首页 急救援预案方案



急救援预案方案急救援预案方案 项目部应急救援预案 一、目的 项目部针对在施工过程中可能存在的潜在的事件或发生紧急情况时,为了及时地对事件、事故和紧急事件进行有效的控制,对受到伤害的人员进行及时的救援,将人员受到的伤害降低到尽可能低的程度,最大限度的降低项目部的财产损失,制定项目部的应急救援预案。 二、适用范围 本应急救援预案适用于施工过程中潜在的火灾、土方坍塌、高空坠落、机械伤害、物体打击、触电伤害、中毒等事件、传染性疾病或紧急情况的应急救援。 三、引用标准 GB/T28001--2001职业健康安全管理体系要求。 ...

急救援预案 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 项目部应急救援预案 一、目的 项目部针对在施工过程中可能存在的潜在的事件或发生紧急情况时,为了及时地对事件、事故和紧急事件进行有效的控制,对受到伤害的人员进行及时的救援,将人员受到的伤害降低到尽可能低的程度,最大限度的降低项目部的财产损失,制定项目部的应急救援预案。 二、适用范围 本应急救援预案适用于施工过程中潜在的火灾、土方坍塌、高空坠落、机械伤害、物体打击、触电伤害、中毒等事件、传染性疾病或紧急情况的应急救援。 三、引用标准 GB/T28001--2001职业健康安全管理体系要求。 同时引用公司的《管理手册和程序文件》以及公司的《相关法律、法规及相关要求的目录》中所列文件的要求。 四、应急准备 应急准备是指施工现场发生了由潜在事件造成的事件、事故或紧急情况时,由项目部管理工作人员立即做出控制和救援反应的一种行动所必须具备的条件。 1、应急救援小组体系 1.1项目部应急救援小组 项目部的应急救援小组,由项目部的项目经理担任应急救援小组the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 组长,项目部技术负责人、安全员担任应急救援小组副组长,施工员、质量检查员、资料员、保管员、材料员、门卫、各施工班组长担任应急救援小组成员,对施工现场发生的事件、事故和紧急事件实施控制和救援。 1.2 项目部应急救援体系框图 项目经理 安全员: 技术负责人: 孟施木电钢架抹质资土门保 志工工工筋子灰检料建 管工林员班班工工 卫员员班 长长班班班员 ) 长长 施 长 长 工2、应急救援指挥流程图 员 ) 项目部接到报告 起动应急救援体系 救援人员到达现场 电话呼救及接应 了解现场情况 相关人员 将伤者从危险场所搬运至 安全平坦、通风场地 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 山东兴润建设有限公司 应急救援预案 急救医务人员进场 对伤者进行伤情检查 口确 对定清口无醒处呼健骨处 状吸于康折于态急进无休昏救出 行伤 克迷血心害状 状或脏态 骨 按态 压折 及 现场止血和临时固清除气道阻塞物保 定骨折部位 持呼吸畅通 3、急救工具、用具 项目部急救工具、用具一览表 序号 名称 进场日期 数量 使用期限 备注 1 担 架 1 临时制作 急救箱 1 消防器 4 消防铲 4 消防桶 2008(5(10 4 五、应急响应 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi 第 3 页 staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 1、应急响应联系电话 在本条用列表的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 列出各方应急联系电话,按照下表式制表。在表内除本作业指导书给定的应急响应联系电话外,项目部要列全项目部的应急救援体系成员的联系电话。 项目部应急响应联系电话 序号 名称或姓名 固定电话 移动电话 1、 急救中心 120 2、 火警电话 119 3、 警务 110 4、 工程公司总工 5、 集团公司工程部 6、 项目经理 7、 技术负责人 8、 安全员 9、 施工员 10、 质检员 2、应急响应的分类 2.1、一般事故或事件的应急响应 一般事故或事件是指在施工过程中,在施工现场内发生的未对人员身体造成防碍正常的生活和工作、对项目部的财产造成不超过200the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 山东兴润建设有限公司 应急救援预案 元人民币损失的事故、事件。 2.1.1一般事故或事件发生后,由同作业面或同宿舍的人员陪同下,与伤者共同向项目部安全检查员、所属班组长报告,并采取在项目部包扎或就近医治的措施进行控制。 2.1.2项目部安全检查员在接到报告后,负责立即进行积极配合处理,确保伤者的身体健康,并做好相关的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 2.1.3 项目部安全检查员在处理完毕伤者相关事宜后,负责立即对造成伤害的场所、机械、工具进行全面认真检查,查找 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 原因,并采取相应的纠正措施进行整改,在安全技术交底中给予专项的规定并定期定时定部位进行检查,预防同类事故或事件再次发生。 