首页 数学f1初中数学2007年中考试题分类汇编(统计初步与概率问题)16718



数学f1初中数学2007年中考试题分类汇编(统计初步与概率问题)16718数学f1初中数学2007年中考试题分类汇编(统计初步与概率问题)16718 本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考 本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考 2007年中考试题分类汇编(统计初步与概率问题) 一、选择题 1、(2007安徽)下列调查工作需采用的普查方式的是„„„„„„【 】D A.环保部门对淮河某段水域的水污染情况的调查 B.电视台对正在播出的某电视节目收视率的调查 C.质检部门对各厂家生产的电池使用寿命的调查 D.企业在给职工做工作服前进行的尺寸大小的调查 2、(2007福建晋江)要了解...

数学f1初中数学2007年中考 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 分类汇编(统计初步与概率问题)16718 本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考 本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考 2007年中考试题分类汇编(统计初步与概率问题) 一、选择题 1、(2007安徽)下列调查工作需采用的普查方式的是„„„„„„【 】D A.环保部门对淮河某段水域的水污染情况的调查 B.电视台对正在播出的某电视节目收视率的调查 C.质检部门对各厂家生产的电池使用寿命的调查 D.企业在给职工做工作服前进行的尺寸大小的调查 2、(2007福建晋江)要了解一个城市的气温变化情况,下列观测方法最可靠的一种方法是( )C A(一年中随机选中20天进行观测; B(一年中随机选中一个月进行连续观测; C(一年四季各随机选中一个月进行连续观测;D(一年四季各随机选中一个星期进行连续观测。 3((2007安徽芜湖)筹建中的安徽芜湖核电站芭茅山厂址位于长江南岸繁昌县狄港镇,距离繁昌县县城约17km,距离芜湖市区约35km,距离无为县城约18km,距离巢湖市区约50km,距离铜陵市区约36km,距离合肥市区约99km(以上这组数据17、35、18、50、36、99的中位数为( )(D A(18 B(50 C(35 D(35.5C 4、92007广东韶关)2007年5月份,某市市区一周空气质量报告中某项污染指数的数据是:31 35 31 34 30 32 31,这组数据的中位数、众数分别是( )C A.32,31 B.31,32 C.31,31 D.32,35 5、(2007贵州安顺)我市某一周的最高气温统计如下表: ?最高气温() 25 26 27 28 天 数 1 1 2 3 则这组数据的中位数与众数分别是( )A A(27,28 B(27.5,28 C(28,27 D(26.5,27 6、(2007贵州贵阳)小明五次跳远的成绩(单位:米)是:3.6,3.8,4.2,4.0,3.9,这组数据的中位数是( )A A(3.9米 B(3.8米 C(4.2米 D(4.0米 7、(2007广东梅州)下列事件中,必然事件是( ) A(中秋节晚上能看到月亮 B(今天考试小明能得满分 C(早晨的太阳从东方升起 D(明天气温会升高 8、(2007福建福州)随机掷两枚硬币,落地后全部正面朝上的概率是( )D 1111A( B( C( D( 234 9、(2007福建龙岩)如图,转动转盘,转盘停止转动时指针指向阴影部分的概率是( )B 5137A( B( C( D( 8248(第4题图) Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 10、(2007河北省)在一个暗箱里放有a个除颜色外其它完全相同的球,这a个球中红球只有3个(每次将球搅拌均匀后,任意摸出一个球记下颜色再放回暗箱(通过大量重复摸球实验后发现,摸到红球的频率稳定在25%,那么可以推算出a大约是( )A A(12 B(9 C(4 D(3 11、(2007哈尔滨)随机掷一枚质地均匀的正方体骰子,骰子的六个面上分别刻有1到6的点数,则这个骰子向上的一面点数是奇数的概率为( )A 1111A( B( C( D( 2345 12、(2007武汉)小刚与小亮一起玩一种转盘游戏。如图是两个完全相同的转盘,每个转盘 分成面积相等的三个区域,分别用“1”、“2”、“3”表示。固定指针,同时转动两个转 盘,任其自由停止。若两指针指的数字和为奇数,则小刚获胜;否则,小亮获胜。则在 该游戏中小刚获胜的概率是( )。B 1452A( B、 C、 D、 2993 13、(2007湖北孝感)在李咏主持的“幸运52”栏目中,曾有一种竞猜游戏,游戏规则是:在20个商标牌中,有5个商标牌的背面注明了一定的奖金,其余商标牌的背面是一张“哭脸”,若翻到“哭脸”就不获奖,参与这个游戏的观众有三次翻牌的机会,且翻过的牌不能再翻(有一位观众已翻牌两次,一次获奖,一次不获奖,那么这位观众第三次翻牌获奖的概率是( )B 1512A( B( C( D( 45918 12S,14、(2007湖南怀化)已知甲乙两组数据的平均数都是5,甲组数据的方差,乙组甲12 12S,数据的方差则( )B 乙10 ,(甲组数据比乙组数据的波动大 ,(乙组数据比甲组数据的波动大 ,(甲组数据与乙组数据的波动一样大 ,(甲乙两组数据的波动大小不能比较 15、(2007年山东临沂)小明随机地在如图所示的正三角形及其内部区域投针, 则针扎到其内切圆(阴影)区域的概率为( )。