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炼油设备,废塑料炼油,废轮胎炼油设备炼油设备,废塑料炼油,废轮胎炼油设备 废塑料废轮胎炼油设备简介 一、处理原材料的范围广 1、工业及生活垃圾---废塑料;废塑料来源品种有塑料薄膜(包括塑料包装袋和农膜)、塑料丝及编织品、泡沫塑料制品、塑料包装箱及容器、电缆包覆料以及各种日用杂品、文体娱乐、卫生保健等日用塑料制品,其中薄膜、泡沫、包装箱及容器、编织、片材等塑料制品主要用于塑料包装。此外还有一些其它塑料包装制品(如塑料托盘)、农用塑料制品(如农用塑料节水器材)、装饰装修用塑料制品的报废率也较高。 塑料包装、电视机、洗衣机、电冰箱,电子通讯器材如...

炼油设备,废塑料炼油,废轮胎炼油设备 废塑料废轮胎炼油设备简介 一、处理原材料的范围广 1、工业及生活垃圾---废塑料;废塑料来源品种有塑料薄膜(包括塑料包装袋和农膜)、塑料丝及编织品、泡沫塑料制品、塑料包装箱及容器、电缆包覆料以及各种日用杂品、文体娱乐、卫生保健等日用塑料制品,其中薄膜、泡沫、包装箱及容器、编织、片材等塑料制品主要用于塑料包装。此外还有一些其它塑料包装制品(如塑料托盘)、农用塑料制品(如农用塑料节水器材)、装饰装修用塑料制品的报废率也较高。 塑料包装、电视机、洗衣机、电冰箱,电子通讯器材如电脑、手机、VCD、DVD、唱片、光盘等更新换代速度加快,每年报废数量急剧上升,带来了较为严重的环境问题塑料是家电产品的重要组成部分,每年由此产生的可再生塑料至少为15万t,如果再考虑到报废电子通讯器材的可再生塑料量,该数字约20多万吨。电子电器配套塑料配件用量已达100多万吨,在工业配套、信息、交通、航空航天等领域应用广泛,产品更新换代很快。随着这类产品逐渐进入大量报废期,成为废塑料的一个重要来源。 2、废橡胶轮胎 、废电缆皮; 3、废油(废柴油机油,废机油,废油渣等) 技术参考资料二、项目开发的前景 随着塑料工业的迅速发展,塑料制品的应用也越来越广,塑料的大量应用,在给人们的生活带来许多方便的同时,也造成了许多困扰。它在自然环境中很难分解,大量的废弃物造成了严重的环境污染。目前塑料废弃物主要的处理方法多为填埋、焚烧、废旧塑料的回收。但填埋和焚烧都会造成二次污染,而废旧塑料的回收范围却很有限,像生活垃圾废旧塑料和造纸厂的“随风飘”工业垃圾废塑料等,却无法回收利用。随着国际原油价格的不断上涨,利用废旧塑料提炼燃油受到了世界各国的重视,废旧塑料炼油即可避免废旧塑料对环境的污染,又可带来一定的经济效益。 国内用于废旧塑料炼油的设备多为立炉或卧炉,存在着炉体受热不均、裂解速度慢、炉体寿命短等缺陷.我公司经几年的研究和开发,沃博机械推出了新型高效环保系列机组和固体复合催化剂,该机组具有一下优势: 1、环保:主要是通过烟道冷却器和雾化除尘系统,达到除去灰尘的目的,除尘率可达到95%以上。 2、节能:炼制燃料油的过程中,有一些在常温、常压下液化不了的可燃气体,可通过废气回烧系统在反应釜底燃烧,即可避免气体污染,又可节约燃料。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 3、高效:炼制燃料油的反应釜为360度旋转结构,这种独特的结构,可使整个反应釜底均匀受热,不但可以增加反应釜寿命而且可以提高原料的裂解速度,再加上我公司开发的固体复合催化剂,使原料的裂解速度远远的超过了国内目前所使用的立炉和卧炉的速度。 技术参考资料三、产品系统简介 1(催化热裂解反应釜 该装置在设计上,彻底克服了国内目前立式及卧式釜受热不均匀、易断裂、产量低,使用寿命短等缺点。我公司设计的旋转釜克服了以上缺点,采用了卧式360度旋转结构,每分钟旋转1.2或1.0转,可使釜体整体受热,增加受热面积,提高了原材料的裂解速度。 2(出渣系统 目前国内生产的反应釜,由于是固定结构,所以出渣速度慢,出渣不干净等不利因素。而旋转釜其内部的独特设计,使出渣实现了全自动,具有出渣速度快,出渣干净等优势。 3(环保系统 烟尘:我公司设计的湿式烟道除尘和干式S形阻尘系统,配合脱硫除尘器,除尘率达95%以上,烟尘排放可达到GB 13271—2001相关 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 彻底解决了冒黑烟不环保的难题。 灰尘经湿式除尘室和干式S形阻尘室除去烟尘,达标排放,由于采用了引风机装置,所以烟筒可以是地埋式的。 废渣:废塑料通过催化热裂解后,会有一些固体残渣,约占废塑料重量的for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the Author: 青州seo 5%到10%左右。其主要组分是粗碳黑。可以作为生产工业碳黑的原料,也可以和以煤为原料的火力发电厂产生的粉煤灰混合,作为制造粉煤灰砖(一种环保型建筑材料)的原料。