首页 2005年1月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解



2005年1月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解2005年1月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 2005年1月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.【看题预测】该题的四个选项均是对某话题的一种反应:选项A) 针对时间;选项B) 和C) 针对东西;选项D) 表示相同看法等。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在时间,东西,表示态度。 I'm so glad to meet you here. Janet. A) H...

2005年1月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 2005年1月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.【看题预测】该题的四个选项均是对某话题的一种反应:选项A) 针对时间;选项B) 和C) 针对东西;选项D) 表示相同看法等。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在时间,东西,表示态度。 I'm so glad to meet you here. Janet. A) Hurry up. B) Nothing left. C) No more. D) Me, too. 【解析】该题的问题是I'm so glad to meet you here,表示态度。因此,D) 为正确答案。 选项A) 回答问价钱;选项B) 对……(所花的时间)发表意见,进行评价;选项2.【看题预测】该题 C) 回答需要多少时间;选项D) 表示就餐时间。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在问价钱,征求意见,问时间。 Sally,what do you think of the play? A) It cost me twenty dollars. B) It was a waste of time. C) It took me three hours. D) It's time for dinner. 【解析】该题的问题是what do you think of the play,征求意见。因此,B) 为正确答案。 3.【看题预测】该题选项A) 用于回答关于价格的提问;选项B) 用于回答关于地点的提问;选项C) 表示没有带钱;选项D) 同选项B)。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在问价格,问路,借钱。 How much is the ticket to New York,please? A) Fourteen dollars. B) It's next to the station. C) Sorry, I have no money. D) Sorry, I don't know the way. 【解析】该题的问题是How much is the ticket to New York,问价格。因此,A) 为正确答案。 4.【看题预测】该题选项A) 的意思是“赞同”,表示看法;选项B) 的意思是“时候还早呢”,用于表示挽留;选项C) 用于征求意见;选项D) 问迟到的原因。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在提出看法,离别,迟到。 I think I'd better leave now. It’s getting late. A) You're right. B) But it's still early. C) What do you think of it? D) Why are you so late? 【解析】该题的问题是I think I'd better leave now,提出离别。因此,要说挽留的话,B) 为正确答案。 5.【看题预测】该题选项A) 是反问句;选项B) 对他人的帮助、祝贺、赞扬等表示感谢;选项C) 对求助表示承诺;选项D) 回答他人的道歉。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在他人的帮助、祝贺、赞扬,求助,道歉。 Could you get us another room on this floor? A) Don't you know? B) Thanks a lot. C) No problem. D) It doesn't matter. 【解析】该题的问题是Could you get us another room on this floor,表达求助。因此,C) 为正确答案。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第1页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 Section B 6.【看题预测】该题的四个选项均为动名词短语,表达不同的行为:购物,发布命令,买水果,自我介绍。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是What…,听力的重点在购物,发布命令,买水果,自我介绍。 M:Can you tell me where I can buy some apples? A) Going shopping. W:Yes,go down this street and you'11 see a fruit shop on your right. B) Giving directions. Q:What's the man doing? C) Buying fruit. D) Introducing himself. 【解析】该题的问题是What's the man doing,根据男士buy some apples,或女士see a fruit shop on your right,C) 是正确答案。 7.【看题预测】该题四个选项所表达的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 均与下雪有关:选项A) 停止下雪;选项B) 要下雪了;选项C) 已经开始下雪了;选项D) 仍在下雪呢。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在怎么下雪。 M:Is it still snowing outside? A) It has stopped snowing. W:Yes, it is. We’d better wait until it stops. B) It's going to snowing. Q:What's the weather like now? C) It has just begun to snow. D) It's still snowing. 【解析】该题的问题是What's the weather like now,根据男士的提问Is it still snowing outside以及女士的回答Yes, it is,D) 是正确答案。 8.【看题预测】该题四个选项所表达的内容与交通工具有关:汽车,火车,飞机,轮船。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是How…(问乘坐哪种交通工具),听力的重点在上述四种交通工具。 W:You know I don't like to travel by plane. A) By car. B) By train. M:Yes, I understand. Then let's go there by train. C) By plane. D) By ship. Q:How will the two speakers probably travel? 