首页 公司各部门职责



公司各部门职责公司各部门职责 一、综合管理部 1、综合管理部是公司行政后勤和人力资源主管部门。 2、负责起草行政和人资工作项规章制度~并检查执行情况。 3、督促检查公司有关决策、工作部署及重要事项的办理落实情况~及时反馈工作进展和办理结果~协调公司各部门工作关系。 4、负责组织安排各种行政会议~记录会议内容~整理会议纪要~检查会议决议执行情况。 5、根据公司战略规划~制定公司人力资源规划、组织机构、人员招聘与配置、员工培训、薪酬福利管理、绩效管理和员工劳动关系管理等工作。 6、负责公司文件的发布、传阅、催办、上报~...

公司各部门职责 一、综合管理部 1、综合管理部是公司行政后勤和人力资源主管部门。 2、负责起草行政和人资工作项规章制度~并检查执行情况。 3、督促检查公司有关决策、工作部署及重要事项的办理落实情况~及时反馈工作进展和办理结果~协调公司各部门工作关系。 4、负责组织安排各种行政会议~记录会议内容~整理会议纪要~检查会议决议执行情况。 5、根据公司战略规划~制定公司人力资源规划、组织机构、人员招聘与配置、员工培训、薪酬福利管理、绩效管理和员工劳动关系管理等工作。 6、负责公司文件的发布、传阅、催办、上报~以及文件档案的收集、归类、整理、登记、保管、借阅和销毁等各项工作。 7、负责公司印章管理。 8、负责做好接待工作~组织接待上级、政府部门及其他单位有关人员来司检查工作、参观、访问事宜。 9、负责公司注册、注销、年检及公司法律事务 10、负责企业文化建设。 11、负责编制公司办公费用和人工成本预算~并根据公司下达的指标进行费用控制和管理。 transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollution: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 12、负责公司固定资产管理~逐项登记造册。负责公司办公场所租赁费、物业管理费、水电费报批支付。及时安排修复损坏的办公设施、设备~保持办公区域内的环境卫生。 13、统一调配使用公司公务用车~控制油料和车辆维修等车辆使用经费支出~加强司机安全行车教育。 14、负责劳保用品的购置和发放工作。 15、负责公司办公网络设施、通讯设备的日常管理。 16、负责组织公司党、工、青、妇及各项群众性活动的计划和组织 17、负责公司职工食堂的日常管理工作。 18、负责公司办公用品的采购和发放工作。 19、完成领导交办的其他工作。 二、财务部 1、计划财务部是公司经营管理、会计核算、财务管理的职能部门~负责公司日常财务核算~参与公司的经营管理。在总会计师具体领导下开展工作。 2、贯彻执行《会计法》及国家有关各项法规和规章制度。严格执行国家的《企业会计准则》和燃气产业集团的《会计核算办法》。 3、结合公司实际制定企业财务管理的各项规章制度并监督执行。 4、根据公司发展战略和集团公司计划、配合协助公司 teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protecti, the stablishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction teamn normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 eaintair needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to mlabor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labos on se focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focutoday it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This pha l saidchedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, totanto the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the sn: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged itransportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio2on of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 年度目标任务的制订与分解~编制并下达公司的财务计划~编制并上报公司年度财务预算~指导公司的财务活动。 5、根据公司年度目标任务进行分解~编制公司季度、月度经营计划和财务计划~定期对执行情况进行检查分析。 6、根据公司资金运作情况~资金动态~营业收入和费用开支的资料并进行分析~合理调配资金~确保公司资金正常运转。 7、负责全公司各项财产的资产管理、债权债务的管理工作~参与企业的各项投资管理。 8、负责对各分公司、项目部的计划、财务、资产管理工作进行检查、监督。 9、参与公司及各部门对外经济合同的签订工作。 10、负责公司财务控制~包括收款、付款、现金安全、费用支出的控制。 11、负责公司年度财务决算工作~审核、编制上级有关财务报表~并进行综合分析。 12、负责公司对外有关财务方面的事务~包括纳税申报~税金计缴~银行、物价、财政等工作。 13、负责各类物资采购价格的监督工作。 14、负责财务会计凭证、账簿、报表等财务档案的分类、整理和移交档案工作。 15、负责对工程项目的造价进行监督。 izations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guaranteequality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organe the rocedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensuris issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal pon th, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork o theut 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According tBA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes abo .n: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ..transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio3sibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:y and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners respontimel 16、完成领导交办的其他工作。 三、经营管理部 1、经营管理部是公司战略发展的执行管理和内控部门~根据公司战略目标负责制定具体经营计划、实施措施和考核办法。根据各部门职责进行任务分配和分解~并指导相关单位按计划实施。定期召开经营分析例会~对经营过程中存在的问题~及时提出整改意见~对任务完成情况定期进行总结分析和考核。在总经济师具体领导下开展工作。 2、负责公司工程项目预、决算造价内审和管控工作。 3、负责公司气源落实~气价调整和购销气合同的管理。 4、负责公司经营状况及数据的统计、分析与上报工作。 5、负责公司平衡计分卡工作。 6、负责协助公司组织召开董事会事宜。 7、负责牵头组织各单位制定公司内部管理办法、业务流程~定期进行修订的完善。 8、负责对外投资企业运营情况统计分析、协助公司其对外投资企业进行管理。 9、负责公司形象建设~对公司形象建设在硬件及软件方面提出具体 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~报总经理办公会议通过后实施。 10、负责按照公司规定组织生产性物资、设备、材料、工具、仪器的招标采购工作。 11、负责市场信息收集和分析工作~及时掌握政府信 teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protecti, the stablishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction teamn normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 eaintair needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to mlabor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labos on se focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focutoday it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This pha l saidchedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, totanto the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the sn: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged itransportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio4on of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 息、政策变化、市场变化、消费者心理状态~定期向公司递交经营分析报告~为公司战备定位提供科学依据。 