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农村义务教育现状调查报告农村义务教育现状调查报告 2008-02-12 15:14 一、引 言 毋庸直言,新世纪的中国农业和农村经济发展正处在非常重要的时期。目前,我国农业在总体上实现了温饱、进入小康的前两步目标,已经开始向基本实现农业现代化的战略目标迈进。然而,中国农村的现状却令人担忧。目前,我国农民整体素质较低,难以适应现代化农业需要的状况,这将成为阻碍我国农业进一步发展的最大障碍。这样,如何培养大批安心在农村的专业人才和具有较高素质的农村劳动者,适应农村经济改革和社会发展的需要,就成为农村教育改革和发展的重要任务。而农村教育改...

农村义务教育现状调查报告 2008-02-12 15:14 一、引 言 毋庸直言,新世纪的中国农业和农村经济发展正处在非常重要的时期。目前,我国农业在总体上实现了温饱、进入小康的前两步目标,已经开始向基本实现农业现代化的战略目标迈进。然而,中国农村的现状却令人担忧。目前,我国农民整体素质较低,难以适应现代化农业需要的状况,这将成为阻碍我国农业进一步发展的最大障碍。这样,如何培养大批安心在农村的专业人才和具有较高素质的农村劳动者,适应农村经济改革和社会发展的需要,就成为农村教育改革和发展的重要任务。而农村教育改革和发展的重要内容就是普及农村义务教育。 应当承认,新中国成立半个世纪以来,尤其是改革开放以来,国家相继作出了《关于教育体制改革的决定》,颁布了《中华人民共和国义务教育法》等一系列法律和法规,采取了行之有效的政策措施,促使我国农村义务教育事业长足发展,为农村培养了一大批有文化的劳动者,但是,由于受传统教育的影响,长期以来,农村教育结构单一,职业教育和成人教育薄弱,教学内容缺乏地方特色,一些地方往往把升学教育作为教育工作唯一追求的目标,忽视回乡参加生产劳动的大批中小学毕业生对生产知识和技术的需要,结果少数升了学的学生再也不回本地了;而回乡参加生产劳动的中小学毕业生,又在思想、心理、技术、劳动技能上缺乏准备。于是,造成了这样的结果:投入农业生产第一线越早的人,往往文化水平较低(文盲、半文盲,小学、初中流失生或毕业生),农Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 村吸收运用科学技术的能力较弱,贫困地区尤其突出。在农村教育管理体制上,长期是教育部门一家管教育,对农村的需要考虑较少,致使农村教育与当地生产和群众生活脱节,造成教育在育人、促进经济发展、推动社会全面进步的功能得不到充分发挥,影响了广大农民参与办学和送子女入学的积极性。科教兴国是中国的基本国策,没有农业、农村的现代化,国家的现代化就是一句空话,而实现农业、农村现代化的关键在科技,基础是教育。任何一个取消绝对平均主义政策的社会,人口素质的差异都将直接导致效率的差异,进而导致收入结果的差异。 二、调查方式 我们选择了访谈式的调查方式,问卷式调查用于收集标准化的定量资料,访谈式调查用于收集非标准化的无结构的定性资料。但是我们得到丰富的、个性化的信息,有价值的谈话记录下来。本次调查我们采用访谈法,正式想通过这种面对面的交谈的方式,探询我县义务教育现状。 在访谈人群选择上,我们依教育主体中心,采取发散的方式,寻找可以影响到乡村义务教育的各大主体。我们分别和家长、学生、教师进行了访谈。 三、被调查者对教育费用的负担能力及评价 ? 关于家庭在xxx年全年中支出最多的项目。7.37%的被调查者反映是购买化肥、种子、农药等生产性支出,25.70%的被调查者反映是吃穿用等生活性支出,51.39%的被调查者反映的是教育支出,9.76%的被调查者反映是住房及医疗支出,5.78%的被调查者反映是其它支出(可填空)。Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 可以看出,教育支出的在大多数被调查者的家庭支出中排在首位,农民的教育费用负担比较大,远远高于农业生产、吃穿用、和住房与医疗费用等支出项目。在其它项目中多为大比非农产业投资,如购买汽车、机器等。如表所示: 家庭在xxx年全年中支出最多的项目 购买化肥、种子、农药等生产性支出 吃穿用等生活性支出 教育支出 住房及医疗支出 其它支出 人数 37 129 258 49 29 比例 7.37% 25.70% 51.39% 9.76% 5.78% ? 