首页 七年级下语文课时练



七年级下语文课时练七年级下语文课时练 七年级语文下册第一单元课时练习题及答案 一、基础积累。 1.下面加点的注音或解释均有一个有错误,把序号写在后面括号里。 (1)A.确凿(zuî) B.倜(tì)傥 C.轻捷(轻快) D.缠(chán)络( ) (2)A.消释(溶解) B.盔(kuī)甲 C.秕(bǐ)谷 D.书塾(shǔ)( ) (3)A.珊瑚(hú) B.收敛(jián) C.菜畦(菜地) D.斑蝥(máo)( ) 惊奇) (4)A.系绳(jì) B.诧异( C.方正(淳朴) D.骨髓(suǐ)( ) 2.形...

七年级下语文课时练 七年级语文 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 第一单元课时练习题及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 一、基础积累。 1.下面加点的注音或解释均有一个有错误,把序号写在后面括号里。 (1)A.确凿(zuî) B.倜(tì)傥 C.轻捷(轻快) D.缠(chán)络( ) (2)A.消释(溶解) B.盔(kuī)甲 C.秕(bǐ)谷 D.书塾(shǔ)( ) (3)A.珊瑚(hú) B.收敛(jián) C.菜畦(菜地) D.斑蝥(máo)( ) 惊奇) (4)A.系绳(jì) B.诧异( C.方正(淳朴) D.骨髓(suǐ)( ) 2.形似字注音组词。 躁( )___ 博( )___ 瞪( )___ 燥( )___ 搏( )___ 澄( )___ 澡( )___ 膊( )___ 蹬( )___ 臊( )___ 薄( )___ 橙( )___ 3.将下面每组四个字分别填入相应句中。 (1)葚 湛 堪 斟 ?我们看到了李宁精__________的体操表演。 ?秦始皇兵马俑__________称世界珍奇。 ?桑__________比覆盆子味美。 ?请你__________酌一下,怎样改这篇文章。 (2)荚 夹 颊 狭 ?豆类植物的果实叫__________。 ?张飞鸟的两__________是白色的。 ?这所房子的卧室空间__________小。 ?两条直线相交可以形成一个__________角。 4.解释下列词语。 (1)人迹罕至: (2)人声鼎沸: (3)高枕而卧: (4)朝花夕拾: 二、阅读下面文段,回答后面问题。 我家后面有一个很大的园,相传叫作百草园。现在是早已并屋子一起卖给朱文公的子孙 但那时却是我的乐了,连那最末次的相见也已经隔了七八年,其中似乎确凿只有一些野草;园。 不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚;也不必说鸣蝉在树叶里长吟,肥胖的黄蜂伏在菜花上,轻捷的叫天子(云雀)忽然从草间直窜向云霄里去了。单是周围的短短的泥墙根一带,就有无限趣味。油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。翻开断砖来,有时会遇见蜈蚣;还有斑蝥,倘若用手指按住它的脊梁,便会啪的一声,从后窍喷出一阵烟雾。何首乌藤和木莲藤缠络着,木莲有莲房一般的果实,何首乌有臃肿的根。有人说,何首乌根是有像人形的,吃了便可以成仙,我于是常常拔它起来,牵连不断地拔起来,也曾因此弄坏了泥墙,却从来没有见过有一块根像人样。如果不怕刺,还可以摘到覆盆子,像小珊瑚珠攒成的小球,又酸又甜,色味都比桑葚要好得远。 1.这段文字选自__________,出自鲁迅的散文集__________,第一自然段中提到的“朱文公”是指宋朝的__________。 2. 从文中找出运用下列修辞手法的句子。 (1)比喻: 。 (2)拟人: 。 (3)排比: 。 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 3.作者把百草园景物描写得生机盎然,情景交融,其目的在于(选择两项)( )( ) A.表现“我”幼年时期调皮、贪玩、不爱学习的特征。 B.表现“我”幼年时期对大自然的热爱和对自由生活的向往。 C.和后文三味书屋的生活形成鲜明对比,说明封建教育束缚、阻碍少年儿童身心的健康发展。 D.揭示儿童猎奇、幼稚、顽皮的性格特点,以此衬托三味书屋的读书生活丰富有益。 4.第2段文字用了两个“不必说”,一个“单是”把对百草园的景物描写连缀起来,你认为描写的重点是在前者,还是后者?