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上海版牛津英语2b教案全册上海版牛津英语2b教案全册 The Allocation for Grade 2B week Unit Item Content 1 1 Let’s Draw the„on the„ act. Let’s What do you see/hear? talk Let’s N n-nose O o-orange learn hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig 2 Let’s I hear„ play Let’s Story enjoy Review Unit ...

上海版牛津英语2b 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 全册 The Allocation for Grade 2B week Unit Item Content 1 1 Let’s Draw the„on the„ act. Let’s What do you see/hear? talk Let’s N n-nose O o-orange learn hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig 2 Let’s I hear„ play Let’s Story enjoy Review Unit 1 3 2 Let’s act Come here, ×××. Go there, ×××. Come back. Let’s Look at the„ talk It’s „and„ Let’s P p-pencil Q q-quilt learn horse, bear, elephant, tiger, panda, monkey 4 Let’s Who’s my friend? play Let’s Song enjoy Review Unit 2 5 3 Let’s Close„, please. act. Open„, please. Clean„, please. Let’s This is my room. talk. There is/ are„ in my room. Let’s R r- rubber S s-sweet learn. window, room, sofa, table, lamp 6 Let’s Tell a story play. Let’s Rhyme enjoy. Review. Unit 3 1 7 4 Let’s Don’t„ act. Let’s What can you/ Spotty do? talk. I can„ Spotty can„ Let’s T t-tree U u-umbrella learn. walk, skip, swing, climb, fly, ride 8 Let’s Spotty can„ play. Let’s Rhyme enjoy. Review. Unit 4 9 复习期中Mid-review 考查 1 Mid-review 2 Mid-review 3 10 Mid-review 4 Mid-exam 11 5 Let’s Turn on„/off act. Wash„ Let’s I wash„with„ talk. Let’s V v-van W w-wind learn. water, dirty, wash, towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste 12 劳动节休息 13 Let’s A miming game play. Let’s Song enjoy. Review. Unit 5 14 6 Let’s Bring me„ act. Give it to„ Let’s I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. talk. I want„ Let’s X x-ray learn. bowl, plate, glass, fork, knife, spoon, chopsticks 2 15 Let’s What do you want? play. Let’s Story enjoy. Review. Unit 6 16 7 Let’s act Let’s„ Let’s Summer is„ The sun is„ talk Let’s Y y- yellow learn summer, sun, cloud, hot, beach, shell, sand 17 Let’s „is/are hot/cold. Let’s „ play. Let’s Rhyme enjoy. Review. Unit 7 18 8 Let’s xxx, get up! act. Have lunch. xxx, go to bed. Let’s What time is it? talk. Look/Listen! It’s„o’clock. Let’s Z z-zoo learn. watch, clock, day, night, breakfast, lunch, dinner 19 Let’s Story enjoy. It’s „o’clock. Let’s play. Review. Unit 8 Revision Unit 1-8 2B Unit 1 Farm animals 【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】 一( 教材地位(UNIT POSITION) 1(从第一、二单元 “动物”的主题来看,本单元教材内容是着重围绕“农 场上的动物”这个课题展开。 2(在本册教材中,学生将继续识认书写大小写字母。 3(本单元学生将学习农场上常见的六种动物:hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig及其相关表述。 4(结合本单元“农场”、“动物”的主题和语境,无论学生是否熟悉农场的 环境,都可以让学生通过听觉和视觉感受农场上最常见的人类驯养的动 物和野生动物,并且用习得的语言简单表达出自己的所见所闻。 二( 学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES) 3 1(本单元学习Oo 、Nn两个字母,字母的教学可与单词教学相结合,要求 学生不仅能按字母表顺序背诵字母,能正确认读大小写字母之外,还能 正确掌握所学字母大小写的书写。 2(学生应该能够用正确的语音语调表达hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig等动物名称,掌握这些词汇的认读、拼读、简单运用等口语表达;能 够正确书写这些单词。除此之外,可根据学生的学习能力在口语学习中 适当增加所学动物的复数表达。 3(培养学生的视听观察能力,能根据实际情况运用What do you see/hear? I see/hear„进行简单的信息交换,表达个人的见闻。 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Rhyme --- 由教师带领学生边做动作边朗营造英语学习氛围,巩固习得 One, two, 诵 的小动物名称。 three, I am a bee„ 2 Daily Talk--- 师生问答 复习学过的句型,唤起学生记 Have you 忆,为后继学习作铺垫 got „? 。 Yes/No. I have got „ 1 I see a 用媒体软件显示1B unit 2 中复习 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 时学过的有关内 bird/butterflet’s talk的页面,教师用容,分组交流有助于均衡学生 ly/frog/„ What do you see?提问,让学间语言表达的差异,减轻一部 生分组每人用I see a „句型分开口的压力。 先说一说各自看到的。 2 教师说明Now we are on the 即引起学生解决问题的兴趣, farm. The farm is very big. 又为后面的引入作铺垫。 What shall we do first? 引 起学生考虑身处这样的环境中 首先需要了解什么, 3 hen/chick/du教师出示一张农庄动物分布的用图片标示的地图快速引出单 ck/cow/sheep地图,引出动物名称 词,而且均以单数形式出现, /pig„ 有助于学生识记基本单词的音 型义 1 chick 由轻到响全体跟着教师边做动巩固正确的语音 作边朗读 拼写比较简单的单词可让学生 教师出示单词,要求学生拼读 直接通过拼读进行记忆单词拼 让学生用一只手遮住眼睛,边写 口述单词拼写边用另一只手书通过即时记忆巩固单词拼写,空 帮助学生牢固掌握单词的音、 4 型,提高课堂教学效率 教师出示两头牛在大树下的从词汇的单数过渡到复数,帮1 cow 图片One cow, two cows, 助学生熟悉本课习得词汇的复 black and white. One cow, 数表达。 two cows, under the tree. duck 教师出示十只鸭子在草地上的变换简单的儿歌,保持学生的2 图片,先通过How 兴趣。 many „ducks?让学生数一数不 同大小鸭子的数量,然后引出 儿歌One yellow, two yellow, three yellow ducks. Three yellow ducks on the grass. 教师依次出示所有图片单词既巩固本课词汇的音义,又培1 hen/chick/duc 卡,让学生全体通读一遍,然养学生的记忆能力 k/cow/sheep/p后抽去一张,再让学生朗读后 ig 说出Which word is missing? 2 I see „ 教师出示I see „句型,分别强化词汇在句型中的完整使 在后面放上单、复数图片或单用。 词卡,让学生说出完整的句子。 3 I see „ 让学生看地图用I see „句型新授词汇在习得句型中的替换 说出看到的标示 练习,帮助学生练习词汇和句 子的整体使用。 1 song 2 song are farm animals.并且拿出上 节课学过的图片单词卡,全体 朗读单复数 3。 song 本课新授词汇sheep 1 ---What do you 教师出示轮廓模糊的绵羊图引出语境和语言 see? 片,提问What do you see?选 ---I see „ 择一到两排学生用I see „回 答 2 ---What do you 教师出示清晰的绵羊图片,再让学生熟悉问答的情景和所需 see? 问What do you see? 选择个别语言 5 ---I see „ 学生回答I see a sheep. 3 ---What do you 教师出示轮廓模糊的三只鸭子理解新句型的语言功能 see? 图片,问Can you ask me?选择 ---I see „ 个别学生用What do you see? 提问 学唱有关sheep的 歌词 小燕子歌词你对于我我对于你歌词音译中国中铁开路先锋歌词向快乐出发歌词下载想把我唱给你听男女对唱歌词 ,并且伴随1 song 2 sheep 出示white sheep图片,从one 用直观的方式强化词形记 white sheep, two white sheep, 忆 three white sheep„,教授单复数 同形 1 ---What do you see? 教师出示Let’s talk在游戏中巩固联系新授句型。 ---I see „ 的图片,先用纸遮住大 部分,只露出右下角的 十只小鸡,全班向一组 的第一个同学提问 What do you see?回答 I see ten chicks. 2 ---What do you see? 教师移动遮纸,露出母练习完整地叙述看到的东西。 ---I see „ 鸡和小鸡,全班向第二 个同学提问What do you see?回答I see a hen and ten chicks. 依次进行,说明看到的 整个画面。 1( What do you hear? 教师出示没有动物的通过录音引出新句型,使学生在 I hear„ 农场图片Where are 感受新语言的同时,理解语义。 the animals? 2( What do you hear? 播放动物的叫声,并用 I hear„ 较慢的语速引出What do you hear? I hear„ The„ is/are coming. 教师边说边往农场图 上贴动物图片。 1( I hear„ 先全班跟说新句型,然后过渡到小通过跟说熟悉新句型,做到 组跟说,男女生跟说。 正确朗读句子。 2( I hear„ 教师出示句子,让学生认读。 在掌握语音的基础上认识 6 句型。 3( I hear„ 教师不断替换句中的单词,让学生将单词与句子相结合进行 认读。 巩固操练。 1( What do you 教师播放各种动物的叫声,用以答带问,通过刚学会的答句 hear? What do you hear,提问,学引出问句,同时复习答句。 生用I hear„ 作答。 2( What do you 学生模仿跟说问句。 掌握句子的音和形。 hear? 3( What do you 教师出示问句,学生认读。 hear? 通过练习反馈学生的学习情1( Look,listen 学生打开练习册翻到第2页, 况,也可以体现学生之间的听and answer. 教师播放录音,学生根据听到 力和理解、认读能力的差异。 的回答问题。 2( Listen and 学生听录音完成练习册第4页 trace the 的练习。 letters. 1( What do you 教师先播放歌曲,然后由同桌相氛中。 hear„ Do you 互问答所听到的和所喜欢的。 like„ Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 1( Free talk: What do 教师出示教材第三页将学过的知识综合在一起巩固练 you see? What colour 的教学挂图,针对图的习,帮助学生进行知识的积累。 is/are the „ How 内容用学生学过的句 many „ Do you 型与学生作问答练习。 like„? 1( Listening and 教师在黑板上以简笔画的形式画通过肢体语言,通过听,让 acting 出一头牛,然后问一名学生:Can 学生理解新指令的意义,并 you draw the cow? Draw the cow 做出相应的反应。 on the paper.学生根据指令在老 师事先发下的白纸上画牛。 2. Listening and 教师重复指令,由个别学生到小 acting 组,到全班。 1( Draw the cow 教师引导学生跟说新指通过说说做做进一步熟悉指令。 on the paper. 令。 7 教师请一排学生分别试着 说指令,另一排学生根据 指令做动作。 1. Quick 教师说I’ve got a„ 快节奏的练习能使学生思想更为集 response 学生快速反应It goes 中,达到同样的效果。 ‘„’,并做出相应的动 作。 2. Quick 个别生说I’ve got a„ response 学生快速反应It goes ‘„’,并做出相应的动 作。 1. Game 教师抽取一张动物图片,通过游戏的形式让学生学会积累学 但让学生看到,然后教师过的句型。 用几句话描述这个动物, 例:It is small. It is yellow. It goes ‘chick chick’。让学生用It is a „ 猜出谜底。 2. Game 教师请个别学生上讲台抽 取一张动物图片,继续游 戏。 