. being absorbed C. absorbed D. to absorb 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。Be absorbed in sth.全神贯注于;沉浸于。句中非谓语动 词充当后置定语,表示状态,与所修饰名词The passenger (was absorbed in a magazine) 为被动关系,故应选C项。 【辽宁省东北育才双语学校2013届高三第三次模拟】Alex was listening 19. attentively to the lecture given by Professor Smith, with all his attention _______it . A. fixing on B. fixed on C. to fix on D. fix on 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:Alex正专心的听着斯密斯教授的演讲,他所有的注 意力都集中于此。Fix„on把„„固定于„„上,with 的复合结构中,宾语all his attention与宾补fix„on是逻辑上的动宾关系,故选B项。 20.【2013届河北保定市期末调研】You will see the products of Liu Ling alcohol________on every avenue of Baoding city. A. advertise B. advertising C. advertised D. having advertised 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:你在保定的每条大街上都能看到刘伶醉酒的广告。 此处刘伶醉酒被做广告,所以用过去分词。 21.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】Previously ______ at a fast food restaurant, the Smiths were dissatisfied with the unhealthy meals they served there. A. volunteered B. to volunteer C. volunteering D. having volunteering 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:以前the Smiths在一个快餐馆做志愿者时,就对 他们的提供的不健康的食物不满意。the Smiths是volunteer 的逻辑主语,它们之间是主 动关系,doing表主动,故选C项。 22.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】Hearing a scream, I rushed downstairs only to see my hostess ___________on the floor. A. lain unconscious B. lying unconscious C. laid unconsciously D. lying unconsciously 【解析】B考查非谓语动词作宾补及形容词作状语的用法。句意:听到叫声我冲到楼下 结果发现女主人躺在地板上失去了直觉。see sb doing 看见某人某在做某事;unconscious 形容词,作状语表示my hostess当时所处的状态。故选B项。 23.【河北省衡水中学2013届高三第二次模拟考试】Fully __________ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club. A. occupied B. contributed C. attached D. devoted 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:全身心地投入到在家照顾孩子,她再也没有时间去 俱乐部参加各种活动。be occupied in忙于; contribute to有助于; attach to 附属;devote to投身于。因为整个句子已有谓语动词,所以这里应该用非谓语动词,根据句意故选A项。 24.【山东省师大附中2013届高三12月模拟考试】 “Xi Jinping’s report, ” a smile on his face, he continued, “_____ to several hot topics, discusses how to increase peasants’ income.” A. referring B. refers C. having referred D. referred 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:referring to several hot topics是现在分词作 定语,修饰Xi’s report。由于discusses是谓语,故知该空为非谓语动词,排除B项, 过去分词referred to是不能接宾语的,即可排除D项。故选A项。 25.【河北省邯郸市2013届高三教学质量检测】The 11.11 Shopping Festival held by Taobao attracted thousands of online shoppers,_____ a record of nearly 20 billion yuan within 24 hours. A. to make B. made C. making D. having made 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:由淘宝举办的11.11购物节吸引了成千上文的网上 购物者,创造了一个记录一个在24小时内有200亿元的交易量。该空在句中作伴随状语, 动词的-ing形式表示自然而然的结果,不定式表示意想不到的结果,make与逻辑主语之间 是主动关系,故排除B项,完成式表示它的动作优于谓语动词的动作,故排除D项,故选C 项。 26.【河北省邯郸市2013届高三教学质量检测】The boy seems _____ a lot of books, for he knows so much. A. that he has read B. to read C. has read D. to have read 【解析】D考查seem to do sth与seem to have done的区别。句意:“那个小男孩 似乎已经读了许多书,因为他知道的那么多”。这里seem to do似乎要做某事;seem to have done似乎已经做了某事,这个表示事情已经做了,根据句意应选D项。 27.【江苏省苏南四校2013届高三12月月考】My demand is that the information_______ in my report _____ to Mr. Brown without delay. A. referred to, to be e-mailed B. referring to,e-mailed C. referred to, be e-mailed D. referring to, being e-mailed 【解析】C考查非谓语动词及虚拟语气中的动词形式。refer to提到,涉及到,指的是。 the information referred to in my report是报告中被提到的信息的意思;demand引导的 表语从句用should+动词原形,故选C项。 28.【江苏省苏南四校2013届高三12月月考】 _____ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ____ her. A. Warning, following B. Having warned, following C. Having been warned, following D. Warned, followed 【解析】C考查非谓语动词辨析。句意:由于受到警告夜晚街上的危险,她不得不让一 个朋友跟着回家。be warned of 被警告,由于被提醒在前,所以用分词完成式;提醒;with sb/sth doing;with sb/sth done;with sb/sth to do 29.【清江中学2013届高三第四次调研考试】As is reported, a baby boy, dead at birth by the doctors, “came back to life” after spending hours in the hospital refrigerator. A. pronouncing B. being pronounced C. pronounced D. having pronounced 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:据报道,一名刚出生就被医生宣布死亡的男婴在医 院的冰箱待了数小时后又活了过来。过去分词短语做定语,相当于定语从句which were pronounced dead at birth by the doctors.;being pronounced现在分词的被动形式做定 语表示动作正在被„„。故选C项。 30.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】The Diaoyu islands have been part of China’s territory since ancient times, as important fishing grounds of Taiwan. A. served B. to serve C. serving D. having served 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意为“钓鱼岛自古以来是中国领土的一部分,用作台湾 的重要渔场。”serve as 意为“充当,作为,用作”,本句中 serve as 做状语。serve as 的逻辑主语是 the Diaoyu islands,主谓之间是主动关系,所以排除 A。to serve表示目 的,意为“为了充当”。having served 表示完成,先于主句发生,即“先用作台湾的重要 渔场,再成为中国的领土”,显然不合逻辑。根据句意,C 为最佳选项。 31.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】 too much for his intelligence, Harry often overlooks the importance of effort. A. Having praised B. Praised C. praising D. Being praised 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:因为他的智力而被赞扬太多,哈利经常忽略了努力 的重要性。本句中 praise 作状语,其逻辑主语是 Harry,主谓之间是被动关系,所以排除 A 和 C 选项。B 项表示被动和完成,C 项表示被动和进行,所以 B 选项最佳。 32.【江苏省南京师范附属中学2013届高三12月诊断】Having studied in America for three years, the young man didn’t change much, ______ a bit fatter. A. only to get B. only getting C. to have got D. having been got 【解析】B考查非谓语动词。句意:在美国上了三年学,这个年轻人变化不大,只是有 点胖了。本句用现在分词作结果状语。动词不定式作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果。 33.【江苏省南京师范附属中学2013届高三12月诊断】With all the money ________, the man had to make a living by begging. A. run out B. to run out C. used up D. to use up 【解析】C考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语。句意:所有的钱都用完了,这个人不得不靠 乞讨为生。过去分词作宾补表被动和动作已完成,动词不定式作宾补表示将来。从靠乞讨为 生可知钱已经用尽,所以用过去分词。A选项应该用run out of。 34.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】The old man has a large collection of records _________the 1950s. A. dating back to B. dated back to C. was dated back to D. date back to 【解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:老人收藏了大量可追溯到1950年代的记录。date back to追溯到,现在非此短语作record的定语。 35.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】Nearly half a million people are believed_____ their homes in the past month as a result of the disaster. A. to leave B. to have left C. to be leaving D. to be left B考查非谓语动词。句意:人们认为灾难的结果就是将近50万人在过去的一个月里远 离家乡。不定式的一般式表示动作在将来发生;不定式的完成式表示动作已经发生;不定式的 进行式表示动作正在进行;不定式的被动式表示动作在将来发生,且所修饰的词尾动作承受 者。Be believed to do人们认为,该短语中的不定式可根据需要采用不定式的任何形式, 适用该短语的动词还有suppose,say和think等。 36.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】This machine is very easy . Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. A. operating B. to be operated C. operated D. to operate 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。句意:这台机器操作很简单。任何人都能在几分钟内学会 使用它。在句型:主语 + be + easy/difficult/hard/natural等 + to + vt中不定式的动 词为及物动词,因为句子的主语是它的动作承受者,不及物动词要加恰当的介词。如:The music is nice to listen to.那音乐很好听。 37.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】With many problems _____to be discussed , we decided to hold another meeting as soon as possible. A. remain B. remained C. to remain D. remaining 【解析】D考查with复合结构。句意:仍有许多问题要讨论,我们决定尽早再举行一 次会议。Problem是with的宾语,也是remain的动作执行者,故用现在分词作with复合 结构的宾语补足语。 38.【河北省名校名师俱乐部2013届高三第二次调研】 If you go to the National Palace Museum, you’ll find many Chinese treasure________ there. A. to exhibit B. exhibited C. exhibiting D. having exhibit 【解析】B考查find的复合结构。句意:如果你去故宫博物馆,你会发现许多中国珍 宝在那儿展览。这是find的复合结构,find+宾语+过去分词,过去分词作宾补,这是本次 考试中的原创题。 39.【河北省保定市八校2013届高三12月联考】_______ with a difficult situation, he decided to ask his parents for some advice. A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing 【解析】C考查非谓语动词。Be faced with面临,面对,句子的主语是he,he和be faced with构成逻辑的主谓关系,选C项,作原因状语。 40.【河北省保定市八校2013届高三12月联考】The money collected should be made good use ______ the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake. A. of helping B. to helping C. to help D. of to help 【解析】D考查非谓语动词。动词短语make use of利用,在句中,收集的钱应好好地 利用,目的是去帮助地震中受灾的人们。将句子变成The money collected should be make good use _______, _______ the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.就清楚 了不定式作目的状语,故选D项。 专题八 情态动词与虚拟语气 1.