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英语本科毕业论文-浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的悲剧根源英语本科毕业论文-浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的悲剧根源 An Analysis of the Origin of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily Abstract: The set of William Faulkner most works are about southern social history and inner world of people, describing the situation after the southern social h...

英语本科 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 -浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的悲剧根源 An Analysis of the Origin of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily Abstract: The set of William Faulkner most works are about southern social history and inner world of people, describing the situation after the southern social history began to decline and the escape of the aristocrats has to the trend of southern complex society’s change. And A Rose for Emily deeply reflects the history referred above, and generally and profoundly explains the roots of Emily’s tragedy. The place where the author lives is the set of his work. The works could be divided into three categories of roots of tragedy: southern complex and social historical condition, depression from her father and twisted mentality. Those roots of tragedy are closely linked to social background in south. The reader can deeply know the unique writing skills of the author through descriptions about three kinds of roots of tragedy in his work. Key Words: root; tragedy; social historical; patriarchy; twisted mentality 浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的悲剧根源 摘要:威廉.福克纳的作品大多数以南方的社会历史和人物的内心世界的描写为题 材。描述南方社会历史衰落后的境况,贵族们对南方复杂社会变化趋势的逃避。 他的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》深刻的体现出这样一种历史。《献给艾米丽的玫 瑰》全面而又深刻地诠释了艾米丽的悲剧根源。以他自己所在的社会为背景,在 作品中,他描述了三种不同的悲剧根源。这三种不同的悲剧根源和南方的社会背 景和历史息息相关。此篇论文中将着重讨论这三种。分别阐述为:复杂的南方情 结和社会历史条件,父权制的压迫,艾米丽的扭曲变态心理。从这三种悲剧根源 中,读者能够更深刻的了解到福克纳对此篇小说的独特的写作技巧。 关键词:根源;悲剧;社会历史;父权制;扭曲心理 Contents Abstract in English .......................................................................................................... i Abstract in Chinese .......................................................................................................... i 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 2. The Brief Introduction to A Rose for Emily .............................................................. 3 2.1 William Faulkner .................................................................................................... 3 Rose for Emily .................................................................................................... 3 2.2 A 2.3 Gothic...................................................................................................................... 4 3. An Analysis of Characters in A Rose for Emily ......................................................... 6 3.1 Emily ....................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Father ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Negro Homer Barron .............................................................................................. 8 4. An Analysis of the Origin of Emily’s Tragedy .......................................................... 9 outhern Complex and Social Condition in History............................................... 9 4.1 S 4.2 Cruel Oppress Under Father Control .................................................................... 10 4.3 A Screwy Psychology of Emily ............................................................................ 12 5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 14 Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 15 Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... 16 I 1. Introduction William Faulkner’ being a prominent writer in 20th century’s American literature, gains his world popularity for the unique style of his novel, having a positive and profound impact on the development of American literature. Faulkner’s status in modern America can be compared with Shakespeare’s status. we can see Faulkner’s literary achievement and social reputation. His most stories set in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, there are lots of famous works of William Faulkner as The Sound and the Fury(1929),Light in August(1932),and Absalom, Absalom(1936) and so on. A Rose for Emily, Faulkner’s first short story, which was published in 1930, is set in the town with name Jefferson in Yoknopatawpha. The author, William Faulkner seems to set the story in a place that resembles the place he lived in, namely Oxford. Mississippi correlates to the life on the author. In a Rose for Emily, the main character Miss Emily is described in the beginning of the story as an elderly woman that once part of high social status and now part of the bitter decay of the town. William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily draws a vivid picture of the south of the United States .From the novel, we know that it was the period, the old south fades and the south began to decay gradually after the Civil War. The story provides description of the decadence of the old south. The progress of the decaying is the same with the death of Emily and her father, as well as value, tradition and lifestyle which have gradually went out of the life of people in the south. As a masterpiece in American literature, A Rose for Emily has been attached great importance by a variety of scholars. The story has been analyzed from various angles as symbolism, feminism, religion, Gothic Literature and so on. From the point of view, the feminism of Li Rongrui, the story reflects a tragedy of Emily which is indicated in the murder of her lover. The whole life of Emily was caught by the cage of old tradition, Emily has never escaped from it. Emily can be victim of the patriarchal codes. This thesis contains five chapters. The first chapter is Introduction. In this chapter, the author 1 introduces William Faulkner,A Rose for Emily’s background and the structure of this thesis basically. In chapter two, the author introduces some brief information of story, which is used to analyze the novel. Chapter three analyzes A Rose for Emily of the characters Emily, Emily’s father and Negro Homer Barren in the novel. Chapter four focus on the origin of Emily’s Tragedy. In this, the author mainly interprets the theme of the origin of Emily’s tragedy. The last chapter is conclusion, which in this chapter the author concludes that A Rose for Emily imbues the novel with historical and realistic meanings, and enhances its readability and profundity, which helps to explain why this novel has stood out as a masterpiece among the innumerous works. 