首页 固定资产折旧年限



固定资产折旧年限固定资产折旧年限 不同行业固定资产折旧年限 一、工业企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分 1 机械设备 10-14 2 动力设备 11-18 3 传导设备 15-28 4 运输设备 6-12 5 自动化控制及仪器仪表 自动化、半自动化控制设备 8-12 电子计算机 4-10 通用测试仪器设备 7-12 6 工业炉窑 7-13 7 工具及其他生产用具 9-14 8 非生产用设备及器具 设备工具 18-22 电视机、复印机、文字处理机 5-8 二 专用设备部分 9 冶金工业专用设备 9...

固定资产折旧年限 不同行业固定资产折旧年限 一、工业企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分 1 机械设备 10-14 2 动力设备 11-18 3 传导设备 15-28 4 运输设备 6-12 5 自动化控制及仪器仪 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 自动化、半自动化控制设备 8-12 电子计算机 4-10 通用测试仪器设备 7-12 6 工业炉窑 7-13 7 工具及其他生产用具 9-14 8 非生产用设备及器具 设备工具 18-22 电视机、复印机、文字处理机 5-8 二 专用设备部分 9 冶金工业专用设备 9-15 10 电力工业专用设备 发电及供热设备 12-20 输电线路 30-35 配电线路 14-16 变电配电设备 18-22 核能发电设备 20-25 11 机械工业专用设备 8-12 12 石油工业专用设备 8-14 13 化工、医药工业专用设备 7-14 14 电子仪表电讯工业专用设备 5-10 15 建材工业专用设备 6-12 16 纺织、轻工专用设备 8-14 17 矿山、煤炭及森工专用设备 7-15 18 造船工业专用设备 15-22 19 核工业专用设备 20-25 20 公用事业企业专用设备 自来水 15-25 燃 气 16-25 三 房屋、建筑物部分 21 房屋 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 生产用房 30-40 受腐蚀生产用房 20-25 受强腐蚀生产用房 10-15 非生产用房 35-45 简易房 8-10 22 建筑物 水电站大坝 45-55 自来水、天然气管网 25-35 其他建筑物 15-25 二、商品流通企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分 1 机械设备 10,14 2 动力设备 11,18 3 传导设备 15,28 4 运输设备 8,14 5 自动化、半自动控制设备 8,12 电子计算机 4,10 空调器、空气压缩机、电气设备 10,15 通用测试仪器设备 7,12 传真机、电传机、移动无线电话 5,10 电视机、复印机、文字处理机 5,8 音响、录(摄)像机 10,15 二 专用设备部分 6 营业柜台、货架 3,6 7 加工设备 10,15 8 油池、油罐 4,14 9 制冷设备 10,15 10 粮油原料整理筛选设备 6,10 11 小火车 6,12 12 烘干设备 6,10 酱油、醋、酱、腌菜腐蚀性严重的设备和废旧物资加13 4,8 工设备 14 库(厂)内铁路专用线 10,14 15 地磅 7,12 16 吊运机械设备 8,14 17 消防安全设备 4,8 18 其他经营用设备及器具 15,20 三 房屋、建筑物部分 19 经营用房、仓库 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 纲结构 35,45 钢筋混凝土结构 30,35 钢筋混凝土砖结构 25,30 砖结构 20,30 危险物品专用仓库 20,25 20 简易房 8,10 围墙 4,8 烘干塔 12,17 地坪、晒场、晒台、货场 5,10 21 其他建筑物 10,20 三、农业企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分(同工业企业) 二 专用设备部分 9 拖拉机 大中型拖拉机 6-10 小型拖拉机(14千瓦以下) 4-6 10 谷物联合收获机 8-12 11 机引农具及渔业、牧业机械 5-8 12 排灌机械及大型喷灌机 8-12 13 粮食处理机械 10-16 14 农田基本建设机械 8-12 15 农用飞机及作业设备 10-14 16 修理专用设备及测试设备 10-15 17 金属油罐 10-15 三 其他专用设备部分 18 水电工业专用设备 机电设备 12-20 输电线路 30-35 配电线路 14-16 变电配电设备 18-22 19 冶金工业专用设备 9-15 20 机械工业专用设备 8-12 21 石油工业专用设备 8-14 22 化工、医药工业专用设备 7-14 23 电子仪表电讯工业专用设备 