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绿色建筑评价标准文件绿色建筑评价标准文件 征求意见稿 20051014 绿色建筑评价标准 ,征求意见稿, 《绿色建筑评价标准》编制组 二〇〇五年十月 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons1/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site...

绿色建筑 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 文件 征求意见稿 20051014 绿色建筑评价标准 ,征求意见稿, 《绿色建筑评价标准》编制组 二〇〇五年十月 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons1/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 《绿建筑评价标准色》编制说明 一、编制背景 在建筑的建造和使用过程中~需要消耗大量的自然资源~同时增加环境负荷。据统计~人类从自然界所获得的50%以上的物质原料用来建造各类建筑及其附属设备。这些建筑在建造和使用过程中又消耗了全球能量的50%左右,与建筑有关的空气污染、光污染、电磁污染等占环境总体污染的34%,建筑垃圾占人类活动产生垃圾总量的40%。 绿色建筑是指在建筑的全寿命周期内~最大限度地节约资源(节能、节地、节水、节材)、保护环境和减少污染~为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间~与自然和谐共生的建筑。 绿色建筑是将可持续发展理念引入建筑领域的结果~将成为未来建筑的主导趋势。目前~世界各国普遍重视绿色建筑的研究~许多国家和组织都在绿色建筑方面制定了相关政策和评价体系~有的已着手研究编制可持续建筑标准。由于世界各国经济发展水平、地理位置和人均资源等条件不同~对绿色建筑的研究与理解也存在差异。 我国政府从基本国情出发~从人与自然和谐发展~节约能源~有效利用资源和保护环境的角度~提出发展“节能省地型住宅和公共建筑”~主要内容是节能、节地、节水、节材与环境保护~注重以人为本~强调可持续发展。从这个意义上讲~节能省地型住宅和公共建筑与绿色建筑、可持续建筑提法不同~内涵相通~具有某种一致性~是具有中国特色的绿色建筑和可持续建筑理念。 我国资源总量和人均资源量都严重不足~同时我国的消费增长速度惊人~在资源再生利用率上也远低于发达国家。我国各地区在气候、地理环境、自然资源、经济社会发展水平与民俗文化等方面都存在巨大差异。我国正处于工业化、城镇化加速发展时期。中国现有建筑总面积400多亿平方米~预计到2020年还将新增建筑面积约300亿平periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 方米。在我国发展绿色建筑~是一项意义重大而十分迫切的任务。借鉴国际先进经验~建立一套适合我国国情的绿色建筑评价体系~反映建筑领域可持续发展理念~对积极引导大力发展绿色建筑~促进节能省地型住宅和公共建筑的发展~具有十分重要的意义。 在《国务院关于做好建设节约型社会近期重点工作的通知》,国发[2005]21号,及《建设部关于建设领域资源节约今明两年重点工作的安排意见》,建科[2005]98号,中均提出了完善资源节约标准的要求~并提出了编制《绿色建筑技术导则》、《绿色建筑评价标准》等标准的具体要求。 二、编制原则 1、借鉴国际先进经验~结合我国国情。 2、重点突出“四节”与环保要求。 3、体现过程控制。 4、定量和定性相结合。 5、系统性与灵活性相结合。 三、编制情况 根据建设部建标标函[2005]63号的要求~由中国建筑科学研究院、上海市建筑科学研究院会同中国城市规划设计研究院、清华大学、中国建筑工程总公司、中国建筑材料科学研究院、国家给水排水工程技术中心、深圳市建筑科学研究院、城市建设研究院等单位共同编制《绿色建筑评价标准》,以下简称《标准》,。 在编制过程中~编制组借鉴国外同类标准~进行了专题分析研究~召开了专家研讨会~开展了《标准》试评工作~经反复讨论、修改~形成了《标准》征求意见稿。 四、标准简介 《标准》用于评价住宅建筑和办公建筑、商场、宾馆等公共建筑。