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三个办法一个指引英文题[优质文档]三个办法一个指引英文题[优质文档] “三大模块”题库,英语简答题, 1. The function of bank capital regulation mainly reflected in which aspects? a. Enhance the ability of absorb the unpredictable loss b.Improve the public’ confidence to the banking system c.Intensify bank’s corporation go...

三个办法一个指引英文 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 [优质文档] “三大模块”题库,英语简答题, 1. The function of bank capital regulation mainly reflected in which aspects? a. Enhance the ability of absorb the unpredictable loss b.Improve the public’ confidence to the banking system c.Intensify bank’s corporation governance 2. What does CAMELS Rating System mean? Ans: An international bank-rating system where bank supervisory authorities rate institutions according to six factors. The six factors are represented by the acronym "CAMELS." The six factors examined are as follows: Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management quality, Earnings, Liquidity, Sensitivity to Market Risk. 3. Please list the main risks related to the liability of a commercial bank? Answer: market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, legal risk and solvency risk. 《商业银行主要业务》P108问答题第一题 4. Please explain the regulatory objectives of the CBRC briefly. a. Protect the interests of depositors and consumers through prudential and effective supervision; b. Maintain market confidence through prudential and effective supervision; c. Enhance public knowledge of modern finance though customer education and information disclosure d. Combat financial crimes 出处:《银行业监管理念监管文化》 5. Briefly introduce the principals of risk-based supervision. Answer: The prudential supervision; the sustainable supervision; the banking corporation supervision; the slandered 6. Can you explain the supervisory and regulatory criteria of the CBRC briefly? a. Promote the financial stability and facilitate innovation at the same time; b. Enhance the international competitiveness of the Chinese banking sector; c. Set appropriate supervisory and regulatory boundaries and refrain from unnecessary controls; d. Encourage fair and orderly competition; e. Clearly define the accountability of both the supervisor and the supervised institutions; f. Employ supervisory resources in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 出处:《银行业监管理念监管文化》 7. What are the three pillars of Basel II? Answer: Pillar 1: minimum capital requirement; Pillar 2: supervisory review process; Pillar 3: market discipline. 8. What is the definition and characteristics of VaR (value at risk)? Answer: For a given portfolio, probability and time horizon, VaR is defined as a threshold value such that the probability that the market to market loss on the portfolio over the given time horizon exceeds this value is the given probability level. The most important characteristics of VaR are as follows: (1) VaR is a summary measure. (2) VaR requires that it is possible to express future profits and losses on a portfolio in stochastic terms. (3) VaR depends on the time horizon chosen. (4) VaR depends on the probability level chosen. 9. What are the supervisory and regulatory criteria? Answer: (1) Promote the financial stability and facilitate financial innovation at the same time. (2) Enhance the international competitiveness of the Chinese banking sector. (3) Set appropriate supervisory and regulatory boundaries and refrain from unnecessary controls. (4) Encourage fair and orderly competition. (5) Clearly define the accountability of both the supervisory and supervised institutions. (6) Employ supervisory resources in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 10. How can we conduct stage-by-stage regulation on banks according to their specific conditions in the field of financial derivative products? Answer: (1) To examine whether the banks have the qualification to operate financial derivative products; (2) To pay much attention to the banks which operate the financial derivative products with standard contracts such as future, forward and swap; (3) For the banks operating option, we should analyze the specific conditions to adopt regulation measures. For the banks which operate call option, we just pay much attention, as the risk level of it is relatively low. But, for the banks which operate put-option, the real content of trading should be understood. If the bank operates put option just for the earning purpose, more attention should be paid to its internal control, talent, suitable quota, etc; (4) For the banks which operate sophisticated derivative products, regulators should understand the type of the products at first and analyze whether the products can be divided to different derivative products with standard contracts. If not, special attention should be paid to them and special examination should also be organized. 11. What are the seven major aspects about banking regulation referred in <>? Answer: premises for effective banking regulation; regulatory requirements of licensing( authorization ) ;prudent regulatory criteria and requirements;steady regulatory approaches; regulatory information disclosure ; measures to deal with weak banks; cross-border regulatory requirements. (出处:《银行监管理念监管文化》) 12(What is the “three pillars” of the Basel ? Accord? 