2.2、重大事故的应急响应 施工现场发生重大事件、事故、传染性疾病或紧急事件时,项目部在接到相关人员的报告后,项目经理立即起动应急救援体系小组,应急救援体系小组的各成员必须严格按照以下规定的固定的职责对事件、事故、传染性疾病或紧急事件进行控制和应急救援。 2.1项目经理 2.1.1在项目经理接到事件、事故或紧急事件后,在5分钟内通知项目部应急救援小组副组长张林及小组其他成员施工现场发生的事件、事故或紧急事件,立即负责组织起动应急救援体系,督促小组各组员立即履行项目部应急救援体系各岗位的职责。 2.1.2 与应急救援小组其他成员在10分钟内赶赴事件、事故或紧急 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi 第 5 页 staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 事件的现场,在了解现场实际情况后,在30分钟内通知工程公司、集团公司工程部寇新生。 2.1.3在通知工程公司及集团公司后,负责对现场事态的控制和救援工作进行总体安排,直至急救人员(警务人员、消防人员)到达事发现场。 2.1.4 在警务人员进行现场勘查后,负责与警务人员保持联系,配合相关的事宜处理。 2.1.5 积极配合相关主管部门对事件、事故或紧急事件的调查、配合、处理。 2.1.6在事件、事故或紧急事件处理过程中,余洋负责对施工现场制定类似事件、事故或紧急事件的预防措施和相关教育。 2.1.7在事件、事故或紧急事件调查完毕后,冠新生负责落实对项目部相关管理人员或施工人员的处罚。 2.1.8负责积极协调处理伤者后续事宜。 2.2安全员 2.2.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系的通知后,在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,对受到伤害的人员进行下列检查和现场急救:触电伤害: 用绝缘材料使伤者脱离电源, 张林与所属班组长、保管员共同将伤者抬至平坦、通风处,解开伤者领扣、袖扣、皮带、鞋带等束缚身体的物件,检查伤者有无呼吸,如有呼吸,抬高伤者的下颏转向身体一侧,检查口中有无分泌物堵塞呼吸道,如有,立即用食指和中指清the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 山东兴润建设有限公司 应急救援预案 除,之后,将伤者头部摆正并抬高下颏,保持呼吸道畅通。如无呼吸,则立即进行口对口呼吸和胸外按压术进行现场急救,帮助伤者恢复呼吸和心跳,并一直坚持到医务人员到达现场。机械伤害: 首先组织所属班组长、质检员、其他班组成员3---4人,采取现场最快、最安全的方法将伤者从受伤地点救出,采取至少3人的搬运方法将伤者搬运至平坦、通风的场地。伤者如处于清醒状态,立即进行现场止血。止血方法视伤者的具体情况采取指压止血法、加压止血法或止血带止血法进行现场止血。伤者如处于昏迷状态,立即将伤者抬至平坦、通风的场地,检查伤者的身体,有无断肢、骨折,并对骨折部位采取正确的方法进行临时固定,对出血部位进行止血,方法同上。伤者如处于休克状态,在确定伤者的肋骨及脊椎骨未受到伤害时,方可进行口对口呼吸和胸外按压术进行心脏复苏的方法进行现场急救,方法同触电伤害休克抢救方法,否则,必须三至四人的搬运方法将伤者搬运至最近的医院进行抢救。高空坠落: 首先组织所属班组长、质检员、其他班组成员3---4人,采取现场最快、最安全的方法将伤者从坠落地点救出,采取至少3人的搬运方法将伤者搬运至平坦、通风的场地。伤者如处于清醒状态,立即对伤者的身体进行检查或听取伤者的反应。如果有出血、骨折立即按照上述方法进行止血和对骨折部位进行临时固定。伤者如处于昏迷状 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi 第 7 页 staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 态,按照处理机械伤害昏迷的方法进行现场急救处理。伤者如处于休克状态,按照处理机械伤害休克的方法进行现场急救处理。土方坍塌: 首先组织所属班组长、质检员、其他班组成员3---4人,采取现场最快、最安全的方法将伤者从土方下救出,采取至少3人的搬运方法把伤者抬至平坦的场地,如果伤者处于清醒状态,立即对伤者的身体进行检查或听取伤者的反应。如果有出血、骨折立即按照上述方法进行止血和对骨折部位进行临时固定。伤者如处于昏迷状态,按照处理机械伤害昏迷的方法进行现场急救处理。伤者如处于休克状态,按照处理机械伤害休克的方法进行现场急救处理。 物体打击: 首先采取组织所属班组长、质检员、其他班组成员3---4人,采取现场最快、最安全的方法将伤者从受伤地点救出,采取至少3人的搬运方法将伤者搬运至平坦、通风的场地。