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons3/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 《标准》的评价指标体系包括以下六大指标: 1,节地与室外环境,2,节能与能源利用,3,节水与水资源利用,4,节材与材料资源利用;5,室内环境质量,6,运营管理,住宅建筑,、全生命周期综合性能,公共建筑,。 各大指标中的具体指标分为控制项、一般项和优选项三类。其中~控制项为评为绿色建筑的必备条款,优选项主要指实现难度较大、指标要求较高的项目。对同一对象~可根据需要和可能分别提出对应于控制项、一般项和优选项的指标要求。 绿色建筑的必备条件为全部满足《标准》第四章住宅建筑或第五章公共建筑中控制项要求。按满足一般项和优选项的程度~绿色建筑划分为三个等级。 对住宅建筑~原则上以住区为对象~也可以单栋住宅为对象进行评价。对公共建筑~以单体建筑为对象进行评价。对住宅建筑或公共建筑的评价~在其投入使用一年后进行。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 《绿色建筑评价标准》 1 总则 1.0.1 为贯彻执行节约资源和保护环境的国家技术经济政策,推进可持续发展,规范绿色建筑的评价,制定本标准。 1.0.2本标准用于评价住宅建筑和办公建筑、商场、宾馆等公共建筑。 1.0.3绿色建筑的建设与评价应因地制宜,统筹考虑并正确处理建筑全寿命周期内,节能、节地、节水、节材、保护环境、满足建筑功能之间的辩证关系。 1.0.4 绿色建筑的建设与评价应符合国家的法律法规与相关的标准,实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一。 2 术语 2.0.1 绿色建筑 在建筑的全寿命周期内,最大限度地节约资源(节能、节地、节水、节材) 、保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生的建筑。 2.0.2热岛强度 热岛效应是指一个地区(主要指城市内)的气温高于周边郊区的现象,可以用两个代表性测点的气温差值(城市中某地温度与郊区气象测点温度的差值)即热岛强度表示。本标准采用夏季典型日的室外热岛强度?T hi(居住区室外气温与郊区气温的差值,即8:00,18:00之间的气温差别平均值)作为评价指标。 2.0.3可再生能源 指从自然界获取的、可以再生的非化石能源,包括风能、太阳能、水能、生物质能、地热能和海洋能等。 2.0.4非传统水源 指不同于传统市政供水的水源,包括再生水、雨水和海水。 2.0.5可再利用材料 指在不改变所回收物质形态的前提下进行材料的直接再利用,或经过再组合、再修复后再利用的材料。 2.0.6可再循环材料 指已经无法进行再利用的产品通过改变其物质形态,生产成为另一种材料,使其加入物质的多次循环利用过程中的材料。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons5/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 3 基本规定 3.1 基本要求 3.1.1 本标准着重评价与绿色建筑性能有关的内容,实施本标准时,尚应符合经国家批准或备案的有关标准。 3.1.2 应以节约和适用的原则确定建筑标准。 3.1.3 绿色建筑的建设应对规划设计、施工与竣工阶段进行过程控制。 3.1.4绿色建筑建设应选用质量合格并符合使用要求的材料和产品,严禁使用国家或地方管理部门禁止、限制和淘汰的材料和产品。 3.2 绿色建筑评价与等级划分 3.2.1绿色建筑评价指标体系由节地与室外环境、节能与能源利用、节水与水资源利用、节材与材料资源利用、室内环境质量和运营管理(住宅建筑)或全生命周期综合性能(公共建筑)六类指标组成。每类指标包括控制项、一般项与优选项。 3.2.2绿色建筑的评价原则上以住区或公共建筑为对象,也可以单栋住宅为对象进行评价。评价单栋住宅时,凡涉及室外环境的指标,以该栋住宅所处住区环境的评价结果为准。 3.2.3对新建、扩建与改建的住宅建筑或公共建筑的评价,在其投入使用一年后进行。 3.2.4绿色建筑评价的必备条件应为全部满足本标准第四章住宅建筑或第五章公共建筑中控制项要求。按满足一般项数和优选项数的程度,绿色建筑划分为三个等级,等级按表3.2.4-1、表3.2.4-2确定。 