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哈姆雷特 读后感


哈姆雷特 读后感哈姆雷特 读后感 Hamlet,a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The king of Denmark has been murdered by his brother, Claudius, who then becomes king and marries the dead king's widow. The ghost of the dead king visits his son, Prince Hamlet, and urges him to avenge the mu...

哈姆雷特 读后感
哈姆雷特 读后感 Hamlet,a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The king of Denmark has been murdered by his brother, Claudius, who then becomes king and marries the dead king's widow. The ghost of the dead king visits his son, Prince Hamlet, and urges him to avenge the murder. In the course of the play, Hamlet, a scholar, slowly convinces himself that he must murder Claudius. The play ends with a duel between Hamlet and the courtier Laertes, and the death by poison of all the principal characters. Publisher Comments:One of the greatest plays of all time, the compelling tragedy of the tormented young prince of Denmark continues to capture the imaginations of modern audiences worldwide. Confronted with evidence that his uncle murdered his father, and with his mother’s infidelity, Hamlet must find a means of reconciling his longing for oblivion with his duty as avenger. The ghost, Hamlet’s feigned madness, Ophelia’s death and burial, the play within a play, the “closet scene” in which Hamlet accuses his mother of complicity in murder, and breathtaking swordplay are just some of the elements that make Hamlet an enduring masterpiece of the theater.Each Edition Includes:1.Comprehensive explanatory notes 2.Vivid introductions and the most up-to-date scholarship 3.Clear, modernized spelling and punctuation, enabling contemporary readers to understand the Elizabethan English4.Completely updated, detailed bibliographies and performance histories 5.An interpretive essay on film adaptations of the play, along with an extensive filmographyFrom Library JournalIt is a tragedy that all actors seem to crave to perform, and the Renaissance Theatre Company clearly relishes the chance to present Hamlet for the ear. It is a contemporary cast from which one has come to expect superior Shakespearean acting on stage and screen: Kenneth Branagh as Hamlet; Sir John Gielgud as the Ghost; Derek Jacobi as Claudius; and Emma Thompson as the Player Queen. Unlike the Recorded Books version (Audio Reviews, LJ 8/90), this BBC edition may be a little hard to follow by those unfamiliar with the play's text, particularly since stage directions are not provided and speakers are not clearly identified. But the program does give the complete version, a rare treat, and the accompanying booklet offers insights into both the acting and the production. Highly recommended. - Joyce Kessel, Villa Maria Coll., Buffalo, N.Y.From AudioFileThis BBC Radio presentation combines a full cast--featuring Kenneth Branagh in the title role--with stirring music and sound effects to bring this lengthy, difficult play to life. A number of production touches help the listener. Seven of the eight cassette sides end with the conclusion of a scene, and appropriate music signals the end of each act. In addition, a twenty-four-page booklet offers insight into each character as seen by the actor who plays each part. Listeners would benefit, however, from a brief synopsis of each scene, as well as mention of the characters who appear in them. and this is a tragedy. Found in Hamlet, the vulnerability of people and the environment is so brutal and contrary to each other, as well as the unique aspects of the character appears in the connotations of dense and thick, it