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孔轴公差与配合孔轴公差与配合 第三章 孔、轴公差与配合 思 考 题 3-1 试述基本尺寸、极限尺寸和实际尺寸的含义,它们有何区别和联系, 3-2 试述极限偏差、实际偏差和尺寸公差的含义,它们有何区别和联系, 3-3 试述标准公差和基本偏差的含义,它们与尺寸公差带有何关系, 3-4 试述配合的含义,配合分哪三类,这三类配合各有何特点, 3-5 试述配合公差的含义,由使用要求确定的配合公差的大小与孔、轴公差的大小有何关系, 3-6 为了满足各种不同的孔、轴配合要求,为什么要规定基准制, 3-7 试说明下列概念是否正确: ?...

孔轴公差与配合 第三章 孔、轴公差与配合 思 考 题 3-1 试述基本尺寸、极限尺寸和实际尺寸的含义,它们有何区别和联系, 3-2 试述极限偏差、实际偏差和尺寸公差的含义,它们有何区别和联系, 3-3 试述 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 公差和基本偏差的含义,它们与尺寸公差带有何关系, 3-4 试述配合的含义,配合分哪三类,这三类配合各有何特点, 3-5 试述配合公差的含义,由使用要求确定的配合公差的大小与孔、轴公差的大小有何关系, 3-6 为了满足各种不同的孔、轴配合要求,为什么要规定基准制, 3-7 试说明下列概念是否正确: ?公差是孔或轴尺寸允许的最大偏差, ?公差一般为正值,在个别情况下也可以为负值或零, ?过渡配合是指可能具有间隙,也可能具有过盈的配合。因此,过渡配合可能是间隙配合,也可能是过盈配合, ?孔或轴的实际尺寸恰好加工为基本尺寸,但不一定合格, ?基本尺寸相同的孔和轴的极限偏差的绝对值越大,则其公差值也越大, ?mm就是的意思, ?按同一图样加工一批孔后测量它们的实际尺寸。其中,最小的实际尺寸为, must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 最大的实际尺寸为, 则该孔实际尺寸的允许变动范围可以表示为mm, 3-8 编制孔、轴公差表格时,为什么需要进行尺寸分段,同一尺寸分段的公差值是加何确定的, 3-9 GB/T1800.2-1998对常用尺寸孔和轴分别规定了多少个标准公差等级,试写出它们的代号。 标准公差等级的高低是如何划分的,如何表示, 3-10 GB/T1800.2-1998对常用尺寸孔和轴分别规定了多少种基本偏差,试写出它们的代号。轴的基本偏差数值如何确定, 孔的基本偏差数值如何确定, 3-11 为什么要规定基本偏差,基本偏差数值与标准公差等级是否有关, 3-12 为什么要规定孔、轴常用公有效期带和优先、常用配合, 3-13 为什么孔与轴配合应优先采用基孔制,在什么情况下应采用基轴制, 3-14 试述各个标准公差等级和各种配合的应用场合, 3-15 大尺寸和常用尺寸的孔、轴公差与配合有什么区别和联系, 3-16 试述配制配合的应用场合场合以及如何应用配制配合, 3-17 看图1-3.1所示的起重机吊钩的铰链,叉头1的左、右两孔与轴销2的基本尺寸皆为φ20mm,叉头1的两上孔与销轴2 的配合要求采用过渡配合,拉杆3的φ20mm孔与销轴2的配合要求采用间隙配合。试 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 它们应该采用哪种基准制, must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 3-18 图1-3.2为钻床的钻模夹具简图。夹具由定位套3、钻模板1和钻套4组成,安装在工件5上。钻头2的直径为φ10mm。 已知:(a)钻模权1的中心孔与定位套3上端的圆柱面的配合?有定心要求,基本尺寸为φ50mm。钻模板1上圆周均布 的四个孔分别与对应四个钻套4的外圆柱面的配合?有定心要求,基本尺寸分别为φ18mm;它们皆采用过盈不大的固定联结。 (b)定位套3下端的圆柱面的基本尺寸为φ80mm,它与工件5的φ80mm定位孔的配合?有定心要求,在安装和取出定位套 3时,它需要轴向移动。 (c)钻套4的φ10mm导向孔与钻头2的配合?有导向要求,且钻头应能在它转动状态下过入该导向孔。 试选择上述四外配合部位的配合种类,并简述其理由。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 3-19 图1-3.3为车床溜板手动机构的结构简图。