1( I’ve got a„ 教师将学生分成四人一组,相将学过的句型综合在一起练 It is„ 互交流自己的玩具或画的动习,锻炼学生说一段话的能力。 It goes ‘„’ 物。 2. He has got a„ 学生变换人称介绍同学的动物 It is„ 玩具。 It goes ‘„’ Unit 2 In the circus Unit 2 In the circus Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Elicit: Ask: Where can you see the dog? 以发散性的问题,自然引出 circus In the circus, we can also see circus. the dog. 3 Talk about Ask: Do you like to go to the 从上海马戏城着手,将已学句 Shanghai circus? 型和go there整合,让学生 Circus World In Shanghai, you can go to 学会活用语言,并为后面学习 Shanghai Circus World. It is 指令Go there作好铺垫。 8 on Gonghe Xin Road. How do you go there? 1 Listen to the Watch and listen to the song 让学生在歌曲中进入 song circus这一情景。 2 Talk about the What can you see in the flash? song Is the boy happy? etc. 1 Listen and Listen to the song again. When 让学生根据歌曲中一句重复 shout: Come students hear the sentences 的歌词来发出指令,自然过渡 here! ‘You’ll have lots of fun. 到新授内容。 Come and see with everyone.’, ask them try to shout: “Come here! Come here!” 2 Listen and act Ask one student to say: Come 让学生扮演动物来说说演演, here, „(student’s name). 在情景中操练。 The student imitates the sound of a kind of animals to answer and come. 2 Listen and Have the class listen and repeat move their hands according to your instruction. Repeat several times. 3 Play in Ask students to say and act pairs in pairs. 1 Look and Show five colours and the remember words they stand for. Encourage students to look 以颜色和单词配对,在记忆游戏 and remember in one minute. 中,让学生任意地选择两种颜色, 在轻松的氛围中让学生逐步熟悉2 Choose two Show a form filled with 单词,并组成不同的句子朗读。 colours to different colours. Ask make a students to choose two sentence. colours and try to make a sentence. e.g. red and blue: Come here. If it’s right, let students read the sentence together. Have a competition in groups and see which group can match more. 9 1 Listen and (Show some pictures of guess animals) Tell a story like 以谜语形式,让学生在此过程 this: Sam has a good friend. He 中语言逐步积累,并学会用英 is Spotty. He has two long 语思维。 ears. He is little. Look at my friend. Who is he? (He is a dog.) 2 Talk about (Show three pictures on page7) Spotty Look, what can Spotty do? 在故事的情景中,让学生学会 活用语言知识。 3 Talk about the One day Sam has got a kite. He pictures wants to play with Sam. (Look at three pictures on page7) What will Sam say? 1 Talk about the What do cats/ dogs/ „ 给学生提供开放性的问题。 favourite food like? 2 Get the favourite Put some pictures of food food. at different places. Put 将已学的食物、动物等知识与 the headwear of Spotty, 新句型融合,使学生学会整 Kitty, etc. on students’ 合、活用。 head. Then invite students to give instructions (e.g. That’s the meat. Go there. I’ve got some fish. Come here. ) and help animals to get their favourite food. 当扮演动物的学生根据指令拿到相应的食物后,可根据学生情况,对食物进行评价,如It’s delicious. It’s nice. It’s terrible. etc. 1 Guess and act Invite some students to come to the front. Put some headwear of 将马戏团的动物,通过描述 animals on their head. Teacher 先让学生有一个初步的认 describes an animal and then 识,在听听做做中为下一课 gives an instruction to this 单词的学习打好基础。 animal. See who can responses the quickest. e.g. You have a long nose and two big ears. You are pink and fat. You like to play with water. 10 Come here, please! (An elephant.) 1 Play a game Play “Simon says „” using the instructions taught in this lesson in addition to the more 复习新旧口令,为后面与一 familiar ones. 些动物玩耍中发出不同的 e.g. Stand up. Sit down. 指令作好铺垫。 Raise your (left/right) hand/leg. Put it down. Give me „ Jump high/low. Put the „ ___ the ____. Go to the „ 1 Talk about the What can a dog do in the 讨论马戏团里的狗能干的事。 dog circus? 2 Say and act Show one sentence on the screen and encourage a student to give 根据狗能够做的事,学生在说说 instructions according to 演演中发出不同的指令,让学生 the sentence and another to 在情景中进行操练。 act a dog. e.g. A dog can run. Say and act: Come here. Go there. Come back. A dog can jump. Say and act: Jump high/low. A dog can dance. Say and act: Stand up. Dance. Sit down. 1 Talk about the Students can be divided into animal students groups according to the animal 让学生自己根据喜欢的动like they like. Encourage students 物分小组,发挥学生自主 try to describe the animal. 性。 e.g. What colour is it? What has it? What can it do? 11 2 Say and act an Encourage students try to animal introduce and act the animal 以小组为单位,每个同学或 in groups. 是介绍某一动物,或是发出 e.g. ( The monkey group say and 指令,或是扮演动物来演 act) 演,培养学生合作以及说段 It is little and lovely. It has 的能力。 two arms and two legs. It’s clever. (Instruction) Give me a ball. Please. Raise your left hand. „ 1 Look at the Show some circus show. 谈谈对马戏表演和对动物 pictures or watch Ask: Do you like it? 的感受,培养学生爱护动 the video 物、做文明观众的好习惯。 2 Talk about the What do you think of the show animals? (lovely, clever, „) What do you think of the show? (good, super, fantastic, „) 1 Crossing the Let’s go to the circus. But road first we should cross the 在穿马路这一已学情景中复习 road. 句型Look at the „ It’s „ (Show the traffic light.) 为后面介绍动物打下基础。 Encourage students to say in pairs. --- Look at the light. It’s red/yellow/ green. --- Stop!/ Wait! / Go! 1 Quick response Put the headwear of bear, 通过带上动物头饰,在说 elephant and horse on 说做做中对即将新授的单 students’ head. And give the 词有个初步印象。 instructions to these animals. e.g. Come here, Mr. Bear. 2 Play in groups Ask students to give 让学生模仿动物走路,增 instructions and act in 加趣味性。 12 groups. Encourage students to imitate the way animals walk. 1 Listen to the Play the cassette player and song listen to the song on page 11. 从歌曲自然过渡到单词的 学习,增加学生学习的兴2 Questions Ask: How many animals do you 趣。 hear? What are they? 3 Learn the Encourage students to repeat words the words: bear horse elephant 1 The sound of Read the words: horse short 根据已经学过单词总结规律, “or” Try to read more: 学会自己拼读更多单词。 horn born cord fort 2 Read the A horse has no horns. 通过有发音规律的句子朗读, sentences A horse has no short horns. 培养学生语感。 A horse has no short horns when it was born. 1 Listen and Listen to the song on page 11 choose the again. Ask students to choose pictures the animals pictures and put them in order according to the song. 在听听选选排排序中认识熟 悉单词。 2 Listen and Encourage students to sing choose the with the tape. Ask students to words choose the word cards of animals and put them in order according to the song.. 1 Read the Read the phrases as follow: phrase the apple/elephant/ 元音和辅音前the的发音是一 egg/ice-cream 个难点,通过归类和操练,使 the bear/horse/ book/ meat 学生能熟能生巧。 2 Quick Teacher shows a picture. A response student says a phrase with “the”. (Pay attention to the sound of “the”) 13 1 Talk about Look at the bear. How is it? the bear Encourage students to say more: e.g. Look at the bear. It’s 通过每位学生的共同积累,使 big. 学生学会表达更多的形容词, Look at the bear. It’s big and 也使之养成完整介绍的习惯。 brown. Look at the bear. It’s big, brown and strong. „ 2 Talk in Ask students to talk about the groups bear, horse and the elephant in groups. Look at the „ It’s „ Then have a competition to see which group can say more. 1 Sing a song Play the cassette player and sing the song together 从跟唱到自己进行原创歌曲, 发挥学生学习的主动性。 