首页 设计心理学之耐克运动鞋人性化分析



设计心理学之耐克运动鞋人性化分析设计心理学之耐克运动鞋人性化分析 目录 一、 前言 ...................................................................................................................... 1 1 耐克运动鞋在造型需求上的人性化分析 ................................................................ 3 (1)、美观需求 ................

设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 心理学之耐克运动鞋人性化 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 目录 一、 前言 ...................................................................................................................... 1 1 耐克运动鞋在造型需求上的人性化分析 ................................................................ 3 (1)、美观需求 ................................................................................................. 3 2)、情感需求 ................................................................................................. 3 ( (3)、新颖需求 ................................................................................................. 3 (4)、精神文化性需求....................................................................................... 4 二、耐克运动鞋在色彩需求上的人性化情感分析 .............................................................. 6 耐克运动鞋在种类上的人性化分析 .............................................................................. 8 三 1、从人性化角度分析运动鞋的发展历程 ................................................................... 8 2、 功能需求的情感化分析 ...................................................................................... 9 四、耐克运动鞋在材质上的人性化情感分析 ..................................................................... 9 1、材质在情感上的具体分析 ..................................................................................... 9 2、材料经济耐用性的需求 ........................................................................................ 9 五、用户在试穿不同运动鞋的情感分析 ...........................................................................10 1、不同穿着人群的情感分析 ....................................................................................10 (1)、孩童耐克运动鞋的人性化情感分析..........................................................10 (2)、年轻人耐克运动鞋的人性化情感分析 ...................................................... 11 (3)、老年人耐克运动鞋的人性化情感分析 ......................................................12 六、总结.........................................................................................................................13 1making by the project-uction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decisiononstrmanagement. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible c , on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and constructiontativeconstruction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal represenh and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" ispatcanization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production ddropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" orgary hyur company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondIf the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of oer of special construction machinery and equipment. should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb 耐克运动鞋的人性化情感分析 前言 如何实现产品的人性化设计如何实现产品的人性化设计如何实现产品的人性化设计如何实现产品的人性化设计 既然产品的人性化设计是设计功能和价值的最贴切体现,那产品的人性化设计是如何实现的呢,轻型交通工具又是如何实现人性化设计的呢,这在很大程度上取决于设计师的设计想法和设计初衷。