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电大金融本科毕业论文电大金融本科毕业论文 中央广播电视大学开放教育本科,专,科 ,, 论文,设计,题目__新形势下我国外汇管理改革研究____ 学生姓名_ ××× _ 学号___××××_ ××××_ 联系电话_××××___ 所在单位__ 所在分校__××××_ 年级专业_×××× 指导教师________ 职称__讲师___________ 工作单位________ 电话___ _____ 吉林广播电视大学制 二O一三年 × 月 × 日 engineering quality maintenance notice...

电大金融本科毕业 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 中央广播电视大学开放教育本科,专,科 ,, 论文,设计,题目__新形势下我国外汇管理改革研究____ 学生姓名_ ××× _ 学号___××××_ ××××_ 联系电话_××××___ 所在单位__ 所在分校__××××_ 年级专业_×××× 指导教师________ 职称__讲师___________ 工作单位________ 电话___ _____ 吉林广播电视大学制 二O一三年 × 月 × 日 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivere1 d of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 论文(设计)指导进度 1.引言 2.外汇管理基础理论 第一次 3.金融危机对我国外汇管理的影响机制 4.现阶段我国外汇管理存在的问题 (论文或设计选题、 5.我国外汇管理改革进程中面临的挑战 论文或设计提纲) 6.我国外汇管理改革的对策及建议 教师签字 日期 第二次 (初 稿) 教师签字 日期 第三次 (修改稿、定稿) 教师签字 日期 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 指 导 教 师 情 况 姓 名 专 业 职 称 工作单位 论文或设计 初评成绩 指 导 教 师 论 文 评 语 指导教师签名_____________ 年 月 日 assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r2 答辩记录 问题一: 问题二: 问题三: 答辩情况: engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 答辩组成员情况 姓 名 职 称 单 位 1 2 3 主持人 答辩组评审结果 答辩成绩 答 辩 评 语 综合成绩 答辩组成员签名 答辩主持人签名 省电大审定意见 签名 盖章 年 月 日 assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r4 摘要:外汇管理对经济结构的调整、市场经济的发展和经济体系向更有效率的市场主导型模式转变有重要的影响作用。本文以外汇管理为研究对象,通过对外汇管理概念、内容和意义等基础理论的阐述,结合金融危机对外汇管理在汇率与外贸、投机热钱、投资与金融市场和产业联动四方面的影响路径,归纳总结了金融危机背景下我国外汇管理在风险预警、外汇市场与汇率形成机制、资本项目管理和外汇储备管理方面存在的问题,并通过进一步探讨我国外汇管理面临的外部制约因素、管理手段、结构性差异和管理模式等四方面的挑战,明确了外汇管理优化的方向。在此前提下,提出优化我国外汇管理应该从健全预警体系、完善外汇市场和汇率形成机制、改革资本项目管理和加强外汇储备管理等四方面着手,以加强我国外汇管理的效率和效果,保障我国经济的稳定和持续发展。 关键词:金融危机;外汇管理;影响机制 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the Abstract:Foreign exchange management plays important roles on the adjustment of economic structure, development of market economy and changing about economic system steers to more efficient market-based model. This article, which located on foreign exchange management, summarizes the problems such as financial crisis, foreign exchange market and the formation mechanism of exchange rate, capital project management and foreign exchange reserves management through analysis the concept, content and significance of foreign exchange management combined with the four influence paths such as exchange and foreign trade, speculative