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工程项目施工质量管理制度工程项目施工质量管理制度 Q/ZXFC005-2012 1. 目的 为使工程项目施工过程得到识别和控制,并最终保证工程项目的施工质量,以满足国家法律法规和发包方的要求。 2(范围 本制度适用于对工程项目施工质量策划、施工设计、施工准备、施工过程质量和服务予以控制。 3(职责 3(1项目管理部是工程项目施工质量管理的归口管理部门。 3(2各项目部按工程项目施工过程质量控制要求实施。 3(3其他部门配合项目管理部做好工程项目施工过程质量控制。 4(工作程序 4(1策划 4(1(1组织准备 项目管理部...

工程项目施工质量 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 Q/ZXFC005-2012 1. 目的 为使工程项目施工过程得到识别和控制,并最终保证工程项目的施工质量,以满足国家法律法规和发包方的要求。 2(范围 本制度适用于对工程项目施工质量策划、施工设计、施工准备、施工过程质量和服务予以控制。 3(职责 3(1项目管理部是工程项目施工质量管理的归口管理部门。 3(2各项目部按工程项目施工过程质量控制要求实施。 3(3其他部门配合项目管理部做好工程项目施工过程质量控制。 4(工作程序 4(1策划 4(1(1组织准备 项目管理部确定每个项目有资质的项目经理,以实行项目经理负责制,并配备充分和适宜的相应的管理人员和作业人员,以满足工程项目施工质量管理需要。 4(1(2设计交底 项目管理部应按规定接收确认设计文件,参加图纸会审并组织与各项目部施工有关的人员学习设计文件和进行设计交底,以熟悉和了解工程特点、设计意图,掌握相关的工程技术和质量要求,并从施工budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 的角度提出设计修改和优化意见。 4(1(3工程项目施工质量管理策划 对于确定的进户门(防火门、防盗门) 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,项目管理部组织职能部门有关人员(技术、质量、预算、采购等人员),依据工程项目招投标策划情况,合同要求及设计交底情况,对该工程项目施工质量管理进行策划,形成项目策划书,包括: (1) 项目部质量目标和要求。 (2) 项目部的质量管理组织和职责。 (3) 施工管理依据的文件清单和文本,包括国家法律、地方法 规的要求。 (4) 劳动力配置 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、临时设施和施工机具配置计划、主要工 程物资采购计划、施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 编制计划,施工详图出图计划 等资源的需求和配置方案。 (5) 施工场地、道路、水电、消防、临时设施规划,施工现场 总平面图。 (6) 质量关键点、质量影响因素分析及其控制措施,包括关键 工序施工方案,特殊过程管理方案。 (7) 进度计划及控制措施。 (8) 检验试验计划包括各工序、施工阶段需要进行的检验试验 的指标与 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 方法,质量检查和验收流程(包含预检、隐 检、交接检的时间、频次、验收标准和方法)。 (9) 突发事件的应急措施(包括预案、应急方案、事故报警、budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 抢救险情等)。 (10) 对违规事件的报告和处理流程(包括不合格品及质量事故 的评审、处置和改进) (11) 应收集的信息及其传递流程要求(包括应收集的信息内 容、收 集者、收集方法以及沟通和传递的方法)。 (12) 与工程建设有关方(建设单位、设计单位、监理单位、发 包方、政府主管部门、企业相关部门等)的沟通方式。 (13) 施工管理应形成的记录清单、记录表式和保存要求。 (14) 质量管理和技术措施。 (15) 公司在质量管理的其它要求。 4(1(4编制完毕后,应报公司事业部部长审批,审批通过后报发包 方代表或监理单位批准,批准后作为工程施工过程控制的策划文 件予以实施。 4(1(5“项目策划书”的动态管理 当项目的施工要求如工程投诉、进度、工艺等发生变化时,项目管理部对项目策划书进行评审,并适当地进行调整,对调整情况再次向事业部相关部门领导以及发包方、监理单位报批。