首页 GB50052-95《供配电系统设计规范



GB50052-95《供配电系统设计规范GB50052-95《供配电系统设计规范 《供配电系统设计规范》,,,,,,,,,, 第一章 总则 .................................................................................................................... 2 第二章 负荷分级及供电要求 ..............................................................................

GB50052-95《供配电系统设计规范 《供配电系统设计规范》,,,,,,,,,, 第一章 总则 .................................................................................................................... 2 第二章 负荷分级及供电要求 ............................................................................................ 2 第三章 电源及供电系统 ................................................................................................... 3 第四章 电压选择和电能质量 ............................................................................................ 4 第五章 无功补偿 ............................................................................................................. 5 第六章 低压配电 ............................................................................................................. 6 附录一 名词解释 ............................................................................................................. 7 when provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. received a protective earthing grounding protection of low-voltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the meter 第一章 总则 第1.0.1条 为使供配电系统设计贯彻执行国家的技术经济政策,做到保障人身安全,供电可靠,技术先进和经济合理,制订本规范。 第1.0.2条 本规范适用于110KV及以下的供配电系统新建和扩建工程的设计。 第1.0.3条 供配电系统设计必须从全局出发,统筹兼顾,按照负荷性质、用电容量、工程特点和地区供电条件,合理确定设计方案。 第1.0.4条 供配电系统设计应根据工程特点、规模和发展规划,做到远近期结合,以近期为主。 第1.0.5条 供配电系统设计应采用符合国家现行有关标准的效率高、能耗低、性能先进的电气产品。 第1.0.6条 供配电系统设计除应遵守本规范外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准和规范的规定。 第二章 负荷分级及供电要求 第2.0.1条 电力负荷应根据对供电可靠性的要求及中断供电在政治、经济上所造成损失或影响的程度进行分级,并应符合下列规定: 一、符合下列情况之一时,应为一级负荷: ,(中断供电将造成人身伤亡时。 ,(中断供电将在政治、经济上造成重大损失时。例如:重大设备损坏、重大产品报废、用重要原料生产的产品大量报废、国民经济中重点企业的连续生产过程被打乱需要长时间才能恢复等。 ,(中断供电将影响有重大政治、经济意义的用电单位的正常工作。例如:重要交通枢纽、重要通信枢纽、重要宾馆、大型体育场馆、经常用于国际活动的大量人员集中的公共场所等用电单位中的重要电力负荷。在一级负荷中,当中断供电将发生中毒、爆炸和火灾等情况的负荷,以及特别重要场所的不允许中断供电的负荷,应视为特别重要的负荷。 二、符合下列情况之一时,应为二级负荷: ,(中断供电将在政治、经济上造成较大损失时。例如:主要设备损坏、大量产品报废、连续生产过程被打乱需较长时间才能恢复、重点企业大量减产等。 ,(中断供电将影响重要用电单位的正常工作。例如:交通枢纽、通信枢纽等用电单位中的重要电力负荷,以及中断供电将造成大型影剧院、大型商场等较多人员集中的重要的公共场所秩序混乱。 三、不属于一级和二级负荷者应为三级负荷。 第2.0.2条 一级负荷的供电电源应符合下列规定: 一、一级负荷应由两个电源供电;当一个电源发生故障时,另一个电源不应同时受到损坏。 二、一级负荷中特别重要的负荷,除由两个电源供电外,尚应增设应急电源,并严禁将其它负荷接入应急供电系统。 第2.0.3条 下列电源可作为应急电源: 一、独立于正常电源的发电机组。 二、供电网络中独立于正常电源的专用的馈电线路。 三、蓄电池。 d indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging onel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, anersonmain line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the p stem grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between theent syx, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrumould be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (bories grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground shvoltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the se-ve earthing grounding protection of low.2 received a protectiwhen provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. meter unit debugging in the meter assingcessed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After p1.2 provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be pro.1.11.ute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. 