转动手轮3,通过键带动轴4左端的小齿轮6转动,轴4在套筒5的孔中转动。 小齿轮6带动大齿轮1转动,再通过键带动齿轮轴8在两个支承套筒2和7的孔中转动,齿轮轴8左端的齿轮也转动。这齿轮 与床身上的齿条(未画出)啮合,使溜板箱沿导轨作纵向移动。各配合面的基本尺为:?φ40mm;?φ28mm; ?φ28mm?φ46mm?φ32mm?φ32mm?φ18mm。试选择这些孔与轴配合的基准制、标准公差等级和配合种类。 习 题 一、判断题 〔正确的打?,错误的打X〕 1(公差可以说是允许零件尺寸的最大偏差。( ) 2(基本尺寸不同的零件,只要它们的公差值相同,就可以说明它们的精度要求相同。( ) must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 3(国家标准规定,孔只是指圆柱形的内表面。( ) 4(图样标注mm的轴,加工得愈靠近基本尺寸就愈精确。( ) 5(孔的基本偏差即下偏差,轴的基本偏差即上偏差。( ) 6(某孔要求尺寸为,今测得其实际尺寸为φ19.962mm,可以判断该孔合格。( ) 7(未注公差尺寸即对该尺寸无公差要求。( ) 8(基本偏差决定公差带的位置。 ( ) 9(单件小批生产的配合零件,可以实行”配作”,虽没有互换性,但仍是允许的。( ) 10(图样标注的孔,可以判断该孔为基孔制的基准孔。( ) 11(过渡配合可能具有间隙,也可能具有过盈,因此,过渡配合可能是间隙配合,也可能是过盈配合。( ) 12(配合公差的数值愈小,则相互配合的孔、轴的公差等级愈高。( ) 13(孔、轴配合为φ40H9,n9,可以判断是过渡配合。( ) 14(配合H7/g6比H7/s6要紧。( ) 15(孔、轴公差带的相对位置反映加工的难易程度。( ) 16(最小间隙为零的配合与最小过盈等于零的配合,二者实质相同。( ) 17(基轴制过渡配合的孔,其下偏差必小于零。( ) 18(从制造角度讲,基孔制的特点就是先加工孔,基轴制的特点就是先加工轴。( ) must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 19(工作时孔温高于轴温,设计时配合的过盈量应加大。( ) 20(基本偏差a,h与基准孔构成间隙配合,其中h配合最松。( ) 21(有相对运动的配合应选用间隙配合,无相对运动的配合均选用过盈配合。( ) 22(配合公差的大小,等于相配合的孔轴公差之和。( ) 23(装配精度高的配合,若为过渡配合,其值应减小;若为间隙配合,其值应增大。( ) 24(滚动轴承内圈与轴的配合,采用基孔制。 ( ) 25(滚动轴承内圈与轴的配合,采用间隙配合。 ( ) 二、选择题(将下列题目中所有正确的论述选择出来) 1(下列论述中正确的有,,。 A(因为有了大批量生产,所以才有零件互换性,因为有互换性生产才制定公差制( B(具有互换性的零件,其几何参数应是绝对准确的。 C(在装配时,只要不需经过挑选就能装配,就称为有互换性。 D(一个零件经过调整后再进行装配,检验合格,也称为具有互换性的生产。 E(不完全互换不会降低使用性能,且经济效益较好。 2(下列有关公差等级的论述中,正确的有,,。 A(公差等级高,则公差带宽。 B(在满足使用要求的前提下,应尽量选用低的公差等级。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, C(公差等级的高低,影响公差带的大小,决定配合的精度。 D(孔、轴相配合,均为同级配合。 E(标准规定,标准公差分为18级。 3(以下各组配合中,配合性质相同的有,,。 A(φ30H7,f6和φ30H8,p7 B(φ30P8,h7和φ30H8,p7 C(φ30M8,h7和φ30H8,m7 D(φ30H8,m7和φ30H7,f6 E(φ30H7,f6 和30F7,h6。 4(下列配合代号标注正确的有,,。 φ60H7/r6 A( B(φ60H8,k7 C(φ60h7,D8 D(φ60H9,f9 E(φ60H8,f7 5(下列孔轴配合中选用不当的有,,。 A(H8,u8 B(H6,g5 C(G6,h7 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, D(H5,a5 E(H5,u5 6(决定配合公差带大小和位置的有,,。 