5-10 24 建材工业专用设备 6-12 25 纺织、轻工专用设备 8-14 26 矿山、煤炭为及森工专用设备 7-15 27 造船工业专用设备 15-22 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 28 港务专用设备 8-18 29 铁道专用设备 铁路机车车辆 12-16 铁路通信线路 16-20 铁路通信信号设备 6-8 30 运输船舶 8-20 31 建筑施工专用设备 8-14 32 公用事业企业专用设备 自来水 15-25 燃气 16-25 33 商业、粮油专用设备 8-16 四 房屋、建筑物部分 34 房屋(同工业企业) 35 建筑物 水电站大坝 45-55 港口码头基础设施 25-30 铁路线路上部建筑及桥梁、涵洞、隧道等 35-45 飞机跑道、停机坪 30-40 水库 40-60 干渠、支渠 10-25 机井 10-20 水泥晒场 10-25 养殖池 10-20 公路 按公路等级确定 其他建筑物 15-25 五 经济林木及产役畜 36 经济林木 橡胶树等 15-30 果、桑、茶树等 5-15 37 产役畜 按生产周期确定 四、运输企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分(同工业企业) 二 专用设备及设施部分 8 铁道专用设备 铁路机车车辆 12,16 铁路通信线路 16,20 铁路通信信号设备 6,8 电气化铁路供电系统 8,10 9 港口装卸机械及设备 8,18 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 10 运输船舶及辅助船舶 8,18 11 运输车辆及辅助车辆 6,12 12 通信导航设备 6,8 13 集装箱 5,8 14 运输飞机 起飞全重大于(或等于)100吨 10,15 起飞全重小于100吨 8,10 15 铁路线路上部建筑和铁路上的 桥梁、涵洞、隧道 35,45 16 港务设施 30,50 17 库场设施 20,40 18 飞机跑道、停机坪 30,40 三 房屋、建筑物部分 19 房屋(同工业企业) 20 建筑物 15,25 五、水利工程管理类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分(同工业企业) 二 水、电专用设备部分 9 机电排灌设备 8-12 10 水轮机组 5-25 11 喷灌设备 6-10 12 启闭机组 10-20 13 水传导设施 铸铁管道 20-30 混凝土管道 15-25 14 水电专用设备 输电线路 30-35 配电线路 15-20 变电、配电设备 18-22 机电设备 12-20 三 其他专用设备部分 15 冶金工业专用设备 9-15 16 机械工业专用设备 8-12 17 化工、医药专用设备 7-14 18 电子仪表、电讯专用设备 5-10 19 建材工业专用设备 6-12 20 纺织、 轻工专用设备 8-14 21 矿山、煤炭及森工专用设备 7-15 22 建筑施工专用设备 8-14 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 23 公用事业专用设备 13-25 24 商业、 粮油专用设备 8-16 四 房屋、建筑物部分 25 房屋(同工业企业) 26 建筑物 钢筋混凝土闸、坝 45-55 土坝 30-45 干渠、支渠 15-25 隧道、涵洞 35-45 机井 10-20 港口码头基础设施 25-30 其他建筑物 15-25 五 经 济 林 部 分 27 经济林木 5-15 六、施工、房地产开发企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 房屋及建筑物 1 房屋 30,40 简易房 5,10 2 建筑物 15,25 3 传导设施 15,28 二 施工机械 4 起重机械 10,14 单转电动起重机 5,7 5 挖掘机械 10,14 6 土方铲运机械 10,14 7 凿岩机械 10,14 内燃凿岩机 4,5 风动凿岩机 4,5 电动凿岩机 4,5 8 基础及凿井机械 10,14 9 钢盘及混凝土机械 8,10 混凝土输送泵 4,5 10 皮带螺旋运输机 8,10 11 泵 类 8,10 三 运输设备 12 汽车及拖挂 6,12 13 小型车辆 6,12 四 生产设备 14 木工加工机械 8,10 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 15 金属切削机床 10,14 16 锻压设备 10,14 17 焊接及切割设备 7,10 等离子切割机 4,5年 磁力氧气切割机 4,5年 18 锻造及热处理设备 10,14 19 动力设备 11,18 电动空压机 8,10 柴油空压机 8,10 制氧机组 8,10 液化气循环压缩机 8,10 高压空压机 8,10 轴气风机 8,10 20 维修专用设备 8,10 21 其他加工设备 8,10 五 