答案:A. minimum capital requirements B. supervisory review C. market discipline based on risk disclosure 出处: 《银行监管实务》 P 386 13. According to the Basel Committee, what is the three main risks concerning to the banking system? 答案:market risk, credit risk and operational risk 出处:《银行监管实务》 14. What does SPV stand for? 答案:Special Purpose Vehicle 出处:《商业银行主要业务》 P 361 15. What’s the risk-focused supervision? Answer: The risk-focused supervision means the supervision can identify the inherent risks of the commercial banks, and then evaluate the risk involved in the operation and management of the banks, in order to evaluate the running and management of the banks systematically, continuously. Risk-focused supervision was Safety and Soundness Supervision or Examination in 1979, it was based on CAMEL Rating System. Now, risk-focused supervision makes the supervision departments keep in touch with the banks, evaluate the risk by off-site supervision, plan the examination, than get the result of CAMELS by on-site examination. 16. According to the guaranty law ,what right may be pledged? Answer: The following rights may be pledged: (1) bills of exchange, checks, promissory notes, bonds, certificates of deposit, warehouse receipts, bills of lading; (2) shares of stocks or certificates of stocks which are transferable according to law; (3) the rights to exclusive use of trademarks, the property right among patent rights and copyrights which are transferable according to law; (4) other rights which may be pledged according to law. 17. the main reasons for internal control failure of the commercial banks: Answer: (1) Weak control culture (2) Inadequate risk identification and assessment (3) Chaos control structure (4) Distortion of information, communication void (5) The continued lack of internal control procedures 18. What are the five factors of the CAMELS rating system? Answer: Capital adequacy、 the asset quality 、management、earning ability and the liquidity. 19. Banks must operate under a perfect criterion for credit. What have been included in a perfect criterion for credit? Answer: (1)A well-defined criterion for credit must be established. (2)banks must have enough information to evaluate synthetically the real risk to the borrower and bargainer. (3)Evaluate the risks and earnings of syndicated loan in the way of independent credit. 20. Can you tell the differences between the corporate governance and internal control? Answer: Corporate governance is a bank’s basic structure and institutional arrangement , when the ownership and management are separated, protecting the rights of shareholders and stakeholders. Generally speaking, corporate governance include structure and mechanism, while internal control , as it come to operating process , is the segregation of duties and institutional arrangement. Although they similar in institutional arrangement , belong to different levels. Corporate governance relates to the overall organization and operation of banks, and internal control is the level of banking system and its implementation. 21. What is the concept of Financial Derivatives? Answer: A derivative is a security which “derives” its value from another underlying financial instrument, index, or other investment. Derivatives are available based on the performance of stocks, interest rates, currency exchange rates, as well as commodities contracts and various indexes. Derivatives give the buyer greater leverage for a lower cost than purchasing the actual underlying instrument to achieve the same position. For this reason, when used properly, they can serve to “hedge” a portfolio of securities against losses. However, because derivatives have a date of expiration, the level of risk is greatly increased in relation to their term. One of the simplest forms of a derivative is a stock option. A stock option gives the holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock at a fixed price for a specified period of time. 22. What is the concept of check? And what does the check contain? Answer: Check is issued by the drawer. And the entrusted bank must pay amount of money to the recipient or to the check holder unconditional when the bank see the check. The type of check: Cash Check\ Transfer check\ open check 23. What is the primary objective of the CBRC? Protect the interests of depositors and consumers by prudential and effective supervision. 24. Briefly introduce the relation and difference among accounting capital, regulatory capital and economic capital. Answer: Accounting capital defined by accounting standards generally indicates the permanent investment by banking shareholders, includes ordinary shares, undistributed profits and capital reserves ect. The book value difference of total asset and liability is banking net value. Regulatory capital or called legal capital can be divided into core capital and subsidiary capital, which is the minimum capital requirement by regulatory authority; Economic capital which is the banking capital –owned from the perspective of risk measurement. Indicates the capital than can resist unexpected loss .there is close relationship between the banking rate and risk. 25. What are the forms of operational risk? The staff violations, financial crime, inefficient operations and other risks. 26. How to calculate the operational risk by the Basic Indicator Approach on the Basel II? Based on 15% of the average annual income of last three years. 