首页 成都市分户验收标准



成都市分户验收标准成都市分户验收标准 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessàr...

成都市分户验收标准 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 成都市建设委员会关于印发《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定》的通知 各区(市)县建设局,在蓉各建设、勘察、设计、施工、监理单位: 为了进一步加强我市住宅工程质量管理,增强市场主体的质量意识,保障竣工房屋使用功能,维护广 大人民群众的合法权益,现将《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定》印发给你们,请执行。 附件:成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定 成都市建设委员会 二??七年八月七日 附:《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收暂行管理规定》 …………………………………………2 附: 《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收指南》 ………………………………………………………7 成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 第一条 为了加强住宅工程质量管理,落实建筑市场各责任主体的质量责任,维护广大住户的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》及国家工程质量验收规范等,结合成都市实际,制定本规定。 第二条 本市行政区域内,住宅工程质量分户验收(以下简称分户验收)及其监督管理,适用本规定。 本规定所称分户验收,是指住宅工程在按照国家规范要求内容进行单位工程竣工验收前,对每一户及部分公共部位质量进行的专门验收。 第三条 住宅工程未组织分户验收或分户验收不合格的,建设单位不得组织单位工程竣工验收。 实行分户验收后,住宅工程各方质量责任主体仍应严格按照国家工程建设质量管理的有关规定和技术标准对住宅工程进行竣工验收,并不得以分户验收代替竣工验收。 第四条 建设单位、施工单位和监理单位应加强住宅工程施工过程质量控制,强化住宅工程检验批验收,对于不符合质量要求的检验批,应当严格按照《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》有关规定进行处理。通过返修或者加固处理仍不能满足安全使用要求的分部工程、单位(子单位)工程,严禁验收。 第五条 住宅工程质量分户验收应当依据国家、省建设工程技术标准以及经审查合格的施工图设计文件进行。 第六条 住宅工程质量分户验收,应在确保工程地基基础和主体结构安全可靠、保温节能性能等符合设计要求的基础上,以检查工程观感质量和使用功能质量为主,主要包括以下检查内容: (一)室内空间、构件尺寸; (二)地面、墙面和顶棚面层质量; (三)门窗安装质量; (四)防水工程质量; (五)通风、空调系统安装质量; (六)给排水系统安装质量; (七)室内电气工程安装质量; (八)其他可能产生质量缺陷或需要分户检查的内容。 其中,每一间的室内净高、室内净开间、外窗台高度、外窗及窗扇安装质量、栏杆(板)高度、厨卫间等有防水要求的地面应全数检查。 第七条 分户验收的具体内容建设单位参照成都市建设工程质量监督站定期公布的《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收指南》(以下简称《指南》)。 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 2 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 成都市建设工程质量监督站根据本规定,结合一定时期内本市住宅工程中常见的质量通病和质量投诉热点问题,制定《指南》,并在成都市建设委员会网站(www.cdcc.gov.cn)、成都建设信息网(www.cdcin.com)和《成都市建设工程监督动态》上定期公布。 《指南》应当包括下列内容: 1、分户验收的验收项目、验收内容和验收要求等; 2、《住宅工程质量分户验收 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 表》(以下简称《分户验收记录表》)示范用表; 3、《住宅工程质量分户验收结果表》(以下简称《分户验收结果表》)示范用表。 第八条 住宅工程质量分户验收应当按照以下程序进行: (一)建设单位按照《指南》的要求,结合工程实际情况制定本工程分户验收方案。方案包括下列内容:确定具体验收项目、验收数量,并制定相应的《分户验收记录表》;确定实测实量项目的检查部位和数量,安排检查工具;安排验收日程等。 (二)分户验收工作由建设单位组织实施。建设单位项目(技术)负责人、施工单位项目经理及专业技术(质量)负责人、监理单位项目总监理工程师及专业监理工程师等人员参加,并组成分户验收小组。 设计单位、物业公司等可依照合同约定参加住宅工程质量分户验收工作。 (三)分户验收小组按照已制定的方案对工程进行分户验收。分户验收的测量与操作应当按照国家、省建筑工程施工质量验收规范的规定进行。 (四)分户验收小组分户填写《分户验收记录表》,分户验收小组成员应在验收记录表中签字,对结果进行确认。 (五)分户验收小组发现验收结果不符合规范或设计文件要求的,应书面责成施工单位整改并对整改情况进行复查;整改与复查情况应记入《分户验收记录表》。经整改后仍不符合规范或设计文件要求时,应当按《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》的有关规定处理,并在《分户验收记录表》上载明。 (六) 分户验收小组发现设计质量问题的,应要求设计单位整改及提出处理方案,整改与处理情况应记入《分户验收记录表》。 第九条 完成上述分户验收程序后,建设单位应分户确定验收结论,并填写《分户验收结果表》。所有验收项目均符合规范或设计文件要求的,受检的分户验收结论为合格。 第十条 商品住宅工程交付使用时,《住宅工程质量分户验收结果表》应当作为《住宅质量保证书》的附件一并交给业主。 第十一条 建设行政主管部门和质量监督机构应当加强对分户验收的监督管理。 第十二条 工程质量监督机构应当随机抽取部分《分户验收记录表》、《分户验收结果表》等分户验收资料进行核查,并在竣工验收监督检查时对部分验收项目进行抽查。 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 3 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 工程质量监督机构的核查内容包括:分户验收小组成员是否按规定组成;分户验收小组成员是否按规定填写分户验收记录;分户验收的内容是否存在明显缺漏、是否按规定整改;实物质量抽查的结果与分户验收记录是否存在明显差异等。 未经核查或核查结果不符合要求的,工程质量监督机构应责令改正,情节严重的,责令建设单位重新组织分户验收。 第十三条 住宅工程在使用过程中发现房屋建筑质量缺陷的,建设单位、施工单位应依照有关法律法规的规定承担质量保修等责任。 第十四条 本规定由成都市建设委员会负责解释。 第十五条 本规定自2007年10月1日起施行。 附件1:《住宅工程质量分户验收记录表》…………………………………………………………5 附件2:《住宅工程质量分户验收结果表》…………………………………………………………6 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 4 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 工程名称: 房号 楼 单元 号 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 检查日期 验收结果 序号 验收内容、数量 (实测数据、观察情形) 质量缺陷及 整改结果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位(项目)技术负专业技术(质量)负专业监理工程师: 责人: 责人: 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 住宅工程质量分户验收结果表 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 5 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 工程名称: 房号 楼 单元 号 建设 施工单位 单位 监理 检查日期 年 月 日 单位 序号 验收内容 验收结果 1 室内空间、构件尺寸 2 门窗安装质量 3 墙面、地面和顶棚面层质量 4 防水工程质量 5 通风、空调系统安装质量 6 给排水系统安装质量 7 室内电气工程安装质量 其他可能产生质量缺陷或 8 需要分户检查的内容 9 本户验收 结论(核 查结论) 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位(项目)负责项目经理: 总监理工程师: 检 人: 验 单 位 (公章) (公章) (公章) (公章) 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 成都市住宅工程质量分户验收指南 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 6 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 我市住宅工程质量分户验收即将开展,为有利于此项工作的顺利开展,根据《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定》通知要求,我站依据近期我市住宅工程中常 见的质量通病、常见的违反强制性条文现象、工程质量投诉的热点、施工难点等,向社会推荐如下验收项目、验收内容、验收办法和验收要求等,提供验收记录表(样表)作参考,希望住宅建筑质量各方责任主体单位结合工程实际制定具体的分户验收方案,确保住宅工程质量。 1、基本规定 1.0.1分户验收的条件: 1、工程已完成设计和合同约定的工作内容。 2、所含(子)分部工程的质量验收均合格。 3、工程质量控制资料完整。 4、主要功能项目的抽查结果均符合要求。 5、有关安全和功能的检测资料应完整。 1.0.2分户验收前的准备工作: 1、根据工程特点和《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收指南》制定分户验收方案,对验收人员进行培训交底。 2、配备好分户验收所需要的检测仪器和工具。 3、作好屋面蓄(淋)水、卫生间等有防水要求房间的蓄水、外窗、外墙淋水试验的准备工作。 4、在室内地面上标识好暗埋水、电管线的走向和室内空间尺寸测量的控制点、线;配电控制箱内电器回路标志清楚。 5、确定检查单元。 、建筑物外墙的显著部位镶刻工程铭牌。 6 1.0.3分户验收人员应具备的相应资格 建设单位参验人员应为项目负责人、专业技术人员;施工单位参验人员应为施工单位的项目经理、专业技术(质量)负责人、质量检查员等;监理单位参验人员应为总监理工程师、相关专业监理工程师。设计单位、物业公司等可依照合同约定参加住宅工程质量分户验收工作。 1.0.4分户验收所用的检测仪器和计量工具应经计量检定合格。 1.0.5精装修住宅工程质量分户验收,应由建设单位会同监理、施工单位在分户验收前针对工程特点,参照本规则,制定验收方案。 