设计师通过对设计形式和功能等方面的“人性化”因素的注入,赋予设计物以“人性化”的品格,使其具有情感、个性、情趣和生命,最终达到产品人性化设计的目的。 一个产品设计的几个主要要素就是产品的形式、功能、细节等,例如人们常见的运动鞋设计,将版型的样式不断的在更新,人们的需求已经不仅仅停留在满足,运动工具的辅助、探险或者溜冰的提示等功能是人们新的需求。产品结构的人性化设计——追求更适合人体结构的造型 产品结构是指产品的外观造型和内部结构。产品的形态一定要符合使用者的心理和审美情趣。美观大方的造型、独特新颖的结构有利于使用者高尚审 美情趣的培养,符合当今消费者个性化的需求。 关键词:人性化、情感、用户心理需求、设计。 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 一、从运动鞋的造型需求和形态人性化分析 1、耐克运动鞋在造型需求上的人性化分析 耐克运动鞋的大底造型与皮鞋、胶鞋相比,大底花纹既有细腻的二方连续、四方连续的细小花纹,也有几何形状粗犷、自由的图案,还有没有任何痕迹的光底;既有平跟底、又有坡跟底、还有中跟悬空底;部分运动鞋底上有钉、耙的装置,一些特殊的运动鞋大底安装滑轮、冰刀和铁架等功能性装置。 ,1,、美观需求 用 户对于产品造型是否美观的关注反映了他们追求美感的心理需求,耐克不仅仅只是为了满足人们功能上的需求,耐克不仅仅用篮球运动彰显品牌个性。随着西方全民运动的普及,耐克为了提高市场占有率,将产品定位为大众化的、非职业运动员都可以穿的品牌。 ,2,、情感需求 在情感需求上,耐克运动鞋的设计越来越体现人性化的需求,其广告就采用在风雨中骑自行车运动员一往无前的形象,阐述一种不屈不挠的精神,强调人与自然抗争,顽强战胜自我的精神状态。 ,3,、新颖需求 在新颖需求上,耐克在外形上打破传统,给人眼前一亮的感觉,一双好鞋子是否具有吸引力,最关键的一个因素就是其造型是否新颖,这个需求反映在心理上就是追求时尚、新颖和美的享受。给人一种很强的视觉冲击,可以唤起用户购买和使用该产品的欲望。 management, job level settings. Decision3making by the project- tives,cts simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project execuroject is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projethis pg out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company mp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carryinup ca e: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project setect." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figur3 projion experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project Crding to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, constructer of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, accoshould b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb ,4,、精神文化性需求 在精神文化性的需求上,耐克在给人们提供功能需求的同时,也向人们传达了一种精神生活的态度,“有全能的(指网球等比赛中的)正手打保护着我”。用纹身创意将品牌和一种图腾联系在一起,完全是一个出人意表的概念。这里的图腾显然是一个体育明星崇尚者的杰作。纹身图形创意将耐克与图腾在精神的层面上融合在了一起。原始手绘的图形的与现代的耐克标志形成视觉上的鲜明对照,让受众在意念的想象空间,思考和对应着两者之间的关系。究竟是谁包容了谁,人类对体育竞技生生不灭的理想和追求都镌刻在了这肉体与品牌的血肉相联之中。 ,5,、社会地位需求 耐克运动鞋是世界第一体育运动品牌推出的一款鞋子类别。 在社会地位的需求上,随着人们对物质生活的需求,越来越多人通过产品来展现自己的身份、地位、职业和文化品味。如耐克的设计,为了体现出用户的时尚和品味。 2、耐克运动鞋在形态上的人性化设计简介 人性化设计是以人为中心和尺度的,满足人的生理和心理需要、物质和精神需要。营造舒适、高雅的居住空间,使人们享受空间的使用趣味和快感。人性得以充分的释放与满足。人的心理更加健康、情感更加丰富、人性更加完善,达到人物和谐。我们应当充分分析和利用这些因素来推动我们的人性化设计。 (1)、耐克运动鞋形态分析内容 线条方面 耐克运动鞋的线条特点是:线条复杂,形式多样。有单线、双线、假线、明线、虚线、轮廓线、棱线、接缝线、装饰线等,可同时运用在一双鞋上,不拘泥于一种。多以弧线为主,直线比例较少。 2、色彩特点 运动鞋的色彩是由其所使用材料本身should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 反射的光所决定的。运动鞋设计运用颜色的搭配不公体现设计风格、设计流行趋势,还能使运动的观瞻性、娱乐性大大提高,同时体现运动本身活泼、动感和明快的特色。 运动鞋的色彩与皮鞋、胶鞋相比,具有色彩运用幅大、范围广,色彩搭配复杂,视觉感受丰定的特点,主要表现在如下方面: (1)色彩在运动鞋帮面材料的运用 运动鞋帮面材料的色彩比皮鞋运用自如、丰富和多元化。