27. According to the risk degree, how many kinds of loans can be divided ? What are they ? Answer: According to the risk degree, loans can be divided into five kinds :Pass, Special attention, Substandard, Doubtful and Loss, and the last three kinds are called Not Performing Loans (NPLs)。 28. What is money laundering? (Answer: The phrase “money laundering” covers all procedures to change the identity of illegally obtained money so that it appears to have originated from a legitimate source. Cash lends anonymity to many forms of criminal activity and is the normal medium of exchange in the world of drug trafficking. This gives rise to three common factors: criminals need to conceal the true ownership and origin of the money; they need to control the money; and they need to change the form of the money. ) (Sources: A Guideline issued by the Monetary Authority of Hong Kong under section 7(3), Money Laundering, Banking Ordinance, HKMA) 29. Why do banks need making profits? (Answer: Profits are needed for the following reasons: Firstly, they need profits to fund internal capital growth. Shareholders subscribe the original capital which a bank’s management uses to support the costs of the business and to lend to customers. The capital also gives confidence to depositors that the bank has substance and so encourages them to place funds with the bank. These deposits are then also used in lending and other activities. Secondly, they need profits to fund dividends and attract new investors. If a bank is successful, it will surely wish to issue more shares. Thirdly, they need profits to build confidence. Where there are profits, both bank analysts and bank supervisors will give favorable comments to their performance, which will tend to stabilize or even increase confidence. And, lastly, they need profits to absorb loan and other asset losses. When a bank does not make profits, eventually it will only be able to pay its expenses and repay borrowed funds out of capital. ) (Sources: Bank and Credit Risk Analysis Seminar, August 17-27, 1999, Dalian ) 30. Under the CAMELS rating system, we regulators try to make an appraisal of the soundness of a bank’s general conditional. And, CAMELS stands for capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risks. Can you name some of the main factors to be considered in the “sensitivity to market risks”factor? (Answer: the sensitivity of the financial institution’s net earnings of the economic value of its capital to changes in interest rates under varying scenarios and stress environments; the volume, composition, and volatility of any foreign exchange or other trading positions taken by the financial institution; the actual of potential volatility of earnings or capital because of any changes in market valuation of trading portfolios or financial instruments; the ability of management to identify, measure, monitor, and control exposure to interest rate risk, as well as price and foreign exchange risk where applicable and materials to an institution.) (Sources: Bank and Credit Risk Analysis Seminar, August 17-27, 1999, Dalian ) 31. Would you please describe the main steps/regulatory actions in the risk-based supervisory process? (Answer: The risk-based supervisory approach, which emphasizes effective planning and examiner judgement, customizes examinations to suit the size and activities of banking institution and to concentrate examiner resources on areas that expose the banking institution concerned to the greatest degree of risk. The risk-based methodology consists of six key steps, each of which requires the preparation of specific documentation. They are as follows: understanding the banking institution, assessing the risk planning supervisory work, defining examination activities, performing risk focused on site examination, reporting the findings, and reviewing the CAMEL rating, and conducting continuing off site supervision including supervisory actions.) (Sources: HKMA-Supervisory Policy Manual-Risk-based Supervisory Approach) 32. What are the main features of "New Basel Capital Accord"? (Answer: the most prominent feature of "Basel II" is its three pillars. The first pillar is the minimum capital requirements. Commercial banks are required to meet the 8% minimum capital adequacy requirements. The Second pillar is regulatory supervision and inspection. The third pillar is market discipline. In addition, in order to enhance the flexibility and risk sensitivity of calculation of CAR, "the New Basel Capital Accord" use different risk weight measurement methods to calculate credit risk, market risk and operational. For credit risk, you can use the standard method, junior IRB and senior IRB. Market risk can be calculated by the basic indicator approach, the standard method and the advanced measurement. "New Basel Capital Accord" also explicitly includes operational risk into the category of capital regulatory. The debates on the new agreement still exist, but in general, the new agreement seeks to be more sensitive in the measurement of risk weight.) 