1.0.6住宅工程分户验收应符合下列规定: 1、检查项目应符合《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定》的规定。 2、每一检查单元计量检查的项目中有80,及以上检查点在允许偏差范围内。 3、分户验收记录完整。 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 7 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 1.0.7分户验收时应形成下列资料: 1、分户验收过程中,每户应填写《住宅工程质量分户验收记录表》、《住宅工程质量分户验收结果表》; 2、公共部位只需填写一份《住宅工程质量分户验收记录表》。 3、单位工程全数验收完毕,汇总填写《住宅工程质量分户验收汇总表》(此表应与工程竣工验收 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 等有关资料一起在单位工程竣工验收前报送质量监督机构)。 4、住宅工程交付使用时,《住宅工程质量分户验收结果表》应当作为《住宅质量保证书》的附件一并交给业主。 1.0.8住宅工程质量分户验收不符合要求时,应按下列规定进行处理: 1、由建设单位组织监理、施工单位制订处理方案,对不符合要求的部位进行返修或返工。 2、处理完成后,应对返修或返工部位重新组织验收,直至全部符合要求。 3、当返修或返工确有困难,为了避免社会财富更大的损失,在不影响工程结构安全和基本使用功能的情况下,建设单位可根据《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2001)第5.0.6条相关规定,按照一定的技术处理方案和协商文件对单位工程进行工程验收。 4、当卧室、起居室(厅)的室内净高低于2.40m,局部(指梁底等)净高低于2.10m;室内净高允许偏差值超过,50 mm时,建设单位应在《住宅工程质量分户验收结果表》中明确告知业主(用户),并积极与业主(用户)协商处理。 2、室内空间、构件尺寸 2.0.1 验收内容:室内净高、净开间、进深的测量; 室内楼梯踏步尺寸。 2.0.2 质量要求:空间尺寸的允许偏差值和允许极差值应符合表2.0.2规定 表2.0.2 空间尺寸的允许偏差值和允许极差值 允许偏差值允许极差值验收内容 参照标准、备注 ,mm, ,mm, GB50203-2002~GB50204-2002~ 室内净高度 ,20 20 GB50209-2002偏差为实测值与设计值之 差,极差为实测值中最大值与最小值之差 室内净开间、进GB50203-2002,GB50204-2002 ?15 20 深 GB50210-2001 室内楼梯踏步相10 GB50209-2002 5.3.8 邻高差、宽度差 室内楼梯梯段净室内楼梯梯段净高不宜小于GB50352-2005 6.7.5 高 2.20m 2.0.3 检查方法及数量: 1、空间尺寸等检查前应根据户型特点确定测量方法,并按照设计要求和施工情况确定空间尺寸、室内楼梯踏步尺寸等的推算值。 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three--ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e low12shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12--ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assevaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 115 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp 8 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 2、室内净高,采用激光测距仪或其它测量工具。每个房间抽测量不少于5处,测量部位宜为房间四角距纵横墙500 mm处及房间几何中心处。建议距墙、柱四角300,500mm处各测1点,中间测1点。 3、室内净开间、净进深,采用激光测距仪或其它测量工具。每个房间抽测量不少于2处,测量部位宜在距墙角500 mm(纵横墙交界处),无墙体则测柱间净距(距柱边处各测1处)。 4、室内楼梯,采用卷尺测量工具。每户应全数测量,每一踏步不少于三处,测量部位宜在楼梯踏步的两端及踏步几何中心处。 3、室内地面、墙面、顶棚面层 3.0.1验收内容: 水泥、板块楼地面面层外观质量和面层与基层粘结质量;室内墙面、顶棚面层质量。 3.0.2 质量要求:水泥、板块楼地面面层外观质量和粘结质量应符合表3.0.2规定 表3.0.2 水泥、板块楼地面面层质量 验收内容 面层外观质量 面层与基层粘结质量 参照标准、备注 2 不应有裂缝、脱皮、空鼓面积不大于400 cm~且每自GB50209-2002 水泥楼地面 起砂等缺陷 然间不多于2处可不计。 5.2.5条 面层应洁净、平整、无单块板块局部空鼓面积不大于单 明显色差~接缝均匀~块板材面积的20,~且每自然间板块楼地面 GB50209-2002(6) 板块无裂缝、掉角、缺 不多于总数的5,可不计 棱等缺陷 2不应有爆灰、裂缝、阴空鼓面积不大于400 cm~ GB50210-2001 室内墙面 阳角应顺直~表面应光且每自然间不多于2处可不计。 4.3.5条、4.2.5条 滑、洁净 不应有爆灰、裂缝、表室内顶棚宜采用免粉刷工艺~当GB50210-2001 室内顶棚 面应光滑、洁净 采用砂浆抹灰时~空鼓面积不大4.1.12条、4.2.11条 2于400 cm 备注:有排水要求的建筑地面面层与相连接各类面层的标高差应符合设计和规范要求。 