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麻孢菌属的一个中国新记录种_英文_麻孢菌属的一个中国新记录种_英文_ A Newly Re co rde d Sp e cie s of Gela sino spo ra fo r China Ξ 1 ,2 1 ,2 1 1LI Bo , MA Yu, ZHEN Li2sha, KE Ya ng ( 1. S haanxi Microbiology Institute , S haanxi Academy of Sciences , Xi′an 710043 , China; 2. Institute of )Life Science ,...

麻孢菌属的一个中国新 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 种_英文_ A Newly Re co rde d Sp e cie s of Gela sino spo ra fo r China Ξ 1 ,2 1 ,2 1 1LI Bo , MA Yu, ZHEN Li2sha, KE Ya ng ( 1. S haanxi Microbiology Institute , S haanxi Academy of Sciences , Xi′an 710043 , China; 2. Institute of )Life Science , S haanxi Normal University , Xi′an 710062 , China Ab stract : The morphological characteristics of Gelasinospora udagawae , a newly recorded species for China , is described and illustrated in this paper . This terricolous species were collected as endophytic () Lamiaceaein Funiu Mountain , Henan province . fungi associated with Isodon rubescens Key wo rd s : Gelasinospora udagawae ; endophytic fungi ; Isodon rubescens Do cume nt co de : A () CLC number : Q949132 Article ID : 167223538 20110320129204 麻孢菌属的一个中国新记录种 1 1 , 2 3 1 , 2 1 勃, 甄丽莎, 柯李 马 瑜,杨 (1 . 陕西省科学院陕西省微生物研究所 , 西安 710043 ; 2 . 陕西师范大学生命科学学院 , 西安 )710062 摘 要 : 从采自河南境 内 伏 牛 山 的 野 生 碎 米 桠 中 分 离 到 1 株 内 生 真 菌 , 经 鉴 定 为 麻 孢 菌 属 的 中 国 新 记 录 种 ———宇田川麻孢菌 Gelasinospora udagawae ,根据研究菌株对其进行了形态描述 、显微照相及分析讨论 。 关键词 : 宇田川麻孢菌 ; 内生真菌 ; 碎米桠 () 中图分类号 : Q949132 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 167223538 20110320129204 () 引文格式 : 李勃 ,马瑜 ,甄丽莎 ,等 . 麻孢菌属的一个中国新记录种 J . 菌物研究 ,2011 ,9 3:12921321 prophilous and terricolous taxa have been described 1 Intro ductio n ( http : ? www. indexfungorum. org/ names/ Names. ) The genus Gelasinospora was erected by Dowding asp,with many being collected from tropical and sub2 5 tropical regions of the world. In a survey of endo2 in 1933 for Sodariomycetes related to Neurospora Shear ( ) et Dodge 1927 and phytic fungi associated with medicinal plants in Qinling Sordaria Ces. et de Not () Mountain in 2010 , we recovered Gelasinospora uda2 1863. It is characterized by ostiolate ascocarp s with one2celled , darkly pigmented ascospores but differs gawae , which is reported as a new record in China from these genera by the pitted nature of the spore herein . The morphological characteristics of the species 1 ( ) wall . During the 1970s , Cailleux 1971and von are described and illustrated as follows. () Arx 1973recognized the genus Gelasinospora includ2 2 Material s a nd metho d s ing both ostiolate and non2ostiolate taxa and pointed out that the mere presence or absence of an ostiole was not All endophyte strains were isolated from the stem 2 23 a reliable character at the genetic level. This ideaof a species of Chinese medicinal plant Isodon ( ) () rubescens Hemsl . Hara Lamiaceae collected in has been adopted in a key to all known Gelasinospora 4species . Funiu Mountain , a Southeastern branch of Qinling Approximately 55 species including both co2 Mountain in Henan province followed the protocols of Ξ Bio grap hy : L I Bo , male , Ph. D. , Assistant Researcher ,majoring in diversity of endophytic fungi . Receive d date : 2011208223 Corre spo nding a uthor : L I Bo , E2mail : libo @ms. xab. ac . cn 6 Guo et al . . Dried cultures as specimens were exam2 2184 ,1989 . 