关于目前义务教育收费的合理性评价。23.90%的被调查者认为小学合理,初中过高,13.75%的被调查者认为小学过高,初中合理,45.22%的被调查者认为都过高,17.13的被调查者认为都比较合理。综合比较,认为收费都过高的被调查者的比例高于认为都比较合理地方被调查者,认为小学收费合理的被调查者占41.03%,认为初中收费合理的被调查者占30.88%,认为小学收费过高的占58.97%,认为初中收费过高的占71.12%。可以看出,总体上还是认为过高,义务教育收费还是被调查者意见比较大、比较多的问题。如表所示: 目前义务教育收费的合理性评价 小学合理,初中过高 小学过高,初中合理 都过高 都比较合理 人 数 120 69 227 86 比 例 23.90% 13.75% 45.22% 17.13% ? 关于家庭中义务教育费用不能及时缴纳时的采取的办法。57.76%的Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 被调查者的家庭向亲友求助借贷,8.37%的被调查者的家庭请求学校批准缓交,4.18%的被调查者的家庭请求政府帮助,3.59%的被调查者的家庭选择让受教育者辍学,15.34%的被调查者的家庭想其它办法,10.76%的被调查者的家庭不借贷或没有这项支出。这表明89.24%的被调查者的家庭中存在缴费困难,并且大多积极争取解决,或以自己借贷的方式解决,或找学校、政府帮助。只有3.59%的被调查者的家庭是在缴费困难时采取消极态度,选择让受教育者辍学。 家庭中义务教育 费用不能及时缴 纳时向亲友求助借贷 请求学校批准缓交 请求政府帮助 让受教育者辍学 想其它办法 不借贷或没有这项支出 人数 290 42 21 18 77 54 比例 57.76% 8.37% 4.18% 3.59% 15.34% 10.76% 四、关于乡村学校学生失学的问题 ? 乡村学校教师对所代班学生失学现象的反映 ? 关于失学学生数量的问题。32.02%的老师反映每年没有失学的现象,46.49%的老师反映每年有5名以下的学生失学,14.91%的老师反映每年有5-10名学生失学,6.58%的老师反映每年有10名以上的学生失学.67.98%的反映有现象,这表明失学现象比较严重,很普遍。详见下表: 教师对学生失学现象的反映 没有失 学现象每年有5名以下的学生失学 每年有5-10名学生失学 每年有10名以上的学生 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 人数 73 106 34 15 比例 32.02% 46.49% 14.91% 6.58% ? 关于女生在失学学生中所占比例问题。在185位老师里面,56位老师反映女生的比例在30%以下,39位老师反映女生的比例在30-50%,41位老师反映女生的比例在50-70%,19还有位老师反映生比例在70%以上.失学学生中女生比例在50%以下的情况占61.29%,在50%以上的情况占38.71%,显示出目前女生的失学情况并不比男生严重,人们在关于子女辍学上对于传统的“重男轻女”观念有所改变。详见下表: 女生在失学学生中所占比例 30%以下 30-50% 50-70% 70%以上 人 数 56 39 41 19 比 例 36.13% 25.16 26.45% 12.26% ? 学生失学现象的趋势上。9.65%的老师反映是逐年上升,27.63%的老师反映是逐年下降,32.46%的老师反映是基本持平,26.75%的老师反映是偶尔发生,3.51%的老师不清楚.这一问题上,只有9.65%的被调查老师反映逐年上升,32.46%的老师反映基本平衡,排除不清楚的老师的比例,其余59.21的老师反映失学趋势朝好的方面走。如下表所示: 对失学现象的趋势 逐年上升 基本持平逐年下降 偶尔发生 不清楚 人 数 22 63 64 61 8 比 例 9.65% 27.63% 32.46% 26.75% 3.51% ? 对于学生的失学原因(多选)。49.12%的老师认为是学生自己对学Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 习缺乏兴趣或学业不理想所致,56.14%的老师认为是因为学生家庭经济困难导致的,24.56%的老师认为是学生家长的思想观念导致的,4.82%的老师认为是因为学校无法满足学生需要所致,3.07%的老师认为是其他原因所致.