并说明理由。 5.在这段文字中,你可以体会到作者热爱大自然,喜欢自由快乐生活的感情。你有没有自己十分喜欢的天地(哪怕是门前的一小片草坪),试着依照作者的思路描绘下来。 2.爸爸的花儿落了 一、基础积累。 根据拼音写出汉字。 1. 衣jīn___ 肿zhàng___ 叮zhǔ___ 廊yán___ lǎn___ 惰 liāo___ 起 lí___歌 zhà___栏 2.文章以“爸爸的花儿落了”为题,含义为:一方面______________________;另一方面____________________________________________________________。 3.课文中“硬着头皮”这一词语出现了四次: ?“美子,不要怕,无论什么困难的事,只要硬着头皮去做,就闯过去了。” ?“怎么还不起来,快起!快起!”“晚了,爸!”我硬着头皮说。 ?那么爸爸不也可以硬着头皮从床上起来,到我们学校去吗? ?我虽然很害怕,但是也得硬着头皮„„ “硬着头皮”是口头语,根据文中的语境,换成四字格的书面语,可以是: ?__________ ?__________ ?__________ ? __________ 。 4.课文中有一段优美的歌词,请给它拟个标题,并将其改写成一段现代散文。 长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天。问君此去几时来,来时莫徘徊!天之涯,地之角,知交半零落,人生难得是欢聚,惟有别离多„„ 标题:__________ 仿写: 二、阅读下列文段,回答后面问题。 快回家去!快回家去!拿着刚发下来的小学毕业文凭——红丝带子系着的白纸筒,催着自己,我好像怕赶不上什么事情似的,为什么呀? 进了家门来,静悄悄的,四个妹妹和两个弟弟都坐在院子里的小板凳上,他们在玩沙土,旁边的夹竹桃不知什么时候垂下了好几枝子,散散落落的很不像样,是因为爸爸今年没有收拾它们——修剪、捆扎和施肥。 石榴树大盆底下也有几粒没有长成的小石榴,我很生气,问妹妹们: “是谁把爸爸的石榴摘下来的?我要告诉爸爸去!” 妹妹们惊奇地睁大了眼,她们摇摇头说:“是它们自己掉下来的。” 我捡起小青石榴。缺了一根手指头的厨子老高从外面进来了,他说: “大小姐,别说什么告诉你爸爸了,你妈妈刚从医院来了电话,叫你赶快去,你爸爸已经„„” 他为什么不说下去了?我忽然觉得着急起来,大声喊着说: “你说什么?老高。” “大小姐,到了医院,好好儿劝劝你妈,这里就数你大了!就数你大了!” 瘦鸡妹妹还在抢燕燕的小玩意儿,弟弟把沙土灌进玻璃瓶里。是的,这里就数我大了,我是小小的大人。我对老高说: “老高,我知道是什么事了,我就去医院。”我从来没有过这样的镇定,这样的安静。 我把小学毕业文凭,放到书桌的抽屉里,再出来,老高已经替我雇好了到医院的车子。走过院子,看那垂落的夹竹桃,我默念着: 爸爸的花儿落了。 我已不再是小孩子。 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 1.对“快回家去!快回家去!”的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 不正确的一项是( ) A.表现了作者急于回家的迫切心情。 B.作者急于将自己的情况和收获告诉“爸爸”。 C.行文的快节奏暗示着可能有什么事情要发生。 D.作者有心灵感应,预感到“爸爸”出事了。 2.划出文段中直接刻画“爸爸的花儿落了”的句子。 3.文中省略号的作用是( ) A.表示说话断断续续 B.表示省略 C.表示话还没说完 表示语义停顿 D. 4.文中描写弟妹们顽皮天真的真实意图是什么? 5.文段中说“我已不再是小孩子”,从哪些地方可以看出来? 6.有人说:“爸爸”的花儿虽然落了,但却结出了丰硕的果实。你认为对吗?为什么? 3.丑小鸭 一、基础积累。 1.下列注音全部正确的一项是( ) A.讪(xian)笑 吐绶(shîu) 沼(zhǎo)泽 木屐(jī) B.恭(gōng)敬 泥泞(níng) 骇(hâ)人 弥(mí)漫 C.铰链(liàn) 迸(bìng)出 女佣(yōng) 灌(guàn)木 D.篱(lí)笆 飕飕(sōu) 丑陋(lîu) 顽(wán)皮 2.给下列形似字注音并组词。 