首页 雅思托福四六级写作词汇——同意替换



雅思托福四六级写作词汇——同意替换雅思托福四六级写作词汇——同意替换 雅思写作基础词汇——同意替换 释意 替换词 用法 备注 「It's very handy to be able to… 」「能够… 真是方 方便 handy 便」 例:It's very handy to be able to find information on the Internet.能够在互联网上找信息真是方便。 ?「gain sth from (doing) sth」 例:XDF has gained a competitive advantage ov...

雅思托福四六级写作词汇——同意替换 雅思写作基础词汇——同意替换 释意 替换词 用法 备注 「It's very handy to be able to… 」「能够… 真是方 方便 handy 便」 例:It's very handy to be able to find information on the Internet.能够在互联网上找信息真是方便。 ?「gain sth from (doing) sth」 例:XDF has gained a competitive advantage over its rivals from providing customers with first class service. 新东方获得 gain 通过一流的服务赢得优势 ?gain a competitive advantage over(赢得竞争优 势) 「fend for oneself」「自己照顾自己」 例: It is time 照顾 fend for you left home and learned to fend for yourself. 你应 该离家自立了. ?「raise an objection/objections to sth/doing sth」 「对… 提出异议」 例: Many parents raise 异议 objection objections to the teaching method used by X. 很多 父母对X得教育方式提出异议 ?「have no objection to」「没有异议」 例:The modern society has reached the point reach a point where+where most people are heavily dependent on 到达一个... 的点 句子 telephone and the Internet. 现代社会已经到达一个 (大部分的人都十分依赖手机和网络)的点。 value...above all=consider.. the most important of all 例1:The Chinese government values social and 认为...最重要 value... above all political stability above all.中国政府认为社会和政治 稳定最重要。 例2:My mother values honesty above all. 我妈妈认为诚实最重要。 be open to question不确定 The exact cause is still open to question. 准确原因 不确定 question 还不确定。The exact cause of his bad performance in school last semester is still open to question =not certain 上学期他在校表现差的准确原因还不确定 ?「… offers an ideal opportunity for sb to do」「给… 提供一个很棒…的机会」 例: The scheme offers an 好的,不错的 ideal ideal opportunity for youngsters to get training. 这 个计划给年轻人提供了一个很棒的获得培训的机会。 ?「one’s primary objective is to do」主要目标是 例 1:The main objective of the course is to improve 目标 objective children's knowledge of history and literature. 这个 课程的主要目标是提升孩子的历史和文学知识。 ?「sth is a bottleneck」…是瓶颈 例:His broken English is a bottleneck.他那蹩脚的英语是瓶颈。 Bottleneck 瓶颈 ?「get sb out of the bottleneck」使某人摆脱瓶颈 An [b'?t?lnek] English training program may get him out of the bottleneck ?「impose sth on sb」强加 例:Some parents tend to impose their own ideas on their children.有些父母 倾向于把自己的想法强加给孩子。 强加、带给 impose ?「impose a burden on」带来问题 The new tax policy will impose a bigger burden on most working families 「Many people think/thought it improper for sb to do/be sth」「很多人认为某某做某事是不对的。」 做某事不对 improper 例:During the late nineteenth century in the United States, many people thought it improper for a woman to be a professional artist. 「summon the courage/strength to do sth」「鼓起勇 鼓起勇气/聚足力气/聚足力做...」 例:Ruth took a deep breath, summon 做.. summoned up her courage, and told him the truth.R深深吸了一口气,鼓起勇气,告诉他真相。# [pose a threat/danger/risk]「有危害」 例:Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.官员说那化 学物没真正危害 危害 pose 「pose a problem to/for sb/sth」带来问题 例: Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the administration.# 「dedicate yourself/your life to sth」「全身心投入」 例:The actress now dedicates herself to children’s 全身心投入、致dedicate charity work. 力 「dedicate sth to/for sth」「把...投入在...」 例:The company dedicated $50,000 for the study 「sb has yet to do」「有待做(目前还没有做/本应已 经做了但是却还没做)」 例1:I have yet to hear Ray's version of what happened. 