装饰色彩不仅包括常见的色彩,还大量运用金属色、激光镭射、闪光等。 (2)色彩在运动鞋底上的运用 皮鞋、胶鞋的大底色彩多为单色或双色,运动鞋大底则为3-5色。色彩的选择范围大,色彩的明度、纯度高。色彩搭配不受过多的限制。设计中色彩必须借助和依附于造型才能存在,必须通过形状的体现才具有具体的意义。但色彩一经与具体的形相结合,便具有极强的感情色彩和表现特征,具有强大的精神影响。针对不同的消费群和不同的使用场合,选择非常的重要。 图一 二 第二、点在运动鞋设计中的运用也是很广泛的,点在人们的视觉中具有很强的注目感。细节上运用点比较广泛。不仅有使用功能,而且还起到装饰作用。点的位置考虑也是有讲究的,放置在不同的地方给人不同的心理感受。(如图3) 图3 management, job level settings. Decision5making by the project- tives,cts simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project execuroject is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projethis pg out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company mp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carryinup ca e: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project setect." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figur3 projion experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project Crding to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, constructer of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, accoshould b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb 图4是一款在造型上打破传统的运动鞋,体现了一种趣味感,在人们觉得现有的运动鞋太死板了后,设计师们奇思广义。 图5 图5中的这款椅子就像是动物的脚,这种仿生的造型给人一种灵动的感觉。 二、耐克运动鞋在色彩需求上的人性化情感分析 一个好的产品除了有它的外观特征之外,还得具有吸引人的色彩因素。色彩对产品的影响是必然的,对心理的影响是客观存在的,同一色彩不同文化背景下的特定意义也不相同。因此,在产品设计中,充分重视色彩的情感要素,力求将色彩与产品设计有机的结合。当看到色彩时,都会或多或少地产生各种不同的印象。每一种色彩都有自己的表情特征,色彩一旦处于不同的颜色搭配关系,或是当它的纯度或明度发生变化时,颜色的表情也就会随之变化,所传达的产品信息也会变化。 不同的色彩给人的情感也是不同的,如白色的冰箱,给人一种冷冰冰的感觉,但这种情感又很贴切的变现了冰箱的特性。还有就是女性的产品和男性的产品在色彩之间有了很大的差异,男性比较阳刚,因此男性的产品大多数都是以灰色和黑色来诠释,体现了一种力量,而女性的产品则是用暖色系来诠释,这样的产品给人一种亲切,体现了女性的甜美。 1、暖色系的耐克运动鞋 图6 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 暖色系的鞋子给人一种温暖、热 烈的感觉,使人产生冲动情绪。 这的两款鞋子(图6)整体色系是红色系,红色很受现在年轻人的喜爱。那种热情,大胆的红色的这种特性是最接近现在年轻人的个性。 2、冷色系的椅子 见到蓝、蓝紫、蓝绿等色后,则容易联想到太空、冰雪、海洋等物像,就会产生寒冷、理智、平静等感觉。 图7 这款黑色白灰混合的冷色系鞋子给人一种强劲有力的感觉,在运动场上给人一种我就是第一的霸气与力量。 3、中性色系的椅子 像绿色和黄色是最典型的中性色,有一种轻便清新的感觉。 7making by the project-management, job level settings. Decision tives,cts simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project execuroject is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projethis pg out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company mp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carryinup ca e: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project setect." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figur3 projion experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project Crding to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, constructer of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, accoshould b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb 图10 这两款黄绿色的椅子(如图9、图10),是一种令人感到稳重和舒适的色彩,这种颜色不会让人感觉很柔和,像中老年人就会很喜欢这种颜色,淡淡地色彩让很心里很平和。 三、耐克在功能上的人性化分析与发展简介 1、从人性化角度分析耐克的发展历程 费尔(奈特(Phil Knight)于1964年以500美元创立了Nike公司时,做梦也想不到会成为现今全球最大的运动鞋品牌。