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新GRE語文考題詳解 新 GRE語文考題詳解 以下正解以藍色字體表示。注意所有題目都是 "答錯不倒扣",複選題都是 "全對才給分"。 Sample questions 1 to 3 below are based on this passage: Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produ...

新 GRE語文考題詳解 以下正解以藍色字體表示。注意所有題目都是 "答錯不倒扣",複選題都是 "全對才給分"。 Sample questions 1 to 3 below are based on this passage: Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate change. Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity. But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs. [析] 先逐句解剖這篇文章,注意: 不做逐字翻譯,而是抓每句重點。考試的時候就是這樣做,可 以把每句重點速寫在草稿紙上 (考場會發空白紙、鉛筆)。 (1) Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate change. 政策 公共政策概论形成性考核册答案公共政策概论形成性考核册答案2018本科2018公共政策概论形成性考核册答案公共政策概论作业1答案公共政策概论形成考核册答案 制定者面臨兩難: 化石燃料不可或缺 vs. 二氧化碳造成的環境汙染 (2) Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity. 目前科技可捕捉二氧化碳於地 (海) 下,但產電價格會變兩倍。 (3) But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. 但 sequestration 不會影響傳輸電力成本,所以消費者電價上升幅度會較小,不會超過 50%。 說明:不知道 sequestration 這個字的中文意思根本不會影響解題,動詞 sequester 是 "隔離" 的 意思。 (4) Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs. 新科技會降低電價。 1. The passage implies which of the following about the current cost of generating electricity? (A) It is higher than it would be if better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were available. (B) It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission and distribution. (C) It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity. (D) It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity delivery. (E) It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity consumers. [解] 此為五選一單選題 (和舊 GRE 一樣),複選題前面會有提示,所以不用擔心。看選項之前, 再提醒老話一句,把自己變笨,文章中沒說的都當作不知道,不要自己加油添醋,正確 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 通常 是文章中某一句話的 "改寫"。每句都解釋去 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 對錯很累很討厭,但同學們一定要耐住性子 " 過" 一遍,這樣才會有進步,這是想拿考高分所必須付出的代價! 題目問 "生產電力" 價格,文章 imply 了下列哪一句?首先要小心的是,文章裡提到了兩種價 格,一是 "生產電力" 價格,另一是 "傳輸電力" 的價格,不要混在一起。 題目出現 imply (暗示) 是一種固定考法,題型固定所以解法也是固定的,答案永遠是文章某句的 "換句話說",而干擾選項通常是文章沒提到卻很合理的東西 ,專門干擾那些「自作聰明、想太 多」的考生。注意!文章中沒有講就當作不知道,千萬不能選! 這是非常非常重要的觀念! 另一 種干擾選項是 "問 A 答 B,答非所問",請見以下分析: (A) It is higher than it would be if better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were available. 若用更好的科技去捕捉 CO2 ,產電價格 (It 指題目中的 current cost of generating electricity) 會更高。 這與句 (4) 違背,句 (4) 說價格應該會變低,且句 (4) 承接句 (3) 而來故 lowered costs 指 的應該是句 (3) 的 delivered prices (運輸電到消費者家中的價格),而非產電價格。 (B) It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission and distribution. 產電價格比傳輸電的價格還要低。 題目沒有比較這兩種價格,句 (2) 是新科技使產電價格變兩倍,句 (3) 說新科技不影響運 輸電價格,所以產電 + 運輸 = 消費者價格上升幅度較小。 (C) It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity. 產電價格最多是消費者價格的一半。 這是句 (3) 後半段 delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent 的改寫,"最多是 一半" 就等於 "不超過 50%",不是嗎?(C) 是正確答案。 (D) It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity delivery. 政策制定者思考將傳輸電力費用從產電價格中排除 (exclusion) 出去。 文章有提到這個嗎?沒有就是語言垃圾,眼睛掃過去就砍掉 (D) 了。 (E) It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity consumers. 產電價格 (It) 並非全由消費者價格 (prices charged directly to electricity consumers) 概括承 受。 