3.0.3 检查方法及数量: 1、外观质量检查,地面质量以目测高度1.5m左右,俯视地坪检查;墙面质量检查应距800mm—1000mm处;逐间全数检查。 2、面层与基层粘结质量,用小锤轻击,沿自然间进深和开间两个方向,均匀布点,逐点敲击,对板块阳角处应全数检查。 4、门窗、护栏和扶手、玻璃安装工程 4.0.1验收内容: 外窗台高度、门窗防脱落、门窗开启性能、配件质量、排水性能,进户门质量;护栏造型、尺寸、高度等安装质量。 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 9 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 4.0.2质量要求:外窗台高度、门窗防脱落等质量要求应符合表4.0.2规定 表4.0.2 外窗台高度、门窗防脱落等质量要求 检验 验收内容 验收要求 参照标准、备注 项目 GB50352-2005 6.10.3条 窗台或防护栏杆高度不低于0.90m 外窗台高度 GB50096-1999,2003年版,3.9.1且不得有负偏差。 条 推拉窗防脱推拉窗不得脱落~门窗应开关灵活、 GB50210-2001 ,5, 落装置、门关闭严密~无倒翘 GB50327-2001 10.1.6条 门 窗开启性能 安装应牢固~位置应正确~功能应满 GB50210-2001 ,5, 窗 门窗配件 足使用要求~配件应有可靠的防锈措施。 GB50327-2001 10.2.5条 安全玻璃使应使用安全玻璃的不得使用非安全玻璃 《建筑安全玻璃管理规定》 用 住宅户门应采用安全防卫门。向外开 GB50096-1996,2003年版, 进户门质量 启的户门不应防碍交通。 3.9.4条 阳台、上人屋面栏杆六层及以下不低于栏杆 GB50368-2005 5.1.5条 1.05米;七层及以上不低于1.10米,不得高度 GB50368-2005 5.2.2条 有负偏差 临空处栏杆竖杆净间距不应大于 GB50368-2005 5.1.5条 护 竖杆间距 0.11,~正偏差不大于3mm GB50210-2001 12.5.9条 栏 有水平杆件的栏杆或花式栏杆应设防 栏 防攀爬措施 GB50352-2005 6.6.3条 攀爬措施,金属密网、安全玻璃等, 杆 承受水平荷载的无框架护栏玻璃必须使 护栏 用钢化玻璃或钢化夹层玻璃~厚度不应小GB50210-2001 12.5.7条 玻璃 于12mm~当临空高度超过5,时~必须采 用钢化夹层玻璃 4.0.3 验收方法及数量 1、外窗台高度采用钢尺检查,每个窗台不少于一处; 2、推拉窗防脱落装置、门窗开启性能、门窗配件、进户门质量应观察、手扳、开启和关闭检查;全 数检查; 3、安全玻璃的检查应观察检查安全认证标识; 4、栏杆高度、竖杆间距、防攀爬措施、采用钢尺测量,每片栏杆不少于一处; 5、护栏玻璃观察检查3C安全标识,游标卡尺测量,全数检查 5、防水工程 5.0.1 验收内容: 外墙防水、外窗防水、楼地面防水、屋面防水工程。 质量要求:外墙防水、外窗防水等质量要求应符合表5.0.2规定。 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 10 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 表5.0.2 外墙防水、外窗防水等质量要求 验收内容 验收要求 参照标准、备注 外墙渗漏 墙面无渗漏、滴水线无爬水 《建筑法》第六十条 外窗渗漏 外窗及周边无渗漏 《建筑法》第六十条 厨房、卫生间等有防水要求的地无渗漏、不应有倒泛水和积水现GB50209-2002 4.9.8条 面渗漏 象~排水顺畅 屋面渗漏 屋面无渗漏、无积水 GB50207-2002 10.0.5条 5.0.3 检查方法和数量 1、外墙渗漏、外窗渗漏检查应在雨后或淋水后观察,逐户检查,每个窗台不少于一处; 2、厨房、卫生间等有防水要求的地面应全数检查,蓄水时间不得小于24小时,最小蓄水深度不得小于20mm;同时还应采用泼水试验检查积水与否; 3、平屋面应在雨后或蓄水后进行检查,最小蓄水深度不得小于20mm;坡屋面应在雨后或持续淋水2小时后目测观察;住宅顶层逐户全数检查。 6、公共部位部分 6.0.1 验收内容:外墙、楼(电)梯、通道、地下室。 6.0.2 质量要求:外墙、楼(电)梯净宽等质量要求应符合表 6.0.2 规定。 表6.0.2 外墙、楼(电)梯净宽等质量要求 验收 验收内容 验收标准 参照标准、备注 项目 1、相邻踏步高差不得超过10mm, 楼梯踏步梯段及2、楼梯平台上部及下部过道处的净高不应GB50209-2002 5.3.8条 平台净宽~楼梯踏低于2.0m。楼梯梯段净高不宜小于2.20m GB50352-2005 6.7.5条 步高差 3、楼梯从扶手中心到墙面测量的净宽不小GB50368-2005 5.2.3条 楼梯平台处的通于1.1m,六层及以下或一边设有栏杆的不 GB50352-2005 6.7.3条 道高度 小于1.0m,, 楼,电,4、楼梯平台净宽不小于1.2m 梯、通电梯候梯厅深度~1、候梯厅深度不得小于1.5m, GB50096-1999 4.1.9条 道 电梯门净宽 2、电梯门净宽不得小于0.8m GB50368-2005 5.3.2条 高层首层疏散外疏散门应外开~其净宽不应小于1.1m,通GB50045-95 6.1.9条 门及通道的宽度 道宽度不应小于1.2m GB50096-1999 4.2.2条 公用走道净宽、 走廊和公共部位通道的净宽不小于1.2m,GB50368-2005 5.2.1条 净高 净高度不应低于2.0m 通道的净高度不小于2.0m机动车库车道净GB50096-1999 4.4.2条通道、车库净高 高不应低于2.2m~车位净高不应低于2.0m。 