33. Please describe the challenges faced by CBRC in implementing the New Capital Accord. (Answer: If the New Capital Accord is implemented, the whole banking industry will face a much higher capital requirements and a negative impact on banking liquidity. Under the background of few improvement of the risk sensitivity of regulatory authorities, if we adopt the risk measuring methods in the first pillar, the problem of inadequate capital will be much more prominent; Secondly, for the sake of achieve a higher level inner control of modern banking, it is a different task for commercial banks which can not change the ownership structure for a short time; Basel encourages banks to use sophisticated risk management techniques, compared with international best practice, we fall behind not only in the developing of risk measurement models but also using of financial derivatives to transfer risk in practice, The appropriate regulatory experience is very poor; thirdly, Sufficient data and advanced information systems is the base the effective implementation for Basel, due to abundant experience in the aspect, Western banks can meet the requirements of the New Basel more easily, while Chinese banks are lack of adequate and effective data ,and information technology in a backward position either.) 34. Briefly describe the differences between accounting capital, regulatory capital and economic capital . (Answer: According to the accounting standards, Accounting capital generally refers to a permanent capital invested by the shareholders , including common stock, retained earnings , reserves and so on, which is the difference between total bank assets and book value of total liabilities. Regulatory capital is the minimum capital required by the regulatory authorities, or the statutory capital, which is divided into core capital and supplementary capital. Economic capital is calculated from the perspective of risk which is used to resist unexpected loss, the amount of it is related to the bank's risk rating and the size of itself.) 35. Please outline the main contents of ROCA rating. (Answer: ROCA mainly concerns risk rating of the main branches of commercial banks which includes four aspects: risk management R, Operational Controls O, Compliance C, Asset quality A. Ratings are divided into five categories: standard, basically standard, special-mention, problem loans, and crisis, a total of five.) 36. What are the main factors to be considered while assessing the liquidity of a bank? (Answer: In addition to liquidity ratios, other factors to consider include the following: stability of core deposits, nature and volume of off balance sheet items, appreciation or depreciation of securities portfolio, seasonality of credit demands, marketability of loan portfolio, and reputation/access to money market.) 37. What are the main factors to be considered while rating asset quality? (Answer: The main factors are as follows: the volume and trend of classified assets, volume and trend of special mention assets, volume and trend of past due and non-accrual loans, portfolio concentrations, effectiveness of loan policies and loan administration process, and management’s ability to collect problem credits.) 38. The “Basel Three Pillars” are? Minimum capital requirements, Supervisory review, Market discipline 39. What is credit risk? Credit risk is defined as the potential that a bank’s borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligation in accordance with agreed terms. It is the most prominent risk faced by banks and banking systems today. 40. What is the sound practice for the effective management of credit risk? ?. Establishing an appropriate credit risk environment. ?. Operating under a sound credit granting process. ?. Maintaining an appropriate credit administration, measurement and monitoring process. ?.Ensuring adequate controls over credit risk. 41. As a supervisor, what you should do in assessing bank’s performance in controlling credit risk? ?.Require that banks have an effective system in place to identify, measure, monitor and control risks as part of an overall approach to risk management. ?.Conduct an independent evaluation of a bank’s strategies, policies, procedures and practices related to the granting of credit and the ongoing management of the portfolio. ?. Assess any measurement tools, such as internal risk ratings and credit risk models, used by the bank. ?. Determine that the board of directors effectively oversees the credit risk management process of the bank and that management monitors risk positions, compliance with polices and the appropriateness of those polices. 42. What is the main types of commercial loans? There are two main types of commercial loan: working capital loan and term loan. A working capital loan is a special-purpose for the financial of short-term needs. A term loan is usually a secured loan for a fixed period of time that generally exceeds one year. 43. What factors are there affecting forward spreads? Factors affecting forward spreads are: (1) spot rates; (2) interest differentials; (3) confidence in a currency; (4) official intervention; (5) exchange controls and (6) other factors. 