首页 太湖水污染防治



太湖水污染防治太湖水污染防治 政 策 法 规 江苏省太湖水污染防治条例 《江苏省太湖水污染防治条例》已由江苏省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议于2007年9月27日修订通过,现予公布,自2008年6月5日起施行。 第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强太湖水污染防治,保护和改善太湖水质,保障饮用水水源安全和人体健康,促进经济社会与环境协调发展,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》等法律、法规,制定本条例。 第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内太湖流域地表水体的污染防治。太湖流域包括太湖湖体...

太湖水污染防治 政 策 法 规 江苏省太湖水污染防治条例 《江苏省太湖水污染防治条例》已由江苏省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议于2007年9月27日修订通过,现予公布,自2008年6月5日起施行。 第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强太湖水污染防治,保护和改善太湖水质,保障饮用水水源安全和人体健康,促进经济社会与环境协调发展,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》等法律、法规,制定本条例。 第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内太湖流域地表水体的污染防治。太湖流域包括太湖湖体,苏州市、无锡市、常州市和丹阳市的全部行政区域,以及句容市、高淳县、溧水县行政区域内对太湖水质有影响的河流、湖泊、水库、渠道等水体所在区域。太湖流域实行分级保护,划分为三级保护区:太湖湖体、沿湖岸五公里区域、入湖河道上溯十公里以及沿岸两侧各一公里范围为一级保护区;主要入湖河道上溯十公里至五十公里以及沿岸两侧各一公里范围为二级保护区;其他地区为三级保护区。太湖流域一、二、三级保护区的具体范围,由省人民政府划定并公布。 第三条 太湖流域各级地方人民政府应当贯彻科学发展观,落实环保优先方针,坚持先规划、后开发,先环评、后立项,在保护中开发、在开发中保护。太湖水污染防治应当坚持预防为主、防治结合、统一规划、综合治理的原则,实行严格的环保标准,采取严厉的整治手段,建立严密的监控体系,有效防治工业污染、生活污染和农业面源污染,控制和减轻太湖湖体富营养化,促进太湖水质根本好转。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 第四条 太湖流域各级地方人民政府应当将太湖水污染防治工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,增加水污染防治资金投入,确保水污染防治的需要。太湖流域各级地方人民政府对本行政区域内的水环境质量负责。政府主要负责人对实现环境保护任期责任目标负主要责任,任期责任目标完成情况作为考核和评价主要负责人政绩的重要内容。太湖流域县级以上地方人民政府应当定期向上一级人民政府和同级人民代表大会常务委员会报告水污染防治工作。太湖流域县级以上地方人民代表大会常务委员会应当定期监督、检查太湖水污染防治工作情况。 第五条 省和太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府设立的太湖水污染防治委员会,负责协调、解决本行政区域内有关太湖水污染防治的重大问题,监督、检查有关部门和下级人民政府履行太湖水污染防治 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 、开展太湖水污染防治工作的情况,并行使本级人民政府授予的其他职权。 第六条 省环境保护部门和太湖流域市、县(市、区)环境保护部门对本行政区域内水污染防治工作实施统一监督管理。省和太湖流域市、县(市、区)发展和改革、经济贸易、水利、建设、交通、农业、渔业、林业、财政、科技、国土资源、卫生、工商、质量技术监督、价格、旅游等部门,按照各自的职责,协同环境保护部门对太湖流域水污染防治实施监督管理。 第七条 太湖流域各级地方人民政府应当将推进水污染防治的科技进步纳入科技发展规划,列为科技发展的优先领域,加强水污染防治基础研究,推广应用水污染防治先进适用技术,积极开展蓝藻防治技术的开发应用,为综合治理太湖流域水污染提供科技支撑。 