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cad实习报告教育cad实习报告教育 decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibil...

cad实习报告教育 decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, 《机械制图及CAD》教学实习 作者:admin 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:475 更新时间:2008-4-3 23:32:19 《机械制图及CAD》教学实习指导书 本课程教学实习大纲按照机电一体化专业、机械制造与自动化、机械设备维修与管理专业教学计划中培养目标的要求,按照《机械制图及CAD》课程教学大纲规定的天数,1周共计5天,按每天6学时计算,共计30学时,并结合学院实际而制定本教学实习大纲。 教学实习是教学活动的主要形式之一,它是在任课教师和有关技术人员指导下,对学生加强课程职业岗位技能训练的一次比较集中并提高学生能力的一种的教学形式,是整个教学过程的组成部分。 现将有关问题分别说明如下: 一、目的意义 《机械制图及CAD》课程教学实习是验证、巩固和补充课堂讲授的理论知识的必要环节,通过该教学实习,培养学生运用所学的理论解决实际问题的能力,使学生初步掌握正确应用图样反应机械结构的语言 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 以及使用CAD进行 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 和绘图的能力。 二、 教学实习内容和时间分配 教学实习一 测绘滑动轴承 学时安排:0.4周2天12学时 (一)教学实习目的 1(掌握装配结构的表达方法、常见装配工艺结构等基本知识; 2(掌握机械部件测绘的一般步骤,草图绘制方法; 3(掌握零件图和装配图的绘制,并注意将理论和生产实际相结合。 (二)教学实习设备、工具 电脑一台、铅笔、三角板、钢尺、游标卡尺、千分尺、测绘用的模型、图纸 decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, (三) 教学实习方式 本次实习主要安排在制图测绘室和机房进行设计实习。 (四) 教学实习内容、步骤及要求 (1) 部件测绘的方法和步骤 根据现有部件(或机器)画出其装配图和零件图的过程称为部件测绘。在新 产品设计、引进先进设备以及对原有设备进行技术改造和维修时,有时需要 对现有的机器或零、部件进行测绘,画出装配图和零件图。因此,掌握测绘 技术对工程技术人员具有重要意义。部件测绘的一般方法和步骤如下: 1) 了解和分析部件结构 部件测绘时,首先要对部件进行研究分析,了解 其工作原理、结构特点和装配关系。 2) 画出装配示意图 装配示意图用来表示部件中各零件的相互位置和装配 关系,是部件拆卸后重新装配和画装配图的依据。装配示意图有以下特点: ? 只用简单的符号和线条表达部件中各零件的大致形状和装配关系; ? 一般零件可用简单图形画出其大致轮廓,形状简单的零件如螺钉、轴等 可用线段表示,其中常用的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 件如轴承、键等可用国标规定的示意符号 表示; ? 相邻两零件的接触面或配合面之间应留有间隙; ? 全部零件应进行编号,并填写明细栏。 3) 拆画零件 拆画零件前要研究拆卸方法和拆卸顺序,机械设备的拆卸顺 序一般是由附件到主机,由外部到内部,由上到下进行拆卸。拆卸时要遵循 “恢复原机”的原则,即在开始拆卸时就要考虑再装配时要与原机相同,即 保证原机的完整性、准确性和密封性。外购部件或不可拆的部分,如过盈配 合的衬套、销钉、机壳上的螺柱,以及一些经过调整、拆开后不易调整复位 的零件,应尽量不拆,不能采用破坏性拆卸方法。拆卸前要测量一些重要尺 寸,如运动部件的极限位置和装配间隙等。拆卸后要对零件进行编号、清洗, 并妥善保管,以免丢失。 4) 画零件草图 零件草图一般是在测绘现场徒手绘制的,草图的比例是凭 眼睛判断的,所以绘制草图时只要求与被测零件大体上符合,并不要求与被 测零件保持某种严格的比例。绘制草图时应注意以下几点: ? 零件视图表达要完整、线形分明、尺寸标注正确、公差配合、形位公差education, training, and responsibility for security at all levels, security funds ensure that projects significant accidents, occupational injury rate shall not exceed the higher order births. B, project engineer responsible for the construction organization design, construction, programming, and develop targeted security measures, and to supervise the implementation. Target: on-national standards system construction organization plan, and sent by program, implemented security technology to give the low-down the foreman. Safety officer responsible for safety management, safety and security inspection. Objective: according to standards and specifications, checking for problems and loopholes, anti-"three-violation"; prevent accident hazards, handling illegal supervise full compliance obedience; collection of information. Major accident is zero, the injury rate does not exceed births. C, responsibility for Foreman is responsible for safe production and civilized construction in construction site management. Target: implementation of the construction organization design and construction programme, becomes a good part of foreman, production teams of security technology to give the low-down, safety training, and ensure a reliable security protection to ensure heavy casualties to zero, frequency of injuries not exceeding births.a Security responsibility target