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大学生理想信念调查报告大学生理想信念调查报告 当代大学生理想信念调查 农资09-1:安军20093615 饶运冲20093622 林黎20093610 刘志伟2009 曲比阿木20093613 李勇20093614 目录 1、摘要,关键词, 2、调查背景 3、分析工作流程 4、调查对象和方法 5、基本内容,,1,问卷电子版,2,调查有关照片,3,调查具体结果 6、调查结果综合分析 7、对策建议 8、实践心得 9、参考文献 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning a...

大学生理想信念调查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 当代大学生理想信念调查 农资09-1:安军20093615 饶运冲20093622 林黎20093610 刘志伟2009 曲比阿木20093613 李勇20093614 目录 1、摘要,关键词, 2、调查背景 3、 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 工作流程 4、调查对象和方法 5、基本内容,,1,问卷电子版,2,调查有关照片,3,调查具体结果 6、调查结果综合分析 7、对策建议 8、实践心得 9、参考文献 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 摘要,大学生人生理想的现状如何,对于人生理想的态度如何,又决定以何种方式实现其人生理想,有关这些问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,当代大学生会有什么答案呢,理想信念是人们对未来的向往和追求,一旦形成,就会成为支配和左右人们活动的精神动力。理想信念是人的心灵世界的核心。有无理想信念、有什么样的理想信念,决定了人生是高尚充实、还是庸俗空虚。追求远大理想、坚定崇高信念,是大学生健康成长、成就事业、开创未来的精神支柱和前进动力。此次通过对我校大学生有关理想信念的调查,总结出当代大学生人生理想现状以及人生理想的态度等,同时把握同学们的理想信念的总体趋势和方向。 关键词,大学生 理想信念 树立崇高理想信念 一、调查背景 此次调查是《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》课的一次社会实践调查。该调查的主题是由安军同学提出来的,经由小组分析讨论通过并确定为该次调查的题目。作为当代的大学生,结合身边发生的事情以及自己的亲身经历,我们一致认为此次调查非常有必要。我们都明白理想信念在人生旅途中是非常之重要的。温家宝等国家领导人很是重视高校教育,特别关心当代大学生的成长。近年来一些大学生在理想信念方面出现问题,甚至走向违法犯罪的道路。我们做此次调查,希望看出一些问题,并找出解决这些问题的方法。同时,我们还提醒那些正处在迷茫的大学生,让他们建立或是重拾理想和抱负。 二、调查的工作流程 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 工作思路,我们确定了项目的主题后首先会想到分析目标需求,然后进行设计分工,调查实践部分完成后进行汇总改良,最后得出结论,做主报告。 首先,由组长向全体组员介绍课题然后小组进行探讨,通过一系列的分析后,由组长分配各成员的任务。最后组员收集好 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 等后,由组长和李勇进行整理总结,并由李勇完成相关文字报告。 时间安排, 第7周小组组建,讨论并确定调查题目,同时交由指导教师审核通过。 第8-9周,利用课余时间设计调查问卷、选定调查方法、收集数据资料。 第10-12周,统计、分析调研数据,撰写调研报告。 第13周,交指导教师审阅调查报告。 第14周,我们根据老师所提意见在修改调查报告。 第15周,所有参加调查的小组交流调查成果。 三、调查对象和方法 此次调查对象主要为我校雅安校区部分在校大学生,还有部分是其他高校的大学生,都是调查人员的老同学或是老友,。