项目管理部按新的文件要求组织各项目部施工。技质部对工程“项目策划书”的实施情况进行监督。 4(2施工设计 4(2(1施工设计施工图由技质部负责,对施工设计所需的评审、验证和确认活动的程序和要求予以控制。 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 4(2(2施工设计的依据是法律法规及发包方的要求,标准、规范、相关资料信息等,对设计输入的充分性、适宜性进行评审,评审后发现的输入设计依据不足,应予以补充完善,评审的结果要填入“产品设计开发评审及评审意见处理表”。 4(2(3设计结果形成施工图,经审批后由项目管理部使用。 4(2(4顾客要求进行设计更改,对变更可能造成的施工质量影响,更改后技质部组织进行适当的评审、验证和确认,评审、验证、确认活动按“设计和开发控制程序”要求实施。 4(3施工准备 4(3(1项目管理部组织有关人员,根据项目策划书要求进行施工准备,工作内容如下: (1)办理开工手续。 (2)人力资源入场准备。 (3)项目工程的划分与编号,以便控制、检查、评定和监督。 (4)技术准备,包括施工交底等(4.3.3)。 (5)材料准备,包括:进户门小五金配件、水泥、砂石、珍珠 岩等,进场验收。 (6)施工机械设备准备,包括:冲击钻、手枪钻等。 4(3(2项目管理部按规定向监理方或发包方进行报审、报验。 项目管理部确认工程项目施工已经具备开工条件后向监理方或发包方提出开工申请报告,经批准后方可开工。 4(3(3施工交底 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 项目管理部组织技质部,在现场作业前向参与施工和质量检查的人员(可包括发包方的人员)进行施工技术交底及其它相关要求交底,交底以书面方式进行并辅以口头说明,其目的是使施工人员和质检人员对施工内容、工程特点、技术质量要求、施工方法、操作要点与措施方面有全面系统了解,以便于科学的组织施工,避免质量、安全事故发生。交底内容除了“项目策划书”还有 (1)施工范围、工程量、工作量和施工进度要求。 (2)施工图纸的解说 (3)施工方案措施。 (4)操作工艺和保证质量安全的措施。 (5)质量标准和评定方法。 (6)技术检验和检查验收要求。 (7)技术记录内容和要求。 (8)其它施工注意事项。 交底应形成记录,记录的形式按项目所在地技术资料的管理规定执行。 4(4施工过程质量控制 4(4(1项目管理部对施工全过程质量进行控制。包括: (1)项目部正确使用施工图纸、设计文件,验收标准及适用的 施工工艺标准、作业指导书。适用时,对施工过程实施样 板引路,样板需验收合格; (2)项目管理部调配符合规定的操作人员,特种作业人员应持 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 证上岗; (3)项目管理部按“项目策划书”规定,配备适用建筑材料、 构配件和设备、施工机具、检测设备; (4)施工过程监控 项目管理部应按图纸规范和方案等要求组织施工,项目管理部按检验试验计划及时进行检查、监测。对施工过程的检查、监测包括:对工序的内部检查、技术复核,施工过程参数的监测和必要的统计分析活动; (5)项目部根据现场管理有关规定对文明安全施工、作业环境 进行控制; (6)根据设计要求采用新材料、新工艺、新技术、新设备。技 质部对此进行指导,项目管理部对此进行监控; (7)合理安排施工进度:项目部对施工队的工作进度进行管理 控制,确保满足施工进度计划,并保证施工质量; (8)项目部确定未完工程的半成品、成品保护措施,使用相应 责任人,通过施工作业时的相互监督、巡回检查等方法, 确保施工全过程做到防盗、防火、消防及物资的维护及保 护; (9)项目部对不稳定和能力不足的施工过程、突发事件实施监 控。 4(4(2特殊过程的确认和控制 对隐蔽工程要事先确认,进户门安装的隐蔽部分指外框灌浆和外budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 框打膨胀螺栓两道工序,对此确认包括: (1)对工艺标准和技术文件进行评审,并对操作人员上岗资格进行鉴定; (2)对施工机具进行认可; (3定期或在人员、材料、工艺参数、设备发生变化且不符合要求时,则应停止施工,重新进行确认,直至合格为止并填写确认记录。 4(4(3各项目部做好施工过程及进度标识、资料记录等,确保施工过程具有可追溯性。