如果伤者处于清醒状态,立即对伤者的身体进行检查或听取伤者的反应。如果有出血、骨折立即按照上述方法进行止血和对骨折部位进行临时固定。伤者如处于昏迷状态,按照处理机械伤害昏迷的方法进行现场急救处理。伤者如处于休克状态,按照处理机械伤害休克的方法进行现场急救处理。食物中毒: 首先立即组织所属班组长、质检员、其他班组成员3---4人,采取至少3人的搬运方法将伤者搬运至平坦、通风的场地。如果伤者处于清醒状态,立即对伤者的身体进行检查或听取伤者的反应。如果伤the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 山东兴润建设有限公司 应急救援预案 者处于昏迷状态,按照触电伤害急救的方法进行现场急救,如果伤者处于休克状态,按照触电伤害急救的方法进行现场急救。气体中毒: 首先立即组织所属班组长、质检员用湿手巾绑在口鼻处,至少3人进入伤者气体中毒的场所,质检员负责打开中毒场所的窗户,保持空气流畅,并负责关闭或熄灭有毒气体的气源。张建国组织采取至少3人的搬运方法将伤者搬运至平坦、通风的场地。如果伤者处于清醒状态,立即对伤者的身体进行检查或听取伤者的反应。如果伤者处于昏迷状态,按照触电伤害急救的方法进行现场急救,如果伤者处于休克状态,按照触电伤害急救的方法进行现场急救。在将伤者搬运出受伤的场所的过程中,由在搬运过程中进行防火监督,伤者受伤的场所严禁烟火,防止气体爆炸,伤及他人,扩大事态。火灾: 首先立即组织应急救援体系小组内各成员配合消防人员对火灾现场采取力所能及的灭火帮助,对受伤人员进行协助搬运抢救。 2.2.2 在急救人员到达事发现场后,由医务人员进行现场急救,安全员负责全面介绍伤者在急救人员到来之前,伤者的具体伤情及所采取的急救措施。 2.2.3 在急救人员将伤者转送医院后,安全员负责组织应急救援小组其他人员对事发现场进行封闭,保护好事发现场,并做好对发现事件、事故或紧急事件的人员和与伤者同作业面、同宿舍、事发前同伤者在 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi 第 9 页 staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 一起人员的笔录及详细做好整个事件、事故或紧急事件的发展过程的记录,保存好各项记录。 2.2.4积极配合相关主管部门对事件、事故或紧急事件的调查、处理。 2.2.5在事件、事故或紧急事件处理过程中,冠新生负责具体落实对施工现场制定类似事件、事故或紧急事件的预防措施和相关教育。 2.3技术负责人 2.3.1 吕祥成接到项目经理起动应急救援体系的通知后,在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,在了解实际情况后,在3分钟内电话通知120急救中心或火警119,电话内说明施工现场的具体位置、行车路线、受伤者的人数及伤者的伤害情况,并赶赴施工现场的的主要入口处等候120急救车,同时,在等候期间,按事件的性质,在必要的情况下,在3分钟内电话通知公安部门110报警。 2.3.2 冠新生在接到120急救车(110警车、消防车)后,立即陪同急救车辆和急救人员(警务人员、消防人员)到达事发现场。 2.3.3 在急救人员(警务人员、消防人员)进行现场急救和勘查阶段、灭火阶段,负责进行配合相关的工作。 2.3.4 在急救人员现场急救处理完后,吕祥成负责陪同急救人员到医院处理相关事宜。 2.3.5 余洋积极配合(项目经理)协调处理伤者后续事宜。 2.3.6负责积极配合相关主管部门对事件、事故或紧急事件的调查、处理。 2.3.7在事件、事故或紧急事件处理过程中,冠新生负责对具体落实the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 山东兴润建设有限公司 应急救援预案 对施工现场制定类似事件、事故或紧急事件的预防措施和相关教育进行监督检查。 2.4施工员 2.4.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,同时,吕祥成负责将急救药箱带至事发现场。 2.4.2在到达事发现场后,吕祥成负责疏散事发现场的围观与情绪紧张的工人,维持事发现场的秩序,为安全员余洋进行现场急救提供有序的环境,并尽量确保在急救过程中对事发现场不发生被破坏。 2.4.3 在安全员余洋组织相关人员将伤者从危险场所中搬运出来的过程中, 吕祥成(施工员)负责对搬运过程中的环境进行观察,在搬运过程中发现有不安全因素时,立即通知安全员余洋等相关人员立即进行退出,在采取防护措施搬运环境安全后方可进行搬运伤者的操作。 2.4.4 吕祥成积极配合(项目经理)协调处理伤者后续事宜。 2.4.5在急救人员将伤者转送医院后,吕祥成积极配合应急救援小组其他人员在安全员余洋的指挥下对事发现场进行封闭,保护好事发现场,并配合好安全员余洋做好对发现事件、事故或紧急事件的人员和与伤者同作业面、同宿舍、事发前同伤者在一起人员的笔录。 2.4.6积极配合相关主管部门对事件、事故或紧急事件的调查、处理。 