同樣地,文章沒有提到這件事。不厭其煩再看一次吧,句 (2) 說新科技使產電價格變兩倍, 句 (3) 說新科技不影響傳輸電力費用,所以消費者價格 (生產 + 傳輸) 上升幅度較小,不 超過 50%。文章主旨在新科技造成的價格上升,是 "新科技 vs. 傳統",而非 "產電價格 vs. 消費者價格"。 Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply. 2. The passage suggests that extensive use of sequestration would, over time, have which of the following consequences? (A) The burning of fossil fuels would eventually cease to produce atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide. (B) The proportion of the delivered price of electricity due to generation would rise and then decline. (C) Power plants would consume progressively lower quantities of fossil fuels. [解] 此為複選題 (出現 Select all that apply),可能三個都對,也可能只有一個正確答案 (相當於 單選)。 這裡題目問了一件 "文章並未直接提及" (suggest) 的事情:若 "大量使用 sequestration 技術,長 時間會造成什麼效果?" 注意,這裡的關鍵是 "大量" 及 "長時間",這裡的 suggest 類似前面的 imply,必須由考生去推敲而非直接從題目一模一樣的句子獲得答案。 同樣地,我們逐項來解析: (A) The burning of fossil fuels would eventually cease to produce atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide. 使用化石燃料最終將不再排放 CO2 到大氣中。 句 (1) 和 CO2 排放有關,但沒有提到這點,而且常理想也是不對的,燃燒化石燃料最大的 問題就是會排放 CO2。不選 (A)。 (B) The proportion of the delivered price of electricity due to generation would rise and then decline. 消費者價格中生產電力的比例會先升後降。 此選項比較難判斷,需要帶點邏輯思考。消費者價格 = 生產成本 + 傳輸成本,生產成本一 開始增加是句 (2) 提到的 (增加兩倍),所以 "先升" 沒問題,但會不會 "後降" 呢?句 (3) 有提到嗎?答案是沒有,句 (3) 說的是 "雖然生產成本變兩倍,但傳輸成本不變,故整體消 費者價格增加少於 50%" (這句話另外暗示了傳輸成本其實大於生產成本,各位同學可以帶 數字進去試試看)。最後句 (4) 提到 "新科技會降低電價",新科技是用於生產電力 (即前面 所提之 sequestration),所以會降低生產成本,但什麼時候降呢?顯然不是現在而是未來,要 靠新科技研發 "over time" 才會降。所以 (B) 是對的。 (C) Power plants would consume progressively lower quantities of fossil fuels. 電廠對化石燃料的使用量會逐漸變少。 文章沒有提及這點,新科技 sequestration 的好處是回收 CO2 (可以重複使用) 而不是減少用 量,可能用了更多,只是重複使用不造成浪費而已。這和減少用量不一樣,大家要想清楚。 比如說,做資源回收是對使用過的寶特瓶、鐵鋁罐重複利用,並不是說做了資源回收,寶特 瓶、鐵鋁罐的用量就變少。 3. Select the sentence that explains why an outcome of sequestration that might have been expected would not occur. [答] But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. [解] 此為選句子 (Select-in-passage) 題,機考時直接用滑鼠在螢幕的文章中點選句子,被點到的 句子會反白。 題目問哪一句解釋了 "原先預期 sequestration 會有的結果,為什麼最後沒有發生"?所以句子必 定和 sequestration 有關,留下句 (2) (3),注意 "原先 OOOO,最後 XXXX" 帶有轉折,所以技 巧是選句子有 But, Yet, However 這種字眼的,答案明顯是句 (3)。原先預期消費者價格也會變兩 倍,但卻沒有,是因為 sequestration 不影響傳輸成本。 Sample questions 4 to 6 below are based on this passage: Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music without imitating it. Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies’ sound is distinctively his. Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass’s classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music. Yet this use of popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular music. His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics. [析] 先逐句解剖這篇文章。 (1) Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music without imitating it. 作曲家 P. G. 復甦了在古典樂中使用流行樂元素的傳統,此傳統在美國 1960 年代沉寂至 今,他擁抱了流行樂精神而非模仿它。 注意:筆記中人名用縮寫表示以節省時間,P. G. = Philip Glass (2) Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies’ sound is distinctively his. G. 有兩首交響樂源自搖滾樂手 D. B. 和 B. E. 的作品,但交響樂的聲音完全是他自己的。 (3) Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass’s classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music. 流行樂元素在 G. 的古典作品裡並未走調,G. 早期的交響樂作品就融合了搖滾樂的旋律。 (4) Yet this use of popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular music. 然而,使用流行樂元素並未使 G. 成為流行樂作曲家。 (5) His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics. 他不是將流行樂加以包裝以吸引古典樂聽眾,他的音樂對搖滾樂聽眾是高雅藝術。 文章主旨在說明作曲家 G. 使用流行樂 (搖滾) 元素在古典樂 (交響曲) 中,但並非流行樂 手,而是做一種融合。 4. The passage addresses which of the following issues related to Glass’s use of popular elements in his classical compositions? (A) How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to the classics (B) How it has affected the commercial success of Glass’s music (C) Whether it has contributed to a revival of interest among other composers in using popular elements in their compositions (D) Whether it has had a detrimental effect on Glass’s reputation as a composer of classical music (E) Whether it has caused certain of Glass’s works to be derivative in quality [解] 題目問文章對 G. 在古典作品中使用流行元素說明了什麼?我們逐項解析: (A) How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to the classics 對喜歡搖滾甚於古典樂的聽眾這表示了什麼? 文章未提及喜歡搖滾樂更甚古典樂 (針對音樂做比較) 的聽眾,句 (5) 是針對搖滾樂聽眾和 古典樂聽眾做比較 (針對聽眾群做比較),對搖滾樂聽眾而非 (rather than) 古典樂聽眾來說, G. 的音樂是高雅藝術。注意括號裡比較對象的不同。 (B) How it has affected the commercial success of Glass’s music 這對 G. 音樂商業上成功有何影響? 未提到商業成功如 G. 的音樂是否賺錢。 (C) Whether it has contributed to a revival of interest among other composers in using popular elements in their compositions 這對引發其他作曲家在他們作品中使用流行元素的復甦是否有貢獻? 句 (1) 提到 G. 復甦了此傳統,但未提到他和其他作曲家的關連。 (D) Whether it has had a detrimental effect on Glass’s reputation as a composer of classical music 這對 G. 作為古典樂作曲家的名聲是否有負面的影響? 句 (4) 只說他仍然是古典樂作曲家,而非流行樂作曲家。這是身分問題,並未提及名聲是否 受損。仍然是古典樂作曲家可能有好名聲,也可能有壞名聲,文章未提。 (E) Whether it has caused certain of Glass’s works to be derivative in quality 這對 G. 的作品是否造成品質下降? 句 (3) 說流行樂元素在他的古典樂作品中並未走調 (out of place),所以品質無下降。句 (5) 說他的音樂是高雅藝術是另一提示。答案選 (E)。 Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply. 5. The passage suggests that Glass’s work displays which of the following qualities? (A) A return to the use of popular music in classical compositions (B) An attempt to elevate rock music to an artistic status more closely approximating that of classical music (C) A long-standing tendency to incorporate elements from two apparently disparate musical styles [解] 再次出現複選題,題目問文章暗示 G. 的作品有下列何種特質。同樣地我們逐句解析: (A) A return to the use of popular music in classical compositions 回到過去在流行樂作品中使用流行音樂的傳統。 這句話是文章的主旨,出現在句 (1),return = revival,(A) 要選。 (B) An attempt to elevate rock music to an artistic status more closely approximating that of classical music 嘗試提升搖滾樂的藝術地位,使其接近古典樂的藝術地位。 文章中沒有提到兩者藝術地位的比較,也沒有提到 G. 要提升搖滾樂的藝術地位。 (C) A long-standing tendency to incorporate elements from two apparently disparate musical styles 長期以來試圖結合兩個看似不同的音樂風格。 句 (3) 後半段提到 G. 早期作品就融合搖滾樂旋律在交響樂作品中,所以是 long-standing tendency,(C) 要選。 6. Select the sentence that distinguishes two ways of integrating rock and classical music. [答] His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics. [解] 選句子題型。