首页 铝合金窗国家规范GBT8478-2003



铝合金窗国家规范GBT8478-2003铝合金窗国家规范GBT8478-2003 铝合金窗国家规范 GB/T 8478-2003 天津市深蓝装饰材料有限公司 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to th...

铝合金窗国家 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 GBT8478-2003 铝合金窗国家规范 GB/T 8478-2003 天津市深蓝装饰材料有限公司 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 铝 合 金 门 1.范围 本标准 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 了铝合金门的分类、规格、代号、要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本标准不适用于自动门、卷帘门、防火门、防射线屏蔽门等特种门。 2.规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB191 包装储运图示标志(eqv ISO780:1997) GB/T2518 连续热镀锌薄钢板和钢带 GB/T5237 铝合金建筑型材 GB/T5823-1986 建筑门窗术语 GB/T5824-1986 建筑门窗洞口尺寸系列 GB/T6388 运输包装收发货标志 GB/T7106 建筑外窗抗风压性能分级及其检测方法 GB/T7107 建筑外窗空气渗透性能分级及其检测方法 GB/7108 建筑外窗雨水渗透性能分级及其检测方法 GB/T8484 建筑外窗保温性能分级及其检测方法 GB/T8485 建筑外窗空气声隔声性能及其检测方法 GB/T9158-1988 建筑用窗承受机械力的检测方法 GB/T9799 金属覆盖层 钢铁上的锌电镀层(eqv ISO2081:1986) GB/T 13306 标牌 GB/T14154 塑料门 垂直荷载试验方法 GB/T14436 工业产品保证文件 总则 GB/T14952.3 铝及铝合金阳极氧化 着色阳极氧化膜色差和外观质量检验方法 目视观察法 GB/T1129 塑料门窗 硬物撞击试验方法 GB/T3892(GB9304) 推拉铝合金门窗用滑轮 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there ISO9379 整樘门一反复开、关试验 JGJ113 建筑玻璃应用技术规程 3.术语及定义 GB/T5823-1986、GB/T5824-1986确定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3. 1 铝合金门 aluminium doors 由铝合金建筑型材制作框、扇结构的门 4(分类、规格、代号 4( 1按开启形式区分 开启形式与代号按表1规定 表1 开启形式与代号 开启形式 折叠 平开 推拉 地弹簧 平开下悬 代号 Z P T DH PX 注1:固定部分与平开门或推拉门组合时为平开门或推拉门。 注2:百叶门符号为Y、纱扇门符号为S。 4.2按性能区分 性能按表2规定 表2 性能 种 类 性能项目 普通型 隔声型 保温型 抗风压性能(P) ? ? ? 3 水密性能(?P) ? ? ? 气密性能(q*q) ? ◎ ◎ 12 保温性能(K) ? ? ◎ 空气声隔声性能 ◎ ? ◎ (R) W 采光性能(T) ? ? ? r 撞击性能 ◎ ◎ ◎ 垂直荷载性能 ◎ ◎ ◎ 启闭力 ◎ ◎ ◎ especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 反复启闭性能 ◎ ◎ ◎ 注:?为选择项目◎为必须项目。用于外推拉门、外平开门抗风压、水密、气密性能为必选项目 4. 3规定型号 a)门洞口尺寸系列应符合GB5824的规定。 b) 门的构造尺寸可根据门洞口饰面材料厚度、附框尺寸、安装缝隙确定。 4.4.1标记方法 型号由门型、规格、性能标记代号组成。 L C 纱扇标记 性能标记 门规格型号 门代号 材质 开启形式 当抗风压、水密、气密、保温、隔声、采光等性能和纱扇无要求时不填写。 4(4(2示例 铝合金平开门,规格型号为1524。抗风压性能为2.0kpa,水密性能为150kpa, 气密性能 21.5m(m.h)保温性能3.5W/(m.K).隔声性能30dB,采光性能0.40带纱扇窗。 