is also in the extension of broad and deep. By doing so, some experts have claimed that Hamlet is not an objective of the role of out-of-date, but each of us own. Shakespeare does not belong to an era which belongs to the whole century, his plays like a brilliant Star of the Big Dipper, the direction of guidelines for people. "The survival or destruction, this is a problem worth considering," he raised the issue of philosophy is the basic proposition. Because just occurred to him of these things lead to his philosophy of life, thinking, in his life, everything good or bad times, he will not take into account this issue, then the only life he saw the light face, then life is good, and now, the sudden tragedy forced him to face up to the dark side of life and the ugly side of human nature. It can be said that Hamlet to life the dark side or a more profound understanding. The past he only turned a blind eye to it all. Now the harsh reality forced him to face all this. He had a premonition that he had been dragged into the inevitable fate of a tragedy. If it was to kill his father, then became a father for revenge cannot shirk his life's mission. And his enemy is today's king, to kill him, certainly not an easy task, but no matter how difficult, is not hatred of killing father reported, His immediate task is to think of a clever way to verify whether his uncle killed his father. Plot, plot and the killing, which is contrary to the nature of Hamlet kind of innocence, but his mission of revenge necessary. In the Mood for Love in the life of Hamlet in the back of a heavy revenge mission, the hearts of all day is full of hatred, the dark and his heart heavy, he cannot extricate themselves into the abyss of suffering. 《哈姆雷特》读后感 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚悲剧中的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作品,这个创作于 1600~1601年的剧本整整被推崇了几个世纪。就是现在,我们依然 可以感觉到它的震撼人心。而这震撼不只来源于情节,也不仅仅是出 色的文学手法,更重要的是它所体现出来的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 本剧是围绕着丹麦王子哈姆雷特的故事:他在德国的威登堡大学学习时,国内传来噩耗,父王突然惨死,叔叔克劳斯迪篡夺王位,母亲改嫁克劳斯迪。哈姆雷特回国奔丧,在一天深夜,他在城堡里见到了父亲的鬼魂,父亲的鬼魂告诉了他自己是被其叔克劳斯迪所害的真相,并要求儿子为他报仇,但不许伤害他的母亲,要让她受到良心的责备。哈姆雷特知道真相后,精神恍惚,他整天穿着黑色的丧服,一心想着复仇。一天,他去见自己的恋人首相的女儿奥菲利娅,他又想求爱又想复仇,行为怪诞。奥菲利娅把王子的情况告诉了首相,首相又报告了克劳斯迪。克劳斯迪虽然不知道老国王鬼魂出现的事,但他心中有鬼,派人试探哈姆雷特。哈姆雷特一方面想复仇,一方面又碍于母亲的面子,同时他也不十分确定父亲鬼魂的话,非常苦恼。哈姆雷特决定要证实克劳斯迪的罪行,正好这时宫中来了一个戏班子,他安排了一出戏,内容是一个维也纳的公爵被他的一个近亲在花园里毒死,不久这个凶手还骗取了公爵夫人的爱。戏演时,他在旁边注意观察克劳斯迪,见克劳斯迪坐立不安,中途就离去。哈姆雷特确认了父亲鬼魂的话,决定复仇。一天,克劳斯迪独自一人的忏悔,哈姆雷特本可以杀死他,可又觉得忏悔中的人被杀后会进入天堂结果罢手。克劳斯迪派王后劝说哈姆雷特,哈姆雷特与母亲发生争执,误杀了躲在帏幕后偷听的首相。克劳斯迪以首相的儿子要复仇为由,要将哈姆雷特送往英国,准备借英王之手除掉哈姆雷特。哈姆雷特识破克劳斯迪的诡计,中途返回丹麦。当时,奥菲利娅受刺激发疯,落水身亡,哈姆雷特回国时,正赶上她的葬礼。克劳斯迪挑拨奥菲利娅的哥哥同哈 姆雷特决斗,并在暗中准备了毒剑和毒酒。哈姆雷特第一会合获胜,克劳斯迪假意祝贺送上毒酒,但哈姆雷特没喝。哈姆雷特第二回合获胜,王后非常高兴,端起原准备给哈姆雷特的毒酒喝了下去。决斗中,哈姆雷特中了对手的毒剑,但他夺过剑后又击中了对方。王后中毒死去,奥菲利娅的哥哥也在生命的最后一刻揭露了克劳斯迪的阴谋。哈姆雷特用最后的一点力气用手中的毒剑击中了克劳斯迪,自己了毒发自亡。 在人物刻画上,莎翁可谓是煞费苦心。剧中人物的语言充分表现出了人物鲜明的性格。主人公哈姆雷特的性格和环境是相矛盾很有复杂性的。他从“时代脱臼了,真糟糕,天生我要把它板正过来”这句豪言壮语,到“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”这句绝望的叹息的全部心里背景。他一系列的语言表明他是一个纯洁,高尚,有道德,有知识,有决心,只能以思想代替行为,不可能成为英雄的人。歌德说过:“这是一株橡树给我栽在一个只应开放娇嫩的花朵的花瓶里。”而他就是那个“花瓶”,那项他承担不起,几乎连渺茫的希望都没有,但又决不可推卸的复仇重任,就是那株“橡树”。 一旦“橡树”的根须膨胀开来,“花瓶”就非给挤破不可,这就是悲剧。在哈姆雷特身上,人的脆弱性和环境的残暴性是如此的相反而又相成,以至这个独特的性格在内涵方面显得致密而厚重,在外延方面也显得博大而深广。正因如此,有的专家便声称,哈姆雷特并不是一个 客观的过时的角色,而是我们每个人自己。 本剧表现得并不只是那个年代的某个故事,也不只是那个时代矛盾的 缩影,更是我们每个人的“命运”,为我们指引航向。所以说: 莎士 比亚不属于一个时代而属于全世纪,他的戏剧就象灿烂星空中的北 斗,为人们指引着方向。 在这个故事中,我们看到的不只是曲折的情节,深入的人物刻画, 更是其中蕴含的哲理。这也许就是莎翁及其戏剧经久不衰的原因吧。 " Hamlet " of Shakespeare is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: " you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result." Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons. 哈姆雷特读后感800 鲁迅先生说:“悲剧是将人生有价值的东西毁灭给人看。”《哈姆雷 特》就是一幕极具震撼力的悲剧。 哈姆雷特是勇敢的,也是不怕死的;但是,他由于敏感而犹豫不定, 由于思索而拖延,精力全花费在做决定上,反而失却了行动的力量。 哈姆雷特理想崇高、思想深刻,他立志重整乾坤,但他又耽于沉思、 自责、自我怀疑上,加之忧郁与孤独,他迷惘、矛盾又痛苦。于是一 再拖延复仇计划,导致了最后的结局。 文中最令人同情的就是悲惨的配角奥菲利娅,她柔弱、沉静、腼腆又 天真无邪。可她那脆弱的身心被爱和恨一起挤压着、煎熬着。她不幸、 痛苦、无助,却都逆来顺受地忍受了它,最终还是迷失了自己,离开 了自己。 “生存还是毁灭,是默默忍受命运的暴虐,或是挺身反抗人世无涯的 苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵,”我不知 道,似乎也不是那么容易分得清的事情,只是哈姆雷特选择了后者, 承担起了那项他承担不起,几乎连渺茫的希望都没有、但又决不可推 卸的复仇重任。 如今的现实中,倘若我们遇到了困难,我们是去面对它,还是选择逃 避,我想应该是面对。无论是什么困难,没有人解决不了的,除了死 亡。可是就算在死亡面前,如果能勇敢的接受,那么也算的上高贵了。 总而言之,不论在什么艰难险阻面前,我们都应该勇敢面对,接受挑 战。 哈姆雷特读后感(英文版) Shakspeare created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretended to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . If a country has no king, how can a country keep alive? So, everything has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we have to think twice. Hamlet SCENE: Elsinore, Denmark ACT I Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is advised by the sentinels of the royal castle of Kronborg, at Elsinore, that an apparition strongly resembling his dead father had appeared on the battlements. Hamlet therefore resolves to encounter the spirit and learn from it, if possible, the true cause of his father's taking-off, about which the Prince has had many suspicions. He meets the Ghost at its next nightly visitation, and in an interview with it his worst fears are confirmed. The late King's brother Claudius, who has ascended the throne and wedded the widowed Queen, had poisoned the King while he slept. Hamlet is enjoined to secrecy and revenge, and the Ghost vanishes. Hamlet's followers are sworn to say nothing of the occurrence. ACT II Because of the news and of the dread task to which he is commissioned, Hamlet is seized with a species of madness, perhaps largely feigned, whereby he may cloak his designs. He writes incoherent and passionate letters to his lady-love, Ophelia, daughter of Polonius, a court dignitary. At this juncture a company of strolling players arrives at the castle and at Hamlet's suggestion a certain play is given before the King and Queen and members of the court. ACT III The play deals with the murder of a Venetian duke, whose wife afterwards weds the murderer. The story closely resembles the circumstances of the King of Denmark's demise. During the play Hamlet is intent not upon the players but upon the countenance and actions of his uncle. The latter, as if struck with a realising sense of his own crime, as Hamlet suspected, hurriedly leaves. Hamlet no longer doubts the truth of the Ghost's communications, and turns with energy to seek the vengeance which he has sworn to execute. The queen mother is also much disturbed by the purport of the play, and sends for Hamlet in order to upbraid him. Hamlet answers reproach with reproach, and leaves his mother overwhelmed with shame and self-convicted. But for the opportune arrival of the dead King's spirit, Hamlet might have adopted even more violent measures. Ophelia's father, Polonius, who is spying upon this interview, is slain by Hamlet, who mistakes him for the King. ACT IV Hamlet's banishment is decided upon. Two former school comrades of his are entrusted with a commission to leave him in England, where sealed orders are to bring about the Prince's death. But by a combination of plot and accident the execution is visited instead upon the heads of the two accomplices. Hamlet returns to Denmark. There he is greeted by a strange spectacle—the funeral of a young girl, honored by the presence of the King, Queen, and