表3.2.4-1 划分绿色建筑等级的项数要求(住宅建筑) 一般项数(共40项) 节地与 节能与 节水与水节材与材 室内环 运营 优选项数 等级 室外环境能源利用 资源利用 料资源利用 境质量 管理 (共6项) (共9项) (共5项) (共7项) (共6项) (共5项) (共8项) 4 2 3 3 2 5 ? -- 6 3 4 3 6 2 4 ?? 7 4 6 5 4 7 4 ??? 注:根据住宅建筑所在地区、气候与建筑类型等特点,符合条件的一般项数可能会减少,表periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 中对一般项数的要求可按比例调整。 表3.2.4-2 划分绿色建筑等级的项数要求(公共建筑) 一般项数(共43项) 优选项数 全生命周期节地与室节能与能源节水与水资节材与材 室内环 等级 (共21项) 外环境 综合性能 利用 源利用 料资源利用 境质量 (共8项) (共10项) (共6项) (共5项) (共7项) (共7项) 3 5 2 2 2 3 ? - 5 6 3 4 4 6 3 ?? 7 8 4 4 6 6 13 ??? 注:根据建筑所在地区、气候与建筑类型等特点,符合条件的项数可能会减少,表中对 一般项数和优选项数的要求可按比例调整。 3.2.5 本标准中定性条款的评价结论为通过或不通过;对有多项要求的条款,各项要求均满足要求时方能评为通过。定量条款的要求由具有资质的第三方机构认定。 4 住宅建筑 4.1 节地与室外环境 控制项 4.1.1建筑场地选址无洪灾、泥石流及含氡土壤的威胁,建筑场地安全范围内无电磁辐射危害和火、爆、有毒物质等危险源。 4.1.2住区建筑布局保证室内外的日照环境、采光和通风的要求,满足《城市居住区规划设计规范》GB 50180中有关住宅建筑日照标准的要求。 4.1.3绿化种植适应当地气候和土壤条件的乡土植物,选用少维护、耐候性强、病虫害少,对人体无害的植物。 4.1.4住区的绿地率不低于30%,人均公共绿地面积 1-2?/人。 一般项 4.1.5选用已开发且具城市改造潜力的用地或在废弃场地上进行建设;若为已被污染的废弃地,需要对污染土地进行处理并达到有关标准。 4.1.6住区公共服务设施按规划配建,采用综合建筑并与周边地区共享。 4.1.7住区内部及附近无污染散发源。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons7/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 4.1.8住区环境噪声符合《城市区域环境噪声标准》GB3096的规定。 4.1.9住区室外日平均热岛强度不高于1.5?。 4.1.10住区风环境有利于冬季行走舒适及过渡季、夏季的自然通风。 4.1.11根据当地的气候条件和植物自然分布特点,栽植多种类型植物,乔、灌、草结合构成多层次的植物群落,乔木量?3株/100m?绿地面积。 4.1.12选址和住区出入口的设置方便居民充分利用公共交通网络,到达公共交通站点的步行距离不超过500m。 4.1.13住区非机动车道路、地面停车场和其他硬质铺地采用透水地面,并利用园林绿化提供遮荫。场地透水指标符合以下规定: 透水率>0.5×(1-建筑覆盖率) 透水率:开发后基地透水面积?基地总面积 优选项 4.1.14开发利用地下空间,如利用地下空间作公共活动场所、停车库或储藏室等用途。 4.2 节能与能源利用 控制项 4.2.1住宅围护结构热工性能指标符合国家和地方居住建筑节能标准的规定。 4.2.2当设计采用集中空调(含户式中央空调)系统时,所选用的冷水机组或单元式空调机组的性能系数(能效比)应符合国家标准《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB 50189中的有关规定值。 4.2.3设置集中采暖和(或)集中空调系统的住宅,采取室温调节和热量计量设施。 一般项 4.2.4利用场地自然条件,合理设计建筑体形、朝向、楼距和窗墙面积比,采取有效的遮阳措施,充分利用自然通风和天然采光。 4.2.5选用效率高的用能设备,如选用高效节能电梯。集中采暖系统热水循环水泵的耗电输热比,集中空调系统风机单位风量耗功率和冷热水输送能效比符合《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB 50189的规定。 