【解析】该题的问题是How will the two speakers probably travel,根据男士的回答Then let's go there by train,B) 是正确答案。 9.【看题预测】该题的四个选项均为警示语,告诉人们在公共场合不要做的事:勿吸烟,勿停车,油漆未干,勿踏草地。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在是否吸烟,停车,有油漆,踏草地。 W:I'm sorry, Sir. You may not smoke here. A) No Smoking. M:Oh, sorry, I didn't see the sign. B) No Parking. Q:What does the sign most probably say? C) Wet Paint. D) Keep off the Grass. 【解析】该题的问题是What does the sign most probably say,根据女士You may not smoke here,A) 是正确答案。 10.【看题预测】该题的四个选项均为部门的名称:出口部,进口部,销售部,人事部。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是which department …,听力的重点在出口,进口,销售,人事这四个部门有关的事宜。 W:Would you please take this report over to the Sales Department? A) The Export Department. M:Sure. I’d be very happy to. B) The Import Department. Q:To which department will the man take the report? C) The Sales Department. D) The Personnel Department. 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第2页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 【解析】该题的问题是To which department will the man take the report,根据女士take this report over to the Sales Department,C) 是正确答案。 Section C Almost every activity in life requires communication. When you make a speech at school, 11. your food at a restaurant, or tell a joke, you are communicating. Learning to speak and express your thoughts 12. is the basic requirement of good communication. But there is 13. to speaking-one that's often neglected. That's "listening". If you don't listen, how will you know what to say when your workmate needs help or your friend is upset? So, try to remember that good communicators listen twice 14. as they speak. Maybe that's why God gave us two ears and just one 15. . 【短文翻译】在生活中,几乎所有的行为都 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 交际。比如:在学校演讲、到餐厅点菜或开个玩笑,这都是交际。学会清晰地表达自已的想法是良好交际的基本要求。然而“说”有另一面,这一面常被忽视,那就是“听”。如果你不听,那你的同事需要帮助或朋友心情不好时,你怎么知道该说点什么呢?所以请记住,良好的交际者听是说的两倍。或许那就是上帝赐给我们两只耳朵一张嘴巴的原因吧。 11.【答案】order 12.【答案】clearly 13.【答案】another side 14.【答案】as much 15.【答案】mouth Part II Vocabulary and Structure Section A 16. The wine ________ a little bitter this time. A) tastes B) sounds C) looks D) feels 【答案】A 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项A) 的意思是“尝起来”,符合题意,故,A) 是正确答案。选项B) 的意思是“听起来”;选项C) 的意思是“看起来”;选项D)的意思是“感觉”。 【译文】这葡萄酒尝起来有点苦。 17. So loudly _________ that the audience in the back heard him clearly. A) does he speak B) did he speak C) he speaks D) he spoke 【答案】 B 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是倒装,时态。答案的根据是由so一词开头的句子,要求到装,因此,排除选项C) 和D),其次,that从句的谓语heard提示时间是过去,故, 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第3页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 B) 是正确答案。到装:引起到装的条件很多,除了含否定意义的词位于句首句子要到装以外,so, only等词开头句子也要用倒装。 【译文】他讲话的声音很大,后排的观众都听得很清楚。 18. I am going to attend the conference, but you ________with me. A) needn't to go B) don't need go C) needn't go D) needn't going 【答案】C 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是情态动词need的用法。答案的根据是need既可作行为动词又可作情态动词。need作情态动词时,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,否定式在need后加not.缩略形式needn’t;need作行为动词时,后接不定式,有人称和数的变化,其否定式由助动词do加not前置于need。因此,C) 是正确答案。 【译文】我准备去开会,你不必和我一块去。 19. The police are ________the traffic' accident that happened yesterday. A) looking down upon B) looking forward to C) looking into D) looking after 【答案】C 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是由look构成的动词词组的词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项C)的意思是“调查”,符合题意,因此,C) 是正确答案。选项A) 的意思是“看不起”;选项B) 的意思是“期盼”;选项D) 的意思是“照料”。 【译文】警察正在调查昨晚发生的那起交通事故。 