第八条 太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府及其环境保护等部门,应当组织开展太湖水污染防治法律、法规和科学防治知识的宣传教育,增强全社会自觉保护太湖水环境的意识。太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府及其环境保护部门应当采取措施,保障公民的环境信息知情权,鼓励和支持公民、社会组织参与太湖水mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 环境保护。 第九条 太湖流域的一切单位和个人,应当遵守本条例,并有权对污染和破坏水环境的行为进行检举、控告。在太湖流域水污染防治工作中作出显著成绩的单位和个人,由县级以上地方人民政府或者有关部门给予表彰和奖励。 第二章 监督管理 第十条 省发展和改革部门会同省环境保护、水利、建设、经济贸易、农业、交通、渔业、林业等部门和有关市人民政府,根据国家制定的太湖流域水污染防治规划,拟定本省太湖流域水污染防治规划,报省人民政府批准后执行,并纳入全省国民经济和社会发展规划。 太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府根据上级人民政府制定的太湖流域水污染防治规划,组织制定本行政区域内太湖流域水污染防治规划,并纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。在太湖流域制定经济社会发展的有关规划和进行各类开发建设活动,应当符合太湖流域水污染防治规划。 第十一条 省人民政府和太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府及其有关部门组织编制土地利用的有关规划,区域、流域的建设、开发利用规划,应当在规划编制过程中组织进行环境影响评价,编写该规划有关环境影响的篇章或者说明。未编写有关环境影响的篇章或者说明的,审批机关不予批准。 省人民政府和太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府及其有关部门组织编制工业、城市建设、能源、水利、交通、农业、渔业、畜牧业、林业、旅游、自然资源开发的有关专项规划,应当在该专项规划草案上报审批前,组织进行环境影响评价,并向审批该专项规划的机关提出环境影响报告书。未附送环境影响报告书的,审批机关不予批准。 第十二条 省发展和改革、经济贸易等有关部门会同省环境保护部门拟定太湖流域禁止和限制的产业、产品目录,报省人民政府批准后公布实施。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 太湖流域应当按照国家规定限期淘汰严重污染水环境的落后工艺和设备。 发展和改革、经济贸易、环境保护、工商、质量技术监督等部门按照各自职责,加强对本条规定实施情况的监督检查。 第十三条 省人民政府对国家水环境质量标准、水污染物排放标准中未作规定的项目,可以制定地方标准;对国家水污染物排放标准中已作规定的项目,可以制定严于国家水污染物排放标准的地方水污染物排放标准。省人民政府根据太湖流域水质保护和优化产业结构、调整产业布局的需要,适时修订水环境质量和水污染物排放地方标准。 第十四条 省环境保护部门会同水利、渔业部门和其他有关部门组织太湖流域水质监测网络,建立水质监测预警、应急系统,提高监测、分析和应急处置能力。 省太湖水环境监测机构会同省水文勘测机构负责监测太湖湖体和出入湖河道口以及设区的市界的水体水质,定期向省太湖水污染防治委员会和有关部门报告水质状况,遇有突发性情况,应当及时报告。 第十五条 省环境保护部门应当会同水利部门科学规划、合理设定太湖流域水环境质量监测点位(断面),制定水环境和污染监控系统建设计划,在日供水一万吨以上水厂所在的饮用水水源地、主要出入湖河道和市、县(市、区)行政交界断面,设立水质自动监控系统,定期组织水质状况监测、评价,并报告省人民政府,通报有关地方人民政府和省有关部门。自动监控系统所需的建设、运行、维护经费,列入各级部门预算。 第十六条 在太湖流域新建、改建、扩建可能产生水污染的建设项目,应当依法进行环境影响评价,并报有审批权的环境保护部门审批。建设项目的环境影响评价文件未经有审批权的环境保护部门审查或者审查后未予批准的,该项目审批部门不得批准其建设,建设单位不得开工建设。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 建设单位应当在申请注册登记时,向工商部门提交经批准的环境影响评价文件。