首页 大学生网络行为调查1



大学生网络行为调查1大学生网络行为调查1 大学生网络行为的调查 一、 活动开展目的 突然从高中到大学生活方式的转变,突然脱离了父母的管制,以及获得了从没获得过的时间和财政自由,在管理和支配时间和金钱全靠自制的情况下,我们当中很多人不管是由于迷茫还是出于学习的需要,扑进了网络的怀抱。根据最近中国互联网络信息中心的数据显示:截至今年6月,我国网民总数已经达到6.32亿。手机网络用户更是达到了5.79亿。其中,大学生占据主流。凸显出了网络对大学生的深刻影响。也正因为网络在大学生的行为模式,价值取向,道德观念上所起到的独特作用,促使我们...

大学生网络行为调查1 大学生网络行为的调查 一、 活动开展目的 突然从高中到大学生活方式的转变,突然脱离了父母的管制,以及获得了从没获得过的时间和财政自由,在管理和支配时间和金钱全靠自制的情况下,我们当中很多人不管是由于迷茫还是出于学习的需要,扑进了网络的怀抱。根据最近中国互联网络信息中心的数据显示:截至今年6月,我国网民总数已经达到6.32亿。手机网络用户更是达到了5.79亿。其中,大学生占据主流。凸显出了网络对大学生的深刻影响。也正因为网络在大学生的行为模式,价值取向,道德观念上所起到的独特作用,促使我们希望通过研究和把握大学生的网络行为,从而给大学生思想政治建设提出一些有效且有针对性的建议,让安全、文明、科学上网成为我们新上网方式的潮流~ 二、 调查对象和方法 本调查选取太原理工大一至大四的部分本科生为问卷对象。共进行调查发放问卷100份。调查问卷由8个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 组成,在此,我们将会把我们的问卷以及调查结果以图表方式给予展示。 三、 调查结果与分析 表一 大学生平均每天上网时间统计汇总 选项 1小时或1小时以下 2-3小时 3小时以上 人数 51 34 15 百分比 51% 34% 15% 1. 平均每天上网时间 调查显示绝大多数大学生上网率和上网频率高,上网时间较有节制。尽管脱离不了对网络的依赖,但自制力还是很强的。都能做到适时适地的上网,并能控制上网时间。当然,不可忽视,仍有相当大比例的大学生已经失去了对其的控制,沉溺其中。 表二 大学生使用网络目的排次汇总 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 选项 获取信看电影、学习或通讯或聊天或交其他 息 下载音工作 联络 友,打游戏 乐 人数 46 48 24 22 57 12 百分比 46% 48% 24% 22% 57% 12% 2. 上网的基本目的。 调查显示,大学生上网的主要目的集中在:获取信息,看动漫、电影、下载音乐,聊天或交友,玩网络游戏等方面。这似乎表明大学生上网的主要目的是为了进行娱乐活动,从而打发自己无聊的时光。因此,在我们反思自身态度的同时,也呼吁学校更多的关注当下大学生的课余生活,更希望学校在引导我们科学、健康上网方面发挥更多、更大的作用。使我们从一开始就能正确认识并合理使用网络。当然大学生上网的积极意义也是应当肯定的,有一部分大学生上网的目的是放在获取信息和学习上的。调查还表明,大学生的娱乐兴趣有从以前的单向娱乐(如听音乐,看娱乐新闻,电影等)向(聊天,博克等)双向互动娱乐型转变的趋势。 ,※ 有一个曾经有网瘾~现在已经戒掉~因此我们把她排除在外:, 性别 成瘾人数 成瘾百分比 男 5 5% 女 1 1% 3. 网瘾情况。 在前几年引起社会关注的大学生玩网络游戏成瘾现象,在这次调查中并不突出。不过,从数据中还是可以看出大学生网络成瘾现象男生比女生比例略高。 表六 大学生对网络和学习之间关系的态度调查情况 选项 对学习帮助很大 对学习帮助不大 影响学习 人数 51 38 11 百分比 51, 38, 11, 4. 网络和学习之间的态度调查情况。 从以上调查的数据看,大多数人还是认可网络对学习的积极意义的。这一方面说明了网络的开放性,内容的丰富性具有的优越性;也从另一方面表明合理利用网络,给予我们的诸多益处。 让我们先看数据,有占62%的大学生对于“敏感信息”,不会去考察,但也不会轻易相信;有占33%的大学生会去考察它的真实性;还有5%的大学生从不考察,就会相信。互联网上的信息不仅仅是内容丰富,健康向上的;也有很多 , incnancial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, propertywater, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the fi ccounttatus, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank arol people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health sl contople for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actuavided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing peon pro, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the informatias follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, managementloan investigation work. Main contents are -site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-n, dominated by field investigation and offsponsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th persoloan investigation, provide marketing advice and re-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre2e, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership peoplevaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor-plementary investigations, field surveys, including ree supthe value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, th ome, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds 错误的,不真实的,甚至有背道德的不良信息。