money, investment and financial market, and industrial linkage. Through the further discussion of external restriction factor, management method, structural differences and management challenges that foreign exchange management faces, the paper makes clear the optimization direction of foreign exchange management. In this premise, the article proposes that the foreign exchange management should set out from perfecting early warning system, optimizing the foreign exchange market and exchange rate mechanism, reforming capital project management and strengthening the management of foreign exchange reserves, only in this way, could strengthen the efficiency and effect of foreign exchange management, and guarantee the economic to develop stability and sustainably. Keywords:Financial crisis; Foreign exchange management; Influence mechanism assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r6 目 录 第1章 引言 .................................................................................................................................... 8 1.1研究背景.............................................................................................................................. 8 1.2研究意义.............................................................................................................................. 8 第2章 外汇管理的内涵分析 ........................................................................................................... 9 2.1外汇管理的概念及主要内容.................................................................................................. 9 2.1.1外汇管理的概念......................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2外汇管理的主要内容.................................................................................................. 9 2.2外汇管理的意义 ................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.1稳定汇率,促进对外贸易的发展 ................................................................................ 9 2.2.2维持国际收支平衡 ..................................................................................................... 9 2.2.3增强政府对经济的调节能力 ......................................................................................10 2.2.4维护金融经济安全 ....................................................................................................10 第3章 金融危机对我国外汇管理的影响机制 .................................................................................. 