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】—If he there were poisonous snakes in the mountain, he would not have camped there. —Luckily, he was found relatively quickly and to the local medical center. A. was reminded; rushed B. had been reminded; rushed C. was reminded; rushing D. had been reminded; rushing 【解析】B考查动词时态和虚拟语气。句意:—如果他被告诉山里面有毒蛇的话,他就 不会在那儿宿营了。—幸运的是他很快被发现了,而且迅速地被送到当地的医疗中心。第一 空表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时表虚拟,第二空表示病人被送到医院。 2.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】—We the game.You spoiled the chance by missing the ball! —I’m terribly sorry! A. could win B.would win C.could have won D.must have won 【解析】C考查虚拟语气。句意:—我们本来可以赢得比赛的,但是你失分了,使我们 丧失了赢的机会。—非常抱歉。 3.【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】--Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Guangzhou this morning. --Really? She _________ the 9:00 train. It’s much more comfortable and safer to travel by train. A. could have taken B. should take C. must have taken D. can take 【解析】A考查情态动词的用法。句意:---今天上午Jenny乘8点的公共汽车去了广 州。---真的吗?她本能坐9点的火车的。坐火车比公共汽车舒适、安全的多。 4.【2013?北省五校联盟调研考试】It’s said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. There ______ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay. A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 【解析】C考查情态动词的用法。句意:据说这个城市有许多宾馆。你找宾馆不应该有 问题。 5.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】— My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview. — Now that he wasn’t well prepared, he might as well ______. A. not try B. not to have tried C. not to try D. not have tried 【解析】D考查情态动词的用法。might as well意为“不妨”。句意:--我的儿子面 试后没被公司接受。--既然他没有准备好,他就不该去试。 6.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】 here yesterday, he could have seen Jackie Chen. A.If Bob has come B.If Bob came C.Had Bob come D.If Bob should come 【解析】C考查虚拟语气。句意:要是鲍勃昨天在这儿,他可能会看到成龙。根据时间 状语yesterday可知是对过去事实的假设,故用过去完成式,即If Bob had come„,省略 为Had Bob come。故选C项。 7.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】If I had had enough money, I a car when the price was not so high. A.bought B.will buy C.would buy D.would have bought 【解析】D考查虚拟语气。句意:要是我有足够的钱的话,当车价不高时,我就已经买 了新车啦!言下之意,我当时没有买车,与过去的事实相反,主句用would have done,从 句用had done,故选D。 8.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】—Excuse me , where is the nearest bank? —Go straight ahead; you miss it, which is a huge building. A.mustn’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 【解析】B考查情态动词。句意:——对不起,最近的银行在哪里?——径直往前走, 你不可能错过,那是一栋大的楼房。Mustn’t不准,禁止;can’t不可能;needn’t不 必;shouldn’t不应该。根据题意可知选B项。 9.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, it is almost compulsory that you ______ be optimistic. A. must B. will C. need D. should 【解析】D考查虚拟语气。你必须记住的第一件事情是为了成功,你一定要乐观。在表示命令、要求、建议、义务等句中,从句用虚拟语气“should”形式,“should”可以省略。这些词有order, suggestion, suggest, demand, proposal, propose, compulsory等等。 10.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】—You didn’t wait for Mr. Smith last night, did you? —Yes, but we . He didn’t return home at all. A.don’t have to B.needn’t have C.don’t need to D.should have 【解析】B考查情态动词完成式的用法。句意:是的,我们昨晚等了Smith 一晚上,但实际上没有必要,因为他昨晚根本就没回家。本句中“yes” 表示昨晚等了Smith 先生。但从下文中看出:他根本就没回家,所以可知“本没有必要等”;need not have 表示的意思是“本不需要” 其他选项不符合句意。 11.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】— I want to persuade Marie to take part in the activity. — It is out of the question. You ______ not change her mind,because she is stubborn. A. can B. would C. should D. may 【解析】A考查情态动词的用法。句意:——我想劝说玛利亚参加这个活动。——不可能。你无法改变她的想法,因为她很固执。根据题意可知选A项ca(not)不可能。 12.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断性测验】I just ______ believe you are a police officer, Kay. I remember in high school, you always wanted to be a lawyer. A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. won’t D. dare not 【解析】A考查情态动词的用法。句意:Kay,我不能相信你现在是名警官,我记得高中时你想成为一名律师。can’t不能;shouldn’t不应该;won’t不会;dare not不敢。根据题意可知选A项。 13.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】---Why don’t you wear your jogging shorts, Mum? ---Well, my legs are too skinny, if you ______ know. A. should B. can C. need D. must 【解析】D考查情态动词的用法。句意:妈妈,你为什么不穿你的运动短裤了?嗯,如果你非要知道的话,我的腿太廋了。must非要,一定要。 14.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】—— We expected you yesterday. —— I’m sorry, I______ you to say that I couldn’t be here until today. A. should have called B. must have called C. could call D. would call 【解析】A考查虚拟语气的用法。句意:——我们昨天就在等你。——对不起,我应该打电话告诉你我今天才能到。此处should have done应该做的事没做。 15.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】If you _______ carry with you the belief that all you do is right, it’s none of my business. A. should B. may C. can D. must 【解析】D考查情态动词的用法。句意:如果你偏要坚信你所做的都是对的,这就不关我的事了。should应该;may也许;can能;must偏偏,根据句意应选D项。 16.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _______ a goal. A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored 【解析】D考查虚拟及动词的时态。句意:他在踢进球前犹豫了一下,要不然的话他就进球得分了。这是otherwise引起的虚拟语气,由hesitated可以看出这是发生在过去,在主句中对于过去的虚拟,谓语动词应该用would have done,故选D 17.【2013?河北省邯郸市高三教学质量检测】“We_____ the train had we left earlier,” the wife complained to the husband. A. wouldn’t miss B. wouldn’t have missed C. would miss D. would have missed 【解析】B考查虚拟语气的用法。句意:“妻子向丈夫抱怨说:我们若早来就不会错过 火车了”。这里是虚拟语气,if被省略了,所以had提前了,从句的谓语动词是had done 可以判断这是对过去的虚拟,所以主句用would have done。根据句意应选B项。 18.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】 --Guess what, he has decided to enter for tomorrow’s speech contest! -- it be possible? He is usually quite shy and reserved. A. Must B. Would C. Should D. Need 【解析】C考查情态动词用法。句意:---你猜怎么着,他决定参加明天的演讲比赛。 ---怎么可能呢?他通常很害羞保守。should表示说话的人对某事不能理解,感到意外。 19.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】You ___ trust an online shop just because it has a beautifully-designed website. A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t 【解析】A考查情态动词。句意:你不应该信任一个在线商店仅仅因为它有一个美观的 网站。shouldn’t不应该,表示建议。mustn’t 意为“禁止”,表示命令。couldn’t 意 为“不能,无法”,表示能力。needn’t 意为“不需要”。根据句意中的原因状语从句, 可以判断出本句想表达的是建议,所以选择 shouldn’t 最合适。 20.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】She often shares her deepest thoughts and fears with friends through QQ, as if they_________ chatting in her living room. A. were B. are C. had been D. has been 【解析】A考查虚拟语气。句意:她经常通过qq与朋友分享她极深的思索和恐惧,好 像他们是在她的卧室里与她聊天。as if放佛,如果引导的从句与事实相反,应使用虚拟语 气。本句中as if后的从句与现在事实相反,按照时光倒流原则,谓语动词变为过去式形式, 所以选were。 21.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】It was Mr. Zhang that helped us out of the trouble. Without his help, we ______ it so easily. A. can’t manage B. mustn’t have managed C. couldn’t have managed D. couldn’t manage 【解析】C考查虚拟语气。句意:是张先生帮我们脱离困境的,如果没有他的帮助,我 们不可能这么容易就处理好这件事的。我们可以用介词without/but for/with等替代条件 句,用虚拟语气,句中谓语动词用情态动词+have done形式表示与过去事实相反。 22.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】Mrs. Jones ______ twice as much for the dress had the salesman insisted, for she really loved its color and style. A. would pay B. should pay C. would have paid D. should have paid 【解析】C考查省略if的条件状语从句中的虚拟语气。句意:如果售货员坚持的话, Mrs. Jones将会花两倍的钱买那条裙子,因为她太喜欢它的颜色和款式了。“had the salesman insisted”相当于“If the salesman had insisted”,本句是省略if的条件状 语从句中的虚拟语气,由had可知是与过去事实相反,所以主句用“would have done”形 式。 23.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he _________ something instead of just talking. A. will do B. has done C. do D. did 【解析】D考查虚拟语气。句意:杰克非常健谈。是到了他干事而不只要空谈的时候了。It is (high)time that +从句,从句使用一般过去时或should + v结构。 24.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】--- What does the sign over there say? ---No person _________ bring drinks into the student computer pool. will B. may C. shall D. must 【解析】C考查情态动词。句意:——那边的招牌上鞋的什么?——任何人不允许将饮 料带入学生电脑机房。shall用于二、三人称,表示警告、命令、威胁、允诺等。 25.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】-Was it you that called me last night? -No, I didn’t call you. It _________someone else. A. must be B. should be C. must have been D. should have been 【解析】C考查情态动词的推测用法。句意:-是你昨晚打电话给我?-没有,我没给你 打电话。那一定是别人打的。表对过去(昨晚)的推测,用情态动词+have+done结构,must have been一定,准是;should have been本应该而事实上没有。 26.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】He must have been ill, or he ______to the lecture then. A. would come B. would have come C. came D. had come 【解析】B考查情态动词的推测用法。句意:他一定是病了,否则他那时会来参加讲座。 表对过去发生的事情的推测:情态动词+have+done。本题是本次考试中的原创题。 27.【2013?