试验设备及仪器 22 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 试验设备 7,10 白金坩锅 50 23 测定仪器 5,10 24 计量仪器 7,10 25 探伤仪器 7,10 26 测绘仪器 7,10 六 其他固定资产 27 行政管理用车 6,12 28 办公用具 10,14 电子计算机 4,8 电视机 5,8 复印机 5,8 文字处理机 5,8 29 度量及消防用具 10,14 30 印刷机械 10,12 七 非生产用固定资产 31 房屋 30,45 32 文体宣教用具 10,15 33 炊事用具 8,10 34 医疗器械 8,10 35 其他 7,10 电冰箱 5,7 冷冻机 5,7 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 七、旅游、饮食服务企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 房屋、建筑物分类 1 房屋 营业用房 20,40 非营业用房 35,45 简易房 5,10 2 建筑物 10,25 二 机器设备分类 3 供电系统设备 15,20 4 供热系统设备 11,18 5 中央空调设备 10,20 6 通讯设备 8,10 7 洗涤设备 5,10 8 维修设备 10 9 厨房用具设备 5,10 10 电子计算机系统设备 6,10 11 电梯 10 12 相片冲印设备 8,10 13 复印、打字设备 3,8 14 其他机器设备 10 三 交通运输工具分类 15 客车 大型客车(33座以上) 30万公里 8,10 中型客车(32座以下) 30万公里 8,10 小轿车 20万公里 5,7 16 行李车 30万公里 7,8 17 货车 50万公里 12 18 摩托车 15万公里 5 四 家具设备分类 19 家具设备 营业用家具设备 5,8 办公用设备 10,20 20 地毯 纯毛地毯 5,10 混织地毯 3,5 化纤地毯 3 五 电器及影视设备分类 21 闭路电视播放设备 10 22 音响设备 5 23 电视机 5 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 24 电冰箱 5 25 空调器 柜式 5 窗式 3 26 电影放映机及幻灯机 10 27 照相机 10 28 其他电器设备 5 六 文体娱乐设备分类 29 高级乐器 10 30 游乐场设备 5,10 31 健身房设备 5,10 七 其他设备分类 32 工艺摆设 10 33 消防设备 6 八、金融保险企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 房屋及建筑物(同旅游、饮食服务企业) 二 机器设备 1 机械设备 10,14 2 动力设备 11,18 3 通讯设备 5,10 4 电子计算机 3,10 5 电器设备 5,10 6 安全保卫设备 5,10 7 办公及文字处理设备 5,8 8 医疗设备 6,12 三 交通运输设备 9 专用运钞车 4,7 10 其他运输设备 6,12 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 九、农牧渔良种场类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分(同工业企业) 二 农业专用设备部分 9 拖拉机 大中型拖拉机 6-10 小型拖拉机(14千瓦以下) 4-6 10 谷物联合收获机 8-12 11 机引农具及渔业、牧业机械 5-8 12 排灌机械及大型喷灌机 8-12 13 种籽精选机械 8-12 14 农田基本建设机械 8-12 15 农用飞机及作业设备 10-14 16 修理专用设备及测试设备 10-15 17 金属油罐 10-15 三 其他专用设备部分(同农业企业) 四 房屋、建筑物部分 34 房屋(同工业企业) 35 建筑物 养殖池、孵化池 10-20 机井 10-20 水泥晒场 10-25 其他建筑物 15-25 五 经济林木及产役畜 36 经济林木 橡胶树等 15-30 果、桑、茶树等 5-15 37 产役畜 按生产周期确定 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 十、林场与苗圃类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分(同工业企业) 二 林业专用设备 9 营林机械 4-6 整地机、挖坑机、筑床机、植树林、弥雾喷粉机、机 引中耕机、锄草机、降雨机等 10 采伐机械 7-10 采伐归堆联合机、打枝造材联合机 11 木材加工机械 7-10 截锯机、圆锯机、带锯机、板材干燥机、四面刨、压 刨、平刨、立刨、木旋机、打眼机、开榫机、雕刻机、 补疤机、万能机、装配机、钉箱机等 12 林化设备 7-14 松香、栲胶设备、活化炉 13 卷扬运输设备 6-10 汽车运输设备:运材汽车、运材挂车等 