5irements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolf requ 《供配电系统设计规范》,,,,,,,,,, 四、干电池。 第2.0.4条 根据允许中断供电的时间可分别选择下列应急电源: 一、允许中断供电时间为15s以上的供电,可选用快速自启动的发电机组。 二、自投装置的动作时间能满足允许中断供电时间的,可选用带有自动投入装置的独立于正常电源的专用馈电线路。 三、允许中断供电时间为毫秒级的供电,可选用蓄电池静止型不间断供电装置、蓄电池机械贮能电机型不间断供电装置或柴油机不间断供电装置。 第2.0.5条 应急电源的工作时间,应按生产技术上要求的停车时间考虑。当与自动启动的发电机组配合使用时,不宜少于10min。 第2.0.6条 二级负荷的供电系统,宜由两回线路供电。在负荷较小或地区供电条件困难时,二级负荷可由一回6KV及以上专用的架空线路或电缆供电。当采用架空线时,可为一回架空线供电;当采用电缆线路时,应采用两根电缆组成的线路供电,其每根电缆应能承受100%的二级负荷。 第三章 电源及供电系统 第3.0.1条 符合下列情况之一时,用电单位宜设置自备电源: 一、需要设置自备电源作为一级负荷中特别重要负荷的应急电源时或第二电源不能满足一级负荷的条件时。 二、设置自备电源较从电力系统取得第二电源经济合理时。 三、有常年稳定余热、压差、废气可供发电,技术可靠、经济合理时。 四、所在地区偏僻,远离电力系统,设置自备电源经济合理时。 第3.0.2条 应急电源与正常电源之间必须采取防止并列运行的措施。 第3.0.3条 供配电系统的设计,除一级负荷中特别重要负荷外,不应按一个电源系统检修或故障的同时另一电源又发生故障进行设计。 第3.0.4条 需要两回电源线路的用电单位,宜采用同级电压供电。但根据各级负荷的不同需要及地区供电条件,亦可采用不同电压供电。 第3.0.5条 有一级负荷的用电单位难以从地区电力网取得两个电源而有可能从邻近单位取得第二电源时,宜从该单位取得第二电源。 第3.0.6条 同时供电的两回及以上供配电线路中一回路中断供电时,其余线路应能满足全部一级负荷及二级负荷。 第3.0.7条 供电系统应简单可靠,同一电压供电系统的变配电级数不宜多于两级。 第3.0.8条 高压配电系统宜采用放射式。根据变压器的容量、分布及地理环境等情况,亦可采用树干式或环式。 第3.0.9条 据负荷的容量和分布,配变电所宜靠近负荷中心。当配电电压为35KV时亦可采用直降至220~380V配电电压。 第3.0.10条 在用电单位内部邻近的变电所之间宜设置低压联络线。 第3.0.11条 小负荷的用电单位宜接入地区低压电网。 hould figuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument sbugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by conent de1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrumg bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.undinsignal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grogrounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the en twounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space betweelectrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grovoltage -.2 received a protective earthing grounding protection of lowwhen provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the trument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions relatedf inserrors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing o has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basic 第四章 电压选择和电能质量 第4.0.1条 用电单位的供电电压应根据用电容量、用电设备特性、供电距离、供电线路的回路数、当地公共电网现状及其发展规划等因素,经技术经济比较确定。 第4.0.2条 当供电电压为35KV及以上时,用电单位的一级配电电压应采用10KV;当6KV用电设备的总容量较大,选用6KV经济合理时,宜采用6KV。低压配电电压应采用220~380V。 第4.0.3条 当供电电压为35KV,能减少配变电级数、简化结线,及技术经济合理时,配电电压宜采用35KV。 第4.0.4条 正常运行情况下,用电设备端子处电压偏差允许值(以额定电压的百分数 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示)宜符合下列要求: 一、电动机为?,,。 二、照明:在一般工作场所为?5%;对于远离变电所的小面积一般工作场所,难以满足上述要求时,可为,5%、,10%;应急照明、道路照明和警卫照明等为,5%、,10%。 三、其它用电设备当无特殊规定时为?5%。 第4.0.5条 供配电系统的设计为减小电压偏差,应符合下列要求: 一、正确选择变压器的变压比和电压分接头。 