PLM1524-P32.0- ?P150-q1(或q2)1.5-K3.0-Rw30-Tr0.40-S 5. 材料 门用材料应符合有关标准的规定,参见附录A。 5(1铝合金门受力构件应经试验或计算确定。未经表面处理的型材最小实测壁厚应?2.0mm。 注:受力构件指参与受力和传力的杆件。 5(2表面处理 a)铝合金型材表面处理应符合表3的规定。 表3 铝合金型材表面处理 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 品种 阳极氧化、着色 电泳涂漆 粉末喷涂 氟碳喷涂 AA15 40um-120um 厚度 B级 ?30um 注:有特殊要求的按GB/T5237选择。 b) 黑色金属材料,除不锈钢外应按GB/T9799的规定进行表面锌电镀处理,其镀层厚度应大于 12um或采用GB/T2518和材质。 5(3玻璃 玻璃应根据功能要求选取适当品种、颜色,宜采用安全玻璃。 地弹簧门或有特殊要求的门应采用安全玻璃。 玻璃厚度、面积应经计算确定,计算方法按JGJ113规定。 5(4密封材料 密封材料应按功能要求、密封材料特性、型材特点选用。 5(5五金件、附件、紧固件 5(5五金件、附件、紧固件 五金件、附件、紧固件应满足功能要求。 门用五金件、附件安装位置正确、齐全、牢固、具有足够的强度,启闭灵活、无噪声、承受反复运动的附件、五金件应便于更换。 6(要求 6(1外观质量 产品表面不应有铝屑、毛刺、油污或其他污迹。连接处理不应有外溢的胶粘剂。表面平整,没有 明显的色差、凹凸不平、划伤、擦伤、碰伤等缺陷。 6(2尺寸偏差 尺寸允许偏差按表4的规定 表4 尺寸允许偏差 单位为毫米 项目 尺寸范围 偏差值 ?2000 ?2.0 门框槽口高度 宽度 >2000 ?3.0 ?2000 ?2.0 门框槽口对边尺寸之差 >2000 ?3.0 表4 (续) especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 单位为毫米 项目 尺寸范围 偏差值 门框对角线尺寸之差 ?3000 ?3.0 >3000 ?4.0 门框与门扇搭接宽度 ?2.0 同一平面高低差 ?0.3 装配间隙 ?0.2 6. 3 玻璃与槽口配合 a)平板玻璃与玻璃槽口的配合,见图1、表5 a---玻璃前部余隙或后步余隙; b---玻璃嵌入深度; c---玻璃边缘余隙 a a b c 图1 平板玻璃装配图 表5 玻璃厚度与玻璃槽口的尺寸 单位为毫米 玻璃厚度 密封材料 密封胶 密封条 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there a b c a b c 5.6 ?5 ?10 ?7 ?3 ?8 ?4 8 ?5 ?10 ?8 ?3 ?10 ?5 10 ?5 ?12 ?8 ?3 ?10 ?5 3+3 ?7 ?10 ?7 ?3 ?8 ?4 4+4 ?8 ?10 ?8 ?3 ?10 ?5 5+5 ?8 ?12 ?8 ?3 ?10 ?5 b)中空玻璃与玻璃槽口的配合,见图2,表6 a--玻璃前部余隙或后步余隙; b—玻璃嵌入深度; c—玻璃边缘余隙; A---空气层厚度(A为6、9、12)。 a A a b c 图2 中空玻璃装配图 表6中空玻璃厚度与玻璃槽口的尺寸 单位为毫米 玻璃厚度 密封材料 密封胶 密封条 a b c a b c ?5.0 ?15.0 ?7.0 ?5.0 ?15.0 ?7.0 4+A+4 5+A+5 6+A+6 8+A+8 ?7.0 ?17.0 6. 性能 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 门的性能应根据建筑物所在地区的地理、气候和周围环境及建筑物的高度、体形、重要性等选 定。 6(4(1抗风压性能 分级指标值P3按表7规定 表7抗风压性能分级 单位为千帕 1 2 3 4 5 分级 指标值 1.0?P<1.5 1.5?P<2.0 2?P<2.5 2.5?P<3.0 3.0?P<3.5 33333 6 7 8 x*x 分级 指标值 3.5?P<4.0 4.0?P<4.5 4.5?P<5.0 P?5.0 3333 注:x*x表示用?kpa的具体值,取代分级代号 在各分级指标值中,门主要受力构件相对挠度单层、夹层玻璃挠度?L/120。中空玻璃挠度?L180。其绝对值不应超过15mm,取其较小值。 6(4(2水密性能 分级指标值?P按表8规定 表8水密性能分级 单位为帕 1 2 3 4 5 XXXX 分级 指标值 100??P<150 150??P<250 250??P<350 350??P<500 500??P<700 ΔP?700 注:XXXX 表示用?700pa的具体值取代分级代号,适用于热带风暴和台风袭击地区的建筑。 