11 3.1汇率与外贸路径 .................................................................................................................. 11 3.2投机热钱路径...................................................................................................................... 11 3.3投资与金融市场路径 ...........................................................................................................12 3.4产业联动路径......................................................................................................................12 第4章 现阶段我国外汇管理存在的问题 .........................................................................................13 4.1现行外汇管理体制对风险的监测和预警能力不足 .................................................................13 4.2外汇市场和人民币汇率形成机制还不够完善 ........................................................................13 4.3资本项目管理存在薄弱环节.................................................................................................13 4.4巨型外汇储备存在风险........................................................................................................14 第5章 我国外汇管理改革进程中面临的挑战 ..................................................................................14 5.1外汇管理所受外部制约因素越来越明显 ...............................................................................15 5.2外汇管理手段难以适应经济的发展需要 ...............................................................................15 5.3结构性差异弱化了外汇管理效果..........................................................................................15 5.4交易和汇兑管理分开模式受到挑战 ......................................................................................16 第6章 我国外汇管理改革的对策与建议 .........................................................................................16 6.1健全国际资金流动的统计、分析、监测和预警体系..............................................................17 6.2进一步完善外汇市场和人民币汇率形成机制 ........................................................................17 6.2改革资本项目管理,循序渐进的实现资本项目可兑换 ..........................................................17 6.4加强对外汇储备的管理,控制外汇风险 ...............................................................................18 第7章 结论 ...................................................................................................................................18 参考文献 ..........................................................................................................................................19 致 谢............................................................................................................................................20 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 第1章 引言 1.1研究背景 外汇管理是我国宏观经济调控的重要组成部分,外汇管理的有效与否不仅直接关系到国民经济的内外均衡以及宏观经济金融的稳定,而且对我国经济结构的调整、市场经济的发展和经济体系向更有效率的市场主导型模式转变产生重大影响。 