44. What is a supervisor’s objective in reviewing a bank’s retail credit function? In reviewing a bank’s retail credit function, a supervisor’s objectives are to: . Determine if lending strategies, polices, practices, procedures, and internal controls are adequate. . Determine if bank offices and employees are operating in conformity with the established guidelines. . Evaluate the portfolio for credit quality, performance, adequate collateral, and collectiblity. . Assess the level of risk inherent in a bank’s retail credit department and what actions management has taken to reduce the level of risk. 45. Who is responsible for approving and regularly reviewing an effective credit risk strategy and credit risk polices for a bank? A bank’s board of directors should be responsible for: .approving and reviewing an effective credit risk strategy and credit risk polices .ensuring that senior management is fully capable of managing the credit activities conducted by the bank and that such activities are done within the risk strategy, polices and tolerances approved by the board. 46. what is a loan grading system? A loan grading system is a system developed internally by banks to differentiate among loans on the basis of their quality and perceived risk. The grades should be related to the credit classifications prescribed by the national supervisor, at least foe the poor quality loan grades. 47. What is the purpose of loan grading? A loan grading is the main indictor of loan quality. It helps to differentiate the degree of credit risk in various loans. As such, a loan grading system can be effectively used to guide the bank’s loan approval and authorization process, loan pricing, loan reviewing, provisioning and capital allocation and monitoring loans and loan portfolios. 48. What issues should a supervisor consider in his assessment of bank’s loan grading system? As a supervisor you must ensure that a bank’s loan grading system is an effective tool for monitoring the bank’s exposure to credit risk. Your assessment should include evaluation of issues such as the integration of the loan grading system into the bank’s treatment of credit risk, the appropriateness of the risk factors and grading methodologies for various loans, the effectives of the loan review mechanism and the use of the grading and review system in identifying loans that may warrant special attention. 49. What is loan loss provisioning? Loan loss provisioning is a method of recognizing losses already incurred and likely to be incurred as of the date of evaluation. Loan loss provisions are funds set aside to cover a bank’s losses in loans. 50. What is Securitization? Securitization is the process by which a relatively homogenous pool of loans, originally made by a bank or other financial intermediary, are converted into securities in order to increase their liquidity as financial instruments and to reduce the financial intermediary’s capital requirements. 51. What is the CAMELS rating concept? What is called CAMELS rating is an international current method system to evaluate bank institution’s whole strength of finance and status of management by the numbers. This method system include Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality,Management,Earnings,Liquidity five factor and one synthesis rating; factor and synthesis rating both regulate clear point and standard; rating’s result use grade1-5 to express, the more bigger number express more lower level and more higher regulation attention degree. 52. which are risk of cashier management? (1)When cashiers sign in, they don’t according to stipulate to put the magcards to box, and lock take care them. After operation password leak or authorized measure leak, haven’t amended them in time. (2)Cashiers don’t quit operation operating system when they leave post. (3)Cashiers borrow the sign in magcard or use each other. (4)Cashiers on duty the same post long time, haven’t according to stipulate to turn post and turn rest. 53. Which effects have the middle operation on commercial bank? (1)Stabilize the increase of commercial bank’s income. (2)Separate risk and improve security. (3)Exert linkage effects on traditional operation of deposit and loan. (4)Promote the creation of new credit tool and the inauguration of new operation management domain. (5) Promote efficiency conformity to commercial bank’s resource. 54. Which categories do provisions for loan losses have? Generally commercial banks distill provisions for loan losses have three categories: common reserves, specific reserves, special reserves. Common reserves as well as called general reserves are provisions for loan losses which commercial banks distill according to a certainty proportion of loan balance. Specific reserves based on category results of loan risk, distill provisions for loan losses based on immanent losing degree and history losing probability. Special reserves are provisions for loan losses which aim at special risk of loan combination, distill according to a certainty proportion. 55. What are goals of internal controls? According to concept of internal controls, we can see corporation internal controls have three categories main goals: performance goal, information goal and regularity goal. Concretely speak, performance goal is what corporation need realize high efficiency management and attain well effect; information goal is what corporation should insure the integrality, authenticity, veracity and betimes of financial and manage information (include financial report forms, corporation annals and otherwise); regularity goal is what corporation should abide lows, codes and self rules at running course. 