6(4(3气密性能 分级指标值q1,q2按表9规定 表9气密性能分级 2 3 4 5 分级 3单位缝长指标q(m/(m.h)) 4.0?q>2.5 2(5?q>1.5 1(5?q>0.5 q?0.5 11111 32单位面积标值q(m/(m.h)) 12?q>7.5 7.5?q>4.5 4.5?q>1.5 q?1.5 22222 6(4(4保温性能 分级指标值K按表10规定 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 表10 保温性能分级 单位为瓦每平方米开 5 6 7 8 9 9 分级 K<1.5 指标值 4.0>K?3.5 3.5>K?3.0 3.0>K?2.5 2.5>K?2.0 2.0>K?1.5 6(4(5空气声隔声性能 分级指标值Rw按表11规定 表11空气声隔声性能分级 单位为分贝 2 3 4 5 6 分级 指标值 25?Rw<30 30?Rw<35 35?Rw<40 40?Rw<45 Rw?45 6(4(6撞击性能 门撞击后应符合下列要求: a)门框、扇无变形、连接处无松动现象。 门锁等附件应完整无损、启闭正常。 b)插销、 C)玻璃无破损。 d)门扇下垂直应不大于2mm。 6(4(7垂直荷载强度 垂直荷载强度适应于平开门、地弹簧门。 当施加30kg荷载,门扇 卸荷后的下垂量应不大于2mm。 6(4(8启闭力 启闭力应不大于50N。 6(4(9反复启闭性能 反复启闭应不少于10万次,启闭无异常,使用无障碍。 7. 检验与试验方法 7(1外观质量按GB/T14852.3的规定,进行目测。 7(2尺寸偏差,用卡尺、塞尺、钢卷尺进行检查。 7(3玻璃与槽口配合用卡进行检查。 7(4性能试验应符合表12的规定。 表12性能试验方法 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 项目 标准编号 GB/T7106 抗风压性能 GB/T7108 水密性能 GB/T7107 气密性能 GB/T8484 保温性能 GB/T8485 空气声隔声性能 GB/T1129 撞击性能 GB/T14154 垂直荷载强度 启闭力 GB/T9158-1988中的第6.1条 反复启闭性能 GB/T3892(GB9304)(适用于推拉门) ISO9379(适用于平开门) 7.5门物理、机械性能试验顺序应符合下列规定: a) 物理性能宜按气密、水密、抗风压性能的顺序试验。 b) 机械性能应按撞击、启闭力、反复启闭、下垂量的顺序试验。 (检验规则 8 产品检验分出厂检验和型式检验。 产品检验合格后有合格证。合格证符合GB/T14436的规定。 8(1出厂检验 a)检验项目 产品检验项目应符合表14的规定。 b)组批规则与抽样 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 从每项工程中的不同品种、规格分别随机抽取10%且不得少于三樘。 C)判定规则与复检规则 产品检验不符合本标准要求时,应重新加倍抽取进行检验。 产品仍不符合要求时,则判为不合格产品。 8(2型式检验 a)检验项目 产品检验项目应符合表13的规定 表13出厂检验与型式检验项目 序号 项目名称 出厂检验 型式检验 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 1 _ 抗风压性能 ? 2 _ 水密性能 ? 3 _ 气密性能 ? 4 _ 保温性能 ? 5 _ 空气声隔声性能 ? 6 _ 撞击性能 ? 7 _ 垂直荷载强度 ? 8 启闭力 ? ? 9 _ 反复启闭性能 ? 10 玻璃与槽口配合 ? ? 11 门框槽口高度偏差 ? ? 12 门框槽口宽度偏差 ? ? 13 门框对边尺寸之差 ? ? 14 门框对角线尺寸之差 ? ? 15 门框与扇搭接宽度偏差 ? ? 16 同一平面高低之差 ? ? 17 装配间隙 ? ? 18 外观质量 ? ? 注:1. ?根据用户要求进行测试。 2. 地弹簧门不做前三项检测。 b) 有下列情况之一时应进行型式检验: 1)产品或老产品转厂生产的试制定型鉴定; 2)正式生产后当结构、材料、工艺有较大改变可能影响产品性能时; 3)正常生产时每两年检测一次; 4)产品停一年以上再恢复生产时; 5)发生重大质量事故时; 6)出厂检验结果与上次型式检验有较大差异时; 7)国家质量监督机构或 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 规定要求进行型式检验时。 