20. It is reported that this medicine is ________against lung cancer. A) economic B) easy C) expensive D) effective 【答案】D 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项D)的意思是“有效的”,符合题意,因此,D) 是正确答案。选项A) 的意思是“经济的”;选项B) 的意思是“容易的”;选项C)的意思是“昂贵的”。 【译文】据报道,这种药物对治疗肺癌很有效。 21. He has changed his ________about buying a new car at least three times. A) brain B) head C) mind D) thought 【答案】C 【解析】 从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词组change one’s mind。答案的根据是change one’s mind是一个词组,意思是“改变主意”;而且,这个意思符合题意。因此,C) 是正确答案。其余三个选项不与change构成词组。 【译文】就买辆新车这件事上,他至少改变了三次想法。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第4页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 22. While ________in London, the young engineer picked up some English. A) staying B) stays C) stayed D) to stay 【答案】A 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是非谓语动词作状语。答案的根据是对句子的分析:动词短语stay in London由连词while引导作时间状语,说明主句动作发生的时间。因此,A)是正确答案。作时间状语的分词短语往往是现在分词,表示主语在进行另一动作。 【译文】在伦敦停留期间,年轻的工程师学了一些英语。 23. It will only take me a minute to get your watch fixed. It will be ready A) by the way B) right way __________. C) at last D) in that case 【答案】B 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项B) 的意思是“立刻,马上”,符合题意,因此,B) 是正确答案。选项A) 的意思是“顺便一提”;选项C) 的意思是“最终”;选项D) 的意思是“在那种情况下”。 【译文】只要一分钟我就能修好你的表,很快就好了。 24. We were talking about the American tourist _______ we met during our A) what B) which trip to theGreat Wall. C) worseD) whom 【答案】D 【解析】从该题的四个选项来看该题是词汇题,但阅读句子之后便知该题是语法结构题。考点是定语从句。答案的根据是对句子的分析及定语从句引导词的用法规则。句中tourist是先行词,表示人,而且,引导词在从句中作宾语。因此,D) 是正确答案。定语从句引导词用法规则(见下表)。 先行词 引导词 人 who (在从句中做主语), whom (在从句中做宾语), whose (在从 句中做定语), that (限制性定语从句中可替换who或whom) 事、物 which , that (用于限制性定语从句), 时间 when 地点 where 原因 why, that 【译文】我们正在谈论游览长城中遇见的那位美国游客。 25. More and more trucks are seen ________between these two towns A) run B) to run these days. C) is running D) being run 【答案】B 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是被动语态的特殊用法。答案的根据是在动词see后作宾语补足语的不定式不带to(bare-infinitive),但当句子变为被动语态时,作为主语补足语的不定式必须带to。因此,B) 是正确答案。此类动词称感官动词:see, hear, watch, feel, notice等。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第5页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 此外,动词make, let, help也有此要求。 【译文】这几天可以看到越来越多的卡车往返在两个镇子之间。 Section B 26. Please remember (lock)_______the door when you leave. 【答案】to look 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是动词remember。答案的根据是动词remember后可接to V 和V-ing为宾语,但意思不同,接to V表示动作尚未发生,而接V-ing则表示动作已经完成。根据句子的意思 动作尚未发生,因此,正确答案是to look。英语中有些动词后面既可接不定式也可接动名词作宾语, 意思相同;有些既可接不定式也可接动名词作宾语,但意思不同;有些就只能后接不定式,有些却只 能接动名词。这都是由动词本身的属性决定的,不可以用词义去推断。既可接不定式也可接动名词作 宾语,但意思不同的动词:remember, forget, stop, try, 等。 【译文】请记住离开时要锁门。 27. The local people are very (friend)________to the visiting tourists. 【答案】friendly 【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是名词friend的形容词形式。答案的根据是are (friend) ______ to … 中,be + adj.构成系表结构,表示状态或性质。因此,名词friend加形容词后缀-ly构成friendly。 【译文】 当地人对游客很友好。 28. I suggested that he (call)________on the director a week later. 【答案】(should) call 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是虚拟语气。答案的根据是动词suggest要求宾语从句用原形虚拟。 故,正确答案是(should) call 。原形虚拟:表示愿望、请求、建议、命令等意义的动词作谓语引导宾语 从句时,从句谓语形式用(should ,) V。常见动词有:suggest,demand,insist,command,request, order,propose,desire,require,recommend,ask,prefer,advise,decide等。 【译文】我建议他一星期后拜访导演。 29. One can jump (high)_______on the moon than on the earth. 【答案】higher 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是形容词的级。答案的根据是jump (high) ______ on the moon than on the earth中,high是形容词,而其后的than提示此处应用比较级。故,正确答案是higher。