这要求我们戴上智慧的眼镜正确、客观的看待和对待网络的信息内容。不过根据调查数据的显示,似乎现在很多人对外界的事件的态度是冷漠的---不相信也不考察。很少人会在这些问题上费点心思。这出乎我们的意外,也让我们觉得纳闷:那么多与我们息息相关的事情,却不能唤起我们的热情,似乎该引起我们的反思---是否因为学习或其他,就两耳不闻窗外事~我想这不应该是我们的初衷吧。那是违背了我们的教育理念的。不过对于大多数大学生能在网络上正确的定位自己,并具备一定的网络控制能力。以及在对网络问题上持有正确的认识,有正确地价值评价能力和一定的网络控制能力方面,我们感到很满意。但还是有一部分学生有“网络绝对自由主义” 倾向。 表八 学校对大学生上网行为是否有过指导和教育的调查 选项 对他们的网络行为有过指导和教育 人数 28 百分比 28% 5. 调查大学生对校园网络德育和校园网建设的基本态度。 在对大学校园网络德育看法的调查中,数据显示,只有占28%的大学生指出,他们所在的学校对他们的上网行为有过指导和教育。而尽有占72%的大学生指出,学校未进行过相关正规的指导与教育。这说明了我们现在高校在网络方面对大学生所作的教育和指导,并没有形成一个务实的态度。也并未对其引起足够重视。然而,很多事实都能诏示网德教育的对于大学生的重要性。我们迫切希望学校建立好完整的相关教育体系,落实好相关工作。对我们的现在以及未来负责。 四、 调查结论 (1)当前,大学生在上网率和上网频率出现“双高”现象,但使用网络总体状况良好,处于可控制范围。不过,这不能掩盖学生中存在的种种“不良网络行为”,应加强引导。 (2)在校大学生的上网目的比较明确,网络心态比较端正,网络意识比较健全,对网络信息有比较好的“是非”鉴别能力,有比较好的网络自控能力。但对“不良网络行为”的认识与价值判断上,还有不少的偏差,应加强教育。 (3)目前,高校在校园网建设总体乏力。并且学校对大学生网络行为的教育和引导,还存在着明显的不足。 五、 网络行为建议 结合前文的分析与总结,针对大学生的网络行为特点,学校应进行有针对性的教育和引导,并且应始终坚持以预防为主的方针,同时,提高教育力度以及加快相关措施的建设。最大限度限制大学生网络不良行为的发生。 首先,课堂教育和引导。就是说“网络德育”,在目前网络大发展的社会环境下,一定要引入大学的“两课”课堂,使其成为大学生德育重要组成部分之一。这样,才会有一个固定的平台来开展对大学生网络道德规范、网络法律意识、网络认知等方面的教育,从而可以避免网络德育仅流于“口号”的形势。在课堂,网络教育要达到预期的有效性,还需要有一支具有良好信息素质的思 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownerevaluation of value. -d be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including rege situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, shoulmortgald focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation shouthen vey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information,ers experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus suritionustomer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practfinancial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class c of theuction operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity vestigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and prodloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, in-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-ing the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offptloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after acce-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre3ship card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 想政治工作教师队伍和学校方面关于“网络德育”进课堂的硬性 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 。 其次,辅导员的说服教育和引导。辅导员可以说是和大学生沟通最顺畅,接触率最高的教育人员,并且辅导员以尊重、理解、关怀、引导为原则的谈心式的教育,更容易使大学生所接受,也最能感化大学生。因此,辅导员在日常生活中对大学生网络行为的潜移默化式教育和引导效果会更明显,更应当加强。 再次,在网络上进行教育和引导。中国有句古话说:“解铃还需系铃人”。对大学生网络行为的教育和引导,必须重视网上教育和引导的作用。一方面高校要建立好自己的特色网站,在致力于思想性、知识性、趣味性、娱乐性、和服务性一体的建设中,丰富其内容。吸引住大学生的“眼球”,从而引领他们向科学健康上网方向发展。并积极与其他高校进行经验交流,借鉴别人的优势,弥补自身不足。不断加以完善;另一方面加强与社会的联系,积极推动社会上形成一种良好的上网氛围。积极与离校较近的娱乐性场所沟通,签订相关 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 。让大学生接触不良信息的概率减小到最小。 