在太湖流域江河、湖泊新建、改建或者扩建排污口,应当经水利部门同意后,由环境保护部门审批环境影响评价文件。 第十七条 建设项目中防治水污染的设施,应当与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用。防治水污染的设施应当经有权审批该建设项目环境影响评价文件的环境保护部门验收;达不到规定要求的,该建设项目不得投入生产或者使用。 防治水污染的设施应当保持正常使用,未经批准不得拆除或者闲置。 第十八条 太湖流域实行地表水(环境)功能区水质达标责任制、行政区界上下游水体断面水质交接责任制,并纳入政府环境保护任期责任目标。 交界断面水质未达到控制目标的,责任地区人民政府应当向受害地区人民政府作出补偿。补偿资金可以由省财政部门直接代扣。具体办法由省人民政府制定。 第十九条 除污染治理项目外,对太湖流域下列区域范围内新建、改建、扩建可能产生污染的建设项目的环境影响评价文件,有审批权的环境保护部门暂停受理,已经受理的暂停作出审批决定: (一)地表水(环境)功能区水质未达到规定标准的; (二)跨行政区域河流交界断面水质未达到控制目标的; (三)排污总量超过控制指标的; (四)未按时完成淘汰落后产能任务的; (五)未按计划完成主要污染物减排任务的; (六)城市污水处理设施建设和运行不符合国家和省有关节能减排要求的; (七)违法违规审批造成严重后果的; (八)存在其他严重环境违法行为的。 第二十条 环境保护部门依照本条例第十九条规定暂停受理或者暂停作出审批决定的,应当通报有关地方人民政府。有关责任区域地方人民政府应当采取mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 措施,削减区域内排污总量或者改正违法行为。 有关责任区域内排污总量达到省人民政府规定的总量控制要求或者违法行为改正后,环境保护部门方可依法受理或者作出审批决定。 第二十一条 太湖流域实行地表水(环境)功能区纳污能力核定 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 和重点水污染物排放总量控制制度。省人民政府应当按照国家要求,采取有效措施,削减和控制太湖流域重点水污染物排放总量。 太湖流域设区的市人民政府应当按照省人民政府的要求,将总量控制指标分解落实到县(市、区)人民政府。县(市、区)人民政府根据本行政区域总量控制指标要求,将总量控制指标分解落实到排污单位。 对水质不符合地表水(环境)功能区划要求的地区,上级环境保护部门应当提出该地区污染物总量限期削减目标要求。有关地方人民政府应当采取有效措施,确保完成削减任务。省环境保护部门定期公布未按照要求完成重点水污染物总量控制指标的市、县(市、区)名单。 第二十二条 太湖流域按照国家规定实行排污申报登记和排污许可制度。 禁止无排污许可证或者不按照排污许可证的规定,向水体排放污染物。 第二十三条 直接或者间接向水体排放污染物,不得超过国家和地方规定的水污染物排放标准,不得超过总量控制指标。 第二十四条 直接或者间接向水体排放污染物的企业 事业单位 事业单位结构化面试题事业单位专业技术岗位财务人员各岗位职责公文事业单位考试事业单位管理基础知识 和个体工商户,应当按照国家和省有关规定设置排污口。 排污单位应当在厂界内和厂界外分别设置便于检查、采样的规范化排污口,并悬挂标注单位名称和排放污染物的种类、浓度及数量要求等内容的标志牌。排入城镇污水集中处理设施的,应当在厂界接管处设置采样口。以间歇性排放方式排放水污染物的,应当设置水污染物暂存设施,排放时间应当向当地环境保护部门申报,并按照申报时间排放。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 第二十五条 城镇污水集中处理设施接纳工业污水,应当具备相应的污水处理能力,符合环境保护要求。城镇污水集中处理设施运营单位,应当保证污水处理设施正常运行,对出水水质负责。城镇污水集中处理设施主管部门应当加强对城镇污水集中处理设施运营的监督管理。环境保护部门应当对城镇污水集中处理设施的出水水质和水量进行监督检查。 第二十六条 向城镇污水集中处理设施排放工业污水的,应当进行预处理,达到国家和地方规定的水污染物排放标准。 第二十七条 各类污水处理设施产生的污泥应当进行安全处置,不得随意堆放和弃置,不得排入水体;属于危险废物的,应当委托有资质的单位处置。污泥的收集、贮存应当符合国家相关规定和标准。 第二十八条 太湖流域重点排污单位及城镇污水集中处理设施运营单位,应当安装与所在地环境保护部门联网的污染源自动监控装置,并保证其正常运行。