绅( )___ 链( )___ 诏( )___ 汕( )___ 伸( )___ 涟( )___ 沼( )___ 讪( )___ 3.解释下列词语。 (1)讪笑: (2)气势汹汹: (3)骇人: (4)兴高采烈: 4.丑小鸭最突出的性格特点是 。 5.“丑小鸭”在现实生活中被赋予什么新的含义? 6.这篇童话留给我们的深刻启示是什么? 二、阅读下面课文选段,回答后面问题。 要是只讲他在这严冬所受到困苦和灾难,那么这个故事也就太悲惨了。当太阳又开始温暖地照着的时候,他正躺在沼泽地的芦苇里。百灵鸟唱起歌来了——这是一个美丽的春天。 忽然间他举起翅膀:翅膀拍起来比以前有力得多,马上就把他托起来飞走了。他不知不觉地已经飞进了一座大花园。这儿苹果树正开着花;紫丁香在散发着香气,它又长又绿的枝条垂到弯弯曲曲的溪流上。啊,这儿美丽极了,充满了春天的气息!三只美丽的白天鹅从树荫里一直游到他面前来。他们轻飘飘地浮在水上,羽毛发出飕飕的响声。小鸭认出这些美丽的动物,于是心里感到一种说不出的难过。 “我要飞向他们,飞向这些高贵的鸟儿!可是他们会把我弄死的,因为我是这样丑,居然敢接近他们。不过这没有什么关系!被他们杀死,要比被鸭子 、被鸡群 ,被看管养鸡场的那个女佣人 和在冬天 好得多!”于是他飞到水里,向这些美丽的天鹅游去:这些动物看到他,马上就竖起羽毛向他游来。“请你们弄死我吧!”这只可怜的动物说。他把头低低地垂到水上,只等待着死。但是他在这清澈的水上看到了什么呢?他看到了自己的倒影。但那不再是一只粗笨的、深灰色的、又丑又令人讨厌的鸭子,而却是——一只天鹅! 只要你曾经在一只天鹅蛋里待过,就算你是生在养鸭场里也没有什么关系。 1.补写出括号里所缺的词语。 2.仿照例句,在下面两句的横线上补写相应的内容。 例:只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就算是生在养鸭场里也没有什么关系。 只要你是 ,就算 也没有什么关系。 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 3.怎样理解“只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就算是生在养在鸭场里也没有什么关系。”这句话? 4.丑小鸭为什么拼死也要飞向高贵的天鹅? 4.诗两首 一、基础积累。 1.选出加点字注音有误的一项( ) A.欺骗(piàn) 忧郁(yù) 来临(lín) 镇静(zhân) B.瞬息(shù) 怀恋(liàn) 涉足(shâ) 丛林(cïng) C.幽寂(yōu) 伫立(zhù) 足迹(jì) 诱人(yîu) D.萋萋(qī) 污染(rǎn) 叹息(tàn) 路径(jìn) 2.根据示例填空。 )(萋) 示例:荒草(萋 白雪( )( ) 岁月( )( ) 人海( )( ) 神采( )( ) 温情( )( ) 死气( )( ) 野心( )( ) 忧心( )( ) 3.下列诗句节奏划分有误的一项是( ) A.心儿/永远/向往着/未来 B.我/在/路口久久伫立 C.它荒/草/萋萋,十分/幽寂 D.我将/轻声/叹息/将/往事/回顾 4.填空题。 (1)《假如生活欺骗了你》的作者______________是____________(国)著名诗人。他的创作对本国的________________和_________________的发展影响很大。他的代表作《____________》是“生活的百科全书”。 (2)《未选择的路》的作者______________是一位独具风格的______________(国)现代诗人。他吟唱着20世纪的音调,又接近于传统诗的诗体;他的诗富于______________和______________,同时又有浓厚的乡土色彩。 5.《未选择的路》一诗中“路”包含了什么深刻含义,你从中悟出什么人生的哲理? 二、阅读下面文段,回答问题。 假如生活欺骗了你 普希金 假如生活欺骗了你, 不要悲伤,不要心急! 忧郁的日子里需要镇静: 相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临。 心儿永远向往着未来; 现在却常是忧郁。 一切都是瞬息, 一切都将会过去; 而那过去了的, 就会成为亲切的怀恋。 1.“一切都是瞬息”中的“瞬息”能否用“一会儿”来代替,为什么? 2.对末节诗理解有误的一项是( ) A.末节诗是诗人笑对苦难和忧郁的心声,劝说的口吻里,充满了关爱的情感。 