采用以下措施: (1)项目部做好过程记录,包括施工日志、施工记录、隐蔽工程记录、各种检验、试验和验收报告等表明施工过程状态,确保施工过程按照策划的顺序进行,通过记录可对施工过程进行追溯性; (2)施工现场进度标识:根据施工过程特点建立标识,施工进度变化中调整标识,根据施工变化突发情况改变标识,施工完工后撤销标识。标识的管理需与施工进度相匹配,与施工需求相适宜。 4(4(4施工过程信息沟通 项目管理部负责做好与工程建设有关方:发包方、监理单位等的信息沟通工作,包括: (1)工程信息(包括与工程有关的要求); (2)合同的处理,包括对其的修改; (3)工程建设方的问询处理、建设方反馈、包括投诉。 4(4(5项目部组织建立施工过程中的质量管理记录,包括: (1)施工日记和专项施工记录; budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production (2)交底记录; (3)上岗培训记录和岗位资格证明; (4)施工机具和检验、测量及试验设备的管理记录; (5)图纸的接收和发放、设计变更的有关记录; (6)监督检查和整改、复查记录; (7)质量管理相关文件; (8)工程项目质量管理策划结果中规定的其他记录。 施工记录应符合“记录控制程序”要求,并在工程竣工交付后除移交给建设方以外由项目管理部负责存档。 4(5服务 4(5(1工程移交和移交期间的防护 工程移交和移交期间,由项目部采取成品保护措施,确定相关责任人,通过施工作业时的相互监督、巡回检查等方法,确保工程防盗、防火、消防及各物资、设施的维护。 4(5(2工程移交后,项目管理部及时做好客房回访工作,针对回回发现问题,进行分析,并采取措施予以解决,并在总结基础上下发各项目部,防止类似问题的再发生。 4(5(3服务管理规范的制订和实施 公司制订服务管理规范,由项目管理部按合同及“服务管理规范”要求,做好移交后用户服务工作,包括: (1)保修; (2)非保修范围内的维修; budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production (3)合同约定的其他服务。 4(5(4项目管理部按“服务管理规范”要求,在合同期内及时处理发包方对各项目阶段的服务需要信息,包括:收集信息、作出响应、控制检查验收、有效实施服务措施、及时测量服务满意效果,用于质量分析和改进。 5(相关文件 Q/ZXFC- 《项目策划书》 Q/ZXF -2012 《进户门安装作业指导书》 Q/ZXFB4.2.4-2011 《记录控制程序》 Q/ZXFC -2012 《服务管理规范》 6(质量记录 6(1 Q/ZXF 《防火、防盗门安装技术交底》 6(2 《施工组织设计、施工方案审批表》 6(3 《工程开工报审表》 6(4 《施工日记》 6(5 《隐蔽工程验收单》 6(6 《报验申请单》 6(7 《特种门安装分项工程(进户门)检验批质量验收记 录》 6(8 《进户门完工移交书》 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 防火、防盗门安装技术交底 交底内容: 工程名称 交底日期 施工单位 上海振兴铝业有限公司 分项工程名称 防火、防盗门工程 交底提要 防火、防盗门机具准备、质量要求及施工工艺 交底内容: 一. 施工准备 (一)技术准备 熟悉防火门、防盗门的施工图纸~了解安装要点~依据施工技术交底和安全技术交底做好施工准备。 ,二,材料准备 1、防火门、防盗门的材质、规格、型号防火等级应符合设计要求~五金配件配套齐全。具有生产许可证、产品合格证和性能检测报告。 2、防火门必须为经消防部门鉴定认可的产品~其防火等级应符合设计及有关标准规定。 3、其机械装置、自动装置或智能化装置的功能应符合实际要求和有关标准的规定。 4、防腐材料、填缝材料、密封材料、水泥、砂、连接板应符合设计要求和有关标准的规定。 ,三,机具准备 手电钻、冲击钻、打胶筒、线锯、水平尺、螺丝刀、扳手、手锤、钳子、线坠、钢卷尺、等。 ,四,作业条件 1、主体结构经有关质量部门验收合格。工种之间已办好交接手续。 2、检查门洞口尺寸标高是否符合设计要求。有预埋件的门口还应检查预埋件的数量、位置及预埋方法是否符合要求。 3、门的开启方向必须符合设计要求~其配件位置与吊顶、专业管线等无交叉打架现象。 二 施工工艺 ,一,工艺流程 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 门洞口处理?门框内灌浆?门框就位和临时固定?门框固定?门框与墙体间隙处理?清理?门扇安装?五金配件安装 ,二,操作工艺 1、门洞口处理。安装前检查门洞口尺寸~偏位、不垂直、不方正的要求要进行剔凿或抹灰处理。 