首页 怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it)

怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it)


怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it)怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it) 怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it) How do you train your voice, especially your own sound training? How should you do it? ...

怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it)
怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it) 怎样训练声音,将自己的声音训练的有吸引力(How do you train your voice and train your voice to attract it) How do you train your voice, especially your own sound training? How should you do it? Vocal music is a very strong technical and practical discipline, only by theoretical knowledge and literature to learn is very difficult, it is mainly completed gradually through the correct vocal training and continuous songs to. Each singer must grasp the basic method of vocal singing through the way of vocal practice, so as to make the singing beautiful and moving. First, the purpose and requirement of vocal singing practice Vocal exercises, in brief, is a variety of techniques of singing songs to sound in the demand, through the voice of the laws, the steps of practice, and gradually improve vocal physiology, regulation of the vocal organ cooperative movement, form good singing, the singing voice has become a powerful technique means of singing performance, to achieve musical concert service. Our aim is to train the scientific sound adjustment and consolidation, the good state of singing to keep singing, change in life, natural vocal habits, make it accord with vocal habits and state, so we must clear training purposes, and not simply "open sound". Vocal exercises require each singer must first understand and memorize the physiological parts of the vocal organ and its function, master the basic principle of singing, a comprehensive understanding of its essence, through repeated practice and singing practice to digest and verify its singing rule. Therefore, in the process of vocal training, we should pay attention to the following requirements: 1) each singer must fully understand the method and use of breath sound and breath control (breathing method diaphragm), because in the vocal function series, singing breath is the most important part, is the foundation of singing building, so must the importance of clear breath, take the basic skills training of singing breathing. 2) to open the throat, throat, is the core of basic skills training in singing, which is one of the key singer vocal skills can develop smoothly, many singers sound problems, mostly due to sing the throat open, not caused by unstable, and the correct position of larynx is coordinated respiratory movement the key to obtain a stable and smooth sound effect. 3) to properly use a good singing resonance, to make the voice far away, full of theater, and mellow, beautiful, which is to be trained, for beginners, is more difficult to master the subject. Due to the resonance training often with other sound basis inseparable, so the singers through vowel conversion, throat open mouth, regulate breath and other means, his voice ringing in the nasopharyngeal cavity above the high position of the head cavity resonance point, to increase the volume, extended range, beautiful tone, unified sound area, the high, medium and low three sound sound coordination, walk freely flexible a seamless heavenly robe. 4) the correct sound should be combined with the correct articulation. Through the combination of words and sounds, to improve the flexibility of the lips, teeth and tongue movement, so that it is more perfect and vivid expression of songs and emotions and content. 5) in singing, but also pay attention to the intonation and rhythm training, through vocal exercises, and gradually master the full meal, even singing, strong, weak vocal skills, rich song performance means, enhance the singing ability. 6) in each practice, must maintain the correct singing posture, the correct singing posture is enters the good singing condition the premise. 7) in practice, before singing, must give up all other thoughts, emotional stability, have very good psychological state, must have the good singing desire, ease into the singing state, full of confidence, otherwise it is not sing pretty songs. 8) from the beginning of practice, will be with the music together, namely, also want to have a good sense of music. Intervals, scales is a practice muscle, intonation, breath, resonance and other aspects of the technology, at the same time, they are also part of the music, to give them the vitality and life to music. Therefore the sound begins, each singing the intervals, scales, vocal training sentence also sings sweet and pleasant. Above we can realize, in the process of singing, breathing, resonance, articulation, expression of a no, they are interrelated and mutually promote and complement each other, this is what we are calling "the whole singing" meaning. Two, the steps of vocal singing exercises The practice of singing vocal basic skills can be divided into three stages according to the law of vocal range progression. Phase one Based on the training of middle voice area, master the basic vocal method, regulate and exercise muscles to meet the needs of singing techniques. No matter which voice part, it should begin training from the middle voice area. In practice, the sound in the sound area is gradually consolidated after the relative sound is consolidated, We should know that the study of vocal music should begin with the foundation, and that the middle voice area is the foundation of the development of singing voice, and the foundation must be played well, and