題目問哪一句區分了兩種結合搖滾與古典樂的方式。光看字面可能不是很懂題 目要問什麼?但重點在 two ways,文章主旨就是融合搖滾與古典,但哪一句話同時用了兩種方式 (表達) 呢?看來看去只有句 (5),因為中間有分號,所以事實上是一句拆成兩句,前一小句是針 對古典樂聽眾說的,作者說 G. 並非拿流行樂包裝來敷衍古典樂迷 (正面評價),後一小句針對搖 滾樂聽眾說的,作者說 G. 的音樂對搖滾樂迷也是高雅藝術 (還是正面評價)。所以句 (5) 作者用 了兩種方式,針對不同族群對 G. 的音樂做了正面評價。 第 7 到第 10 題是填空題,分別是一題三格填空、兩題雙格填空,一題單格填空。填空題要注 意幾個要點:(1) 句子翻譯不是重點,抓住關鍵字的解釋即可 (2) 先認清句子結構 (包含標點符 號),特別是長篇如三格填空,找出空格間的關係,是因果關係 (前後解釋)?對立關係 (反面)? 重複關係 (正面)?(3) 連接詞 的正反意涵,如 however, yet, but (反) 或 therefore, thus, and (正) (4) 句中的提示必須與選項吻合,答案一定在題目中,而不是憑自己的感覺合理去填答案。(5) 善 用刪去法 (Process of Elimination, POE) 幫助做題。當然,除了以上技巧之外,字彙量的充足也是 填空題的關鍵。 7. It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i)_____ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii)_____ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (iii)_____, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) (A) overshadowed (D) enhance (G) plausibility of our hypotheses (B) invalidated (E) obscure (H) certainty of our entitlement (C) illuminated (F) underscore (I) superficiality of our theories [答] (A) overshadowed, (E) obscure, and (I) superficiality of our theories [解] 三格填空的挑戰不亞於短篇閱讀測驗,所以我們一樣做逐句解析: (1) It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i)_____ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii)_____ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. 閱讀這本關於地球的書是令人耳目一新的,此書作者不讓事實被政治所 _____。作者充分了 解政治爭議對人類活動在氣候和生物多樣性的影響,他不讓它們 _____ 他對生物圈的完整 敘述。 本句出現兩格,先來看結構,句中出現冒號表示 "補充說明" 的關係,前面給一個敘述,冒 號後將做更清楚的說明。關鍵字 refreshing 表正面,冒號前後都提到 "政治",後面提到政 治爭議 (dispute) 表負面,第一格說作者不 (not) 讓事實被政治所 _____,負負才得正 (refreshing),所以第一格應選負面動詞,保留 overshadowed 和 invalidated,刪去 illuminated,之後再回來看。第二格出現在冒號後那一小句,其實要表達是和前一小句同樣 的概念,所以還是選負面動詞,這次簡單了,因為 enhance 和 underscore (= emphasize) 都 是正面,直接選 (E),然後由 obscure (使模糊) 知道第一格要選 (A) overshadow (用陰影遮 蓋),注意這是必然的解題順序。 (2) He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (iii)_____, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet. 他強調知識中的巨大缺陷、觀察的不足和 _____,呼籲在我們能精確分析地球現狀之前,必 須注意地球演化的許多方面以增進了解。 注意,句子翻譯的通不通順不重要,而是關鍵字能否抓到。第三格與知識中巨大缺陷、觀察 不足並列,所以是負面的東西,先刪正面的 (H),保留 (G) 和 (I),hypotheses 和 theories 差 不多,關鍵在對 plausibility 和 superficiality 兩字的理解。plausibility 是指假設看起來可能 發生,但實際上不會發生,帶有欺騙的味道。superficiality 指表面,是 "皮毛而非核心",有 "不足" 的味道,這與 sparseness 相呼應,且後面提到 accurately diagnose 表示並非 "不能" (plausibility) 分析,而是分析不夠 "精確",因為只碰觸到皮毛 (superficiality)。 8. Vain and prone to violence, Caravaggio could not handle success: the more his (i)_____ as an artist increased, the more (ii)_____ his life became. Blank (i) Blank (ii) (A) temperance (D) tumultuous (B) notoriety (E) providential (C) eminence (F) dispassionate [答] (C) eminence and (D) tumultuous [解] 同樣地,句構是冒號的前後補充說明關係,主角 C. 有 vain (虛榮) 和 prone to violence (暴 力傾向) 兩個負面特徵,而且他無法面對他的成功。他作為藝術家的 _____ 越增加,他的人生 越 _____。先看第一格,先刪去 (A) temperance 節制,C. 既 vain 又 prone to violence 自然不 可能節制,留下的 (B) (C) 都是名聲,但一好 (eminence) 一壞 (notoriety),這裡的名聲和前面的 成功 (success) 相呼應,success 是正面字,所以第一格選 (C)。無法面對成功這個特徵已經和第 一格對應了,那麼第二格必然和 vain and prone to violence 對應,所以要選一個負面詞,故刪掉 (E) 幸運的,剩下的 (D) 混亂的和 (F) 冷靜的很明顯要選 "混亂的" 才能和 prone to violence 對應。 