GB50368-2005 5.4.2条 自行车库净高不应低于2.0m 地下室 墙面及天棚 无渗漏、无裂缝 GB50208-2002 4.1.9条 渗漏~裂缝 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 11 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 6.0.3 检查方法和数量 1、地下室裂缝、渗漏检查在距外墙2.0m范围内平视或仰视观察检查; 2、楼梯踏步梯段及平台净宽,楼梯踏步高差、电梯候梯厅深度,电梯门净宽、高层首层疏散外门及通道的宽度采用钢尺或激光测距仪等测量检查,每个梯段各不少于三处; 3、公用走道及地下室通道净高采用钢尺或激光测距仪测量每10延米检查一处; 7、 安装工程 7.0.1 验收内容:给排水、电气安装、烟道设置及附件、墙面空调孔。 7.0.2 质量要求:给排水、电气安装等质量要求应符合表。 7.0.2规定。 表7.0.2 给排水、电气、通风空调安装质量要求 项目 验收内容 验收要求 参照标准、备注 给水、排水、卫生器具、阀门、水表等管道渗漏 GB50242-2002 的接口严密~无渗漏 给水、排水、管道无堵塞 管道堵塞 GB50242-2002 排水管道坡向、坡度正确 管道坡度 GB50242-2002 给排 给水、排水、卫生器具、阀门、水表等水 安装固定 GB50242-2002 安装固定牢固、支架间距位置符合要求 安地漏有效水封深度不小于50mm~标高正装 确,初装饰地面地漏安装应高于地面20 mm,~构造内无存水弯的卫生器具与生地漏、存水弯 GB50368-2005 8.2.8条 活排水管道连接时应设存水弯~其有效 水封深度不小于50mm~ 接线正确、牢固~接地正确可靠 插座接线、接地 GB50303-2002 3.1.7条 照明配电箱,盘,内配线整齐~回路编GB50303-2002 号齐全~标识正确,箱,盘,内开关动电气 户内配电箱,盘, 6.1.9条、6.2.8条 作灵活可靠~各种保护元件选型正确 安装 照明系统通电试运行正常 照明试验 GB50303-2002 23.1.1条 等电位连接端子齐全、接线正确 等电位 GB50096-1999 6.5.2条 表面无裂纹~止回阀、防火门按规定安通风、GB50352-20056.14.4条 烟道设置及附件 装,上人屋面烟道,包括管道透气孔,GB50242-2002 空调高度应超过2.0m 及 位置、大小正确~无渗漏、反坡、与插其它 墙面空调孔 座及冷凝水排水管接口位置协调 7.0.3 检查方法和数量 1、管道渗漏、堵塞,管道坡度检查,验收方法和数量为:采用观察、尺量及手扳检查,功能性检查采用通水及压力检查,其中给水管道还应保压24小时后每户逐一打开用水点,检查卫生器具、阀门及接口。排水管道应采取通球检查,要求球径不小于排水管道管径的2/3。 2、地漏检查,验收方法和数量为:采用试水观察、尺量,全数检查。 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 12 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 3、户内开关、插座、照明检查,验收方法和数量:通电全数检查。4、配电箱检查,验收方法和数量:通电全数检查漏电保护装置、线路回路标志。 5、等电位检查,验收方法和数量:全数观察检查。 6、烟道设置及附件、墙面空调孔检查,验收方法和数量为:全数观察检查。 8、表格示例 详见附表。 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(1)(室内空间、构件尺寸、室内地面与墙面等质量) 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(2)(门窗安装、防水工程等质量) 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(3)(公共部位部分质量) 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(4)(安装工程质量) 住宅工程质量分户验收结果表 住宅工程质量分户验收汇总表 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表,1, ,室内空间、构件尺寸、室内地面与墙面等质量, 工程名称:×××工程 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 13 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 房 号 × 楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 序 号 验收内容、数量 验收结果,实测数据、观察情形, 室内净高度,实测,~ 客厅:2.64、2.65、2.63、2.65、2.64 1 5处/间~单位:m 卧室:2.64、2.65、2.63、2.64、2.65... 室内净开间、净深,实测, 4.24、4.25、4.23、4.24 2 各2处/间~单位:m ,4.03、 4.04、4.23、4.23,、 室内楼梯踏步相邻高差、宽度差~3 9、8,8、9,9、8, 单位:mm~3处/每一踏步 4 室内楼梯梯段净高单位:m 2.25、2.26、2.26 地面面层外观质量、空鼓面积 无裂缝、脱皮、起砂等质量缺陷~有5 22全数/套~单位:cm 一处空鼓~面积实测300 cm 墙面面层外观质量 无爆灰、裂缝、阴阳角较顺直~表面6 ,实测,全数/套 较光滑、洁净 顶棚外观质量 7 无爆灰、裂缝、表面较光滑、洁净 ,全数/套, 8 ××× ××× 质量缺陷 合格,该套住宅的客厅净开间经实测不合格~经过施工整改后满足合格要及整改结 求, 果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位,项目,技专业技术,质量,专业监理工程师: 术负责人: 负责人: ××× ××× ××× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表,2, ,门窗安装、防水工程等质量, 工程名称:×××工程 房 号 ×楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 14 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 验收结果 序 号 验收内容、数量 ,实测数据、观察情形, 外窗台高度,实测, 1 0.9、0.91、0.9 1处/每个窗台~ 单位:m 无脱落~门窗开关灵活、关闭严密~2 推拉窗扇防脱落措施,全数/套, 无倒翘 3 安全玻璃的检查 已使用安全玻璃 采用安全防卫门。