4.2.6当设计采用集中空调(含户式中央空调)系统时,所选用的冷水机组或单元式空调机组的性能系数(能效比)比国家标准《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 50189中的有关规定值高一个等级。 4.2.7公共场所和部位的照明采用高效光源和高效灯具,并采取其它节能控制措施,其照明功率密度符合《建筑照明设计标准》GB 50034的规定。在自然采光的区域设定时或光电控制的照明系统。 4.2.8设置集中采暖和(或)集中空调系统的住宅,采用能量回收系统(装置)。 4.2.9根据当地气候和自然资源条件,充分利用太阳能、地热能等可再生能源。可再生能源的使用占建筑总能耗的比例大于5%。 优选项 4.2.10采暖和(或)空调能耗不高于国家和地方建筑节能标准规定值的80%。 4.2.11可再生能源的使用占建筑总能耗的比例大于10%。 4.3 节水与水资源利用 控制项 4.3.1在 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、规划阶段制定水系统规划方案,统筹考虑传统与非传统水源的利用。 4.3.2设置完善的供水系统,水质达到国家或行业规定的标准,且水压稳定、可靠。 4.3.3设置完善的排水系统,采用建筑自身优质杂排水、杂排水作为再生水源的,实施分质排水。 4.3.4用水分户、分用途设置计量仪表,并采取有效措施避免管网漏损。 4.3.5采用节水器具和设备,节水率不低于8,。 一般项 4.3.6合理规划地表与屋面雨水径流途径,降低地表径流,采用多种渗透措施增加雨水渗透量。 4.3.7绿化用水、景观用水等非饮用水采用非传统水源。 4.3.8绿化灌溉采取微灌、渗灌、低压管灌等节水高效灌溉方式。 4.3.9在缺水地区,优先利用附近集中再生水厂的再生水;附近没有集中再生水厂时,通过技术经济比较,合理选择其他再生水水源和处理技术。 4.3.10在降雨量大的缺水地区,通过技术经济比较,合理确定雨水处理及利用方案。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons9/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 4.3.11使用非传统水源时,采取用水安全保障措施,且不对人体健康与周围环境产生不良影响。 4.3.12采用非传统水源时,非传统水源利用率不小于10,。 优选项 4.3.13非传统水源利用率不低于30, 4.4 节材与材料资源利用 控制项 4.4.1室内装饰装修材料满足相应产品质量国家或行业标准;其中材料中有害物质含量满足《室内装饰装修材料有害物质限量》GB18580?18588和《建筑材料放射性核素限量》GB6566的要求。 4.4.2 采用集约化生产的建筑材料、构件和部品,减少现场加工。 一般项 4.4.3建筑材料就地取材,至少20%(按价值计)的建筑材料产于距施工现场500公里范围内。 4.4.4使用耐久性好的建筑材料,如高强度钢、高性能混凝土、高性能混凝土外加剂等。 4.4.5将建筑施工、旧建筑拆除和场地清理时产生的固体废弃物中可循环利用、可再生利用的建筑材料分离回收和再利用。在保证安全和不污染环境的情况下,可再利用的材料(按价值计)占总建筑材料的5,;可再循环材料(按价值计)占所用总建筑材料的10,。 4.4.6在保证性能的前提下,优先使用利用工业或生活废弃物生产的建筑材料。 4.4.7使用可改善室内空气质量的功能性装饰装修材料。 4.4.8结构施工与装修工程一次施工到位,避免重复装修与材料浪费。 优选项 4.4.9采用高性能、低材耗、耐久性好的新型建筑结构体系。 4.5 室内环境质量 控制项 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 4.5.1每套住宅至少有1个居住空间满足日照标准的要求。当有4个以上居住空间时,至少有2个居住空间满足日照标准的要求。 4.5.2卧室、起居室(厅)、厨房设置外窗,窗地面积比不小于1/7。当一套住宅设有1个以上卫生间时,至少有一个卫生间设有外窗。 4.5.3对建筑围护结构采取有效的隔声、减噪措施,卧室、起居室的允许噪声级在关窗状态下白天不大于45 dB(A声级),夜间不大于35 dB(A声级)。楼板和分户墙的空气声计权隔声量不小于45dB,楼板的计权标准化撞击声声压级不大于70dB。