环境保护部门应当建立污染源自动监控数据公布制度。 污染源自动监控装置所测数据,可以作为环境保护部门执法的事实依据。 第二十九条 太湖流域推行排污单位水污染防治设施社会化运营制度。鼓励、引导排污单位委托具有相应资质的环境保护设施运营单位对其水污染防治设施进行改造、运营、管理。 第三十条 直接向水体排放污染物的企业事业单位和个体工商户,应当按照排放水污染物的种类、数量和排污费征收标准缴纳排污费。 对超过排放标准排放水污染物的,环境保护部门除按照本条例第六十条的规定给予处罚外,并按照超过排放标准的倍数计征排污费。 排污费应当用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。 第三十一条 太湖流域在科学确定区域排污总量、完成削减目标的基础上,mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 通过试点逐步推行区域主要水污染物排放总量指标初始有偿分配和交易制度。具体办法由省环境保护部门会同省有关部门制定,报省人民政府批准后组织实施。 第三十二条 太湖流域对可能造成重大环境影响的建设项目配套的环境工程,推行环境工程监理制度。鼓励、引导建设单位委托环境工程监理单位对其环境工程的设计、施工进行监理。 污染防治设施的设计、施工单位不得违反规定,为排污单位设计、建设不符合环境影响评价文件及审批意见要求的排污口、排污通道。 第三十三条太湖流域县级以上地方人民政府环境保护部门应当会同有关部门编制水污染事故 应急预案 办公室装修施工应急预案 下载公司关于消防应急预案火灾的应急预案防汛防洪应急预案施工生产安全应急预案 ,报本级人民政府批准后发布。 太湖流域可能发生水污染事故的企业事业单位,应当制定有关水污染事故的应急 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,做好应急准备,并定期进行演练。 第三十四条 水污染事故发生后,县级以上地方人民政府应当启动并组织实施相应的水污染事故应急预案,有关部门和单位应当按照应急预案的分工,做好相应的应急处置工作。水污染事故信息由县级以上地方人民政府按照规定发布。 第三十五条 环境保护部门应当将排污单位及其排污口的位置、数量和排污情况向社会公布,方便社会监督。新闻媒体、社会团体以及其他社会组织、公民可以对排污单位的排污情况进行监督。 太湖流域市、县(市、区)环境保护部门对违反本条例规定严重污染水环境的企业,定期予以公布。 第三章 污染防治 第三十六条 太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府应当采取有效措施,加快调整产业结构,发展循环经济,转变经济发展方式,发展高技术、高效益、低消耗、低污染的产业,促进企业技术改造,推行清洁生产,加快形成节约、环保、高效mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 的产业体系,减少污染物排放。 第三十七条 对工艺落后、污染严重、不能稳定达标的直接或者间接向水体排放污染物的化工、医药、冶金、印染、造纸、电镀等重污染企业,太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府应当予以关闭、淘汰。 太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府应当按照太湖流域水污染防治规划的要求,制定并实施太湖流域一级、二级保护区范围内工业企业关闭、搬迁计划,报省人民政府备案。对污染物排放不能稳定达标或者污染物排放总量超过核定指标的企业以及使用有毒有害原材料、排放有毒有害物质的企业,实行强制性清洁生产审核,并向社会公布企业名单和审核结果。 第三十八条 太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府应当组织建设、规划、发展和改革、环境保护、水利等部门,根据太湖流域水污染防治规划编制本行政区域城镇污水集中处理等环境基础设施建设规划,优先建设城镇污水集中处理设施等环境基础设施,对城镇生活污水、粪便、垃圾进行无害化、资源化处置。 新建城镇污水集中处理设施应当同步配套建设除磷脱氮设施;已建的城镇污水集中处理设施应当限期改造,开展除磷脱氮深度处理,控制磷、氮等污染物的排放。 第三十九条 太湖流域各级地方人民政府及其有关部门应当加强农业环境保护和农村环境综合整治,加大河塘疏浚整治力度,指导农业生产者科学施肥,组织推广使用高效、低毒、低残留、生物农药,推行人畜粪便、秸秆等废弃物的资源化、无害化处理,减少对土壤、水体的污染和破坏,发展有机农业和生态农业,减轻农业面源污染。 