首页 工厂有害物质管理程序[1] 2

工厂有害物质管理程序[1] 2


工厂有害物质管理程序[1] 2工厂有害物质管理程序[1] 2 有害物質管理程序 一、 目的: 確定本公司的產品符合客戶有害物質管控要求,識別公司生產經營中存在的有害物質的風險,建立HSF的方 針、目標和HSF控制計劃,制訂風險管理措施,對公司的有害物質進行控制。 二、 范圍: 適用於公司HSF符合管理體系的策劃和HSF的風險控制; 三、 定義: 3.1 HS:Hazardous Substances:有害物質 引用於WEEE或ROHS指令及任何附加顧客要求清單中所列明的任何一種物質,這些特質禁止使用和可替換。 3.2 HSF(...

工厂有害物质管理程序[1] 2
工厂有害物质管理程序[1] 2 有害物質管理程序 一、 目的: 確定本公司的產品符合客戶有害物質管控要求,識別公司生產經營中存在的有害物質的風險,建立HSF的方 針、目標和HSF控制計劃,制訂風險管理 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,對公司的有害物質進行控制。 二、 范圍: 適用於公司HSF符合管理體系的策劃和HSF的風險控制; 三、 定義: 3.1 HS:Hazardous Substances:有害物質 引用於WEEE或ROHS指令及任何附加顧客要求清單中所列明的任何一種物質,這些特質禁止使用和可替換。 3.2 HSF(Hazardous Substances Free)不含有有害物質 引用於WEEE或ROHS指令及其它應用的標准和規章清單中所列明的任何一種特質的減少或消除。 3.3 HSPM:Hazardous Substances Process Management System::有害物質過程管理體系,本公司的HSPM有害 物質過程管理體系亦稱之“ROHS符合性管理體系”。 四、 權責: 4.1 HSF工作組 4.1.1 負責建立公司的HS有害物質管理標准。 4.1.2 識別材料中的有害物質風險,確定公司【高危風險物料清單】。 4.1.3 制訂HSF目標消除有害物質的時間表。 4.2 品質课: 4.2.1 負責制訂HSF過程管理計劃並負責組織實施。 4.3 管理者代表: 4.3.1 負責審查HSF管理標准、HSF環境管理對象物質清單、HSF目標/消除有害物質的時間表,並負責組 織實施和監督檢查; 4.3.2 負責評審公司的有害物質的風險,批准HSF過程管理計劃。 4.4 總經理: 對公司HSF的風險管理負責,負責批准HSF管理標准、HSF環境管理對象物質清單、HSF目標/消除有 害物質的時間表。 五、 作業內容 5.1 有害物質管理標准的建立: 品保课、业务课等负责收集与HSF相关的法律、法规与顾客要求,并由HSF项目组进行整理、汇poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 總綜合考慮法規、客戶的要求與本公司的能力,評估HSF的控制風險,制訂本公司的“環境負荷 化學物質管理標准”應分發本公司相關部门、外包廠及供應商,具體按《HSF法律法規和顧客要求 5.2 有害物质的确定: HSF项目组负责对公司所使用的物料(含辅料),工艺过程进行调查、研究,确定本公司HSF管理对象 物质,并建立本公司的【高危风险物料清单】; 5.3 HSF目标、消除有害物质时间表的确定: 5.3.1 FSPM(有害物质过程管理体系)建立之初的HSF目标、消除有害物质的时间表由HSF项目组根据公 司的HSF方针、HSF管理现状制订,经管理者代表审核、总经理批准后发布、实施; 5.3.2 HSF目标、消除有害物质的时间表的实施情况由管理者代表组织相关人员按目标和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 表的进度规定 进行检查,对没有达成目标或计划要求的相关责任部门及时采取纠正措施,必要时修改HSF目标, 消除有害物质的时间表; 5.3.3 HSF目标、消除有害物质的时间表应每年检讨(通常于每年12月份进行),必要时进行修订/更新并发 布下一年度的HSF目标、消除有害物质的时间表。 5.4 HSF有害物质风险管理措施的策划: 品保课应会同 采购 采购部分工政府采购法87号令广东省政府采购政府采购法及采购员下一步工作计划 、生产课等部门对HSF目标相关的过程和过程中的HSF风险进行识别,确定与HSF 目标相关的高风险过程,制订HSF过程管理计划,并分发各部门作为HSF有害物质过程管理风险控制的 依据,本公司的高风险过程包括:供方过程和本公司的过程。 5.5 供方HSF过程管理的风险控制: 管理者代表应组织资材课、品保课对供方的HSF过程管理风险的进行评估,制订《HSF供应商管理程序》 对供应商进行HSF管理体系和HSF进料的控制,具体作业按《HSF供应商管理程序》执行.。 5.6 本公司HSF过程管理的风险控制: 管理者代表应会同各部门对HSF目标相关的过程控制措施进行策划,识别HSF特殊过程,制订各过程的 控制措施,并督促各部门依据相关文件的要求进行HSF过程控制,确保各过程的风险控制在本公司可接 受的范围。本公司的HSF特殊过程为:成型、焊锡、镀锡。 5.7 HSF产品的检验: 品保课、制造课等依据《检验与测试管理程序》等文件执行。 