首页 旅游企业员工日常行为规范



旅游企业员工日常行为规范旅游企业员工日常行为规范 公司员工日常行为规范管理条例 (暂行) xxxx行字【20xx】xx号 第一章 总 则 为加强管理、维护企业形象~特制定本规范。明确要求~规范行 为~ 创造良好的企业文化氛围。 第二章 细 则 第一条 基本行为准则 1、 遵守公司制度~尽职尽责工作。 2、 尊重领导~服从指挥。 3、 恪尽职守~保守机密。 4、 爱岗敬业~讲究效率。 5、 关照同事~协力工作。 6、 秉公办事~严禁营私。 7、 服从大局~忠于企业 第二条 岗位规范 一、考勤制度 1、 严格...

旅游企业员工日常行为规范 公司员工日常行为规范管理条例 (暂行) xxxx行字【20xx】xx号 第一章 总 则 为加强管理、维护企业形象~特制定本规范。明确要求~规范行 为~ 创造良好的企业文化氛围。 第二章 细 则 第一条 基本行为准则 1、 遵守公司 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~尽职尽责工作。 2、 尊重领导~服从指挥。 3、 恪尽职守~保守机密。 4、 爱岗敬业~讲究效率。 5、 关照同事~协力工作。 6、 秉公办事~严禁营私。 7、 服从大局~忠于企业 第二条 岗位规范 一、考勤制度 1、 严格按规定的时间上、下班~不得迟到、早退~执行部门签到、 签退制度。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 2、 生病或其他原因请假~须填写请假条~经部门经理,部门经理不在的情况下由主管领导审批,批准后方可请假。无特殊原因不可电话、口头捎话请假。 3、 部门负责人休、请假~需报总经理批准。 4、 病假、事假3天以上,含3天,~应填写请假条~经部门负责人签字同意后~报总经理批准~交人事部,行政部,做为考勤依据。 5、 因工作需要~上班时间需要暂时离开部门办公区域~必须向办公室其他人员交代本人去向~以便于工作衔接。 6、 迟到、早退:所有员工都应根据公司规定按时上下班~上下班时间以部门签到时间为准。 迟到:超过规定的签到时间~在30分钟内,不含30分钟,未到岗者为迟到。早退:未到下班规定的签退时间~提前30分钟,不含30分钟,内脱离工作岗位为早退。迟到、早退者将按规定进行处罚。迟到10分钟以内,不含10分钟,~扣日工资的20%,10分钟以上,含10分钟,~30分钟以内,不含30分钟,~扣日工资的50%。 7、 旷工~下列情况之一视为旷工一天计算: 1,不按规定请假~无故不上班者。 2,虽经请假~但未被批准擅自离岗者。 3,迟到、早退超过30分钟,含30分钟,又无正当理由者。 4,擅离工作岗位1小时以上者,含1小时,。 5,让他人代签到及代人签到者~按旷工处理。 6,有任何代签到或篡改签到时间的欺瞒行为~按旷工处理。 7,旷工属严重违反劳动纪律的行为~连续旷工3天或全年累计旷工7天者~公司将视情形而定~有权解除劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。旷工1天者~扣日工资的 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 200%~并给予最终警告。 8,任何员工和部门通过欺骗、包庇或假象而获准或试图获准假出勤情况属于严重违纪~公司将对相关人员有权做出辞退处理。 二、 办公要求 1、 保持办公室卫生整洁~每天清扫。 2、 离开时随手关灯~关闭一切不使用的电器设备。下班后检查电源~ 关好灯、空调、电脑、门窗等。 3、 办公室桌上只摆相关的文件与办公用品~并保持整洁、美观。其他物品一律放入抽屉或文件柜内。 4、 上班时间不允许做与工作无关的事情~如:看报纸、杂志、上网聊 天、玩游戏、吃零食等。 5、 处理公务使用电话务求高效率,严禁利用公司电话处理私人事务。 6、 办公室内不允许吸烟、嚼口香糖。不随地吐痰~不乱扔纸屑等杂物。 7、 保护办公环境的安静~不得在办公区域聚众闲聊、或大声喧哗。 