外窗和户门的空气声计权隔声量不小于30dB。 4.5.4居住空间能自然通风,通风开口面积不小于该房间地板面积的1/20。 4.5.5室内空气质量符合《民用建筑室内环境污染控制规范》GB50325的规定。 一般项 4.5.6居住空间开窗能有良好的视野,且避免居住空间之间的视线干扰。 4.5.7围护结构的热工设计符合《民用建筑热工设计规范》GB50176的规定。 4.5.8设采暖和(或)空调系统(设备)的住宅,运行时用户可根据需要对室温进行调控。 4.5.9采用可调节外遮阳,防止夏季太阳辐射透过窗户玻璃直接进入室内。 4.5.10设置室内空气质量监测装置,利于住户的健康和舒适。 4.6运营管理 控制项 4.6.1制定并实施节能、节水、节材与绿化 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。 4.6.2住宅水、电、燃气,采暖与(或)空调分户、分类计量与收费。 4.6.3制定垃圾管理的制度,对垃圾物流进行有效控制,对废品进行分类收集,防止垃圾无序倾倒和二次污染。 4.6.4设置密闭的垃圾容器,生活垃圾采用袋装化存放,保持垃圾容器清洁、无异味。 4.6.5制定并实施施工项目节能与节水的具体措施。 4.6.6制定并实施施工项目保护环境具体措施,控制由于施工引起的大气污染、土壤污染、噪声影响、水污染、光污染以及对场地周边区域的影响。 一般项 4.6.7垃圾站(间)设冲洗和排水设施,存放垃圾能及时清运、不污染环境、不散发 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons11/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 臭味。 4.6.8智能化系统定位正确、采用的技术先进实用、系统可扩充性强,能较长时间的满足应用需求;达到安全防范子系统、管理与设备监控子系统与信息网络子系统的基本配置。 4.6.9采用无公害病虫害防治技术,规范杀虫剂、除草剂、化肥、农药等化学药品的使用,有效避免对土壤和地下水环境的损害。 4.6.10栽种和移植的树木成活率>90%,植物生长状态良好。 4.6.11施工单位制定建筑废弃物管理 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,建筑废弃物回收利用率达到30%以上。 4.6.12建筑施工企业和物业管理部门通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证。 4.6.13垃圾分类回收率(实行垃圾分类收集的住户占总住户数的比例)达90%。 4.6.14设计为改造和更换设备、管道提供便利。 优选项 4.6.15对可生物降解垃圾进行单独收集或设置可生物降解垃圾处理房, 垃圾收集或垃圾处理房设有风道或排风、冲洗和排水设施,处理过程无二次污染。 5 公共建筑 5.1 节地与室外环境 控制项 5.1.1场地建设不破坏当地文物、自然水系、湿地、基本农田、森林和其他保护区。 5.1.2建筑场地选址无洪灾、泥石流威胁,建筑场地安全范围内无危害性电磁辐射及火、爆、有毒物质等危险源。 5.1.3 不对周边居民区及交通道路造成光污染。 一般项 5.1.4 充分开发利用地下空间作为公共活动场所、停车库或设备房等。 5.1.5 场地到达公共交通站点的步行距离不超过500m。 5.1.6 充分考虑建筑周边、广场、道路、停车场的绿化和遮荫,绿地率高于国家及相关地区标准。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 5.1.7绿化物种选择适宜当地气候和土壤条件的乡土植物,且采用包含乔、灌木的复层绿化,减少单纯的草坪绿化。 5.1.8 绿化修剪和灌溉及时,绿地内无裸露土壤,绿化用地土壤厚度、土质条件满足植物的需要。 5.1.9 场地内无严重污染空气环境的污染源。 5.1.10 场地环境噪声符合《城市区域环境噪声标准》GB3096的规定。 5.1.11 室外风环境利于建筑通风和冬季人员行走舒适。 优选项 5.1.12 充分保护和利用原有场地上有价值的树木、水塘、水系等,采取措施提高土地生态价值。 5.1.13 选用废弃场地进行建设或为工业厂房改造。 5.1.14 道路和地面停车场采用透水地面,场地透水指标符合以下规定: 透水率>0.5×(1-建筑覆盖率) 透水率:开发后基地透水面积?