2 Make a new According to the song, song encourage students in groups try to describe other animals like horse and elephant and use more adjectives to make a new song. Then invite students in groups to sing and act. 1 The favourite Which animal do you like? Can animal you say something about it? 让学生选择自己喜欢的动 e.g. Look at the „ 物来介绍,来询问他人的喜 It’s „ 好,培养学生说段和社交能 I like it. 力。 * Encourage students to use “How about you?” to ask others’ favourite animal. 1 Listen and draw Teacher talks about an animal and students listen and try to 在画画中反馈学生的听力 draw it. Then students guess 和理解能力。 what the animal is. e.g. It has two big ears. It has a long nose. It’s fat and grey. 2 Share and talk Share students’ painting and 让学生学会欣赏,学会评 14 about them talk about them using “Look 价。 at the „It’s „ ” 根据学生实际情况,可鼓励学生表达更多,如 „(name) draw the „(animal) She can/can’t draw very well. etc. 1 Draw an animal Encourage students to draw an animal on the paper. 让学生在画画说说中乐于表达,善 于表达。 2 Introduce the Ask students to introduce animal the animal they like. 1 Find the friends Students take their 与同学分享作品,并试图找到 paintings and go outside to 志同道合的人。 share with their classmates. Try to find who likes the same animal. 1 Read and match Let students read the sentences and match: (Show the picture on page 8) 根据动物特征进行配对,培养 A: Look at the bear. 学生阅读理解能力。 Look at the horse. Look at the elephant. B: It’s big and brown. It’s tall and brown. It’s fat and grey. C: It can run fast. It can play with balloons. It can ride. 1 Listen and Divide the class into two guess groups. Let two groups guess 让层层递近的描述中让学 what animal it is. See who is 生以竞争形式猜一猜,发挥 faster. 联想,也为后面描述作好铺 e.g. T: It’s big. (Guess) 垫。 T: It has two small eyes. (Guess) T: It’s brown. (Guess) At last teacher shows the picture and say : Look at the bear. 2 Play in groups Let student say and guess in groups. 15 1 Make a headwear Ask students to make a headwear by using their animal pictures they drew. 让学生自己动手制作头饰, 到以小组内说说演演,在愉2 Say and act Invite one student to put on 悦的环境中学习英语。 his/her headwear and act an animal. Others in the group talk about the animal and train it. e.g. Look at the horse. It’s tall and brown. „ Come here, Mr. Horse. Go there, Mr. Horse. Come back, Mr. Horse. etc. 1 Free talk What animal is big? 提出开放性问题。 以身体的特征来让学生猜2 Learn: Show the picture of an animal’s 猜说说学学。 tiger big body and encourage student to panda describe it. “It’s „(colour, size, feeling, „)” And then guess what animal it is. Learn: tiger panda 3 Make a e.g. Tiger, tiger, tiger. 琅琅上口的儿歌,加强学生 rhyme Look at the tiger. 节奏感。 Where is the tiger? It’s in the circus. 1 Learn: Guess: What is it? It’s brown. 通过具体描述来猜猜 monkey It’s little and lovely. It has monkey,为后面学生自己说打 a long tail. It can climb the 好基础。 tree. It likes bananas so much. Read: monkey 2 Make a rhyme e.g. Bananas, bananas, 琅琅上口的儿歌,加强学生节 Go there, Mr. Monkey. 奏感, 并学会整合知识。 Look at the monkey. It can climb. 1 Make a new Divide the pictures of animals animal into parts of the body. Ask 以不同动物的部位组成新动 students to make a new picture 物,增加学习的趣味性,并巩 with different head, body and 固所有单词。 feet. 16 2 Talk about the Encourage students to say: new animal Look at the animal. It has a/an „’s head, a/an „’s body and a/an „’s feet. Do you like this animal? 1 Talk about What animal can you see in the animals in the circus? What can it do? circus 2 Learn more Show more pictures of animals in 根据学生情况适当进行 the circus. 补充词汇。 e.g. seal, cat, dog, lion, etc. 1 Make a new Let students have the song headwear and act. Invite 根据学生自己喜爱的动物来自 others to make a new song by 编儿歌,并询问他人的喜好, using some animals students 在唱唱问问说说中轻松运用语 like in the circus. 言。 2 Do a survey Sing the new song and do a survey by asking “How about you?” 1 Review the Drive a train and recite letters the letters from 开小火车的形式复习字母,扩大 “Aa---Oo”. 操练面。 2 New letters: Add two compartments of a Pp Qq train and read the letters: Pp Qq. 1 Read the rhyme Pencil begins with letter 用字母、其发音和含有此发 Pp, 音的单词共同组成一首节 Letter Pp, letter Pp, 奏性强的儿歌,使学生在活 Pencil begins with letter 用中加强记忆。 Pp, p- p- p- p- p- p. 2 Make a new rhyme Encourage students to make a new rhyme with the sounds they have learned. 1 Talk about If you are an animal trainer in the 师生的一唱一和,通过互动 the circus circus, what can you do/say? 增加课堂气氛,并让学生潜 What animal do you see/hear in the 移默化地了解更多马戏团 circus? 的知识。 17 The children may draw and colour 1 Make a circus any animal they wish in the circus. train Paste the animals on the blackboard 让学生自己动手,激发他as if they were in a circus train. 们的表达欲望。 2 Talk about Encourage students to introduce the animals the circus train one by one. Look at the „ It’s „ 1 Free talk (Show the picture on page 8 ) Ask 通过逐步创设情境让学生 students to talk about one animal 表达更多的句型,使学生的 they like on the circus show. 知识进行整合。 2 Things What can the animals do in the animals can circus. do Encourage students to say: Look at the „ It’s ____ and clever. It can „ 1 Listen to a Under the big top, what will I see? rhyme Look there's an elephant smiling at 儿歌的节奏性使学生乐 me. 于接受,也在潜移默化 Behind the elephant, what will I see? 中使学生习得更多知 Look there's a bear dancing for me. 识。 Behind the bear, what will I see? Look a wild lion is roaring at me. Behind the lion, what will I see? A little seal doing tricks for me. 2 A memory Choose the animals pictures students game hear in the rhyme and put them on the 培养学生仔细聆听的习 blackboard. 惯。 3 Talk about Talk about the animals in order. the animals Look at the „ 逐步进行语言的积累表 It is „(where) 达。 It is „ 4 Say the Let students say the rhyme together. rhyme 18 1 Circus Cage To make a circus cage, you'll for Animals need an empty biscuit box. Cut the flaps off the opened end. 利用废弃小盒子做个马戏 Then carefully cut out a large 车进城的小笼子,在演演说 rectangle on each side. Tape 说中学生获得乐趣,也学会 some straws to the box. Do this 活用语言。 on both sides and the cage is complete. 2 Make a circus Now put the finger circus puppet show in. It looks like the circus has come to town! Then encourage students to show the circus and introduce the animals 1 Review the Show the letter cards and read letters them. Stomp the vowels and clap 通过拍手、跺脚的身体运动,来 the consonants. 复习字母和其发音,既测试学生 反应速度,又从一开始就调动学2 Review the Teacher makes a sound of a 生的积极性。 sounds letter and shows a word card. If the word including the sound, students clap and read the word. Or not students just stomp. 2 Make a Allow the children to choose the 从歌曲中了解马戏团里更多的角 new focus of each verse (did you 色,并让学生唱唱做做,调动学 version ever see dancing bear......, 习的积极性。 did you ever see an elephant......, did you ever see tightrope walker......, etc) 2 Talk about the Teacher talks about the rhyme rhyme and shows the picture he/she draws. 3 Read the poem Read the poem together and then try to make a new poem and draw a new picture. 19 2 Talk about Talk about the circus animals in the animals the song. in the e.g. What can they do? circus 1 Play a game: Teacher quietly tells a 通过传音游戏来检测学生字 whisper letter, the sound or a word 母、字母发音或单词发音的正 to the first student of the 确性。 