二、降低系统阻抗。 三、采取补偿无功功率措施。 四、宜使三相负荷平衡。 第4.0.6条 计算电压偏差时,应计入采取下列措施后的调压效果: 一、自动或手动调整并联补偿电容器、并联电抗器的接入容量。 二、自动或手动调整同步电动机的励磁电流。 三、改变供配电系统运行方式。 第4.0.7条 变电所中的变压器在下列情况之一时,应采用有载调压变压器: 一、35KV以上电压的变电所中的降压变压器,直接向35KV、10(6)KV电网送电时。 二、35KV降压变电所的主变压器,在电压偏差不能满足要求时。 第4.0.8条 10(6)KV配电变压器不宜采用有载调压变压器;但在当地10(6)KV电源电压偏差不能满足要求,且用电单位有对电压要求严格的设备,单独设置调压装置技术经济不合理时,亦可采用10(6)KV有载调压变压器。 第4.0.9条 电压偏差应符合用电设备端电压的要求,35KV以上电网的有载调压宜实行逆调压方式。逆调压的范围宜为额定电压的0,,5%。 第4.0.10条 对冲击性负荷的供电需要降低冲击性负荷引起的电网电压波动和电压闪变(不包括电动机启动时允许的电压下降)时,宜采取下列措施: 一、采用专线供电。 二、与其它负荷共享配电线路时,降低配电线路阻抗。 三、较大功率的冲击性负荷或冲击性负荷群与对电压波动、闪变敏感的负荷分别由不同的变压器供电。 四、对于大功率电弧炉的炉用变压器由短路容量较大的电网供电。 第4.0.11条 控制各类非线性用电设备所产生的谐波引起的电网电压正弦波形畸变率,宜采取下列措施: 一、各类大功率非线性用电设备变压器由短路容量较大的电网供电。 二、对大功率静止整流器,采取下列措施: assingcessed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After p1.2 provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be pro.1.11.ute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. 5irements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolf requd indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging onel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, anersonmain line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the p stem grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between theent syx, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrumould be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (bories grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground shvoltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the se-ve earthing grounding protection of low.2 received a protectiwhen provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. meter unit debugging in the meter 《供配电系统设计规范》,,,,,,,,,, ,(提高整流变压器二次侧的相数和增加整流器的整流脉冲数。 ,(多台相数相同的整流装置,使整流变压器的二次侧有适当的相角差。 ,(按谐波次数装设分流滤波器。 三、选用D,yn11结线组别的三相配电变压器。 注:D,yn11结线组别的三相配电变压器是指表示其高压绕组为三角形、低压绕组为星形且 11”结线组别的三相配电变压器。 有中性点和“ 第4.0.12条 设计低压配电系统时宜采取下列措施,降低三相低压配电系统的不对称度。 一、220V或380V单相用电设备接入220V~380V三相系统时,宜使三相平衡。 二、由地区公共低压电网供电的220V照明负荷,线路电流小于或等于30A时,可采用220V单相供电;大于30A时,宜以220V~380V三相四线制供电。 第五章 无功补偿 第5.0.1条 供配电设计中应正确选择电动机、变压器的容量,降低线路感抗。当工艺条 件适当时,宜采取采用同步电动机或选用带空载切除的间歇工作制设备等,提高用电单位自然功率因数的措施。 第5.0.2条 当采用提高自然功率因子措施后,仍达不到电网合理运行要求时,应采用并联电力电容器作为无功补偿装置。当经过技术经济比较,确认采用同步电动机作为无功补偿装置合理时,可采用同步电动机。 第5.0.3条 采用电力电容器作为无功补偿装置时,宜就地平衡补偿,低压部分的无功功率宜由低压电容器补偿;高压部分的无功功率宜由高压电容器补偿。容量较大,负荷平稳且经常使用的用电设备的无功功率宜单独就地补偿。补偿基本无功功率的电容器组,宜在配变电所内集中补偿。在环境正常的车间内,低压电容器宜分散补偿。 第5.0.4条 无功补偿容量宜按无功功率曲线或无功补偿计算方法确定。 第5.0.5条 无功补偿装置的投切方式,具有下列情况之一时,宜采用手动投切的无功补偿装置。 一、补偿低压基本无功功率的电容器组。 二、常年稳定的无功功率。 三、经常投入运行的变压器或配、变电所内投切次数较少的高压电动机及高压电容器组。 第5.0.6条 无功补偿装置的投切方式,具有下列情况之一时,宜装设无功自动补偿装置。 一、避免过补偿,装设无功自动补偿装置在经济上合理时。 二、避免在轻载时电压过高,造成某些用电设备损坏,而装设无功自动补偿装置在经济上合理时。 三、只有装设无功自动补偿装置才能满足在各种运行负荷的情况下的电压偏差允许值时。 第5.0.7条 当采用高、低压自动补偿装置效果相同时,宜采用低压自动补偿装置。 第5.0.8条 无功自动补偿的调节方式,宜根据下列原则确定: 一、以节能为主进行补偿时,采用无功功率参数调节;当三相负荷平衡时,亦可采用功率因子参数调节。 二、提供维持电网电压水平所必要的无功功率及以减少电压偏差为主进行补偿者,应按电压参数调节,但已采用变压器自动调压者除外。 三、无功功率随时间稳定变化时,按时间参数调节。 第5.0.9条 电容器分组时,应满足下列要求: 一、分组电容器投切时,不应产生谐振。 