调查采用发放不记名调查问卷的方式进行。由于本雅安校区人数众多,而且考虑到时间问题我们所做的问卷不是很多。对于本校区的同学,为了提高问卷的回收率,我们采取到同学宿舍派发问卷的方式。其他高校的学生,我们用发电子邮件的方式进行调查。 四、调查问卷,附件一, 五、调查照片(附件二, 六、调查具体结果 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 此次调查规模较小,总共发放问卷100份,回收100份,有效回收率100%。在回收的问卷中,从性别上看男生60人,占回收样本的60%,女生则有40人占40%。其中,80人为我校雅安校区在校大学生,有20人为其他高校。 ,一,、问卷选择题答案分布情况 3、你是如何选择专业的, , A父母帮助选B根据就业状C自己感兴趣 D专业调配 E其他 择的 况热门程度选 择的 14.7% 14.7 % 41.2 % 26.5 % 2.9% 4、如果专业与你的理想不同轨,你会, , A转专业 B坚持理想,把专C尝试在实际情况D感到茫然,不知 业当做达成理想下调解理想 道如何是好 的准备,努力学习 14.7% 47.1% 23.5% 14.7% 5.、刚入学时是否有为自己的大学三年制定目标( ) A.没有 B.有,但是现在已C. 有,但是没有 D有,但好似现在 经改变 下一步 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 发现不现实 14.7% 29.4% 35.3% 20.6% 6、你觉得人生的目标是什么, , A追求真理,B有一个称心C生活安乐,D随遇而安,E追求物质享在为国家和社如意的工作、与世无争 暂时还没有什受 会做贡献中创幸福的家庭,么固定的信仰 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 造出有价值的干好本职工和目标 人生 作,做一个正 直的人 15.4% 57.7% 15.4% 11.5% 7、你觉得成功的标准是什么, , A赢得他人和社B有财富地位 C平凡就算成功 D有贡献 会的尊重 40% 31.4% 17.1% 11.4% 8、你上大学的目标是, , A实现自己的B赚钱 C被别人肯定 D向往不被E其他 价值,做自己别人管的日子 想做的事 58.8% 11.8% 5.9% 11.8 11.8% 9、你是否有一个清晰的理想呢, , A有,十分明确 B没有,只有一个C至今没有理想 大致的方向 2.9% 23.5% 73.5% 2.9% 10、你有制定计划来实现自己的理想吗, , A有严格遵守并对B有,但计划赶不C有,但计划赶不D没有,对实现理实现理想充满信上变化,随时修改上变化,就放弃了 想没有信心 心5.9% 计划,对实现理想 充满信心 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 5.9% 64.7% 23.5% 5.9% 11、在实现理想过程中,什么是你主要的动力, , A自身实现理想的B家人朋友老师的C未来的幸福生活 D其他 坚定信念 期望 51.4% 11.4% 31.4% 5.7% 12、你感觉理想对你的生活有何影响, , A、充实、快乐 B、忙碌却感觉收C、压力很大 D、基本无影响 获甚微 44.1% 20.6% 17.6% 17.6% 13、你觉得实现理想会遇到什么样的困难, , A自身综合B缺乏吃苦C无法合理D没有合适E无困扰 F其他 能力还不够 耐劳的精神 安排自己的的机会 时间 29.5% 25% 22.7% 11.4% 4.5% 6.8% 14、什么原因会使你放弃或是改变理想, , A、我的思想成熟B、我曾今努力过,C、别人劝我放弃,D、理想不现实,了 但失败了,可我真更现实点 根本无法实现 的无法做到 39.5% 16.3% 2.3% 41.9% 15、您认为可能会影响您追求理想的因素有哪些,大到小( )[排序题](排在最前项, A个人能 B碰壁,C自己有D学历的E人际关F父母及G私人情candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 力有限 路途坎能力却没高低 