向外开启的户门未4 进户门质量检查 防碍交通。 栏杆高度、间距,实测, 5 1.10、1.10,0.10、0.10 1,2处/每片栏杆~单位:m 临空高度超过5,的玻璃栏杆 6 护栏玻璃检查 已采用超过12mm厚钢化夹层玻璃 上人屋面水平杆件的栏杆有金属密 7 上人屋面、楼梯栏杆防攀滑措施 网,楼梯井净宽大于0.11米处~采取 了防止儿童攀滑的措施 墙面、外窗及周边无渗漏、滴水线无8 外墙、外窗渗漏~,全数窗台, 爬水 9 厨房渗漏、卫生间渗漏(全数/套) 无渗漏与积水现象~排水顺畅 10 屋面渗漏(全数/套) 屋面无渗漏、无积水 11 ×× ×× 质量缺陷 及整改结 合 格 果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位,项目,技专业技术,质量,负专业监理工程师: 术负责人: 责人: ××× ××× ××× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表,3, ,公共部位部分质量, 工程名称:×××工程 房 号 ×楼 × 单元 × 号 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 15 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 验收结果 序 号 验收内容、数量 ,实测数据、观察情形, 1 楼梯梯段净宽 单位:m 1.1、1.1、1.1 2 楼梯平台净宽 单位:m 1.25、1.25、1.26 3 楼梯平台处的通道高度 单位:m 2.2、2.21、2.21 电梯候梯厅深度~ 1.6、1.61、1.62 4 电梯门净宽 单位:m 0.9、0.91、0.9 5 公用走道净宽、净高 单位:m 1.2、2.0,1.2、2.0,1.2、2.0 6 地下室通道高度 单位:m 2.0、2.0、2.0 地下室汽车车道高度 单位:m 2.2、2.2、2.2 7 8 9 质量缺陷 及整改结 合 格 果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位,项目,技专业技术,质量,负专业监理工程师: 术负责人: 责人: ××× ××× ××× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表,4, ,安装工程质量, 工程名称:×××工程 房 号 ×楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 16 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 验收结果 序 号 验收内容、数量 ,实测数据、观察情形, 给水、排水、卫生器具、阀门、水表等的 1 管道渗漏、堵塞~管道坡度 接口严密~处无渗漏~给水、排水、管道 无堵塞、排水管道坡向及坡度正确。 地漏有效水封深度50mm~标高正确~构造 淋浴、洗衣机地漏、卫生器具内无存水弯的卫生器具与生活排水管道2 存水弯、水封深度,全数/套, 连接时均设存水弯~其有效水封深度 50mm~ 接线正确、开关、插座面板紧贴墙面~安插座接线、接地、照明,全数/3 装牢固,相位正确,接地可靠~照明系统套, 通电试运行正常。 照明配电箱,盘,内配线整齐~回路编号 4 户内配电箱,盘, 齐全~标识正确,箱,盘,内开关动作灵 活可靠~各种保护元件选型正确。 5 卫生间等电位 ,全数/套, 等电位连接端子齐全、位置正确 表面无裂纹,止回阀、防火门按规定安装, 6 烟道设置及附件 上人屋面烟道,包括管道透气孔,高度 2.0m 位置、大小正确~无渗漏、反坡~与插座、7 墙面空调孔 冷凝水排水管接口位置协调 8 质量缺陷 及整改结 合 格 果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位,项目,技专业技术,质量,负专业监理工程师: 术负责人: 责人: ××× ××× ××× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收结果表 工程名称:×××工程 房号 × 楼 × 单元 × 号 建设 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 单位 监理 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 单位 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city tetypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nom 17 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 序号 验收内容 验收结果 1 室内空间、构件尺寸 合 格 2 门窗安装质量 合 格 3 墙面、地面和顶棚面层质量 合 格 4 防水工程质量 合 格 5 通风、空调系统安装质量 合 格 6 给排水系统安装质量 合 格 7 室内电气工程安装质量 合 格 其他可能产生质量缺陷或需 8 要分户检查的内容,公共部位合 格 等, 9 本户 验收 本户已按照《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定》的相关要求 结论 进行了质量分户验收~验收结论为合格。 ,核 查结 论) 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位,项目,负 检 项目经理: 总监理工程师: 责人: 验 ××× 单 ××× ××× ××× ,公位 ,公章, ,公章, ,公章, 章, ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收汇总表 工程名称 ×××工程 总户数 ××户 验收户数 ××户 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 developed out corresponding of control management approach) 3, and project security target afety target responsibility itself developed) 2, and project security target management approach (for project security targetject st directory and the made Description 1, and project security target (according to project of production reality, combined prong group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... Project Department target managemenviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leadi-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-ss (Group) of work, strengthening crosshe claete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange tup) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complmplementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Grodown. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects i-e lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives th-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15on of the 7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-ion standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 199 implementation of construction safety inspect-rs: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59rtified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officehat cecompliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and s 40 tistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 itemsistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 ass15 as e that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager.law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensurlement the "labor 6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring method ... 1 18 en marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte només pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divulgació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously implement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for 内 容 验收情况 ,一,室内空间、构件尺寸, ,二,地面、墙面和顶棚面层质量, ,三,门窗安装质量, 验收 ,四,防水工程质量, 项目 ,五,通风、空调系统安装质量, ,六,给排水系统安装质量, ,七,室内电气工程安装质量, 公共部位 外墙、楼梯、地下室 功能性试验 闭水试验、通电试验等 该单位工程已按照《成都市住宅工程质量分户验收管理暂行规定》 的相关要求进行了质量分户验收~验收结论为合格。 