我要先听R给我说有待、还需要 yet 说发生了啥事 例2:I have yet to spend another twenty minutes writing the essay. 我得再花20分钟写论文。 「a form of escapism from」「帮助暂时忘记无聊困窘 逃避 escapism 事物的活动/娱乐」 例:Games and novels are a form of escapism from the real world. 例:The rice crop suffered considerable damage as 相当大的 considerable a result of the typhoon.由于这场台风,稻米作物遭受 相当大的损失 「A is secondary to B」A没B重要 没那么重要 secondary 例:For me, wealth is secondary to health ?「be endowed with sth」 天生就有 例:She was endowed with good looks.她天生丽质~ 天生具有 endow ?「endow sb with sth」使某人/某物拥有某种特质 Her persistence endowed her with legendary status. 他的坚韧不拔赋予他传说的地位 「sb be induced to+名词」「某人(因某事)而进入 某种(通常更坏的)状态或状况中」 例:Xiaoming was 引起、导致、进reduced to extreme poverty after he lost his job.小明induce 入 因失业而进入极端贫穷状~ 例2:Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck.过度劳累使他健康 受损~wreck=废人 「mold sth/sb into sth」「塑造(性格和态度)」 I try to 塑造 mold mold my students into independent individuals. 我 努力地把学生塑造成独立的个体。 例?:His headaches stemmed from the pressure 根源 stem from study. 例?:The problem stems from parents' tendency to take everything under control American writer Samuel Clemens underwent painful personal loss- the death of his daughter, the 经历 undergo humiliation of family bankruptcies.美国作家马克吐 温经历了伤痛的失去:失去女儿;家庭破产... short cut(s) to (doing) sth 例:There aren’t really any 捷径 short cut(s) short cuts to learning English.学英语没有捷径 『menace of... to...』 It’s the only way to deal with the growing menace of drug dealing to society.这是威胁 menace 唯一解决越来越严重的贩毒对社会危害的方法。 另: 『be menaced by』 『不乐于接受意见/批评』可以说『be deaf to 不接受 deaf suggestions/criticisms』 『act as a trigger for』… 是…的原因(触发器~) 例: 引起、引发 trigger Stress may act as a trigger for various illnesses.压 力可能是各种疾病的原因 『undermine 某种感觉』削弱某种感觉 例:Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine a 减弱 undermine child’s feeling of being independent. 时时事事都给 孩子意见会削弱孩子作为独立个体的感觉。 『drive sb to do』促使某人做某事(通常比较极端的 促使 drive 事) 例:More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide. 『the inexorable rise/fall in...』 势不可挡 inexorable 『失业日发严重的情势势不可挡』 the inexorable rise in unemployment 『越来越多人用抗抑郁药物的趋势不可挡』 the inexorable rise in the use of antidepressants 『feel inadequate』觉得自己比别人差 例:The teacher didn't attempt to hide his look of 不充分的,不适inadequate disappointment and made us feel inadequate when 当的 we made mistakes.我们犯错误的时候,那老师不会 掩藏他失望的表情,让我们觉得自己比别人烂 『soak up sth』『吸收某物』例:Young children, like 吸收 soak sponges, can soak up information incredibly quickly. 小babe们都是海绵宝宝,吸收信息惊人的快~ 『foster a love of n』培养对~的爱 例句:Mark Twain's childhood on the banks of the Mississippi fostered a love of riverboats. 马克.吐温在密西西比培养 foster 河的童年生活培养了他对渡轮的爱 例句2:Reading detective stories has fostered a love of foreign culture. 修正错误,不公等 『redress the situation』 例: 矫正 redress Something should be done to redress the situation. 应该采取 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 来缓解/修正这种情势了。 『a divine right to 』『(神赐予的)无需努力就可获得』 天赐的 divine 例句:A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth. 有了学位不等于你就可以不努力赚大钱。 例:In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.因为他的行径,俱乐部决定终止他的会 由于 in view of sth 员身份。 例2:Schools were closed that day in view of the heavy snowstorm(由于暴风雪,学校那天没 有上课。 Employers are more likely to regard experienced 青睐 regard sth with favor candidates with favor.