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八年级英语下册作文范文一单元 Gina很胖,爱玩电脑,经常感觉不舒服,昨天她去看了医生。假设你是医生,请给他提出合理的建议。(80词左右) You often play computer games all day and hardly exercise so you are too heavy. And you always feel tired.     To improve your health, first you should play more sports, like basketball and  pingpong ...

一单元 Gina很胖,爱玩电脑,经常感觉不舒服,昨天她去看了医生。假设你是医生,请给他提出合理的建议。(80词左右) You often play computer games all day and hardly exercise so you are too heavy. And you always feel tired.     To improve your health, first you should play more sports, like basketball and  pingpong . Exercising every day will be good for you. You will become thin and healthy. Second, you should sleep about eight hours at night. Then you’ll have enough energy to study. Third, you should eat less food.      If you do like this, I think you’ll be better soon 现在很多学生喜欢玩电脑游戏,请根据以下内容写一遍短文,谈谈学生玩电脑游戏对生活和学习的影响,并提出一些解决问题的建议。 影响 建议 1. 长时间玩电脑游戏,容易疲劳,对眼睛有害。 2. 有些学生对学习不感兴趣,无法取的好成绩。 3. 父母和老师会生气 1. 多锻炼,对身体有益 2. 多读书报,有帮助于培养兴趣 3. 和朋友们一起看电影,听音乐 参考词汇:要求:be bad for 对。。。有害: develop your interests 培养兴趣 If you play computer games for long time, you will get tired easily, and it’s bad for your eyes. Some students are even not interested in study so that they can’t get good grades. As a result, their parents and teachers are angry with them. So I will give you some suggestions. First, try to do more sports and it’s good for your health. Second, why not read more books and newspapers? It can develop your interests. Third, it’s a good idea to see films or listen to music with your friends. 二单元 假如你是李明,你们学校的“English Garden”正在举行主题为“付出即是收获”的征文活动,请你结合自己平时的爱心行为和感受写一篇文章。(文稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数) 提示:(1) What do you like to do ? (2) What do you often do to give help (3) How do you feel about the things? 要求:1) 文稿包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。 2) 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。 3) 词数:不少于80个。 I am a student from No.3 Middle School, My name is Li mMng .             Giving is Receiving I am a student from No.1 Middle School. M y name is Li Ming. I like helping others because it makes me very happy. I often help my classmates with their schoolwork. Sometimes I help clean up the city parks. I go to an old people’s home and do some cleaning for then once a month. So I’m very popular there. I often visit the Children’s Hospital to cheer the sick kids up. I read stories to them. I also give money to charities to help people in trouble. I think giving is receiving. Helping others is helping ourselves . Do you agree with me? 三单元 作为学生的我们在学习之余是否应该帮助家长做一些 家务呢? 写一篇80 词左右的作文表明你的观点 Some people think students needn’t do any chores. They think it’s their job to study well. But I don’t think so. It’s good for students to do chores. There are three reasons. First , doing  chores can develop our independence. We  can’t depend on others all the time . Second, doing chores can teach us how to look after ourselves. It can also keep us healthy and strong . Finally, doing chores can share our parents’ work. It can also help us to understand the idea of fairness. So I think its good for students to do chores. The earlier we learn to be independent, the better it is for our future.                三单元 在英语班会上,老师请同学们以“学生该不该做家务”进行讨论,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,阐述自己的观点,并向全班做汇报。 提示;1.Do you often do chores? 2.What chores do you often do? 3.What do you think about doing chores? Good afternoon, everyone. Now let me say something about myself. I usually do chores at home. I often sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, do some cleaning , clean the room and so on. On weekends, I often help my mother with the cooking. I think we should do some chores. Most parents are busy and tired. We should help them. And we can also learn a lot from doing chores, too. Thank you. 四单元 假如文丽有个叫Linda 的外国笔友,文丽给Linda 写信请教如何才能学好英语。请你代Linda给文丽写一封回信,告诉她如何学好英语。8 0字 个人自传范文3000字为中华之崛起而读书的故事100字新时代好少年事迹1500字绑架的故事5000字个人自传范文2000字 左右提示: 提建议的作文是根据一定的情境对需要解决的问题提出一些合理化的建议。写这类作文时应用到一些提建    议的句型: Why not do sth ?    Why don’t you do sth? Let’s do sth.            You should / could / must do sth. What /How about doing sth?  Don’t do sth. Try (not) to do sth Dear  Wen  Li, Thank you for your letter .You said you didn’t  how to improve your English. Well, You can  do many things to improve your English. You should follow the ways below, and maybe they will help you.(提出对方所请教的问题) 1.You should remember as much as you can. 2.You must try to be more active in class. 3.What about watching English movies? 4 Why don’t you talk with a  speaker of English? 5. Don’t be afraid to be laughed at. Try to speak English more.(解决问题即建议) Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. If you work  hard ,you will find a good way to improve your English.(给对方鼓励) Yours, Linda 根据提示完成作文,记录你和你的家人昨晚7:00做的事情。可适当发挥。词数:约60~80词。 1.你在做作业,而你哥哥在玩电脑游戏。 2.