41 :180 ( ( ) ined periodically under optical microscope Olympus ?Neurospora udagawae Khan & Krug, Dania ) BX241 microscope. The genomic DNA of the speci2 ( ) Garcaí , Stchigel & Guarro , Mycol . Res. 108 10 :men was extract from fresh cultures following the proto2 1134 ,2004 . col of Guo et al . The PCR amplification , DNA se2 Colonies on PDA media white , cottony at first , quencing and subsequent analysis followed a similar becoming arachnoid and appressed , grey , azonate , re2 7 protocol to that in Liu et al . . The voucher speci2 verse dark grey when aged , reaching 910 cm in diame2 mens have been deposited at the Microbiology Institute ter with regular margin in 7 days at 26 ? to 28 ?; of Shaanxi province , China , and the selected cultures aerial hyphae branched and anastomosing , septate , have been deposited in CGMCC. μ115 —310m diam. ,hyaline to light brown ; substrate μhyphae thick2walled , septate , 315 —1010 m diam. , 3 Re sult s brown ; ascocarp initials arising as side branches from Taxo no my the mycelium , involving neighbouring hyphae , coiled 311 ( ) and contorted Fig. 1. Khan & Krug , Sydowia Gelasinospora udagawae A. Colony on PDA medium in 7 days ; B. Pseudoparenchymatous in surface view of perithecium ; C. Ostiolate perithecium ; D. Immature asci and () () () ascospores ; E. Cymbiform ascospores arrow; F. Young ascospores arrow aand mature ascospores arrow b; G. Ascospores with abnomal hya2 () () () line sheath arrows; H. Ascpspores showing abnormal markings arrow; I. Ascospores showing apical germ pore arrow; J . Ascospores showing ()uniformly round or ovate pits on the surface arrows Fig111 Gle a sino spora uda gawa e Perithecia scattered or loosely aggregated , im2 vaceous brown to dark brown , finally almost black and opaque at uniformly round or ovate pits measuring mersed to semi2immersed , pyriform , ostiolate , brown μμ015 —115m diam. , containing a circular germ pore to dark brown , 350 —600 ×250 —450m , glabrous or μcovered in the basal portion with light brown to dark at each end of the spore measuring 110 —116 m di2 μbrown , flexuous , septate hairs about 315 —815 m Conidia and spermatia unknown , homothallic . am. thick ; neck papilliform to conical , dark brown to near2 Gelasinospora udagawae was first discovered in 8 μly black , glabrous , 120 —190 ×110 —140 m , with Pakistan, and no occurrence has been reported in distinct , apical , circular ostiole , lined with filiform , China so far . The morphological characteristics of the hyaline periphyses ; peridium membranaceous to semi2 strain isolated in this study are similar to those in the 8coriaceous , p seudoparenchymatous in surface view , original description of Khan & Krug , except that they brown to dark brown , three2layered. Asci 82spored , described a few big size of the asci as 165 —275 × μcylindrical , 180 —250 ×18 —24 m , truncate at the μ18 —26 m , there was no other difference observed.apices , tapering below into a short stipe . Paraphyses 312 Molec ular p hylo ge netic s filiform2ventricose , evanescent or lacking. Ascospores The ITS region sequence of IR353 was 548 bp one2celled , obliquely uniseriate , rarly biseriate , ellip2 ( ) DDBJ Accession number was AB640864 shared soidal to ovoid , occasionally ovoid2cymbiform , 18 — 9919 % identity to the type species Gelasinospora uda2 μ 22 ×10 —14 m , hyaline when young , becoming oli2() gawae NCB I Accession No . AY68118 ,Fig. 2. Fig. 2 . The N2J Phylo ge netic tre e of strain IR353 ) ( G, appears at later stages of development Fig. 1 - 4 Di sc u s sio n and sometimes a few spores exhibit strange or twisted ( ) markings on the external wall Fig. 1 - H. These fea2 The strain IR353 isolated from the stem of Isodon tures make it distinct from other species in the genus. rubescens are somewhat resembling G. calospora in But the characteristic pits of Gelasinospora are only processing relatively small ascospores. However , easily observed in young ascospores before they become IR353 has a relative smaller spore size , nearly ( ) brown Fig. 1 - J . The fully pigmented ascospores are smooth , and more numerous pits on the spore wall than usually mistaken for Sordaria Ces. &De Not . or Neu2 G. calospora . In addition , IR353 has a similar kind rospora Shear & B . O. Dodge , the former has smooth of epispore as G. pseudocalospora , but is distin2 ascospores that are surrounded by a gelatinous sheath guished with it by the larger and irregular biseriately and the latter has the similar ascospores but with longi2 arranged ascospores. Gelasinospora udagawae characterized by the as2 tudinally striate . This made it necessary to evaluate the traditional taxonomy of the genus by molecular phyloge2 cospores occasionally have a hyaline sheath which dis2 netic analysis. Ref ere nc e s : The morphological characters having phylogenetic 1 Khan R S , Krug J C. New species of Gelasinospora J . Mycolo 2 significance have been demonstrated and discussed by () gia , 1989 , 81 2, 2262233 . 