56. What are aims the China banking supervision? CBRC combined internal and oversea banking supervision experience, put forward four material aims of our country banking supervision: firstly, according to prudential and effective supervision, protect benefit of immensity depositors and consumers; secondly, according to prudential and effective supervision, further market confidence; thirdly, according to disseminate education work and correlation information disclosure, further public identify and comprehend modern finance production, service and corresponding risk; fourthly, strive to decrease finance commit a crime, maintenance finance stabilization. 57. What are included in well mentality diathesis that banking supervision missionary should posses? The well mentality diathesis that banking supervision missionary should posses, mainly include healthy mentality, meticulous thinking, steady mood, fine sensibility, strong well and decisive action. 58. What effects have economy cycle on bank management and credit assets? Economy has cycle, banks correspond to have cycle too, and both connections are consanguineous, namely one win all win, one lose all lose. Under the condition of that GDP and economy’s rise rate increases by continually, steadily, fast, society gross demand increase hormonally with society gross supply, economy structure become rational step by step, to balance, go with persistence increase, corporation’ management benefit get improve, individual income get advance, enterprise’s deposits, loans, investment and individual investment, deposit all have take on the tendency of ascending, the whole banking management benefit up-and-up, asset quality is preferably. When economy is increase fast and increase low at unbalance severity, the conflict in economy will put up suddenly, corporation’s management is faced with jam, residents’ real income get fall, bank’s benefit and asset quality will drop yet. Thereby, we should look out the credit fluctuate produced by economy fluctuate, and mass risk of non-performing loans which produced by bank system. 59. What is the function finance? Expansionary finance policy make government’s expend are more than income, produce budget red figure; but constrictive finance policy will make government’s income are more than expend, produce budget surplus. Such finance is called function finance. 60. What are macroeconomics basic issue. The main contents of macroeconomics are what study country economy’s gross, structure, mechanism, performance and study government how to use economic policy to improve economic performance. Generally those contents relate to some basic issues hereinafter. (1) The issue of gross output. (2)The issue of sufficiency obtains employment. (3) The issue of inflation. (4) The issue of economy cycle and economy growth. (5) The issue of exoteric economy. (6) The issue of macroeconomics policy and their effects. 61. which five basic principles a consummate and sound internal control should follow? Answer: Board of Directors and senior management should define responsibilities clearly, supervise effectively and create influential culture of internal control in the bank. All kinds of risks should be identified and measured by the commercial banks and should be monitored continuously. A good control structure and a detailed control measure should be established by the commercial banks, especially for the separation of duties and the approval system. A complete information exchange system should be established between all levels of management and various departments of the commercial banks. especially for the reporting mechanisms which is well designed and followed. Commercial banks also should improve their internal audit, internal oversight and problem rectification mechanism. 62. What is the main factors that should be considered when evaluating the liquidity? Answer: The composition, trend and the stability of funding sources. Asset-liability management policy and the funding allocations. The management of liquidity, including the establishment of a stable liquidity management system and control liquidity risk effectively. The ability to meet the liquidity by the way of debt. The ability to identify, detect and control the position. 63. which regulatory measures can be taken for the banks violation? Answer: the CBRC can stop some business of the banks ,reject the new business, restrict paying the dividend and transferring assets, demand the controlling shareholders transfer the shares and restrict the rights of relevant shareholders, reject they set up the new networks, freeze the capital of banks account, take over the bank, revoke the violated bank and so on. 64. What is market risk? What is the main categories of market risk? Answer: Market risk refers to the risk of loss from balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet operation that caused by the adverse changes in market prices. Market risk exists in the bank's trading business and non-trading business. Market risk can be divided into interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, equity price risk, and commodity price risk. 65. The five elements of CAMEL rating system are: 答案:capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity (出处:三大模块监管评级部分)
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