系处理问其他人不感问题严 坷,总感有遇到好题 赞同 重影响 到不顺心 机遇 24.2% 12.1% 18.1% 6.1% 27.3% 6.1% 6.1% 16、大学生实现自己的理想最重要的是, , A、需要认真学习 B、要多参加学生C、利用假期工作D、其他 工作,提高自己的了解社会掌握应 交际能力 有技能,以便更好 实现自己的理想 17.1% 34.2% 34.2% 9.7% 17、在未来,你对实现理想是否充满信心, , A、是,我乐观积B、不是,理想对C、中立,有时候 极向理想奔跑 我来要实现几乎觉得离理想越来 不可能 越近,有时候又觉 得理想太遥远 42.9% 17.1% 37.1% ,二,、对于最后一个选做的问题,在所有问卷中只有三份做出了较详细的回答。再此就一一写出来, 1,、依我拙见, 我觉得理想信念每个人都有 , 主要看理想萌芽后怎样去计划安排, 这就需要意志力了 。 对于当代大学生来说在内涵方面的培养很重要。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 2,、还不是很成熟的大二的我认为哈,大学生理想信念的确立与完善,是大学生必须学习的一门课程。我想理想至始至终一直都在我心中,只是偶尔会模糊。信念这个相对较抽象的词语,对我而言,他也一直陪伴着我。我向来都是认为信念是有无穷力量的,它所能触及的范围就相当的广了。理想信念在一起,所显示出来的作用就更加重要了。作为大学生的我或是说我们,对理想信念的理解必须的明确,而不是像非人类那样的不思考的去处理事情。甚是感谢在做者调查的师弟们,他帮助我去更加完善我的理想与信念,同时我想,对于那些刚刚进入大学的大一学生来说,这无疑起到提醒或是改变他们的作用。就我身边的事例,当代大学生理想信念的缺失是很容易见到现象。当时代的网络游戏是罪魁祸首,占据了某些大学生的好多好多的时间,其程度恐怕难以想到。不过作为学生都见到过,也可以说就处于其中。对于加强当代大学生的理想信念,我的意见是,这问题对于我这个甚是普通的大学生来说,我所说的话语可能会显得就没与什么权威吧。不过,意见还是得提的,怎么说我也是川农的大学生吗。加强大学生的理想信念,首先学校得花一定的功夫了,学校必须重视这个问题,要常常在大会上提及到,不断地总结得出相应的解决办法。至于具体的措施,我认为可以多开几节人文励志方面的讲座课,要不断去阻止大学生掉入虚无的深渊或是势唤醒大学生心中的理想抱负。还有一个建议,应该提及到,有关高校去行政化对大学生的影响。结合在网上所了解的一些事例和一些知名教授学者的观点,我认为高校去行政化有助于提高学生对学习的兴趣,而不是什么学习知识为了以后能做多大的官。就像某个人说的,学校是培育大家的地方。其实,我也不敢断然下这个决定,只是社会中存在的这些现象,促使我这么去想。,在这我就不多言了,我所能用的语言本不是很多,就简单的写了几句,望会对此次调查有所帮助。, candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 3)就我个人而言,信念并不是固定不变动的,总是随着人在不同环境下而变化,但信念与秉性又是分不开的,信念本质上应该是不变的,一个人信念的形成,个人的生存环境不同,个人的历程不同,个人的目标不同,这都决定了个人信念的产生和差异,信念乃是生存之本,失去便无足谓活,所以信念相当重要. 七、调查结果综合分析 ,一,、对调查资料在统计整理的基础上进行综合分析,我们得出以下几个结论 1.当代大学生对理想的思考更趋务实。他们中的大多数已经形成了求真务实的理念,不愿避开物质空谈精神、离开经济空谈政治、脱离现实空谈理想。本次调查中近57%的大学生把目标定位于他们未来的事业,其中绝大多数都是可以实现的。 2.当代大学生在追求自身价值发挥的同时,表现出了强烈的爱国思想和社会责任感。虽然本次调查中只有15.4%的调查对象人生目标选择了“追求真理,在为国家和社会做贡献中创造出有价值的人生”,但有近57.7%%的调查对象选择了“有一个称心如意的工作、幸福的家庭,干好本职工作,做一个正直的人”,立足现实,面向未来,而构成了当代大学生理想的主流。 3.市场经济社会的消极因素已经渗透到部分大学生的心灵。