C 33313A、 B、 C、 D、ππ26π9 16、(2007杭州)将三粒均匀的分别标有1,2,3,4,5,6的正六面体骰子同时掷出,出 abc,,abc,,现的数字分别为,则正好是直角三角形三边长的概率是( )C 1111 723612216A. B. C. D. 二、填空题 1、(2007福建晋江)一组数据35,35,36,36,37,38,38,38,39,40的极差是________。5 2、(2007广东梅州)小明与父母从广州乘火车回梅州参观叶帅纪念馆,他们买到的火车票Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 知识决定命运 百度提升自我 1是同一排相邻的三个座位,那么小明恰好坐在父母中间的概率是 ( 33、(2007贵州贵阳)在一次抽奖活动中,中奖概率是0.12,则不中奖的概率是 (0.88 4、(2007河北省)图8中每一个标有数字的方块均是可以翻动的木牌,其中只有两 2 1 3 1块木牌的背面贴有中奖标志,则随机翻动一块木牌中奖的概率为_______ 4 5 6 3 图8 5、(2007湖南怀化)为响应国家要求中小学生每天锻练1小时的号召,某校开展了形式多样的“阳光体育运动”活动,小明对某班同学参加锻炼的情况进行了统计,并绘制了下面的图1和图2,请在图1中将“乒乓球”部分的图形补充完整( 人数 20 15 篮球40% 10 其它 5 乒 足球 乓 球 兴趣爱好 篮球 乒乓球 足球 其他 图2 图1 5解:补全的条形图的高与对应 AB,CAB6、(2007山东济南)如图,数轴上两点,在线段上任取一点,则点到表示1 2A B 的点的距离不大于2的概率是 ( 331 0 ,3 7、(2007宁波)一盒子内放有3个红球、6个白球和5个黑第6题图 球,它们除颜色外都相同,搅匀后任意摸出1个球是白球的 3概率为 ? ( 7 三、解答题 1、(2007福建晋江)老张要对某居住小区所聘用的物业管理公司的“服务质量”进行调查,他从不同住宅中随机选取300名入住时间较长的居民进行调查,并将得到的数据制成扇形统计图(如图所示)。 满意 40? ?在这个调查中,对“服务质量”表现“满意”的有人; 基本满意 20? 非常满意 ?请估计该社区2000名居民对“服务质量”表现为“基本满意” 不满意 30? 以上的人数(包含“基本满意”、“满意”、“非常满意”)。 解?120;?1800。 2、(2007福建龙岩)红星煤矿人事部欲从内部招聘管理人员一名,对甲、乙、丙三名候选人进行专业知识测试,成绩如下表所示;并依录用的程序,组织200名职工对三人进行民主评议投票推荐,三人得票率如图所示((没有弃权票,每位职工只能投1票,每得1票记作1分) 乙 甲 34% 35% Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 丙 31% (第2题图) 测试成绩(单位:分) 测试项目 甲 乙 丙 专业知识 73 74 67 (1)请填出三人的民主评议得分:甲得 分,乙得 分,丙得 分; 6:4(2)根据招聘简章,人事部将专业知识、民主评议二项得分按的比例确定各人成绩,成绩优者将被录用(那么 将被录用,他的成绩为 分( 62 解:(1)70 68 71.8(2)甲 3、(2007广东韶关)某中学准备搬迁新校舍,在迁入新校舍之前,同学们就该校学生如何到校问题进行了一次调查,并将调查结果制成了表格、条形图和扇形统计图,请你根据图表信息完成下列各题: (1)此次共调查了多少位学生, 步行 骑自行车 坐公共汽车 其他 (2)请将表格填充完整; 60 (3)请将条形统计图补充完整. 140其他 3%步行120 20% 100 80 坐公共汽车 44% 60 40 骑自行车 33% 20 0步行 骑自行车坐公共汽车其他 140 解:(1)调查的学生人数为:60?20%=300????????????????????????????3分 120 (2)如下表????????????????????????????6分 100(3)如右图????????????????????????????7分 80 60步行 骑自行车 坐公共汽车 其他 60 99 132 9 40 20 0步行骑自行车坐公共汽车其他4、(2007贵州贵阳)阅读对人成长的影响是巨大的,一本好书往往能改变人的一生(1995年联合国教科文组织把每年4月23日确定为“世界读书日”(图8是某校三个年级学生人数分布扇形统计图,其中八年级人数为408人,表(1)是该校学生阅读课外书籍情况统计表(请你根据图表中的信息,解答下列问题: 八年级 (1)求该校八年级的人数占全校总人数的百分率((2分) AB,(2)求表(1)中的值((4分) 七年级 (3)该校学生平均每人读多少本课外书,(2分) 九年级 28, 图书种类 频数 频率 38, 科普常识 B840 图8 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 知识决定命运 百度提升自我 名人传记 816 0.34 漫画丛书 0.25 A 其它 144 0.06 表(1) 1283834,,,,,,解:(1) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 8160.342400,,(2)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1分 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 A,,,,,2400(840816144)600 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3分 B,,,,,1(0.340.250.06)0.35 6000.35的值为,的值为 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4分 AB 408341200,,,(3)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1分 240012002,, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 该校学生平均每人读2本课外书( 5、(2007河北省)甲、乙两支篮球队在集训期内进行了五场比赛,将比赛成绩进行统计后,绘制成如图12-1、图12-2的统计图( (1)在图12-2中画出折线表示乙队在集训期内这五场比赛成绩的变化情况; (2)已知甲队五场比赛成绩的平均分=90分,请你计算乙队五场比赛成绩的平均分; xx甲乙(3)就这五场比赛,分别计算两队成绩的极差; )如果从甲、乙两队中选派一支球队参加篮球锦标赛,根据上述统计情况,试从平均(4 分、折线的走势、获胜场数和极差四个方面分别进行简要分析,你认为选派哪支球 队参赛更能取得好成绩, 甲、乙两球队比赛成绩折线统计图 甲、乙两球队比赛成绩条形统计图 得分/分 得分/分 110 100 110 甲 98 90 95 90 91 87 86 80 83 80 80 甲队 70 60 乙队 50 40 30 20 一二三四五 10 场次/场 0 图12-1 一二三四五 场次/场 图12-2 /分 解:(1)如图2;„„„„„„„„„„(2分) 甲、乙两球队比赛成绩折线统计图 x(2)=90(分);„„„„„„„(3分) 乙得分/分 110 (3)甲队成绩的极差是18分, 100 甲 90 乙队成绩的极差是30分;„„„„„„„(5分) 乙 80 70 60 (4)从平均分看,两队的平均分相同,实力大体相当; 50 40 从折线的走势看~甲队比赛成绩呈上升趋势~而乙队 30 20 比赛成绩呈下降趋势,从获胜场数看~甲队胜三场~ 10 0 乙队胜两场~甲队成绩较好, 一二三四五 场次/场 从极差看~甲队比赛成绩比乙队比赛成绩波动小~甲队成绩较稳定(…,9分, 图2 /分 综上~选派甲队参赛更能取得好成绩(……………………………………,10分, Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 6、(2007福建福州)为了进一步了解八年级学生的身体素质情况,体育老师对八年级(1)频数(人数) 班50位学生进行一分钟跳绳次数测试,以测试数据为样本,绘制出部分频数分布表和部分频数分布直方图(如下所示: 18 组别 次数 频数(人数) x15 第1组 80100?x,6 12 第2组 100120?x,8 9 a第3组 120140?x, 6 第4组 140160?x,18 3 第5组 160180?x,6 请结合图表完成下列问题: 0 120 140 160 180 50 100 (1)表中的 ; a,跳绳次数 (2)请把频数分布直方图补充完整; (3)这个样本数据的中位数落在第 组; x,120120140?x,(4)若八年级学生一分钟跳绳次数()达标要求是:不合格;为x 140160?x,x?160合格;为良;为优(根据以上信息,请你给学校或八年级同学提一条合理化建议: ( 频数(人数) 解:(1)12; a, (2)画图 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 如图所示: 18 (3)中位数落在第3组; 15 (4)只要是合理建议( 12 9 : 6 3 7、(2007哈尔滨)据2007年5月26日《生活报》 0 报道,我省有关部门要求各中小学要把“每天锻120 140 160 180 50 100 跳绳次数 炼一小时”写入课表(为了响应这一号召,某校 围绕着“你最喜欢的体育活动项目是什么,(只 写一项)”的问题,对在校学生进行了随机抽样调查,从而得到一组数据(图1是根据这组数据绘制的条形统计图(请结合统计图回答下列问题: (1)该校对多少名学生进行了抽样调查, (2)本次抽样调查中,最喜欢篮球活动的有多少人,占被调查人数的百分比是多少, (3)若该校九年级共有200名学生,图2是根据各年级学生人数占全校学生总人数的百分比绘制的扇形统计图,请你估计全校学生中最喜欢跳绳活动的人数约为多少, Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 知识决定命运 百度提升自我 最喜欢的体育活 动项目的人数/人 18 10 8 六年级 九年级 30, 4 八年级 七年级 26, 0 24, 羽毛球 跳绳 足球 篮球 其他 最喜欢的体 育活动项目 图2 图1 4810181050,,,,,解:(1)由图1知:(名) ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 答:该校对50名学生进行了抽样调查( (2)本次调查中,最喜欢篮球活动的有18人( ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1分 18 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1分 ,,10036,,50 36,最喜欢篮球活动的人数占被调查人数的( ? 200201000,,, (3) (人) ??????????????????????????????? 2分 1(302624)20,,,,,,,, 8,,,1001000160, (人) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 50 答:估计全校学生中最喜欢跳绳活动的人数约为160人( 8、(2007潜江江汉油田)今年4月,国民体质监测中心等机构开展了青少年形体测评.专家组随机抽查了某市若干名初中学生坐姿、站姿、走姿的好坏情况.我们对专家的测评数据作了适当处理(如果一个学生有一种以上不良姿势,我们以他最突出的一种作记载),并将统计结果绘制了如下两幅不完整的统计图,请你根据图中所给信息解答下列问题: (1)请将两幅统计图补充完整; (2)在这次形体测评中,一共抽查了 名学生,如果全市有10万名初中生,那么全市初中生中,三姿良好的学生约有 人; (3)根据统计结果,请你简单谈谈自己的看法. 人数 坐姿不200 20% 良 175 150 走姿不良 125 站姿不良 100 37% 31% 75 50 解:(1)扇形图中填:三姿良好12%, 25 条形统计图,如图所示„„„„„„ (2分) 0 坐姿 站姿 走姿 三姿 (2)500,12000„„„„„„„„„„(4分) 类别 不良 良好不良 不良 (3)答案不惟一,只要点评具有正确的导向性,且符合以下要点的意思,均可给分(6 分) Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 要点: 中学生应该坚持锻炼身体,努力纠正坐姿、站姿、走姿中的不良习惯,促进身心 健康发育. 9、(2007湖北孝感)某中学为了培养学生的社会实践能力,今年“五一”长假期间要求学生参加一项社会调查活动.为此,小明在他所居住小区的600个家庭中,随机调查了50个家庭在新工资制度实施后的收入情况,并绘制了如下的频数分布表和频数分布直方图,收入取整数~单位:元,. 分 组 频 数 频 率 1000,1200 3 0.060 1200,1400 12 0.240 1400,1600 18 0.360 1600,1800 0.200 1800,2000 5 请你根据以上提供的信息,解答下列问题: 2000,2200 2 0.040 (1)补全频数分布表和频数分布直方图; 合计 50 1.000 (2)这50个家庭收入的中位数落在 小组; (3)请你估算该小区600个家庭中收入较低,不足1400元,的家庭个数大约有多少, 解:(1)10 , 0.100 ; „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4分 评分说明:补全直方图2分,频数为10,. (2)第三小组 1400,1600 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6分 (3)(0.060,0.240)×600=180 . 10、(2007江苏连云港)国家规定“中小学生每天在校体育活动时间不低于1小时”(为此,某市就“你每天在校体育活动时间是多少”的问题随机调查了辖区内300名初中学生(根据调查结果绘制成的统计图(部分)如图所示,其中分组情况是: t,0.5h0.5h1h?t,,组:; ,组: 1h1.5h?t,t?1.5h,组: ,组: 请根据上述信息解答下列问题: (1),组的人数是 ; (2)本次调查数据的中位数落在 组内; (3)若该辖区约有24 000名初中学生,请你估计其中达国家规定体育活动时间的人约有多 人数 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 B C 组别 A D (第24题图) 少, 解:(1)120; ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 (2),;?