2.5质检员 2.5.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,积极配合好安全员余洋做好各项急救的配合工作, the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi 第 11 页 staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 服从安全员余洋的各项安排。 2.5.2 胥新刚积极配合项目经理协调处理伤者后续事宜。 2.5.3在急救人员将伤者转送医院后,胥新刚积极配合应急救援小组其他人员在安全员余洋的指挥下对事发现场进行封闭,保护好事发现场,并配合好安全员余洋做好对发现事件、事故或紧急事件的人员和与伤者同作业面、同宿舍、事发前同伤者在一起人员的笔录。 2.6门卫 2.6.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,在5分钟内立即对施工现场的大门进行封闭,看好进人的小门,原地等候,为技术负责人张建国和急救车辆(警务车辆、消防车辆)出入施工现场保证道路畅通。 2.6.2做好施工现场出入登记工作,积极配合相关主管部门的调查、处理工作。 2.7保管员 2.7.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,杨文德在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,积极配合施工员做好事发现场的秩序维护及疏散人群的工作,并服从施工员吕祥成各项救援安排。 2.7.2在急救人员将伤者转送医院后,杨文德积极配合应急救援小组其他人员在安全员余洋的指挥下对事发现场进行封闭,保护好事发现场,并配合好安全员余洋做好对发现事件、事故或紧急事件的人员和与伤者同作业面、同宿舍、事发前同伤者在一起人员的笔录。 2.7.3 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 山东兴润建设有限公司 应急救援预案 2.8所属班组长 2.8.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,李保文在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,服从安全员余洋各项救援工作安排。 2.8.2 负责落实项目部制定的各项预防措施和相关教育。 2.8.3 李保文积极配合(项目经理)协调处理伤者后续事宜。 2.8.4积极配合相关主管部门对事件、事故或紧急事件的调查、处理。 2.9其他班组长 2.9.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,各班组长在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,服从安全员余洋各项救援工作安排。 2.9.2负责落实项目部制定的各项预防措施和相关教育。 2.9.3积极配合相关主管部门对事件、事故或紧急事件的调查、处理。 2.10资料员 2.10.1在接到项目经理起动应急救援体系小组的通知后,李化磊在10分钟内赶赴事发现场,服从安全员余洋各项救援工作安排。 2.10.2负责积极配合主管部门的各项调查工作,出示施工过程、管理过程中各项有关的记录,并收集好安全员所做各项笔录和记录。 2.10.3负责收集项目部制定的各项预防措施记录和相关教育记录。 六、救援预案的演练和预案的评价及修改 1、应急救援预案的演练 项目部应规定应急救援预案的定期演练的时间,比如在夏季炎热的气候下,做一次人员中暑后发生昏迷的预案演练,这是一次演练; the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi 第 13 页 staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 再比如在后期装修工程阶段,做一次人员触电后发生休克的的预案演练。演练的目地是提高项目部在发生事故、事件或紧急事件时的应急救援能力,这也是一种项目部综合实力的提高。 演练的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 按照下表进行编制。 应急救援预案的演练计划 序号 演练内容 演练时间 演练班组 负责人 备注 1、 胸部挤压法 2008.5.20 土建班组 杨俊松 2、 2、预案的评价及持续改进 预案演练时的记录采用公司的程序表格中给定的《演习记录表》,同时,有条件的项目部必须要进行摄像保存预案演练的过程,从中分析预案编制的是否全面,各岗位的分工是否合理,能否做到是否符合实际的情况,为预案的持续改进提供可靠依据。 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding
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