基地总面积 5.2 节能与能源利用 控制项 5.2.1围护结构热工性能指标符合国家和地方公共建筑节能标准的有关规定。 5.2.2空调采暖系统的冷热源机组能效比符合国家和地方公共建筑节能标准的有关规定。 5.2.3建筑采暖与空调热源选择,符合《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB50189第5.4.2条的规定。 5.2.4照明采用高效光源和高效灯具或采取其它节能控制措施。 5.2.5对于新建、改建和扩建的公共建筑,应根据用户等情况,对冷热源、输配系统和照明等各部分能耗进行独立分项计量。 一般项 5.2.6 建筑总平面设计有利于冬季日照并避开主导风向,夏季则利于自然通风。建筑主朝向选择本地区最佳朝向或接近最佳朝向。 5.2.7 建筑外窗可开启面积不小于外窗总面积的30%,透明幕墙具有可开启部分或设有通风换气装置。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons13/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 5.2.8 建筑外窗的气密性不低于《建筑外窗气密性能分级及其检测方法》GB7107规定的4级要求。 5.2.9 采用适宜的蓄冷蓄热技术和新型节能的空气调节方式。 5.2.10 采取切实有效的热回收措施,设计为可以直接利用室外新风的空调系统。 5.2.11 通风空调系统在建筑部分负荷和部分空间利用时不降低能源利用效率。 5.2.12 风机的单位风量耗功率和冷热水系统的输送能效比符合《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB50189第5.3.26、5.3.27条的规定。 5.2.13 建筑需蒸汽或生活热水选用余热或废热利用等方式提供。 5.2.14 采用太阳能、地热、风能等可再生能源利用技术。 5.2.15 楼宇自控系统功能完善,各子系统均能实现自动检测与控制。 优选项 5.2.16 建筑屋面采用种植屋面技术。 5.2.17 对于直接以天然气作为一次能源的系统,采用分布式热电冷联供技术和回收燃气余热的燃气热泵技术,提高能源的综合利用率。 5.2.18 可再生能源的使用占建筑总能耗的比例大于5%。 5.2.19 建筑冷热源、空调输配系统、照明、生活热水等部分能耗实现分项和分区域计量。 5.3 节水与水资源利用 控制项 5.3.1根据建筑类型、气候条件、用水习惯等制定水系统规划方案,统筹考虑传统与非传统水源的利用,降低用水定额。 5.3.2设置完善的供水系统,水质达到国家或行业规定的标准,且水压稳定、可靠。 5.3.4 管材、管道附件及设备等供水设施的选取和运行不应对供水造成二次污染,并应设置用水计量仪表和采取有效措施防止和检测管道渗漏。 5.3.5 合理选用节水器具,节水率大于25,。 一般项 5.3.6 在降雨量大的缺水地区,选择经济、适用的雨水处理及利用方案。 5.3.7在缺水地区,优先利用附近集中再生水厂的再生水;附近没有集中再生水厂时,通过技术经济比较,合理选择其他再生水水源和处理技术。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 5.3.8采用微灌、渗灌、低压管灌等绿化灌溉方式,与传统方法相比节水率不低于10%。 5.3.9 优先采用雨水和再生水进行灌溉。 5.3.10 游泳池选用技术先进的循环水处理设备,采用节水和卫生的换水方式。 5.3.11 景观用水采用非传统水源,且用水安全。 优选项 5.3.12 沿海缺水地区直接利用海水冲厕,且用水安全。 5.3.13办公楼、商场类建筑中非传统水源利用率在60,以上。 5.4 节材与材料资源利用 控制项 5.4.1 建筑材料中有害物质满足《室内装饰装修材料有害物质限量》GB18580?18588和《建筑材料放射性核素限量》GB6566的要求。 5.4.2 室内装饰装修材料对室内空气质量的影响符合《民用建筑室内环境污染控制规范》GB50325的规定。 一般项 5.4.3 施工现场500公里以内生产的建筑材料用量占建筑材料总用量70,以上(按重量计)。 5.4.4使用耐久性好建筑材料,如高强度钢、高性能混凝土等建筑材料。 5.4.5 使用可改善室内空气环境的功能性装饰装修材料。 5.4.6 结构施工与装修工程一次施工到位,不破坏和拆除已有的建筑构件及设施,装修时避免重复装修与材料浪费。 