line. Then students tell one by one and see which line is the quickest. 1 Listen and While playing slow music, ask the act children which circus animals would move slowly then have them imitate 以音乐让学生动动说说, that movement 鼓励学生更多的参与交流 (elephants). Likewise, which 表达。 animals would move very quickly? Play fast music as children move like prancing horses, for example. 1 The animals in Show pictures of animals to 通过归类,让学生了解马戏团 the circus the children (pets, farm 里哪些动物可以表演。 animals, jungle, etc). Which animals would we find in a circus? 2B Unit 3 单词图片的不断替换,可以训练1. What is this ? 在电脑屏幕上不断出 学生的快速反应,复习旧知,进一Questions It is a„ 现一些同学们已学过 步理解this的意思。 and answers 的物品,老师用:What is this ? 问,同学们 回答。如: What is this ? It is a banana. 2. What is this ? 同桌间指着身边的东通过学生间操练,再次复习Pair work It is „ . 西相互问答,操练this。 What is this ? It is a rubber. 20 1. This is my 屏幕上出现一位同学的房间,利用多媒体为学生创设Describe bedroom. It is 教师通过用This is „来初步比较真实的生活场景。 the room big. It is clean. 地介绍房间,引起学生的注 This is my bed. It 意。 is clean. This is my window. It is big. This is my door. It is brown. I like my room! 2. ---Hello, I’m 用多媒体的形式让room, 运用学生学过的句型引ListeninRoom. I am small window, door进行自我介绍。 出本课的新授内容,降低g and clean. 学习的难度,激发学生的 ---Hello, I’m 兴趣。 Window. I am big . I am clean. ---Hello, I’m Door. I am big and brown. 1.New room 通过多媒体感知room这个单词让学生说一说,动一动,words: 的正确发音后,请同学们站起既达到反复模仿上口,又 来,手臂张开原地转圈说:room, 充分激发了学生的情感, room, I like my room. 让学生在记住这些单词 发音的同时,也为学生们2. Room, room, I 开一组火车,让学生自己做做动 继续学习不同房间内的Group work like my room. 作,说说单词。 其它物品起了良好的铺 垫作用。 1. bedroom 1(在教师用图片引出单词后,学生通过身体动作跟读单词,Read the 合并双手放在腮下跟读,注意发避免了操练的枯燥。让学new 音。 生用学过的知识操练新words 2(学生跟教师朗读单词。 单词,培养学生的运用能 力。 2. I have got 让学生利用所学过的句型对bedroom Make a 造句。 sentencebedroom„. s with bedroom. 21 1. sitting-ro1(用图片引出单词。 通过读的形式变化,引起Read the om 2(小组跟读,声音从轻到响。注意学生跟读兴趣。将new 发音。 bedroom, sitting-roomwords. 放在一起区别,培养学生 的观察能力的同时要求 学生区别两个单词的不2. bedroom, 老师将二张图片放在身后,交替出示 同发音。 Compare sitting-ro一张,让学生准确说出单词,看谁的 the om 反应最快。 words. 1.Read the window, window, 结合屏幕显示的画面,教通过多媒体设置的闪动画面,new words. it’s clean. 师引导学生大声地对着窗吸引学生注意力。 说出单词,闪动一次就说 一次,开火车说出。 2. Make window 当学生能用正确发音说出通过让学生利用所学过的句sentences 这个单词后,可以请同学型,练习单词的发音,减少机with the 们将这个单词进行造句,械模仿的枯燥,同时通过比赛word. 可以进行小组比赛,说的形式培养学生学以致用,活学 句子要求不同,教师及时活用。 纠正学生不正确的发音。 1. door 老师出示图片door, 教师帮助学生理解单词和句子,Read,repeIt’s hot. Open 同学们跟读。老师发出并能作出相应的反应,注重运用。 atand act. the door, 指令It’s hot.请同 please. 学Open the door, It’s cold. please.老师再发指令 Close the door, It’s cold.请同学 please. Close the door, please. 让学生在动 作中熟知door。并请 说对句子的同学去开 门和关门。 2. a big door, a 然后学生可以根据通过学生小组活动,调动学生学Make white door„ door展开想象,组成习的积极性,培养学生运用的好phrases 一些实用的词组,可以习惯。 with door 小组形式轮流说,说的 词组不同。 1.Read the bed 老师出示图片引出单 new word. 词,全班跟读。 2. 当学生能用正确发音说通过让学生利用所学过的儿歌, 22 Make a A room, a bed , 出这个单词后,可以请练习单词的发音,减少机械模仿rhyme with I can see. A 同学们将bed编儿歌,全的枯燥,同时通过挑战赛形式激bed. room, a bed , 班开展挑战赛,看谁编发学生学习热情。 for you and 的儿歌最棒。 me. 1. window, door, 学完四个单词的正确通过学生看一看,摆一摆的活Read and bed, room 发音后,老师拿出单词动,巩固所学的单词。让学生match 的图片和单词的字形通过游戏活动认识了单词,认 让同学们做配对游戏。 识了图片并能准确地发出读 音。 2. Door, it’s a 学生们可以四人一组在小组活动中,锻炼学生的口Group work door. It’s„ 进行画简笔画,并对所头表达能力。 画内容进行简单的描 述。 通过多媒体设置的动画的情1.SentencThis is my room. 屏幕上出现了一间房 景,吸引学生注意力,让学生e. 间,老师直接用This 在快速闪动的物品中作出快速is my room.介绍。引的反应,激发学生开口的欲望,出This is my„的句同时在练的过程中培养学生良 型。画面闪动房间的好的观察习惯。 物品,学生作出快速 反应。 2.SpeakinThis is my bedroom 学生二人一组根据房 g (sitting-room). 间物品,说出房间内 This is my window. 的物品和房间的名 This is my bed. 称。 1.PractiThis is my „ 教师将一些图片发给学生,让同学运用图片让学生操练句ce It’s„ 们分别指着手中的图片用This 型、巩固句型。 is „.介绍。 1. A: This is my 请两位学生在老师的指导下,结合图片和实物,训练Dialogues____. 根据黑板上的图片,进行对巩固并运用句型。 . B: Oh, it’s 话。 nice(„). 2. A:This is my 同桌两人一组对话。 Pair work. ____. B: Oh, it’s nice(„). 1. Greeting Hello, children. 缩小师生距离,营造氛围。 老师与全班学生互 Nice to see you. 23 How are you? 相问候 2. Questions 通过问答,提供学生使用英语教师与学生进行What day is it today? & answers 的机会。 问答。 How is the weather ? What season is it no w? What can you do? Are you happy? Sing a In the classroom 1. 通过多媒体快速闪现运用学生熟悉的歌曲引出本课的song. 教室里的东西。 教学主题,激发学生的兴趣。 2. 请学生跟着录音唱歌。 Look and 1. 教师将运用学生学过的儿歌引出本课Open the door, open the door; read. chant 的内的新授内容,降低学习的难度,Turn on the light, turn on the 容呈现在屏激发学生的兴趣,让学生在设 幕上。 置的语言环境中复习旧知,温 light; 故知新。从教材中采撷有韵律2. 跟着录 的chant、song,既进行了课程Sweep the floor, sweep the flo音集体朗 资源的整合,又对学生的课文 or; 诵。 学习起了一定的帮助,还能让 Clean the window, clean the 学生无形之中扩大词汇量。 window; Put up the pictures, put up th e pictures; Clean the board, clean the boa rd. 1. 1. T: What is in 让学生充分发挥想象,用1.屏幕上出示Teddy Guessing Teddy’s bedroom? In 英语说说房间里有些什的房间,房间内的物体 game: his bedroom, there are 么东西。 先不出示。 so many things. Guess! What are they? 2. 猜猜Teddy的房间 P: A window, a door, 里物品。 a bed , a light, a desk, a chair„ 24 2. Reading words: window, door, 运用多媒体激发学生的用Flash逐一显示实 bed, light, desk, 兴趣,营造英语学习的氛物、位置及词形。 chair 围,复习巩固所学单词。 DescriptionThis is my„ It’s„ 1. 通过老师的示范,为1(老师介绍自己的房 : My room 学生介绍自己的房间作间。 铺垫。 2(学生拿出事先画好2. 学生用家中的实景来 的房间图片进行介进行生动的介绍,将上节 课的内容活学活用于实绍。 际生活中。 1. New word: T: Look at Teddy’s 1. 词在句中教,句在篇1. 利用图片与读音规 sofa sitting-room. 中教。句子要在篇章中则引出、拼读 单词: What’s this?(指着教,才有意义,才能具有sofa, table, lamp. 沙发) 自己的交际性。这样,学2. 升降调跟着教师朗T: It’s a s__fa. 生的学习也才是有实际 读单词或学生可根据意义的。同时单词音、形、Read: sofa 教师的手势由轻到响义有机结合。 或由响到轻地跟读。 2. 充分鼓励学生大胆地 用字母发音规律来猜测 单词字母的组成。强化发2. New word: T: (指着桌子) Is 音记忆法。 table this a sofa? No, it’s a t__ble. Read: table 3. New word: T: What’s in my box? lamp Please guess. P: Is this„? T: Look, it’s my lamp. It’s beautiful. l_ _ _ Read: lamp 1.Read sofa, table, lamp 在媒体上出示单词。 再次朗读单词予以巩固 the words 2. Match lamp 桌子 音与义配对练习。 通过该练习,进一步巩固单词的音the sofa 台灯 与义。 25 words table 沙发 在屏幕上出示图片、单1. There is a sofa 词和词组进行机械性通过机械性替换操练巩固There in the 替换操练。 is„句型。 sitting-room. 1.Substi 2. There is an tu-tion apple on the drill: table. 3. There is a book in the bag. 在屏幕上出示图片、单1. There are two 词和词组进行机械性通过机械性替换操练巩固There windows in the 替换操练。 are„句型。 sitting-room. 1.Substi 2. There are tu-tion three apples on drill: the table. 3. There four pens in the bag. 1.Play a room, bed, door, 根据电脑快速变化,迅 game bedroom„ 速读出单词。 巩固单词,锻炼学生的记忆力。 e.g. This is Betty’s room. 2. 加强对词组的记忆与使用。 There is Listen 根据听到的内容完成 _________ in the and 句子。 room. choose A. a lamp B. a light 1.Read e.g. There is a sofa in the 根据所给的句子选加强对句子的辨读and sitting room. 出相应的答案。 能力。 choose A. 沙发的图 B. 桌子的图 26 通过出示旧单词引出1. Learn Rr Ss 1. 复习单词rubber和 字母,达到复习单词和the rubber, sweet sweet,并引出字母Rr 和 新授字母的目的。通过letters Ss。 练习找出字母,在音和2. 朗读字母,在正确认读形上加强对学生的训 字母的基础上指导书写。 练。 3(学生书写字母。 2. Ruler, rest, 屏幕上出现一些单词,请学 Exercises worker„ 生找出单词中的字母Rr和 Ss 。 1. school room zoo 屏幕上出现四组通过让学生听一听,选Listen and bed dad bag 词,让学生选出听一选帮助学生认字形,circle winter wind window 到的单词。 再读一读这些单词,可 door doll ball 以培养学生最基本的 (room, bed, window, door) 阅读能力。 1.Free a. What do you see in my 1.通过多媒体出通过多媒体设置的画面吸talk room? 现房间里的东引学生的注意力,通过画Questions I see a ______ 西。 面,让学生能用学过的内and b. How is my room? 2.通过师生问答容进行说话。 answers It’s big. /clean/„ 的形式,进行自 c. What’s in the room? 由谈话。 2.DescribIt’s my room. 1.