12、负责公司战略计划的有关对外联络协调、前期项目策划、市场开发的政策研究、项目可行性分析。 13、负责公司项目的手续办理工作,至项目核准,。 14、完善对竞争企业的信息收集并进行整理分析~制定 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 和对策。 15、负责对个项目部的日常管理~对项目部的工程项目从市场开发、规划、 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、核准~按公司有关文件精神实施日常管理。 16、完成领导交办的其他工作。 四、生产运行部 1、宣传、贯彻、执行有关安全生产的法律法规~认真研究解决公司安全生产管理工作中存在的重大问题。在总工程师具体领导下开展工作。 2、建立健全公司的安全管理责任制和安全管理规章制度~定期对落实和执行情况进行检查和考核。建立公司生产运行体系~完善站场操作规程和生产 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~建立专业设备台账~定期组织对站场各专业技术指标进行考核~确保站场操作、维护管理全面受控。 3、根据国家和当地安全生产工作规划、目标和要求~结合公司的实际~制定安全生产长远规划和年度计划~并组 5sibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:y and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners respontimel izations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guaranteequality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organe the rocedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensuris issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal pon th, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork o theut 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According tBA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes abo .n: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ..transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio 织实施 4、负责安全技术方面的检查~各站场的生产工艺管理~及时组织或帮助相关部门解决生产运行过程中存在的技术问题~认真进行安全技术研究工作~积极采用先进技术和安全设备。 5、建立健全公司重大危险源和重大事故隐患管理档案~督促有关责任单位制定危险源监控和重大事故隐患整改措施~并组织落实或监督有关单位实施。 6、负有行政许可职权的部门~对涉及安全生产事项的审批项目要严格依照法律、法规和标准规定的条件和程序审批。 7、负有安全监督管理职责的部门~要建立健全安全监督管理工作机构~落实安全监督管理人员及工作经费。 8、制定公司或监管单位的生产安全事故应急预案~经公司主要负责人签署后~并组织演练。 9、当本系统或监管单位发生生产安全事故时~立即启动应急预案组织抢救~做好善后工作~并协助有关部门对事故进行调查处理。 10、负责制定落实生产运行、燃气销售、物资、设备的采购、运输、保管、使用等计划和方案。 11、负责生产运行固定资产的使用、维护和管理工作。 12、负责实施企业生产、销售过程中的形象建设~做到 6on of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protecti, the stablishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction teamn normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 eaintair needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to mlabor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labos on se focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focutoday it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This pha l saidchedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, totanto the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the sn: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged itransportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio 有措施、有组织、有创新~使广大客户满意。 13、负责对各分公司,项目部,的业务指导和检查~及时反馈意见和建议。 14、负责生产运行、燃气销售、客服员工的培训工作。做到有计划、有目标、有成效。 15、负责燃气销售工作的管理、生产和销售的统计报表工作。 16、完成上级和总公司交办的各项其他工作。 五、工程基建部 1、贯彻执行国家和地方有关基本建设的法律、法规文件; 贯彻执行施工技术规程、规范~组织制定施工管理办法~负责工程管理工作。在总工程师具体领导下开展工作。 2、负责组织搜集、整理、提供施工图的设计条件,编制设计任务书工作。 3、负责组织勘察、设计、招标代理、工程咨询、施工、监理的招投标工作及相关合同的起草工作。 4、负责协调设计院进行设计方案、施工图设计工作。 5、负责组织图纸会审、设计交底工作。 6、负责工程施工安全、质量、进度及造价控制管理。 7、负责工程量的审定工作、设计变更、现场签证工作。 8、负责组织审批施工单位的施工组织设计(或施工方案)工作。 y and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners respontimel izations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guaranteequality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organe the rocedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensuris issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal pon th, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork o theut 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According tBA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes abo .n: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ..transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio7sibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 9、负责工程预付款、进度款的审核~负责组织工程结算的审核。 10、负责工程总进度计划及阶段进度计划,月、周等,的审批及考核工作。 11、负责日常工程报表工作(周报、月报等),负责工程信息资料的整理、移交和汇总上报工作。 12、负责对工程资料进行管理。 13、督促监理单位、施工单位严格执行国家现行施工技术规范,严格履行合同~协调监理单位、施工单位之间的工作。 14、参加监理例会,负责核查监理人员上报的各种情况及数据。 15、定期组织工程例会~全面掌握工程施工情况。 16、负责收集与本部门有关的工程竣工决算资料~负责勘察设计单位、施工单位、监理单位及其他相关单位的资信管理工作。 17、负责处理工程技术问题及工程建设中的突发事件。 18、组织实施中间交验、竣工初验。 19、将验收合格的工程项目移交至生产运行部。 