在东南亚金融危机肆虐的1997年底,我国外汇储备仅为1399亿美元。从1997年底到2008年底,我国外汇储备规模增长了12.9倍,仅在2007和2008年,就分别增长了4619和4178亿美元。近年来,外汇储备的高速增长,一方面与我国政府实施的以出口、引资、创汇为导向的外向型经济发展策略有关,尤其是最近几年来我国出口结构向钢铁业等重制造业偏移,导致贸易顺差再创新高;另一方面则与2005年7月人民币汇改以来政府选择的人民币小幅、稳健、可控升值策 我国外汇储备规模已超略有关,该策略创造了稳定的人民币单边升值预期。目前, 过日本,居全球首位。 爆发于美国的次贷危机扩展为全球性的金融危机,给全球的经济运行蒙上了阴影,进而也对我国的外汇储备管理带来了一定的影响。在当前金融危机阴霾尚未弥散、我国国际收支持续顺差之际,如何进一步改进和完善外汇管理体制,维护国际收支平衡,为改革开放和现代化经济建设服务就成为我国今后外汇管理的重点。 1.2研究意义 金融危机的发生与发展对包括中国经济在内的世界经济产生了严重的影响,在金融危机尚未完全平息之际,如何提高我国应对金融危机的能力,保障我国国民经济和现代化建设的稳定、可持续发展就显得尤为重要。本文以我国的外汇管理工作为研究对象,通过分析金融危机对外汇管理的影响及其影响机制,总结了后金融危机背景下我国外汇的诸多问题和面临的调整,并以此为基础提出了相关的对策和建议,不仅从理论上充实了应对金融危机的相关理论,从现实上来看,对于提高我国外汇管理的效率和效果而言也是迫在眉睫的。 assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r8 第2章 外汇管理的内涵分析 2.1外汇管理的概念及主要内容 2.1.1外汇管理的概念 所谓外汇管理,广义上是指一国政府或货币管理当局,通过立法和设立市场规则,对外汇的收支、买卖、价格、结算、市场等行为进行组织、协调、制约和控制。狭义上是指对本国货币与外国货币的兑换实行一定的限制。本文所探讨的是广义的外汇管理。 2.1.2外汇管理的主要内容 按照我国国务院2008年8月通过的《外汇管理条例》的基本要求,我国的外汇是以外币表示的可以用做国际清偿的支付手段和资产,包括外部现钞、外币支付凭证或支付工具、外币有价证券、提别提款权和其他外汇资产。外汇管理主要包括对贸易外汇的管理、对非贸易外汇的管理、对资本输出输入的管理、货币兑换管理、对黄金和现钞输出输入的管理以及对汇率的管理等;此外,还可以划分为经常项目外汇管理、资本项目外汇管理、金融机构外汇业务管理、人民币汇率和外汇市场管理以及监督管理等。 2.2外汇管理的意义 2.2.1稳定汇率,促进对外贸易的发展 在没有外汇管理的情况下,汇率会因外汇供求的影响而变动,如果汇率变化大,将使进出口商不易核算成本,增大对外贸易的风险;通过外汇管理,促进汇率的稳定,有利于对外贸易的发展。从历史发展看,外汇管理往往是同一国的国际贸易政策相配合,成为保护和促进对外贸易的重要手段,特别是发展中国家的进出口贸易,最容易受到国际主要货币汇率波动的直接冲击,某些行业甚至因此被彻底摧毁。包括发达国家在内的世界各国,都采取不同形式的外汇管理制度或贸易管理措施,以限制或禁止对本国不利的商品过度输入、鼓励和扶持本国优势产品的出口,以促进本国经济的发展和成长。外汇管制对促进国际贸易的稳定发展,有其不可或缺的功效。 2.2.2维持国际收支平衡 国际收支平衡不仅影响币值和该国的国际地位,而且长期的失衡也必然会影engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 响国内经济的发展,所以,世界上大多数国家都通过外汇管理来鼓励出口、限制进口和防止外汇资金外流。尽管外汇管理不是维持国际收支平衡的最终解决办法,但是外汇管理在维护国际收支平衡方面发挥了重要的作用。国际经济环境今非昔比,而当今的发展中国家还无法通过市场力量自动实现国际收支平衡。特别是当今世界,国际游资对弱小经济的冲击往往超出人们的想象,而国际货币体系至今也无法为各围经济提供一个比较稳定的货币金融环境,因此,保持国际收支平衡就成为各国实施外汇管理所追求的经济目标。 2.2.3增强政府对经济的调节能力 发展中国家的经济大多属于“小国经济”,在国际市场上处于明显的劣势,而发达国家的货币则是国际上的强势货币,既是发展中国家获取外汇的对象,又是发展中国家无法抗拒的货币压力。外汇管理可以在本币和外币之间设立必要的防险屏障,弱化货币替代效应,维持本币币值稳定,有利于增强本国财政政策和货币政策的独立性与有效性。 2.2.4维护金融经济安全 上世纪90年代以后,经济全球化和金融一体化趋势目益增强,经济自由主义学说成为主流学派,一些国家纷纷放松各种管制措施,甚至取消外汇管制。