9. The author’s (i)_____ style renders a fascinating subject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily (ii)______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) (A) soporific (D) pedantic (B) lucid (E) tedious (C) colloquial (F) opaque [答] (A) soporific and (E) tedious [解] 在 a fascinating subject 的同位語 the role played by luck in everyday life 可以先省去,句子簡 化成 "作者的 _____ 風格讓 (原先) 迷人的主題變得特別 _____","特別" (extraordinarily) 表示 前後兩格的關係是 "加強" "強調",所以可能是同正或同負,兩格必須是意思接近的字眼,即同 義字。這裡 the role played by luck in everyday life 事實上給不了我們什麼幫助,有給和沒有給一 樣 (後面再解釋)。於是我們只好在兩格選項中找出一組同義字,若選 (A) soporific "令人想睡的 ",可以對應第二格哪一個字呢?(D) pedantic "賣弄學問的" 不搭,(E) tedious "冗長的" "乏味的", 這和 (A) 可以搭配,(F) opaque "難以理解的" 也無法搭配。再看 (B) lucid "清晰的",這和 (F) 是 一組反義字,但我們要的是近義字,所以捨去。再看 (C) colloquial "口語的",這也無法和第二格 任一答案搭配。若我們將 (A) (E) 放入原句,搭配上原來的同位語,可以大概了解這句話的意思 (實在不好懂),作者寫作風格是令人昏昏欲睡的,這使得原先很迷人的主題,即主角在日常生活 中隨機遇到的事情,變得特別乏味。但各位試想,在還沒找出 (A) (E) 是同義字之前,光靠如此 少的提示有辦法作答嗎? 由此可知,短句雖然好分析,但因為提示少反而難做,這時候抓 "同義字" 或 "反義字" 關係就 很重要了。這題 (A) (E) 是同義字,(B) (F) 是反義字,但句構需要同義字所以得出答案。此題相 當於九選一的同義字單選題,是考單字解釋的一題。 10. From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion—that of the _____ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit. (A) promotion (B) exploration (C) surveying (D) conservation (E) appropriation [解] 句子結構中出現破折號,功用類似冒號,後面帶出的名詞子句作為前面 a contrary notion 的 補充說明。outset = beginning 但不曉得 outset 的意思其實不影響作答。題目關鍵是 freedom of the seas 海洋自由,然後 a contrary notion 告訴我們後面講得必定是 "海洋不自由" (_____ of the oceans),那麼選項中的哪一個字有 "不自由" 的意涵呢?除了 (E) appropriation "佔為己有" 是難 字外,其他都是簡單字。這裡的陷阱選項是 (D) conservation "保存","保存" 有 "不自由" 的味 道,但文章中提到的 "自由" 是出自國家的財產宣稱,所以出自財產宣稱的海洋自由是什麼意思 呢?比如說漁業好了,假如魚群游經好幾個國家,該由哪一國的漁民去捕呢?就漁業而言海洋應 該是自由的,有魚大家捕,海洋是大家公有的資產,不分國家。然而,由於國家安全和商業利益 的考量,事實上不可能讓別國的漁民或是軍隊靠近自己國家的海岸,所以這裡的 "不自由" 指的 是國家會 "強佔" 自己的海岸到一定距離,原本屬於 "公有財產" 的海洋被 "私佔" 了,選項中 只有 (E) 有這個意思,appropriation 常用於 "挪用公款",原先是 "公有" 的東西被不法 "私佔" 了。 注意,正確選項必定與題目中的提示相呼應,(E) appropriation 即 freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims (海洋是公有的) 的負面對應,(D) conservation 則無法對應提示,所以不能選。 最後兩題是 "句子等價" 題型,形式為單格填空,六選二複選題。所謂句子等價的意思,是選出 兩個字填入句子後形成的兩個句子要完整,且意思相近 (等價)。這種考題主要考察同義字能力。 Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning. 11. Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as _____. (A) orthodox (B) eccentric (C) original (D) trifling (E) conventional (F) innovative [解] 關鍵字 Although 表轉折,pioneering 與 hardly _____ 反面對應,又 hardly 表示 almost not 為負面,所以空格為 pioneering "開創性的" 的同義字,答案選 (C) original "原創的" 和 (F) innovative "創新的"。這題相當容易。 12. The corporation expects only _____ increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business. (A) dynamic (B) predictable (C) expanding (D) modest (E) slight (F) volatile [解] 關鍵字是表示轉折的 despite,空格要和 "一年以來復甦零售業的努力" 做反面對應,儘管 努力了一年,但下年度公司只預期有 _____ 的銷售增加,要選負面的字。(D) modest 和 (E) slight 都是 "少許的" 意思,與 despite 後面的提示相呼應,為正確答案。這也是簡單題。 總結 ETS 公布的這 12 題,除了最後兩題 "句子等價" 相當容易以外,填空有一定的難度,且 展示了不同邏輯的解題 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,值得各位同學多加練習。閱讀測驗兩篇皆為短篇,同學們不能掉以 輕心 (中長篇的閱讀速度更顯重要),對 "選句子" 和 "複選題" 的新題型要多練,新 GRE 的閱 讀測驗一回 20 題中就有 10 題,想拿高分的同學必不能放棄,至少短閱要有把握拿下。 麟渡兮老師整理: 字神帝國麟渡兮老師部落格
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