首页 经济学原理Chapter_03



经济学原理Chapter_03 1 1 第三章 经济的相互依存性和贸易的好处 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 2 2 相互依存性和贸易 Interdependence and Trade 想一想你日常生活中某一天 Consider your typical day: ‹温州制造的闹钟把你吵醒 You wake up to an alarm clock made in Wenzhou. ‹给自己倒上一杯用美国佛罗里达州的桔子制作的桔子汁 You pour yourself som...

1 1 第三章 经济的相互依存性和贸易的好处 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 2 2 相互依存性和贸易 Interdependence and Trade 想一想你日常生活中某一天 Consider your typical day: ‹温州制造的闹钟把你吵醒 You wake up to an alarm clock made in Wenzhou. ‹给自己倒上一杯用美国佛罗里达州的桔子制作的桔子汁 You pour yourself some orange juice made from oranges grown in Florida. ‹你穿上用山东的棉花制造、在广东工厂缝纫而成的衣服 You put on some clothes made of cotton grown in Shandong and sewn in factories in Guangdong. 3 3 相互依存性和贸易 Interdependence and Trade 经济学是研究社会如何生产并分配 产品以试图满足其成员需求的。 Remember, economics is the study of how societies produce and distribute goods in an attempt to satisfy the wants and needs of its members. 4 4 我们如何在全球经济中满足我们的需求? How do we satisfy our wants and needs in a global economy? ‹我们可以在经济上自给自足 We can be economically self-sufficient. ‹我们也可以进行专业化分工,同别人进 行贸易,这就导致了经济上的相互依存 性。 We can specialize and trade with others, leading to economic interdependence. 5 5 相互依存性和贸易 Interdependence and Trade 一个一般性的观察… A general observation . . . 个人和国家依赖于专业化生产和贸易,用这 种方法来解决由于资源稀缺引发的问题。 Individuals and nations rely on specialized production and exchange as a way to address problems caused by scarcity. 6 6 相互依存性和贸易 Interdependence and Trade 但是,这又产生了两个问题: But, this gives rise to two questions: ‹经济的相互依存性为什么是正常的? Why is interdependence the norm? ‹生产和贸易是由什么来决定的? What determines production and trade? 7 7 相互依存性为什么是正常的? Why is interdependence the norm? 相互依存性的发生是因为当人们进行专业 化分工、同别人进行交易时他们的处境变 好了。 Interdependence occurs because people are better off when they specialize and trade with others. 8 8 什么决定了生产和贸易的模式? What determines the pattern of production and trade? 生产和贸易的模式是基于机会成本 的差异。 Patterns of production and trade are based upon differences in opportunity costs. 9 9 ‹ 设想Imagine . . . …只有两种产品:土豆和牛肉 …only two goods: potatoes and meat …只有两个人:种土豆的农民和饲养牛的牧民 only two people: a potato farmer and a cattle rancher ‹ 他们要生产什么?What should each produce? ‹ 他们为什么交易?Why should they trade? 一个现代经济的寓言 A Parable for the Modern Economy 10 10 农民与牧民的生产可能性 The Production Opportunities of the Farmer and the Rancher 牛肉Meat 土豆Potatoes 牛肉Meat 土豆Potatoes 农民Farmer 60 mins/lb 15 hours/lb 8 lbs. 32lbs. 牧民Rancher 20 mins/lb 10mins/lb. 24 lbs. 48lbs. 11 11 自给自足 Self-Sufficiency 若彼此间无贸易By ignoring each other: ‹他们各自消费自我生产的产品 Each consumes what they each produce. ‹生产可能性边界也就是消费可能性边界 The production possibilities frontier is also the consumption possibilities frontier. 12 12 生产可能性边界 Production Possibilities Frontiers 土豆Potatoes (pounds) 牛肉Meat (pounds) 32 8 4 16 (a)农民的生产可能性边界 The Farmer’s Production Possibilities Frontier 0 A 13 13 生产可能性边界 Production Possibilities Frontiers 土豆Potatoes (pounds) 牛肉Meat (pounds) 48 24 12 24 (b)牧民的生产可能性边界 The Rancher’s Production Possibilities Frontier 0 B 14 14 社会的生产可能性边界(农民+牧民) 牛肉 土豆 32 ● ● 8032 24 ● ● 当一个经济社会人数足 够多时,该折线的极限 形式就是光滑的向外凸 的曲线。 