本文将为大家揭开Nike成长过程之谜,并特别着力于Nike 90年代大放光芒的关键-新产品发展策略。 在1972年,奈特和鲍尔曼终于自己发明出一种鞋,并决定自己制造。他们把制作任务承包给劳动力廉价的亚洲工厂,并给这种鞋取名叫耐克,这是依照希腊胜利之神的名字而取的。同时他们还发明出一种独特标志Swoosh(意为“嗖的一声”),它极为醒目、独特,每件耐克公司制品上都有这种标记。 简言之,Swoosh就是NIKE的那个标志 创建初期: 60-70年代 提到Nike的历史,必须回溯至1958年,当时的创办人费尔(奈特还只是个奥勒岗(Oregon)州立大学田径队选手,经常在练习时,向教练包尔门抱怨美国从没有生产过一双真正好的运动鞋。奈特主修会计学,毕业后返乡任教于波特兰(Portland)。1964年,奈特与他的教练包尔门各出资500美元,成立了运动鞋公司,取名为Nike,源自希腊语,喻「胜利」之意。 公司草创初期,奈特利用自己在运动界的关系,来往穿梭于各田径运动会场上,设摊销售他的跑步鞋。当时的产品则购自日本,他经常认为美国设计的运动鞋必定潜力无穷。70年代初,奈特开始着手落实自行设计鞋子的构想,同时经过审慎地研究调查后,发现市场需求已should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 足以支撑他建立自己的生产线。不过,最后还是决定先借助日本的生产 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 ,1972年奈特与日本方面签定第一张合约,正式生产完全美国设计的Nike运动鞋。 2、功能需求的情感化分析 功能即产品的使用价值,是产品之所以作为有用物而存在的最根本属性,它反映了产品与人的价值关系。 ,1,、实用性的需求 由于用户对这种需求的追求,设计师在耐克的外在形式上就更加追求“实惠”、“实用”。用户越来越注重对耐克的质量,在质量有一定保障的同时考虑耐克的外在形态。对于实用性的需求也是相对于目标用户而言的,能满足用户需求的功能就可认为它是实用的,反之就是无用和多余的。 四、耐克在材质上的人性化情感分析 1、材质在情感上的具体分析 人对材质的知觉心理过程是不可否认的,而质感本身又是一种艺术形式。材料的质感肌理是通过表面特征给人以视觉和触觉感受以及心理联想及象征意义。每一种产品材料运用不同会大大影响其消费者的选择和应用。如老年人的浴室用品要做防滑处理,儿童用品则需要充满各种彩色的有机绿色材料,青年人的用品则需要光感强的材料来体现自己的时尚酷感,因此,消费者对于产品的情感需求中的材料需要也是很重要的。产品形态中的肌理因素能够暗示使用方式或起警示作用。通过选择合适的造型材料来增加感性、浪漫成分,使产品与人的互动性更强。在选择材料时不仅用材料的强度、耐磨性等物理量来作评定,而且考虑材料与人的情感关系远近作为重要 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 尺度。 2、材料经济耐用性的需求 1、运动鞋的目的是避免所从事的体育项目中的特殊应力对脚的损伤,给运动员更多的摩擦力。例如,一双慢跑鞋的设计有别于一双剧烈运动的鞋。为使足的各部位适应最大限度的应力,要求运动鞋设计成不同的样式、质地、重量、系带以及其它特点。 2、一双完美运动鞋的关键是舒适。舒适会减少水疱和其他皮肤问题的发生。 3、运动时的穿着,除了要美丽帅气外,最重要的是要适合运动项目与运动环境。选择运动服合身很重要,要能 9making by the project-management, job level settings. Decision tives,cts simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project execuroject is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projethis pg out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company mp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carryinup ca e: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project setect." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figur3 projion experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project Crding to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, constructer of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, accoshould b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb 适应该运动项目的动作技巧,身体伸缩、跳跃、走、停、跑;手脚动作的舒适度都要考虑到。 4、而运动鞋的选择上,则注重功能性,不同项目的运动就要选择不同的专业运动鞋,大小合脚舒适,气垫能防止震动,减轻关节压力,耐久不破损,容易清洗保养。不要在运动时穿着与平常相同的鞋。运动鞋应该能符合特定的生物需求。鞋的特性也很重要,不管你从事何种运动,你的鞋都应该能在缓震、支撑、耐用以及最重要的因素————合脚之间求得平衡。总而言之,这些特性能帮助你舒适地锻炼,并且防止脚、腿或后腰受伤。 5、透气性也很重要,让脚呼吸透气,鞋垫有弹性可吸汗,鞋后跟则要注意坚固稳定。 6、慢跑鞋的选择上,鞋后跟要宽大稳固,鞋带下方需有衬舌,保护脚背与伸趾肌键。鞋底具柔软夹层,以吸收冲击效果;要轻要软,鞋底耐撞击;以稳定性与避震性为首要考量。 7、选购运动鞋时,应着运动袜试穿,脚趾前端预留空间,鞋子长度比脚长2~3公分较适合。新鞋穿久会比旧鞋宽松,脚趾与鞋头预留空间,可避免脚受擦伤红肿,调节足部湿气,使脚干爽。 五、用户在穿不同运动鞋的情感分析 1、不同使用人群的情感分析 对于不同的鞋子也有不同的使用人群,设计师们根据不同的使用者对运动鞋在材质还是功能上都有所不同,人的脚型在不同的年龄层是不一样的,因此在设计运动鞋的靠背上也会有所不同。