比较级 的构成:单音节词及部分双音节词家后缀-er构成比较级;部分双音节和多音节形容词在原级前面加 单词more构成比较级。 【译文】人在月球上比在地球上跳得高。 30. He is asked to (short)_______his report to one page. 【答案】shorten 【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是形容词short的动词形式。答案的根据是is asked to (short) ______ his report to one page中,ask要求后接不定式作主语补足语,而ask 之后的to业已提示此处需要一个 动词原形。因此,形容词short加动词后缀-en构成动词shorten。 【译文】他被要求把报告缩减为一页。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第6页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 31. Hardly had we gathered in the square when it (begin) ________to rain. 【答案】began 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的时态。答案的根据是hardly...when。此结构表示两个 动作一前一后,紧密连接。Hardly…为主句,动作先发生,用过去完成时;when是从句,动作后发生,用一般过去时。因此,正确答案是began。类似用法的结构:no sooner … than …。 【译文】我们刚到广场集合,天就开始下起了雨。 32. Going abroad to have a holiday will be an (excite) ________experience for us. 【答案】exciting 【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是动词excite的形容词形式。答案的根据是an (excite) ______ experience for us中,冠词an所指的名词是experience,故,此处需要一个形容词修饰名词experience。因此,动词excite去e加后缀-ing构成形容词exciting。情绪动词分词式形容词的区别:V-ing表示主动意思“令人… …”;V-ed2表示被动意思“使/让人感到… …”。 【译文】到国外度假对我们来说是一次令人兴奋的经历。 33. The problem (discuss)_______at the meeting yesterday had not been solved yet. 【答案】discussed 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是非谓语动词作定语。答案的根据是对句子的分析:(discuss)______ at the meeting作定语修饰problem。因此,正确答案为discussed。V-ing短语作定语相当于一个定语从 句,即The problem which was discussed at the meeting yesterday。非谓语动词短语有三种形式:to V, V-ing,V-ed2,都可以作定语。区别在于:to V作定语,表示动作尚未发生,而且与先行词(被修饰者) 是施动/主谓关系;V-ing作定语,表示动作已经/与谓语动词同时发生,而且与先行词(被修饰者)是 施动/主谓关系;V-ed2作定语,表示动作已经/与谓语动词同时发生,而且与先行词(被修饰者)是承 动/动宾关系。 【译文】昨天会上讨论的那个问题还没有解决。 34. Nothing can (do)_______unless we are given more Information about the situation. 【答案】be done 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的语态。答案的根据是对句子的分析:主语nothing与谓 语do的关系是承动/动宾关系,要求用被动语态;此外,(do)前又有情态动词can,要求用动词原形。因此,正确答案是be done。 【译文】 如果不给我们提供更多的关于当前局势方面的信息,我们什么也做不了。 35. Yao Ming, our favorite basketball (play) _________, is becoming a superstar in the world. 【答案】player 【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是动词play的名词形式。答案的根据是our favorite basketball (play)______ 的意思应该是“我们最喜欢的篮球运动员”,因此,动词play加名词后缀-er构成名词player。 【译文】姚明,我们最喜欢的篮球运动员,正逐步成为一名世界超级球星。 Part III Reading Comprehension 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第7页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 Task 1 Telecommuting (远程办公) ?It's 8:30, time for John to start work, so he turns on his radio. Then he eats breakfast. As he eats, he reads his e-mail and reviews his to-do list. Then he sits on the sofa and thinks about an article he needs to write.... Wait a minute! Radio? Breakfast? Sofa? What kind of workplace is this? Well, actually it is John's house, and he is a telecommuter----he works at home, communicating with the workplace through the Internet. ?Like John, millions of people----and their employers----are finding that telecommuting is a great way to work. Telecommuters can follow their own schedules. They work in the comfort of their homes, where they can also look after young children or elderly parents. They save time and money by not traveling to work. Their employers save, too, because they need less office space and furniture. Studies show that telecommuters change jobs less often. This saves employers even more money. Telecommuting helps society too, by reducing pollution and traffic problems. ?Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work, computer programming and accounting (会计). If a job involves working with information, a telecommuter can probably do it. 36. From the passage we know that John does his job________. 