首页 印刷专业英语词汇标准对比表[整理版]



印刷专业英语词汇标准对比表[整理版]印刷专业英语词汇标准对比表[整理版] 印刷专业英语词汇标准对照 印刷(printing) 印刷品(printed matter) 印刷工业(printing industry) 书刊印刷(book and periodical printing) 报纸印刷(newspaper printing) 包装印刷(package printing) 证券印刷(security printing) 印刷科学(printing science) 印刷技术(printing technique) 印刷适性(printabil...

印刷专业英语词汇标准对比表[整理版] 印刷专业英语词汇标准对照 印刷(printing) 印刷品(printed matter) 印刷工业(printing industry) 书刊印刷(book and periodical printing) 报纸印刷(newspaper printing) 包装印刷(package printing) 证券印刷(security printing) 印刷科学(printing science) 印刷技术(printing technique) 印刷适性(printability) 印刷压力(printing pressure) 压印线(nip) 印刷工艺(printing technology) 直接印刷(direct printing) 间接印刷(indirect printing) 单张印刷(sheet-fed printing) 卷筒印刷(web-fed printing) 单色印刷(single-color printing) 多色印刷(multi-color printing) 制版(plate making) 原稿(original) 拼版(make-up) 打样(proofing) 印刷故障(printing trouble) 套印不准(out of register) 重影(ghosting) 背面粘脏(set-off) 透印(print through) 印刷机械(printing machinery) 印版滚筒(plate cylinder) 压印滚筒(impression cylinder) 橡皮布滚筒(blanket cylinder) 印刷材料(prting material) 承印物(printing stock) 印刷油墨(printing ink) 印刷图文载体(printing image carrier) 印版(printing plate) 复制版(duplicate plate) 包衬(cylinder-packing) 无压印刷(non-impact printing) 印后加工(post-press finishing) 〔文字排版术语〕 文字排版(text composition) 横排(horizontal setting of types) 竖排(vertical setting of types) 行空(line space) 版面(type area) 版心(type page) 版口(margins) 天头(head margin) 地脚(foot margin) 校对(proof-reading) 改版(form correcting) 活字排版(type composition) 活字(printing type) 铅空(space) 点制(point system) 字号(type size) 字模(type matrix) 铸字(type casting) 拣字(typesetting) 装版(page make-up) 铸字排版(hot-metal typesetting) 铸排机(hot-metal typesetting machine) 整行铸排(line composing and casting) 单字铸排(individual type composing and casting) 打字排版(typewriter composition) 手动照相排版(manual phototypesetting) 字模版(matrix grid) 级数制(type size system for manual phototypeset-ting) 自动照相排版(automatic phototypesetting) 字模版式计算机排版(computerized matrix grid pho-totypesetting) 阴极射线管式计算机排版(computerized CRT phototy-pesetting) 激光式计算机排版(computerizedlaserphototype-setting) 输入校改终端(character sinput and correction terminal) 微机排版终端(microcomputer phototypesetting ter-minal) 计算机照相排版系统(computerized phototypesetting system) 汉字编码(encoding of Chinese characters) 计算机排版软件(phototypesetting software) 〔图像制版术语〕 图像原稿(picture original) 反射原稿(reflection copy) 透射原稿(transparent copy) 连续调原稿(continuous tone copy) 线条原稿(line copy) 彩色正片原稿(color transparency) 彩色负片原稿(color negative) 实物原稿(object original) 复制(reproduction) 基本色(basic color) 原色(primary colors) 补色(complementary color) 加色法(additive process) 减色法(subtractive process) 品红色(magenta) 黄色(yellow) 分色(color separation) 照相分色(photographic color separation) 制版照相机(process camera) 电子分色(electronic scanning) 电子分色机(electronic color scanner) 图像分解(picture breakdown) 分色片(color separation film) 加网(screening) 电子加网(electronic screening) 去网(descreening) 网屏(screen) 网点(halftone dot,screen dot) 像素(picture element) 连续调(continuous tone) 网目调(halftone,screen tone) 网点阳图(halftone positive) 网点阴图(halftone negative) 校色(color correction) 修版(retouching) 蒙版(masking) 蒙片(mask) 密度(光学密度)(density,optical density) 色密度(color density) 反差(contrast) 层次(gradation) 阶调(tone) 阶调值(tone value) 网点覆盖面积(dot cover area) 网点覆盖率(dot area coverage) 底色去除(under color removal,UCR) 底色增益(under color