B.“未来”写出了期待的美好,“现在”点示暂时的忧郁,“过去”意味着亲切的回忆。 C.“永远”写出人们憧憬美好未来的天长日久,“瞬息”写出再大的“忧郁”不过是过 往云烟。 D.这首诗应用豪迈铿锵的语气读出诗人所抒发的真诚的情感。 3.本诗的第二行“不要心急”,有人 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 成“不要哭泣”,你认为哪种好? 4.对本诗赏析不正确的一项是( ) A.诗的前一段就像一位温厚的长者在低声嘱咐自己心爱的孩子,也像一位坦诚热情的成 年人在勉励自己的忘年交的小朋友,不要被生活中暂时的不快所扰,不快的阴影终会消逝。 B.诗人并不满足于简单地告诫别人,因此,在第二段作了进一步分析,“心儿永远向往 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 着未来”一句意蕴无穷。 C.这首诗言简意赅,清新流畅。热烈深沉,富有人生哲理;人生犹如四季,寂寥冬月当 前,我们必须振作。 D.这首小诗是诗人为邻居小女孩的纪念册题的,是诗人对心爱的孩子的叮咛和嘱托,与 诗人的自身处境无关。 5. 从诗中你能看出作者告诉我们如何对待生活中的过去、现在、未来吗? 5.伤仲永 一、基础积累。 1.给下列加点字注音。 隶耕( ) 邑人( ) 扳( ) 环谒( ) 泯然( ) 乞之( ) 2.下列句子中加点的字解释正确的一项是( ) A.其诗以养父母、收族为意(逮捕、拘押) B.或以钱币乞之(把他当乞丐) C.卒之为众人(卒,死亡;为,介词,为了) D.借旁近与之(代词,他,指方仲永) 3.下列句中没有通假字的一项是( ) A.日扳仲永环谒于邑人。 B.仲永之通悟,受之天也。 C.贤于材人远矣。 D.未尝识书具。 4.下列各句中加粗的字词不属意动用法的一项是( ) A.父异焉 B.邑人奇之 C.稍稍宾客其父 D.父利其然也 5.对作者“伤”的原因分析正确的一项是( ) A.他的父亲贪图钱财,目光短浅,把仲永的天赋当作获取利益的资本。 B.“宾客其父”“以钱币丐之”的庸俗作法。 C.仲永缺乏主见,盲目地按父亲的要求去做。 D.仲永由神童而最终“泯然众人矣”的悲惨结局。 6.翻译下列句子。 (1)自是指物作诗立就。 (2)卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。 阅读课文选段,回答后面问题。 金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之.即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 余闻之也久。明道中,从先人还家,于舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能称前时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到舅家问焉。曰:“泯然众人矣。” 王子曰:仲永之通悟,受之天也。其受之天也,贤于材人远矣。卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。彼其受之天也,如此其贤也,不受之人,且为众人;今夫不受之天,固众人,又不受之人,得为众人而已耶? 1.王子,即_________自谓,_________代人,政治家、思想家、________家。 2.解释下列句中加点的字。 (1)未尝识书具( ) (2)指物作诗立就( ) (3)不能称前时之闻( ) (4)稍稍事言其父( ) solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 3.下列加点字用法不同的一项是( ) A.忽啼求之 B.邑人奇之 C.不能称前时之闻 D.于舅家见之 4.下列句子中,属于正面描写的有____属于侧面描写的有____。 A. 未尝识书具,忽啼求之。 B. 即书诗四句, 并自为其名。 C. 自是指物作诗立就。 D. 其文理皆有可观者。 E. 邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。 F. 父异焉。 翻译下列句子。 