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初一学生必会的辨音题初一学生必会的辨音题 1. tea meat weather beach[] weather 2. back fast have map[] fast 3. warm garden market party[] warm 4. school tooth choose good[] good 5. book mood look cook[] mood 6. June ruler put menu[] menu 7. push fun sun ugly[] push 8. tiger term off...

初一学生必会的辨音题 1. tea meat weather beach[] weather 2. back fast have map[] fast 3. warm garden market party[] warm 4. school tooth choose good[] good 5. book mood look cook[] mood 6. June ruler put menu[] menu 7. push fun sun ugly[] push 8. tiger term officer over[] term 9. go no cold hot[] hot 10. like lion pizza Friday[] pizza 11. seat mean leave bread[] bread 12. pig quite king this[] quite 13. back man make happy[]make 14. head teacher ready breakfast[]teacher 15. help nest letter she[]she 16. party star war farm[]war 17. past has fast ask[]has 18. but put cut study[]put 19. son month front mop[]mop 20. job stop cold model[]cold 21. those home alone soft[]alone 22. ago again apple about[]apple 23. like little wide smile[]little 24. page cake have date[]have 25. hat what map sad[]what 26. get next help we[]we 27. early sky city very[]sky 28. grow how slow yellow[]how 29. flower town down know[]know 30. summer just ruler truck[]ruler 31. book wood school good[]school 32. noodle moon foot noon[]foot 33. world doctor word work[]doctor 34. learn earth near early[]near 35. sport horse short word[]word 36. poor door floor indoor[]poor 37. laugh naughty daughter caught[]laugh 38. driver verb teacher brother[]verb 39. house mouth ground country[]country 40. near hear learn dear[]learn 41. hare are care square[]are 42. here where there therefore[]here 44. find kind still blind[]still 45. seat mean leave bread[]bread 46. August aunt autumn pause[]aunt 47. three think mouths fourth[]mouths 48. they thank there with[]thank 49. what white whose when[]whose 50. who whom where whose[]where 51. color circle country cock[]circle 52. usually pleasure vision desk[]desk 53. busy nose six these[]six 54. think mean bank thank[]mean 55. now no ink name[]ink 56. know knife knock bike[]bike 57. hour his here hide[]hour 58. zoos desks chairs toys[]chairs 59. foot classroom broom afternoon[]foot 60. houses spell student sister[]houses 61. color American doctor December[]December 62. teacher seat sweater please[]sweater 63. which who what where[]who 64. little thing white with[]white 65. yellow brown window know[]brown 66. worry sky only many[]sky 67. school chair China much[]school 68. these they brother three[]three 69. brother come police grandmother[]police 70. cinema climb sister film[]climb 71. these bath think health[]these 72. morning color work doctor[]morning 73. basement favorite basket table[]basket 74. island small ask helps[]island 75. mouth dangerous thousand about[]dangerous 76. beach meal theatre leave[]theatre 77. how snow tomorrow own[]how 78. large language giraffe great[]great 79. cake take nap wave[]nap 80. bread eat tea seat[]bread 81. never leg red he[]he 82. good too book neighborhood[] too 83. father glad shark car[]glad 84. sofa hot box lot[]sofa 85. bike five lion his[]his 86. order doctor boring corner[]doctor 88. flower follow how brown[]follow 89. slide hi toilet bike[]toilet 90. you house blouse trousers[]you 91. study puzzle bus busy[]busy 92. find dining-room behind pumpkin[]pumpkin 93. kitchen sandwich China ticket[]China 94. street coffee meet see[]coffee 95. toilet apple bottle table[]toilet 96. back lamp parent have[]parent 97. pig together garden swing[]swing 98. music telescope newspaper maths[]music 99. sofa off pot lot[]sofa 100. room foot too food[]foot 101. teacher driver term waiter[]term 102. behind bedroom jacket eleven[]bedroom 103. family camping dance blanket[]dance 104. over other clothes home[]other 105. morning horse door tomorrow[]tomorrow 106. diamond around elephant change[]change 107. house blouse cough mouth[]cough 108. building child children biscuit[]child 109. tennis find white kite[]tennis 110. street theatre train tree[]theatre 111. wash want parent what[]parent 112. large laugh sofa vase[]sofa 113. name lamp camping am[]name 114. food cook foot look[]food 115. cry circle class picture[]circle 116. thing theatre bathroom there[]there 117. on diamond crayon o’clock[]on 118. near heart tear hear[]heart 119. hour tour flour lour[]tour 120. bread dream break peace[]bread
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