太湖流域城镇污水收集管网应当逐步覆盖城镇周边村庄;规模较大的村庄应当建设生活污水处理设施;分散农户的生活污水应当采取措施收集,推广应用净化沼气池、人工湿地等生活污水处理适用技术进行处理。全面建立农村垃圾收集、处理机制。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 第四十条 省环境保护、水利等部门应当加强对太湖湖体蓝藻的监测、预警和预报;发现异常的,应当及时报告省人民政府,通报有关地方人民政府及有关部门。当地人民政府应当及时组织打捞太湖水体的蓝藻,并进行无害化处置,减轻蓝藻对太湖水环境质量的影响。 第四十一条 太湖流域应当加强水利工程建设,合理调度水利工程设施,加快太湖水体交换,有计划实施底泥生态清淤,建设护岸林木、植被,扩大太湖水体环境容量,增强流域水网自净能力。 省有关部门应当合理保护太湖流域河湖水系,科学规划、建设太湖流域尾水导流工程、引江调水工程,加强水资源管理和保护,根据太湖流域水文特征与水环境质量状况,优化调水方案,改善太湖水质。 各级地方人民政府应当采取措施,防止各类污染源影响重要清水通道的水质,确保重要清水通道水质符合省地表水(环境)功能区划类别标准。对直接影响望虞河、新孟河等清水通道水质的企业,应当责令停产、关闭或者搬迁。 第四十二条 太湖流域应当科学规划、合理开发利用水产资源,按照国家和省有关规定控制太湖水产养殖规模和范围,保护对水生态有益的水生生物和底栖生物,建设水生态工程,维护水生态平衡。 渔业部门应当加强对水产养殖的监督管理,依法严格控制太湖水产养殖规模和范围。 第四十三条 太湖流域的港口、码头、船闸应当设置污水污物收集设施和粪便存贮装置。 贮运危险物品的港口、码头应当采取防溢、防渗、防漏等安全措施。入湖船舶应当设置污水污物存贮装置、集油或者油水分离装置。运输有毒有害的危险化学品的船舶不得进入太湖。 海事管理机构应当加强对船舶污染防治的监督检查,依法查处船舶污染行为,防止船舶污染水体。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 第四十四条 太湖流域一级保护区内的饭店、疗养院、旅游度假村、集中式畜禽养殖场等,应当建设污水污物处理设施,对产生的污水进行预处理后接入城镇污水集中处理设施,不得直接排入水体。 第四十五条 太湖流域一、二、三级保护区禁止下列行为: (一)新建、改建、扩建化学制浆造纸、制革、酿造、染料、印染、电镀以及其他排放含磷、氮等污染物的企业和项目; (二)销售、使用含磷洗涤用品; (三)向水体排放或者倾倒油类、酸液、碱液、剧毒废渣废液、含放射性废渣废液、含病原体污水、工业废渣以及其他废弃物; (四)在水体清洗装贮过油类或者有毒有害污染物的车辆、船舶和容器等; (五)使用农药等有毒物毒杀水生生物; (六)向水体直接排放人畜粪便、倾倒垃圾; (七)围湖造地; (八)违法开山采石,或者进行破坏林木、植被、水生生物的活动; (九)法律、法规禁止的其他行为。 第四十六条 太湖流域一级保护区禁止下列行为: (一)新建、扩建向水体排放污染物的项目,城镇污水集中处理设施除外; (二)在国家和省规定的养殖范围外从事网围、网箱养殖,利用虾窝、地笼网、机械吸螺、底拖网进行捕捞作业; (三)新建集中式畜禽养殖场; (四)新建、扩建高尔夫球场、水上游乐等开发项目; (五)从事水上餐饮经营活动; (六)其他可能污染水质的活动。 除城镇污水集中处理设施依法设置的排污口外,一级保护区内禁止设置排污口,已经设置的排污口应当限期关闭。 第四十七条 太湖流域二级保护区限制下列行为: mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order (一)新建、扩建化工、医药等企业和项目; (二)增设排污口; (三)扩大水产养殖规模; (四)法律、法规限制的其他行为。 第四十八条 太湖流域各级地方人民政府应当加强太湖生态功能的保护和修复,有计划、有步骤地实施退耕、退渔、退养,还林、还湖、还湿地,建设生态保护带、生态隔离带,维护太湖生态安全。 第四章 饮用水水源保护 第四十九条 太湖流域应当按照法律、法规的规定,实行饮用水水源保护区制度。太湖流域市、县(市、区)人民政府应当根据保护饮用水水源的实际需要,采取工程措施或者建造湿地、水源涵养林等生态保护措施,防止水污染物直接排入饮用水水源,确保饮用水水源安全。 第五十条 太湖流域实行生活饮用水水源保护区水质监测结果公报制度。环境保护部门应当定期向社会发布生活饮用水水源保护区水环境状况公报。