persons of the court. Hamlet has in fact arrived home just at the time of Ophelia's interment. That unfortunate maiden, through incessant brooding over the madness of her lover, the untimely end of her father, and the continued absence of her brother, Laertes, had become insane. For some days she had wandered about the court singing and strewing flowers, then had strayed to the banks of a stream and been drowned. ACT V When Hamlet discovers that it is Ophelia's funeral, he is beside himself with grief. He leaps into the grave and angrily contests with Laertes, who also has just returned, the place of chief mourner. Laertes in turn desires to kill Hamlet, for he regards the Prince as the cause of all the woes that have fallen upon his house. Seeing the animosity of Laertes, King Claudius thinks he may make use of it to work Hamlet's undoing. He secretly advises Laertes to engage Hamlet in a fencing-match—supposedly friendly. Laertes' foil, however, is to be naked and envenomed. Hamlet, unsuspecting, consents to a trial of skill before the court. The King prepares a poisoned drink for Hamlet, if perchance he shall escape the tipped foil. Laertes and Hamlet fence. After a touch or two for Hamlet, the Queen, to do him honour, toasts him, unwittingly, with the poisoned cup. Laertes wounds Hamlet. In the scuffle they change rapiers, and Hamlet in turn wounds Laertes with the latter's treacherous blade. The Queen dies from the drug while Laertes falls, but before he dies he confesses his guilty design and craves pardon of the Prince. Hamlet turns upon the King with his own dying strength and stabs the usurping monarch to the heart. NOTES Hamlet was probably written between the years 1598 and 1602. It is not mentioned by Meres in his "Palladis Tamia" of the earlier year; and in the latter year it was entered in the "Stationers' Register." Internal evidence places it about the year 1600. FIRST EDITIONS. In 1603 an imperfect text of Hamlet, evidently a pirated version, was published. The next year a clearer, and doubtless official, text was printed, now called the Second Quarto. Both had Shakespeare's name on the title page. The Third Quarto appeared in 1605, and the Fourth in 1611. The First Folio, of 1623, supplies some additional readings not found in any Quarto. SOURCES. In the twelfth century, the "Historia Danica" by Saxo Grammaticus, a Danish writer of importance, contained the story of Hamlet. The story went the rounds of the minstrels and storytellers, and was first printed in 1514. Belleforest translated it into French in his "Histoires Tragiques," of 1571. Shakespeare may have been familiar with the story aside from either printed form. An earlier play of "Hamlet," now lost, was known to his company of players, about 1590. ACTION. The historical period is indeterminate, but dates back to the eighth or tenth century. The time depicted on the stage is seven days, with intervals considerably lengthening this time. SELECTED CRITICISM. "Hamlet is a name; his speeches and sayings but the idle coinage of the poet's brain. What then, are they not real? They are as real as our own thoughts. Their reality is in the reader's mind. It is we who are Hamlet. This play has a prophetic truth, which is above that of history. Whoever has become thoughtful and melancholy through his own mishaps or those of others; whoever has borne about with him the clouded brow of reflection and thought himself `too much i' th' sun' . . . this is the true Hamlet." From J. Walker McSpadden, Shakespearean Synopses (New York: Crowell, 1959).
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