20、负责做好已验收竣工工程保修期内的保修工作和用户申诉问题解决。 21、完成公司安排的其它业务工作。 8on of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protecti, the stablishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction teamn normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 eaintair needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to mlabor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labos on se focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focutoday it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This pha l saidchedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, totanto the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the sn: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged itransportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio 六、安全管理部 1、安全管理部门是本单位安全生产管理和安委会办公室的职能管理机构~在公司领导和安全生产管理委员会的领导下~负责公司的安全监督管理工作~贯彻执行国家、法律、法规、政策~落实集团及公司的各项安全生产管理制度。在总工程师具体领导下开展工作。 2、建立健全安全管理网络~定期组织公司各部门、营业部和站的安全管理人员召开会议~传达上级指示~听取安全运营工作 汇报 关于vocs治理的情况汇报每日工作汇报下载教师国培汇报文档下载思想汇报Word下载qcc成果汇报ppt免费下载 ~总结交流安全生产先进经验~指导做好安全管理工作。 3、组织收集制订、修订公司安全生产管理制度、应急救援综合预案、重大危险源应急救援预案的资料,负责制定年度安全生产技术措施计划、消防、保卫、安全宣传和培训的工作计划~并组织执行督导落实情况。 4、审核各部门、营业部和站组织制订、修订的安全生产管理制度、应急救援现场处置预案、应急救援专项预案和各项台账、设备维护和操作规程、岗位职责和执行流程~特种设备检定、防静电检测、消防器材换药的各项计划~并督导检查执行情况。 5、按照集团和公司安全检查制度~定期深入生产现场监督检查各项安全管理制度的执行情况~指出安全隐患~协助解决有关安全问题~纠正违章作业~遇有危及安全生产的 9sibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:y and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners respontimel izations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guaranteequality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organe the rocedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensuris issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal pon th, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork o theut 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According tBA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes abo .n: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ..transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio 紧急情况~有权责令其停止作业~并立即报告有关领导。 6、按照集团要求负责各类安全数据统计的上报工作~收集数据分析安全情况~协助和督导有关单位对查出的隐患制订防范措施~检查隐患整改工作的完成情况~并组织重大隐患整改计划的编制和督办落实。 7、配合人力资源部门~做好从业人员的安全技术初训、年度教育和转岗的培训考核~劳保用品采购工作~搞好职业安全卫生和劳动保护工作~负责公司主要负责人初训、复训、及特种作业人员的培训, 8、配合和督导工程基建部抓好施工的安全管理工作~检查工程建设的安全、消防“三同时”~参与图纸会审和工程竣工工作~审批和现场监督动火作业, 9、配合经营管理部对采购物资的安全技术管理提出要求,配合财务部编制年度安全技术措施费计划~并对计划的实施进行监督检查。 10、负责与上级主管部门和地方政府相关安全监督检查部门的联络工作~会同上级和政府相关安全监督检查部门对公司安全管理、消防安全和设备运行情况进行安全检查~发生事故及时上报~并配合对事故的调查、处理。 11、检查督促公司应急分队和各营业部、站做好应急队伍管理工作~设备、车辆、检测仪器、抢险物资等的维护保养,组织启动应急预案~做好各类突发事件和紧急情况下的 10on of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protecti, the stablishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction teamn normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 eaintair needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to mlabor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labos on se focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focutoday it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This pha l saidchedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, totanto the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the sn: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged itransportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio 应急处置。 12、负责组织制定安全工作绩效考核标准~对在安全生产中有贡献者或事故责任者~提出奖惩意见,协助生产运行部开展安全生产竞赛、宣传活动~对典型事例进行解剖分析~总结推广安全生产管理方面的先进经验~推动安全生产管理工作的开展, 13、组织聘请安全技术服务机构~开展对公司的危险源进行辨识和风险评价~并制定各类管理方案,推广安全生产科研成果、先进技术及现代安全管理办法。 14、完成领导交办的其他工作。 y and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners respontimel izations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guaranteequality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organe the rocedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensuris issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal pon th, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork o theut 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According tBA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes abo .n: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ..transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollutio11sibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:
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