【定位解读】本题是细节题。问从文章中我们可知约翰是如何办公的。根据第一段最后一句he works at home,communicating with the workplace through the Internet(约翰通过因特网在家办公),D) through the Internet(通过因特网)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) by telephone(用电话),B) in the office(在办公室),C) away from home(离家很远), 均不符合原意。 37. Which of the following is mentioned as one of the advantages of telecommuting? 【定位解读】本题是逻辑推理题。问下列哪项是远程办公的优越性之一。根据第二段第二Telecommuters can follow their own schedules,B) One can work on one's own schedule(按自己的计划工作)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) One can get along well with co-workers(能够与同事友好相处),C) One can work for several employers(能给多个雇主工作),D) One can enjoy a lot of traveling(能享受很多的旅行),均 不符合原意。 38. The passage tells us that telecommuters change jobs less often and so________. 【定位解读】本题是细节题。问远程工作者不常换工作所产生的结果是什么。根据文章第二段倒数第 二句This saves employers even more money(这为雇主省更多的钱),C) their employers can save more money(雇主能省更多钱)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) they can get more work experience(他们能得到更多的工作经验),B) they will have a longer paid holiday(他们将有更长的带薪假期),D) their employers will give them a higher pay(老板将 给他们更高的报酬),均不符合原意。 39. The phrase "suited to" (Line 1, Para. 3) means________. 【定位解读】本题是词汇题。问第三段第一行的suited to是什么意思。根据第三段第一句Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work……(适合远程办公的领域包括写作、设计工 作……),C) fit for(适合于„„)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) acceptable for(合意,受欢迎,可接受),B) difficult for(难于),D) bad for(有害于, 不适宜于),均不符合原意。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第8页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 40. The passage is mainly about ________. 【定位解读】本题是主旨题。问这篇文章大意是什么。考查对全文的理解和概括。这是一篇说明性的 文章,介绍了一种新的工作方式——远程办公的情景、意义及涉及的领域,因此,A) a new way to work(一种新的工作方式)是正确答案。 【错误解读】B) John's working day(约翰的工作时间),C) various workplaces(各种各样的工作场所), D) the Internet(因特网),都不是文章的主题。 Task 2 ?People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want. ?They want to go quickly and safely across the land, across the sea or right across the world, and they know Heaven Air will take them where they want to go whenever they want to go. Heaven Air flies all the newest and fastest planes to more towns and cities of the world than any other airlines. ?Do you want to go Paris, Washington, Tokyo? Heaven Air will take you there, at all times of the day or night, right through the week. But Heaven Air flies not only to the biggest cities, we also fly two or three times a week to towns and cities in the very center of Asia, Africa and South America. ?People fly with Heaven Air because they know they will leave on time and arrive on time. They know that they will receive the best food and watch the best films. Heaven Air is second to none. 41. Heaven Air is the name of________. 【定位解读】本题是逻辑推理题。问Heaven Air是什么的名字。本篇文章是一则广告,向读者介绍了 Heaven Air航空公司为乘客提供的到达世界各地的航行情况。故,B) an airline(一家航空公司)是正确 答案。 【错误解读】A) a plane(飞机),C) a travel service(旅行社),D) an advertising program(广告项目), 均不符合原意。 42. Traveling with Heaven Air is ________. 【定位解读】本题是细节题。问乘坐Heaven Air旅行是怎么样。根据第二段第一句They want to go quickly and safely across the land…(他们要快而安全地……),D) quick and safe(快捷、安全)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) comfortable but expensive(舒适但昂贵),B) cheap and pleasant(又平又满意),C) exciting but rare(令人兴奋但罕见),文章未题及。 43. Heaven Air can take you to Paris________. 【定位解读】本题是细节题。问Heaven Air可在什么时候飞往巴黎。