the reason for "Haste makes waste" is to be remembered. Second stage On the basis of the middle sound zone, appropriately expand the vocal range, strengthen the coordination training of breath and resonance, and train the transition sound area (that is, the training of sound changing area), so as to lay a good foundation for the training of entering the sound zone. The second stage of the exercise is a key ring, take time is relatively long, but must have the patience and confidence, do not rush to sing soprano, to be patient, and this period of consolidation after the range, then enters the loud area exercise. Third stage That is, the practice of loud area can strengthen the training of volume and pitch on the basis of the two stages of consolidation, and further expand the range, and make more complex vocal exercises, so that each kind of sound can achieve the ideal pitch range. This class of exercises to pay special attention to the unification of high, medium and low three voice Districts, the occurrence of cracks and transition do not sound knots, the key is to strengthen the head sound training, obtain high head resonance position, so as to achieve the goal of unified sound area. In this way, our singing instruments are basically finished and we can sing more difficult songs. Three. The sound of singing practice When a sound drill begins, there must be a question of how to play the first sound. We call it "singing" or "singing" when singing". The sound of singing can be divided into sound, soft sound, Shu Qisheng. 1. Stir up When suction is completed, the chest remained motionless, vocal cord to natural closed, then the vibration with proper breath impact vocal to sound, so sound strong, we often use in vocal training such as music, sound practice, also used this method to correct the wrong vocal leak. At this point corresponding with the breathing method often uses suction book urgently. 2, soft sound Soft sound is the vocal cord, in the beginning of the closed action, breath also sent out at the same time, open glottis and breath vibration vocal cords at the same time. This method of breath impact force is more "sound aroused" to soft, the sound is relatively smooth, stretch. We also often vocalization training in practice legato and long tones, but also with the "soft" voice pronunciation method to correct the guttural faults, corresponding with the breathing method often uses gentle suction slow calling method. 3, Shu Qisheng Shu Fu is the glottis first open, and then breath vibration again vocal cord, it is characterized by the first breath, and then sound, like sigh. In work songs, often use the acoustic method. In vocal training, this method can be used to correct the problem of too stiff voice, which is more colloquial in popular singing. In a word, the sound of singing must be full of spirit and body coordination, according to the vocalising cases of different types to determine the attack method, pay attention to the volume of the tone should not be too strong, to the comfort of the MF or MP volume is appropriate. Four, singing vocal Etude The practice of etude is an important basic training for vocal singing. Vocalising can use each vowel or vowel or vowel sound mixed mixed, can also use the name to 1234567 scale singing, can also be arranged in the lyrics to vocalising words called practice exercises. In the process of vocal exercises, with sound effects and vocal organs muscle appropriate standards to adjust the sound organ function and the status of each person's vocal organs, sound structure, voice type, vocal habits vary, therefore, not every type of practice must be learning to sing, but there are plans targeted selection exercises, and different learning stages, the vocal exercises are different, but in general, first practice always choose the vowels and smooth start of training scale. Generally choose more rounded o "or" U "vowel started practice, because these vowels is easy to form the space required, easy to maintain the basic state of open throat, throat is also relatively easy to form the state space. But this is not absolute, singing should be based on their feelings to find the most suitable vowels to practice. We should be more active in our practice and be good at thinking. We must not be silly. 1, "hum" basic exercises At the start of training, to practice the "M" is useful, because it is pronounced to reach high position and the front, bright, the effect of concentration. Practise humming first lip naturally closed, the inside of the mouth to open, as if closed yawning feel, feel the sound high, extending to the frontal sinus, sinus, but not the sound blocking in the nasal cavity, otherwise it will snort. 2, vowel exercises In addition to the humming practice, more is the vowel exercises, such as a, I, O, u, e and other single vowel practice, can also be mixed vowel practice such as Ma, me, MI, Mo, Mu and so on. 3, legato practice People often say, "without coherence, you cannot sing."." The main expressive force of singing sound lies in the coherence and beauty of sound, and only coherent voice can sing the moving melody line. In order to make the sounds more coherent, the range of the exercises can be widened relatively, and the exercises can be more difficult. 4 and ten tone drills Staccato singing is also called staccato singing. Required to be clear, short, flexible, flexible and focused. Practice should pay attention to the flexibility of one syllable and the coherence of the word tone. 5, legato and staccato combined with practice In a basic grasp of the basis of legato and staccato singing, exercise can add legato, staccato together, this is conducive to unity state of singing, music is like a "point", even the audio and video is a "line", so to point line, then the location of the sound unified. And keep the breath smooth. 