然而东南亚金融危机的爆发使理论界和政策制定者不得不对流行的经济理论与决策进行反思。在资本项目受到严格管制,本国货币汇率波动受到一定限制的情况下,必然存在一定的套利和套汇空间,而且在不同的经济发展阶段,本国与国际资本市场的利差大小不等,存在着持有外汇进行套利的动机。从某种意义上说,经常项目可兑换成为资本项目资金流入流出的便捷通道,从而危害国家的金融安全。在经济全球化和金融一体化中,完善的外汇管理对于一国经济金融的安全具有不可替代的功能。 assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r10 第3章 金融危机对我国外汇管理的影响机制 一般来说,金融危机对外汇管理主要是通过汇率与外贸、投机热钱、投资与金融市场和产业联动效应等传导路径和机制施以影响的。深入研究金融危机对我国外汇管理的传导机制,对于进一步分析和准确把握因美国次贷危机引起的金融危机而导致的我国外汇管理问题具有重要意义。 3.1汇率与外贸路径 由于金融危机的影响,美国的货币汇率大幅下降。而一国货币汇率变动的直接结果是影响该国的进出口贸易,并进而影响整个国民经济的发展。当一国货币贬值时,会对该国的外贸带来双重影响:一是因本国出口商品价格下降而增加出口量;二是因进口商品价格上升而减少进口量。美国的贸易伙伴国是世界上最多的,其中许多国家对美国的出口长期保持着顺差,这些国家的经济增长很大程度上依赖于美国的进口需求。受金融危机的影响,美元对主要国际货币出现大幅贬值,导致美国居民减少了对进口商品的需求,而随着美国进口需求量的减少,包括中国在内的贸易伙伴国的经济增长遭受重大打击;此外,由于我国经济的飞速发展,世界资本普遍看好中国的广阔市场,外来投资额迅速增长,而货币汇率的变动使得以人民币计价的中国资产价值大幅下降,我国的外汇储备也大幅缩水,中国为美国负担了一部分外债。 3.2投机热钱路径 热钱具有投机性强,流动性快,倾向性明显等特征,其负面影响非常大,主要表现在三方面。一是热钱会因为投机性操作动摇某国汇率而引起外汇市场的大起大落,最终扭曲汇率水平;二是热钱在某国的大量进出会造成该国外汇储备的大增大减,推动该国资本市场下股市的大升大降;三是热钱的迅速移动,通常与各国的货币调控政策呈反向作用。可见,这些热钱不仅会引发经济动荡和金融危机,而且还会通过金融市场中的投机运作把危机传到其他国家。近几年来,随着我国对外开放程度的进一步加深,以及我国国民经济的持续快速发展和人民币的汇率制度改革措施,为了在汇市、房市、股市中获得丰厚的利润,众多海外热钱纷纷涌入我国,但此次美国次贷危机的爆发导致这些国外热钱的流向发生了微妙变化,部分热钱出现回流现象,使我国的资本市场波动较大,并也从一定程度上engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 影响了我国的汇率水平。 3.3投资与金融市场路径 金融危机爆发后,为避免危机带来更大损失,国际投资者纷纷改变投资组合,在许多国家和地区抛售高风险的资产,这动摇了当地投资者的市场信心,导致许多国家和地区的金融市场出现动荡。以此为基础,在示范效应的作用下,许多当地投资者也争先恐后地抛售各种风险资产,导致许多国家和地区的股票市场出现了非正常下跌。据美国财政部公布的国际资本流动报告显示, 2000年12月至2008年12月间,我国持有的美国国债占其外资持有总额的比例从6%增加到30%,仅从2008年10月到12月,持有比例就从22.95%增持到23.54%。至2008年6月底,我国政府和银行机构持有房利美、房地美债券共约4700多亿,虽然美国政府对其采取了救助措施,但信用风险仍旧存在;随着美国债券发行规模不断扩大,其债券信用等也会不断下降;长期来看,为控制流动性过大,美国的加息政策也会致使债券价格下降,投资损失不可避免。在资产时间结构中,在金融危机使长期债券的时间价值骤减,收益空间不断受到挤压,致使用于交易性动机和预防性动机的高流动投资组合需求增加,用于盈利性动机的长期资产组合减少,用于发展性动机的缓冲产组合进行调整。 3.4产业联动路径 金融危机对外汇管理的影响还可以产业联动效应的传导形成,即通过存货加速原理和产业结构性震荡两条途径对外汇体制施加影响。存货加速原理是指当出现经济衰退和消费需求下降时,生产企业的库存会大量增加,为了使存货降低到企业所能承受的水平,企业在短期内会大幅度减少生产,解雇工人,减少对供应商的原料采购。这对于对供应商来说意味着存货超过正常水平,需要缩减生产,反过来又会进一步减少消费需求,如此循环反复会把更多的产业和行业卷入危机。结构性震荡的联动效应,是指某些国家在产业结构方面与危机发生国十分相似,产业的碰撞使这些国家也出现了结构失衡状态,从而引发国际资本对这些国家的资本和货币市场进行类似的投机性冲击和规避性撤离,导致这些国家也出现严重的金融动荡。 综合以上作用路径,金融危机的爆发不仅使源于资本市场的金融危机引入我国并愈演愈烈,而且对我国实体经济和进出口贸易也会产生重要影响。 assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r12 第4章 现阶段我国外汇管理存在的问题 总体来看,在应对全球金融危机过程中,我国的外汇管理效果明显,为维持我国的经济稳定发展起到了至关重要的保障作用,然后,不可否认,也暴露除了我国外汇管理中存在的问题。 