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粗盐提纯实验报告粗盐提纯实验报告 化 学 实 验 报 告 姓名: 班级: 日期: 实验名称:粗盐中难溶性杂质的去除 实验目的:1.学会除去粗盐中的少量难溶性杂质的方法; 2.初步学会使用过滤、蒸发的方法对混合物进行分离。 实验原理:粗盐中含有泥沙等难溶性杂质,以及可溶性杂质。难溶性杂质可以用溶解、过滤 的方法除去,然后蒸发水分得到较纯净的食盐( 实验用品:药品:粗盐,蒸馏水; 器材:托盘天平、药匙、纸片、量筒、胶头滴管、烧杯,玻璃棒,漏斗,铁架台 (带铁圈),滤纸、蒸发皿,酒精灯,坩埚钳、石棉网,火柴。 实验步骤 实验...

粗盐提纯实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 化 学 实 验 报 告 姓名: 班级: 日期: 实验名称:粗盐中难溶性杂质的去除 实验目的:1.学会除去粗盐中的少量难溶性杂质的方法; 2.初步学会使用过滤、蒸发的方法对混合物进行分离。 实验原理:粗盐中含有泥沙等难溶性杂质,以及可溶性杂质。难溶性杂质可以用溶解、过滤 的方法除去,然后蒸发水分得到较纯净的食盐( 实验用品:药品:粗盐,蒸馏水; 器材:托盘天平、药匙、纸片、量筒、胶头滴管、烧杯,玻璃棒,漏斗,铁架台 (带铁圈),滤纸、蒸发皿,酒精灯,坩埚钳、石棉网,火柴。 实验步骤 实验现象 解释或结论 1、 溶解:用托盘天平称取3 g粗 盐,放入烧杯中。用量筒量取 粗盐是 物。 粗盐固体为 色,但明显10 mL水倒入烧杯中。用玻璃 发 。溶解后的液体棒不断搅拌,直至粗盐不再溶 呈 状。 解为止。 2、过滤:用滤纸和漏斗制一个过 滤器。将烧杯中的液体沿玻璃 过滤可除去粗盐水中 难溶物留在 上,滤棒倒入过滤器,进行过滤。 液是 色的 液体。 杂质。 若滤液仍浑浊,应再过滤一次。 3、蒸发:将蒸发皿放到铁架台的随着加热,蒸发皿中液体的 铁圈上,把滤液倒入蒸发皿中,量逐渐 ;当蒸发到一 得到固体的主要成分用酒精灯加热,并用玻璃棒不定程度时,蒸发皿底部 是 。 有 析出。 断搅拌液体,看到有大量固体 析出时,即停止加热。 蒸发得到的固体为 色。 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 反思交流: 1、 除去粗盐中的难溶性杂质的操作依次是: ? ;? ;? 。 在以上各操作中均需要用到玻璃棒,其作用依次是: ? ;? ;? 。 2、某个小组过滤后滤液仍然浑浊,你能帮他们分析一下原因吗, 3、本次实验中用到了哪些分离混合物的方法, 4、生活中哪些事例也利用了过滤的原理, Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 1、在“粗盐提纯”的实验中,多次用到玻璃棒,下列叙述不正确的是( ) A(溶解时用玻璃棒搅拌以加速固体溶解。 B(过滤时用玻璃棒引流防止液体溅到漏斗外。 C(蒸发时用玻璃棒搅拌蒸发皿中液体防止局部过热发生迸溅。 D(过滤时用玻璃棒搅拌漏斗中的液体混合物以加快过滤速度。 2、下列有关粗盐提纯实验的部分操作中,不正确的是( ) A B C D Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 二、实验仪器和药品 药品:粗盐,水 器材:托盘天平,量筒,烧杯,玻璃棒,药匙,漏斗,铁架台(带铁圈), 蒸发皿,酒精灯,坩埚钳,胶头滴管, 滤纸,剪刀,火柴,纸片 三、实验原理 粗盐中含有泥沙等不溶性杂质,以及可溶性杂质如: 等(不溶性杂质可以用溶解、过滤的方法 除往,然后蒸发水分得到较纯净的精盐( Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 四、实验操纵 1.溶解 用托盘天平称取5克粗盐(精确到0.1克)(用量筒量取10毫升水倒进烧杯里(用药匙取一匙粗盐加进水中,观察发生的现象(用玻璃棒搅拌,并观察发生的现象(玻璃棒的搅拌对粗盐的溶解起什么作用,)(接着再加进粗盐,边加边用玻璃棒搅拌,一直加到粗盐不再溶解时为止(观察溶液是否浑浊( 在天平上称量剩下的粗盐,计算在10毫升水中大约溶解了多少克粗盐( 2.过滤 按照化学实验基本操纵6所述方法进行过滤(仔细观察滤纸上的剩余物及滤液的颜色(滤液仍浑浊时,应该再过滤一次( 假如经两次过滤滤液仍浑浊,则应检查实验装置并分析原因,例如,滤纸破损,过滤时漏斗里的液面高于滤纸边沿,仪器不 干净等(找出原因后,要重新操纵( Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 3.