集材运输设备:履带拖拉机、胶轮拖拉机 水上运输设备:内燃机、出河机等 卷扬运输设备:电动绞盘机、柴油绞盘机、归装桥机、 吊车等 14 原木装载机 6-10 叉车、电瓶车、链子运输机、皮带运输机 15 森铁运输设备 12-16 蒸汽机车、内燃机车 16 森工其他专用设备 6-10 凡不属二至七类的森工专用设备 17 人造板流水线设备 6-12 旋切机、刨切机、铡刀、拼蓬机、挖补机、单板烘干 机、砂光机、齐边机、涂胶机、热压机 削片机、打磨机、喷胶机、铺装机、预压机、浸胶机、 塑贴热压机、筛选机、再碎机、斗式提升机、精磨机、 热磨机 成型机、纤维板热压机、热处理设备、加温机等 三 其他专用设备部分(同农业企业) 四 房屋、建筑物部分(同农业企业) that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 十一、电影、新闻出版企业类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 通用设备部分(同工业企业) 二 专用设备部分 1 印刷及传版设备 激光照排设备 4,8 远程数据传版设备 4,8 电子分色设备 8,12 印刷设备 10,14 生产用复印设备 4,6 2 编采设备 传真机 4,6 照相机 4,10 资料存储、检索设备 4,8 卫星接收设备 4,8 其他采访、通讯、编绘器具 5,10 3 专业用录音设备 调音台及附属设备 6,12 专业录音机及附属设备 7,8 话筒 4,6 扬声器 4,6 录音外围设备 6,10 4 乐器 钢琴 12,20 电子乐器 6,8 其他乐器 6,10 5 组合音像设备(包括电唱机、电唱盘等) 6,10 卡式录音机(包括录音卡座) 4,6 便携式录音机 4,6 激光唱机 4,6 6 唱片加工设备 刻纹设备 10,12 制模版设备 10,12 造粒机及附属设备 12,14 簿膜压片机 14,16 密纹压片机及配套设备 6,12 7 唱机生产设备 6,12 8 盒式音带加工设备 快速复制设备(包括母机、子机) 4,6 裁带机 4,6 贴标机 6,8 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 包装机 6,8 其他配套设备 6,10 9 录像设备 摄像设备 4,6 复制设备 4,6 放像机及录像子机 4,6 监视器 5,8 分配放大器 6,10 其他附属设备 6,10 10 电影制片设备 摄影设备 10,12 录音设备 8,10 放映设备 10,12 剪接设备 8,10 照明设备 10,12 特技设备 8,10 照像设备 8,10 洗印设备 8,10 动画设备 10,12 三 房屋、建筑物部分 11 房屋(同工业企业) 12 一般建筑物 15,25 十二、电影放映企业 单位:元 序号 固定资产分类 每场提取 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 一 放映设备 70,,,立体声放映设备(进口) 60,72 70,,,立体声放映设备(部分进口) 20,32 35,,,立体声放映设备(进口) 18,24 35,,,立体声放映设备(部分进口) 12,18 35,,,固定式放映设备 5,7 35,,,移动式放映设备 2,5 16,,,固定式放映设备 2,5 16,,,移动式放映设备 2,4 8(75,,,放映设备 1,2 专业影院舞台设备 2,5 二 影院空调设备 制冷、取暖设备 48,60 机械通风设备 8,12 三 座椅 软座椅 6,8,千座 硬座椅 3,4,千座 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 注:1(短片以二场折合一场计算。 2(70,,,立体声放映设备,每场提取折旧标准暂作试行。 3(座椅按每千座提取标准提取,超过千座按座递增。 十三、地质勘查类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 勘探专用设备 1 陆地钻探设备 5-8 2 海洋钻探设备 15-18 3 海洋钻井平台 8-12 4 坑探设备 3-8 5 物探设备 3-8 6 物探船舶 8-15 二 起重运输设备 7 起重设备 8-15 8 重型汽车及拖挂 8-10 9 轻型汽车 8-12 10 工程作业车 8-12 11 拖拉机及推土机 6-8 12 飞机 8-10 13 运输船及辅助 8-18 三 通用生产设备 14 金属切削机床 10-12 15 锻压铸造设备 8-12 16 维修设备 8-12 17 动力设备 6-8 18 自动化控制及仪器仪表 8-12 大型计算机 8-12 一般计算机 4-10 19 实验设备 5-12 20 其他生产设备 8-10 四 传导设备 8-10 五 行政生活设备 21 行政设备 8-12 22 生活设备 8-12 23 医疗卫生设备 7-10 24 文件宣传设备 8-10 六 房屋及建筑物 25 房屋 25-40 26 建筑物 15-25 