9 10 García et al . and Cai et al . . Molecular studies Cailleux R. Recherches sur la mycoflore coprophile Centrafricaine . 2 showed that taxa possessing similar ascomatal structures Les genres Sordaria , Gelasinospora , Bombardia ; Ecologie J . Bull Soc Mycol , 1971 , 87 : 4612626 . may not necessarily be phylogenetically related and fur2 3 Arx J A von. Ostiolate and nonostiolate Pyrenomycetes J . Proc ther prove the von Arx′s view. Moreover , García et al . Kon Nederl Akad Wet , 1973 , 76 : 2892296 . demonstrated that epispore morphology was useful in Arx J A von. A key to the species of Gelasinospora J . Persooni 2 4 delimiting Gelasinospora and Neurospora species. All a ,1982 ,11 : 4432449 . these work proposed that the additional use of sequence 5 Krug J C , Khan R S , Jeng R S. A new species of Gelasinospora data be preferable to only using morphological identifi2 with multiple germ pores J . Mycologia , 1994 , 86 :250 2253 . Guo L D , Hyde K D , Liew E C Y. Identification of endophytic 6 cation of Gelasinospora . fungi from Livistona chinensis based on morphology and rDNA se2 In summary , the morphological characteristics of quences J . New phytologist , 2000 , 147 : 617 2630 . the strain IR353 isolated in this study matched the 7 Liu A R , Xu T , Guo L D. Molecular and morphological description characters of Gelasinospora udagawae originally de2 of Pestalotiopsis hainanensis sp . nov. , a new endophyte from a scribed by Khan & Krug , except for the few smaller as2 tropical region of China J . Fungal Diversity , 2007 , 24 :23 236 . Khan R S , Krug J C. A new terricolous species of Gelasinospora 8 μ( ci 180 —250 ×18 —24 m vs. 165 —275 ×18 —26 J . Sydowia , 1989 , 41 : 180 2184 . μ) m. The Molecular results further proved that strain9 García D , Stchigel A M , Guarro J , et al . A synopsis and re2cir2 IR353 was Gelasinospora udagawae . ( ) cumscription of Neurospora syn. Gelasinospora based on ultra2 Acknowle dge me nt s : We are grateful to Drs. SUN Xiang structural and 28S rDNA sequence data J . Mycol Res , 2004 , and SU Yuan2Ying at the Systematic Mycology & Lichenology () 108 10: 111921142 . Laboratory , Institute of Microbiology , Chinese Academy of Sci2 10 Cai L , Jeewon R , Hyde K D. Phylogenetic investigations of Sor2 ences for giving their opinions about the fungus and reviewing the dariaceae based on multiple gene sequences and morphlogy J . manuscript . () Mycol Res , 2006 , 110 2: 1372150 . 欢迎投稿 、订阅《吉林农业大学学报》 《吉林农业大学学报》是吉林农业大学主办的综合性农业学术期刊 ,国内外公开发行 ,面向国内外专家学者征集稿 件 。本刊设有遗传育种 、作物栽培 、植物保护 、园艺科学 、动物科学 、水产科学 、食品科学 、农业生物工程 、药用植物与中药 () 学 、植物资源开发利用 、农业资源与环境 、农业化学 、农业工程 、农业经济管理 实证分析等栏目 ,以研究 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 、研究简报 、 研究快报等形式集中报道以上学科所开展的基础研究 、应用研究和重大开发研究所取得的最新成果 。 本刊为中国科学引文数据库来源期刊 、中国科技论文统计源期刊 、中文核心期刊 ,已连续多年被英国《国际农业与生 ( ) () ( ) ( ) 物科学研究中心文摘》CABI、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》AJ 、美国《化学文摘》CA、英国《动物学记录》ZR、联合国粮农组织 () 国际农业科技情报系统数据库 AGRIS、中国期刊全文数据库《、中国农业文摘》等 20 余种国内外重要检索系统列为文献 信息源期刊 。 () 本刊现为双月刊 ,A4 开本 ,每期 120 页 ,定价 20100 元 ,全年 120100 元 邮资免付。订阅可通过全国非邮发报刊联合 () 发行部 地址 :天津市大寺泉集北里别墅 17 号联合征订服务部 ,邮编 :300385,也可直接向本刊编辑部订阅 。 编辑部地址 : 吉林省长春市新城大街 2888 号《吉林农业大学学报》编辑部 邮编 : 130118 电话 : 0431284532914 传真 : 0431284533129 2mail : jlndxb @vip1sina1com E网址 : http : ?xuebao1jlau1edu1cn
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