四人一组,在通过画面,通过对房间的e my room It is clean. It’s big. 自由谈话的基础介绍,复习上节课的句型, There is (are) „. 上,能将句子组引导学生综合运用各种语 I like the room. 成一段三到四句言知识进行语言实践活 的小短文,进行动。 房间的介绍。 1. Review There is „. 1. 教师示范. 通过进行句子的累加游the There are„. 2. 以小组传话的竞赛形戏,既训练了学生的听力sentence e.g: 式,比一比,哪个组又及记忆能力,又降低了本pattern: S1: There is a 快,正确率又高。 单元的难点句型there be sofa in the room. 句型,还进行了竞赛活动, S2: There is a 激发了学生的兴趣。 sofa, a bed in the room. S3: There is a sofa, a bed, a table in the 27 room. 1.Review Put the room in order: 1.学生四人一组拿出通过”整理房间”的游the Put the „.in the „ 事先下发的教具,讨戏来复习巩固关于方位phrases: Put the „on the „. 论并摆放杂乱无章的的简单短语. In the „ Put the „under 物品。 On the „ the „.. 2.学生反馈讨论结 Under the „ 果.(1—2组) 对房间设计,摆设合 理的小组给予表扬. ---What’s on the 1.Introduce a 通过点击出现的故事以看故事书的方式将故 table? new story book 书,来引出下面的内事呈现给学生,给学生营 ---There is a story 容。 造一个轻松愉快的学习 book. 气氛,为本课教学内容的2.Sing a song: Song: 跟着音乐男,女声演展开创设情境,同时为下“Story book” “Story book” 唱。 面的学习故事做铺垫。 Boy: B. Girl: BO Boy: BOO Girl: BOOK „„ 1(Read the There is a table and a 教师出示多媒体制作通过讲故事让学生理story. sofa in my room. 成的可翻动的故事解新单词的意思,同 There is a lamp on the 书,用较慢的速度将时对句型和句内的新 table. 故事说一遍,说到新单词有整体的认识。 Kitty is on the sofa. 单词时在语气上给予 Look! Kitty can jump. 强调。 The lamp is on the floor. Kitty is under the sofa. 2. There is a table and a 1.边看电脑屏幕,边通过听故事的形式,Listening sofa in my room. 听录音内容.(2-3让学生讲出听到的内test There is a lamp on the 遍) 容,在锻炼学生听力 table. 2.要求学生说出听到的同时,引出本节课 Kitty is on the sofa. 的词,句.(可以是一的新单词:floor Look! Kitty can jump. 个单词,也可以是一 The lamp is on the floor. 个词组) Kitty is under the sofa. 3.以图片的方式引出 3. New word floor 28 用编儿歌的形式,从词,1.Make a Floor, floor, 1.让学生拿出前面用过的教具 词组,句子,以点连面,rhyme with floor, on the 边摆放,边编儿歌。 巩固新单词,并能在具体the word: floor. 2.同桌两人讨论。 的情景中使用. floor The sofa is on 3.反馈编儿歌情况。(学生自己 the floor. 边拍手,边诵读自己的儿歌。) 1 T: Open ?open 教师给出学生已经学过的动词,让学生边造句,边Morning P: Open my book. 用早操的形式做出相应的动作。做错的学生要马上exerciseT: Close ?close 坐下。 s P: Close my book. T: Eat ?eat P: Eat a cake. „„ T: Draw ?draw P: Draw a room. 1 Look、listen Look. This is my _______(room, classroom). It is _______.(bag, big) and choose „„ My room is not _______(clean, dirty). I am sad. 1. Look and Look at your room. It is 教师事先准备较凌乱的房间的图片,指着say dirty. Clean your room, 说:May! Look at your room. It is dirty. please. Clean your room, please.来引出新句型 并边说边做动作 -Look at the desk. It is 2. Look and 学生根据教室内的东西操练句型 dirty. say Clean the desk, please. ( chair, blackboard„„) -Look at the desk. It is 3. Make a 学生根据教室内东西编对话。 dirty. short Clean the desk, please. dialogue -O.K. Oh, it’s clean now. 1. What can I draw? 老师在黑板上画一圆形后问生Oh, look, I Questions can draw. Please guess What can I and answers draw ?Ball? Cake? Taro---Maybe---让学 生自由地猜测几次 2. Read the New words: sun hot 教师添上几笔后直接导入sun, hot 的单词 29 new words 教学 3. Make Look at the sun. It is hot. 学生可用这两个新词造句 sentences I can draw the sun. It is orange. „„ 1 Look, listen Look at the sun. It is 在理解hot这个初步理解句子的含义 and read hot. 单词含义的基础 Open the door/window, 上,新授句型: please. Open the„„,please. 并操练句型。 2 Make a short - Look at the sun. It is 结合天气,编成小学生在边说边做中理解dialogue hot. 对话 句意并熟练运用 Open the door/window, please. -OK/All right. 1 Drive the alphabet train and 出示字母卡片,Aa---Ss的发音规则节Alphabrecite the sounds and the words 学生齐背发音规奏朗读,排除上节课的et from Aa to Ss. 则。 干扰,营造英语氛围,traini Aa ?Aa?, / / / / apple? 同时为后面语音训练作ng apple? 铺垫。 Bb ?Bb?, /b/ /b/, bag? bag ? „„ Rr?Rr? /r/ /r/ rubber? rubber? Ss?Ss? /s/ /s/ sweet? sweet 2 1. Show the letters and read the 电脑出示字母要求学生见字母说发Listen sounds. 和单词,让学生音,同时引导学生根据and n b m s g f l t d h 根据发音规则填发音规则拼读、记忆单fill in 2. Show the words . Listen and 入所缺字母。 词。 the fill in. missinsofa desk table fan g light letter classroom blackboard clean s. 30 3 Listen to the teacher and choose 1. 电脑出示单以举左右手这种游戏化Choose the words. Raise your left hands 词。 的形式来加强对本单元the or right hands. 2. 学生听音选单词的辨读和巩固,学words. 1) desk duck 择单词。 生乐于参与。 2) sofa sweet 3) table tiger 4) clean close 5) classroom blackboard 6) light little 1.Look Close/ Open/ Clean the „,please 学生根据教室内的情以教室内的实物,and 景操练句型。 边做动作边操练say. 句型,通过真实的 复习环境,既增强 语言活动的趣味 性,又提供給学生 语言活动内化的 机会。 2 Make -Hello, xx. 根据教室内东西编对通过自编对话,既a -Hello, xx. 话。 提供了小组合作 -Look! The blackboard is dirty. 交流的机会,又增dialogClean the blackboard, please. 强了学生运用语ue -O.K. Oh, it’s clean now. 言的能力。 1. Look 1. There is a_____(rubber/ 看图选择正确的图片。 从听说到读写,以书at the ruler) in my pencil-box. 面形式检测学生的picturIt’s _____(long/ short ). 理解、掌握情况。增es and „„ 加阅读量。 5. There are two balls choose _____(on/under) the desk. the They’re _____(new/old) words. 2. Make Look at your classroom, bag, 用实物根据儿歌编新创造机会,让学生自a new pencil-box, desk(..). 的儿歌。 己内化知识,通过个rhyme. Make a new rhyme according to the 体实践提高语言的 rhyme of 2B-U3-16 能力。 31 1. Read 1. It’s hot. ____the window, 选择正确的答案。 以书面形式检查学and please. 生对本单元单词、句choose A. Open B. Close C. Clean 型这些知识的理解、the 2. It’s____. Clean the door, 认读情况,培养学生best please. 的阅读能力。 answer A. hot B. cold C. dirty 3. There are ____ bags on the desk. A. a B. an C. two 4. A tiger in the zoo. And a panda, ____. A. to B. too C. two 1. Look! This is my _____(room/ 听音选择正确的答案。 将新旧知识融会贯Listen classroom). 通,增加与课文相关and It’s ____(big/ small). But 知识的信息输入,拓choose it’s _____(clean/ close). 展学生的知识面,丰 There is a _____ (bed/ bag) in it. 富学生的知识量。 It’s ____(blue/ black). It’s ____(old/ new). I like my room. 2. Read Read and describe your room or 根据上面的内容介绍引导学生综合运用and your classroom. 自己的教室或房间。 各种语言知识进行descri 语言实践活动,发展be the 学生实际语言运用room. 的能力,给学生创造 机会展示知识和技 能。 2B Unit 4 In the park 1 The video of the 教师在屏幕上呈现给学创设情景,使学生在熟悉 school sports 生热闹的学校运动会的场景的场景中感知将要学习的语言 meeting This is the sports meeting 知识,并且复习巩固已学的语 of our school. What can you 言知识。 see? 学生可以运用句型:I can see „回答。 32 2 I like to --- 教师提问:What do you 通过真实情景中的调查, like to do? 学生可以用句型以吸引学生学习的注意力,并 I like to „进行简单回答。且使学生能自然感知新授知 随后在班级中进行调查, 学识,并对动作有初步的印象。 生之间互相说出喜欢干什么, 教师在自然的情景中引出所 要学习的新的语言知识。 1 Introduction 教师将绳子、模型秋教师让学生了解老师能干什 I can „ 千、风筝呈现给学生,并么,并用句型I can „进行描述, 运用这些物品做出不同的既能调动拉进师生之间的距离, 动作,用I can „句型进又在情景中让学生反复地感知新 行简单的描述。 授的语言。 2 Introduction 教师邀请学生来效仿教师让学生边做动作边回答 What can you do? 教师刚才的动作,同时不老师的问题,是为了让学生在实 I can „ 断提问:What can you do?际的情景中体验语言、感受语言、 并引导学生尝试用I 理解语言,为后面的操练和活用 can---的句型进行回答。 语言打下埋伏。 1 skip, swing, fly 全体学生跟着录音机培养学生良好的模仿习惯。 朗读。 2 skip, swing, fly 教师出示图片,学生纠正个别学生的语音语调。 以one by one, pair by pair的形式进行朗读。 3 skip, swing, fly 教师用响亮的声音读为机械的模仿单词增添乐 单词,学生则用微弱的声趣,使学生能乐于反复地读单词。 音朗读,反之教师用微弱 的声音朗读,学生则用响 亮的声音进行对比。 1 skip, swing, fly, 教师出示图片,让学学生能够熟练朗读单词,熟 run, swim 生认读单词。 知新授的单词的含义,为接下来 的快速反应作准备。 2 skip, swing, fly, 教师从图片中抽掉其通过快速反应的形式,增加 run, swim 中的一张,只呈现其余的学生朗读单词的趣味性,激发学 四张,让学生快速反应少生的学习热情。 掉的是哪一张图片,说出 这个英语单词。 3 skip, swing, fly, 由学生代替教师,抽在学生熟悉游戏规则的基础 run, swim 取图片,并以小组竞赛的上,由学生代替教师,并通过小 形式,进行比赛。 组竞猜的形式展开,可以更大地 33 发挥学生的主观能动性。 1 I can „ 教师从全体学生中选教师通过“谁是领导者,” 三个学生,一个做寻找者,的游戏,让学生将句型I can--- 一个做镜子,另一个做领与各种行为动作结合起来进行操 导者。由“领导者”指示练,既加深学生对新授语言的理 镜子做出动作并说出句子解和掌握,又使机械性的操练形 I can „全体学生跟着“镜式富有童趣,以培养学生学习英 子”边说边坐。 语的兴趣。 2 What can you do? “镜子”根据“领导 I can „ 者”的指示,不断更换动 作和口令,其他学生也随 之改变动作及口令。