河北省保定市八校高三12月联考】All visitors are waiting outside, Doctor Li. _______ they come in together or separately? A. Shall B. Can C. will D. would 【解析】A考查情态动词的用法。句意:所有的观众都等在外面。李博士,让他一起进 来,还是一个一个地进来?shall将,„„好吗?;can能;will将,将要;愿意;would将,将 要;愿意,will的过去式。 28.【2013?河北省保定市八校高三12月联考】If only I _______ more confidence in the English speech contest held last week! A. would have B.have had C. had had D. Have 【解析】C考查虚拟语气。句意:在上周举行的英语演讲比赛,我要是有更多的信心就 好了!if only但愿,要是„„就好了,这表示对过去的推测和假设,用过去完成时态。 29.【2013?安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】-- I turn on the TV for you, Grandpa? --Yes, thanks a lot, my dear. You’re so considerate. A. May B. Shall C. Will D. Need 【解析】B 考查情态动词。shall 用于一三人称表示“征求意见”、“建议”。注意 shall 的另外两种用法,shall 用于法律,法规,公文,条约中,表示义务或规定,一般用 于第三人称;shall 用于二三人称时可以表示警告,命令,允诺,强迫,决心,威胁,意图 等。本句是征求意见,故答案为B项;may用于第一人称疑问句中表示“请求”、“允许” 与语境句意不符。 30.【2013?安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】I didn’t have enough money on me, or I that iphone on sale the other day. A. would buy B. would have bought C. will buy D. bought 【解析】B 考查虚拟语气。句意:如果那天我身上带了足够的钱,我就把那特价的苹果 手机买了。由句意可知这里假设的条件没有通过条件从句表达出来,而是隐含在连词“or” 中,故名含蓄条件句,其谓语常用虚拟语气。表示“不具备条件”的连词有but,but that, or,otherwise„且根据“or”前面的分句可知这是与过去事实相反的情况,所以选择B项。 专题九 动词的时态与语态 1.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】—Mum is not in Beijing now. She has gone to Paris. —Oh, can you tell me when she_________. A.is leaving B.would leave C.has left D.left 【解析】D考查时态。句意:—妈妈不在北京,她去巴黎了。—你能告诉我她是什么时 候离开的吗?这儿用过去时表示过去某个时刻发生的动作。 2.【2013?山东省济南市高三1月检测】Hello! I’m calling to cancel the appointment I________ with Dr. Smith. A. am making B. have made C. will make D. had made 【解析】B句意:你好,我打电话来取消我和斯密斯先生的约会。The appointment后 加了定语从句,从句的时态为现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,故选B 项。 3.【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】I had wanted to help you last night but I couldn’ t spare any time, for I _________ a composition which I have to hand in this morning. A. wrote B. was writing C. had written D. have written 【解析】B考查动词时态。句意:昨晚我本想帮助你但我没能腾出时间来,因为我正在 写一篇我今早必须交的作文。根据时间状语this morning可知我上午一直在写作文,故选 B项。 4.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】— Is Paul playing both soccer and tennis for the school? — He ______. But now he has given up playing tennis. A. is B. has C. was D. had 【解析】C考查动词时态和语态。句意:Paul现在还在学校足球队和网球吗?--他曾经 是,但现在他放弃了打网球。根据题意可知他曾经想在学校足球队和网球队可知是过去时态, 相当于He was playing„,故选C项。 5.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】 — Put these glasses away before they______. — OK, I’ll put them in the cupboard. A. have broken B. are breaking C. get broken D. will be broken 【解析】C考查动词时态和语态。考查动词时态。此处在时间状语从句中用一般现在时 代替一般将来时。句意:---趁着玻璃杯还没被打坏,把他们收起来。---好的,我把它们放 在橱子里。 6.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】The young man, who by then admission to Peking University, determined to do some part-time jobs to gain more practical skills. A.gained B.was gaining C.has gained D.had gained 【解析】D考查时态。根据时间状语by then可知用过去完成时态。故选D项。 7.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】Your composition beautifully. Is it the one I saw you write yesterday? A.is read B.was read C.reads D.read 【解析】C考查时态。及物动词read后跟副词诸如beautifully,easily等时,常用 主动表示被动,同时根据题意的时间,故选C项。 8.【2013?高三第二次诊断考试】It convenient to travel in this city when the subway is completed next year. A.is B.was C.will be D.has been 【解析】C考查时态。句意:明年地铁竣工时,在这个城市旅行就很方便了。根据“主 将从现”的原则,从句用一般现在时表示将来,主句用将来时,故选C。 9.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】It is the first time that smoking control into China’s national economic and social development. A.is put B.will be put C.was put D.has been put 【解析】D考查时态。句意:这是中国第一次把控制吸烟考虑到国家的社会和经济发展 中去。这是一个固定句型:”It is the first time that „.have/has done„„.” ,所 以其他选项不对,故选D。 10.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机)____ great damage to the American financial system that Americans ____ the severity of the situation. A. caused, realized B. had caused, realized C. caused, had realized D. was causing, had realized 【解析】B考查时态。句意:直到这次次贷危机给美国的财政系统带来了极大的危害美 国人才意识到情况的严重性。本句从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,所以主句用过去时,从 句用过去完成时。 11.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】 --How about buying Tim a mobile phone ? After all, he isn’t a boy any more. --I think it’s necessary, for we sometimes want to make sure if he _____ home for dinner. A. will come B. comes C. has come D. would come 【解析】A考查时态。句意:——为Tim买个手机怎么样啊?毕竟,他不再是一个孩子 了。——我认为很有必要,我们有时候想确认他是否会回家吃饭。从句中所说的事在说话时 间看来是将要发生的事,所以用将来时。这儿if引导宾语从句,它引导条件状语从句中不 用将来时。 12.【2013?咸阳市高考模拟考试】--I’m sure Zhang Jike will first get a gold medal in this table-tennis competition.—I think so. He _______ for it for months. A. is preparing B. was preparing C.had been preparing D.has been preparing 【解析】D考查动词时态。根据时间状语for months可知,他从过去一直准备到现在, 比赛还没有开始,所以准备这个动作还在进行,所以此处用现在完成进行时。故选D项。 13.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】I decide to leave the company next month, where I for exactly three years. A.work B.is working C.will be working D.will have worked 【解析】D考查时态。本句中“我离开公司的行为将在下月发生,到那时才会是整整工 作三年”,故用将来完成时。句意为:我决定下月离开那个我曾经工作了整整三年的公司。 14.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】—I didn’t go to Joan’s party last night because my car broke down. —You could have borrowed mine. I ______ it. A. hadn’t used B. didn’t use C. wasn’t using D. am not using 【解析】C考查时态。本题极易误选A或B选项,尤其是B项。解题的关键是把握好对 话中第二个人所要表述的意思是“(昨晚你去参加晚会的那时候)我正好没用(车)。” 15.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断性测验】 —Hi, Kathy! Any plans for tonight? —Not yet, Tim. I _____ where to go for dinner, A. was wondered B. was wondering C. will wonder D. had wondered 【解析】B考查时态。句意:你好,kathy,今晚有何打算?还没有,我一直在想要不要 去晚宴。本题主要确定wonder一词发生的时间,之前一直在想,故用过去进行时。A被动, C一般将来时,D过去完成时, 16.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断性测验】 —How _____ you like the dishes, sir? —Delicious. They _____excellent here. Thank you. Well, can I have some tea now, please? A. do; are B. did; are C, do; were D. did; were 【解析】D考查时态。句意:你认为刚才那些菜怎样?很好,这里的菜品很不错。谢谢, 现在给我来点茶好吗?通过have some tea now,可孩子菜已经吃完,故用一般过去时。 17.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】 Lily is very happy to know her father _____ his work in Beijing and that he will come back home in two days. A. finished B. has finished C. would finish D. had finished 【解析】B考查时态。句意: Lily知道爸爸已经结束了在北京的工作两天后就会到家 很开心。工作已经结束要用现在完成时。 18.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】---Have you moved to your new house? ---Not yet. It _____ now. A. is decorated B. had been decorated C. is being decorated D. has been decorated 【解析】C考查现在进行时的被动语态。句意: 你搬进新房了没?还没有,现在正在装 修。house和decorate是被动关系,故用被动语态,考虑到时态,故选C。 19.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】——There’ll be billions of people to watch the Spring Festival gala on TV tonight. ——I know. The whole world______.It’s a really wonderful event. A. watches B. is watching C. has watched D. will be watching 【解析】D考查时态。句意:—— 今晚将有几十亿人收看电视春节联欢会。—— 我知 道。整个世界都会观看。那的确是很好的一件事。根据时间状语tonight可知是将来点时间 所做的事情,故选D项。 20.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】According to the artists,the painting _______ to go for at least a million dollars. A. expects B. is expecting C. will expect D. is expected 【解析】D考查时态。句意:依据这个艺术家的看法,这幅画有望拍卖至少一百万美元。 此处beexpected to 有望。 21.【2013?河北省邯郸市高三教学质量检测】 Let the soldiers sleep for a while because they _____ the injured for twelve hours nonstop. A. rescued B. rescue C. have been rescuing D. had rescue 【解析】C考查时态。句意:让战士们睡一会儿因为他们为拯救受伤人员已经连续工作 12小时没有休息了。在说这句话之前战士们一直在工作,这里强调工作的持续性一直持续 到现在了,所以应选C项。 22.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】— I hate school; it’s not for me. I think I’ll quit. — You stupid! It takes effort now, but later you will benefit from it. A. will be B. are being C. have been D. were being 【解析】B考查时态。句意:---我讨厌上学;我不适合学习。我想我要辍学了。---你 的想法真愚蠢。你现在吃点苦,但是以后你会因此受益的。现在进行时描述目前的的情况。 23.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】Sun Yang, a young Chinese swimming talent, several gold medals before the 2012 London Olympics. A. won B. has won C. had won D. were to win 【解析】C考查时态。句意:孙杨,一个年轻的中国游泳人才,在 2012年伦敦奥运会 之前赢得了几枚金牌。before the 2012 London Olympics,可以判断出 win发生在 2012 年 伦敦奥运会之前,所以是过去的过去发生的动作,使用过去完成时。 24.