首页 2013年广西贵港市工业经济运行情况分析



2013年广西贵港市工业经济运行情况分析2013年广西贵港市工业经济运行情况分析 2013年,面对市场有效需求不足、经济下行压力增大等错综复杂的经济形势,在市委市政府的正确领导下,全市人民积极主动应对,着力解决经济运行中的突出矛盾,千方百计共度难关,工业经济总体呈现出缓中趋稳的运行态势,但存在的问题更需关注。 一、2013年贵港市工业生产运行的主要特点 (一)规模以上工业增加值增长呈现稳中趋缓态势 初步统计,2013年,全市规模以上工业累计完成增加值同比增长12.4,,比1、2、3季度累计增速分别回落2.4、0.6、3.1个百分点,为全年最低增速...

2013年广西贵港市工业经济运行情况分析 2013年,面对市场有效需求不足、经济下行压力增大等错综复杂的经济形势,在市委市政府的正确领导下,全市人民积极主动应对,着力解决经济运行中的突出矛盾,千方百计共度难关,工业经济总体呈现出缓中趋稳的运行态势,但存在的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 更需关注。 一、2013年贵港市工业生产运行的主要特点 (一)规模以上工业增加值增长呈现稳中趋缓态势 初步统计,2013年,全市规模以上工业累计完成增加值同比增长12.4,,比1、2、3季度累计增速分别回落2.4、0.6、3.1个百分点,为全年最低增速。 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure 从图一看:上半年累计增速逐月下滑,三季度回升,到四季度又开始逐月回落,全年规模以上工业总体呈现平稳增长,没有出现大起大落。 (二)小微工业企业发展势头良好 2013年,全市共有规模以上小微型工业企业284家,占全部规模以上工业数的73.4%。规模以上小微型工业增加值同比增长15.7%,高于大中型工业企业5.3个百分点,拉动全市规模以上工业增加值增长6个百分点,贡献率为48.2%。 (三)主要工业产品产量增长为主,部分产品增速放缓 2013年,全市的54种工业产品中,有36种产品实现同比增长,占产品面的66.7%。 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 一: 全年累计比前三季度增速提 产品名称 单位 同比增长% 产量 高或回落百分点 瓷质砖 万平方米 1903.9 194.8 46.4 服装 万件 9850 65.5 1.9 饲料 万吨 158.8 32.6 -6.4 锌金属含量 万吨 7.3 27.4 -4.3 民用钢质船舶 万载重吨 182 19.6 -2.5 生铁 万吨 88.8 30.8 10.9 粗钢 万吨 120.3 41.7 11.3 钢材 万吨 120.1 12.5 -11.3 人造板 万立方米 174.4 24.1 1.5 水泥 万吨 2003.5 4.7 -1.3 水泥熟料 万吨 2095.8 4.5 -0.2 机制纸及纸板 万吨 23.5 -16.8 -1.2 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure 发电量 亿千瓦时 78.1 -2.3 5.1 其中:火力发电 亿千瓦时 68.2 -3.9 5.8 如表一所示,全年全市主要产品产量以增长为主,与前三季度相比,瓷质砖、生铁和粗钢产量增速提高较大,幅度在10个百分点以上。但部分产品产量增速有所回落,回落幅度较大的有钢材、饲料、锌金属含量、民用钢质船舶。机制纸及纸板和发电量的产量增速仍为负增长,机制纸及纸板下降幅度仍在加大;火力发电量的下降幅度逐步缩小,比前三季度回升5.8个百分点,比上半年回升了28.3个百分点。 (四)新增企业主要为胶合板制造业企业 2013年,全市新增规模以上工业企业20家,其中12家胶合板制造业企业,3家建筑陶瓷制品制造业企业,2家饲料加工企业,剩余3家企业对应行业分别是羽毛(绒)加工业、建筑用石加工业、水泥制品制造业。从行业划分看,新增的20家工业企业主要是胶合板制造业。 (五)园区经济发展平稳 2013年,五大园区规模以上工业企业共134家,比去年增加了9家,占全市规模以上工业企业数的34.6%,园区规模以上工业增加值同比增长9.8%,拉动全市规模以上工业增加值增长4.96个百分点,贡献率为39.8%。 (六)工业经济效益总体保持增长。 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure 2013年,全市规模以上工业经济效益综合指数308.2%,比上年提高27.7个百分点。规模以上工业企业累计实现主营业务收入700.9亿元,同比增长17.4%;累计实现利润60.92亿元,同比增长12.9%。 二、当前工业经济发展面临的主要困难和问题 (一)新增企业发展乏力,后劲支撑不足 2013年12月份,全市共有规模以上工业企业387家。从2013年新增的企业看, 2月至11月全市共入库新投产的规模以上工业企业8家,12月国家统计局又批准新增了12家,全年累计新增20家规模以上工业企业,但这20家企业的规模都比较小,只拉动全市规模以上工业增加值增长1.09个百分点,贡献率也仅为8.8%,拉动力不强,难以支撑全市工业经济的快速增长。 (二)主要行业的贡献率下降,拉动力减弱 2013年,拉动贵港市规模以上工业增加值增长的6大行业主要是: 表二: 2013年全年 2013年前三季度 增长速度 拉动 增长速度 拉动 行业 (%) 百分点 (%) 百分点 黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业 36.6 2.1 32.0 2.0 纺织服装、服饰业 25.2 2.0 30.9 2.6 非金属矿物制品业 8.7 1.9 11.8 2.5 木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业 19 1.3 19.8 1.3 有色金属矿采选业 16.4 1.0 21.5 1.4 农副食品加工业 12.7 0.9 14.8 1.1 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure 从表二可以看出,拉动贵港市增长的主要行业中有五个行业的增长速度较前三季度有所下滑,其中四个行业的拉动力有所回落,分别是纺织服装服饰业、非金属矿物制品业、有色金属矿采选业和农副食品加工业,四个行业较前三季度共回落了1.8个百分点,拉动力明显减弱。 (三)大中型企业生产状况有待改善 大中型企业是贵港工业的脊梁,是保持工业经济平稳运行的主要支撑力量。2013年,大中型企业工业增加值累计增长10.4%,低于全市平均水平2个百分点,低于小型企业5.3个百分点。