由于出灰渣时污染环境卫生,我们采用了国家专利出渣技术。 废水:在整个生产过程中,只有冷凝器和冷却器中用水,而它是起冷却作用,可以循环使用,水封里面由于1吨只产生50公斤的废水量小易处理可采用专用烟道余热进行中和处理。 4(废气回烧系统 在用废塑料、废橡胶炼制燃料油的过程中,有一些在常温、常压下液化不了的可燃气体,如直接排放可造成大气污染。我公司自主研制的中压废气燃烧器,很有效的解决了这一难题,废气通过水封和回火阻止器两道安全装置,在炉底充分燃烧,一方面可以防止大气污染,另一方面可节约大量的燃料 5(免蒸馏精制系统 经过我公司的这套免精馏精制系统处理出的塑料油,颜色为浅红色或浅黄色,很大程度上提高了塑料油的市场价格。这套系统的设备造价相对于目前市场上的蒸馏精制系统或减压蒸馏系统是其设备造价的1/4或1/5。 6. 最新的催化裂解油化技术 废塑料通常采用热解油化技术加以回收,即通过加热或加入一定的催化剂使废塑料分解。获和聚合单体、菜油、汽油和燃料油气、地蜡等。废塑料的热解油化不仅对环境无污染,又能有效地回收能源。可以说,废塑料热解油化就是为石油为原料的油油化学工业制造塑料制品的逆过程。我公司根据废塑料的成分不同,加入不同催化剂进行催化裂解,同国内热裂解油化技术生产相比,增加了出油率,提高了油品质量。 1、废塑料由于组成不同,其裂解行为也各不相同,聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)和聚苯乙烯(PS)在300-400?这间几乎全部分解。而聚氯乙烯(PVC)在200-300?和300-400?分两段分解。行在较低温度下释放出HCL、并产生多烃,然后再在 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organAuthor: 寿光seo izations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 较高温度一进一步分解。由于HCL对设备具有一定的腐蚀性,而且影响裂解催化剂和使用寿命和柴油、汽油的质量。因此裂解原料中一般要求聚氯乙烯废塑料含量不超过30%。 2、催化裂解产物,不同塑料由于分子结构差别很大,因而催化热解产物的组成和回收率也不相同。一般,热分解生成四类产物:烃类气体(C1-C5)、油品(汽油碳分子数为C5-C11,柴油碳分子数为C12-C20,重油碳分子数为C20)、石蜡和焦炭。 技术参考资料 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the Author: 青州seo 四、效益分析 以W2214D型机组一天的情况为例:(日处理8吨原材料) 序号 原材料 废旧轮胎 1 原料费用 8吨*1400元/吨=11200元 2 催化剂费用 8吨*20元/吨=160元 3 人工费 5人*100元/天=500元 4 燃料费 300元(废气可替代部分燃料) 5 水电费 200元 6 其他支出 50元 7 综合成本 12410元 8 油品利润 8吨*42%*3800元/吨=12768元 9 钢丝利润 8吨*13%*1400元/吨=1456元 10 碳黑利润 8吨*35%*230元/吨=644元 11 综合利润 14568 元 12 日净利润 14568-12110=2458元 13 月净利 2458*25天/月=61450元 14 年利润(11个月计算) 61450*11个月=67.595万 以W-5型真空精馏一天的情况为例:(日处理5吨原材料) 序号 原材料 废塑料的粗油为例 1 原料费用 5吨废塑料的粗油(出油率90%)5吨*3800.00元/吨=19000.00元 2 水电费用 20千瓦/小时*0.70元/千瓦*15小时=210.00元 3 人工费 2人*100元/天=200元 4 燃料费 用煤0.15吨*800.00元/吨*5吨粗油=600.00元 5 设备折旧 50元 6 其他支出 50元 7 综合成本 20110元 8 油品利润 5吨*90%*6000元/吨=27000元 9 每天利润 27000元/天,20110元/天,6890元 10 每月利润 6890元/天*25天,172250元 11 年利润(11个月计算) 1739725元 根据以上分析计算表明:利用废塑胶的粗油和废机油、废原油作为原料深加工,在技术上先进可行,投资少,原料多,收效快,前景好。是投资办厂的最佳选择。 技术参考资料 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organAuthor: 寿光seo izations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the
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