本次调查中发现,有近31.4%的调查对象选择了成功的标准是“有财富地位”,还有有11.8%的调查对象上大学的目标选择了“赚钱”。他们把钱财作为追求的理想,说明少数大学生的思想中,已经滋生出拜金主义、享乐主义、利已主义的稗草,出现了一定程度的理想危机。 4,少数大学生思想消极颓废,心灵空虚,不思进取。本次调查发现有11.5%的调查对象选择“随遇而安,暂时还没有什么固定的信仰和目标”,有73.5%的调candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 查对象没有一个清晰地理想,只有一个大致的方向,有2.9%至今没有理想,有5.9%的调查对象没有制定计划来实现自己的理想,对实现理想没有信心。他们理想虚无缥缈,无所追求。我们仔细地观察,这些情况,与目前高校有些学生恋爱成风和部分学生混文凭的现实状况是相吻合的。我身边就有好多例子可以说明这一点。有17.6%的调查对象感觉对生活基本无影响,这是一件存在于大学很是有危机的事情,这样的情况必须有办法制止并与解决。这说明当代大学生理想信念的缺失现象很是明显。 5,当代大学生的信念差异实质上是世界观、人生观、价值观的问题。本次调查中发现,大多数有美好理想的调查对象,都有着积极的信念,如"世上无难事,只怕有心人","坚持就是胜利","财富是智者的奴隶,蠢人的主子","聪明得于勤奋,天才成于积累"等等,而那些追求钱财的调查对象,他们的信念却是"人为财死,鸟为食亡","一切向钱看,没有钱,免谈","没有钱万万不能","唯利是图"等等。这两类不同的信念,反映出两种截然不同的世界观、人生观和价值观。 ,二,,基于调查资料和分析结论,联系当前高校对大学生思想政治工作和理想信念教育的实际,进一步分析其深层次的原因,我们发现, ,,近60%的大学生具有立足现实、目标远大的理想和崇高而坚定可行的信念,说明当前高校对大学生的思想政治工作和理想信念教育总体上是成功的,有成效的。 ,,少数大学生理想远大,但缺乏实现理想的具体目标,正说明他们对社会现实的了解还比较缺乏,对自己投身社会以后的路怎么走尚未进入构思和设计程序。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 3,自以为对市场经济社会现实已然了解的少部分大学生以钱财为理想,他们只看到了由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型时期的社会难免出现的一些不公的、腐败的和丑恶的现象,而没有看到社会主义市场经济体制正朝着公平、公正、规范有序的方向发展及其与资本主义市场经济体制的本质区别,实际上还是反映出他们对社会现实的不甚了解。 ,,少数大学生思想消极颓废、心灵空虚、不思进取以及混文凭、早恋等现象,从一定层面上反映出当前高校对大学生世界观、人生观和价值观教育的薄弱环节。 ,三,、当代大学生理想信念缺失的原因 1.市场经济的负面影响。我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立与发展,极大推动了我国经济发展和社会进步。加上对外开放,使当前大学生思想十分活跃,热切关注世界政治经济形势的变化,独立地观察社会,透视人生,急切地想抓住时代所提供的这次机遇来证明自己的价值。但市场经济自身盲目性、自发性的缺点,助长了“注重实用,急功近利”的不良风气,也给当代大学生的价值观带来不良影响。例如利益驱动原则和市场竞争导致个人主义膨胀,在社会主义市场经济体制下,允许一部分人先富起来而导致的社会分配不公,助长了拜金主义,等等。 2.官僚腐败和不正之风的影响。当前,在某些地方社会官僚腐败和贪污不正之风比较严重。对当代大学生形成了一种误导,使他们在理想信念上产生困惑乃至动摇,要么厌恶政治,要么以它为升官发财的路子。这种情况严重影响了党的威信,给国家带来巨大损失,极大地阻碍了社会进步。同时,这种不良之风引起的复杂人际交往,直接影响着当代大学生的健康成长。 3.社会不良思潮的入侵和渗透。国际形势的纷纭变幻,我国对外开放的进一candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 步深入,是社会主义、共产主义理想信念在少数大学生心目中发生动摇。西方不良思潮乘虚而入, “西化”意图日趋明显。