自2010年8月来,大中型工业企业的工业增加值增速就一直低于全市的平均水平,2012年期间有三个月出现了负增长。大中型企业生产放缓,使全市工业增长步履维艰。全市的大中型企业中,2013年规模以上工业总产值达10亿元以上的共10家,其中有3家同比是负增长。 (四)两项资金占用居高不下 2013年,规模以上工业企业应收账款、产成品两项资金占用额达94.9亿元,比去年同期净增28.1亿元,同比增长42.1%,占全市规模以上工业流动资产的比重达32.9%。特别是应收账款占用达60亿元,同比增长60.2%。两项资金占用的过度沉淀,一方面影响了企业流动资金的周转效率,另一方面在一定程度上加剧了企业资金紧缺矛盾。 (五)园区带动经济发展的效应不明显 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure 五大园区的规模在逐步扩大,工业生产发展平稳,但增速无明显提升。从2013年4月份开始,五大园区的规模以上工业增加值累计增速每月都低于全市规模以上工业企业增速,园区的带动作用偏弱。 (六)工业结构偏重高耗能行业,节能降耗工作压力加大 黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业作为今年拉动贵港市工业增长的第一行业,其能耗的增长也迅速上升,综合能源消费量同比增长48.9%;水泥行业生产四季度进入旺季,生产加快,但能耗也在升高;2013年上半年由于水量充沛,水电负荷多,火电负荷少,从第三季度开始水量减少后,火电机组恢复生产,电力生产业增加值的增速由上半年的-22.4%,缩小到全年累计增速是-0.1%,提高了22.3个百分点,相应的能耗也随之增长较快。高能耗行业能耗回升较快,加大了节能降耗的压力 (七)县域工业经济发展不平衡矛盾突出 2013年,五个县市区规模以上工业增加值均实现增长,但增幅相差较大。只有桂平市高于全市平均水平,增长16%。平南县、覃塘区、港北区、港南区低于全市平均水平,分别为12%、10.8%、6.1%、2.9%。从对全市规模以上工业增长的贡献率看,桂平市为61.4%,平南县为20%,覃塘区为10.1%,港北区为7%,港南区仅为1.5%,桂平市的贡献率大于其他四个县区之和,县域经济发展不平衡的矛盾比较突出。 三、工业发展的对策建议 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure (一)切实解决好中小企业发展问题。充分调动金融机构支持企业发展的责任感和积极性,帮助企业解决流动资金和项目资金短缺等困难,切实解决中小企业面临的贷款难、扩张发展难等问题,积极落实国家对中小微企业的财税扶持政策,设身处地为中小企业排忧解难,促其持续快速健康发展。 (二)继续推进工业提质增效升级。一是继续改造提升传统优势产业,使钢铁、建材等传统优势行业保持平稳增长,为产业结构调整创造有效的空间和条件;二是大力发展节能环保和新能源产业,着力引进和推进一批技术前景好,科技含量高的高新技术产业项目,实现产业结构调整平稳过渡,为经济发展增添后劲。 (三)抓节能降耗,提发展质量。贵港市工业的发展对高耗能行业的依存度较高,高耗能行业的快速发展势必对贵港市节能降耗工作形成压力。因此,要突出抓好重点耗能行业、重点领域、重点企业的节能工作,同时鼓励金融机构对循环经济及节能降耗技术改造项目的信贷支持,推进能源结构调整,从而抑制高耗能产业的盲目扩张,有效控制能耗增长。 (四)加快工业园区建设,培育工业经济发展平台。一是强化园区基础设施建设,配套建设一批金融、物流、信息、科技等生产性服务设施,提高园区管理水平,吸引更多的企业入园;二是从项目引进入手,着力调整产业内部结构,延长产业链,使工业园区真正成为全市工业经济发展的“助推器”。 pit excavation of Foundation pit support, smooth and Foundation pit base construction of perimeter security, on the pit wall, as well as the surrounding environment by supporting, strengthening and protection measures. Foundation pit support system is a temporary structure, safety stock small, with great risks, support has a strong culture. Different hydrology, geological engineering of Foundation pit engineering under very different environmental conditions. Environmental effect of Foundation pit engineering complex excavation not only to ensure the security and stability of the Foundation itself, but also effectively control the surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. First introduced jujube Orchard station project, including hydrogeology and the surrounding environment, and then, through a combination of existing excavation worker by comparison of the actual situation and the station was selected for the site of the excavation support scheme. Down through the soil pressure calculation and structure investment protection fee. Completion data in construction, our company will comply strictly with the engineering data collection and schedule the synchronization to ensure
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