你的妈妈在做饭而你的爸爸再看球赛。 3.你的爷爷奶奶在聊天,你的妹妹在和宠物玩儿。 参考词汇: 单词 while ,talk, pet,cook 短语 do one’s homework, play computer games,watch football games 句型 Sb was/ were doing .....     六单元作文在大白本单元 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 上 七单元    假设上周你和你的同学进行了一次‘我县最好的场所’的调查,请你根据下面的表格所提供的信息写一篇调查报告。 易错点提示 正确运用形容词、副词的比较级和最高级写文章 通过比较得出结论 提示 Place          Name              Reason Middle school                        the best teacher, the most beautiful Hospital                            the best doctors, the friendliest service Movie theater                        the biggest screens, the most comfortable seats Restaurant      the most delicious food, the cleanest rooms Last week we did a survey about  the best places in our city. Yu Cai Middle School is the best school in our city. It has the best teachers and it’s the most beautiful. People’s Hospital is the best of all the hospitals. It has the best doctors and  the friendliest service. Star Cinema is the best cinema.It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. Most students think  the best restaurant  is Moonlight Restaurant. Because it has the most delicious food  and the cleanest room. 八单元 本单元的写作内容是以Changes in my home town为题写一篇短文,介绍近年来家乡的变化。要求:书写工整,标点正确,合理安排文章结构,80词左右。思路点拨提示词 1.引出话题→changes, have taken place.    2.正文      居住环境对比---very old, tall buildings.  出行条件---subways are set up. 生活条件---rich, colorful, own cars 变化—more shopping malls. 3.结尾:感想---study hard, do more for my home town Changes in my hometown Kuancheng is my hometown. Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. In the past, the houses in my hometown were very old, but now  more and more tall buildings have appeared. People used to go out by bike, but now subways have been set up. So  it  has  become  very  convenient for people to travel. People’s life here has become rich and colorful. Many families have got their own cars. There are also more shopping malls than before. I will study hard so that I can do more for my hometown. 九单元 三步法写游记    第一步:引入话题,介绍自己去过的地方。 第二步:写出旅游景点的景色。 第三步:写出作者本人的感受。. 思路点拨提示词 1.引出话题——长城之旅→Have you been to …? I have ever been there. 2.具体描述长城之旅→…took a bus to…; When we got to the foot of …; we saw the Great Wall beautiful (我们看见美丽的景色) 。We began to …;…is like… It is said that … 3.旅行之感→ I was excited when …;Though we were tired, we all felt… 同学们请试试你的笔法吧! A Visit to the Great Wall Have you ever been to the Great Wall? I have ever been there. That was a sunny day. My friends and I took a bus to  the Great Wall. When we got to the foot of the Great Wall, we saw a lot of visitors. We began to climb the Great Wall. A t this time, .We found the Great Wall  is very ,very long and beautiful. It is like a huge dragon. It is said that it is one of the New Seven Wonders in the World. And the most famous wall is the Badaling Great Wall. I was excited when I got to the top of the wall. Though we were tired, we all felt very happy. 以描述海南岛为例: Have you ever been to Hainan Island? It is the second largest island in China. It’s a beautiful place. If you go there, you should walk along the beaches. The weather in Hainan is very hot, so people like doing many water sports, such as  diving (潜水), fishing, swimming, surfing and boating. One great thing about Hainan is that you can try many kinds of sweet fruit in Hainan. If you go to Hainan, I’m sure you will enjoy yourself. 十单元 写一篇你最喜欢的东西作文 提示:1.Introduce your favorite thing. 2.talk about why it is special. 3.write about a story or memories. My favorite teddy bear My favorite thing from childhood is my teddy bear. I’ve had it since I was five years old. My grandmother gave it to me on my birthday. I like the teddy bear so much because it’s dressed in my favorite color. It’s special to me because my grandmother made it for me. I think I will keep it forever, to remind me of my grandmother. The teddy bear has given me many good memories. I remember when I was young and I was scared at night because I didn’t like the dark. I held my teddy bear to feel safe. 假如你曾经拥有过什么样的动物,你最爱它什么,谈谈你的感想。80字左右 My favorite animal As we all know, animals are our friends. I like them. But I like dogs best. I have a dog of my own. He is my favourite . He is not only lovely but also helpful. That’s why I like him very much. I often tell him about my feelings and share everything with him. I remember my uncle gave him to me 3 years ago. We have been friends since then. I love animals! I love my dog! Unit1 What’s the matter? 今天刘英生病了,不能去上学,她的妈妈带她到人民医院(the People’s Hospital)去看病。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇60词左右的短文,要求把医生的建议写清楚。可用一般现在时态进行叙述。 提示: 1、看医生  2、检查(look over) 3、多喝水 4、吃药 5、卧床休息 提示信息:have a fever,  see a doctor,  look over,  take some medicine, drink water, lie down and rest, feel well, go home. 