大学生如果放松政治理论学习,盲目地崇洋媚外,追赶潮流,抛弃了一些民族的、传统的本质的东西,就会迷失政治方向,辨别是非的能力就会降低,在价值观取向上出现问题也就成为必然。 4.我国思想政治教育体制不完善。对大学生的思想政治教育形式单调、内容老化、针对性不强,对学生表现出的不良倾向缺乏一种从根本上有效解决的机制,对学生忽视政治理论的学习缺乏一种强有力的约束机制……诸多原因最后导致了我们体制的极其不完善,这都不利于大学生正确价值观的判断和形成。对外部势力抵制力度不够,而对内又没有一种有效机制来弥补,这种“两头空”的形势导致西方不良思潮泛滥,大学生就在这种环境中成长,而这又是非常危险的。 5.大学生自身原因。大学生一直生活在充斥着考试的环境中,基本与外界隔绝,对外界缺乏一种客观认识。而且,优越的家庭条件使很多大学生都有一种个人主义心理,以自我为中心,这使他们自身价值观方面难免出现种种弱点。这种种弱点使大学生缺乏一种集体协作意识,这又怎么可能在国际竞争如此激烈的时代立于不败之地, 八、对策建议 理想作为人对未来事物的有根据的、合理的想像或希望,具有人生目标的意义。信念作为人对现存的或可能的事物、观念等确信的看法,是实现人生目标的精神支柱。针对当前大学生理想信念的现状,根据对本次调查资料的综合分析,结合我们从事高校学生管理教育工作的实践,针对性地提出对当代大学生加强理想信念教育的对策建议如下, ,一,、教书与育人相结合,在传授知识的过程中引导学生树立崇高的理想和candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 坚定的信念。本次调查中可以发现,大多数大学生都把自己的理想定位于未来的事业,希望用所学的专业知识报效祖国,服务社会。这种崇高的理想正是建立在他们的专业学习基础上的,由此,也使我们看到了专业教学对学生理想形成的积极影响。这就要求教师在向学生传授书本知识时,除了要教学生学会怎样做人、做一个怎样的人以外,还应注意向学生介绍本学科的最新发展和本学科领域最有成就的代表人物,特别是与所教学生联系最近的杰出人士,如最近年代的,本国的,本省的,本校毕业的,等等,以及他们艰苦奋斗的历程或典型事例,以激励和引导学生勇于踩到科学巨匠和学术先人的肩膀上去,努力探索学术的新境界,立志攀登科学的新高峰,从而树立起既崇高远大又贴切现实的人生理想,并坚定信念朝着这个目标努力奋斗。 ,二,、课堂与社会相结合,引导学生跳出书本,深入实践,尽可能多地接触社会,了解社会,以帮助学生设定既有崇高远大意义又有现实可行性的理想目标。可以采用下列多种形式, 1,除了常规的教学实习、见习活动以外,还应结合课程教学内容,组织学生就近到与教学内容有关的社会行业岗位去参观、访问、考察,实地了解它的社会作用和社会需求,切身体会所学专业知识的社会价值。 ,,利用双休日组织学生参观各种历史的、文化的、科 技的、成果的、英雄模范先进事迹等的展览,促使大学生充实精神世界,陶冶情操,提高素养。 ,,用节假日组织学生参与社会公益活动,如"文化、科技、卫生"三下乡活动,社区服务活动,扶贫助弱活动等,激发大学生的社会责任感和服务奉献精神。 4,经常邀请各行各业有成就的杰出代表向大学生讲授艰苦奋斗、创业成功的奋斗历程,激励大学生坚定立志成才、报效祖国、服务社会的信念。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong ,三,、学校评价与社会评价相结合,促使大学生理想与现实的统一。 理想的形成往往需要依据对自身价值的判断,而大学生对自身价值判断的主要依据是学校的评价,如学习成绩评分、班级鉴定和教师评语等。面对当前大学毕业生和社会用人单位双向选择的就业机制,对大学毕业生的学校的评价往往会与社会评价发生差异,即学校评价较好的毕业生首次就业时的社会评价不一定就好,也就是说他首次就业岗位的理想程度不一定比学校评价不如他的同学好。目前,这种状况确是客观存在的,加上一时还难以消除的社会不正之风如人情关系、权钱关系等对其反馈信息自然会影响到在校的大学生对学校评价的认可度和对自身价值的判断,这样,就造成了大学生混文凭现象存在的客观条件,反正"管它成绩好与差,不如有个好爸爸"。