5. (1)邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。 (2)父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 参考答案 第一单元 1.从百草园到三味书屋 一、1.(1)A(2)D(3)B(4)C 2.略 3.(1)?湛 ?堪 ?葚 ?斟 (2)?荚 ?颊 ?狭 ?夹 4.(1)少有人来。(2)形容人声喧闹。(3)形容无所顾虑。(4)早晨开花,傍晚采摘。引申 为晚年回忆少年事。 二、1. 《从百草园到三味书屋》 《朝花夕拾》 朱熹 2.比喻:木莲有莲房一般的果实;拟人:油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴;排比:光 滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚。 3.BC 4.“单是”后边,重点强调作者更喜爱的游戏。 5.开放题,有一定的描写即可。 2.爸爸的花儿落了 一、1. 襟 胀 嘱 檐 懒 撩 骊 栅 2. 实指夹竹桃的败落 象征天性爱花的爸爸离开人世 3. 示例:?顽强勇敢 ?振作精神 ?大着胆子 ?鼓足勇气 4.开放题。标题示例:送别曲;改写符合歌词原意即可。 二、1.D 2.旁边的夹竹桃不知什么时候垂下了好几枝了,散散落落的,很不像样。 石榴树下大盆底下也有几粒没有长成的小石榴。 3.C 侧面烘托我的懂事、我的长大。 4. 5.“我”已经从老高所说的噩耗中清醒过来,显得“从来没有过这样的镇定,这样的安静”;“我”已经意识到在爸爸离世之后,自己要担负起家庭的很大一部分责任,知道“这里就数我大了”。 6.对。在爸爸爱的浇灌和孕育下,虽“花落”但“果熟”,我的成长,我的坚强,是对他最好的报答。 3.丑小鸭 一、1.D 2.略 3.(1)嘲笑(2)形容声势盛大(3)让人害怕(4)兴致高,情绪热烈 4.对美的向往和不懈的追求。 5.“丑小鸭”已经成为人们经常使用的一个文学典故,成为激励身处逆境的人们不断进取追求美好生活的典型形象。 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 6.只要不懈追求,努力进取,即使身处逆境,最终也能实现自己的理想。 二、1.咬 啄 踢 受苦 2.示例:只要你是一颗宝石,就算是被污泥掩盖也没有什么关系。 3.只要你不懈地追求,是金子总会闪光的。 4.作为一只天鹅,渴望与同类接近,那是他的本性,同时,“飞向这些高贵的鸟儿”是丑小鸭心中的梦想与追求,为了实现梦想,哪怕是牺牲生命也在所不惜,所以,丑小鸭拼死也要飞向高贵的天鹅。 4.诗两首 一、1.D 2.皑皑 匆匆 茫茫 奕奕 脉脉 沉沉 勃勃 忡忡 3.C 4.(1)普希金 俄 文学 语言 《叶甫盖尼•奥涅金》(2)弗罗斯特 美 象征 哲理 5.诗人表面上似乎是在写自然界的道路,但实际上暗示的却是人生之路。哲理示例:人生的道路千万条,但一个人一生中往往只能选择其中一条,所以必须慎重;人生道路上不要随波逐流,而要经过自己的思考,做出独立自主的选择。 二、1.“瞬息”比“一会儿”时间更短,诗人的乐观就此体现了出来。提示:从时间长短上看,诗人把再大的忧郁当成是过往云烟,体现诗人的乐观。 2.D 3.“心急”好,“哭泣”与“悲伤”语意有重复,不如“心急”体现了两种心态。 4.D 5.过去的已经成为历史,不可挽回,只是怀念;现在只是暂时的,一切都将过去;将来才是永久,我们要面向未来。 5.伤仲永 一、1.lì yì pān yâ mǐn qǐ 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.(1)从此,指定物品让他作诗,(他能)立即写好。(2)他最终成为一个平凡的人,是因为他没有受到后天的教育。 二、1.王安石 北宋 文学 2.(l)曾经 (2)完成( 3)相当( 4)渐渐 3.C 4.正面描写:BCD侧面描写:AEF 5.(1)同县的人对他感到惊奇,渐渐地请他的父亲去做客,有的人还花钱求仲永题诗。(2)他的父亲以为这样有利可图,每天拉着仲永四处拜访同县的人,不让他学习。 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。
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