4.1现行外汇管理体制对风险的监测和预警能力不足 金融危机爆发之后,我国现行外汇管理体制暴露出来的突出问题是外汇管理政策的不完善,尤其是对风险的监测、分析和预警能力尚显不足:首先,统计监测体系不够科学完善,各部门数据不能有效“互联互通”,数据信息资源分散,没有全口径的数据采集平台,不能适应经常项目、资本项目交叉经营行为监测的需要,不能全面监测跨境资金流动的变化情况和趋势;其次,行为监管模式不能全面掌握行为主体的涉汇信息,从而也不利于全面分析了解行为主体的交易行为是否真实;此外,统计、监测、分析、预警能力欠缺,即便是金宏工程国际收支系统也只有查询和简单的统计功能,不具备分析和预警能力,不能很好起到发现问题、提示风险的作用;最后,一些重要信息不能有效掌握,如对于外商投资企业留存境内的利润总规模目前尚难以完全掌握,外币代兑机构没有纳入个人结售汇系统,这些信息的欠缺容易导致外汇管理总体的效率降低。 4.2外汇市场和人民币汇率形成机制还不够完善 目前我国只实现了人民币经常性项目下的可兑换,资本项目尚未实现自由兑换,因此人民币的汇率形成机制还未完全实现市场化,外汇供求依然主要来自经营性的交易结售汇,资本流动的利率弹性很小,外汇市场不具备“利率资本流动汇率”的利率汇率联动机制。而同时,中国经济已经完全融入世界经济体系,无论是外汇市场还是人民币汇率受国际经济波动的影响十分明显,在世界第一经济大国发生次贷危机后,其采取的一系列干预政策和措施无疑都影响到了我国外汇市场和人民币汇率的走势,并可能通过影响金融市场的长期预期,而引发我国国内金融市场的震荡,这一切都表明我国外汇市场和人民币汇率形成机制在当前阶段还很不完善。 4.3资本项目管理存在薄弱环节 金融危机爆发后,为了缓解国际收支双顺差的压力,我国外汇管理部门对资engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 本账户政策进行了调整,放松了对资本流出的限制,但同时也对资本流入的管制进一步放松,这样的调整,效果不明显,没有改善我国双顺差的局势,外汇储备仍然高速增长。 另外,我国资本项目外汇管理还存在以下问题:现行资本项目外汇账户管理存在漏洞,导致资本账户资金混入经常项目进行结汇;现行资本账户外汇管理基本采用行政审批、额度等手段,经济手段很少采用,管制的成本增大,管制的效率降低;统计信息不够透明,国内外对我国资本账户开放度的判断不一等。 4.4巨型外汇储备存在风险 随着世界金融危机的加深,美国、欧洲、日本经济下行趋势明显,居民、企业和金融机构调整资产负债的过程过长,金融惜贷明显,通货紧缩压力巨大,失业率不断上升,发达国家国内贸易保护势力抬头。约占我国出口40%出口量的美国在2009年2月2日的美国经济刺激 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 中增加了购买国货条款,调整负债消费模式,减少消费,增加储蓄,使我国实体经济受到严重的影响,经济先行指标持续下滑,中小企业经营困难,现金流短缺,造成我国出口量大幅减少,民营企业对外汇储备贡献率也将下降,债权型外汇储备比重将进一步下滑。由于我国金融项目尚未开放,所受金融危机影响有限,但在短期内美元的升值将导致资本,尤其是热钱大量流向美国,随着美国经济衰退的加深,国内资本流动波动加大,债务型外汇储备风险加剧。 第5章 我国外汇管理改革进程中面临的挑战 在目前所处的后金融危机时代,我国外汇管理不仅存在以上所涉及到的管理体制、外汇市场和人民币汇率的形成机制、资本项目管理和外汇储备管理四方面 -to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book rassigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t14 问题,而且面临很多新的挑战,而这些挑战如果不能及时、科学的应对,将直接影响我国外汇管理的效率和效果,并最终影响我国经济的总体发展。具体来看,在金融危机背景下,我国外汇管理面临的挑战主要包括以下四方面: 5.1外汇管理所受外部制约因素越来越明显 金融危机爆发后,我国的外汇管理越来越受到国际政治和国际市场等外部因素的制约。首先,中国经济已经融入世界经济体系,受国际经济波动的影响十分突出,尤其是作为次贷危机发源地的世界第一大经济体美国,采取了一系列强有力的政策干预措施,这些政策直接影响着我国宏观调控的走势、政策选择和政策力度,并最终影响我国投资者对金融市场的预期,诱致了国内金融市场的波动。其次,人民币汇率和我国资本项目开放在一定程度上被国际政治化,增加了外汇管理工作的复杂程度和难度。 5.2外汇管理手段难以适应经济的发展需要 随着我国金融服务业按照既定承诺不断开放,境内外关联金融机构与跨国公司内部的资本流动的渠道和形式愈加复杂,外汇管理的有效性受到严重制约。近年来,外汇管理在加强事后管理方面取得了长足进展,采取了诸如外商投资企业联合年检、金融机构外债指标监控等事后监管措施,但总的来说事后监管仍相对薄弱。同时,外汇管理仍以核准或登记等行政手段为主,市场化手段尤其是利率、税收(包括直接课税、无息准备金)等价格机制的运用仍是空白。前者成本高效果差;后者则受制于利率市场化和财税体制改革的进程,在短期内还无法成为外汇管理的主要手段。 5.3结构性差异弱化了外汇管理效果 在我国,实际上实行的是一种“半开半关”的管理格局,这大大弱化了我国外汇管理的效果。首先,我国外汇管理存在结构性差异,经常项目开放而资本项目存在管制。其次,即便是在实行管制的资本项目中,也存在政策性或结构性差异,对外债、证券投资实行严格管制,而对大多数外商直接投资只存在形式上的管制,实际上却高度开放。