assessment standard (reference) project manager: Ann 2-5 target category index content score buckle points standard buckle points responsibility people construction security (50 points) annual no injured, and death accident, injury accident frequency not over ‰ 35 occurred injured accident a people buckle 20 points occurred death accident buckle 35 points special job card induction card induction rate up% 5 each found a people no card induction buckle 1 points Construction site by ministerial standards of high level (80 per cent). Quarterly checks from 10, has failed to meet the fire safety fine deducted 10 points (15 points) year-round construction site fire accident occurs 15 fire accident to a deduction of 15 points of traffic safety (15 minutes) year-round deaths or property damage primary responsibility over the accident. 15 occurred property loss Yuan above negative main responsibility traffic accident buckle 15 points security management (20 points) compliance chapter obedience 4 found "three against" 1 times buckle 1 points major accident hidden timely rectification rate up 100% 4 hidden rectification not timely, and indefinite people, and indefinite measures, and found passengers buckle 4 points injury accident report 4 injury accident report not timely 1 times buckle 4 points seriously for security education, and low-down 4 security education, and low-down, deficiency 1 times buckle 4 points active carried out security activities 4 Active participate in company organization of security activities, deficiency 1 times buckle 4 points total project manager safety decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, 的设计选择合理; ? 对所有非标准件均要绘制零件草图,零件草图应包括零件图的所有内 容,标题栏内要记录零件的名称、材料、数量、图号等; ? 草图要忠实于实物,不得随意更改,更不能凭主观猜测,零件上一些细 小的结构,如孔口、轴端倒角、小圆角、沟槽、退刀槽、凸台和凹坑等。 对设计不合理之处,将来在零件图上更改; ? 优先测绘基础零件,基础零件一般都比较复杂,与其它零件相关联的尺 寸较多,部件装配时常以基础件为核心,将相关的零件装配其上,所以, 应特别重视基础件的尺寸测量、精度等要准确无误; ? 草图上允许标注封闭尺寸和重复尺寸,这是为了便于检查测量尺寸的准 确性; ? 草图上较长的线条,可分段绘制,大的圆弧也可分段绘制。 5) 根据装配示意图和零件草图画出装配图。 (2) 测绘滑动轴承 1) 拆画零件草图 1(绘制基础零件轴承座的零件草图: 结构分析:滑动轴承座的结构如图1-1所示,其结构具有对称性,主要加工表面为轴孔、定位止口和端面,中间半圆孔的底部是部分外圆柱面。毛坯采用铸件,材料为铸铁。 和其它零件的关系:止口的侧面和盖配合,端面和上下轴瓦配合,轴孔和轴瓦的外圆配合,这些配合尺寸的精度要求较高。盖、座、上下轴瓦通过两个方头螺栓连接在一起,方头螺栓的头部卧在座底部的槽中。 表达 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 :采用工作位置为主视图的投影方向,主视图采用半剖视,俯视图不剖,左视图半剖。绘制出的零件草图见图1-3。 decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, 图1-1 轴承座轴测图 图1-2 轴承盖轴测图 2(绘制轴承盖的零件草图: 零件分析与研究:滑动轴承盖的结构1-2图所示,其结构具有对称性,主要加工表面为轴孔、定位止口和端面,毛坯采用铸件,材料为铸铁。 和其它零件的关系:轴承盖和轴承座通过止口的侧面定位,所以,止口的侧面是一个配合尺寸,轴承座的槽相当于孔,轴承盖的凸台相当于轴。其内孔和座的内孔一起加工,所以座和盖的轴孔虽是半圆孔,却要按整孔处理。另外,轴孔的端面卡在上下轴瓦的两轴肩之间,是一个配合尺寸,轴瓦轴肩之间的轴向尺寸相当于孔,轴承盖的两端面之间的尺寸相当于轴。装配关系如图所示。 表达方案:主视图投影方向采用工作位置,主、左视图绘制成半剖视,俯视图不剖。绘制的零件草图见图1-4。 3(上、下轴瓦测绘: 由同学绘制出轴瓦的零件草图(图1-5),注意轴瓦与轴承盖和轴承座的相关连尺寸。 图1-5 上下轴瓦轴测图 整理草图:对测绘的零件草图进行加工整理,并在此基础上绘制装配草图,再整理成装配图。绘制出装配图后,根据零件草图和装配图绘制零件工作图。 装配图的作用是表达机器或部件的工作原理、装配关系以及主要零件的结构 形状。