对此,要求切实改进学校对学生学业完成情况的综合评价,既要全面反映学生德、智、体等素质发展的程度,又要确切反映学生专业知识技能掌握和运用的水平,使之与社会需求紧密相联,与社会评价基本统一,以避免出现那种学校的优生在市场"滞销"的情况。这样,就能使学生在比较客观地认识到自身价值的基础上,逐步树立起立足现实而目标远大的理想。 ,四,、课内与课外相结合,在加强宣传教育的同时,开展丰富的校园文化体育活动。一方面,要充分利用校园广播、闭路电视、校报、校刊以及校园网络等媒体加强对时代主旋律的宣传,用正确的與论引导大学生对时事政治和客观世界的认识,使党的路线、方针、政策深入人心,使祖国改革、开放、发展的面貌不断出现。另一方面,又要在校园中形成生动活泼、奋发向上的文化氛围,组织丰富多彩的校园文化体育活动,占领校园文化阵地,充实学生的业余时间,陶冶学生的情操,全面开发学生的能力,提高他们的综合素质。特别要注意各种活动的覆盖面,要使每一个学生都有机会参与,在用社会主义精神文明占领学生头脑,candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 促使学生形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观的基础上,激发学生积极向上的竞争精神,引燃每一位学生的理想火花。 ,五,、树先进与促后进相结合,努力帮助后进学生鼓起理想的风帆。 高校学生管理教育工作中最令人头痛的是后进学生。而对这部分学生的培养教育正是对我们的教育和管理的挑战,对此,我们有义不容辞的责任。既要通过树立先进典型,用榜样的力量来带动他们,又要花功夫、下大力气重点帮助他们,要注意从细微处入手,先在生活中帮助和感化他们,对他们生活和学习上的困难要重点帮助解决,尤其要注意把他们融入集体活动中,平时要格外关心,对他们的缺点错误要坚持说理开导,重在教育,对他们的点滴进步要及时发现,多多鼓励,促使他们树立进步的信心,鼓起理想的风帆 ,六,、树立正确的人生价值观,实现人生价值 1.加强全民族的理想信念教育,为大学生提供良好的外部环境。良好的社会环境,是青年人尤其是大学生形成正确人生价值观的重要基础和先决条件。加强理想信念教育,是大学生自身成长成才的需要,是国家和人民的殷切期盼,是实践社会主义核心价值体系和实现中华民族伟大复兴的客观要求。各级党委和政府要切实负起责任,更加关注大学生的成长,关注大学生正确人生价值观的形成。要深入宣传国家的方针政策,宣讲国家的大好形势和发展变化,教育引导大学生正确认识社会发展规律,正确把握社会思想意识中的主流和支流。大力加强校园外部环境建设,抓好社会治安、舆论宣传、网络文化等方面的管理,努力为大学生营造风正、气顺、人和的良好环境,增强大学生的自豪感和自信心。 2.大力创新教学方式,增强教育的针对性。每个大学生都有个体差异和实际情况,具有不同的思想道德素质、科学文化素质、生理心理素质。内容僵化,形candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 式教条成为大学生忽视对思想政治教育学习的重要原因。因此,怎样让大学生乐意接受这种教育,激活他们的学习兴趣,成为当前一个刻不容缓的问题。高校在思想整治教育上,要正视这种差异,不能简单满足于传统的教育教学方式,不断创新形式,丰富教学内容。要从简单化的群体集中灌输,向单个分散沟通辐射和深化。通过会议、报告的形式在很大程度上缺乏针对性,难以把握青年学生的思想脉搏。只有把思想政治工作同文化、管理、活动等载体结合起来,多方位、多角度、多层次渗透到学生的 全部生活中去,才能让大学生在参与过程中启迪智慧、陶冶情操、交流感情、增强信心,不断树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。 3.充分发挥党团组织的积极作用,做好大学生思想政治工作。当前,加强高校基层党团组织建设,充分发挥高校党团组织和各级学生组织的积极作用,进一步加强对党团员的教育,使他们能够发挥表率作用。党团组织要积极关心大学生的进步,让符合条件的人早日加入党团组织。此外,要大力宣传先进典型,让大学生以先进的模范人物为榜样,通过学习先进来纠正价值观取向上的错误观念。 4.建立健全高校内部管理机制,切实增强大学生的责任感和使命感。