在这种情况下,国外短期资本可以借助贸易、非贸易、外商直接投资渠道变相流入,从而避开相应的外汇管理措施制约。 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 5.4交易和汇兑管理分开模式受到挑战 我国对资本跨境流动的交易和汇兑通常是分开管理的,交易环节一般由产业或者行业主管部门负责,而汇兑管理环节由外汇管理部门负责。不同部门的管理目标和政策导向不同,交易管理部门比较侧重产业的发展和 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,外汇管理部门则更为侧重国际收支平衡和汇率稳定。一般情况下,不同政策目标应在统筹的框架下协同发生作用,但实际上管理目标之间可能产生冲突,解决这种冲突可能涉及政府部门间的大量协调工作,不仅大大提高了外汇管理的无必要成本,而且降低了外汇管理政策的时效性和有效性。 第6章 我国外汇管理改革的对策与建议 金融危机之所以能循着传导机制从发源国传向其他国家,关键在于后者的体制、政策、制度等方面是否存在着若干缺陷和漏洞,如果能有针对性地加以弥补 assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book r16 和完善,金融危机被传导的可能性将会小得多,其破坏作用也会在很大程度上被抑制。从统筹经济全局的角度讲,外汇管理的目标应定位为促进一国经济保持基本的内外均衡。因此,在当前经济金融形势下,能否有效地抑制金融市场的过度反应,维护我国金融经济安全,促进国民经济统筹、协调、可持续发展是评判外汇管理的一个重要 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 6.1健全国际资金流动的统计、分析、监测和预警体系 健全国际资金流动的统计、分析、监测和预警体系可以从以下三方面着手进行。首先,整合外汇业务系统,实现系统互联,尽快建立以国际收支统计系统、外汇账户系统为基础的数据集中采集平台,以账户系统为依托,构建交易主体监管平台,全面掌握交易主体外汇收支、结售汇信息;其次,尽量减少统计监测盲区,将外币代兑机构个人结售汇信息纳入个人结售汇系统进行管理,完善汇兑统计管理,制订汇兑数据核查办法,提高汇兑统计数据的准确性,同时探索更有效的外商直接投资信息管理 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,比如可出台专门政策规定外商投资企业留存利润应向外汇局进行申报;最后,提高业务系统的统计、分析、预警功能,使基层外汇局能够对辖内外汇形势进行全面掌控,能进行全方位、多角度分析,能预设预警条件进行风险提示。 6.2进一步完善外汇市场和人民币汇率形成机制 完善我国外汇市场和人民币汇率形成机制对于稳定我国的金融市场意义重大。具体而言,应该采取的措施主要包括增强企业在外汇零售市场的主体作用,提高乃至取消外汇指定银行的外汇周转余额限制,进一步加大外汇指定银行在银行间外汇市场的主体作用,赋予外汇市场一级做市商更宽裕的定价空间,活跃人民币衍生产品的交易,放松外汇实需原则,取消对零售市场汇价波动和交易额度的管制,活跃外汇零售市场的发展。 6.2改革资本项目管理,循序渐进的实现资本项目可兑换 资本项目管理以及资本项目可兑换的逐步实现需要慎重,即在条件尚未成熟的情况下,不出台相关政策或实施开放,但在条件具体形成之时,就要逐步实现资本项目的可兑换,如果依然实施管制,同样会产生负面效应。逐步意味着每一具体内容的开放都是一个错综复杂且循序渐进的过程,因此,既不可急于求成地engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 拔苗助长,也不可以坐以待毙地贻误良机。许多新兴市场国家在20世纪90年代上半期的相关经验表明,过快推进资本账户自由化(特别是资本流入管制的完全解除),很可能导致外国资本的过度流入,进而导致资本账户和整个国际收支顺差的过度积累,以及本国货币的巨大升值压力,甚至成为一系列金融动荡的根源所在。为了防止类似情况的发生,在未来一个较长的时期内,我国应避免过快推进资本账户可兑换,继续在一定程度上实行资本管制。 6.4加强对外汇储备的管理,控制外汇风险 金融危机的发生与发展,使我国外汇储备在海外的投资遭受了巨大的损失。鉴于外汇储备的规模还在不断增加、当前金融危机还尚未未平息等背景,我国外汇储备管理较为现实的选择应该包括以下两方面:一是通过优化美元资产结构在既定的外汇储备规模下的规模,进一步优化外汇储备资产结构,使外汇储备多元化,同时要注意优化金融资产与商品资产结构。二是要调整汇率政策、偏向出口导向的外贸政策,以及外商投资政策,从源头上主动遏制外汇储备的过快增长,减少对外汇储备管理所带来的压力。 第7章 结论 通过本文对外汇管理基础理论的阐述,归纳了金融危机影响我国外汇管理的路径,并结合金融危机背景下我国外汇管理的现状,提出了我国在外汇管理上面临着外部制约因素明显、外汇管理手段不适宜、外汇管理效果被结构性差异弱化 to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book rassigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-18 和交易与汇兑管理模式受到挑战等风险,并以此为基础,提出在金融危机的大背景下,我国外汇管理应该从完善外汇市场和人民币汇率的结合机制、逐步实现资本项目可兑换、应对国际资本流动的周期性变动和加强外汇储备管理上加以优化。 