在老师门眼中,学生失学的原因排在首位的是客观经济原因,家庭条件不好,其次就是学生自己原因,对继续学习缺乏兴趣,家长方面的因素处于第三位,后面就是学校无法满足学生需要等和其它因素。如下表所示: 对失学原因的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 学生自己对学习缺乏兴趣或学业不理想所致学生家庭经济困难导致 学生家长的思想观念导致 学校无法满足学生需要所致 其他原因 人数 112 128 56 11 7 比例 49.12% 56.14% 24.56% 4.82% 3.07% ? 对于学生提出退学老师采取的对策(多选)。48.25%的老师自己深入了情况,弄清原因,并予以帮助,21.49%的老师马上向学校反映,请求学校领导解决,52.63%的老师与学生家长联系,一同商讨解决,1.75%的老师选择向社会求助,3.70%的老师选择通过法律手段解决,0.44%的老师选择其他办法.在处理学生主动退学方面,老师首选的办法是与学生家长联系一起解决,老师们第二个优先的办法就是自己了解情况,争取自己解决,第三位的就是请求学校解决,老师们的第四个选择就是寻求法律手段解决,而请求社会帮助的只占较小比例。详见下表: 有学生提出退学时,老师 自己深入了解情况,弄清原因,并予以帮助Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 马上向学校反映,请求学校领导解决 与学生家长联系,一同商讨解决 选择向社会求助 选择通过法律手段解决 选择其他办法 人数 110 49 120 4 7 1 比例 48.25% 21.49% 52.63% 1.76% 3.08% 0.44% (二)乡村学校学生失学现象的分析 义务教育阶段学生失学是普遍存在的,从绝对数量看,还比较多,这说明失学问题在目前还是比较严重.从年级上看,据老师反映以毕业班为最多,特别是初中三年级 ,往往有有大面积地辍学,这说明需要稳定学生的求学心理.从性别上看,男生失学所占比例略高于女生,与以往女生失学为主不同,表明传统的重男轻女思想有很大改观,人们对子女上学更趋现在,理性.从失学趋势上,是基本持平,并逐年下降,趋势是好的,需要进一步改进. 五、关于乡村中义务教育法律法规相关问题 (一)教师部分 ? 对国家义务教育法律法规的了解程度。39.04%的老师知道并很清楚,56.14%的老师有所了解,2.63%的老师听说过,没有老师是第一次听说。详见下表: 对国家义务教育法律法规的了解程度 很清楚有所了解 听说过 第一次听说 人 数 89 133 6 0 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 比 例 39.04% 58(33% 2.63% 0.00% ? 对于学校是否对义务教育法制化管理采取措施。26.32%的老师认为没有,73.68%的老师认为有。详见下表: 学校是否对义务教育法制化管理采取措施没 有 有 人 数 60 168 比 例 26.32% 73.68% ? 学生和家长关于教育的法制观念。5.70%的老师认为学生和家长根本就没有,90.79%的老师认为学生和家长有一定的意识,但普遍不强,2.63%的老师认为学生和家长有很强的法制观念,0.88%的老师没有考虑过这个问题。详见下表: 在老师眼中,学生和家长关于教育的法制观念根本就没有 有一定的意识,但普遍不强 有很强的法制观念 没有考虑过这个问题 人数 13 207 6 2 比例 5.70% 90.79% 2.63% 0.88% 对于义务教育法等法律法规,95.18%的老师了解或很清楚,这说明老师们的教育法制意识很强.但是从学校对义务教育采取法制化措施看26.26%的老师认为没有,说明了义务教育法在学校里需要更多地体现为一种法律 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、法制行为.而在老师眼中,学生及其家长绝大部分有一定义务教育法制观念和意识。这说明义务教育法律法规在农村有一定的影响。政府对义务教育法宣传有一定的作用。