根据第三段第一、二句Do you want to go Paris, Washington, Tokyo? Heaven Air will take you there, at all times of the day or night, right through the week,C) any time in a week(任何时刻)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) on weekends only(只在周末),B) just on weekdays(只在工作日),D) two or three times a week(一周两至三次),均不符合原意。 44. Most flights of Heaven Air go to______. 【定位解读】本题是细节题。问Heaven Air的大部分航班飞往哪里。根据第三段第三句But Heaven Air flies not only to the biggest cities, we also fly two or three times a week to towns and cities in the very center 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第9页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 of Asia, Africa and South America,C) both big and small cities(大小城镇)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) big cities(大城市),B) small towns(小城镇),D) the very center of Asia(亚洲中心腹 地),均不符合原意。 45. According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is ________. 【定位解读】本题是主旨题。问根据广告Heaven Air自我评价如何。根据最后一句Heaven Air is second to none(Heaven Air最好的航空公司),D) the best in the world(世界一流)是正确答案。 【错误解读】A) the second biggest in the world(世界第二大),B) the second best in the world(世界第 二好),C) the biggest in the world(世界最大),均不符合原意。 Task 3 Memo To: All Employees From: H. E. Larkin, President Date: May 22,2004 Subject: Our New Computer System ?During the coming year more and more employees will be asked to participate in the network of our new computer system. This system is not centered on the use of the computer as a cost reduction tool, but it is used as a management (管理) tool. The new system will be used to handle much large amounts of information. With the system, we'll have more time for the planning and thinking—the basic factors in making our business grow. This growth, in turn, will create new opportunities for some of you to become managers. ?The specific duties of many employees will naturally be affected because of the shift of work, but such changes will surely result in work that is more challenging. Memo To: All Employees From: H. E. Larkin, President Date: May 22,2004 Subject: A new______46______ Purpose: To handle greater amounts of______47 in management. Expected Benefits: 1. more time for______48______ 2. business growth 3. new opportunities for employees to become______49______ Affected Areas: ______50______of many employees 46.【定位解读】本题要填的是备忘录的主题是什么。根据Subject: Our New Computer System, 答案为computer system。 47.【定位解读】本题要填的是使用新电脑系统的目的是什么。根据第一段第三句The new system will be used to handle much large amount of information(处理数量很大的管理信息),答案为information。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第10页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 48.【定位解读】本题要填的是使用新电脑系统可能产生的好处之一。根据第一段第四句With the system, we'll have more time for the planning and thinking--the basic factors in making our business grow(使用新电脑系统,我们就有更多的时间来计划和思考——我们业绩增长的基本因素),答案为planning and thinking(计划和思考)。 49.【定位解读】本题要填的是使用新电脑系统可能产生的另外的好处。根据第一段最后一句This growth, in turn, will create new opportunities for some of you to become managers(这种增长反过来会给你们中的一些人成长为经理创造机会),答案为managers。 50.【定位解读】本题要填的是由于使用新电脑系统哪些方面会受到影响。根据第二段第一句The specific duties of many employees will naturally be affected because of the shift of work…(由于工作的变化,许多员工的具体职责自然会受到影响……),答案为The specific duties(具体职责)。 Task 4 A--Advertisement K--Advertising Media B--Advertiser L--Fly Sheets fox Advertising C--Billboard M--Advertising Culture D--Poster N--Advertising Agency Relationship E--Advertising Campaign O--Advertisements of Health Products F--Advertising Copy P--Advertisements of Office Equipment G--Advertising Agency Q--Advertisements of Personal Articles for Daily Use H--The Art of Advertising R--Advertisements for Non-profit, Purposes I--Advertising War S--Advertisements of Books and Periodicals J--Advertising Column T--Advertisements of Industrial Equipment; and Business Services 【定位解读】(C)广告牌 (K)广告媒体 51.