水利部门应当定期向社会发布生活饮用水水源保护区水文情报预报。水环境状况公报和水文情报预报每月至少发布一次。 有关部门发现饮用水水源水质、水量未达到国家规定标准的,应当及时向本级人民政府报告,并及时通知可能受到影响的取水单位。 第五十一条 太湖流域县级以上地方人民政府应当组织有关部门建立并实行饮用水水源地日常巡查制度。巡查人员应当及时制止污染或者可能污染饮用水水源的行为,并向环境保护部门报告;环境保护部门接到报告后,应当及时组织、协调相关部门调查处理,消除饮用水水源安全隐患。 第五十二条 因发生事故造成或者可能造成饮用水水源污染的,事故责任者mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 应当立即停止排放污染物,采取应急措施消除污染,立即报告当地人民政府或者环境保护部门,并通知有关取水单位。有关责任单位、个人和负有监管责任的部门以及相关人民政府,应当按照国家和省的有关规定及时报告。 第五十三条 太湖流域县级以上地方人民政府应当规划、建设备用水源,制定本行政区饮用水水源水质污染事故应急预案。出现饮用水水源受到污染、威胁供水安全等紧急情况时,当地人民政府应当立即启动应急预案,采取应急措施,保证供水安全。 饮用水水源受到污染可能威胁供水安全的,环境保护部门应当责令有关企业事业单位采取减少或者停止排放水污染物等措施。 第五十四条 饮用水水源一级、二级保护区内已有的排污口,由县级以上地方人民政府责令限期拆除;逾期不拆除的,依法强制拆除。 第五章 法律责任 第五十五条 县级以上地方人民政府和有关部门及其工作人员,有下列行为之一的,对直接负责的主管人员和直接责任人员,由其所在单位、上级主管机关或者监察机关给予警告、记过、记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任: (一)违反国家有关产业政策审批项目,造成环境污染或者生态破坏的; (二)不按照国家规定在限期内淘汰严重污染环境的落后生产技术、工艺、设备或者产品的; (三)对严重污染环境的企业事业单位不依法责令限期治理或者不按照规定责令关闭、停产的; (四)不按照国家规定制定水污染事故应急预案,或者未按照应急预案的要求采取措施的; (五)依法应当进行环境影响评价而未进行,或者环境影响评价文件未经批准,擅自批准该项目建设或者为其办理征地、施工、注册登记、营业执照、生产mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order (使用)许可证的; (六)违法审批环境影响评价文件,造成环境污染或者生态破坏的; (七)发现环境违法行为或者接到对环境违法行为的举报后不及时予以查处等不履行监督检查职责的; (八)发生重大环境污染事故或者生态破坏事故,不按照规定报告或者不依法采取必要措施,致使事故扩大或者延误事故处理的; (九)其他违反法律、法规的行为。 对未完成地表水(环境)功能区水质达标责任制以及行政区界上下游水体断面水质交接责任制所规定的目标的区域,上级人民政府应当对有关人民政府及其主要负责人给予通报批评;造成环境污染或者地表水(环境)功能退化的,按照前款规定对有关责任人给予行政处分。 第五十六条 违反本条例第十六条第一款规定,建设单位无建设项目环境影响评价文件审批文件,擅自建设的,由有审批权的环境保护部门责令停止建设,并处五万元以上二十万元以下罚款;需要配套建设的环境保护设施未建成、未经验收或者验收不合格,主体工程投入生产或者使用的,由有审批权的环境保护部门责令停止生产或者使用,并处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款。 第五十七条 违反本条例第十七条第一款规定,建设项目防治水污染的设施未经环境保护部门验收或者经验收不合格,擅自投入生产或者使用的,由有权审批该建设项目环境影响评价文件的环境保护部门责令停止生产或者使用,直至验收合格,并处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款。 第五十八条 违反本条例第十七条第二款规定,企业事业单位不正常使用防治水污染物设施,或者未经环境保护部门批准,拆除、闲置防治水污染物设施的,由环境保护部门责令恢复正常使用或者限期重新安装使用,处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款。 第五十九条 违反本条例第二十二条第二款规定,无排污许可证或者不按照mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 排污许可证的规定,向水体排放污染物的,由环境保护部门责令停止排放污染物,限期改正违法行为,处一万元以上五万元以下罚款。 