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】—What’s that noise, John? —Oh, don’t you know that the school library ? A. is rebuilt B. is being rebuilt C. was rebuilt D. has been rebuilt 【解析】B考查时态。对话意为“那是什么声音,约翰?”“哦,你不知道图书馆正在 被重修吗?”根据对话的情景,可以判断出声音正在发生,也就是重修的动作正在进行,所 以选择现在进行时。A 选项为一般现在时被动语态,B 选项为现在进行时被动语态,C 选项 为一般过去时被动语态,D 选项为现在完成时被动语态。 25.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】---John, why are you so upset? ---I my cell phone all morning but it is nowhere to be found. A. am looking for B. have looked for C. have been looking for D. had looked for 【解析】C考查时态。句意:——约翰,你为什么这么沮丧?——整个早上我一直在找 我的手机,但现在还没有找到。all morning 表明动作发生的持续性,强调动作一直在进行 而无中断,所以现在完成进行时最合适。A 项为现在进行时,强调说话时正在进行,B 项为 现在完成时,强调动作的完成、结果和影响,D 项为过去完成时,强带动作发生在过去的过 去。 26.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】They ________the robbery that day and the court is now requesting their description. A. witness B. witnessed C. was witnessing D. had witnessed 【解析】B考查动词的时态。句意:他们目击了抢劫案,法院现在要求他们描述。“目 击”这个动作已经发生,故用过去时态。这是本次试题的原创题。 27.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部2013届高三第二次调研】30. New temperature data shows the planet _______for the past 15years. A. wasn’t warmed B. isn’t warmed C. hasn’t warmed D. hadn’t warmed 【解析】C考查时态。句意:新的温度数据显示该行星在过去的15年中,没变暖。根 据时间状语for the past 15 years可知用完成时态。故选C项。 28.【2013?河北省保定市八校高三12月联考】You ought to have thought of that, but you _______. A. haven’t B. didn’t C. don’t D. can’t 【解析】B考查时态。句子前面说ought to have thought of本应该想起,是对过去 发生的动作和存在的状态的推测和假设,但你没有。后面说是过去的事实,用过去时态。 29.【2013?安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】When we got there after the accident, we were told that the injured to the nearest hospital. A. were sent B. had been sent C. have been sent D. are sending 【解析】B 考查时态。 句意:当我们在事发后到那时,我们被告知伤员已经被送到了 最近的医院。“我们被告知”用的是过去式(were told),所以可将C和D排除。另外根据 句意可知,伤员是在我们到之前就被运走了,故用过去完成时的被动语态,选择B。 30.【2013?河北省保定市八校高三12月联考】It’s a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal ________. A. serves B. served C. is served D. to be served 【解析】C考查被动语态。句意:在中国,饭前,有一些茶或其他饮料这是中国的习俗。 时间状语从句中主语meal和动词(谓语)serve构成被动关系,用被动语态。 专题十 数词与主谓一致 1.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】The new country road is ___________ of the old one. A. twice the width B. the width twice C. twice as the width D. as twice the width 【解析】A考查倍数的表达。句意:这条新的乡村路是旧的两倍宽。倍数表达:倍数 +as+adj.+as/ (the+形容词比较级/ the+性质名词)+另一物体。故本题选A项。 2.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】It is either he or you in charge of the project and supposed to finish it punctually. A. who is B. that is C. who are D. which are 【解析】C考查强调句型及主谓一致。本句中either he or you是原句的主语,根据 就近原则,后的谓语动词应该和you相一致,故用are,再根据所强调的是人,故选用C项。 原句为:Either he or you are in charge of the project and supposed to finish it punctually. 3.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】There are some technologies for safe drinking water that ______ to be used to find long-term solutions to the problems the world is facing. A. are being developed B. have been developed C. is being developed D. has been developed 【解析】A考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:有一些解决安全饮水问题的技术正在被 研发,他们将被用来长久的解决世界正在面临的饮水问题。that引导定语从句,代替前面 的先行词technologies,所以从句中用复数的谓语动词,从“正在面临的问题”可以看出 技术是正在被研发。 4.【2013?安徽省示范高中高三第一次联考】One survey shows that large amounts of water wasted every year in China, and that one third is available to be saved. A. is B. has been C. be D. are 【解析】D考查主谓一致。large amounts of water作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。 5.【2013?福建省大田一中高三上学期段考】As a result of destroying the forest, a large________ of the desert________ covered the land. A. number; has B. quantity; has C. number; have D. quantity; have 【解析】B考查主谓一致。句意:由于破坏了森林,大量的沙漠覆盖了土地。a large number of 修饰可数名词;a large quantity of 修饰可数名词和不可数名词;desert是不可数名词, 做主语是谓语动词用第三人称单数,故选B项。 6.【2013?贵州省遵义四中高三第二次检测】Not only John and Tom but also their sister, Mary, _______ great interest in the piano lessons. A. take B. takes C. have taken D. had taken 【解析】B考查主谓一致。not only„but also„连接的并列结构作主语,适用于就近 原则,本句的主语是Mary,故谓语动词用单数。 7. 【2013?辽宁省丹东市宽甸二中高三上学期期末】The house rent is expensive. I’ ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying _____here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much 【解析】D考查倍数的表达。句意:房租很贵。我找到了一个是家里一半大的地方,但 是我要付三倍的价钱。倍数表示时常用句式:倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+比较对象。 故选D项,much后省略了as the space I had at home. 8.【2013?辽宁省盘锦市第二高级中学第二次阶段考试】 Jim, as well as his friends who ____football games, ___traveled with the team . A. likes; has B. like; have C. like; has D. likes; have 【解析】C考查主谓一致。第一空动词like的主语是who即friends,故用复数形式 like,第二空是主句谓语动词的一部分,主语是Jim,as well as连接Jim和his friends, 但是不影响原来主语即Jim后面谓语动词的单复数,故填has,故本题选C项。 9. 【2013?辽宁省盘锦市第二高级中学第二次阶段考试】The new bridge is ____the one built last year. A. three times as wider as B. three times the width of C. three times the width D. as three times as 【解析】B考查倍数的用法。句意:新桥比去年建的那座桥要宽三倍。倍数的表达:倍 数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+比较对象或者倍数+the+名词+of+比较对象或倍数+比较级 +than+比较对象。故本题选B项。 10.【2013?山东省威海市高三上学期期末考试】– Is everyone here? Not yet. Look, there _____ the rest of our guests! – A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming 【解析】A考查主谓一致。本句是倒装句,主语是the rest of our guests,故用复数 形式,所以选A项。其中倒装中没有进行式,故D项错误。 11.【2013?陕西省西工大附中高三第五次适应性训练】The trouble with such resources as coal, oil and gas ______ that they are not renewable. A. was B. are C. have been D. is 【解析】D考查主谓一致。本句主语the trouble后跟with such resources as coal, oil and gas但是不影响the trouble作主语,故谓语动词用单数,同时根据从句的时态可 知选D项。 12. 【2013?北京市东城区普通校第一学期第二次联考】The basketball coach, as well as his team, ______ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. A. were B. was C. is D. are 【解析】B考查主谓一致。主语是由The basketball coach 和as well as his team构成,但是as well as his team不影响主语The basketball coach后的谓语动词的单复 数,故选B项。 13.【2013?河南省开封市高三第一次模拟考试】____ of the land in that district ____ covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifth; is B.Two fifths; are C.Two fifth; are D.Two fifths; is 【解析】D考查主谓一致。分数表示法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子超过一, 分母用复数形式,同时分数作主语时,主要看它所修饰的名词,本句是不可数名词the land, 故用单数,故选D项。 14.【2013?海南省嘉积中学高三上学期高中教学质量监测】______ without friends ______ the most difficult challenge for Chuck while living on the island. A. How to survive, is B. How does he survive, are C. How does he survive, is D. How to survive, are 【解析】A考查主谓一致。句子作主语时需要陈述句语序,故先排除B和D项。当疑问 词+不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数,故选A项。 15. 【2013?河南省开封市高三第一次模拟考试】Our school covers an area of 400 mu, which is ____ as yours. A.twice as big B.twice bigger C.twice the size D.as twice big 【解析】A考查倍数的用法。根据倍数的表达法“倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+比 较对象或者倍数+the+名词+of+比较对象或倍数+比较级+than+比较对象”可知选A项。 专题十一 名词性从句 1.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】It’s no longer a question now ______ man can land on the moon. A. that B. which C. whether D. what 【解析】A 考查名词性从句的连接词。此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的 主语从句,此处that不作成分,没有意义,只起连接作用。 2.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】 Mo Yan had been awarded the 2012 Nobel prize for Literature made us very proud. A.As B.That C.Which D.What 【解析】B考查主语从句。句意:莫言获得了2012诺贝尔文学奖使我们感到自豪。本 题Mo Yan had been awarded the 2012 Nobel prize for Literature是简单句,且不缺成 分,作主语时,需要用连接词that,故选B项。 3.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】Choeyang grew up on the highland, which may explain her strong heart and breathing ability , but really makes her stand out is perseverance. A.that B.what C.which D.why[& 【解析】B考查名词性从句。句意:切阳什姐在高原长大,这一点可以解释她强壮的心 脏呼吸能力,而真正让她与众不同的是她的毅力。but 后面的分句中主语是what really makes her stand out,谓语是系表结构is perseverance.;主语从句中缺主语,that 不能 在句中充当成分;which 在名词性从句中只表示疑问“哪一个”,而这个句子不表示疑问, 是陈述概念,所以what=the thing that,故选B。 4.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】 The Chinese government has made it clear _______ it strives to achieve in space science in the next 5 years. A. what B. that C. how D. which 【解析】A考查宾语从句。句意:中国政府已经明确指出未来五年里在太空科学方面会 努力取得哪些成就。本句中it做形式宾语,真正宾语是what引导的从句,what在从句中 做achieve的宾语。 【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】Don’t you know _____, my 5. dear friend, it is you that she loves? A. who B. which C. that D. what 【解析】C考查宾语从句中的连接词。