老年人的心理需求是比较看重产品的功能及舒适度上,也正是这个因素,他们在选择椅子的时候会看重椅子的材质和功能,这是心理需求也是设计的重点,由于身体状况欠佳,他们一般会选择柔软的材质,既有一定的保暖功效,又让然觉得舒服。相反的,年轻人具有很强的好奇心,对于那些色彩亮丽的产品颇为喜爱,他们在选择一款运动鞋的时候,第一考虑的是鞋子的外观,其次是功能。 ,1,、孩童鞋子的人性化情感分析 对于这个时代的小孩,他们对于外在物质也是很好奇的,对于他们,明度较高的色彩会吸引他们的注意,最主要的就是产品的安全性能。鞋子的设计在小孩这个群体中是很重要的,在鞋的版型上是需要根据小孩的身体结构进行设计。根据小孩的那种身体机能和心理需求,对于他们的鞋设计师会在材料上选用安全的材料,外形比较卡通,趣味感强(如图)。 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project (2)、年轻人运动鞋的人性化情感分析 年轻人的心理需求是追求时尚,炫酷的色彩。在考虑年轻人的心理后,运动鞋设计点在于外观和功能的创新。当年轻人选择一款运动鞋的时候,他们最看重的是鞋子的独特外观,年轻人的好奇心很强,对于新奇的东西比较感兴趣 11making by the project-management, job level settings. Decision tives,cts simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project execuroject is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projethis pg out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company mp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carryinup ca e: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project setect." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figur3 projion experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project Crding to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, constructer of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, accoshould b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb (3)、老年人运动鞋的人性化情感分析 舒适性是老年人选择的第一要素。 总而言之,用户在选择是都会考虑这款运动鞋是否适合他们,他们的心理需求决定他们的选择。还有一定要认定一个道理:“产品都是为人而设计的”。不管是改造自然,还是改造人类本身,操作工具的都是人自身,由此得出产品的人性化设计的概念就是:每个细节都以人为基本出发点,以人为主导因素。纵观设计历史可以分析出人性化设计是设计发展的必然结果,最早的设计对物与物的关系过分重视而忽略了物与人的关系,使得工具变成人的负担,成为人的压迫,我们的眼睛始终盯在改造目的物上而忽略了我们自己的身体和心理,越来越高速和高效的新时代的到来促成了人们在对人机数据的研究过程中终于获得了启迪——人才是我们最终的改造服务目的。 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 六、总结 体现产品的人性化,就得从产品的这些要素上着手,分析产品的各种形式要素。通过设计的形式要素——造型、色彩、装饰、材料等的变化来实现产品的人性化设计。造型设计中的造型要素是人们对设计关注点中最易被人关注的,因为在细节上它的影响比较直接。一方面,设计的本质和特性必须通过一定的造型而得以明确化、具体化、实体化。比如说对于不同使用方式的相反造型设计、边缘手感等„„以往人们称产品设计为“造型设计”,虽然不很科学和 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,但多少说明造型在设计中的重要性和引人注目之处。 为人需求的人性化设计 设计师应将设计关怀伸向人的心灵深处,通过富有审美情调的设计,赋予产品更多的意义,让使用者心领神会而倍感亲切。 13making by the project-management, job level settings. Decision tives,cts simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project execuroject is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projethis pg out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company mp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carryinup ca e: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project setect." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figur3 projion experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project Crding to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, constructer of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, accoshould b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a numb should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project
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