addition,UCA) 曝光(exposure) 显影(development) 定影(fixing) 拷贝(copy) 电子整页拼版(electronic page make-up) 电子图像处理系统(electronic image processing system) 晒版(printing down) 预打样(prepress proofing) 色彩还原(color rendition) 色谱(color atlas) 色标(color patch) 测控条(controlstrip) 透射度(transmission) 不透明度(opacity) 龟纹(moire) 涂布(coating) 〔凸版印刷术语〕 凸版印刷(relief printing) 间接凸印(letterset) 不干胶标签印刷(pressure-sensitive label printing ) 柔性版印刷(flexography) 凸版(relief printing plate) 活字版(type form) 纸型(paper matrix) 铅版(stereotype) 薄铅版(thin stereotype) 电镀铅版(electroplated stereotype) 铜版(copper etching) 锌版(zinc etching) 无粉腐蚀法(powderless etching) 线条腐蚀(line etching) 网点腐蚀(halftone etching) 塑料版(plastic duplicate plate) 感光性树脂凸版( photopolymer relief plate) 预涂感光凸版(presensitized relief plate) 橡皮凸版(rubber plate) 柔性版(flexographic plate) 凸版印刷机(letterpress machine) 书版印刷机(book printing press) 报版印刷机(newspaper printing press) 平压平型印刷机(platen press) 圆压平型印刷机(flat-bed cylinder press) 圆压圆型印刷机(rotary letterpress machine) 柔性版印刷机(flexographic press) 网纹传墨辊( anilox roller) 凸印上版( letterpress makeready) 〔平版印刷术语〕 平版印刷(planographic printing) 石印(stone lithography) 直接平印(direct lithography) 珂罗版印刷(collotype printing) 铁皮印刷(metal decorating) 胶印(offset lithography) 小胶印(small offset printing) 无水胶印(waterless offset printing) 双色版胶印(duotone offset printing) 四色胶印(four-color offset printing) 晾纸(paper seasoning) 平版(lithographic plate) 磨版(graining) 平凹版( deep-etch plate) 预涂感光平版(presensitized plate) 多层金属版(multi-metal plate) 即涂感光版(wipe-on plate) 润版(dampening) 水-墨平衡(ink-water balance) 润湿液(fountain solution) 酒精湿润(alcohol dampening) 胶印机( offset printing press) 橡皮布(blanket) 滚压(rolling) 输纸装置(sheet feeder) 收纸装置(delivery unit) 输墨装置(inking unit) 着墨辊(form inking roller) 墨斗辊(ink fountain roller) 匀墨辊(ink distributing roller) 串墨辊(ink vibrator) 润湿装置(dampening system) 着水辊(form dampening roller) 水斗辊(water fountain roller) 串水辊(dampening vibrator) 套色顺序(color sequence) 胶印故障(offset printing trouble) 条痕(streaks) 糊版(filling in) 掉版(image weakening) 脏版(scumming) 〔凹版印刷术语〕 凹版印刷(intaglio printing) 凹版(form of intaglio printing) 网穴(ink cell) 网墙(wall) 照相凹印制版(photogravure) 碳素纸(carbon tissue) 过版(transfer) 网点凹印(halftone gravure) 网点凹版(halftone gravure cylinder) 雕刻凹版(engraved intaglio plate) 手工雕刻凹版(hand engraved intaglio plate) 蚀刻凹版(etched intaglio plate) 电子雕刻凹版(electronic engraved gravure) 凹版电子雕刻机(electronic engraving machine) 电子束雕刻凹版(electronic beam gravure,EBG) 激光雕刻凹版(laser engraved gravure) 间接凹印(indirect gravure) 凹版印刷机(gravure press) 单张纸凹印机(sheet-fed gravure press) 卷筒纸凹印机(web-fed gravure press) 刮墨刀(doctor) 〔孔版印刷术语〕 孔版印刷(porous printing) 丝网印刷(screen printing) 誊写版印刷(stencil duplicating) 打字蜡版印刷(typewriter stencil duplicating) 镂空版印刷(stencil printing) 丝网模版(screen stencil) 丝网印版(screen plate) 刻漆膜丝网印版(lacquer film engraving stencil) 直接照相法丝网印版(direct photographic screen plate) 间接照相法丝网印版(indirect photographic screen plate) 涂漆丝网印版(lacquered screen plate) 静电丝网印刷(electrostatic screen printing) 曲面丝网印刷(curved surface screen printing) 丝网印刷机(screen printing machine) 网框(screen frame) 丝网(screen fabric) 丝网孔宽(width of mesh-opening) 丝网厚度(thickness of screen fabric) 丝网通孔率(percentage of screen porosity) 回弹力(screen resilience) 丝网目数(meshcount) 绷网机(stretching machine) 刮胶斗(coating trough) 刮墨板(squeegee) 回墨板(ink reclaiming blade) 坚膜处理(hardening