首页 2014生产车间奖惩制度



2014生产车间奖惩制度2014生产车间奖惩制度 武汉力登维生产包装部奖惩制度 为了严肃厂纪厂规,确保生产正常运作,特制定本管理制度,所有车间成员均须遵守。 1、上班时按要求穿戴好工作服、工作牌,不允许穿短裤、拖鞋、赤背或衣帽不整, 违者罚款10元。 2、凡录入指纹信息的员工,上下班必须打卡,公司规定上下班时间晚到或早走15分钟以内的员工视为迟到、早退;违者罚款20元; 未请假或请假未批准,无故不到岗,上班迟到或提前下班1小时以上者,按旷工半日处理,超过半日按一日算,并按公司规章制度处罚,连续旷工三个工作日或全年旷工累计5个工作日...

2014生产车间奖惩 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 武汉力登维生产包装部奖惩制度 为了严肃厂纪厂规,确保生产正常运作,特制定本 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,所有车间成员均须遵守。 1、上班时按要求穿戴好工作服、工作牌,不允许穿短裤、拖鞋、赤背或衣帽不整, 违者罚款10元。 2、凡录入指纹信息的员工,上下班必须打卡,公司规定上下班时间晚到或早走15分钟以内的员工视为迟到、早退;违者罚款20元; 未请假或请假未批准,无故不到岗,上班迟到或提前下班1小时以上者,按旷工半日处理,超过半日按一日算,并按公司规章制度处罚,连续旷工三个工作日或全年旷工累计5个工作日者,予以免职或辞退 3、上班后任何人不得擅自离岗,如有私事要求离岗者,须事先向车间主任申请并填写请假条,经批准方可离岗,离岗时间不得超过30分钟,超过30分钟按事假处理,未请假者(包括请假没写请假条者)或请假未得到主管同意,擅自离岗者按旷工处理。 4、无故串岗、离岗、聊天说笑、看书看报、打电话、吃零食、追赶打闹者罚款20元,(特别是班组长无故脱岗、擅自脱离生产现场者,罚款50-100元,造成严重后果的,加倍罚款并追究相关责任),对班组员工脱岗时间较长者,且造成严重后果的,视情节罚款200-500元或予以解雇。 5、 在车间内不服从管理者,生产过程中与车间管理人员争吵,或与其他职工相互打骂,吵闹,违者一次罚款50元,并做检查,态度不好或一个季度内发生两次者予以解雇。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 6、上班期间不得睡觉,发现一次每人罚款100元,班组长起连带责任同时罚款50元,并做检讨。 7、车间内严禁吸烟,违者每次罚款500元。造成危害者,追究其经济、行政及刑事责任,并予以解雇。 8、完不成当日工作任务的工序或班组不能下班,直到完成。晚上加班者不记加班费,完不成任务强走者或不服从调遣者每次罚款50元。 9、生产车间严禁带小孩或无关外人进入车间,违者对相关当事人罚款50元。 10、严禁跨越或坐在任何设备部位,严禁随意拆除、挪动设备。违者,每次罚款50元。 11、车间卫生由各班组负责打扫,设备、桌凳及半成品要摆放整齐。打扫不干净,每次对组长罚款10元,对操作者罚款10元。 12、操作机器要切实做到人离关机,停止使用时要及时切断水源、电源,节约水、电。下班或交班前,应检查确认本人的工作及其环境已作妥善处理;必须检查确认需要关闭的水、电已关好,门窗已关好,其它安全措施已做好后方可离开。违者每次罚款20元。 13、未按正确操作规程操做罚款50元,未按正确的设备操作规程操作,导致设备损、无法使用或修复者,根据损失金额赔偿或全额赔偿, 14、中午、下午和夜班下班各车间班组负责人负责关好门窗,关闭电源。违者每次对直接责任人罚款20元,班长负连带责任罚款10元。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 武汉力登维汽车部件有限公司 ARMSTRONG ODENWALD TECHNOLOGY (WUHAN)CO.,LTD 15、车间各班组严格按照生产计划执行生产,根据车间设备状况和人员,精心组织生产,生产工作分工不分家,各生产班组须完成本组日常生产任务,但如人手不足可经车间主任协调从其他班组临时调配;调配人员必须服从该班组长的安排调遣,日常生产任务以外的工作也须服从车间主任和班长的安排调遣。违者每次处以100元罚款,严重不服从者予以开除。 16、车间如遇到原辅材料、包装材料不符合规定,有权拒绝生产,并报告主管领导。如继续生产造成损失,后果由车间班组负责。 17、员工在生产过程中应严格按照质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、工艺规程和标准进行操作,不得擅自提高或降低标准,在操作的同时班组长并作好记录,生产班组长统计数据不清,造成大额超量生产或欠单生产者,责任人处以50元罚款。班组长负连带责任,造成较大经济损失、安全事故者将交公司处罚。 18、任何人不得携带易燃、易爆、易腐烂、浓气味等违禁物品、危险品或与生产无关之物品进入车间违者视情节处50-100罚款,情节严重者将追究法律责任。 19、员工领取原材料必须依据主管领导开具的领料单到仓库处领料,任何人不得私自拿取原材料。违者罚款30-50元/次。 20、生产员工书面形式提出合理建议并被采纳者每条次奖励20-100元,如果建议被实施后给公司带来巨大便利或经济效益时,经测算按经济效益的一定比例追加奖励。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with o3 rthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 21、不得私自携带公司内任何物品出厂(除特殊情况经领导批准 外),若有此行为且经查实者,将予以辞退并扣发一个月工资。 22、对恶意破坏公司财产或盗窃行为(不论公物或他人财产)者, 不论价值多少一律交公司总经办处理。视情节轻重,无薪开除并依照 盗窃之物价款两倍赔偿或送公安机关处理。 23、关于公司打卡规定: 班次 工作时间 休息时间 打卡时间 常白班 上午:7:40 7:40---17:00 11:30-12:30 中午(11:30-11:40)-----(11:45-12:30) 下午:17:00 白班 上午:7:40 7:40---16:00 11:30---12:00 中午(11:30-11:40)-----(11:45-12:00) 下午:16:00 中班 16:00---24:00 20:00---20:30 下午:15:40-16:00,晚上:24:00 夜班 24:00---次日8:00 03:30-----04:00 晚上:23:40—24:00,次日早晨:8:00 24、关于周六周日加班管理规定 加班原则:公司鼓励员工在每天8小时工作内完成本职工作,不鼓励 加班;确因工作需要加班需提前上报,部长确认主管领导批准; 生 产、包装加班则按照工时的双倍计算。 25、周六周日请假是否扣全勤原则: (1) 生产包装部全体加班,视为正常上班,请假则扣全勤奖. (2) 生产、包装部分岗位休息,大部分工序上班,请假则扣全勤奖 (3) 加班人数少于15人请假不扣全勤。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 武汉力登维汽车部件有限公司 ARMSTRONG ODENWALD TECHNOLOGY (WUHAN)CO.,LTD 生产包装部 2014年3月22日 编制: 审核: 审批 5 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project
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