2、门框框内灌浆。对于钢质防火、防盗门~需要在门框内填充水泥砂浆或水泥珍珠岩砂浆。门框安装前进行填充,填充水泥不能过量~防止门框变形影响开启。 3、门框就位和临时固定。将门框用木楔临时固定在洞口内~经校正合格后~固定木楔。 4、门框固定。钢质门采用1.8mm厚钢板连接件固定。连接件与墙体固定采用膨胀螺栓方式进行,每边均不少于3个连接点~且应牢固连接。 5、门框与墙体间隙处理。门框周边缝隙用1:2的水泥砂浆或强度不低于C20的细石混凝土嵌缝牢固~应保证与墙体结成整体,经养护凝固后~再粉刷洞口及墙体。门框与墙体连接处打建筑密封胶。 6、门扇及五金配件安装。粉刷完成后~安装门扇、五金配件及有关防火、防盗装置。门扇关闭后~门缝应均匀平整~开启自由轻便~不得有过紧、过松和反弹现象。 交底内容: 三 质量标准 (一)主控项目 1.防火、防盗门的质量和各项性能应符合设计要求。 2.防火、防盗门的品种、类型、规格、尺寸、开启方向、安装位置及防腐处理应符合要求。 3.带有机械装置、自动装置或智能化装置的防火、防盗门~其机械装置、自动装置或智能化装置的功能应符合实际要求和有关标准的固定。 4.防火、防盗门的安装必须牢固。预埋件数量、位置、埋设方式、与框的连接施工必须符合设计要求。 5.防火、防盗门的配件应统一~位置应正确~安装应牢固~功能应满足使用要求和特种门的各项性能要求。 (二)一般项目 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 1.防火、防盗门的表面装饰应符合设计要求。 2.防火、防盗门的表面应洁净、无划痕、碰伤。 四 成品保护 1.防火、防盗门门框固定前应对门表面贴保护膜进行保护~防止灰浆污染。待墙面装修完成后~方可揭保护膜。 2.钢质防火门应贮存在通风干燥处,同时应有防晒、防潮、防腐措施。钢门平放时底部须垫平~门框垛码放高度不得超过1.5m,门扇堆放高度不得超过1.2m,钢门竖放时~其倾斜角不得大于20?。 五 质量问题 交底内容: 1.门框固定不牢、松动:安装时应严格遵守工艺规程~保证连接数量~并根据墙体材质选用连接方式。 2.框扇翘曲变形脱焊等现象~应予以更换,搬运时要轻搬轻放~运输堆放时应竖直放置 3.钢质门返工:钢门安装前~应检查表面质量,搬动、安装时~应防止碰伤及擦脱表面木纹,如有破损~应及时返工。 六 环境、职业健康安全管理措施 (一)环境管理措施 1.室内施工用的材料应符合现行国家标准《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》,GB50325,的规定。 2.防火、防盗门的包装纸箱及塑料袋等~应及时清理回收~做到活完脚下清~保持施工现场清洁、整齐、有序。 3.安装防火、防盗门时剔凿、打眼应在规定时间内作业~采取措施减少噪声扰民。 (二)职业健康安全管理措施 1.施工现场用电均应符合国家现行标准《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》,JGJ46,的规定. 审核: 交底人: 接受交底人: budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 施工组织设计、施工方案审批表 工程名称 日 期 项目工程师 项目经理 文件名称 编制人 页数 册数 《施工组织设计》 《施工方案》 内容:见附件 公司审批 技术负责人: 审批意见: 年 月 日 进户门项目管理部: 审批意见: 年 月 日 质检科: 审批意见: 年 月 日 安全: 审批意见: 年 月 日 建设单位: 监理单位: 向监理(建设)单位申请简述:我司按照附后的《施工组织设计》和《施工方案》中的安装要求~进行进户门的安装~请审阅和审批。 申报部门,分包单位,:上海振兴铝业有限公司 申报人: 审批意见: 审批结论: ? 同意 ? 修改后报 ? 重新编制 监理,建设,单位: 审批人: 年 月 日 备注: 注:附《施工组织设计》和《施工方案》 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 工程开工报审表 工程名称: 编号: 致: (监理单位) 我方承担 工程,已完成了以下各项工作,具备了开工条件, 特此申请施工,请核查并签发开工指令。 附件: 1、 开工报告 承包单位(章) 项 目 经 理 日 期 审查意见: 项目监理机构 总/专业监理工程师 日 期 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 施 工 日 记 年 月 日 天气上午 下午 温度上午 ? 