雇主更青睐有经验的应聘者。 『deplore the negative effects of... on sb.』「谴责... 的消极影响」例:Many (citizens) have deplored the 谴责 deplore negative effects of advertisements on children. 很 多人都谴责广告对孩子的消极影响。 『be/become habituated to (doing) sth』相当于『to be used to』『 gradually become used to』 It only 使习惯 habituate took her two days to become habituated to living in the campus.才两天她就适应校园生活了。 end的常用短语: ?『an end in itself』「为了做而做 的事情」 ?『the end justifies the means』「为求目 的可不择手段」 ?『end of story』「(口语)不再发 短语例句 end 表意见/事情已无法改变」 ?『make ends meet 』 「收支平衡」 ?『It’s not the end of the world』「(口 语)安慰用语」 『reluctant/unwilling to do sth』 Maddox was reluctant to cook at home. ?Students unwilling to 不情愿的;勉强reluctant put efforts into expanding their vocabulary have no 的;顽抗的 chance of success in TOEFL or SAT.不愿意花时间 背单词的学生不可能在托福或SAT中取得成功。 『为使完善/完整而补充的物』 『be supplement to』 Moral lessons from parents will be wonderful Supplement 补充,增补 supplement to the ongoing teaching plans in school. Internship 父母的道德教育是对学校里的连续的学习计划一个 很好的补充 「time-consuming」Cooking used to be a complex and time-consuming 费时vs省时 「time-saving」 process.做饭曾经是很复杂、很耗时的过程。 忍受艰苦很长时The homeless have to endure the filthy conditions. endure 间 流离失所者不得不忍受肮脏的生活条件。 『liberate/free sb from sth』 ?Easier-prepared food help liberate women from their domestic 解放,使获自由 liberate responsibilities. “准备好的食材”有助于把父母从家庭 任务中解放出来。 『be forced by circumstances to』「为环境所逼做了」 例:She was forced by circumstances to quit school 环境、情况 circumstance at eighteen. 『Under no circumstances can we』 「我 们绝不能」 例:Under no circumstances can we give up our original plan! ?『qualified』 [?kwɑ? l??fa?d] qualified 『well/suitably/highly qualified for 职务』 『be 胜任 well prepared qualified to do sth』 competent ?『be well prepared for』「准备好的」 ?『be competent in』「擅长...」 ?『not merely a matter of..., but whether+句子』「不10 仅仅是..的问题,而且还是」It's not merely a matter of cost, but whether going abroad alone is good for her or not.这不仅仅是费用的问题,而且还是单独到国外 不仅仅 merely 对她有无好处的问题。(用于衔接两个问题) ?『It's important to do sth..., rather than merely do sth』「重要的是,,,,而不仅仅」It's important to work to realize the goals, rather than merely think about them.重要的是努力去实现目标,而不仅仅是想一想。 ?『It is a little bit hasty to to say that...』「... 这么说 有一点点匆忙了(应该再好好思考)」? ~ (in doing 匆忙 hasty sth/to do sth) (指人)仓促从事, 草率: We shouldn't be too hasty in deciding to get married. 在婚姻大事 上我们不该过於轻率. 『be only the tip of the iceberg of ...』『... 仅是...的 仅是冰山一角 iceberg 冰山一角』Knowledge gained from books is only the tip of the iceberg of what we really need to learn in life. 从书本上学到的知识仅是我们在生活中真正要学习的东西的冰山一角。 ?excessive drinking过度喝酒 ? grossly excessive tasks 多到恶心的工作任务 ?somewhat(=slightly)excessive reaction稍微过过度 excessive 度的反应 ?an excessive use of (如chemical fertilizers)过度使用某物(如肥料) 『反驳句』 『be tempting to do sth』 ?It’s tempting to believe that, but... ?『Tempting as this claim 吸引、诱惑 tempting might be, it's hardly true.』「尽管这个说法很诱人,它不太可能是对的。」 合理的,很可能例:This idea sounds pretty plausible, but... 这种想 plausible 是正确的/可行的 法听起来很合理,但... ?『establish communication』建立交流 My job is to establish good communication with our students.我的任务是和学生建立起良好的交流。 ?『facilitate communication』 便利交流 Computers have facilitated global communication.电脑便利了全球化交流。 ?『improve communication skills』 提高交流技巧 交流 communication ?