5.8 HSF有害物质风险管理绩效的控制: 每年管理者代表应组织各部门对HSF风险管理过程的绩效进行统计、汇总, 并在管理评审中进行评审。 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 与顾客有关过程控制程序 2/4 页次 QP-007 标题 与顾客有关过程控制程序 编 号 A/0 版次 1.目的:为明确客户之合约与订单的权利与义务,防止纠纷之产生,保证按期、按量、按质交货, 提高顾客满意度 2.范围:适用于所有合约或订单的确定与评审、顾客沟通及顾客财产的管理 3.定义: 合约:泛指契约、订单或报价单 HSF:即Hazardous Substance Free.有害物质减免(或无有害物质) 4.作业流程: 权 责 相关文件/表单 作业流程 作业重点 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 部门/人 《客户联系资料表》 业务课 《客户资料调查表》 业务课 業務课 《报价单》 业务 《报价单》 主管 《报价单》 业务课 《合约订单评审表》 业务课 深圳市德信诚经济咨询有限公司poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure" , "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 相关 《合约订单评审表》 部门 《受订单明细表》 研发课 业务课 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 4.10业务与客户沟通,明确客户提供财产客戶財 之内容及方式,并及时向各分管部產管理 门沟通. 业务课客户财产由各使用部门分别建表登 记在《顾客财产登记表》中,交由 业务总体监控. 研发课 4.10.2文件资料由研发课负责编号管制; 《顾客财产登记 4.10.3样品由研发课负责管制; 表》、《文件资料 4.10.4模治具由技术课编号及使用管制; 管制程序》、《检模 房 验与测试管理程 4.10.5仓库依对客户财产中原材料部分 序》、《仓储管理 进行管制; 程序》 4.10.6对客户财产的验收由品管依《检验品管课 与测试管理程序》检验. 4.11客户财产在我公司任何阶段发生异仓 库 常时由业务课及时向客户反馈与 汇报. 售中 出 貨 服务 4.12所有客户财产未经客户书面批准不 得向外泄露. 客 訴客4.13仓库依《仓储管理程序》对出货进《仓储管理程 、意戶仓 库 抱滿 序》 怨行管理. 深圳市德信诚经济咨询有限公司poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure" , "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 4.14业务课负责对客户信息进行受理并 进行处理,确保客户满意. 《8D 业务课 WORKSHEET》 品管课 4.15对客户投诉及抱怨由业务课知会品 管. 4.16由品保课联络相关部门对客诉内容 进行原因 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 . 客訴、抱 售 4.17权责部门应作出相关应急对策并记 怨處理 后 《8D 相关 录,制定纠正预防措施,以防止类 服 WORKSHEET》 部门 似问题再发生. 务 4.18由品保课审查改善措施之有效性、知會客戶 合理性,并确认改善结果. 4.19根据改善结果,由品保课将改善措施《8D 品管课 WORKSHEET》 回复客户. 客戶滿意度調查 《客户满意度调 4.20每半年由业务课发出《客户满意度 查表》 调查表》,于寄出调查表后一个月业务课 内回收统计. 4/4 页次 QP-007 标题 与顾客有关过程控制程序 编 号 A/0 版次 权责 部作业流程 相关文件/表单 作业重点说明 门/人 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 4.21业务课针对客户答卷进行书面分 《客户满意度 析,将调查结果统计填写在《客户业务课 分 析 调查分析表》 满意度调查分析表》. 4.22针对不满意事项知会相关部门提出相关 部门 改善对策,进行纠正. 改善對策 4.23相关单位必须对所采取的改善对策 与纠正措施处理结果进行追踪查 相关 核.若改善结果仍不理想应再重部门 实施原因分析再改善. 確認 4.24针对单一或特殊情况予以回复客 业务课 户. 回復客戶 4.25由品保课存档.并追踪跟进改善的 《8D 品管课 状况 WORKSHEET》 記錄存檔 深圳市德信诚经济咨询有限公司poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure" , "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 深圳市德信诚经济咨询有限公司poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure" , "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor
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