而作 为寻找者的学生要通过观 察,来判断全班学生中谁 是“领导者”。期间,教师 引导全班学生问“镜子”: What can you do?并由“镜 子”回答“I can ---”, 然后全班学生跟着“镜子” 说“I can „”。 教师创设的有意义的情景,让学生在情景中初步运用新授语言,同时向学生提供的互相合作交流的平台,让学生将所学语言运用于合作交流的活动中,使新授语言的操练富有意义。 1 skip, fly, swing, 教师在屏幕上显示Ben 出示学生熟悉的人物,激发 sing, draw, 的图片和他的一周安排表学生的学习兴趣及好奇心,为下 write, swim 格,让学生猜一猜他每天阶段的活动奠定基础。 都会做哪些事情,学生可 以用skip、fly a kite 等简单的语言来应答。 2 What can you do? 学生通过小组内互相通过小组内问答和抢答竞猜 I can „ 问答的形式,将自己每天的活动方式, 以增加学生的开口 You can --- 做的事情来告诉自己的同频率,并将句子在情景中进行合 学。然后来进行一个小组理地整合,以培养学生良好的交 间的猜谜。由全班学生问:际能力。 What can you do? 某个学 生回答I can „ (用动 作来表示),让其余同学用 34 You can ---的句型来猜一 猜。 1 I can skip 教师请每位学生想好教师让学生将所学知识与实 (swing, fly a 自己会做什么事情,并低际生活相联系。 kite, draw, 声地用句型I can „说一 swim „) 下。 2 What can you do? 学生自由活动,寻找教师为学生提供互相交流的 I can skip 与自己会做相同事情的同机会,使所学知识能运用于实际 (swing, fly a 学,成为好朋友。学生运交流之中,使语言操练有意义。 kite, draw, 用句型What can you do, swim „) I can „进行问答,当听 到对方用I can „,too. 来表示会做相同动作时, 即找到好朋友,可以说 We are friends. 3 Listening 全班学生可针对个别培养学生良好的听说习惯, comprehension 学生自我介绍的内容进行以进一步提升学生的语用能力。 提问,并由自我介绍的那 位学生进行回答。 1 Words 教师将画有swim, 教师进一步帮助学生建立音 swing, skip, fly, sing, 形义之间的联系,巩固新旧单词, draw, write, 以及pool, 为后面的配对游戏活动作准备。 swing, rope, kite, microphone, paper, crayon的小图片发给学 生,让学生看图片认读单 词。 2 I can „ 学生寻找互相匹配的教师为学生互相合作学习提 图片,来进行语言表述。供机会。 如持有skip图片的学生 找到持有rope图片的学 生,则配对成功。 3 What can you do? 配对成功的学生回答教师让学生通过合作学习完 We can „ 全班学生的问题。全班同成任务,并在真实的情景中适当 学提问: What can you do?地为学生拓展相关的语言知识。 配对的二位学生回答:We can---此时适时补充句型 We can --- 35 1 Introduction 教师在屏幕上呈现一教师创设情景,呈现任务给 张寻宝地图给学生,并告学生,将语言与真实任务相结合, 诉他们:We will have a 激发学生的思维,培养学生解决 little adventure today. 问题、完成任务、活用语言的能 We will meet some 力。同时塑造学生团队合作的精 difficulties. Look, 神。 here are some tools . You can use them. Now let’s hunt our treasure. 2 I can „ 在屏幕上显示不同的 场景,如越过两座山之间 的深谷,放飞消息给同伴, 游过小河等,学生可选择 不同的道具,抢答并运用 句型I can „进行描述, 最后越过重重难关,寻到 宝藏。 3 What can you do? 学生通过小组讨论的 ,can „ 形式,对寻宝过程进行复 述。 1 I can „ 教师将调查表发给学教师帮助学生将所学的语言 生,学生先将自己会做的知识与实际生活紧密联系,并进 事情进行表达,并填写表行语言表述。 格。 2 What can you do? 学生通过调查的形学生能够在实际生活中,用 I can „ 式,将自己的信息与他人所学的句型进行交际,增进学生 交流,了解班级中其他学之间的了解,实现英语的语用功 生会做的事情,教师可提能。 示给学生句型What can you do? I can „进行问 答。 1 The video 教师让学生观看电脑屏以呈现孩子成长照片的形 幕,呈现男孩Sam 从小到大式进行导入,调动学生的学习 的照片,并提问:Who’s he? 积极性。 How is he? 2 The video 照片依次分别呈现Sam教师通过呈现Sam的成长 开始学走路,开始会骑自行过程,将新授的内容穿插于其 36 车,会爬树,跳绳,放风筝,中,既能激发学生学习的兴趣, 荡秋千,教师让学生观察Sam又能将所要新授的语言知识提 逐渐会做的事情,并不断提前渗入,给学生一个初步的感 问,Can he walk/ skip a 知。 rope/ climb the tree? 等, 让学生进行简单回答,加深对 新知的了解。 1 I can „ 教师快速出示图片让学教师通过快速反应的形 生进行说话训练。如出示式,帮助学生巩固复习上节课 skip的图片,会跳绳的学生的内容。 快速反应说出句子I can skip. 2 I can „ 采取不同的组织形式,如竞赛形式利于提高学生学 竞赛的形式,看谁的反应又快习的积极主动性。 又正确。 3 I can walk/ 教师最后出示的几幅图在快速问答中自然引出本 climb/ ride. 为walk, climb ride,就此课新知,让学生初步感知,理 引出新知。 解其含义。 1 I can „ 教师在黑板上呈现游乐教师通过学生直观的动作 场的图片,并请学生模仿图中表现,巩固复习所学语言,同 孩子的动作,运用句型I 时在自然的情景中导入新知, can „来进行表述。 使学生逐步对将要学习的语言 内容有所了解。 2 .. . can „ 学生用I can „的句型 来进行表述,教师则用第三人 称来进行表述。如学生说:I can climb. 教师说Peter can climb. 1 walk, climb, 全体学生跟着录音机培养学生良好的模仿、认读 ride 朗读,然后以one by one, 习惯。 pair by pair的形式进行 朗读。 2 walk, climb, ride 教师出示图片,当教纠正个别学生的语音语调, 师用响亮的声音读单词时,在比较枯燥的模仿训练中增加趣 学生则用微弱的声音朗读,味性,激发学生模仿的兴趣。 反之教师用微弱的声音时, 学生则用响亮的声音朗读。 37 3 walk, climb, ride 教师读单词用升调 时,学生则用降调,反之 教师读单词用降调时,学 生则用升调朗读。 1 Listening 教师创设在游乐场的通过日常生活中学生熟悉的 comprehension 场景,告诉学生:Some 声音来竞猜,使所学知识与生活 children are playing. 实际相结合。 Let’s listen. 2 Listening 通过播放声音, 让学竞猜的活动方式能够激发学 comprehension 生猜孩子们在做什么。如生学习的兴趣和主动性。 出示图片Sam及自行车的 铃声,问孩子们What can Sam do? 让孩子用He can „进行问答。练习可 由原先的师生问答,逐步 过渡到学生之间的问答。 1 I can „ 由学生做动作,并用通过游戏的形式,调动学生 I can „句型来表述自己学习的积极性,将动作与句型相 会做的动作。 结合,巩固所学的新知。 2 „ can „ 全班同学根据他的动 作及表述,迅速的用第三 人称的句型 „can „来 进行表述。 1 The video 教师创设森林里举行创设情景,引起学生的学习 动物运动会的场景。在屏兴趣,同时复习相关的语言知 幕上呈现运动会的景象。识,为后面进一步学习新知做准 教师介绍This is the 备。 animal sports meeting. There are so many animals. What are they? 让学生对动物进行简单的 描述。 2 What can „ do? 小组讨论,让不同的以小组活动的合作学习方 „ can „ 动物报名参加不同的项目式促进学生间的交流,同时小组 比赛,用句型What can a 内学生之间信息互补,有利于提 monkey do? It can climb 升学生的语用能力。 the tree. 来进行表述。 扩大学生语言训练的操练面,使 38 3 What can „ do? 通过小组讨论,让学每个学生都有开口说话的机会。 „ can „ 生进行个别问答,并将动 物们所参加的体育项目一 一对号入座,并分小组进 行简单的动作表演。 1 walk, run, climb, 教师在屏幕上显示与提供真实的运动项目给学 ride, swim 所学动词相关的一些运动生,将所学知识与生活实际相联 项目,如:竞走,跑步,系,达到学以致用的目的。 攀岩,自行车追逐赛,游 泳等,让学生说出相应的 动词。 2 What can „ do? 呈现不同的运动项适时地扩大语言信息量,帮 „ can „ 目,并介绍从事这些运动助学生不断地积累语言,为学生 项目的著名运动员。请学后续性的学习做准备。 生通过小组讨论的形式进 行配对,并运用句型What can „ do?„ can „来进 行问答。 1 What can you do? 教师将调查表格发给教师运用调查的形式为学生 I can „ 学生,学生通过问答的形提供互相交流的平台,促使他们 式,调查自己的好朋友会将所学知识运用于实际交流中。 做哪些动作或事情。 2 What can „ do? 教师将学生的照片出通过问答的形式,将调查的 He/ She can „ 示在屏幕上,并由学生提信息进行反馈,增进学生之间的 问What can „do?学生根沟通和了解。 据自己的调查表格,进行 回答。 3 What can Sam do? 在此基础上,进行问帮助学生理解文章内容,同 He can „ 答,由师生问答逐步过渡时增进学生间的互动活动。 到生生之间的问答。 4 I’m --- years 小组讨论,自己在不将语言知识与学生实际相结 old. 同年龄阶段会做什么事。 合,通过小组合作的形式,学以 I can --- 致用。 1 walk, skip, 请学生来自我介绍,学生通过合作学习的方式进 swing, climb, 先以小组讨论的形式展行讨论,增加交流的机会,将知 fly, ride, sing, 开,教师提示学生可以从识融会贯通,运用于实际。 draw „ 介绍自己的外貌、年龄、 I can „ 会做的事情,并可将自己 39 的作品展示给大家看。 2 walk, skip, 学生以个人或小组的提供学生展示自己的机会, swing, climb, 形式进行反馈,并请全班使学生极大地感受到英语学习的 fly, ride, sing, 学生做出评判,看看谁是乐趣所在。 draw „ 最棒的。 „ can „ 1 This is „ 教师组织学生开展班让学生学会用简单语句来介 He is a„ 级活动,寻找各自的伙伴,绍某人。 He is „ 并向他们介绍家庭成员或 He can „ 好朋友的外貌特征以及会 做的事情等,教师提示学 生可用句型He is „ He can „来介绍。 1 Close the window. 教师说出不同的祈使通过快速反应的形式,巩 Open the door. 句,让学生迅速做出反应。固复习旧知,为之后的新知导 Clean the desk. 如Close the window. 入打下伏笔。 Walk on the grass. Open the door. Clean the Ride a bicycle. „ desk. Walk on the grass. Ride a bicycle. „ 2 Don’t walk on the 通过小组竞赛的形通过竞赛形式,激发学生 grass. Don’t ride 式,对上述口令做出迅速的学习兴趣,同时复习巩固旧 a bicycle. Don’t 反应,并在其中加入新知知引出新授知识。 close the window. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t ride a bicycle. Don’t close the window. 1 Don’t walk on the 全体学生跟着教师、培养学生优美正确的语音 grass. 录音机朗读。 语调。 Don’t ride a bicycle here. Don’t climb the tree. 2 Don’t walk on the 通过个人、小组朗读纠正个别学生的读音,使 grass. 的形式进行反复操练。 每个学生模仿到位。 Don’t ride a bicycle here. Don’t climb the tree. 40 1 Don’t walk on the 学生跟着教师朗读祈使句通过跟读,学生能熟练朗grass. Don’t walk on the 读句子。 Don’t ride a grass. bicycle here. Don’t ride a bicycle Don’t climb the here. tree. Don’t climb the tree. 1 Repetition 教师将新授的三句句让学生熟悉句型,为接下Don’t walk on the 子打乱顺序,让学生朗读。 来的游戏作铺垫, grass. Don’t ride a bicycle here. Don’t climb the tree. 2 Competition 教师将全班分为三学生通过竞赛的形式,熟 个小组,进行传话游戏。练掌握句型, 将三句句子进行不同的前 后顺序组合,说给排头的 同学听,然后进行传话比 赛,看哪个小组既快又准 确。 Don’t ride a bicycle here. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t climb the tree. 1 Introduction 屏幕上出现学生喜爱的卡通过学生熟悉的卡通形象,提 通人物唐老鸭。教师可以先请高学生的学习兴趣,激发他们 学生对唐老鸭进行简单的描的求知欲。 述,然后告诉学生:He is lovely, but he has some bad habits. Let’s help him today. OK? 2 Don’t „ 在屏幕上显示在街道上、 学生通过快速反应的环 公园里、公共场所等场景,唐节,既能结合场景进行句型操 老鸭所做得不文明举动,请学练,而且能将所学知识与实际 生快速地指出,并劝阻他。教情景相联系。 师提示学生使用句型 Don’t „ 41 1 Don’t walk on 学生根据教师所说的指学生将动作与指令相结 the grass. 令,重复指令并做出与之相符合,建立音形之间的联系,同 Don’t ride a 的动作。教师在这里可以将以时使新旧知识融会贯通。 bicycle here. 前学过的祈使句句型一起进行 Don’t climb 操练。包括:Draw the cow on the tree. the desk. Come here. Go there. Come back. Clean the desk. Close the door. Open the window. Don’t „等 2 Doing the 学生根据教师的指令,说 在理解句型的基础上,适当 opposite 出相反的指令,并做出相应的增加一些趣味性的游戏,激发 动作。 