『maintain good lines of communication between』 在... 和...间保持各种良好的交流途径 ?『a medium of communication』传播信息的媒介(如电视)』 ?『a lack of communication』Disagreements are often due to a lack of communication. 争执常源于缺乏沟通。 ?『good/bad communication』好的/差的沟通 『比较』Studies show that the average American child spends almost as much time watching 花时间 as... as television as does he or she studying. (其实就是在(难度升级) spend much time watching television的基础上,加as... as「第二个as后是助动词倒装,不懂就背下来」) 『宣称... 的观点是对的』 He asserted that nuclear 宣称 assert power was a safe and non-polluting energy source. 他宣称说核能是安全无污染的能量源。 『have an important bearing on...』例:Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing 和... 有重要关系 bearing on your general health. 专家都认为饮食和健康有重要的关系。 Local schools are seeking to improve the health and 努力改善 seek to improve leisure facilities as well as educational ones.当地学 校都努力改善康乐设施以及教育设施。 ?pursue a career 如be dedicated to pursue a career in medicine.事业 ?pursue an interest/one's 追求 pursue interests兴趣 ?pursue a goal/aim/objective 目标 ?pursue your ambitions 野心 ?pursue a policy/strategy政策 如 a policy of cost cutting. Children who live in a big city can get better 在不同位置的、education than their counterparts who live in a small 所做事情/功能相counterpart town.和小城镇的小朋友相比,住在大城市的小朋友可同的人/事物 以得到更好的教育。 ?『groundless』 例?The accusations against Internet is groundless. ?『unfounded』 ... 是没根据的 例?I think it is a totally unwarranted waste of public ?『baseless』 money. 我认为这是毫无正当理由地浪费公款。 ?『unwarranted』 「It is/was no accident that + 句子」It was no accident that Joe won the Most Valuable Player 决非偶然 no accident Award in 1971. Joe在1971年获得最有价值球员奖 决非偶然。 『a bridge between/to] 例:The training programme is seen as a bridge between school and work. 动词 名词用法 bridge 用法: The differences between our two cultures can be bridged if we continue to communicate.如果 继续交流,我们之间的文化差异可以被消除。 ?『invest in something』?『spend a large amount of money to improve it』?『put money in/into 投资 —— something』?『commit sth(money/time) to sth』 ?『fund sth』 「place... quite high on my list of priority」 例:I 我认为...很重要—— would place health quite high on my list of priorities.的 我把健康摆在很“高”的位置。 「place sb/sth above/before sb/sth」 例:Some museums seem to place profit above education.看认为..比..重要 —— 起来有些博物馆把利润看得比教育性更重~ 『认为... 重要』place value/importance/emphasis etc on sth 1•『to the best of one's ability』 例:Xiaoming always to the best of one's does his work to the best of his ability.小明总是尽自 尽最大的努力 ability 己最大的能力去做事。 drive away at 2•『drive away at』He has been driving away at his homework(他一直在非常努力地做功课。 ?开头~ The given material, by and large, presents a debate on whether... or not. 写作综合词汇 —— ?赞同 agree with/hold with/concur with/share somebody's view/ ?反对 disagree/differ from/take issue with/ ?争辩 argue/reason/insist/contend/ ?[+to sb.]对某某 来说必不可少 This book is indispensable to anyone interested in space exploration.对任何对太空探索感兴趣的人,这本书是 必不可少的。 ?『~for/in (doing) sth』 Vegetables are 必不可少 indispensable indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet. ?『... has/have become an indispensable part of our lives』... 已经成为我们生活不可或缺的一部分 例子 Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. 例:Maths and English are cfor all students, while other courses are optional. 例?:9 years of 可选择的VS强Optional “VS” compulsory education 9年义务教育 (注:口语中用制的 compulsory You (don't) have to...)