范文欣赏: Liu Ying can’t go to school today because she is ill. So her mother takes her to the People’s Hospital. The doctor looks her over carefully. At last the doctor says to her ,“You have had a fever. You should take some medicine and drink more water. You should also lie down and rest, so you shouldn’t go to school for several days. I’ m sure you’ll feel better soon.” Liu Ying and her mother thank the doctor and go home. Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 爱是心中的太阳,融化你我身边的冰雪。假设你是李明,你们学校正在举办主题为“付出即是收获”(Giving is receiving)的征文活动,请你结合自己平时的爱心行为和感受写一篇文章。 提示:喜欢帮助别人,帮助同学的学习,一月去一次敬老院,帮助老人做事,使生病的孩子高兴起来…. 信息提示:clean up ,an old people’s home ,sweep the floor ,cheer up, the sick kids, read story ,raise money,  help ourselves, a good way, 范文欣赏: I’m a student from No.1 Middle School. My name is Li Ming. I like helping others because it makes me happy. I often help my classmates with their schoolwork. Sometimes I help clean up the city parks. I go to an old people’s home and sweep the floor for them once a month. I often visit the children’s hospital to cheer the sick kids up. I always read stories to them or raise money for homeless people. I think helping others is helping ourselves and volunteering our time to help people is a good way to spend our free time .Do you agree with me ?    Unit3 假如你是David,下面是一张做家务的情况表。请根据所给的信息写一篇短文,谈谈你和家人所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法,要求内容完整,语句通顺,80字左右。 Family members Chores Time Father Do the dishes Weekends Sweep the floor Wednesday Mother Cook meals Every day Wash clothes Tuesday, Saturday David Do the dishes weekdays Take out the rubbish Every day Sweep the floor On weekends       I’m David. There are three people in my family. They are my father,my mother and I . My father does the dishes on weekends, he sweeps the floor on Wednesdays. My mother cooks meals every day , she washes clothes on Tuesdays and Saturdays . As for me, I do the dishes on weekdays, I take out the rubbish every day , I sweep the floor on weekends . I think it’s necessary for us students to do chores. Doing chores can help to develop our Independency , and we can learn to take care of ourselves. Unit 4 下面是一位中学生露西在网上发出的贴子,假如你是汤姆,请你根据贴中她所遇到的麻烦,给她回帖,帮助她走出困境。 Dear friend, I have a big problem now. I am a bit shy. I have few friends. I really don’t know whom I should ask for help. when I am in trouble. I am always afraid that I will disturb them. What should I do? Can you give me some advice? Lucy Dear Lucy, I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Here is my advice. First,you should learn to get on well with others and make friends with them. When you are in trouble , you can ask them for help. Because they are the same age as you , you can understand each other easily. Secondly, you could tell your trouble to your teachers or your parents . Because  they love you very much and they have rich experience. I’m sure they can help you a lot. I hope you can get out of your trouble soon. Yours, Tom Unit5 Susanna所在的城市昨天晚上发生了一场地震。很幸运,地震并不强烈,他们全家安然无恙。假如你是Susanna 请描述一下地震发生时家里人的活动情景,80词左右。 范文: My name is Susanna. In our city , there is an earthquake at 8;32 yesterday evening . At that time, I was taking a shower in the bathroom. My mother was cleaning up the kitchen and my father was watching TV in the living room. My elder sister Alice was working on her computer in her room . We were very scared. Luckily, the earthquake was not heavy and it didn’t last long. And we were all safe. Unit6 同学们对“愚公移山”的故事一定有着很深的印象吧?请根据本单元所学内容及下面的提示词语,以The story of Yu Gong为题,把“愚公移山”的故事用英语简要叙述一下,并谈一谈你从故事中学到了什么。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词语:90,move the mountains, zhi sou , die, sons, grandsons, continue, god, be moved, help The  story of Yu Gong   Once upon a time, there was an old man called Yu Gong . although he was almost 90 ,he decided to move the mountains. A clever man called Zhisou said,“you are too old to move the mountains.”Yugong said, “if I die,my sons still do this, and if my sons die, my grandsons continue doing this.”then a god was moved by Yugong, so he sent two gods to help him. From this story, I learn that anything is possible if we work hard.                                                          Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? 书面表达:做为一个中国人,你对我们的中国了解多少呢?请给你在美国的笔友Dave写封信,向他介绍你的祖国。80词左右,恰当运用比较级和最高级,可适当发挥。 中国是亚洲最大的国家。和美国差不多大。 中国有世界上最多的人口。人们友好勤劳。 长江是世界最长的河流之一。 中国有超过5000的悠久历史。比美国的历史长多了。 中国有世界最高山峰。 推荐词汇:as…as, population,the Yangtze River ,the third longest ,much longer, Qomolangma Dear Dave, I’m happy to be your penpal. I’d like to tell you something about China. China is the biggest country in Asia. It’s almost as big as the USA. China has the biggest population in the world. The people here are friendly and hard-working. The Yangtze River is one of the  longest rivers in the world.。China is over 5000 years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. I love China very much. Welcome to China and play with me. Yours Li Lei
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