大学生富有激情、充满朝气、敢于迎接挑战,渴望在社会发展中担当重要的角色。但是,也应当看到当代大学生对现实社会十分敏感,但了解不够,认识不深,很容易 因现象掩盖本质而造成偏见。既然他们的眼光已直接关注着社会,思想政治工作者就应该引导他们到社会实践中去,让他们以亲身感受及所见所闻来检验其价值取向的正误。思想政治工作者不仅要培养学生树立正确的价值观,而且要努力使学生对人生价值的认识和行为达到统一。让学生不断形成认识和行为统一,必须有一定的约束机制。这个约束机制包括软件和硬件两个方面。软件是通过进行养成教育、法纪教育、行为规范教育等,内化为学生的约束观念。硬件是制定相应的candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 管理、奖罚 等规章,使其行为有规可依,有章可行,增强学生的政治责任感和历史使命感。 5.充分发挥大学生的主观能动性,更好地适应社会发展地需要。人生价值是在社会实践中实现的。外因只是事物发生的必要条件,内因才是根本。只有主观上充分努力奋斗,才能充分利用客观资源。这正如《马克思恩格斯全集》一书中所提到的“每个人是手段同时又是目的,而且只有成为他人的手段才能达到自己的目的,并且只有达到自己的目的才能成为他人的手段,——这种关联是必然的事实”。因此,要教育引导大学生树立正确地世界观、人生观和价值观,端正学习态度,创新学习方法,努力学习文化知识,为将来走向社会打下坚实地基础。 九、实践心得, 在这段时间,我主要负责的工作内容是问卷的设计和调查报告的撰写。在这个过程里,我采用了看、问、学等方式,深入了解了社会调查报告的撰写知识,提升了自己的能力。为以后正常工作的展开奠定了坚实的基础。这些都是我在校学习中不曾接触过的方面,所以我得先感谢老师给我们这次机会。 调查实践是每个大学生必须拥有的一段经历,它使我们在实践中了解现实社会,让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,受益匪浅,也打开了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后进一步走向社会打下坚实的基础。由于我所调查的地方是本校,所以我刚开始的工作并不忙,没有感觉到很累。只是到了最后写报告的时候,遇到了些难题,毕竟我是第一次写这种报告。在此要感谢老师给我提的意见,还有从网上学习到了许多的方法。 在这段时间,我学到了一些在学校学不到的东西,即使都明白的事,可是刚开始有时还做不好。现在做事,不仅要持有需心求教的态度,还要懂得取长补短,candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 最重要的一点就是“忍”了也就是坚持不懈。现在,我觉得时间虽然不久,可是我发现自己真的变了点,会比以前为人处事了。 人生难免会遇到挫折,没有经历过失败的人生不是完整的人生。遇到挫折时应进行冷静分析,从客观、主观、目标、环境、条件等方面,找出受挫的原因,采取有效的补救措施。树立一个辩证的挫折观,经常保持自信和乐观的态度,要认识到正是挫折和教训才使我们变得聪明和成熟,正是失败本身才最终造就了成功。学会自我宽慰,能容忍挫折,要心怀坦荡,情绪乐观,发奋图强。善于化压力为动力,改变内心的压抑状态,以求身心的轻松,重新争取成功,从而让目光面向未来。我在这次调查中,不是组长,可我深知组长的难处。小组成员还是较多的,把大家组织到一起,的确是个较困难的问题。所以,对调查结果的分析与讨论大家少有意见发表。这也给我增加了些写报告的难度,多为我的一些分析与评论。 通过这次调查,我对我们所调查的主题有很深入的了解。对于理想和信念,我有很多文字上的感想。调查的结果给我许多的反思,结合参考资料我进一步的了解大学生理想和信念的建立和完善。对于这次调查,我深感自己的不足,我会在以后的学习中更加努力,取长补短,需心求教。相信自己会在以后的学习中更加得心应手,表现更加出色,不管是在什么地方,什么时候,都会努力, 参考文献, ,1,、思想道德修改与法律基础,2009年修订版,[M].高等教育出版.2009.7 (2)、中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见[Z].2004 (3)、赵丽.