has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basichould figuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument sbugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by conent de1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrumg bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.undinsignal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grogrounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the en twounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space betweelectrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grovoltage -.2 received a protective earthing grounding protection of lowwhen provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the trument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions relatedf inserrors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing o 二、适当减少分组组数和加大分组容量。 三、应与配套设备的技术参数相适应。 四、应满足电压偏差的允许范围。 第5.0.10条 接在电动机控制设备侧电容器的额定电流,不应超过电动机励磁电流的0.9倍;其馈电线和过电流保护装置的整定值,应按电动机,电容器组的电流确定。 第5.0.11条 高压电容器组宜串联适当参数的电抗器。低压电容器组宜加大投切容量或采用专用投切接触器。当受谐波量较大的用电设备影响的线路上装设电容器组时,宜串联电抗器。 第六章 低压配电 第6.0.1条 压配电电压应采用220~380V。带电导体系统的型式宜采用单相二线制、两相三线制、三相三线制和三相四线制。 第6.0.2条 在正常环境的车间或建筑物内,当大部分用电设备为中小容量,且无特殊要求时,宜采用树干式配电。 第6.0.3条 当用电设备为大容量,或负荷性质重要,或在有特殊要求的车间、建筑物内,宜采用放射式配电。 第6.0.4条 当部分用电设备距供电点较远,而彼此相距很近、容量很小的次要用电设备,可采用链式配电,但每一回路环链设备不宜超过5台,其总容量不宜超过10KW。容量较小用电设备的插座,采用链式配电时,每一条环链回路的设备数量可适当增加。 第6.0.5条 在高层建筑物内,当向楼层各配电点供电时,宜采用分区树干式配电;但部分较大容量的集中负荷或重要负荷,应从低压配电室以放射式配电。 第6.0.6条 平行的生产流水线或互为备用的生产机组,根据生产要求,宜由不同的回路配电;同一生产流水线的各用电设备,宜由同一回路配电。 第6.0.7条 在TN及TT系统接地型式的低压电网中,宜选用D,yn11结线组别的三相变压器作为配电变压器。 注:,,系统在此系统内,电源有一点与地直接连接,负荷侧电气装置的外露可导电部分则 PE线)与该点连接。其定义应符合现行国家标准《电力装置的接地设计规范》通过保护线( TT系统在此系统内,电源有一点与地直接连接,负荷侧电气装置的外露可导电部的规定。 分连接的接地极和电源的接地极无电气联系。其定义应符合现行国家标准《电力装置的接地 设计规范》的规定。 第6.0.8条 在TN及TT系统接地型式的低压电网中,当选用Y,yn0结线组别的三相变压器时,其由单相不平衡负荷引起的中性线电流不得超过低压绕组额定电流的25%,且其一相的电流在满载时不得超过额定电流值。 注:Y,yn0结线组别的三相变压器是指表示其高压绕组为星形、低压绕组亦为星形且有中 0”结线组别的三相变压器。 性点和“ 第6.0.9条 当采用220~380V的TN及TT系统接地型式的低压电网时,照明和其它电力设备宜由同一台变压器供电。必要时亦可单独设置照明变压器供电。 第6.0.10条 由建筑物外引入的配电线路,应在室内靠近进线点便于操作维护的地方装设隔离电器。 1.2 provides high quality circuit testing of instrument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be pro.1.11.ute, not should over was school instrument basic errors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. 5irements, standard instrument instrument should has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolf requd indoor environment requirements and the by configuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging onel qualification set instrument debugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, anersonmain line should be insulated to each other. 