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中共焦作市委组织部中共焦作市委组织部 焦作市人事局 焦组„2007?120号 关于做好2007年度机关事业单位 考核工作的通知 各县市区委组织部~县市区人事,人事劳动和社会保障,局~市直各机关、事业单位: 为了做好2007年度机关、事业单位年度考核工作~保证年度考核工作的顺利实施~根据中组部、人事部《公务员考核规定,试行,》和《焦作市公务员绩效考核暂行办法,修订稿,》等法规和文件精神~结合我市实际~现就有关工作通知如下: 一、提高认识,加强组织领导 transformation of government functi...

中共焦作市委组织部 焦作市人事局 焦组„2007?120号 关于做好2007年度机关事业单位 考核工作的通知 各县市区委组织部~县市区人事,人事劳动和社会保障,局~市直各机关、事业单位: 为了做好2007年度机关、事业单位年度考核工作~保证年度考核工作的顺利实施~根据中组部、人事部《公务员考核规定,试行,》和《焦作市公务员绩效考核暂行办法,修订稿,》等法规和文件精神~结合我市实际~现就有关工作通知如下: 一、提高认识,加强组织领导 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 年度考核工作是各类人才队伍建设的重要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ~也是机关、事业单位人事管理的一项重要 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。切实搞好年度考核工作~对健全激励约束机制~转变工作作风~提高工作效率具有重要作用。今年是我市贯彻执行《公务员考核规定,试行,》和《焦作市公务员绩效考核暂行办法,修订稿,》的第一年~各县市区、市直各单位要以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~从学习贯彻党的十七大精神、贯彻落实科学发展观、努力构建社会主义和谐社会以及加强干部队伍建设的高度~认识做好年度考核工作的重要性。要切实加强组织领导~把年度考核工作作为推动干部队伍建设的一项重要措施抓好落实。通过搞好这项工作~激励和促进广大干部职工解放思想、开拓创新~进一步增强各级干部以人为本、执政为民的意识~提高服务水平。 二、坚持原则,严格确定考核等次 各县市区、各部门在考核工作中要重视优秀等次的激励导向作用~加强对优秀等次指标的宏观调控。在今年的考核中~优秀等次比例仍要与各单位目标管理完成情况、文明单位建设情况、部门受表彰情况及考核工作情况相结合。机关,事业单位,的优秀等次比例以15%,10%,为基点~对目标管理先进单位、受到国家部委或省表彰单位、省级文明单位、考核工作先进单位~在基点的基础上适当增加优秀等次比例~但最多不超过20%,15%,,对上年度考核结果没有及时报政府人事部门备案的单位~今年的优秀等次比例不得超过10%,8%,,没有开展平时考核工作的单 -saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-more difficult, "environment atmente of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless trelagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressurstill tural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is ot excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculbut n to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong,ngthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems defense reserve forces work was stretransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-reform, development and stability," four tunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building amongoppor his is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense ofoblems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas tse pr, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to thethe few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high d, social stability and stress; Six is one ofterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate- 2 - 位~优秀等次比例不得超过10%,8%,。对发生重大工作责任事故和决策失误的单位~单位领导和直接责任人不得评为优秀~同时相应减少单位优秀指标比例。要注意掌握优秀等次人员的结构分布~机关和所属事业单位优秀比例不得互相占用~担任领导职务的人员不得占用一般工作人员的优秀名额。 扶贫工作队员、抽调“四创”人员、南水北调中线工程焦作城区段建设办公室工作人员的年度考核工作单独进行,抽调县市区人员~由所在县市区定,。 各考核单位申请年度考核优秀等次比例~应填报《年度考核优秀等次比例申报表》,见附件,~并附有关证明材料~报同级组织、人事部门批准。 三、规范程序,按照绩效考核确定结果 各县市区、各部门在开展年度考核工作时~要严格按照个人总结、述职、民主评议、综合评价、审核、确定等次、反馈等考核的基本程序认真组织实施。要客观公正地对被考核人进行评价~防止片面性~避免简单化、绝对化~确保考核结果公平公正公开。今年的年度考核要按照《焦作市公务员绩效考核暂行办法,修订稿,》的要求~进一步提高年度考核的质量。各考核单位要围绕绩效考核的内容~特别是根据年初每个人的设定目标和工作任务的细化分解情况~采取量化考核打分和效能监察结果统计的方法~汇总每个人的绩效考核得分~作为年度考核的主要内容~ saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-e difficult, "environmentand debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment morwork ing behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure ofstrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still laggl induxcellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculturaconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not eolve eened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to sincreasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthtransformation of government functions, one work to implement and pay more-in-evelopment and stability," fourrm, dy, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among refokey to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunit is thems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this pted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problet adafew cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, no ability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of theterm efforts; Five is the increase in social inst-- 3 - 确定每个人的考核等次。量化考核没有完成工作目标的~以及对照《焦作市公务员绩效考核暂行办法,修订稿,》规定~符合基本称职和不称职条件的~要严格按照考核规定和标准定为基本称职和不称职等次。考核工作要坚持定量与定性相结合、平时考核与年度考核相结合、领导评价与民主测评相结合、内部考核与社会评议相结合的原则~建立以工作实绩为核心的评价体系~使机关考核评价工作更加制度化、规范化和科学化。 要增加考核工作的透明度~继续实行考核结果公示制度~年度考核拟定等次应在本单位进行公示~广泛听取群众意见后~再正式确定考核等次。不进行公示的~视为考核程序不规范~政府人事部门可不予审核确认。如被考核人对考核结果不服而提出复核、申诉~各县市区、各单位要及时受理~并将处理情况告知本人。考核结果经市、县市区考核委员会审核同意后~要在单位全体人员大会上宣布~并张榜公布~时间不少于一周。 对没有进行绩效考核,平时考核,工作的单位~要严格按照规定降低其优秀等次比例,对没有做好平时考核的个人~特别是没有填写《平时考核 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 》的个人~将延期备案或不予备案。 四、加强管理,进一步完善考核结果审核备案制度 年度考核审核备案工作是保证考核工作质量~加强年度考核宏观管理的重要措施。各县市区组织、人事部门要认真履行考核职能~进一步健全和完善考核结果审核备案制度~对各考核单位 friendly and resource-more difficult, "environment atmente of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless trelagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressurstill tural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is ot excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculbut n to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong,ngthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems defense reserve forces work was stretransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-reform, development and stability," four tunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building amongoppor his is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense ofoblems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas tse pr, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to thethe few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high d, social stability and stress; Six is one ofterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-- 4 - 报送的上年度考核 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 和有关材料进行认真审核~审核内容包括考核工作程序、确定的各等次比例是否符合规定等~重点是对优秀等次和不称职,不合格,人员情况的检查。通过审核备案~切实掌握考核工作情况~总结考核经验~严格考核纪律。各县市区、市直各单位要按照干部管理权限~分别到组织、人事部门进行考核结果备案~未经组织、人事部门审核确认的~其考核结果不得作为工作人员职务级别晋升、工资调整、技术职务评聘等的依据。 五、提高效率,按时完成年度考核工作 根据全省2007年机关事业单位考核工作要求~今年年度考核工作的时间安排如下: 1、优秀等次比例审核:市直单位集中在2007年12月3日—12月14日进行。 2、考核结果的备案:各考核单位应在2008年1月10日前完成考核工作~2008年1月30日前将年度考核工作总结及有关材料报送市组织、人事部门备案~2月10日前市人事局统计汇总后报省人事厅。未在规定时间内进行考核备案的单位~将给予延期备案或不予备案。 