(注2:选修课 elective courses) ?lose/run out of patience (with sb)失去耐性~生气 了~ 例: Eventually I lost patience with him and his 耐性、 patience irresponsible behaviour. ?It will take patience to需 要耐性 ?...try/test/tax sb's patience渐渐不能忍受 ?exhaust sb's patience耗尽 『让你停下所想/ 所做事情的东例?I study in the library as there are too many 西』『/分散注意力distraction distractions at home. ?『a distraction from』 Novels 的事物』(可好可are seen as a good distraction from reality. 不好) ?『~ (in quality/size/taste)with/to sb/sth』比得上 Homemade food is comparable in taste to shop-bought food. ?『be hardly ~ with/to』不能比 比 comparable Food served in a restaurant can hardly be comparable in nutrition with homemade food. 1逃离现实:an escape from reality 2分不清现实: lose touch with reality 3残酷的现实 harsh/grim 现实 reality reality 如:Millions of people live with the harsh realities of unemployment.很多人都得接受失业的残 酷现实 4现实是(用于反驳)in reality 例:Be careful to dispose of your litter properly.例: Mobile companies have been wary of Google since wary/ 小心 it launched its Android operating system in 2008.自circumspect/cautious 从谷歌在08年发行它的阿枣系统来,电话公司就开 始小心注意之。 『a glimpse of/into/at sth』 A short visit to a local 一瞥、一睹 glimpse museum offers a glimpse of the culture and the history of a strange city. 参观当地博物馆可以让你可 以一瞥一个陌生城市的文化和历史。 『乍一看... 这个观点好像很有说服力』(通常后面就 作文开头 噼里啪啦地强攻~~)「At first glance, the argument seems very persuasive.」 ?『statistics from a study conducted by ...(如the British government) show/indicate/suggest that+句数据表明 statistic 子 例:~ + 80 percent of dog attacks take place in the home. ?『According to the statistics...』 』『sow the seeds of problems/conflicts』 例:Giving the employee a lifetime commitment is sowing the 种恶果 sow seeds of future problems.给员工终身承诺为将来种 种问题播下种子/埋下伏笔 形容男人到处播种:『sow one's wild oats』 ?outgrow one's clothes ?因为成长,不再做/享受 曾经做/享受的事 Most children will eventually 过大而不适于;outgrow their dependence on parents. 孩子始终会出生;长大成熟outgrow 成长,然后独立于父母的 ?『The population has a 而不再 tendency to outgrow its resources』人口增长有超越 资源负荷的趋势 ?『allocate sth to sb/sth』 例:You should learn to reasonably allocate the limited time you have.你应 分配;指定 allocate 合理分配有限的时间。 例?:One million dollars has been allocated for disaster relief.100万元已经分配 用于救灾。 补充『time management』 [commute from从/to到/between A and B往返AB点] 来回往返于 commute 例:My commute between home and school takes 45 minutes.我每天要花45分钟往返家里和学校。 ?from my perspective我的看法 ?a new/different/fresh/wider perspective 例 I like 视图、看法 perspective the program because it gives me a different perspective.我喜欢这计划,因为它给我不同的视野。 例?We should warn against complacency at work. 工作中应警惕自满情绪。 例?Forget yesterday's 自满 complacency glory, for there is no room for complacency if you want to climb to the top.忘记昨日的荣耀-想要登峰造 极的人无瑕顾及自满。 保持/滋养积极的We need to nourish our hopes and dreams.我们需nourish 情绪 要滋养希望,保有梦想~ 『经过实习,才真正成为成熟的~~』例:Only after the 成熟 full-fledged internship period can one become fully-fledged.过了 实习阶段才能变成熟。 Coffee shops/health clubs are ubiquitous these 无处不在 ubiquitous days.咖啡馆/健身会所到处都是 翻新(建筑、家renovate 例:The hotel has been renovated and redecorated. 私)等 这宾馆重新翻新和重新装饰了一下。 ?『过于简单的、未经深思熟虑的』如:a facile 容易的 remark/argument/generalization(概论) ?放在名随口说出的 facile 词前表『太容易获得而没啥价值的』 如a facile 温和的 victory ?『轻巧的』 a facile hand ?