学生的学习兴趣。 3 Doing the 请某个学生说指令,其余 opposite 同学做出相反动作,同时说出 相应的指令。 1 Reading 教师在黑板上出示关通过语段的形式,进一步使 comprehension 于描写公园里活动的短学生掌握所学的单词于句型,并 文,请学生先自己朗读,使学生由单词和句子逐步向语段 然后全班朗读。 的理解进行过渡。 2 What can Sam do? 在朗读的基础上,进通过提问,帮助学生理解短 He can „ 行师生间的问答。 文的含义。 3 Don’t --- 小组讨论,在公园中将语言的训练与学生的生活 游玩还有哪些事情是不能实际相结合,培养学生良好的行 做的。 为习惯。 1 Don’t „ 教师先展示一些学校的规创设情景,让学生在自然 章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,请学生朗读。 的情景中感受语言。 2 Making rules 在了解学校 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 制定学生根据不同的场景,将 的基础上,分小组讨论为图书所学的语言运用于实际。 馆,公园,电影院,教室等地 方制定相应的规章制度。 3 The rules 以小组为单位,交流各组增加学生之间合作交流的 制定的规章制度。 机会。 1 Making a plan 教师请学生自己制定相应学生联系自己的实际生 的日程安排,并提示要求,在活,将所学知识灵活运用。 某些时间可以做什么事,在某 些时间不可以做什么。 2 Friends work 学生将自己制定的日程安提供学生间互相合作,交 排与好朋友交流,并互相补充。 流的机会。 42 1 The video 教师在屏幕上显示 创设自然的生活场景,吸 Sam的形象,教师告诉学引学生的注意力,并通过问答 生:Sam is a good boy. 进一步激发学生的求知欲。 Today is Sunday. He’s in the park. Something will happen. Let’s watch. 2 The video 在公园里,Sam遇到通过创设的故事情景,将 不同的人和事,Sam会帮can 句型进行复习,并为新知 助他们解决问题。教师提的学习打下铺垫,使学生对新 问:What can Sam do?学授知识有初步的感知。 生回答:Sam can „ 1 --- can --- 教师出示动作的图片运用图片,对旧知进行操 让学生快速地描述所看到练,帮助学生复习巩固所学的 的图片内容。如:May can 内容,同时也为Spotty这个人 fly a kite. Sam can ride 物的自然引出做准备。 a bike.教师可通过学生 个别、俩俩、小组的形式 进行语言操练。 2 Spotty can „ 在最后两幅图中教师在情景中自然过渡到所要 可出示Spotty的形象,并学习的新知。 告诉学生:Today we will play a game about Spotty. 1 What can Spotty do? 教师将小狗Spotty通过问答的方式,引导学 的形象呈现在黑板上,让生展开丰富的想象,既巩固已 学生根据Spotty的动作,学的知识,又为新课的导入进 猜Spotty会做什么。 行铺垫。 2 What can Spotty do? 学生以小组的形式对 增加学生间真实情景下语 It can „ 图片进行猜谜、问答。 言交流的机会。 1 Spotty can „ 教师指导学生进行俩通过类似竞猜的活动,在枯 俩操练,一位学生问,另燥的模仿操练中融入趣味性,激 一位回答。 发学生的学习兴趣。 2 Spotty can „ 学生之间根据实际情全班参与, 充分调动学生的 况进行简单回答。 学习积极性。 1 Acting 学生在台前展示他会做发掘学生学习的动力,调 的事情。 动学生的学习热情。 43 2 What can he do? 其他学生俩俩互相问学生通过交流、互动学习, He can „ 答:What can he do? 以巩固复习句型。 He can „ 1 What can --- do? 教师出示各种动物的 通过快速回答的形式,巩 It can --- 图片,让学生来回答老师固复习知识,为新知的引出进 的问题。 行铺垫。 如:What can a fish do? It can swim. 1 The rhyme 全体学生跟着录音机通过模仿学习儿歌,并配 学儿歌,并配上一些节奏,以拍子,便于学生掌握儿歌的 边打拍子边跟说。 韵律节奏。 2 The rhyme 分小组代表不同的动改编枯燥的机械模仿形 物念儿歌。 式,增加儿歌朗诵的趣味性。 1 The short passage 教师呈现一篇简单的增加阅读量,并为接下来 小短文给学生,短文中包的自编儿歌提供条件。 含着动物,动作及地点, 请学生朗读。 2 The rhyme 小组讨论,找出短文 帮助学生学会如何来提炼 中的动物,动作及地点,文中的关键信息,同时也培养 编成儿歌,进行表演。 学生处理信息、整合信息的能 力。 1 Stand up. Walk! 教师说口令,学生听 复习巩固已学的一些祈使 Don’t walk~――― 口令做动作。 句。 2 Stand up. Walk! 根据上述教师的示 发挥学生的主体作用,使 Don’t walk~――― 范,学生们分小组进行游每个学生都参与到语言的游戏 戏活动。组内的学生依次活动中。 轮流说口令,其余学生做 动作。 3 Stand up. Walk! 以竞赛的形式,教师 增加语言活动的趣味性和 Don’t walk~――― 用数字代表不同的口令,竞争性,同时又锻炼学生认读 如one代表Don’t climb 句子的能力。 the tree. 教师说出数 字,学生迅速说出口令并 做出相应的动作,反应最 快的学生为优胜者。 44 1 climb swing --- 屏幕上首先呈现各种 通过直观的情景帮助学生 What can --- do? 动物在做不同的动作,教复习旧知,使学生有话可说。 „ can „ 师请学生快速回答。如 T: What can the monkey do? P1:The monkey can swing. 2 climb swim --- 教师请学生思考,人 发展学生的思维能力,将 „ can „ 类发明的哪些东西也能够动物与人类发明联系起来,并 做到动物所能做的事情或通过小组合作的形式进行讨 动作,小组讨论。 论,使生生互动,互相促进。 1 He is my „ 学生拿出家庭成员照 将所学知识运用与实际, He is „ 片,寻找好朋友做介绍,并通过交流巩固所学内容。 He can „ 教师可以提示学生使用句 型:He is my „ He is „ He can „ 2 He is my „ 学生以pair work的 培养学生的合作意识,巩 He is „ 形式进行反馈,一位学生固复习旧知,并增加活动的趣 He can „ 描述,另一位学生做动作,味性。 请全体学生猜猜他会做什 么或他是谁。 1 I am „ 每个同学寻找朋友并介绍使学生能运用所学语言进 I can „ 自己,可以运用句型I am „ I 行简单的语段练习。 can „ 2 I am „ 学生将自己所表述的语言将听说练习转化为读写练 I can „ 试着写在纸上,并配上相应的习,提高学生对语言的运用能 图画。 力。 3 I am „ 学生将自己的作品与父母增加学生交流的机会,使 I can „ 分享,共同享受学习的乐趣。 课内的学习延伸到课外,增加 学生的语用空间。 附件: 媒体制作说明 2B-U4-15 建议用Authorware制作 屏幕中显示不同的动物做不同的动作。 鸟飞,马跑,鱼游泳,老鼠打洞,牛耕田 点击后出现 飞机飞,汽车跑,船在水中开,钻机打洞,机器耕田 45 Unit 5 Wash with water 教学过程Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities 1.Mime the action of turning on a tap. Say ‘Turn on the tap.’ Check that students understand the verb phrase ‘turn on ‘ and the noun ‘tap‘ .Say the instruction again and ask the students to repeat., Ask Where can I find a tap? When do I turn on the tap? Elicit different uses for water. 2.Show the class a towel. Elicit the word ‘towel’. Students repeat. Pass the towel to a student and say ‘Wash your towel.’ Students repeat. Repeat this procedure with a few other students or let them pass the towel to each other saying ‘Wash your towel.’ As they pass it on. They can also do the action for turning on the tap by saying ‘Turn on the tap.’ And then, ‘Wash your towel.’ 3.After the students have practiced step 2 a few times, mime the action for ‘Turn off the tap. ‘ As the words while you mime the action and have students repeat. While-task Activities 1.Get students to open their Student’s Books to page 22. Ask the students to point to the correct picture when you call out the instructions randomly. 2.Play the cassette. Have the students repeat the instructions. 3.Play the cassette again with students saying the instructions as they mime the actione. 4.Divide the class into pairs and let one student give the instruction while the other does the action. Remind them to say their friend’s name when giving the instruction. 5.Let a few of the pairs of students come up and act the instructions in front of the class. Post-task Activities 1. Do the actions for the instructions taught and have the students call out the correct instructions. This can be competitive if you divide the class into two groups and give them points for the first team to shout out any correct instruction. 2.Play the game ‘Simon says---‘. Give commands like ‘Turn on the tap.’ “ Wash your hands.’, “ turn off the tap.” As well as the more common commands. While-task Activities Step 1 指着教室中的东西说: The blackboard is dirty. The desk is clean. T: What is dirty in the classroom? What is clean in the classroom? The blackboard is dirty. What shall we do ? Clean the blackboard. 46 Step 2 When teacher says good I say bad. When teacher says dirty I say clean. turn on --- turn off (学生可运用上面的单词卡片自己编儿歌) Step 3 Group work: Listen and act Step 4 Game: Who is the leader? Post-task Activities Step 1 Step 1 Listen and read after the tape Step 2 将屏幕上的字去掉,让学生自己配音。 Step 3 两人一组,可模仿说话,也可自编对话。 Step 4 Listen to a story. T: What do you see on the screen? How is the seed? Does he like sunshine and water? What does he become at last? Retell the story Pre-task Activities Step 1 Listen and act T: Point to your left hand. Touch your right toes. Turn to the left. Look to the right. Right hand up. Left hand down. Say a rhyme Brush brush brush your teeth. One two three. Brush brush brush your teeth. Left and right. Brush brush brush your teeth. Up and down. 47 Step 2 Matching game Give more examples 请学生再列举学过的这一类的单词。如:milkman, snowball„ Step 3 Letters and sound While-task Activities Step 1 通过实物教学paste. Look, this is paste. This is my tooth. This is my toothpaste. What’s this? A brush. It’s a toothbrush. 将tooth与brush, paste结合起来,形成了两个复合词。拓展教学:This is a tube of toothpas Step 2 Listen and pick the right one. 教师发口令,请两个学生上来挑选出正确的东西,快者为胜。教师还可将实物发给学生(towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste„)学生听单词,举实物,出错者或慢者出局。 