6, keep the same position of the practice of resonance In the "hum" exercises we have talked about the best way to find resonance position is the experience "hum" feeling, if this resonance focus accurately, then all other sounds should be to the hum position closer, so as to achieve the high position of singing, the sound under the unified. 7, sound flexibility exercises This kind of exercise is mainly to adapt to the fast and flowing requirements of singing, so as to achieve a more active body, throat and breath. 8, combined with word sound practice (with word practice) According to the meaning of rich imagination, artistic conception, picture, mood performance, musical sound, with emotion to sing. Strive to do word quasi cavity round, in love with the sound, and singing songs to slowly transition. 9, voice notes 1) should pay attention to protect their throat, properly practiced singing, vocal exercise time, when the time to 20 minutes is appropriate, then gradually add to half an hour or an hour, keep practicing everyday is the most important, absolutely avoid full volume to practice. Loud singing is liable to damage the singing organs. 2) before you are able to sing high notes, do not practice high notes, often sing a group of your most satisfied tone, select the repertoire to be more careful, do not sing unsuitable for their repertoire. 3) each practice should be fresh, energetic and interesting. 4) practice to use slow, short phrases as the first exercises. Vocal training takes time and wonders. Ten percent of wisdom, ninety percent of effort." In the past, people always have a prejudice against popular songs: as long as the music is good, good voice can be, there is no way No. As a result, we have many singers on the breath, articulation, sound position is not on, resulting in dry, white bass treble; dry pull, extrusion from the throat. Although the studio has been able to fool the ears of the layman, the scene has shown its true shape. The famous singer, both the mainland Mao Amin, Wei Wei, Liu Huan, Teresa Teng, Angus Tung, Hong Kong and Taiwan Hugo Li Lin, or Lionel Rich, Jackson and Madonna abroad, know what they go through a strict vocal training, have a scientific vocal method. As a guitar lover, we do not require very high vocal skills, but it is also necessary to know some ways to make our songs mellow and relaxed. First, the breathing of singing In our daily life, we adopt natural respiration, which is very shallow and can not be used for singing. The breathing of singing is a deep abdominal breathing method, that is, the gas should be sucked to the waist, and then the use of expiratory muscles and inspiratory muscles of the fight, to find the fulcrum of the force. When singing, you should always maintain this state, the sound is completely controlled by the breath, that is what people say, "sound by Qi"". Here are some effective ways to practice breathing 1. inhale Imagine yourself in a beautiful garden, to deeply smell the fragrant flowers - this is the singing of the suction to inhale, so deep. After inhaling, like a short surge before sneezing, feeling the expansion and swelling around the lower back, finding that feeling is the key to singing. 2. exhale The breath method is to use the strength of the diaphragm, the waist ring expansion feeling keep. Breathe out evenly and gently. You can prepare a 10 square centimeter slice of tissue paper, put it on the wall, it is 4 to 6 centimeters away from it, blow it up with the mouth, and it will be qualified for more than half a minute. You can also substitute a burning candle and send a "U" sound to the flame, correct Breath is the flame that pours out. 3. how to train the strength of the diaphragm The strength of the diaphragm to keep breath and sound intensity are very important. Traditional training methods include: (1) number: take a deep breath, Use the power of the waist ring to hold it. Count from 1 to 60. Count evenly, rhythmically, and without stealing gas. (2). Blowing: take a deep breath, and then like to blow off the dust on the table as a slow forward blowing, two fast, the strength of the diaphragm. (3) do more sit ups and strengthen the strength of the waist and abdomen. Two, singing resonance With the right breath, you can begin to sing. To make the song mellow and melodious, you must use resonance. We mainly use the singing resonance cavity with chest, throat, nasal cavity and head, the sound to be nice, must sing high, bass are part of the chest above resonance, high position is sound". 1. the basic state of singing To obtain the high position of the sound, the throat must be relaxed and the chin should be filled, and the two organs cannot be used in singing. The average person sings the treble by squeezing his throat and hair, which is the wrong way to sound and can't get a nice voice. Relax the larynx, make it a channel for breathing, then lift the soft palate, and lift the laughing muscle (that is, keep smiling) so that the sound can lead to the nasal cavity. 2. position of resonance Generally speaking, when singing, the bass is mainly composed of the chest cavity, and the proportion of the resonant cavity in the high position increases gradually to the tenor and treble. The resonance is mainly in the nasal cavity and the head cavity. All of the above are the basic essentials of singing. You must practice more, and practice makes perfect, so that you can sing a beautiful and moving voice. In addition, there are many techniques for performing popular songs, such as vibrato, cry, air, pick tone, choke and so on
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