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 十四、高速公路类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 公路及构筑物 1 路基、桥梁、隧道 20-30 2 排水及挡防构造物 5-15 3 水泥混凝土路面 15-30 4 沥青混凝土路面 8-20 二 安全设施 5 防护栏 10-20 6 道路照明设施 5-10 7 标志标线 3-8 8 其他安全设施 8-15 三 通讯设施 9 通信线路 10-20 10 电源设备 6-8 11 通信设备 5-10 12 其他通信设施 5-8 四 监控设施 5-10 五 收费设施 5-8 六 机械设备 13 通用机械设备 10-14 14 专用机械设备 8-12 15 其他机械设备 5-10 七 车辆 5-10 八 房屋及建筑物 16 房屋 30-40 17 建筑物 15-25 九 其他设备 5-8 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution 十五、民办高等学校类 序号 固定资产分类 折旧年限 一 房屋、建筑物 1 钢筋混凝土框架结构 40-50 2 混合结构 35-45 3 砖木结构 20-25 4 简易房 8-10 二 专用设备 5 仪器仪表 电子计算机 4-8 演示、测试仪器 7-12 6 机电设备 8-12 7 电教设备 5-8 8 文体设备 5-8 9 医疗设备 6-12 10 印刷设备 8-12 三 一般设备 11 交通运输设备 6-12 12 家具 8-10 13 办公设备 5-8 四 文物及陈列品 15-35 五 图书及声像资料 8-12 that summarizes data in a timely manner, practice of the commissioning process. Requirements can skilled, and right to using test instrument, and do test records, and can in test process in the found problem, timely reported problem third section electrical system debugging low voltage cable test first should in electrical apparatus not installation Qian for line insulation test: will lamp box within wire separate, switch box within wire connected, test Shi should will route and extension separate, a people test, a people timely readings and records. second in electrical apparatus, electric box all after installation (before transmission) to test: 1, line switch on the switch, instruments, equipment and other electrical disconnect switch all in position, the test method described in the above, confirm that the insulation test after trial operation of transmission. 2, 1kV megohmmeter 1kV cables, test the cables, insulation resistance 10M ω or more. 3, wiring insulation 500V, range 0~500M ω-megohmmeter. 4, when measuring the insulation resistance, Megger has three labeled "ground (e)", "line (l)", "protection ring (G)" Terminal, respectively shall be measured with the e and l on the two side buttons. testing instruments ready for test instruments the following table:d Distribution box debugging equipment check number checks 1 distribution
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