A(标准公差 B(基本偏差 C(配合公差 D(孔轴公差之和 E(极限间隙或极限过盈 7(下列配合中,配合公差最小的是,,。 A(φ30H7,g6 B(φ30H8,g7 C(φ30H7,u6 D(φ100H7,g6 E(φ100H8,g7 8(下述论述中不正确的有,,。 A(无论气温高低,只要零件的实际尺寸都介于最大、最小极限尺寸之间,就 能判断其为合格。 B(一批零件的实际尺寸最大为20(0lmm,最小为19(98mm,则可知该零 件的上偏差是十0(01mm,下偏差是—0(02mm。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, C(j,f的基本偏差为上偏差。 D(对零部件规定的公差值越小,则其配合公差也必定越小。 E(H7/h6与H9/h9配合的最小间隙相同,最大间隙不同。 9(下述论述中正确的有,,。 A(孔、轴配合采用过渡配合时,间隙为零的孔、轴尺寸可以有好几个。 B(φ20g8比φ20h7的精度高。 C(比的精度高。 D(国家标准规定不允许孔、轴上差带组成非基准制配合。 E(零件的尺寸精度高,则其配合间隙必定小。 10(下列论述中正确的有,,。 A(对于轴的基本偏差,从a,h为上偏差es,且为负值或零。 B(对于轴,从j,z孔基本偏差均为下偏差,且为正值。 C(基本偏差的数值与公差等级均无关。 D(与基准轴配合的孔,A,H为间隙配合,P,ZC为过盈配合。 11(公差与配合标准的应用主要解决,,。 A(公差等级。 B(基本偏差。 C(配合性质。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, D(配合基准制( E(加工顺序。 12(下列配合零件应选用基轴制的有,,( A(滚动轴承外圈与外壳孔。 B(同一轴与多孔相配,且有不同的配合性质。 C(滚动轴承内圈与轴。 D(轴为冷拉圆钢,不需再加工。 13(下列孔、轴配合中,应选用过渡配合的有,,。 A(既要求对中,又要拆卸方便。 B(工作时有相对运动。 C(保证静止替传递载荷的可拆结合。 D(要求定心好,载荷由键传递。 E(高温下工作,零件变形大。 14(下列配合零件,应选用过盈配合的有,,。 A(需要传递足够大的转矩。 B(不可拆联接。 C(有轴向运动。 D(要求定心且常拆卸。 E(承受较大的冲击负荷。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 15(不同工作条件下,配合间隙应考虑增加的有,,。 A(有冲击负荷。 B(有轴向运动。 C(旋转速度增高。 D(配合长度增大。 E(经常拆卸。 16(滚动轴承外圈与基本偏差为H的外壳孔形成,,配合。 A(间隙; B(过盈; C(过渡。 17(滚动轴承内圈与基本偏差为h的轴颈形成,,配合。 A(间隙; B(过盈; C(过渡。 三、填空题 1(公差标准是对,,的限制性 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,,,是贯彻公差与配合制的技术保证。 2(不完全互换是指,,。 3(完全互换是指,,。 4(实际偏差是指,,,极限偏差是指,,。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 5(孔和轴的公差带由,,决定大小,由,,决定位置。 6(轴φ50js8,其上偏差为,,mm,下偏差为,,mm。 7(孔的公差等级为,,,基本偏差代号为,,。 8(尺寸φ80JS8,已知IT8=46μm,则其最大极限尺寸是,,mm,最小极限尺寸是,,mm。 9(孔尺寸φ48P7,其基本偏差是,,μm,最小极限尺寸是,,mm。 10(φ50H10的孔和φ50js10的轴,已知IT10=0.100mm,其ES=,,mm,EI=,,mm,es=,,mm,ei=,,mm。 11(已知基本尺寸为φ50mm的轴,其最小极限尺寸为φ49.98mm,公差为0.01mm,则它的上偏差是,,mm,下偏差是,,mm。 12(常用尺寸段的标准公差的大小,随基本尺寸的增大而,,,随公差等级的提高而,,。 13(孔的基本偏差数值为,,,轴的基本偏差数值为,,mm。 14(国家标准对未注公差尺寸的公差等级规定为,,。某一正方形轴,边长为25mm,今若按IT14确定其公差,则其上偏差为,,mm,下偏差为,,mm。 15(属于较高和中等精度的公差等级有,,,用于精密配合或重要配合处。 16(以“正值”、“负值”、“零”或“绝对值”填入。 ?极限偏差数值可以是 ,尺寸公差数值是 。 ?间隙数值是 ,过盈数值是 。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, ?间隙公差数值是 ,过盈公差数值是 。 17(的孔与的轴配合,属于,,制,,配合。 18(的孔与的轴配合,属于,,制,,配合。 19(配合代号为φ50H10,js10的孔轴,已知IT10=0(100mm,其配合的极限间隙(或过盈)分别为,,mm、,,mm。 20(已知某基准孔的公差为0(013,则它的下偏差为,,mm,上偏差为,,mm。 21(选择基准制时,应优先选用,,原因是,,。 22(配合公差是指,,,它表示,,的高低。 23(国家标准规定的优先、常用配合在孔、轴公差等级的选用上,采用“ 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 等价原则”,高于IT 8的孔均与,,级的轴相配: 低于IT 8的孔均和,,级的轴相配。 24(φ50mm的基孔制孔、轴配合,已知其最小间隙为0(05,则轴的上偏差是,,。 25(孔、轴的ES,ei的配合属于,,配合,EI,es的配合属于,,配合。 26(φ50H8,h8的孔、轴配合,其最小间隙为,,,最大间隙为,,m m。 27(孔、轴配合的最大过盈为-60μm,配合公差为40μm,可以判断该配合属于,,配合。 28(孔与轴的配合属于,,配合,其极限间隙或极限过盈为,,和,,mm。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 29(公差等级的选择原则是,,的前提下,尽量选用,,的公差等级。 30(对于相对运动的机构应选用,,配合,对不加紧固件,但要求传递较大扭矩的联接,应选用,,配合。 31(基本尺寸相同的轴上有几处配合,当两端的配合要求紧固而中间的配合要求较松时,宜采用,,制配合。 32(某配合部位比相应典型实例的旋转速度增高时,若为过盈配合,则过盈量应,,;若为间隙配合,则间隙量应,,。 四、综合题 1(何谓最大、最小实体尺寸,它和极限尺寸有何关系, 2(何谓泰勒原则,其内容如何, 3(公差与偏差有何区别和联系, 4(什么叫做“未注公差尺寸”,这一规定适用于什么条件,其公差等级和基本偏差是如何规定的, 5(公差与配合公差有何区别和联系, 6(设基本尺寸为30mm的N7孔和m6的轴相配合,试计算极限间隙或过盈及配合公差。 7(设某配合的孔径为,轴径为,试分别计算其极限尺寸、尺寸极限间隙(或过盈)、平均间隙(或过盈)、配合公差。 8(设某配合的孔径为,轴径为,试分别计算其极限间隙(或过盈)及配合公差,画出其尺寸公差带及配合公差带图。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 9(有一孔、轴配合,基本尺寸L=60 mm,最大间隙X=+40μm,孔公差max T=30μm。轴公差T=20μm。试按标准规定标注孔、轴的尺寸。 hs 10(某孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为φ50 mm,孔公差为IT8,轴公差为IT7,已知孔的上偏差为十0(039 mm,要求配合的最小间隙是十0(009 mm,试确定孔、轴的尺寸。 11(某孔与某轴配合,要求X=+40μm,T=0.022mm试求出maxf轴上、下偏差。 12(若已知某孔轴配合的基本尺寸为φ30,最大间隙X=+23μm,最大过盈max Y=-10μm,孔的尺寸公差T=20μm,轴的上偏差es=0,试确定孔、轴的尺maxh 寸。 13(某孔、轴配合,已知轴的尺寸为φ10h8,X=+0.007mm,Y=-0.037mm,maxmax试计算孔的尺寸,并说明该配合是什么基准制,什么配合类别。 14(已知基本尺寸为φ30mm,基孔制的孔轴同级配合,T=0.066mm,f Y=-0.081mm,求孔、轴的上、下偏差。 max 15(已知表3-1中的配合,试将查表和计算结果填入表中. 表3-1 公差带 基本偏差 标准公差 极限盈隙 配合公差 配合类别 φ80S7 φ80h6 16(计算出表3-2中空格中的数值,并按规定填写在表中。 表3-2 基本尺孔 轴 X或X或T max minf寸 Y Y ES EI T es Ei T minmaxhs must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, φ25 0 0(052 +0.074 0. 