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5分 12060,,,100%60% (3)达国家规定体育活动时间的人数约占( 300 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 知识决定命运 百度提升自我 所以,达国家规定体育活动时间的人约有(人)( 8分 2400060%14400,, 11、(2007安徽)17.在“妙手推推推”的游戏中,主持人出示了一个9位数,让参加者猜商品价格。被猜的价格是一个4位数,也就是这个9位中从左到右连在一起的某4个数字。如果参与者不知道商品的价格,从这些连在一起的所有4位数中,任意猜一个,求他猜中该商(( 品价格的概率。 解:所有连在一起的四位数共有6个,商品的价格是其中的一个。„„4分 1 由于参与者是随意猜的,因此,他一次猜中商品价格的概率是。 6 12、(2007广东韶关)不透明的口袋里装有红、黄、蓝三种颜色的小球若干个(除颜色外其余都相同),其中红球2个(分别标有1号、2号),篮球1个。若从中任意摸出一个球,它 1是篮球的概率为. 4 (1)求袋中黄球的个数; (2)第一次任意摸出一个球(不放回),第二次再摸出一个球,请用画树状图或列表格的方法,求两次摸到不同颜色球的概率. 解:(1)袋中黄球的个数为1个;????????????????????????????2分 )方法一、列表如下:????????????????????????????6分 (2 * 红1 红2 黄 蓝 红1 * (红1,红2) (红1,黄) (红1,蓝) 红2 (红2,红1) * (红2,黄) (红2,蓝) 黄 (黄,红1) (黄,红2) * (黄,蓝) 蓝 (蓝,红1) (蓝,红2) (蓝,黄) * 105P,,所以两次摸到不同颜色球的概率为:. ??????????????????????????8分 126 方法二,画树状图如下: 开始 蓝黄 红1红2 黄红2红1红1红2蓝 蓝黄红1蓝黄红2 13、(2007贵州贵阳)小颖和小红两位同学在学习“概率”时,做投掷骰子(质地均匀的正方体)实验,他们共做了60次实验,实验的结果如下: 朝上的点数 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 出现的次数 7 9 6 8 20 10 (1)计算“3点朝上”的频率和“5点朝上”的频率((4分) (2)小颖说:“根据实验,一次实验中出现5点朝上的概率最大”;小红说:“如果投掷600次,那么出现6点朝上的次数正好是100次(”小颖和小红的说法正确吗,为什么,(4分) (3)小颖和小红各投掷一枚骰子,用列表或画树状图的方法求出两枚骰子朝上的点数之和为3的倍数的概率((4分) 61解:(1)“3点朝上”出现的频率是 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 ,6010 201“5点朝上”出现的频率是, ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4分 603 (2)小颖的说法是错误的(这是因为,“5点朝上”的频率最大并不能说明“5点朝上”这一事件发生的频率最大(只有当实验的次数足够大时,该事件发生的频率稳定在事件发生的概率附近( ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 小红的判断是错误的,因为事件发生具有随机性,故“6点朝上”的次数不一定是100次( ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4分 (3)列表如下: 小红投掷 的点数 1 2 3 4 5 6 小颖投掷 的点数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2分 121点数之和为的倍数P(3),, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4分 363 14、(2007潜江江汉油田)亲爱的同学,下面我们来做一个猜颜色的游戏:一个不透明的小盒中,装有A、B、C三张除颜色以外完全相同的卡片,卡片A两面均为红,卡片B两面均为绿,卡片C一面为红,一面为绿. (1)从小盒中任意抽出一张卡片放到桌面上,朝上一面恰好是绿色,请你猜猜,抽出哪张卡片的概率为0, (2)若要你猜(1)中抽出的卡片朝下一面是什么颜色,猜哪种颜色正确率可能高一些,请你列出表格,用概率的知识予以说明. A解:(1)依题意可知:抽出卡片的概率为0;„„„„„„„(3分) CAB(2)由(1)知,一定不会抽出卡片,只会抽出卡片或,且抽出的卡片朝 上的一面是绿色,那么可列下表: ) B(绿) C(绿) 朝上 B(绿 1 2 „„„„„„„„„„„„(6分) 朝下 B(绿) B(绿) C(红) 2 1 21可见朝下一面的颜色有绿、绿、红三种可能,即:P(绿)=,P(红)=, 33所以猜绿色正确率可能高一些. Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 知识决定命运 百度提升自我 15、(2007江苏连云港)九年级1班将竞选出正、副班长各1名,现有甲、乙两位男生和丙、丁两位女生参加竞选( (1)男生当选班长的概率是 ; (2)请用列表或画树状图的方法求出两位女生同时当选正、副班长的概率( 1解:(1); ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4分 2 (2)树状图为; × × × × 乙 甲 甲 甲 × × × × 丙 丙 乙 乙 甲 乙 丙 丁 × × ? ? 丁 丁 丁 丙 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 8分 21, 所以,两位女生同时当选正、副班长的概率是((列表方法求解略) ??? 126 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????10分 AB,16、(2007四川成都)小华与小丽 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 了两种游戏: A游戏的规则:用3张数字分别是2,3,4的扑克牌,将牌洗匀后背面朝上放置在桌面上,第一次随机抽出一张牌记下数字后再原样放回,洗匀后再第二次随机抽出一张牌记下数字(若抽出的两张牌上的数字之和为偶数,则小华获胜;若两数字之和为奇数,则小丽获胜( B游戏的规则:用4张数字分别是5,6,8,8的扑克牌,将牌洗匀后背面朝上放置在桌面上,小华先随机抽出一张牌,抽出的牌不放回,小丽从剩下的牌中再随机抽出一张牌(若小华抽出的牌面上的数字比小丽抽出的牌面上的数字大,则小华获胜;否则小丽获胜( 请你帮小丽选择其中一种游戏,使她获胜的可能性较大,并说明理由( 解:对游戏A: 画树状图 开始 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 或用列表法 第 二 第 2 3 4 次 一 次 (22),(23),(24), 2 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. (32),(34),(33),3 (42),(43),(44),4 所有可能出现的结果共有9种,其中两数字之和为偶数的有5种,所以游戏小华获胜的A 54概率为,而小丽获胜的概率为(即游戏对小华有利,获胜的可能性大于小丽( A99 对游戏: B 画树状图 开始 8 小华 5 6 8 或用列表法 小丽 6 8 8 5 8 8 5 6 8 5 6 8 小 5 6 8 8 丽 小 华 —• (56),(58),(58),5 —•(65),(68),(68),6 —• (85),(86),(88),8 —• (85),(86),(88),8 所有可能出现的结果共有12种,其中小华抽出的牌面上的数字比小丽大的有5种;根据游B戏的规则,当小丽抽出的牌面上的数字与小华抽到的数字相同或比小华抽到的数字小时, 57BB则小丽获胜(所以游戏小华获胜的概率为,而小丽获胜的概率为(即游戏对小1212丽有利,获胜的可能性大于小华( 17、(2007浙江温州)一只箱子里共有3个球,其中2个白球,1个红球,它们除颜色外均相同。 (1)从箱子中任意摸出一个球是白球的概率是多少, (2)从箱子中任意摸出一个球,不将它放回箱子,搅匀后再摸出一个球,求两次摸出球的都是白球的概率,并画出树状图。 第一次摸出第二次摸出2  的球P,解:(1)从箱子中任意摸出一个球是白球的概率是   的球3白2(2)记两个白球分别为白1与白2,画树状图如右所示: 白1从树状图可看出:事件发生的所有可能的结果总数为6, 红 白1开始白2Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 红 红白1 白2 知识决定命运 百度提升自我 21两次摸出球的都是白球的结果总数为2,因此其概率. P,,63 18、(2007浙江金华)水果种植大户小方,为了吸引更多的顾客,组织了观光采摘游活动(每 ABCD,,,一位来采摘水果的顾客都有一次抽奖机会:在一只不透明的盒子里有四张外形完全相同的卡片,抽奖时先随机抽出一张卡片,再从盒子中剩下的3张中随机抽取第二张( (1)请利用树状图(或列表)的方法,表示前后两次抽得的卡片所有可能的情况; (2)如果抽得的两张卡片是同一种水果图片就可获得奖励,那么得到奖励的概率是多少, C ABD 解:(1)方法一:列表得 A B C D (A,B) (A,C) (A,D) A (B,A) (B,C) (B,D) B (C,A) (C,B) (C,D) C (D,A) (D,B) (D,C) D 方法二:画树状图 开始 B C D A A C D A B D A B C B C D (B,A)( B,C)( B,D)( C,A)( C,B)( C,D)( D,A)( D,B)( D,C) (A,B)( A,C)( A,D) 41P,,(2)获奖励的概率:( 123 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation.
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