但是根据老师们的建议看,家长和老师对义务教育法的理解需要得到进一步的指导。特别是那些需Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 要澄清的模糊性认识,那些与现实条件不相适应的部分。 (二)学生及家长等于国家义务教育法律法规的了解程度及了解方式 ?关于对国家义务教育法律法规的了解程度。14.34%的被调查者的回答是很清楚,61.95%的被调查者的回答是知道一点,23.71%的被调查者回答不知道。这表明多数被调查者对国家义务教育法律法规有所了解,但非常有限,还有部分被调查者根本不知道。详见下表: 受访者对义务教育法律法规的了解程度很清楚 知道一点 不知道 人 数 72 311 119 比 例 14.34% 61.95% 23.71% ? 关于对国家义务教育法律法规的了解渠道。 在483位被调查者中,37.25%的被调查者反映是通过电视等媒体宣传报道了解的,23.90%的被调查者反映是通过报刊杂志了解的,13.15%的被调查者反映是通过政府以其它形式宣传了解的,16.14%的被调查者反映是通过学校宣传了解的,9.56%的被调查者反映是通过其它方式了解到的。在知道国家义务教育法律法规的被调查者中,最主要的了解渠道是电视等媒体的宣传报道,其次是报刊杂志,通过政府(这里主要是指基层政府组织)其它方式的宣传了解的被调查者并不多,只占13.15%,学校在这里作用也不是特别地突出。详见下表: 了解方式 电视等媒体宣传报道 报刊杂志政府以其它形式宣传 学校宣传 其它方式 人 数 132 92 50 62 37 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 比 例 37.25% 23.90% 13.15% 16.14% 9.56% 六、被调查者对完善农村义务教育的意见和建议 ?乡村教师对完善农村义务教育的认识和建议 对完善我国农村义务教育有何建议(开放式),有120多位老师提出了自己的看法.综合来看,有40多位认为应该加强义务教育法律观念,有38位老师认为国家应加大义务教育投入,有26位老师提到应加快农村经济发展,有19位老师认为必须加深农村义务教育的宣传,有16位老师认为应该实行完全免费的义务教育,有12位老师认为深化农村税费改革,切实减轻农民负担,有10为位老师提出教育行政部门加强内部管理,改善工作作风.还有部分老师分别提到增强农村学校教材的适应性,与就业相联系,提高教学质量,提高教师地位实际和收入,改变学生及其家长的陈旧的思想观念等. ?学生及家长等对目前农村义务教育实施的情况的评价及对改善状况的建议 ?关于对目前农村义务教育的评价,3.19%的被调查者认为很好,15.74%的被调查者认为较好,40.64%的被调查者认为一般,30.67%的被调查者认为较差,5.98%的被调查者认为很差,3.78%的被调查者回答不清楚。 受访者对目前农村义务教育的评价 很好 较 好 一 般 较 差 很 差 不清 楚 人数 16 79 204 154 30 19 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 比例 3.19% 15.74% 40.64% 30.67% 5.98% 3.78% ?关于对改善目前农村义务教育的主要着力点(多选),25.90%的被调查者认为在于推进农村经济建设,49.00%的被调查者认为在于减轻农民负担,26.89%的被调查者认为在于国家扩大农村义务教育的投入,改进教学设施、设备,21.94%的被调查者认为在于提高中小学教师水平,13.55%的被调查者认为在于增强农民的教育意识,1.20%的被调查者有其它见解。 受访者认为改善目前农村义务教育的主要着力点推进农村经济建设 减轻农民负担 国家扩大农村义务教育的投入,改进教学设施、设备 提高教师水平 增强农民的教育意识 其 它 人数 130 246 135 110 68 6 比例 25.90% 49.00% 26.89% 21.94% 13.55% 1.20% Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number
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