104 17(计算出表3-3中空格中的数值,并按规定填写在表中。 表3-3 基本 孔 轴 X或 XTmax minf 或Y Y ES EI T es Ei T minmaxhs 尺寸 φ45 0(025 0 -0.050 0.041 18(计算出表3-4中空格中的数值,并按规定填写在表中。 表3-4 19(指出中表3-5三对配合的异同点。 表3-5 组别 孔公差带 轴公差带 相同点 不同点 ? φ20 φ20 ? φ20 φ20?0.0065 ? φ20 φ20 20(比较下列各轴的尺寸标注在制造和使用上有何异同。 (1) φ30-0.007 -0.028 mm (2) φ30+0.013 -0.008 mm (3) φ30+0.043 +0.022 mm must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 21(按IT14级查出图3-1中各轴向尺寸的未注公差尺寸的极限偏差。 图3-1 22(某孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为35mm,孔公差为IT8,轴公差为IT7,已知轴的下偏差为-0.025mm,要求配合的最小过盈是-0.001mm,试写出该配合的公差带代号。 23(某孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为φ30mm,孔的公差带代号为N8,已知X max =+0.049mm,Y=-0.016mm,试确定轴的公差带代号。 max 24(某轴φ25 0 -0.013 mm与某孔配合,要求Y=-0.001mm,T=0.034mm,min f 试确定孔的公差带代号。 25(将配合φ8H6/f5从基孔制换算成基轴制,并画出公差带图。 26(将配合φ50H7/p6从基孔制换算成基轴制。 27(将配合φ50H8/j7从基孔制换算成基轴制。 28(某孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为φ35mm,要求X =+120μm,X=+50μm,max min试确定基准制、公差等级及其配合。 29(设孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为φ60mm,要求X =+50μm,Y =-32μm,max max 试确定其配合公差带代号。 30(某孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为φ75mm,配合允许X =+0.028mm,Y max max =-0.024mm,试确定其配合公差带代号, must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 31(某孔、轴配合,基本尺寸为φ45mm,配合要求的过盈量为-29.5μm ,-50μm,试确定其配合公差带代号。 32(某IT8级的基准轴与某孔配合,基本尺寸为40mm,设计要求间隙变化的范围为+0.025mm,+0.130mm, 试选取适当的公差等级和配合,并按机械制图标准标注孔、轴尺寸。 33(某与滚动轴承外圈配合的外壳孔尺寸为φ25J7,今设计与该外壳孔相配合的端盖尺寸,使端盖与外壳孔的配合间隙在 +15μm,+125μm之间,试确定端盖的公差等级和选用配合,说明该配合属于何种基准制。 34(选用公差等级要考虑哪些因素,是否公差等级愈高愈好, 35(如何选择配合类别,确定配合的非基准件的基本偏差有哪些方法, 36(已知某配合中孔、轴的基本尺寸为60mm,孔的最大极限尺寸为59.979mm,最小极限尺寸为59.949mm,轴的最大极限 尺寸为60mm,轴的最小极限尺寸为59.981mm,试求孔、轴的极限偏差、基本偏差和公差,并画出孔、轴公差带示意图。 37(试根据表1-3.1中已有的数值,计算并填写该表空格中的数值(单位为mm)。 基本尺寸 最大极限尺寸 最小极限尺寸 上偏差 下偏差 公 差 孔φ12 12.050 12.032 轴φ80 -0.010 -0.056 孔φ30 29.959 0.021 轴φ70 69.970 -0.074 38(试比较φ25h5、φ25h6、φ25h7的基本偏差是否相同,它们的标准公差数值是否相同, must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 39(试根据表1-3.2中已有的数值,计算并填写该表空格中的数值(单位为mm)。 