ccounttatus, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank arol people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health sl contople for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actuavided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing peon pro, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the informatias follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, managementloan investigation work. Main contents are -site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-n, dominated by field investigation and offsponsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th persoloan investigation, provide marketing advice and re-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre4e, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership peoplevaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor-plementary investigations, field surveys, including ree supthe value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, th ome, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds, incnancial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, propertywater, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the fi 大学生网络行为调查讨论记录 随着网络在大学生生活中的重要性的提高,大学生上网频率的增加,我们觉得,了解他们的网络行为,是一种有效而真实了解他们内心世界的途径。同时通过对他们进行调查研究,也能给我们不少实质性的指导作用,从而在规划我们的人生之路上面给予我们更多更好也更正确的建议。因此,我们选择做这个实践 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。这也是我们讨论的实践目的。 随后我们商讨了实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,大家觉得图书馆和宿舍是大学生最集中的地方,也是我们活动的最佳去处。确定下来地点后,我们就开始分工:首先,分为男女两拨。男生负责男生宿舍的调查问卷,女生调查女生宿舍。但都进行随机调查,以便扩大调查范围,让数据与现实更贴近。然后一起结束寝室的问卷,进行图书馆方面的调研,对于图书馆,我们要有意先观察一下每一层的入座情况。然后根据每一层的入座情况,确定调查名额以及区域。要强调的是,在图书馆的实际调查中,我们有意了解了被调查大学生的所在年级。因为我们希望的是各个阶段的学生都能被调查到,降低其局限性。这也是为什么我们计话的是100份的问卷,而实际调查人数却大于100人的原因。 在结果出来以后,我们进行了第二次讨论。对每个模块进行了认真的统计与分析。并给出了我们的观点以及调查过程中所收到的建议。并推选出了我们的发言人---王雪。 不可否认,对于老师要求,我们感到有点无所试从。毕竟,这是我们的首次实践活动,没有任何经验可谈。因此,我们借鉴了一些我们认为符合我们要求的模块以及结论和建议。但,对于整个实践过程,我们确实都很珍惜的努力的付出了我们的心血,对于各项数据,我们可以坦荡证明其真实性。愿老师看到我们的诚意,我们的态度。 ers experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus suritionustomer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practfinancial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class c of theuction operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity vestigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and prodloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, in-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-ing the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offptloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after acce-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre5ship card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownerevaluation of value. -d be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including rege situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, shoulmortgald focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation shouthen vey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information,
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