『能言善辩的』 one's facile tongue 『不顾后果的农药使用』『the indiscriminate use of 不顾后果 indiscriminate chemical fertilizers』 『有治愈作用的/令人安定、放松的』例:I find 有治愈作用的 therapeutic swimming very therapeutic.游泳酷毙了~ 走向绝路/毁灭 perdition somebody on the road to perdition』『perdition』 Smart mobile phone will render (=make) books 过时的 perdition obsolete.智能手机会使得(传统)书籍过时的。 有限的 finite 『地球有限的资源』= 『the Earth’s finite resources』 例:Older people are more susceptible to infections. 老人家比较容易被传染。 『易受影响的』 A lot of TV 易受影响的 susceptible advertising is aimed at susceptible young children. 很多电视节目都是针对易受影响的年轻人的。 例: She misses no opportunity to burnish her 树立自己的形象 burnish one's image image. 她绝对不会放过任何一个:擦亮:自己形象 的机会。 失去方向,搞不 —— 「lose one's way and muddle one's priorities」 清楚事情轻重 马上采取行动 —— Prompt action must be taken 到达事业的巅峰 pinnacle reach the pinnacle of one's career 『have an adverse effect on...』/ 『adversely affect...』例:Some professors of psychology claim 有不良影响 adverse that comic books have an adverse effect on children's mental development.一些心理学教授声称 漫画书对儿童智力发展有不良影响。 麻木;懒散,迟?『把某人从慵懒状唤醒~』「rouse somebody from torpor 缓 the torpor」?『陷入慵懒状』「sink into torpor」 例:The battery booster is a real boon to iPhone 非常有用的;带boon users.电池增强器给iPhone用户带来真正的便利。来便利的 (boon可换成blessing) 发电机;精力充『(国家经济的)活力来源』「the dynamo of (the dynamo 沛的人 country’s economy)」 反感、痛恨、排『feel repulsion for sb/sth』I feel repulsion for repulsion 斥 bureaucracy.我痛恨官僚主义 ]?『要处理的最重要的问题』 =be high on the 议程;日常工作agenda/be top of the agenda 例:For the modern agenda 事项 motor industry, energy efficiency is top of the agenda. ?put sth on the agenda This incident has put the issue of racism firmly back on the agenda. ?Hunger begets crime.饥饿滋生犯罪。?Modesty 产生,引起 beget begets progress.谦虚使人进步。 过去十年,大学Commercialism Commercialism has been infiltrating universities for 越来越商业化 infiltrate the past decade 是一次令人振奋 『...是一次令人振奋的、使人高兴的经历~』「an 的、使人高兴的exhilarating exhilarating experience」 经历 『天使般的,快乐安详的笑容』「a beatific smile」 幸福的;祝福的;beatific 快乐的 『be loath to do sth』=『be unwilling to do sth』=『be reluctant to do sth』 例:Sarah was loath to tell her 不情愿 loath mother what had happened.S不愿意告诉她妈发生 了什么事情 例:Reluctant to go out, Rousselot said he felt feverish and nauseated. 『旅游业破坏动植物群啊~』「Tourism is damaging 动植物 flora and fauna the flora and fauna (=plants and animals).」 例:That detective story really intrigued me! 神话故 激起...的好奇心 intrigue 事能引起大多数孩子的兴趣。 注:『intrigue against somebody』=密谋 喜欢开玩笑的人 frivolous [?fr?v?l?s] —— ?『ration sb/sth to sth』「限量供给... 给...」 例: He rationed himself to 4 cigarettes a day. 例?:I try 限制 ration to ration the children’s television viewing to an hour a day. 坚持不懈 dogged 坚持不懈have a dogged determination to succeed •「give somebody (如teenagers) more leeway to 自由 leeway (make their own decisions)」 『be the bane of sth/sb』 ?Avarice is the bane to happiness. ?In this case, his optimism was a bane 祸害 bane rather than s boost.这个case中,他乐观的态度是祸 害而不是促进。 『正如植物在沃土中茁壮生长一样,学生可以在鼓励 中健康成长』「Just as plants will flourish in the rich Flourish 茁壮成长 soils, students will thrive on positive Thrive encouragement.」 茁壮成长的两词• ?音标: 『flourish』 [?fl??r??]?音标:『thrive』 [θra?v] 放空/心不在焉 —— 「have a distant look in one's eyes」 『... 是放松的理想的方式』「 the ideal way to relieve 拉力、紧张感 tension tension」例:Going to gym is the ideal way to relieve/reduce/ease tension after a hard day. 『创立自己公司的想法开始萌发』「The idea of 萌生 germinate setting up his own company began to germinate in his mind.」 