( H )广告艺术 ( O )保健品广告 52.( I )广告大战 ( Q )日用品广告 53.( S )书刊广告 ( P )办公用品广告 54.( M )广告文化 ( L )活页传单广告 55.( R )公益广告 ( F )广告稿 A,,广告 B,,广告商 D,,海报 E――广告宣传活动 G,,广告公司 J,,广告栏 N,,广告公司关系 T,,工业设备及商业服务广告 Task 5 Dear Sir, ?I am writing to confirm the loss of my credit card (信用卡). I telephoned your office earlier today. ?The details of my card are as follows. It is an Apex Silver card in the name of Paul Anderson. The credit card number is 5431 7602 2597 8413. I have had an Apex card since 1994. This card is valid (有效的) from August 2003 to August 2005. 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第11页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 ?I lost the card yesterday at about 8:30 in the evening. The only case I used the card yesterday was to buy three dictionaries at the Dillon's Bookstore in Oxford Street. By accident, I left the card at the shop. When I realized what I had done. I telephoned the shop, but the shop assistants there could not find the card. ?Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the necessary arrangements to issue a replacement card to me? I am to be contacted at the telephone number of 347-4587-9056. ?Thank you for your assistance. Yours faithfully, Paul Anderson 56. Why does the man write the letter? To_____________________________ the loss of his credit card. 【定位解读】本题问写信的目的。根据第一句I am writing to confirm the loss of my credit card(写信确 认挂失信用卡),答案为confirm。 57. What's the name of the card? ______________________________________________________ 【定位解读】本题问信用卡的种类名称。第二段第二句It is an Apex Silver card in the name of Paul Anderson(保罗.安德森的顶级银卡),答案为Apex Silver(顶级银卡)。 58. How long is the card valid? For ____________________ years. 【定位解读】本题问该卡的有效期。根据第二段最后一句This card is valid from August 2003 to August 2005(此卡有效期从2003年八月至2005年八月),答案为two years(两年)。 59. Where did the man lose his card? At _____________________in Oxford Street. 【定位解读】本题问写信人在哪里丢失了信用卡。根据第三段第二、三句The only case I used the card yesterday was to buy three dictionaries at the Dillon's Bookstore in Oxford Street. By accident, I left the card at the shop(我昨天就在Dillon书店用信用卡买了三本字典,不小心把信用卡掉那儿了),答案为the Dillon's Bookstore。 60. What does the man ask the company to do about the lost card? He asks the company to issue ___________________to him. 【定位解读】本题问写信人要求公司就丢失的信用卡采取什么措施。根据第四段Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the necessary arrangements to issue a replacement card to me(你可否立刻把 我原来的信用卡挂失,然后再帮我补办一张吗),正确答案为a replacement card。 Part IV Translation- English into Chinese 61. Not only I but also Jane and Many are tired of having one meeting after another. A)我、珍妮和玛丽都很疲倦。无法在一次会议后再参加一次会议。 B)一个会议接着一个会议,不仅我厌倦,珍妮和玛丽也都厌烦。 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第12页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 C)除我之外,珍妮和玛丽先后参加了两次会议,觉得很劳累。 D)不仅我,还有珍妮和玛丽有开不完的会,搞得筋疲力尽。 【答案】 B,D,A,C 【解析】本题的翻译要点为not only...but also(不仅„„而且„„),be tired of(对„„感到厌倦),one...after another(一个接一个)。选项A)没有把not only...but also翻译出来,而且将be tired of译为“无法”,不准确;选项C)把having one meeting after another译为“先后参加了两次会议”,与原文不符;选项D)把be tired of译为“筋疲力尽”,不够准确。 62. Some interviewees lose their chance simply because they fail to display self-confidence. A)一些面试者失去了机会,简单地说就是因为他们显得不够自信。 B)一些面试者因为不相信自身的能力而轻易地放弃了这次机会。 C)一些面试者轻易地放弃了机会,因为他们无法保持自信心。 D)一些面试者只是因为他们未能表现出自信心而失去了机会。 