下午 ? 风力 施工内容 施工部位 生产班组 工作人数 进度情况 材料使用情况 质量工作记录 安全生产记录 机械正常运转,安全无事故 检查验收记录 存在问题及 处理记录 图纸变更等 记 事 备注 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 隐蔽工程验收单 编号: 20 年 月 日 工程名称 建设单位 施工单位 隐 1.外框灌水泥砂浆填实。 蔽 2.外框安装采用Φ12冲击头在预埋件内钻Φ12圆孔,放入膨胀管使 工 外框与墙体用膨胀螺栓紧固连接,框与节休间加垫板,使膨胀螺栓 程 收容时把外框固定紧。 内 容 简 图 验收意见 经自检,共 樘符合设计要求及施工质量验收规范。 施工单位(签章) 监理单位(签章) 建设单位(签章) 施工负责人: 专业监理工程师: 建设项目现场代表: 技监员: budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 报验申请单 工程名称: 编号: 致: (监理单位) 我方按合同要求完成了 进户门安装工作,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以检查和验收。 附件: 1.隐蔽工程验收记录 2.工程检验批质量验收记录表 承包单位(章) 项目经理 日 期 审查意见: 项目监理机构 监理工程师 日 期 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 特种门安装分项工程(进户门)检验批质量验收记录 工程名称 分项工程名称 项目经理 施工单位 上海振兴铝业有限公司 验收部位 施工执行标准 专业工长 GB50210-2001《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》 名称及编号 (施工员) 质 量 验 收 规 范 的 规 定 施工单位检查评定记录 监理(建设)单位验收记录 1 特种门的质量和各项性能应符合设计要求。 符合设计要求 品种、类型、规格、尺寸、开启方主2 特种门的品种、类型、规格、尺寸、开启方向、安装位置及防腐处理应符合设计要求 向、安装位置等符合设计要求 控带有机械装置、自动装置或智能化装置的特种门,其机械装置,自动装置、智能化装置3 的功能应符合设计要求和有关标准的规定。 项 特种门的安装必须牢固。预埋件的数量、位置、埋设方式、与框的连接方式必须符合设预埋件的数量、位置符合设计要求,4 目 计要求。 安装牢固。 5 特种门的配件应齐全、位置应正确,安装应牢固,功能应满足使用要求和特种门的各项配件齐全、性能符合设计要求。 1 特种门的表面装饰应符合设计要求。 符合要求 性能要求。 2 特种门的表面应洁净、无划痕、碰伤。 洁净、无划痕、碰伤 留缝限值 允许偏差 项目 实测值 (mm) (mm) ?1500mm -- 1.5 门槽口宽度、高度 >1500mm -- 2 ?2000mm -- 2 门槽口对 角线长度差 >2000mm -- 2(5 一 3 1 门框的正侧面垂直度 -- 般 门构建装配缝隙 0(3 项 门梁导轨水平度 目 下导轨与门梁导轨平行度 1(5 门扇与侧框间留缝 1(2-1(8 -- 门扇对口缝 1(2-1(8 -- 项目 感应时间限值(S) 实测值 开门响应时间 ?0.5 4 堵门保护延时 16-20 门扇全开启后保持时间 13-17 施工单位检查评定结果 监理(建设)单位验收结论 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 进户门完工移交书 我司已按工程合同要求完成了 钢制 ?防火门 ?防盗门的全部工作。 经验收:1.钢制?防火门 ?防盗门数量齐全,符合图纸设计和规范要求: 2.尺寸正确、填充符合要求、表面合格、符合设计要求: 3.五金配件数量齐全、功能符合设计要求: 4.防火门标志粘贴正确、数量齐全、符合要求:总裁 (注:防盗门不选) 现将上述部位的钢制?防火门 ?防盗门移交给贵单位管理,请接洽为谢~ 备注说明: 友情提示:保护膜请在一年内清理干净,避免因保护膜老化后,保护膜的粘胶残留在门扇表面上。 上海振兴铝业有限公司 接受单位:(盖章) 建设单位:(盖章) 监理单位:(盖章) 移交单位:(盖章) budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production
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