验收结论 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 检 单位,项目,负项目经理: 总监理工程师: 验 责人: 单 ××× ××× ××× ××× 位 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 备注:此表应与工程竣工验收报告等有关资料一并在单位工程竣工验收前报送质量监督机构。 联系电话:86647725 传真:86643609 up leader: sign up forviolation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gro-onsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "threejob security. The class (Group) of personnel resp-lass (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crosschnical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the city teen marxa, inspecció ha de fer i requereix l'acceptació del mecanisme segons la norma, després de l'acceptació de projecte nomtypes of security. 10 check the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing secureliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to -lowshift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious workers proper safety education and safety technology gives the -o organize the class (Group) to conduct pre20 minutes before work t-on of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 157 comment by production team leader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organizati-12-nt form (reference tables) 1ety assessme99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production saf-eader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59roup lnation and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading gance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examiimportk, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers education, stressed the uipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic worive eqrect reports to the project manager. 15 assistance project manager solve the workers ' personal protective equipment, protectepare the employment roster to ensure that "documents" is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and corlement the "labor law" and company management systems, assist the project manager to better "off". 15 to pr6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute conscientiously imp-12-mary of assessors: 1violation" has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Sum-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of "three-gació tècnica necessària i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthening crossés pot ser ús normal. (3) abans del seu ús per a la seguretat dels aparells que usarà per fer la divul 19
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