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磁铁有磁性反思磁铁有磁性反思 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agree...

磁铁有磁性反思 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 《磁铁有磁性》教学反思 《磁铁有磁性》是教科版三 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 下册《磁铁》单元的第二课。本课有两个活动,第一个活动是引导学生认识磁铁能吸引什么物体。第二个活动是研究磁铁能不能隔着物体吸铁。活动只安排学生研究隔着非铁质 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 的物体。这是因为铁材料具有导磁性,可以改变磁场的大小和方向,这对三年级学生来说是不容易理解的,所以活动只对非铁质物体进行研究。 纵观这堂课的教学,既有成功之处,也有不足,现反思如下, 优点, 1、科学课中准备充足的材料是很重要的。因此,整堂课我很注重用材料来调控课堂节奏及纪律。如在材料的准备上我准备了课本66页上的铁钉、回形针、橡皮等十多种典型的生活中常见的物体,先让学生预测其中的哪些物品能被磁铁所吸引,哪些物品不能被磁铁所吸引,然后再用通过来进一步验证孩子们的预测是否准确。让学生在小组合作学习的实践活动中,自行发现“磁铁能吸铁”这一规律。 2、三年级学生由于年龄小,他们的观察能力不太强,概括力也不强。因此,在教学中充分发挥自己的主导作用,尽可能地给学生以观察和思考的机会,尽可能地提供玩的时间和空间,让学生在小组合作学习的过程中培养创新精神和实践能力。 3、在合作学习中,经常会出现“学生在课堂上总是想发表自己的观点,不喜欢听别人的意见。”针对这一现象,在这节课中,我according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of注重指导学生在交流中要学会‘你讲的话我愿意听’,出现意见分歧时,讲清自己观点的理由,保留自己的观点。学会如何有礼貌地向同学提出问题,如何耐心等候发言等等。 不足,对于课堂上出现的突发问题,没有及时去处理。不能很好的运用课堂评价去激励学生,促进学生更好的去学习科学知识。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 《磁铁有磁性》课后反思 南 岗 小 学 杨 艳 芝 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 《磁铁有磁性》课后反思 一、教学成功之处, 1、善用材料,调控课堂节奏。 材料在科学课中占有举足轻重的地位。整堂课我都很注重用材料来调控课堂节奏。如在材料的准备上我有意地给每一小组提供了铁钉、回形针等十种典型的生活中常见的物体,既达到了种类多、易比较的要求,还准确了从一角到一元的新旧硬币。又让学生体会到科学其实就在身边,在下发材料前,先讲清实验的要求和注意点,避免出现实验操作的错误与失败,在汇报交流时,先要求学生把材料整理好,勿让材料影响交流的有效性,使学生养成专心倾听的科学学习习惯。 2.自主探究,发现探究问题 由于学生平时都玩过磁铁,对磁铁都比较熟悉,特别是磁铁能吸铁一类物体的本领。只不过他们的认识还只是停留在一些表面现象,没有向更深层次研究。所以在考虑了学生的实际情况后,我尝试着引导学生在简单了解了几种常见磁铁的形状及名称后,给每一小组提供了铁钉、回形针等十种典型的实验材料和一块条形磁铁,把宝贵的时间移到“动手玩磁铁”中去,尽可能地提供玩的时间和空间。 教学中存在的问题, 1、“课堂的生硬”我知道这是在每一个实验之后,语言的过渡还欠缺。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 2、在检验硬币实验中,没有做小结,哪些硬币是铁材料做的哪些不是铁材料做的。会对学生造成疑惑。 虽然教学是一门遗憾的艺术,总会有瑕疵,但是我们可以做的更好,让我们的学生有更多的受益, according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 《磁铁有磁性》教学反思 磁铁对于三年级的学生来说,可以说是既熟悉又不熟悉。熟悉是因为它是同学们课余的一种玩具。不熟悉是学生平时只是利用它玩,当然,玩的同时也有了一些认识,如,它能吸铁钉、文具盒,如果把铁钉放在桌子上,磁铁放在桌子下,可以通过磁铁来控制铁钉。了解了这些后,我设计了本课时的教学。现在回头想想,这节课好的地方有以下几点, 一、为学生营造了一个轻松、愉快的课堂氛围。考虑到三年级的学生特别要注重培养学习兴趣。我首先通过一个游戏调动他们的好奇心,再拿出他们平时玩的磁铁问他们想不想玩,如果你有一块磁铁你会怎样玩,从而达到引导学生自己提出想探究的问题,即本课要体现的科学概念上,而且整节课从头到尾都没有出现“实验”二字,由“游戏”贯穿始终,让学生能轻松、愉快地学习。 二、给学生充分的信任,引导学生自己动手动脑收集事实、整理事实,并用自己的话去描述事实。 1、收集事实。首先让学生自己说用一块磁铁可以怎样玩游戏,并让学生观察提供的材料,尤其是几种金属,为后面的整理作铺垫。然后让学生选择自己喜欢的一种或两种玩法放手去玩,同时将游戏结果 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 下来。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 2、整理事实。同学们填写完记录单后,小组成员之间对收集到的事实进行整理。如第一种玩法后,学生们将被磁铁吸引的物体和不能被磁铁吸引的物体分开放,发现被磁铁吸引的都是铁质的,不能被磁铁吸引的都不是铁质的,得出磁铁能吸引铁质物体这一事实,而再第二种玩法结束后,学生通过将游戏后磁铁隔着物体吸引的物体进行整理,得出隔着一些薄的物体能吸铁质的物体,而隔着厚的物体不能吸铁的事实。 不足之处主要有两点。一是对每个环节的时间安排不够合理,导致草草收场。二是对课堂的灵活处理不够。如学生最初汇报想把物体放在水中,再用磁铁吸时,应给予肯定,并允许他们也玩一玩,而当有一个小组发现隔着薄的物体能吸铁隔着厚的物体不行时,我只是急于引出磁铁隔着物体能吸铁这一概念,而跳过了同学们的这一精彩发现,导致其他小组即使有其他的发现也没机会说,如果当时我能给予充分的肯定并给予激励性的评价,再追问其他小组有没有别的发现,我想同学们的其他发现就会一一展示出来,同学们的发现会越来越多,同学们的思考也会越来越多,他们独立探究的兴趣也会越来越浓。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 《磁铁有磁性》教学反思 南 岗 小 学 杨 丽 娟 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of
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