【答案】 D—A—C—B 【解析】本题的翻译要点为lose one’s chance(失去机会),simply(仅仅,只是),fail to do(未能做(某事)),display (展示、显示),self-confidence(自信)。选项A)把simply和fail to display分别译为“简单地说”, “显得不够”,不准确;选项B)把simply和lose one’s chance分别译为“轻易”,“放弃”,不够准确;选项C)与选项B)出现同样的错误,而且将fail to display self-confidence错误地翻译成“无法保持自信心”。 63. The road department apologized for any inconvenience caused while road improvements were in progress. A)道路部门对道路改造期间所带来的不便表示歉意。 B)道路部门为修建道路可能引起的不便进行了解释。 C)道路部门辩解说,新近造成的麻烦是因道路正在修建。 D)道路部门对不断改建道路会造成的任何不便表示歉意。 【答案】 A,D—B—C 【解析】本题的翻译要点为apologize for意思“为„„而道歉”,caused过去分词作定语修饰inconvenience,意为“带来的,造成的”, in progress意思为“正在进行中”。选项B)将caused译成“可能引起的”,把apologized for译成了“解释”,都不够准确;选项C)将apologized for译成了“辩解”,而且译文中增加了“新近”一词,与原文不符;选项D)将in progress错误地译成了“不断”,此外将caused译成了“会造成的”,不够准确,因为过去分词通常指已完成的动作,应译为“已造成的”。 64. As far as an Advertising and Sales Manager is concerned,excellent oral English is also a necessary requirement. A)广告部和销售部经理都要求员工必须有良好的英语口语能力。 B)对广告和销售部经理而言,娴熟的英语口语能力也是必要的条件。 C)广告部经理和销售部经理认为,熟练的英语口语能力也会是必需的。 D)广告部经理和销售部经理所关心的是员工也必须要有很高的英语水平。 【答案】 B—C—A—D 【解析】本题的翻译要点为as far as...be concerned(就„„而言)和necessary requirement(必需的要求、必要的条件);选项A)将句子的前半部分译成了“广告部和销售部经理都要求员工”,被要求的对象弄错了,而且原文中没有“员工”一词出现;选项C)没有将as far as...be concerned这一词组翻 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第13页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 译出来;选项D)同样把被要求的对象搞错,译文中同样也多译了 “员工”,而且还把as far as...be concerned错误地译为“所关心的”。 65. Thank you for your purchase of our Buick (别克) car at Shanghai GM (上海通用汽车公司). We try our best to provide you with world-class service. To better ensure your rights, .please complete and return the Owner Information Form to Shanghai GM Marketing Department within 30 days from the date of the car delivery (交付). You will receive our Buick Owner newsletter with the latest information on our product, after-sales service, car care, etc. 【解析】这是上海通用汽车公司给顾客的一封信。翻译的要点为purchase n意思是“购买”,provide sb with sth.意为“为某人提供某物”, world-class表示“世界级的”,to better ensure动词不定式短语作目的状语,意思是“为更好地确保”, return意思是“归还”,在此应为“寄回”,the owner Information Form 意思是“客户信息表”,Marketing Department表示“市场部”,newsletter 意为“简讯”。 【译文】感谢您购买上海通用汽车公司生产的别克牌汽车。我公司将竭诚为您提供世界一流的服务。为了更好地保证您的权利,请您填写好用户信息表并于购车之日起30天内寄回上海通用汽车公司市场部。您将收到我公司致别克用户的简讯,上面有我公司的产品、售后服务及汽车保养等方面的最新信息。 Part V Writing 说明:请按照中文提供的信息,将下列内容填入英文表格。 欢迎到西部主题公园来! 公园开放时间为4月到9月,每周7天,从上午10点至下午6点。成人票价15美元,儿童 7美元,也可以花28美元买家庭票!每周六、周日我们有原始西部表演。表演从下午两点开始,持 续两个半小时。星期一至星期五上午8:30至10:00有免费巴士从市区开往公园。节假日和周末 全天都有免赞巴士从市区开往公园,可以在网上订票,也可以打电话订票。演出开始前半小时可买 到半价票。 【分析】本文是一篇广告,以表格形式出现。主要内容在说明中已经给出,前半部分按中文提示逐一翻译准确填写即可。关键是“附加信息”,需要认真构思,做到结构合理,用词简练,清楚明了。 【注意事项】 1( 数字可用阿拉伯数字的形式填写。如fifteen dollars 可写成$15。 2( 可采用一些常见的缩写。如in the morning,in the afternoon可采用其相应的缩写形式a.m.,p.m.。 【范文】 Welcome to Wild West Theme Park Opening months:From____ April to September_. Opening days in a week:____ Seven days________. Opening hours:From _10 a.m. to 6 p.m. . Time 0f Wild West Show: Every Saturday and Sunday . Show starts:__2 p.m. _________. Show lasts:___ 2 hours and a half__________. Ticket price:Adults $__15;Children $_7_;Family Ticket $__28___. Additional information: 1. Bus service 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第14页―― 高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解 There are free buses from urban area to the Park from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Monday to Friday,and free buses are also on service at any time on holidays and weekends. 2. Booking information Tickets can be booked on internet or telephone. Tickets at half price are available half an hour before the show. 2005年1月实考试题参考答案――第15页――
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