论职业理想教育对大学生成长的重要作用[J].社科纵横.2010.3 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 附件一,调查问卷 亲爱的同学: 你好, 感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间填写我们的问卷,这是一份关于大学生理想信念的调查问卷,为了了解大学生目前理想信念的状况,把握当前同学们的理想信念总体趋势,我们向广大学生实施了这次调查。只需占用您几分钟的时间,你的答案将会给我们带来很大的帮助,谢谢您的合作! 祝你天天开心,学习进步, (注:我们不会透露您的私人信息,请您放心填写。) 1、你的性别( ) A男 B女 2你所在的年级 A 大一 B大二 C大三 D大四 3、你是如何选择专业的( ) A父母帮助选择的 B根据就业状况热门程度选择的 C自己感兴趣 D专业调配 E其他 4、如果专业与你的理想不同轨,你会( ) A转专业 B坚持理想,把专业当做达成理想的准备,努力学习 C尝试在实际情况下调解理想 D感到茫然,不知道如何是好 5.、刚入学时是否有为自己的大学三年制定目标( ) A.没有 B.有,但是现在已经改变 C. 有,但是没有下一步计划 D有,但好似现在发现不现实 6、你觉得人生的目标是什么( ) A追求真理,在为国家和社会做贡献中创造出有价值的人生 B有一个称心如意的工作、幸福的家庭,干好本职工作,做一个正直的人 C生活安乐,与世无争 D随遇而安,暂时还没有什么固定的信仰和目标 E追求物质享受 7、你觉得成功的标准是什么啊( ) A赢得他人和社会的尊重 B有财富地位 C平凡就算成功 D有贡献 8、你上大学的目标是( ) candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong A实现自己的价值,做自己想做的事 B赚钱 C被别人肯定 D向往不被别人管的日子 E其他 9、你是否有一个清晰的理想呢( ) A有,十分明确 B没有,只有一个大致的方向 C至今没有理想 10、你有制定计划来实现自己的理想吗( ) A有严格遵守并对实现理想充满信心 B有,但计划赶不上变化,随时修改计划,对实现理想充满信心 C有,但计划赶不上变化,就放弃了 D没有,对实现理想没有信心 11、在实现理想过程中,什么是你主要的动力( ) A自身实现理想的坚定信念 B家人朋友老师的期望 C未来的幸福生活 D其他 12、你感觉理想对你的生活有何影响( ) A、充实、快乐 B、忙碌却感觉收获甚微 C、压力很大 D、基本无影响 13、你觉得实现理想会遇到什么样的困难( ) A自身综合能力还不够 B缺乏吃苦耐劳的精神 C无法合理安排自己的时间 D没有合适的机会 E无困扰 F其他 14、什么原因会使你放弃或是改变理想( ) A、我的思想成熟了 B、我曾今努力过,但失败了,可我真的无法做到 C、别人劝我放弃,更现实点 D、理想不现实,根本无法实现 15、您认为可能会影响您追求理想的因素有哪些,大到小( )[排序题] A个人能力有限 B碰壁,路途坎坷,总感到不顺心 C自己有能力却没有遇到好机遇 D学历的高低 E人际关系处理问题 F父母及其他人不赞同 G私人情感问题严重影响 16、个大学生实现自己的理想最重要的是( ) A、需要认真学习 B、要多参加学生工作,提高自己的交际能力 C、利用假期工作了解社会掌握应有技能,以便更好实现自己的理想 D、其他 17、在未来,你对实现理想是否充满信心( ) A、是,我乐观积极向理想奔跑 B、不是,理想对我来要实现几乎不可能 C、中立,有时候觉得离理想越来越近,有时候又觉得理想太遥远 18、对于加强当代大学生的理想信念,你的意见是,(选做) (问卷到此结束,再次感谢您的帮助~) candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 附件二, candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong
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