本题中问号的位置如果放在my dear friend 的 后面,而loves 后面用问号或感叹号则构成一问一答式。本题中的缺的是一个用于连接宾 语从句的连接词,故正确选项为C。 其中my dear friend 的位置可以提到句首或句末。 6.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】The other day my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed. A. as B. which C. where D. what 【解析】D考查复合句连接词的使用。句意:前几天我哥哥在街上以我认为很危险的速 度行驶。What引导名词性从句,表示“所„„的”,what was a dangerous speed宾语从句, 加了插入语I thought。 7.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断性测验】It is no use doing _____ you like, you have got to like _____ you do. A. what; how B. which; when C. how; what D. what; what 【解析】D考查what名词性从句的用法。句意:做你喜欢的没有什么用,你得喜欢你 所作的。like和do都是及物动词,主从句都缺少名词,选what。 8.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】News got around quickly _______ a gunman went on a shooting rampage at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. A. which B. what C. that D. when 【解析】C考查连词的用法。句意:消息很快传开了,一名持枪歹徒在Colorado的Aurora的一家电影院里继续实施枪击。此句式同位语从句。 9.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】We’re living in ______ people call “Information Age”,so everything is possible. A. what B. that C. which D. why 【解析】A考查宾语从句的连接词。句意:我们生活在一个人们称作的“信息时代”,所以一切皆有可能。此处in后面是宾语从句,在宾语从句中what作call的宾语。call后接复合宾语。 10.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】Never stop doing ___________you are fond of. A. no matter what B. whatever C. if D. that 【解析】B考查宾语从句的连词。句意:一定不要停止你喜欢做的事情。 这里缺少宾语从句的连词,连词在从句中做宾语,选项A 不能引导宾语从句,故排除A;that和 if在引导的宾语从句中不做成分故排除C、D,所以应选B。温馨提醒:whatever 既可以引导名词性从句也可引导让步状语从句。 11.【2013?江苏省苏南四校高三12月】Everybody knows about it! No one knows _________ prevented the rumor from spreading. A. what was it that B. what it was that C. how it was that D. why it was that 【解析】B考查强调句的宾语从句语序。句意:大家都了解啊!没有人知道是什么阻止谣言的传播。从句的顺序是陈述句语序。 12.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】 He stared at the empty bottle for a while, feeling happy that he had sent the butterfly back it belonged — nature. A. to which B. that C. which D. to where 【解析】D考查宾语从句用法。句意:他盯着空瓶子看了一会,感到非常高兴,因为他 已经把蝴蝶放归到属于它的地方—大自然。send„back to送回;where 引导的从句做介词to 的宾语;where 为副词,因此短语belong to 省略了to。 13.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】________ is known to us all is that the old worker, for _______ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies. A. As; whom B. What; whose C. It; whose D. What; whom 【解析】D考查主语从句和定语从句。句意:我们所有人都知道那个过去生活艰辛的老 工人在他七十多岁的时候仍然在努力工作。第一空考查主语从句,从句中少主语用what;第 二空考查定语从句,whom代替老工人,做for的宾语,表示“对他来说生活艰难” 14.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】After five hours’ drive, they reached _________they thought was the place they had been dreaming of. A. where B. what C. which D. that 【解析】B考查主语从句。句意:五分钟的行车后,他们到达了他们认为是他们一直梦 想的地方。reach后跟的宾语从句,宾语从句中they thought是主语从句,主语从句中缺少 thought的宾语,故选what。 15.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for he could find about Mark Twain. A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whichever 【解析】C考查宾语从句。句意:前几天新来的人进入图书馆并搜寻他能找到的任何关 于马克?吐温的任何东西。whatever在从句中作find的宾语。 16.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】Evidence has been found through years of study ______children’s early sleeping problem is likely to continue when they grow up. A. why B. how C. whether D. that 【解析】D考查同位语从句。句意:多年的研究已经证明早年有睡眠问题的孩子在他们 长大很可能持续的。evidence为先行词,后面是that引导的同位语从句,说明它的主要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。 17.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】Romney was asked ________he would ensure equal pay for women. A. that B. where C. what D. how 【解析】D考查由how引导的宾语从句。句意:罗姆尼被问到他如何确保妇女同工同酬。填入的词作asked的宾语,引导一个宾语从句。表“是否”,故用how。这是本次考试中的原创题。 18.【2013?河北省保定市八校高三12月联考】We’ve just heard a warning on the radio _______ a typhoon may be on its way. A. what B. when C. which D. that 【解析】D考查同位语从句。句意:我们刚在收音机里听到警告,台风可能即将来临。注意前面的warning警告,和后面的a typhoon may be on its way台风可能来临。这是warning的具体内容,用that引导一个同位语从句。 19.【2013?辽宁省丹东市宽甸二中高三上学期期末】-- What made her so upset? -- ______ she failed in her examination. A. What B. That C. Because D. Whether 【解析】B考查名词性从句。句意:——什么使她如此难过?——考试不及格(使她难过)。答句回到了what的内容,what在上句中作主语,所以答句也是主句,句中不缺少成分,强调内容,故用that引导,故选B项。 20.【2013?浙江省海宁市2月高三期初测试】The advantage of using the Internet is ______ you can get support if you have a problem. A. whether B. what C. why D. that 【解析】D考查名词性从句。句意:使用网络的优势是如果你有问题的话你可以获得支持。本空是引导表语从句,而且句中不缺少任何成分,故选D项that。 专题十二 连词与状语从句 1.【2013?咸阳市高考模拟考试】________ we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister. A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Whichever 【解析】C考查连词辨析。句意为:无论何时我们给他东西吃,他总是省下来留给她的 小妹妹。whenever意为“无论何时”,符合题意。whatever意为“无论什么”;however意为 “无论怎样”;whichever意为“无论哪个(些)”。 2.【2013?新疆乌鲁木齐地区2013届高三第一次诊断性测验】Life is filled with things we have no control over, _____ ourselves, we can control. A. for B. and C, so D. but 【解析】D考查并列连词的用法。句意: 生活中充满了我们无法控制的事情,但是我 们可以控制我们自己。根据句意可知前后句是对比关系,but表示轻微的转折,引导并列句, 故选D项。 3.【2013?四川省达州市高中高三第一次诊断性考试】 ______ the boy realizes his mistake, he is always refusing to admit it. A. As B. When C. Even though D. If 【解析】C考查状语从句的连接词。句意:尽管那个男孩意识到错误,但是他总是拒绝 承认。根据句意可知选C项even though即使,表示让步。 4.【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】How long will it be _________ the computer company puts forward a new product? A. before B. when C. after D. that 【解析】A考查状语从句的连接词。句意:多久之后电脑公司才能推出新产品。此处it will be+一段时间+before„„之后才„„。 5.【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】Never lose heart_________ difficulty you may meet with in your life. A. what B. whatever C. how D. however 【解析】B考查状语从句的连接词。句意:不管你在生活中遇到了什么困难,你都不要 失去信心。 6.【2013?山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】_________James was sleepy, he stayed up late to finish his project. A. As B. Since C. Unless D. Although 【解析】D考查连词的用法。句意:尽管James很困,他还是熬夜把项目完成了。前后 句子之间是让步关系,故选D项although。 7.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】Tell her honestly if you can do what she asks and ; do what you say you will do. A.when B.if C.whether D.who 【解析】A考查连词,时间状语从句。句意:如果你能够做她要求你做的事情和当你能 够做她让你做的事情时,坦诚地告诉她;去做好你说你将要做的事情;纵观全句,第一个祈使 句中的两个从句是表示时间或者条件,故选A项; if与句中的if重复,而whether 表示“是 否”,放在这里意思不通顺; who,从原句中已知道是她叫你做的事情,故D也不符合题意。 8.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】I can not understand why the issue of Syria has become so complicated _____ I learn more from the media. A. after B. before C. while D. when 【解析】B考查状语从句引导词。句意:在我从媒体方面获得更多信息之前我不可能明 白叙利亚问题为什么会变得如此复杂的。根据句意可知选B项before在„„之前。 9.【2013?江苏省扬州中学高三1月质量检测】 According to some studies, EQ is important, if not more important than IQ. A. so B. very C. even D. as 【解析】D考查比较状语从句。句意:一些研究表明,情商即使不比智商重要,至少也 和它一样重要。句中省略了即as important (as IQ),故选D项。 10.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】Our team failed the final, _______ our players tried their best. A. therefore B. in spite of C. although D. despite 【解析】C考查although用于连词连接分句的用法。句意:(虽然)我们的队输了,然而 我们的队员却都尽力了。本体中缺少的是两个分句中的连词,因此可以首先排除B、D 选 项;而A 项中“因此”不符合句句意。故正确选项为C。 11.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】 My father went to Guangzhou last year and it was not long ______ he found a new job. A. when B. after C. before D. since 【解析】C考查状语从句。句意:我父亲去年去了广州,不久就找到了一份新工作。本 句考查了固定句型It is not long before„不久之后才„„。故选C项。 12. 【2013?山东师大附中高三1月期末模拟考试】 Jenny was holidaying with her family in the countryside ________ she was bitten on the leg by a dog. A.while B.as C.when D.before[ 【解析】C考查连词的用法。句意:詹尼正在和她的家人在乡村度假,就在这时她被一 条狗咬了腿子。While当„„时候,强调前后动作的同时性;as当„„时候,强调伴随;before 在„„之前。when当„„时候,就在这时,突然,常和进行时态连用,构成“正在做某事„„ 突然”,故选C项。 13.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】As you write in the story, it has been 20 years ___________ I last saw you in a seaside hotel. A. when B. before C. after D. since 【解析】D考查连词的用法。句意: 就像你在故事中写的,我上次在海边酒店见你到 现在已有20年了。It is/has been +时间段+since„ 自从上次„到现在已经有多长时间了。 14.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】“He hasn’t got any hobbies——_______you call playing games on computer a hobby.” Mr. Lin said. A. If B. Unless C. When D. Since 【解析】B考查状语从句的连接词。句意:林先生说:“他没有任何爱好—— 除非你把 玩电脑游戏也叫做爱好。” If 如果;Unless除非;When这时;Since既然。根据句意可知选B 项。 15.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】 Attractive ________ the device might seem, “my wife has already done that by herself” was a common response after people seeing it when it was introduced on show this week. A. while B. although C. as D. when 【解析】C考查状语从句。