Step 3 Read and spell the words Tic-tac-toe Step 4 Questions and answers What do you do with toothpaste? Do you brush your teeth in the morning/ at night? Post-task Activities Step 1 Survey P1: **, do you brush your teeth in the morning/ at night? P2: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 调查完两个同学后,完成调查表格。 Step 2 Report In my group, __________pupils brush teeth in the morning./ at night. Step 3 Questions and answers 48 What do you do with„? P: I do„with„ Step 4 Write down two things you do with water/a toothbrush/hands„ 将你信息卡上的内容读给你的同学听,试试看能否找到一个与你有相同信息的人。 Pre-task Activities Step 1 Sing the morning song. (学生跟着录音机边唱边表演) T: What do you do in the morning? P: I brush my teeth/ wash my face„ Step 2 教师边示范边说: I comb my hair in the morning. 学生边动作边跟说: P: I comb my hair in the morning. Step 3 用同样的方法,教学这些词组 make my bed, set the table, bake my bread have breakfas Step 4 请6位学生上来,每人抽取一张词组卡片,根据卡片上的词组做动作并提问:What do I do in the morning?下面同学则根据他/她的动作回答: You______ in the morning. While-task Activities Step 1 教师边示范边说:This is the way I wash my face. How do you wash your face? 学生边做动作边说: This is the way I wash my face. 教师将所学的动词词组贴在黑板上,学生可看着词组,边做动作,边说句子: This is the way I„ Step 2 Pattern: 49 This is the way I„ Say after Mickey: Hello, I am Mickey. I brush my teeth every day. This is the way I brush my teeth. Step 3 学生在小组中操练上述句型。可模仿,鼓励学生自己造句。 Hello, I am________. I _________ every day. This is the way I__________. 屏幕上显示画面,学生配音: Hello, I am Mickey. I read books every day. This is the way I read my books. etc. Step 4 T: What does Mickey do every day? How does he wash his face/ swim„? 不显示画面,学生模仿刚才看到的情景,边说边表演。 Enjoy the song Sing a song Post-task Activities Step 1 Change the verse (group work ) 分小组进行表演,学生进行互评 Step 2 Questions and answers P1: What do you do in the morning? P2: I do„in the morning. Step 3 学生根据卡片上提供的词组,改编歌词,进行表演。 Pre-task Activities Step 1 Song “Head should knees and toes.” 学生边唱边动作,在演唱的过程中复习以前所学过的表示人体器官的单词。 Step 2 Listen and act 50 T: Touch your nose. Open your mouth and say “Ah”. S: Follow the teacher’s instruction Step 3 Say a rhyme to review the words: eat and drink Eat, eat, I like to eat. I like to eat some noodles. Drink, drink, I like to drink. I like to drink some water. Step 4 Question and answer Do you like to drink/ eat„? What do you like to drink/ eat? While-task Activities Step 1 Look at my hands. They are very dirty. I want to wash my hands. (Demo) Read and make new phrases Look at my hands. They are very dirty. I want to wash my hands. (Demo) Read and make new phrases Step 2 Can you help your mother with housework? What can you wash? Step 3 The blackboard is dirty. Clean the blackboard, please. Now the blackboard is clean. What can you clean in the classroom? 两组同学,各派一个代表参加比赛,一个拿着单词卡片clean, 一个拿着wash,鼠标点着一样物品后, 一个同学必须用手中的动词与它组成一个词组,说得又快又对者胜出。 Pre-task Activities Step I::Listen and act Step II:Daily Talk While-task Activities A. bowl 1. I’m hungry. I need a bowl of rice. 2. bowl 3. Look at the bowl. It’s „ B. plate 1. Is this a bowl? (No.) 51 It’s a plate. 2. What’s on the plate? There is some „ on the plate. C. knife 1. Look, this is a knife. 2. I’ve got a knife. Have you got a knife? 3. My knife is sharp. D. fork 1. I want to eat some meat. I need a knife. And a fork. 2. fork 3. What do you need? I need a fork. 4. A fork, please? Yes, please./ No, thanks. E. spoon 1. What is it? (It’s soup.) What do you want? I want some soup. 2. What do you need? I need a spoon. 3. spoon 4. I’ve got a spoon. My spoon is „ 5. A spoon? Yes, please. / No, thanks. F. glass 1. T: I’m very thirsty. P: Some water. T: Yes, please. A glass of water. 2. glassàclass 3. a glass of water 4. A glass of water? Yes, please. No, thanks. G. chopsticks 1. What do you use to drink soup? What do you use to eat rice? 2. Read: chopsticks 3. spell the word. Post-task Activities 1. Read the words. 2. Spell the words. 3. Play a guessing game: I want to eat. What do I need? 52 教学过程Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities A. Read the words B. Daily Talk: While-task Activities A. I’m hungry. I want „ 1. I haven’t breakfast. So I’m hungry. 2. hungry 3. How do you feel? I’m hungry. 4. What do you want? I want some hot dogs„ Want 5. bread I want some bread. 6. Ask and answer B. I’m thirsty. 1. Are you hungry? (No, I’m thirsty.) 2. thirsty 3. How do you feel? I’m thirsty. 4. I’m thirsty. I want a „ C. Four spoons? Yes, please. /No, thanks. 1. Are you thirsty? Yes. Some soup? Yes, please. (Do pair work.) 2. How do you feel? I’m hungry. A hot dog? No, thanks. Two pizzas? Yes, please. (Do pair work) 53 Post-task Activities Read the text. Pre-task Activities A. Read the words B. Listen and act: While-task Activities A. Bring me a „ 1. bringàswing 2. bring me 3. bring me a bowl. 4. Order your friend Bring me a „ OK. B. bring me some „ 1. I’m thirsty. Bring me some milk. 2. Bring me some „ 3. Order your friend. C. Give the „ to „ 1. Who’s hungry? (Peter is.) Give the hot dog to Peter, Ben. (OK.) 2. give 3. Give „ to „ 4. Give the „ to „ 5. Do pair work Give the „ to „ OK. D. Give it to „ E. Read the story. Act out the story. Post-task Activities 1. Read the text. P27-31 Pre-task Activities A. Rhymes. 54 B. Daily talk. C. Listen and act: While-task Activities A. picnic 1. It’s Sunday. It’s sunny. Where are you going? To the park/zoo/farm/„ 2. Let’s go to the park and have a picnic. Let’s put our food and drinks together. Let’s share our food. The food will be more delicious. B. I want „ 1. I’m thirsty. I want some„ 2. I’m hungry. I want „ C. What do you want? 1. The teacher asks: What do you want? The students answer. 2. Read. 3. Work in pairs. 4. Act out. Post-task Activities 2. Read the text. P30. Pre-task Activities A. Rhymes. B. Daily talk. C. Listen and act: While-task Activities A. Introduce the story. 1. Today is Sunday. Sam and May have no lessons. Mum takes them to the snack bar. They are very happy. 2. In the snack bar, what do you want? 3. Let’s listen to Sam and May’s story. B. Picture 1 1. I’m hungry. I want a pizza. 2. If you are in the bar, what do you want? C. Picture 2 1. I’m thirsty. I want a Coke. Teach: Coke 2. I want a Coke. 3. What do you want? 55 D. Picture 3 1. The waiter asks: Some soup? What will you answer? 2. Mum answers: Yes, please. 3. Work in pairs. Some „? Yes, please. E. Picture 4 1. The waiter brings the pizza and Coke to the table. Sam and May are very happy. Sam says: I want this. May says: I want that. 2. this, that 3. Read the sentences. 4. Read and act. F. Picture 5 1. What do you like to do? Sam wants a Coke. What does he like to do? 2. May wants a pizza. What does she like to do? 3. Work in pairs: I like to eat. I like to drink. G. Picture 6 1. The waiter asks: Some ice-cream? Do you want some ice-cream? But Sam and May are very full. They answer: No, thank you. 2. full 3. Work in pairs. 56
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