15 15 农民和牧民专业生产和贸易 The Farmer and the Rancher Specialize and Trade 如果他们各自生产他们适合生产的产品、 然后进行交易,那么他们的情况都会变好 Each would be better off if they specialized in producing the product they are more suited to produce, and then trade with each other. ‹ 农民应该生产土豆 The farmer should produce potatoes. ‹ 牧民应该生产牛肉 The rancher should produce meat. 16 16 从贸易中获益 The Gains from Trade 他们的生产和消费情 况What They Produce and Consume 农民Farmer 4 lb meat (A) 16lbs potatoes 牧民Rancher 12 lbs meat (B) 24lbs potatoes 17 17 贸易的好处 The Gains from Trade 他们生产什么 What They Produce 他们贸易什么 What They Trade 他们消费什么 What They Consume 农民Farmer 0 lbs meat 32 lbs potatoes Gets 5 lbs meat for 15 lb potatoes 5lbs meat (A*) 17 lbs potatoes 牧民Rancher 18 lbs meat 12 lbs potatoes Gives 5 lbs meat for 15 lb potatoes 13 lbs meat (B*) 27 lbs potatoes 18 18 贸易扩大了消费可能性集合 Trade Expands the Set of Consumption Possibilities 土豆Potatoes (pounds) 牛肉Meat (pounds) 3216 8 4 (a)贸易如何增加了农民的消费 How Trade Increases the Farmer’s Consumption 0 A A* 农民无贸易时的消费 Farmer’s consumption without trade 农民有 贸易时 的 消费 Farm er’s con sum ptio n with tra de 5 17 19 19 贸易扩大了消费可能性集合 Trade Expands the Set of Consumption Possibilities 土豆Potatoes (pounds) 牛肉Meat (pounds) 4824 24 12 (b)贸易如何增加了牧民的消费How Trade Increases The Rancher’s Consumption 0 B 13 27 B* 牧民无贸易时的 消费 Rancher’s consumption without trade 牧民有贸易时的 消费 Rancher’s consumption with trade 20 20 从贸易中获益 The Gains from Trade 消费的增加The Increase in Consumption 农民Farmer 1 lbs meat (A*- A) 1 lb potatoes 牧民Rancher 1 lb meat (B*- B) 3 lb potatoes 21 21 比较优势原理 The Principle of Comparative Advantage ‹谁应当生产什么?Who should produce what? ‹一种产品的多少份额用来贸易?How much should be traded for each product? 农民和牧民谁能以较低的成本生产土豆 Who can produce potatoes at a lower cost--the farmer or the rancher? 由生产成本差异决定Differences in the costs of production determine the following: 22 22 生产成本的差异 Differences in Costs of Production ‹ 生产一单位产品的时间数 The number of hours required to produce a unit of output. (for example, one pound of potatoes) ‹ 为生产一种产品而放弃另一种产品的机会成本 The opportunity cost of sacrificing one good for another. 度量生产成本差异的两种方法 Two ways to measure differences in costs of production: 23 23 绝对优势 Absolute Advantage ‹描述一个人、一家公司或一个国家相对其他人、公 司或国家的生产力 Describes the productivity of one person, firm, or nation compared to that of another. ‹生产商在生产一种产品时的要素投入少,则他在生 产该种产品时具有绝对优势 The producer that requires a smaller quantity of inputs to produce a good is said to have an absolute advantage in producing that good. 24 24 比较优势 Comparative Advantage ‹根据生产商的机会成本进行比较 Compares producers of a good according to their opportunity cost. ‹机会成本较小的生产商生产该种产品时具有比 较优势 The producer who has the smaller opportunity cost of producing a good is said to have a comparative advantage in producing that good. 25 25 专业化和贸易 Specialization and Trade ‹谁具有绝对优势?农民?牧民? Who has the absolute advantage? The farmer or the rancher? ‹谁具有相对优势?农民?牧民? Who has the comparative advantage? The farmer or the rancher? 