绘制装配草图时,要以最少的视图,完整、清晰地表达出机器或部件 的工作原理和装配关系,所以,绘制装配图时要注意以下几点: education, training, and responsibility for security at all levels, security funds ensure that projects significant accidents, occupational injury rate shall not exceed the higher order births. B, project engineer responsible for the construction organization design, construction, programming, and develop targeted security measures, and to supervise the implementation. Target: on-national standards system construction organization plan, and sent by program, implemented security technology to give the low-down the foreman. Safety officer responsible for safety management, safety and security inspection. Objective: according to standards and specifications, checking for problems and loopholes, anti-"three-violation"; prevent accident hazards, handling illegal supervise full compliance obedience; collection of information. Major accident is zero, the injury rate does not exceed births. C, responsibility for Foreman is responsible for safe production and civilized construction in construction site management. Target: implementation of the construction organization design and construction programme, becomes a good part of foreman, production teams of security technology to give the low-down, safety training, and ensure a reliable security protection to ensure heavy casualties to zero, frequency of injuries not exceeding births.a Security responsibility target assessment standard (reference) project manager: Ann 2-5 target category index content score buckle points standard buckle points responsibility people construction security (50 points) annual no injured, and death accident, injury accident frequency not over ‰ 35 occurred injured accident a people buckle 20 points occurred death accident buckle 35 points special job card induction card induction rate up% 5 each found a people no card induction buckle 1 points Construction site by ministerial standards of high level (80 per cent). Quarterly checks from 10, has failed to meet the fire safety fine deducted 10 points (15 points) year-round construction site fire accident occurs 15 fire accident to a deduction of 15 points of traffic safety (15 minutes) year-round deaths or property damage primary responsibility over the accident. 15 occurred property loss Yuan above negative main responsibility traffic accident buckle 15 points security management (20 points) compliance chapter obedience 4 found "three against" 1 times buckle 1 points major accident hidden timely rectification rate up 100% 4 hidden rectification not timely, and indefinite people, and indefinite measures, and found passengers buckle 4 points injury accident report 4 injury accident report not timely 1 times buckle 4 points seriously for security education, and low-down 4 security education, and low-down, deficiency 1 times buckle 4 points active carried out security activities 4 Active participate in company organization of security activities, deficiency 1 times buckle 4 points total project manager safety decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, , 进行部件分析 对要绘制的机器或部件的工作原理、装配关系及主 要零件的形状、零件与零件之间的相对位置、定位方式等进行深入 细致的分析。 , 确定主视图 主视图的选择应能较好地表达部件工作原理和主要 装配关系,并尽可能按工作位置放置,使主要装配轴线处于水平或 垂直位置。 , 确定其他视图 针对主视图还没有表达清楚的装配关系和零件间 的相对位置,选用其他视图给予补充,可采用剖视、断面、拆去某 些零件等表达方法。其目的是将装配关系表达清楚。 确定表达方案时可多设计几套方案,通过分析各种表达方案的优缺点选 择比较理想的表达方案。滑动轴承的作用是支承旋转轴,主要零件有轴承座、 轴承盖和上、下轴瓦,轴承座和轴承盖水平方向由止口定位,竖直方向有轴 瓦的外圆定位,装配关系主要表达这四个零件的相对位置和结构形状。 由于结构对称,所以主视图可采用半剖视图,这样既清楚的表达了轴承座和轴承盖由螺栓连接、止口定位的装配关系,也表示了盖和座的外形结构。由于上、下轴瓦与轴承座、轴承盖的轴向装配关系不够清楚,所以配置了左视图和俯视图,根据俯视图和左视图的结构对称,所以也采用了半剖视图,俯视图采用了沿盖和座的结合面剖切的表达方法,其作用除表示下轴瓦与轴承座的关系外,主要表示滑动轴承的外形结构。整理后的零件图和装配图见图1-6、图1-7。 decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, 图1-6 轴承座零件图 图1-7 轴承盖零件图 (五) 教学实习报告的要求:正确写出主要的测量绘步骤,交图形的电子文档, 并分析总结。 (六) 成绩考核 education, training, and responsibility for security at all levels, security funds ensure that projects significant accidents, occupational injury rate shall not exceed the higher order births. B, project engineer responsible for the construction organization design, construction, programming, and develop targeted security measures, and to supervise the implementation. Target: on-national standards system construction organization plan, and sent by program, implemented security technology to give the low-down the foreman. Safety officer responsible for safety management, safety and security inspection. Objective: according to standards and specifications, checking for problems and loopholes, anti-"three-violation"; prevent accident hazards, handling illegal supervise full compliance obedience; collection of information. Major accident is zero, the injury rate does not exceed births. C, responsibility for Foreman is responsible for safe production and civilized construction in construction site management. Target: implementation of the construction organization design and construction programme, becomes a good part of foreman, production teams of security technology to give the low-down, safety training, and ensure a reliable security protection to ensure heavy casualties to zero, frequency of injuries not exceeding births.a Security responsibility target assessment standard (reference) project manager: Ann 2-5 target category index content score buckle points standard buckle points responsibility people construction security (50 points) annual no injured, and death accident, injury accident frequency not over ‰ 35 occurred injured accident a people buckle 20 points occurred death accident buckle 35 points special job card induction card induction rate up% 5 each found a people no card induction buckle 1 points Construction site by ministerial standards of high level (80 per cent). Quarterly checks from 10, has failed to meet the fire safety fine deducted 10 points (15 points) year-round construction site fire accident occurs 15 fire accident to a deduction of 15 points of traffic safety (15 minutes) year-round deaths or property damage primary responsibility over the accident. 15 occurred property loss Yuan above negative main responsibility traffic accident buckle 15 points security management (20 points) compliance chapter obedience 4 found "three against" 1 times buckle 1 points major accident hidden timely rectification rate up 100% 4 hidden rectification not timely, and indefinite people, and indefinite measures, and found passengers buckle 4 points injury accident report 4 injury accident report not timely 1 times buckle 4 points seriously for security education, and low-down 4 security education, and low-down, deficiency 1 times buckle 4 points active carried out security activities 4 Active participate in company organization of security activities, deficiency 1 times buckle 4 points total project manager safety decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness, 根据学生实际操作表现和 实验报告 化学实验报告单总流体力学实验报告观察种子结构实验报告观察种子结构实验报告单观察种子的结构实验报告单 及图形质量评定成绩,按“优、良、中、 及格、不及格”五个等级评分。 decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness,
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