8、 不管有意无意~都不得妨碍他人开展业务工作。 9、 严禁与同事吵骂斗殴。 三、 工作方法 1、 接受上级指令时~要随时作好记录~有疑点则提问~并重复重要的被指示内容。 2、 执行上司指令时~遵守上司指示的方法和顺序~必要时或视工作目的而定。 3、 事先考虑工作流程、准备必要的器具和材料~并通知相关人员。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 4、 任务实施过程中~遇到疑问及时和上司商量。 5、 及时向上司回复工作结果~未能完成的指今~须马上向上司报告~请求提示。 6、 工作中出现失误~认真总结。不退避责任~不失信心。相同的错误不得再犯。 7、 因公外出时需向同事或者上司交待工作事宜~保证工作衔接。手机应24小时保持开机状态。 8、 相互理解、信任~建立同事间和睦关系。互相交谈~可以从不知到知~使自己明白不足~从而确定出好的意见和想法。 第三条 形象规范 一、着装要求 1、工作时间员工应按规定穿工作服上班,未配发工作服期间~员工应尽量穿着相对正式的服装上班,。 2、夏装为短袖、衬衣、T恤等。冬装允许棉袄、西服、夹克混穿。服装宜正装为主~不宜有多过装饰~力求简洁。 3、着装整洁~大方得体~无褶皱、无撕裂、无洞眼、无异味。 4、夏装须有衣领~办公场所或正式场合不允许穿无领汗衫,工地外勤人员不在此例,、喇叭裤、短裤、背心等。女员工不允许穿露胸、露背、露脐、及超短裙,以膝上15?为限)等服装上班。 5、衫衣、T恤等上衣~衣扣整齐~开领衣扣以一颗为限~不挽袖口~不挽裤脚。衬衣、T恤下摆应束入裤腰和裙腰内。 6、在办公场所不允许穿拖鞋、凉鞋~或脱鞋光脚。 7、冬装衣扣、拉链整齐~不敞穿。着西装的员工~文具不可插在外面 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 的口袋内,口袋内不可装过多的东西~口袋内的东西不得鼓鼓囊囊或有外露。 8、遇有重大活动~按公司通知要求着装。 9、鞋袜:在公司未配发鞋袜前~提倡上班男员工穿深色皮鞋、袜子。女员工长筒袜或短袜应保持完好~无抽丝、无破损、不松驰脱落。不允许钉铁鞋掌。 二、仪容仪表与举止 1、仪容仪表应自然大方、端庄得体。 2、头发整齐自然~无头屑。禁止染彩色头发~不戴夸张饰物。 3、男员工修饰得当~头发长不过眉、侧不掩耳、后不触领~不留胡须~不剃光头~不得梳剪过于夸张的发式,如朋克、嬉皮等,。 4、女员工不允许浓妆,不可涂深色或冷色调的口红和眼影,上岗~不留长指甲、不染彩色指甲。工作时间不允许当众化妆。 5、不可以用味道浓烈的香水/古龙水~只可使用气味柔和的香水。 6、保持良好的个人卫生习惯~早晚刷牙。保持面部清洁、健康的状态~眼睛无分泌物~鼻毛不外露~不可使用气味较大的护肤品。 7、工作前忌有刺激性气味的食品~保持口腔清洁~无异味~齿缝无食品残渣~饭后应漱口。 8、精神饱满、举止文雅、礼貌、精神。上班时间无疲劳状、忧郁状、不满状。 9、在正式场合~站立要端正~挺胸收腹~眼睛平视~嘴微闭~面带笑容~双臂自然下垂或在体前交叉~右手放在左手上。双手不叉腰、不插袋、不抱胸。女员工站立时~脚呈V形~双膝和脚后脚要靠紧~男员工站立时双 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 脚与肩同宽~身体不可东倒西歪。站累时~脚可以向后站半步或移动一下位臵~但上体仍应保持正直。不可倚壁而立。 10、在办公区应保持坐姿良好。应避免在他人面前打哈欠、伸懒腰、打喷嚏、抠鼻孔、挖耳朵等。在正式场合切不可有以下姿势: ---坐在椅子上前俯后仰~摇腿跷脚, ---将脚跨在桌子或沙发扶手上~或架在茶几上, ---在上级或客人面前双手抱在胸前~跷二郎腿或半躺半坐, ---趴在工作台上。 11、 行走应轻而稳。注意昂首挺胸收腹~肩要平、身要直。走路时男员工不扭腰~女员工不摇晃臀部~行走时不可摇头晃脑、吹口哨、吃零食~不可以左顾右盼~手插口袋或打响指。不与他人拉手、搂腰搭背~不奔跑、跳跃。 第四条 语言规范 1、 语音清晰、语气诚恳、语速适中、语调平和、语意明确言简。 