句意:尽管图案如此吸引人,在本周的展览上人们看后都发 出这样的感叹:我的妻子自己完成的。although,while和when引导的从句不使用倒装,只 有as引导让步状语从句时才用倒装,故选B项。 16.【2013?河北省邯郸市高三教学质量检测】_____ the girl was too selfish and never thought of others, she wasn’t getting on well with her classmates. A. Since B. Unless C. Though D. Until 【解析】A考查连词的用法。句意:因为那个女孩那么的自私从来不想着别人,当然她 和其他的同学相处不好了。Since既然,因为;unless除非;though虽然,尽管;until直到,根 据句意可知选A项。 17.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】The cartoon “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” appeals so much to children it caters well to their taste. A. that B. which C. because D. while 【解析】C考查原因状语用法。句意:动画片《喜洋洋与灰太狼》非常吸引孩子,因为 它迎合了他们的兴趣。so„that„引导结果或目的状语从句,与题意不符;which哪一 个;because因为;while尽管。 18.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】---Don’t you think the new job is a real challenge for Jack? ---Well, difficulties he meets, I believe he will never lose heart. A. whenever B. however C. whichever D. whatever 【解析】D考查状语从句的用法。句意:——你不觉得新工作对于杰克是一个真正的挑 战吗?——嗯,无论他遇到什么样的困难,我相信他将永远不会失去信心。特殊疑问词+ever 意为“无论多么”,可用于引导名词性从句,也可用于引导状语从句(相当于no matter+特殊 疑问词)。Whenever无论何时;however无论怎样;whichever无论哪一个;whatever无论什么。 根据句意可知选D项。 19.【2013?河南省濮阳三高高三上学期期末】In hot summer, milk quickly turns sour _______ it is refrigerated. A. while B. if C. until D. unless 【解析】D考查状语从句。句意:在炎热的夏天,牛奶迅速变质,_____它被冷藏。根 据句意,空格前是恶化,空格后是冷藏,是相反方向,所以 unless(除非)最佳。while当„„ 时候;虽然;而;if如果;是否;until直到。 20.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】It’s safe to eat food after the “best before” date on the package, ______ the food will no longer at its best. A. but B so C.until D. before 【解析】A考查并列连词。句意:食物在过了“最佳”日期之后,食用也是安全的,但 却不再是其最好的食物了。but但;so因此;until直到„;before在„„之前,本题中的前,后 两个分句是构成转折关系,故用but来表转折。本题也是本次考试的原创题。 专题十三 定语从句 1.【江苏省泰州市2013届高三上学期期末考试】The music video Gangnam Style, ______ the singer rides on an invisible horse through the streets, has become popular all over the world. A.which B.that C.what D.in which 【解析】D考查定语从句。句意:音乐视频片《江南Style》描述了歌手骑着隐形的马 穿过街道的情景,本片在全世界流行起来吧。句中先行词The music video Gangnam Style在 从句作状语,故选D项,相当于where。 2.【山东省济南市2013届高三1月检测】We still remember the day_________ we spent in the old house. A. what B. on which C. when D. which 【解析】D考查定语从句。句意:我们还记得那天,我们一起在老房子里度过的那天。 此处the day为先行词,关系词which做spend的宾语,故用D项。 3.【2013届浙江温州八校联考1】Jennifer is always absent from school, _________I suppose is why she is criticized now and then. A. which B. who C. that D. what 【解析】A考查非限制性定语从句的关系词。句意:Jennifer总是上学迟到,我想这是 为什么她时常挨批评的原因。Which指代上文整句话,故选A项。 4.【安徽省皖南八校2013届高三第二次联考】Members of the Beijing Wheelchair Dance Training Base, was set up in 2009, are able to manage their wheelchairs perfectly. A.who B.which C.what D.that 【解析】B考查定语从句。先行词the Beijing Wheelchair Dance Training Base作定语从 句_____was set up in 2009, are able to manage their wheelchairs perfectly.的主语,且是非限制 性定语从句,故用which,而不用that。 5.【山西省2013届高三第二次诊断考试】April Fool’s Day is a traditional festival people play harmless jokes on others. A.which B.where C.that D.when 【解析】D考查定语从句。句意:愚人节是一个传统的节日,在这期间人们可以彼此间 开一些无伤大雅的玩笑。破折号后面的句子是定语从句,修饰前面的名词festival,而festival 在定语从句中作时间状语所以选D项when。which 和that 在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表 语等,不能作状语;where 可作状语但是表示地点,不符合题意。 6.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】 For me, Gone with the Wind is a very happy discovery, _____ I shall return frequently. A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which 【解析】C[考查非限制性定语从句中介词的选择。句意:对我来说,《Gone with the Wind》 这首歌是一个令人幸福的发现,我经常回顾它。定语从句中return 后需要to,故选用C项。 7.【江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月质量检测】— Do you have anything to say for yourselves? — Yes, there is one point ________ we must insist on. A. why B. where C. how D. / 【解析】D考查定语从句。句意:—你还有什么为你自己辩护的吗?—是的,有一点我 必须坚持。one point是先行词,后面的定语从句中insist on 缺少宾语,所以应该用that或 which,在这儿做宾语可省略。 8.【江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学2013届高三12月度检测】—So you know Della? —Yes, it was last week I surfed the Internet. A.that B.when C.why D.whom 【解析】B考查定语从句中关系副词的用法。句意:我是在上周上网的时候认识Della 的。 that构成强调句型,但答非所问;根据问句可知答句中it指认识Della 的时间;whom在定语从 句中作宾语。when 表示时间,引导定语从句,when 在句中做时间状语。 9.【福建省龙岩市2013届高三1月教学质量检查】 Mr. Smith is a teacher with rich teaching experience, from ______ much can be learned. A. whom B. which C. where D. that 【解析】A考查定语从句。句意:Mr. Smith是一个教学经验丰富的老师,从他那儿(我 们)有很多可学的。定语从句的先行词为人(史密斯先生),故关系词用whom,作介词from 的宾语。 10.【辽宁省东北育才双语学校2013届高三第三次模拟】---Where did you meet Mr. Smith from the US yesterday? ---It is in that market _________ we often buy things. A. where B. what C. that D. there 【解析】A考查定语从句。句意:你昨天在哪里见到从美国来的Mr. Smith的?是在我们 经常买东西的商场里。此处是定语从句先行词market在从句中作地点状语。此句指个省略 句,全句应是It is in that market ______ we often buy things that I met Mr. Smith from the US yesterday. 11.【辽宁省东北育才双语学校2013届高三第三次模拟】---Is this the school Jack often talks about? ---Right, just the one _____ you know he studied for up to nine years. A. that B. which C. what D. where 【解析】D考查定语从句。句意:这个就是Jack经常提及的学校吗?是的,你知道,这 正是他读了近九年书的那个学校。此句是个定语从句,先行词the one在从句中充当地点状 语,you know是插入语。 12.【2013届河北保定市期末调研】I work in a business ______ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. that B. which C. where D. why 【解析】C考查定语从句。句意:我在一家公司工作,在这家公司几乎每个人都在等一 个大机会。此处business是先行词,在定语从句中作状语,故选C项where,相当于in which。 13.【山东省师大附中2013届高三12月模拟考试】The number of people ________ this happens is not very large. A. with whom B. to which C. to whom D. on which 【解析】C考查定语从句。考查sth. happens to sb.结构。句意:发生过这事的人的数目 不是很大。此句包含一个定语从句,先行词是people ,介词+关系代词引导从句,指人应用 whom。 14.【河北省邯郸市2013届高三教学质量检测】29. He was then admitted to a key university, _____ he graduated with honors. A. of which B. on which C. about which D. from which 【解析】D考查非限制性定语从句的用法。句意:“他被一所重点大学录取,毕业时成 绩优异”。 graduate from“从某校毕业”,先行词是a key university,which指代a key university故选D项。 15.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】Spelling Bee is a contest competitors, usually children, are asked to spell as many words as possible. A. which B. where C. what D. when 【解析】B考查定语从句。句意:拼字比赛是一种竞争,在这个竞争中,竞争对手,通 常是孩子,被要求拼写尽可能多的单词。主句结构完整,从句部分修饰a contest,从句不缺 主语和宾语,缺少状语,所以使用关系副词。a contest可以理解为抽象地点,选择关系副词 where。 16.【河南省濮阳三高2013届高三上学期期末】Mo Yan became the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner in Literature, left school to make a living at the age of 12. A. as B. which C. that D. who 【解析】D考查定语从句。句意:莫言成为中国第一个诺贝尔文学奖获得者,他12岁 时离开学校谋生。主句完整,从句缺少主语,选择关系代词。虽然从句离被修饰的名词Mo Yan较远,但应该能够根据句意判断出来。考虑在非限定性定语从句中,不适用that,所以 只能使用表示人的关系词who。 17.【江苏省南京师范附属中学2013届高三12月诊】 ________ is known to us all is that the old worker, for _______ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies. A. As; whom B. What; whose C. It; whose D. What; whom 【解析】D考查主语从句和定语从句。句意:我们所有人都知道那个过去生活艰辛的老 工人在他七十多岁的时候仍然在努力工作。第一空考查主语从句,从句中少主语用what;第 二空考查定语从句,whom代替老工人,做for的宾语,表示“对他来说生活艰难”。 18.【山东省日照一中2013届高三第三次质量检测】When people talk about the most popular new Chinese Internet words in 2011, the first _______comes into their mind is “holdup”. A. which B. that C. one D. of them 【解析】B考查限制性定语从句。句意:当谈论2011年中国网络上最流行的新词时, 第一个进入他们的脑海的就是“堵车”。The first相当于the first word,作word的同位语, 也作先行词,后边的定语从句必须用that引导。 19.【河北省保定市八校2013届高三12月联考】The place _______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _______ the cross river traffic is the heaviest. A. which; where B. at which; which C. at which; where D. which; in which 【解析】C考查定语从句。第一空中place作为先行词,the bridge is supposed to be built桥应该建在哪儿,是定语从句,在这个定语从句中,place作地点状语,用in/at which或where 都行;而在第二空中where引导的从句作be的表语,是一个表语从句,在从句where作状语。 20.【2013安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】Mo Yan’s novel, Red Sorghum, was made into a film, won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 1988. A. that B. which C. what D. it 【解析】B 考查定语从句。句意:莫言的小说,被拍成了电影的《红高粱》,在一九八 八年在柏林电影节获得了金熊奖。which引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。故选 B项。 专题十四 特殊句式 1.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】Only when they put their heads together_ such a brilliant plan and complete the task ahead of schedule, A. did they make B.they made C.do they make D.they have made 【解析】A考查倒装。句意:只有他们集思广益共同努力时,他们才能制定出这么好的 计划,而且提前完成了任务。Only when„做状语提前时,主句用倒装句。任务已经提前完 成了,所以用过去时。 2.【2013?