机关、事业单位年度考核~是正确评价各级各单位工作人员德才表现和工作实绩、落实奖惩的一项重要举措。各级组织人事部门要认真履行 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx ~切实加强领导~严格考核纪律~做好检查 pted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problet adafew cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, no ability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of theterm efforts; Five is the increase in social inst-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-e difficult, "environmentand debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment morwork ing behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure ofstrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still laggl induxcellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculturaconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not eolve eened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to sincreasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthtransformation of government functions, one work to implement and pay more-in-evelopment and stability," fourrm, dy, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among refokey to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunit is thems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this - 5 - 监督~保证考核工作各个环节有序进行~确保圆满完成2007年度考核工作。 附件:年度考核优秀等次比例申报表 二??七年十一月三十日 friendly and resource-more difficult, "environment atmente of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless trelagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressurstill tural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is ot excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculbut n to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong,ngthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems defense reserve forces work was stretransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-reform, development and stability," four tunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building amongoppor his is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense ofoblems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas tse pr, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to thethe few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high d, social stability and stress; Six is one ofterm efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-- 6 - 附件 年度考核优秀等次比例申报表 , 年度, 单 位 单位性质 行政 行政 参加行政 实有编制数 考核人数 事业 事业 事业 人数 1、上年度目标管理先进单位,是~否, 各要素 2、是否受到省部级表彰,是~否, 完成 3、是否为省级文明单位,是~不是, 情况 4、绩效,平时,考核工作开展情况,好~差, 申请优秀等次比经审核~同意你单位优 秀等次比例按 %使用~ 例 %~行政优秀等次组织 优秀等次指标行政 名~单位 人事指标 名~事业优秀 事业 名。注意按职务层申请 部门 等次指标 名。 审核次分配~不得相互占用。 比例 意见 单位盖章 ,盖章, 年 月 日 年 月 日 说明:1、本表作为考核单位年度考核备案时的凭证,组织、人事部门审核登记后由单位留存。 2、各考核单位按上述考核要素要求,提供有关材料。 3、优秀等次比例审核工作在2007年12月14日前完成,年度考核 pted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problet adafew cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, no ability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of theterm efforts; Five is the increase in social inst-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-e difficult, "environmentand debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment morwork ing behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure ofstrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still laggl induxcellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculturaconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not eolve eened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to sincreasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthtransformation of government functions, one work to implement and pay more-in-evelopment and stability," fourrm, dy, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among refokey to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunit is thems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this - 7 - 备案工作于2008年1月30日前结束,请各单位注意按时完成备案。 主题词:人事 考核 通知 term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabate-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-more difficult, "environment atmente of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless trelagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressurstill tural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is ot excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculbut n to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong,ngthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems defense reserve forces work was stretransformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national one work to implement and pay more-in-reform, development and stability," four tunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building amongoppor his is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense ofoblems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas tse pr, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to thethe few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high d, social stability and stress; Six is one of- 8 - 中共焦作市委组织部办公室 2007年11月30日印发 pted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problet adafew cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, no ability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of theterm efforts; Five is the increase in social inst-saving" society still needs long-friendly and resource-e difficult, "environmentand debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment morwork ing behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure ofstrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still laggl induxcellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agriculturaconomic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not eolve eened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to sincreasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthtransformation of government functions, one work to implement and pay more-in-evelopment and stability," fourrm, dy, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among refokey to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunit is thems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this - 9 -
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