2、 提倡讲普通话~在公共场合应避免使用地方方言。 3、 与他人交谈~要专心致志~面带微笑~不能心不在焉~反应冷漠。不随意打断别人的话。 4、 与客户交谈~尽量少用生僻的专业术语~力求通俗明了~以免影响与他人交流的效果。 5、 使用文明用语~如“您好”、“谢谢”、“不客气”、“再见”、“不远送”、“您走好”等。严禁说脏话、忌语,旅游从业人员~忌语应为常识,。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 第五条 社交规范 1、 接待来访~应微笑、热情、真诚、周全。做到来有迎声~去有送声~有问必答~百问不厌。 2、 迎送来访~主动问好或话别~设臵有专门接待地点的~接待来宾至少要迎三步、送三步。 3、 来访办理的事情不论是否对口~不能说“不知道”、“不清楚”。要认真倾听~热心引导~快速衔接~并为来访者提供准确的联系人、联系电话~或引导到要去的部门。 4、 访问他人~尽量事先预约~遵守访问时间~预约时间5分钟前到。如果因故迟到~提前用电话与对方联络~并致谦。 5、 访问领导~进入办公室要敲门~得到允许方可入内。 6、 在打电话前~应先做一下准备~思考通话内容。拨通电话后~应当先致问候语并自报家门和证实对方身份~清楚明了地说出内容~最后要感谢对方~并尽量让对方先挂机。 7、 电话应在铃响三声内接听~接听时~要先说“你好”~外部电话接听的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 用语为“你好~xxxx**部~我是***……。 8、 交换名片时~应双手递、接名片~以示尊重。接过名片后~应看清楚并记住对方姓名、职务等。然后郑重收好~并寒喧。 9、 人多场合尽量靠右行走~不走中间。 10、 与上级、客户相遇时~要问好或点头示礼致意。 11、 与上级、客户同行至门前时~应主动开门让他们先行~不可以自己抢先而行。 客人迎面走来或上下楼梯时~要主动为客人让路 。 12、 引导客人时~让客人、上级在自己的右侧。 上楼时客人在前~下 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 楼时客人在后,3人同时行进~中间为上宾。在人行道上让女士走在内侧~以便使他们有安全感。 第六条 会议规范 1、 按会议通知要求~在会议开始前5分钟进场。 2、 事先阅读会议材料或做好准备~针对会议议 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 汇报工作或发表自己的意见。 3、 开会期间关掉手机响铃~不从事与会议无关的活动~如剪指甲、交头接耳等。 4、 遵从主持人的指示 ~必须得到主持人的许可后,方可发言。发言简洁明了~条理清晰。 5、 认真听别人的发言并记录。不得随意打断他人的发言。不得随意辩解或发牢骚。 以上规范~若有违犯~将视情节进行行政处罚、或经济处理~情节严重者~将依法追究法律责任。 本规范自颁布之日起执行~为公司暂行条例~公司将视情况作出修改。 xxxxxxxx旅游发展有限公司 2009年8月10日 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 如何做一名优秀员工, 1、 我以我整洁的仪容仪表为荣。 2、 面对客户~我总是面带微笑和保持目光接触。 3、 我总是牢记客户的姓名、职位。并以此招呼客人。 4、 我经常使用具有魔术般魅力的礼貌语言。 5、 我熟悉自己的工作程序。 6、 我熟悉公司的基本情况~以便回答客户的询问。 7、 解决问题是我的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 。 8、 我总是预先考虑问题~并做好准备。 9、 我总是称赞我的公司。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office
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