河北省五校联盟调研考试】— Who is making so much noise in the garden? — ______ the children. A. It is B. They are C. That is D. There are 【解析】A考查强调句型。此句是强调句型的省略形式,原句应为:It is the children that are making so much noise in the garden。 3.【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature_________ he chose the course. A. that B. what C. why D. how 【解析】A考查强调句型。句意:大卫说正是因为他对文学的强烈的爱好他才选择了这 个课程。此处because of his strong interest in literature.是被强调的部分。 4.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】So popular that it attracts more than 100,000 kite fans to this city. A.became kite flying B.kite flying became C.has kite flying become D.kite flying has become 【解析】C考查倒装语序。句意:在这个城市放风筝是如此的流行以致吸引了大约100,000 的风筝迷到这儿来。本句的句型是so„that„;在这个句型中若so+adj/adv提前,主句部分倒 装,即“主倒从不倒”,故选C项。 5.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】 How long do you think ________ the computer company brings out a new product ? A. it will be before B. will it be before C. it will be that D. will it be when 【解析】A考查do you think 后陈述语序的用法。句意:你认为公司要过多久才能推出 新产品?本题中所考句型为:it be +一段时间+before 从句表示“„才„”,do you think 之后 用陈述语序。故排除B、D 选项。C 选项不符合语法规则。 故选A项。 6.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】 he met with the difficulty did he realize the importance of our help. A.Even though B.Never until C.Only before D.Ever since 【解析】B考查倒装结构。句意:他直到遇到的困难才意识到我们帮助的重要性。本句 中从句部分用的是倒装结构,故首先排除A 、D 选项。C 项不符合句意。B项中never until 相当于not until 结构。放在句首从句部分需倒装。正常语序为: He did not realize the importance of our help until he met with the difficult. 故选B。 7.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】________ money if you can and many poor children in the poor mountainous areas will be able to go back to school. A. Having given B. Given C. Give D. To give 【解析】C考查祈使句+and /or +简单句。句意为:如果你能给予一些钱,贫困山区的 很多孩子将能够重返校园。本句中空格处部分为祈使句,应该填动词原形.故正确选项为C。 8. 【2013?河北保定市期末调研】-- I reminded you not to forget to turn off the lights when you left the classroom. -- __________. A. So did I B. So you did C. So do you D. I do so 【解析】B考查倒装句及so的替代作用。句意:—— 我提醒你离开教室时不要忘记关 灯。—— 你提醒了我。此处表示你的确提醒了我。故用so+陈述句的形式。 9.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】We should give the disabled encouragement to live _________ as we do. A. as a rich and full life B. as rich and full a life C. so a rich and full life D. so rich and full a life 【解析】B考查as„as的用法。句意:我们应该给那些残疾人以鼓励让他们过上和我 们一样的生活。当so,as,how等后面跟的名词是可数名词时,把形容词放在冠词之前,如 so cold a day,故选B项。 10.【2013?河北省邯郸市高三教学质量检测】—I wonder _________ makes the video Gangnam Style so popular. —The unique dance moves and funny horse riding scenes. A. how is it that B. what is it that C. how it is that D. what it is that 【解析】D考查强调句型及宾语从句的语序。句意:——我想知道什么使神曲《江南 Style》这么流行。——是独特的舞蹈动作和搞笑的骑马舞。这里用了强调句型it be+被强调 部分+that+其他,在这个宾语从句中缺少的是主语,本句被强调的是疑问词what,它可以做 主语,How不能做主语故排除A和C项。又因为宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序,故排除B 项,所以选D项。 11.【2013?河北省邯郸市高三教学质量检测】Not until I visited Guilin _______ it really worthy of the reputation. A. didn’t I find B. did I find C. I didn’t find D. I found 【解析】B考查部分倒装的用法。句意:“直到我去桂林我才知道它真是名副其实”。这 里Not until+从句放在句首,主句应该用部分倒装,故排除选项CD。Not已经前置,所以后 面不再用它了,故排除A 12.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】 Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the TV set off, _ kept away from the unending cry of “You Need It! Buy It Now!” A. you are B. ought you to be C. you will be D. can you be 【解析】D考查倒装用法。句意:只有你睡着了,或者关上电视,你才能够远离没完没 了的叫卖声“你一定需要它。现在就买吧。”only修饰的状语从句位于句首时,主句要用部 分倒装的语序;ought to 应该,与句意不符。 13.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】 A new survey shows that 54 percent of Americans do not take prescription medicines ______though they are important to their health. A. as they instruct B. as were instructed C. as to be instructed D. as instructed 【解析】D考查省略句的用法。句意:一项调查表明54%的美国人不按照医生的指导 服用处方药,尽管这些要对他们懂得健康很重要。完整的结构为as they are instructed,当状 语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致时,同时从句的谓语含有be动词时,从句中的主语和be 动词可以省略。 14.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】The ground is wet all over, so I’m sure it must have rained last night, ________? A. wasn’t it B. didn’t it C. isn’t it D. doesn’t it 【解析】B考查反意疑问句。句意:地面全湿了,因此我确定昨天晚上下雨了,是吗?must have done表示对过去事情的推测,如果句中有具体的时间状语,反意疑问句用过去时,如 果句中没有时间状语用完成时。本句中有last night,故选用B项。 15.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】“Freeze, you guy! ________, and I’ ll shoot you.” an old man with a gun in hand shouted at me. A. If you go for one more step B. Going for one more step C. One more step D. You going for one more step 【解析】C考查祈使句。句意:“别动,家伙。如果你再走一步我就开枪了。”一个端着 枪的老人冲我大喊。“and”是并列连词,前面应该是个句子。A是状语从句,B、C项是分 词。A项是省略动词的名词词组,相当于“go for one more step”。 16.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】Not until ___ on TV ___ that the Chinese was rescued by the European Union Task Force. A. did I turn; did I know B. did I turn; I knew C. I turned; did I know D. I turned; I had know 【解析】C考查倒装句。句意:直到打开电视我才发现中国人被欧盟特遣部队给救了。 “not until”倒装句中从句语序不变,主句用部分倒装。 17.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】Into the dark apartment_______, who was quite surprised when everyone shouted “happy birthday”. A. did David walk B. walked David C. David did walk D. David walked 【解析】B考查倒装句型。句意:David进入漆黑的公寓,大家都高喊生日快乐时他感 到非常吃惊。介词短语放在句首,且主语为名词时,主谓结构完全倒装。 18.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】Not until I came home last night _______to bed. A. Dad did go B. did Dad go C. went Dad D. Dad went 【解析】B考查倒装句。句意:昨晚,直到我回家,父亲才上床睡觉。not until+时间状 语用在句首,半倒装。倒装其实是比较好记忆的:当主语是名词时,一是表方位的词(介词, 副词)用于句首,全倒装,二是否定词(大多表否定意义,也有不表的,比如:not until....,但 它是以否定词开头的)用于句首,三是几个特殊的短语:so/such,so/such....that...,“如此„„ 以致于„„”(当so位于句首)和only+状语。 19. 【2013?河北省保定市八校高三12月联考】 I really don’t know _______ I had my money stolen. A. when was it that B. that it was when C. where it was that D. it was where that 【解析】C考查强调句特殊疑问句式的语序。强调句型:it+be(is/was)+被强调部分 +that/who+其他成分。变成一般疑问句将be动词提前,构成Be+it+被强调部分+that/who+其 他成分?如果被强调部分是特殊疑问词(wh-),将特殊疑问词提前,构成特殊疑问词(wh-)+ be+it+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分?而本句强调句作know的宾语,故用陈述语序,故只 能选A项。 20.【2013?安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考】Only when you are living in a foreign country the importance of English. A. you can realize B. you realized C. did you realize D. can you realize 【解析】D 考查倒装句。句意为:只有当你身处国外时,才能意识到英语的重要性。 Only修饰状语位于句首时,句子要用倒装语序,根据前面的are living可知时态为现在时, 且根据语境可知选D项。 专题十五 情景交际 1.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】—I’m surprised to discover that so many idioms come from the Bible. 一So am I and I really like the story about“ ”,which is a good example to show the hidden weaknesses in the people we admire. s eye A. killing the fatted calf B.the apple of somebody’ C. feet of clay D.seeing the handwriting on the wall 【解析】C考查习语。句意:——发现如此多的习语来 自圣经我感到很惊讶。——我也很惊讶,我真的喜欢“feet of clay”这个故事,他是一个说明我们所钦佩的人身上隐藏着 致命的弱点很好的例子。killing the fatted calf热情款待,设 宴欢迎;the apple of somebody’s eye某人的喜爱之物或人;feet of clay泥足,致命的弱点;seeing the handwriting on the wall审判即将来临或觉察到„„行将灭亡。根据句意可知选C项。 2.【2013?江苏省泰州市高三上学期期末考试】—Is there anything to discuss? — .I guess. A. Yes, I’m sure B.Yes, of course C.Not at all D.No, that’s all 【解析】D考查交际用语。句意:——还有什么要讨论 的吗?——我猜没有了,就这些了。A、B和C项语气很肯定, 只有D项意为“我猜没有了。”故选D项。 3. 【2013?浙江温州八校联考1】--- I’ve studied watching birds as one of my interests. Could I make some suggestions? ---_________ . A. You will make it B. It doesn’t matter C. Go right ahead D. Take it easy 【解析】C考查交际用语。句意:---我把研究观察鸟儿 作为我的兴趣。我能给出一些建议吗?---你说吧。You will make it你会成功的;It doesn’t matter没关系;Go right ahead请说吧;Take it easy别紧张,根据句意可知选C项。 4.【2013?重庆市九校联盟高三上学期期末考试】--- I think you should apologize to him. d apologize to anybody but him. --- _____. I’ A. No way B. No problem C. No wonder D. No doubt 【解析】A考查情景交际。句意:我认为你应该向他道 歉,没门,除他之外,我愿意给任何人道歉。No way 没门;No problem没问题;No wonder 难怪;No doubt毫无疑问;故答案 为A项。 5.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】—Thank you for taking the trouble to help me with my application letter. — . A.Don’t mention it B.With pleasure C.It doesn’t matter D.By all means 【解析】A考查交际用语。句意:——谢谢你费力地帮 我写求职信。——别客气。A项“别客气”;B项“我愿意”;C 项“没关系”;D项“无论如何”。根据题意可知选A项。 6.【2013?安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】—Do you think a war will break out between the two countries? — Their conflict can be settled if they’re willing to sit down for peace talks. A.No way. B.That’s for true. C.Why not? D.It depends. 