5.4.7 在保证性能的前提下,优先使用工业或生活废弃物生产的建筑材料。 优选项 5.4.8 从全生命周期(包括材料的生产、运输、使用、维护、废弃、再生利用等)评价并优选所用建筑材料。 5.4.9采用高性能、低材耗、耐久性好的新型建筑结构体系。 5.5 室内环境质量 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons15/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 控制项 5.5.1 采用中央空调的建筑,房间内的温度、湿度、风速等参数满足设计要求。 5.5.2 围护结构内部或表面无冷凝现象。 5.5.3采用中央空调的建筑,新风量符合标准要求,且新风采气口的设置能保证所吸入的空气为室外新鲜空气。 5.5.4室内空气中污染物浓度满足《民用建筑室内环境污染控制规范》GB50325的规定要求。 空调系统的过滤器、风机盘管和风道等定期清洗或更换。 5.5.5 建筑外窗的隔声性能达到《建筑外窗空气声隔声性能分级及其检测方法》GB 8485中II级以上要求。 5.5.6建筑室内采光满足《建筑采光设计标准》GB T50033的要求。 5.5.7建筑室内照明质量满足《建筑照明设计标准》GB50034中的一级要求。 一般项 5.5.8 单独处理的新风直接入室,避免二次污染。 5.5.9 合理进行建筑平面布局和空间功能安排,减少相邻空间的噪声干扰以及外界噪声对室内的影响。 5.5.10 室内背景噪声满足《民用建筑隔声设计规范》GBJ118中室内允许噪声标准一级要求。 5.5.11 宾馆类建筑围护结构构件空气隔声性能(Rw)满足《民用建筑隔声设计规范》GBJ118二级要求。 5.5.12建筑设计和构造设计有采取诱导气流、促进自然通风的措施。 5.5.13 建筑75,以上的空间可根据需要实现自然采光。 5.5.14建筑入口和主要活动空间有无障碍设计。 优选项 5.5.15 采用中央空调的建筑,采用经济有效的空气净化技术和系统。 5.5.16 采用可调节遮阳,调控夏季太阳辐射。 5.5.17 设置室内空气质量监测系统,保证健康舒适的室内环境。 5.5.18 建筑75,以上的空间可实现自然通风。 5.6全生命周期综合性能 控制项 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 征求意见稿 20051014 5.6.1建筑规划设计充分体现所在地域的气候、经济、历史、文化等特点,并同自然环境特征相协调。 5.6.2 采取具体措施有效控制施工引起的大气、土壤、噪声、水、光污染以及对场地周边区域的影响。 一般项 5.6.3 建筑规划设计充分体现所在地域的气候、经济、历史、文化等特点,并同自然环境特征相协调。 5.6.4 占地标准、建设规模和荷载余度适宜适宜,有效节约资源。 5.6.5 建筑设备管道更换方便,空间可灵活划分,调整方便。 5.6.6 施工、运营过程具有节约资源计划书,采取具体措施有效实现施工及运行过程中的节能、节水、节材。 5.6.7 物业管理部门或公司通过ISO14001环境标准认证。 5.6.8施工单位制定建筑废弃物管理计划,建筑废弃物回收利用率达到30%以上。 5.6.9 采用智能化手段进行系统运行状况的数据计量。 优选项 5.6.10 结合模拟手段进行建筑规划设计优化。 5.6.11从建筑全生命周期角度,通过技术经济分析确定各项技术、设备、材料的选用。 5.6.12 具有并实施节能管理与激励机制,管理业绩与节约资源、提高经济效益挂钩。 5.6.13 对水、电、天然气、热等实行独立计量收费,取代按面积收费的方式。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons17/18 ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 《绿色建筑评价标准》(征求意见稿)征求意见汇总表 单位名称、专家姓名、通讯地址和联系电话 提议单位和 ,或,专家 条文编号 具体的修改意见和建议 ,纸面不敷~可另增页, periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain
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