c)组批规则和抽样方案 从产品的不同品种、相同规格中每两年在出厂检验合格产品中随机抽取三樘。 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there d) 判定规则 产品检验不符合本标准要求时,应另外加倍抽样复检,当复检仍不合格时,则判为不合格产 品。 9(标志、包装、运输、贮存 9(1 标志 9(1(1在产品明显部位应标明下列标志 a)制造厂名和商标; b) 产品名称、型号和标志; c)产品应贴有标牌,标牌应符合GB/T13306的规定; d) 制作日期或编号。 9(1(2包装箱的箱面标志应符合GB/T6388的规定。 9(1(3包装箱上应有明显的“怕湿”“小心轻放”“向上”字样和标志,其图形应符合GB191 的规定。 9(2包装 (2(1产品应用无腐蚀作用的材料包装。 9 9(2(2包装箱应有足够的强度,确保运输中不受损坏。 9(2(3包装箱内的各类部件,避免发生相互碰撞、窜动。 9(2(4产品装箱后,箱内应有装箱单和产品检验合格证。 9(3运输 9(3(1在运输过程中避免包装箱发生相互碰撞。 9(3(2搬运过程中应轻拿轻放,严禁摔、扔、碰击。 9(4贮存 9(4(1产品应放置通风、干燥的地方。严禁与酸、碱、盐类物质接触并防止雨水浸入。 9(4(2产品严禁与地面直接接触,底部垫高大于100mm.。 09(4(3 产品放置用垫块垫平,立放角度不小于70。 A.1金属材料及表面处理 GB/T708-1988冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外型、重量及允许偏差 GB/T2518-1988 连续热镀锌薄钢板和钢带 GB/T3280-1992不锈钢冷轧钢板 GB/T3880-1997 铝及铝合金轧制板材 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there GB/T4239-1991不锈钢和耐热钢冷轧钢带 GB/T5237.1-2000 铝合金建筑型材 第1部分 基材 GB/T5237.2-2000 铝合金建筑型材 第2部分 阳极氧化、着色型材 GB/T5237.3-2000 铝合金建筑型材 第3部分 电泳涂漆型材 GB/T5237.4-2000 铝合金建筑型材 第4部分 粉末喷涂型材 GB/T5237.5-2000 铝合金建筑型材 第5部分 氟碳漆喷涂型板 GB/T9799-1997 金属覆盖层 钢铁件上的锌电镀层 GB/T13821-1992 锌合金压铸件 GB/T15114-1994 铝合金压铸件 A. 2玻璃 GB9962-1999夹层玻璃 GB/T9963-1998钢化玻璃 GB17841-1999幕墙用钢化玻璃与半钢化玻璃 GB11614-1999浮法玻璃 GB/T11944-2002中空玻璃 JC693-1998热反射玻璃 JC433-1991夹丝玻璃 GB/T18701-2002着色玻璃 A. 3窗纱 GB/T3882-1999(GB8379-1987)窗纱型式尺寸 GB/T3883-1999 (GB8380-1987)窗纱技术条件 A. 4密封材料 GB/T5574-199工业用橡胶板 GB/T16589-1996硫化橡胶分类 橡胶材料 HG/T3100-1997建筑橡胶密封垫 密封玻璃窗和镶板的预成型实心硫化橡胶材料规范 GB/T12002-1989塑料门窗用密封条 JC/T635-1996建筑门窗密封毛条技术条件 GB/T14683-1993硅铜建筑密封膏 A.5五金件 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there GB/T3884-1999(GB9296-1988)地弹簧 GB/T3885-1999(GB9297-1988)铝合金门插销 GB/T3889-1999(GB9301-1988)铝合金门窗拉手 GB/T3891-1999(GB9303-1988)铝合金门锁 GB/T3892-1999(GB9304-1988)推拉铝合金门窗用滑轮 GB/T3893-1999(GB9305-1988)闭门器 GB/T2473-2000外装门锁 GB/T2474-2000弹子插芯锁 GB/T2475-2000叶片门锁 GB/T2476-2000球形门锁 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there
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