【解析】D考查交际用语。句意:——你认为两国之间 有战争爆发吗?——视情况而定了。如果他们愿意坐下来和平 谈判的话,他们的冲突可能会被解决。No way没门;That’s for true确实如此; Why not? 为什么不? It depends视情况而定。 根据句意可知选D项。 7.【2013?山西省高三第二次诊断考试】—I’m afraid I cannot get along well with my new classmates. — , Mike. Everything will be OK. A.Go ahead B.Forget it C.Take it easy D.Don’t mention it 【解析】C考查交际用语。句意——我恐怕不能与我的 新同学相处好。——迈克,不要担心,一切都会好的。take it easy别担心,慢慢来,故选C项。Go ahead前进,请吧;Forget it不要提;Don’t mention it不用谢。 8.【2013?江苏省兴化市板桥高级中学高三12月度检测】 -- Oh, I have never seen such a grand party. -- Come here, Jane. ________. A. Help yourself. B. Make yourself at home. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Take your time. 【解析】B考查情景交际用语。Help yourself.请随便 吃;Make yourself at home.不用拘礼;It doesn’t matter.不要紧, 没关系; Take your time.别急急忙忙,慢点来。根据句意“过 来,Jane, 不用拘礼。” 故选B项。 9.【2013?福建省龙岩市高三1月教学质量检查】-- A second,please. I have another call coming through. -- ______. I’m not in a hurry. A. Enjoy yourself B. Leave me alone C. Do as you like D. Take your time 【解析】D考查情景交际。句意:稍待片刻,我又有一 个电话打进来了。别慌,我并不着急。Take one’s time别慌, 慢慢来。Enjoy yourself慢慢享用;Leave me alone别管我;Do as you like随你喜欢;爱怎么来就怎么来。根据句意可知选D项。 10.【2013?辽宁省东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟】 ---You were fined for exceeding the speed limit again. ---__________ I was hurrying to attend a wedding party. A. Well done! B. Just my luck! C. A little case. D. What about? 【解析】B考查情景交际。句意:你又因为超速被罚了。 我真倒霉,我急着去参加婚礼。Just my luck!真倒霉,真走运, 依情况取义;Well done!做得好;A little case小事一桩;What about?什么事?根据句意可知选B项。 11.【2013?河北保定市期末调研】—— Now, where is my package? —— ________ We’ll be late for the train. A. Come on. B. Forget it! C. Don’t worry. D. Who knows? 【解析】A考查交际用语.句意:—— 现在,我的行李 在哪里?—— 快点。我们要赶不上火车了。此处Come on快 点;Forget it算了吧; Don’t worry不担心;Who knows?谁知道 呢?根据句意可知选A项。 12.【2013?河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试】— Do you think I should accept his invitation, Jim? — If I were you, I certainly would. A. None of your business. B. It depends. C. Why not? D. I don’t think so. 【解析】C考查情景交际。句意:——你认为我应该接 受他的邀请吗,Jim?——为什么不呢,如果我是你,我肯定 接受。None of your business.不管你的事,用于告诫让别人不 要做这件事;It depends.视情况而定;Why not?为什么不呢?I don’t think so.我不这样认为。根据句意可知选C项。 13.【2013?河北省邯郸市高三教学质量检测】-- Shall we have our house decorated? --_____ I think it’s fine as it is. A. Why not? B. Sound great. C. Not exactly. D. Better not. 【解析】D考查交际用语。句意:—我们可以把我们的 房子装修一下吗?--最好不要,我认为像现在这样很好的。 Why not为什么不; Sound great听起来很好;Not exactly不完 全是,未必就;Better not最好不,根据句意应选D项。 14. 【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】-- He is a very hard-working student. -- . As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil. A. You can say that again B. Absolutely not C. Heaven knows D. No way 【解析】A考查交际用语用法。句意:---他是一个学习 很刻苦的学生。---你说对了。据我所知,他经常熬夜学习。 You can say that again没错;你说对了Absolutely not 绝对不 行;Heaven knows我不知道,天晓得; No way决不。根据句意 可知选A项。 15.【2013?清江中学高三第四次调研考试】-- My son, who is now studying at a university, uses more than 3,000 yuan a month. -- Well, tell him to be economical. After all, . A. money doesn’t grow on trees B. the morning sun never lasts a day C. light come, light go D. penny wise, pound foolish 【解析】A考查谚语用法。句意:——我的儿子现在在 上大学,每个月花3000多块钱。——让他节省点,毕竟钱 不是天上掉下来的。Money doesn’t grow on trees钱不是树 上结出来的,来之不易;the morning sun never lasts a day好景 不长;light come, light go来得容易去得快;penny wise, pound foolish贪小便宜吃大亏。根据句意可知选A项。 16.【2013?江苏省南京师范附属中学高三12月诊断】 ---Tom was caught cheating in the exam. ---Just his luck. ______ A. He has to kill the fatted calf. B. He has to face the music. C. He must be the apple of his parents’ eyes. D. He must be a black sheep. 【解析】B考查习语。句意:——汤姆考试作弊被抓到 了。——只怪他运气不好,他不得不接受这个现实。kill the fatted calf设宴款待;face the music接受惩罚;面对困难;the apple of his parents’ eyes掌上明珠;a black sheep害群之马。 根据句意可知选B项。 17.【2013?山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测】---How do you find the film you saw last night? ---________. I can’t think too highly of it. A. It makes no sense. B. It all depends. C. It’s just so so. D. It’s really splendid 【解析】D考查交际英语。句意:---你感觉你昨晚看到 的电影怎么样?---棒极了。我怎么评价它也不为过。makes no sense没意义;It all depends.视情况而定;just so so一般,一 般;really splendid棒极了。根据句意可知选D项。 18.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】-Did you go to the basket ball game last night? -______, I had an important meeting. A. No, I missed it. B.Yes, it was exciting. C. No, I couldn’t bear watching it. D.No, I won’t like it very much. 【解析】A考查情景交际。句意:——你昨晚去看篮球 比赛了吗?——没有,错过了。我有一个重要的会议。A项, 不错过了;B项,是的,它很激动人心。C项,不,我不忍心 看它;不,我非常不喜欢它。根据句意可知选A项。 19.【2013?河北省名校名师俱乐部高三第二次调研】--by using the DNA from a dinosaur fossil, we might someday create a living one. --_______. Dinosaurs disappeared millions of years ago, you know. A. Never mind B. No idea s believable C. That sounds crazy D. It’ 【解析】C考查情景交际。句意:——利用从恐龙化石中提取的DNA,我们会创造一个活生生的恐龙。——这听起来太离谱了,恐龙几百万年前就消失了。你知道的。A项没关系,不要紧;B项不知道;D项听起来太离谱了;D项这是可信的。根据题意可知选C项。 20.【2013?山东省德州市高三上学期期末校际联考】—Hi. Tommy. Are you busy now? —_____. I have done my work, and I’m going out for shopping. A.Don’t mention it B.Nothing serious C.Not really D.Never mind 【解析】C考查情景交际。句意:--- 嗨,Tommy,你现在忙么? --- 不忙。我刚做完工作,准备出去购物。Don’t mention it不用客气, 不用谢, 没关系, 不用介意;Nothing serious不要紧;Not really事实上不是;Never mind不用担心,别管;不要紧,没关系。根据题意可知选C项。 0 这是我在网上找的答案,信得过 就用 一. 1-3 CDC 4.把第一卷文言文阅读材料中划横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (1)鼎至,奏罢不职有司数十辈,列部肃清。 译文:熊鼎到任,奏请罢免不称职的官员数十人,各个部门安定清平。 (2)帝遣使慰劳,赐裘帽,复遣中使赵成召鼎。 译文:皇帝派遣使者慰劳,赐给裘皮衣服和帽子,又派中使赵成宣召熊鼎。 7. 二. 1-3 CCB 三. 1-3(1)比喻和对偶。不甘而无奈。(3分,修辞2分,心境1分) (2)年华老去的惆怅;春光逝去的伤感;理想破灭的失望。(3分,每点1分) (3)以“梨花风雨”象征了作者的命运处境;将许多愁都凝聚在风雨中的梨花之上,貌似超脱,实则沉痛;以景作结,耐人寻味。(4分,答出任两点即可) 6. 7.示例一:“饭盒一族”的出现,说明大学生的环保意识不断提高。 示例二:应在其他学校中广泛开展类似活动,提高大学生的环保意识。 示例三:支持环保应持之以恒,但愿“饭盒一族”不是昙花一现。 四 1-3 AAD 4-6 BDC 7.-1 到二十岁时,就精通经传历史,每天写文章几千字,喜欢贾谊、陆贽的书。 -2. 富民们如果都出了城,就会动摇民心,那我还和谁来守城呢,只要我在,水就绝不会冲了城 五.(1)(5分)B (3分) C (2分) A (1分) (2)(6分))?日历让作者感受到明天的希望;?日历让作者思考如何珍惜时间、珍爱生命;?日历让作者感知到生命的意义。 (3)(6分)?作者认为我们的日历大多页码是暗淡无光的,但是记忆却能从黯淡无光的生活中摆脱出来因为记忆排斥平庸,使人变得独特。?作者认为一个人的记忆是留在日历上的,但人不能只是被动地被记忆,还要用行动去创造记忆,认真的书写每一天的日历,是自己的人生(日历)丰富,充实。意思对即可 (4)(8分)本题为开放性题。只要能够通过一个城市的街区与建筑,一个人的照片、物品、老歌、老曲、日历等载体谈自己真实的生活体验,言之有理,有据。 六.1 作者从“客意” 中表现出对儿女的深爱,语言平易,感情真挚深厚,读来诗味极浓。 借景抒情首句从环境的清冷来渲染客意的孤寂。本来离家在外,孤身一人,已甚孤寂,偏偏又是雪天客居他乡,一盏青灯相伴,孤枕难眠,更显寂寞清冷。正是这孤寂的心境,把诗人的心绪引向归途。次句“眼中了了见归途”便是写枕上思绪茫茫,仿佛清清楚楚看见了归家之途。这种思绪的幻化,把思归心情更深化了一层。2.(1)《边城》是沈从文创作的我国现代文学史上被誉为“一颗千古不磨的珠玉”的长篇小说,它叙述了翠翠与傩送的爱情悲剧,生动地描写了湘西秀丽的风光和质朴的人情。(或:我国现代文学史上被誉为“一颗千古不磨的珠玉”的《边城》是沈从文创作的长篇小说,它叙述了翠翠与傩送的爱情悲剧,生动地描写了湘西秀丽的风光和质朴的人情。) (2)沈从文是我国现代文学史上被誉为“一颗千古不磨的珠玉”的长篇小说《边城》的作者,在小说中他讲述了翠翠与傩送的爱情悲剧,生动地描写了湘西秀丽的风光和质朴的人情。3. 路:一道辙印,就是一段历史;展示出历史,你开发了近林和远山。泉:一股细流,是一曲欢歌;汇聚了欢歌,你成就为大江与汪洋。 书:一页历史,就是一面镜子;擦亮了镜子,你呼唤着理性和良知。七.1-3.CBA4 他做官靠积累功劳当上了大中大夫。没有文才学问,但恭敬谨严没人能比。回家来进见他,万石君一定穿着朝服来接见,不称呼名字。孔子有句话,君子说话要谨慎,做事要努力”,恐怕就是说的“ 万石 君”这样的人吧,7. ?微笑是明亮的窗口,打开了多少紧锁的心扉,] ?死亡是时间的句号,带走了多少难忘的片段, ?感悟是心的眼睛,读懂了多少尘封的往事,8. 如果井水清澈,深井也一眼见底如果内心是一片清澈的单纯,深刻的人,看上去也简单九.1-4. 、(1)AD(2)艺术人生:?他的勤奋成就了他的艺术人生。?他的多思、大胆创新成就了他的艺术人生。?他的执著成就了他的艺术人生。人生艺术:?他的一生光明磊落,做得纯真,做得朴实,一生是平凡而简朴的。?乐观、豁达、大度使他在面对艰难时从不埋怨,这是一种人生艺术,是一种很高的境界。?和平和爱是他作品的主题,也是一种境界,也是一种人生的艺术。(3)?引用传主的话,直接展示传主的精神,增强感染力,也为作者的评述提供了依据。?引用他人的话,使文章对人物的评述更加全面、客观、真实、生动,也从侧面塑造传主的性格。?二者和作者的评述相结合,有助于读者全面而深刻地了解传主的精神和影响,提升了传记的阅读价值。(4)支持白石老人的衰年变法。白石老人既忠实于天地造化,又不拘泥于物之表象,追求神似夸张,艺术上更登上了一座新的颠峰,如今已为人所称道,世所公认。老人不墨守陈规,思考进取,有不为世之诽议所动的求新精神。老人还有百折无悔、孜孜不倦的毅力和胆识,堪称人民艺术家。爱因斯坦勇于冲破权威圣圈,大胆突进,赞扬普朗克假定并向纵深引申,提出了光量子理论,奠定了量子力学的根底。随后又推翻牛顿的绝对时间和空间的理论,创建了震惊世界的相对论,一鸣惊人,成了一个更巨大的权威。 十. (1)AE (2)、(6分)不能删除(1分)。这个自然段记叙了程万琦在体育事业上作出的卓越贡献,表明他的贡献是多方面的,不止局限于经济、金融等领域,从而有力地证明了程万琦“在所谓‘西方人的领域’做出中国人自己的一番事业来”这一观点(3分)。从“事业”这一侧面表现其爱国思想,进一步突出主题。如果将其删除,程万琦的“事业”就显得单薄了,削弱了文章的说服力和感染力(2分)。 (3)大体从三个方面:?从世界华人协会创建方面,写程万琦为创建协会所作的艰苦努力,以及该协会为祖国的富强所作的巨大贡献。?从关心祖国建设和百姓生活方面,写程万琦向国家领导人建言献策,提出增强国力,改善百姓生活的具体措施。?从事业方面,写程万琦在所谓“西方人的领域”里做出了属于中国人自己的一番事业。 (4)观点一:程万琦的家族有着悠久而优良的爱国传统,由于家族的传承和教育,他与生俱来就有着坚韧和豪爽的特点性格,这为他赋予了超常的个人魅力和魄力,所以,他才竭力创建世界华人协会,投身祖国的复兴与富强,在“西方人的领域”做出中国人自己的事业。程万琦的家族传统和性格优势,成就了他一生的“传奇”。 观点二:程万琦热爱中华民族,并亲手缔造了属于中华民族的传奇,这最主要还是因为中华民族传统文化中的爱国主义精神、忧国忧民思想、自强不息性格等深深的扎根在他的心底,所以,他才能处处从团结全球华人、弘扬中华文化、振兴中华民族的角度去安排自己的人生,去缔造那动人的“传奇”。中华民族传统文化才是他真正的根基和血脉。
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