孔 轴 最小平均 最大间间隙间隙基本 配合 配合 隙或最或最或平下偏上偏 上偏差 公差 下偏差 公差 尺寸 公差 性质 小过盈 大过均过差 差 盈 盈 φ50 0 0.039 +0.103 0.078 φ25 0.021 0 -0.048 -0.031 φ65 +0.030 +0.020 -0.039 0.049 a) 有一基孔制配合,孔和轴的基本尺寸为50mm,该配合要求最大间隙为+0.115mm,最小间隙为+0.045mm。试按 《几何量公差与检测》基本教材附录中的第三章间隙变动范围与孔、轴公差的关系的公式确定孔和轴的极限偏差,并画出 公差带示意图。 b)有一基孔制配合,孔和轴的基本尺寸为100mm,该配合要求最大过盈为-0.10mm,最小过盈为-0.03mm。试按《几何量公差与检测》基本教材附录中的第三章公差表格确定孔、轴配合代号,孔和轴的极限偏差,并画出孔、轴公差带示意图。 c)φ30N7/m6配合中孔和轴的基本偏差分别为-7μm和-8μm,孔和轴的标准公有效期分别为21μm和13μm。试确定该孔和轴的极限偏差,该配合的极限间隙(或极限过盈)、平均间隙(或平均过盈)和配合公差,并画出孔、轴公差带示意图。 d)试从《几何量公差与检测》基本教材附录中的第三章公差表格,查取下列孔或轴的标准公差和基本偏差数值,并确定它们的上、下偏差。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, ?70h11;?φ28k7;?φ40M8;?φ25z6;?φ30js7;?φ60J6。 e)试按《几何量公差与检测》基本教材附录中的第三间公差表格,确定下列配合中孔和轴的上、下偏差,并画出公差带示意图。 ?φ40H8/17;?φ60H7/h6;?φ32H8/js7。 f)设基本尺寸为D的孔与同配合所要求的极限间隙X、X或极限过盈Y、maxminmaxY如下: min ?基孔制,D=40min,X=+0.067mm,X=+0.022mm; maxmin ?基孔制,D=30min,X=+0.027mm,X=-0.030mm; maxmin ?基孔制,D=100min,X=-0.146mm,X=-0.089mm。 maxmin 试按所要求的基孔制或基轴制确定孔、轴配合代号和它们的极限偏差。 g)已知基孔制配合φ45H7/t6中,孔和轴的标准公差分别为25μm和16μm,轴的基本偏差为+54μm,由此确定配合性质不变的同名基轴制配合φ45H7/t6中孔的基本偏差和极限偏差。 h)φ18M8/h7配合和φ40H8/js7配合中孔、轴的标准公差IT7=.0018mm,IT8=0.024mm,φ18M8孔的基本偏差为+0.002mm。试计算这两种配合各自的极限间隙(或过盈)。 i)设计所要求的φ40H8/f7配合的某孔加工后实际尺寸为φ40.045mm,它大于最大极限尺寸。为了不把具有此孔的零件报废并获得设计规定的配合性质,拟按φ40.045mm孔加工一轴,试确定配制加工时该轴的上、下偏差, j)参看图1-3.4,根据使用要求,黄铜套1与玻璃透镜2之间在工作t=-50?时,应该有+0.010~+0.074mm的间隙。它们在20?时进行装配。试根据装配时的间 -6隙要求,确定黄铜套与玻璃透镜的配合代号(注:线膨胀系数α=19.5×10/?, 黄铜 -6α=8×10/?)。 玻璃 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, k)某发动机工作时铝活塞与气缸钢套孔之间的间隙应在+0.040~+0.097mm范围 内,活塞与气缸钢套孔的基本尺寸为95mm,活塞的工作温度为150?,气缸钢 套的工作温度为100?,而它们装配时的温度为20?。气缸钢套的线膨胀系数 -6-6为12×10?,活塞的线膨胀系数为22×10?。试计算活塞与气缸钢套孔间的 装配间隙的允许变动范围,并根据该装配间隙的要求确定它们的配合代号和极 限偏差。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection,
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