参考文献 [1] 陈小五.美国金融危机对完善外汇管理的启示[J].中国外汇,2008(11) [2] 曹登焜,曾怡.金融危机下对我国外汇的认识和分析[J].经营管理者, 2009(8) [3] 田晓丽,张沧丽.金融危机下我国外汇储备的思考[J].华北金融,2009(10) engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the [4] 祝广达.浅议次贷危机对中国经济的影响[J].经营管理者,2008(12) [5] 秦建文,梁珍.全球金融危机对中国金融创新发展的启示[J].金融论 坛,2009(7) [6] 蒙智睦.我国外汇管理体制改革30年:成就、缺失及深化[J].区域金融研究, 2009(6) [7] 李景斌.论美元贬值对企业外汇管理的影响及对策[J].财经界,2010(12) [8] 马智祥.国际金融危机下的中国汇率政策选择[D].西南财经大学,2008(12) [9] 杨玮靖.全球金融危机后我国外汇储备的状况及分析[J].郑州铁路职业技术 学院学报,2010(6) [10] 毛德君.实施均衡外汇管理,积极应对国际金融危机[J].金融理论与实践, 2009(6) [11] 管涛.美国次贷危机反思与中国外汇管理体制改革前瞻[J].中国外汇, 2008(12) [12] 龚坚.论中国现阶段外汇管理的金融管制[D].复旦大学,2009(4) [13] 刘雯晶.试述金融危机下中国国际收支风险[J].中国科技信息,2009(8) [14] 胡晓炼.我国外汇管理体制改革的历程和经验[J].中国金融2008(7) [15] 陈雪.在人民币升值背景下的资本项目可兑换问题研究[J].时代经 贸,2008(15) [16] 肖凤娟.我国外汇管理体制改革的回顾和展望[J].国际贸易,2008(07) [17] 魏晓琴,李国林.金融危机时期我国外汇储备风险动态管理研究[J].China Collective Economy, 2008(12) [18] 赵萍,蒋双.美元贬值背景下我国外汇储备的管理[J].商场现代化, 2009(1) [19] 张明.我国外汇储备如何安度金融危机[J].中国经贸导刊,2009(11) [20] 刘文华.后金融危机时期我国外贸企业战略转型研究[J].经济与管理研 究,2009(11) 致 谢 经过这几个月的忙碌的收集一些相关资料,我的毕业论文设计也已经接近尾 raining, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) teamday security, t-to-echanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for daysection II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mtion below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organiza t safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequencyprojecefects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section wners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality dthe o r visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return,egularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering foengineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book rassigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the20 声。在此,我要感谢每一位帮助过我的老师和同学。首先要感谢的是我的指导老师XX老师。XX老师虽然平日里工作繁忙,但在我做毕业设计选题、构思到最终初稿,定稿的各个中心环节都给予我细心指导和意见。没有X老师的指导和帮助,自己也是不可能那么顺利完成我的毕业论文设计的。X老师对工作的一丝不苟、精益求精的工作态度以及他的耐心指导是我今后生活的学习模范榜样。其次,在这次毕业设计过程中,同学也给予我很大的帮助,他们与我共同研究,收集资料,寻求最佳满意方案。最后,再一次衷心感谢X老师在百忙之中的耐心指导与教诲,使我学到了更多关于知识,而这些知识也对于我以后从事会计岗位具有重要作用。 engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create "safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site". Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the
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