treatment) 静电丝网印刷机(electrostatic screen printing machine) 〔特种印刷术语〕 特种印刷(speciality printing) 热转印(heat transfer process) 静电印刷(electrostatic printing) 发泡印刷(foam printing) 软管印刷(flexible tube printing) 曲面印刷(curved surface printing) 贴花印刷(decalcomania) 液晶印刷(liquid crystal printing) 磁性印刷(magnetic ink printing) 喷墨印刷(ink-jet printing) 立体印刷(three-dimensional printing) 盲文印刷(braille printing) 全息照相印刷(holographic printing) 移印(transfer printing) 木版水印(wood-block printing) 拓印(inscription rubbing) 〔印后加工术语〕 装订(bookbinding) 平装(paper-cover binding) 精装(hard-cover binding) 胶粘装订(adhesive binding,perfect binding) 锁线订(thread sewing) 骑马订(saddle stitching) 铁丝平订(wire side-stitching) 线装(Chinese traditional thread sewing) 螺旋装(spiral binding,coil binding) 书芯(bookblock) 书帖(signature) 书名页(title page) 订口(gutter) 切口(cutting edges) 封皮(cover) 书壳(book case) 护封(jacket) 书芯加工(bookblock processing) 折页(folding) 配帖(collating) 扒圆(rounding) 起脊(backing) 印后加工机械(machinery for post press fini-shing) 切纸机(guillotine) 折页机(folding machine) 配页机(collating machine) 订书机(book stitcher,stitching machine) 三面切书机(three-knife trimmer) 包封皮机(book covering machine) 制书壳机(book case making machine) 胶粘装订联动线(adhesive binding line) 精装书籍联动线(hard-cover book production line) 打包机(wrapping machine) 表面整饰(decorative finishing) 模切(die cutting) 压痕(creasing) 上光(varnishing) 覆膜(laminating) 擦金(揩金)(bronzing) 烫箔(foil-stamping) 打排孔(perforating) 印刷英语专业词汇 出血:bleed 全出血:full bleed 客户/服务器:client/server 色域:color gamut 分色:color separation 色彩空间:color space 裁切线:crop marks 密度:density 直接制版:computer-to-plate or direct-to-plate 照排机:filmsetter 灰平衡:gray balance 印刷:printing 平版印刷:planographic printing 胶印:offset lithography: 胶印机:offset printing press: DTP:Desktop Publishing System 原稿:original 印版:printing plate 承印物:printing stock 制版:plate making 图象制版 image reproduction: 网目调 halftone,screen tone: 阳图 positive image: 阴图 negative image: 分色 color separation: 计算机照相排版系统 computerized phototypesetting system: 文字排版:text composition 拼版:make-up 晒版 printing down: 印后加工:post-press finishing 双面印 perfect printing: 单张印刷:sheet-fed printing 卷筒印刷:web-fed printing: 多色印刷:multi-color printing 胶印故障:offset printing trouble 开本:format: 堆纸 sheet piling: 色令 color ream: 印张 impression: 晾纸 paper seasoning: 输纸装置 sheet feeder: 规矩 gauge: 前规 front lay: 侧规 side mark: 递纸 sheet transfer: 递纸牙 transfer gripper: 叼口 feed edge: 收纸装置 delivery unit: 套印 bring into register: 规矩线 register line: 套印不准 register difference: 色标 color batch: 润湿液 fountain solution: 实地 solid: 紫外线干燥 UV curing: 润版 dampening: 条痕 streaks: 糊版 filling in: 掉版 image weakening: 脏版 scumming: 堆墨 build-up: 脱墨 rubbing off: 油墨乳化 ink emulsification: 拉毛 ink picks: 重影 ghosting: 粘脏 set-off: 透印 print through: 酒精润湿 Alcohol dampening: 润湿装置 dampening system: 着水辊 form dampening roller: 水斗辊 water fountain roller: 串水辊 dampening vibrator: 输墨装置 inking unit: 着墨辊 form inking roller: 墨斗辊 ink fountain roller: 匀墨辊 ink distributing roller: 串墨辊 ink vibrator: 色谱 color atlas: 叼纸牙 gripper: 橡皮布 blanket: 滚压 rolling: 滚枕 bearer: 印刷压力 printing pressure: 压印线 nip: 包衬 cylinder-packing: 印版滚筒 plate cylinder: 橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder: 压印滚筒 impression cylinder: 光学密度 optical density 色密度 color density: 阶调 tone: 阶调值 tone value: 测控条 control strip:
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