26 26 绝对优势 Absolute Advantage ‹ 牧民仅需要10mins生产一磅土豆,而农民却需要 15mins The Rancher needs only 10mins to produce a pound of potatoes, whereas the Farmer needs 15mins. ‹ 牧民生产一磅牛肉仅需要20mins,而农民却需要 60mins The Rancher needs only 20mins to produce a pound of meat, whereas the Farmer needs 60mins. 牧民生产牛肉和土豆都具有绝对优势牧民生产牛肉和土豆都具有绝对优势 The Rancher has an absolute advantage in the production of both meat and potatoes. 27 27 生产牛肉和土豆的机会成本 The Opportunity Cost of Meat and Potatoes 1/2盎司牛肉2盎司土豆牧民 1/4盎司牛肉4盎司土豆农民 1盎司土豆的机会成本1盎司牛肉的机会成本 28 28 比较优势 Comparative Advantage ‹牧民生产一磅牛肉的的机会成本仅为2磅土豆 ,而农民的机会成本却是4磅土豆… The Rancher’s opportunity cost of a pound of meat is only 2 pound of potatoes, while the Farmer’s opportunity cost of a pound of meat is 4 pounds of potatoes... ‹牧民生产一磅土豆的机会成本是1/2磅牛肉,而 农民的机会成本仅为1/4磅牛肉 The Rancher’s opportunity cost of a pound of potatoes is 1/2 pounds of meat, whereas the Farmer’s opportunity cost of a pound of potatoes is 1/4 pound of meat. 29 29 比较优势 Comparative Advantage …因此,牧民生产牛肉具有比较优势,因此,牧民生产牛肉具有比较优势, 而农民在产土豆方面却具有比较优势而农民在产土豆方面却具有比较优势 ……so, the Rancher has a comparative so, the Rancher has a comparative advantage in the production of meat advantage in the production of meat but the Farmer has a comparative but the Farmer has a comparative advantage in the production of advantage in the production of potatoes.potatoes. 30 30 比较优势原理 The Principle of Comparative Advantage ‹比较优势和机会成本差异是专业化生产 以及进行贸易的基础 Comparative advantage and differences in opportunity costs are the basis for specialized production and trade. ‹无论什么时候潜在的贸易伙伴存在机会 成本的差异,他们都能从贸易中获益 Whenever potential trading parties have differences in opportunity costs, they can each benefit from trade. 31 31 贸易的好处 Benefits of Trade 贸易能使社会中的每一位成员获得好 处,因为贸易允许人们从事他们具有 比较优势的专业生产 Trade can benefit everyone in a society because it allows people to specialize in activities in which they have a comparative advantage. 32 32 贸易好处的直观比较 ——自给自足与自由贸易情况的福利比较牛肉 土豆 32 ● ● 8032 24 自给自足时,两个 人的选择是图中蓝 色三角区域;而能 够贸易时,选择的 区域不仅包括了这 个三角,还包括空 白的三角区域。 33 33 亚当•斯密与贸易 Adam Smith and Trade 亚当•斯密在1776年《国富论》一书中对贸易与 经济的相互依赖性做了详尽的分析——经济学 家们至今对此仍深信不疑 In his 1776 book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith performed a detailed analysis of trade and economic interdependence, which economists still adhere to today. 34 34 大卫•李嘉图与贸易 David Ricardo and Trade 大卫•李嘉图在1816年的《政治经济学 与税收》书中发展了我们今天所熟知 的比较优势原则 In his 1816 book Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, David Ricardo developed the principle of comparative advantage as we know it today. 35 35 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf Summary ‹经济的相互依赖性和贸易允许人们享 受更多数量、更多种类的商品和服务 。 Interdependence and trade allow people to enjoy a greater quantity and variety of goods and services. 36 36 总结 Summary ‹生产一种商品要素投入较少的生产商 具有“绝对优势” The person who can produce a good with a smaller quantity of inputs has an absolute advantage. ‹生产一种商品机会成本较小的生产商 具有“比较优势” The person with a smaller opportunity cost has a comparative advantage. 37 37 总结 Summary ‹从贸易中获益是来自于比较优势,而非 绝对优势 The gains from trade are based on comparative advantage, not absolute advantage. ‹比较优势既适用于国家又适用于个人 Comparative advantage applies to countries as well as to people.
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