蒸发 把得到的澄清滤液倒进蒸发皿(把蒸发皿放在铁架台的铁圈上,用酒精灯加热(图20)(同时用玻璃棒不断搅拌滤液( 等到蒸发皿中出现较多量固体时,停止加热(利用蒸发皿的余热使滤液蒸干( 4.用玻璃棒把固体转移到纸上,称量后,回收到教师指定的容器(比较提纯前后食盐的状态并计算精盐的产率( 五、实验总结 实验室制备图 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 过滤操纵中的题目探析 过滤是最常用的分离液体和固体的实验操纵(现行的初中化学教材中仅粗浅地先容了过滤的操纵要点,而实际操纵过程中,往往会碰到很多细节性的题目(笔者结合教学实际,就过滤操纵中经常碰到的题目谈一下自已的解决办法,仅供参考( (一)、怎样选择漏斗和滤纸, 漏斗的大小主要取决于要过滤的沉淀的量或析出固体的量,而不是看液体的体积(沉淀量或固体量较多,则所选用的漏斗就大,反之亦然(漏斗的圆锥角应为60?(管径粗细适宜,太粗难以保持水柱,太细则水流速度慢,过滤需要的时间过长(管径末端应稍微倾斜(滤纸的选择依据所做的实验来定(滤纸分定性滤纸和定量滤纸(定性滤纸在过滤操纵中主要用于研究物质的物理性质和化学性质;定量滤纸主要用于物质的定量分析(在中学实验中,过滤操纵常用于定性实验,所以大多用定性滤纸(选好的滤纸放进漏斗后,纸的边沿要比漏斗边沿低5毫米左右为宜( (二)、怎样组装过滤器, Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 首先,将选好的滤纸对折两次,第二次对折要与第一次对折的折缝不完全重合(当这样的滤纸放进漏斗(顶角60?)中,其尖角与漏斗壁间有一定的间隙,但其上部却能完好贴在漏斗壁上(这样装成的过滤器比所有表面都贴在漏斗上的过滤器的过滤速度更快(对折时,不要把滤纸顶角的折缝压得过扁,以免削弱尖真个强度(然后剪往三层纸那边的两层的小角,以便在湿润后,滤纸的上部能紧密地贴在漏斗壁上( 其次,将叠好的滤纸放进合适的漏斗中,用洗瓶的水湿润滤纸,用手指把滤纸上部1/3处轻轻压紧在漏斗壁上(把水注进漏斗时,漏斗颈应布满水,或用手指堵住漏斗颈末端,使其充水至漏斗顶角稍上部为止(漏斗颈保持有连续的水柱,会产生向下的引力,加速了过滤过程( (三)、怎样正确地进行过滤, 在过滤时,玻璃棒与盛有过滤液的烧杯嘴部相对着;玻璃棒末端和漏斗中滤纸的三层部分相接近,但不能触及滤纸;要保持垂直(笔者以为玻璃棒斜立易导致过滤液外溢);漏斗的颈部尖端紧靠接收滤液烧杯嘴部的内壁(每次转移的液体不可超过滤纸高度的三分之二,防止滤液不通过滤纸而由壁间流出(对于残留在烧杯里的液体和固体物质应该用溶剂或蒸馏水按少量多次的原则进行润冲,将洗液全部转移到漏斗中进行过滤( (四)、怎样正确洗涤沉淀物, 假如需要洗涤沉淀物,则应立即进行洗涤,否则沉淀物在滤纸上放置过久会开裂或结块,不易润洗(可用原溶剂、蒸馏水或其它适当的洗涤剂进行润洗(换一个洁净的空烧杯以代替原来接受滤液的烧杯,这样可以避免因沉淀穿透滤纸而要重新过滤大体积的液体(每次洗液用量以能浸没所收集的沉淀物为宜(洗涤时,用少量洗液小心沿四周从上而下冲洗,将沉淀冲到漏斗底部,不可使液体流速过猛,否则会使沉淀冲出过滤器(也不可用玻璃棒搅拌漏斗内的物质,以免划破滤纸,前功尽弃(一般洗2到3次左右,可基本洗净 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence (五)、怎样检验沉淀物是否洗净, 可根据沉淀物上可能检出的杂质种别,在最后一次洗出液中加进适宜的试剂,来检验洗涤程度(如过滤Na2SO4、BaCl2两溶液恰好完全反应后的混合物时,要检验沉淀物是否洗净,应选择AgNO3溶液(若在最后一次洗出液中加进AgNO3溶液无沉淀(AgCl)天生,则说明沉淀已洗净( (六)、过滤时,滤液过多而超出滤纸边沿或滤纸被划破怎么办, 可用少量原溶剂冲洗漏斗和滤纸2到3次,原滤液连同洗液重新进行过滤( (七)、分离沉淀和液体是否必须用过滤操纵, 否(当分离的沉淀量很少时,可盛物于离心试管内,用离心机进行常温下沉淀分离(用吸管吸取沉淀上清液(根据需要可进行洗涤后再离心分离(只有当沉淀量较多时,才适宜用过滤法分离 (八)、过滤操纵是否还有其他方式, 有(要使过滤速度快,且方便洗涤,可用布氏漏斗进行减压抽滤,这使得过滤和洗涤费时少,而且便于洗涤;当过滤需要在一定温度下进行时应选用保温漏斗进行过滤( Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence
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