第六十条 违反本条例第二十三条规定,直接或者间接向水体排放污染物超过国家和地方规定的水污染物排放标准,或者排放重点水污染物超过总量控制指标的,由环境保护部门责令停产整顿,处二十万元以上一百万元以下罚款。 停产整顿的期限最长不超过一年;停产整顿期满仍未完成治理任务的,有关人民政府应当责令关闭。 第六十一条 违反本条例第二十四条规定,未按照国家和省有关规定设置排污口的,由环境保护部门责令重新设置排污口,处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停产整顿。 违反本条例第二十四条规定,不按照申报时间排放污染物的,由环境保护部门处一万元以上十万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停产整顿。 第六十二条 违反本条例第二十五条第二款规定,城镇污水集中处理设施超过规定排放标准排放污水的,除依法责令改正违法行为,处以罚款外,对城镇污水集中处理设施主管部门有关责任人员依法追究责任。对负责运营管理城镇污水集中处理设施的单位,建议国家有关部门取消或者暂停环境保护设施运营资质,并扣减超标期间污水处理费。 第六十三条 违反本条例第二十八条规定,重点排污单位及城镇污水集中处理设施运营单位未按照规定安装污染源自动监控装置,安装的污染源自动监控装置未按照规定与环境保护部门联网,或者安装的污染源自动监控装置不正常运行的,由环境保护部门责令限期改正,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。 第六十四条 违反本条例第三十条规定,未按照规定缴纳排污费的,由环境保护部门责令限期缴纳;逾期拒不缴纳的,处应缴纳排污费数额一倍以上三倍以mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 下的罚款,并报经有批准权的人民政府批准,责令停产停业。 第六十五条 违反本条例第三十二条第二款规定,污染防治设施的设计、施工单位为排污单位设计、建设不符合环境影响评价文件及审批意见要求的排污口、排污通道的,由环境保护部门责令改正违法行为,并处五万元以上五十万元以下罚款。 第六十六条 有违反本条例第四十五条第一项,第四十六条第一项、第三项、第四项规定行为之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府责令停止建设或者关闭,环境保护部门并依法给予处罚。 第六十七条 违反本条例第四十五条第二项规定,单位销售、使用含磷洗涤用品的,由工商行政管理部门责令停止违法行为,处二千元以上一万元以下的罚款。 第六十八条 违反本条例规定,造成水污染事故的,由环境保护部门依照本条第二款的规定处以罚款,责令限期采取治理措施,消除污染,或者由环境保护部门指定有能力的单位代为治理,所需费用由违法者承担;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 对造成一般或者较大水污染事故的,按照水污染事故造成的直接损失的百分之二十计算罚款;对造成重大或者特大水污染事故的,按照水污染事故造成的直接损失的百分之三十计算罚款,并报经有批准权的人民政府批准,责令关闭。 造成渔业污染事故或者渔业船舶造成水污染事故的,由渔业主管部门进行处罚;其他船舶造成水污染事故的,由海事管理机构进行处罚。 第六十九条 排污单位有下列行为之一的,由环境保护部门封堵其排污口: (一)无排污许可证或者不按照许可证的规定向水体排放污染物,拒不改正的; (二)停产整顿期间擅自恢复生产,向水体排放污染物的; mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order (三)私设排污口向水体排放污染物的。 第七十条 违反本条例规定,造成太湖水污染危害的,当事人应当及时排除危害,并对直接遭受损害的单位或者个人赔偿损失。造成重大经济损失或者人身伤亡的,对直接责任人员和有关负责人依法追究刑事责任。 第七十一条 违反本条例其他规定的,由环境保护部门或者其他依照法律、法规规定行使监督管理职责的部门依法实施处罚。 第六章 附则 第七十二条 本条例自2008年6月5日起施行。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order
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