『exemplar』= a good or typical example: 例:Tom’s career is an exemplar of survival of the fittest a ...是...的典范 exemplar situation in difficult times.Tom事业的成功很好地证 明了在困难时期适者生存的道理。 例:Drinking water supplies are believed to have been contaminated.我们相信饮用水已经被污染。 例污染 contaminate ?:『大众的思想被互联网上肮脏的信息所污染。』The mind of the public has been contaminated by... 超越自我 —— surpass oneself 全体师生 —— both faculty and students ?深深的(危险的)裂缝?大大的分歧,不同 『the chasm between A and B』 如: The chasm between 裂缝、缺口 chasm rich and poor has been expanding!贫富悬殊一直在 不断扩大~ ?『fulminate』 [+at/against/about+sb/sth]?『accuse 批评 fulminate sb of (doing) sth』 Disseminate 传播 ...have been widely disseminated Diffuse ? 『... is an earthly paradise』「人间天堂」?『There’s 地球的;尘世的;earthly no earthly reason why』 「完全没有理由」 ?『have 可能的 no earthly chance of doing』「没有任何(机会或可能)」 be skilled in 例:Running long distances was his forte.长跑是他擅长 be expert in 擅长的。 be one's forte 被崇拜(尊称)例: Steve Jobs is revered as the most intellectual be revered as sth 为 CEO's in the world.最善于思考的CEO be mesmerized by The first time I saw S, I was mesmerized by her 被... 迷住了 be captivated by beauty hold one's attention steep increase/rise in... ?a steep increase in house prices房价剧增 ?a 剧烈增长/减少 steep decrease/drop steep drop in orders订单剧减 in...』 the pervasive the pervasive influence of television(注:pervasive 无处不在的影响 influence of 可换成all-pervasive) 「the vortex of porverty」贫穷的漩涡「the vortex of emotions」情绪的漩涡?『卷入...的漩涡』=「be drawn ..的漩涡 the vortex of into the vortex of」不够,那就: 「be sucked into the vortex of」I was sucked into the vortex of emotions. 『sap sb/sth’s strength/courage/energy』 逐渐削弱(某人?Her long illness was gradually sapping Charlotte’s 〔某事物〕的力sap strength.C长期的疾病逐渐削弱了她的身体。 量/勇气/能量等) ?This failure has sapped his courage.这次失败削 弱了他的勇气。 ?『最优成长环境』「optimum conditions for growth」 ?『最佳地利用』『 make the optimum use of』 例:最佳的/最适宜的 optimum Products by IKEA make the optimum use of the available space.宜家的产品都能最佳地利用空间。 Suggestion from old people is a relatively Comprehensive 全面的 comprehensive guide.老人家的建议是相对全面的引thorough 导。 例:Shanghai is perhaps - like Hong Kong - a city best seen as a prologue or epilogue to your China ...是...的序章 the prologue to experience. 上海,像香港一样,可能是中国体验之 旅最佳的序章。 描述人遇到困难? determined ?unwilling to stop trying? 后仍然坚持、不—— 『tenacious』=『pertinacious』?•dogged•?放弃 persistent(efforts) 不能解决的 insoluble 『没有解决不了的问题』「No problem is insoluble.」 例:By dint of hard work and persistence, she had by dint of (doing) 凭借...,...成功地 got the job of manager.通过努力和坚持,她获得了经sth, sb….. 理的工作~ ?it is apparent (that)+句子「明显地」 ?It is 清晰表明 apparent apparent from (scientific )studies that (科学) 研究清晰表明 不容置疑的是 —— It is a fair bet that~ 『be attentive to』「确保别人获得一切所需的」 专心 attentive Customers want companies that are attentive to their needs. 例:I think the book is pretty mediocre.我觉得这书一 般般。 例?:I am only a mediocre teacher, if not an 不是非常好的 mediocre unqualified one.哪怕我不至于是不合格的老师,我最 多是个一般般的老师。 「have an almost soporific effect.」 音标:『soporific』 [?sɑ? p??r?f?k]例:The afternoon sunshine has a ...有催眠作用 soporific soporific effect.午后暖日催人入梦~~ Light music has a soporific effect, so does his speech. 轻音乐有 催眠效果,他的演讲也是。 节俭的 —— Thrifty, economical, provident, frugal
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