5.1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the p stem grounding, should receive separate grounding bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between theent syx, frame) within the protective earthing, of the signal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrumould be less than 4 ω, and the space between two grounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (bories grounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground shvoltage electrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the se-ve earthing grounding protection of low.2 received a protectiwhen provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. meter unit debugging in the meter assingcessed in a timely manner; for questions related to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After p 《供配电系统设计规范》,,,,,,,,,, 附录一 名词解释 本规范用名词 曾用名词 解 释 一级负荷中特别重要中断供电将发生中毒、爆炸和火灾等情况的负荷,以及特 的负荷 别重要场所的不允许中断供电的负荷 在正常电源发生故障情况下,为确保一级负荷中特别重要应急电源 负荷的供电电源 供配电系统改变运行方式和负荷缓慢地变化使供配电系 统各点的电压也随之变化,各点的实际电压与系统额定电电压偏差 电压偏移 压之差?,称为电压偏差。电压偏差?,也常用与系统额 定电压的比值,以百分数表示 逆调压方式就是负荷大时电网电压向高调,负荷小时电网逆调压方式 电压向低调,以补偿电网的电压损失 一系列的电压变动或电压包络线的周期性变动,电压的最电压波动 大值与最小值之差与系统额定电压的比值以百分数表示, 其变化速度等于或大于每秒0.2%时称为电压波动 负荷急剧的波动造成供配电系统瞬时电压升降,照度随之电压闪变 急剧变化,使人眼对灯闪感到不适,这种现象称为电压闪 变 不对称度是衡量多相负荷平衡状态的指针。多相系统的电 压负序分量与电压正序分量之比值称为电压不对称度;电不对称度 流负序分量与电流正序分量之比值称为电流不对称度;均 以百分数表示 电压正弦波形畸变率 ,,,,,,/,,??,,,,,,(,) 电压正弦波形畸变率 式中 ,,——,,,z基波电压; ,,——,次谐波电压 当用电设备投入运行时所需的最小无功功率。如该用电设 备有空载运行的可能,则基本无功功率即为其空载无功功基本无功功率 率。如其最小运行方式为轻负荷运行,则基本无功功率为 在此轻负荷情况下的无功功率 ent de1.11 instrument debugging engineering debugging environment and the personnel qualification set instrumg bus bar; the ground straps, the grounding of General main line, between the main line should be insulated to each other. 5.undinsignal circuit grounding, grounding and shielding intrinsically safe instrument system grounding, should receive separate grogrounding electrode must be greater than 5M. instrument panel (box, frame) within the protective earthing, of the en twounded. protection of grounding resistance of ground and signal ground should be less than 4 ω, and the space betweelectrical equipment in electrical engineering online, the connection should be solid and reliable, should not the series grovoltage -.2 received a protective earthing grounding protection of lowwhen provisions of grounding should be directly associated with the grounding connection of the equipment grounding. to system configuration to assist processing configuration engineer. After passing the meter unit debugging in the trument builders. Circuit testing exposed problems in the process must be processed in a timely manner; for questions relatedf inserrors absolute of 1/3, debugging personnel should holding card induction. provides high quality circuit testing o has effective of identification qualified certificate, its basic errors absolute, not should over was school instrument basichould figuration of standard instrument equipment must meet engineering debugging of requirements, standard instrument instrument sbugging between and the instrument equipment warehouse, its workshop area, and indoor environment requirements and the by con
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