2 2. A Brief Introduction to A Rose for Emily 2.1 William Faulkner Faulkner is productive writer , producing a great variety of marvelous short stories .We know he is one of the most influential writers in the 20th century, a leading person in the century in American literary. In 1949, William Faulkner won Nobel Prize of literature. In 1995 and 1963 he also won his double Pulitzers. William Faulkner is famous or his novels and short stories. This award winning author has been praised by many critics for his ability and unique style of writing. He also shoes his writing talent in poetry and screenplay. There are marks of his hometown –Mississippi in his works as the sense of humor and blank, and white tragic position, his description of the southern features and the main themes and so on. The most famous place in his works as Yoknapatawpha saga is important to American literary. T here are lots of famous works of William Faulkner as The Sound and the Fury (1929), Light in August (1932),and Absalom, Absalom(1936)and so on. The most famous writer also is a prolific writer of short stories. His first short stories collection was published in 1931 named as these 13. In this collection, it consists of A Rose for Emily, Red leaves and other highly acclaimed short stories. The author will provide detail study on the story A Rose for Emily. The article A Rose for Emily is chosen from his short stories collection. 2.2 A Rose for Emily A Rose for Emily, Faulkner’s first short story, which was published in 1930, is set the town with name Jefferson in Yoknopatawpha .The author William Faulkner seems to set the story in a place that resembles his own. In A Rose for Emily, the main character Miss Emily is described in the beginning of the story as an elderly woman that was once part of high social states and is now part of the bitter decay of the town. As a sole survivor of a southern family, Emily Greisens maintains an aloof dignity from her 3 neighbors, refusing even to pay taxes. Later when she is jilted by a lover and becomes a recluse, the people of Jefferson are forgiving and protective of her. But when Emily dies, the townspeople learn the horrifying truth about the town’s last belle. Actually, the whole story line is made up of three parts. First: the main reason that the women of Jefferson go to Miss Emily’s funeral is to honor a great lady and see her home. They want to assure her who that she is really dead. After Miss Emily’s father dies, Colonel Sartorius cancels Emily’s taxes, she is too much of a lady to be bothered with taxes, her father once loaned the town money, and now the town is repaying its debts, the Greisens house is so run-down, it is not worth paying taxes on. When officials later try to pay taxes, she responds by getting Tube to chase away the officials, threatening the officials with blackmail, saying she has no taxes in Jefferson. Second: thirty years earlier, officials had gone to Miss Emily house to sprinkle line around her property to destroy an awful odor, question Tube about killing rats and snakes, the questions of Emily is about the disappearance of Homer Barron. When the townspeople realize that Miss Emily has no money and will never marry, they begin to offer her charity, poke gentle fun at her. After her father’s death, Miss Emily graciously welcomes her friends and neighbors to a wake, at first refuses to release his body for burial, plans to leave Jefferson for good. Third: Miss Emily buys arsenic from the druggist, she tells him that she wants it to kill rates, refuses to tell him the reason for the purchase and explains that her manservant wants it for a gardening compound. The townspeople are convinced that Homer Barron and Miss Emily are married when she orders a monogrammed silver toilet set from the local jeweler, purchase two railway tickets, one-way to NEW YORK CITY, disappears for six months. At last, townspeople discover that Miss Emily had hoarded gold, silver, and valuable stocks, made a shrine to honor her head father and other relatives, killed Homer Barron and kept his body on her brail bed. 2.3 Gothic “Gothic” novel is one of the direct sources of contemporary western horror movies 4 thwhich is popular in Europe around 18 century. The term of Gothic (Goth) originally came from the name of Gothic Teutonic tribal, and later it was used refer to a medieval Architectural style and used for churches and castles, which is characterized by towering spiers, thick stone walls, dark and gloomy inside tunnel and so on. Those thinkers advocating ancient Greek civilization, because of the construction of such resentment put the word “Gothic” evolved into synonymous words such as barbarism, thhorror, mystery and darkness. In 18 century, there came out a novel style, it often put a kind of horror and mystery as the keynote, and almost occur in the destroyed castles, having been given the name “Gothic” novel. Such novel often set castle, wilderness, ruins and other environment as background, filled with dark, mysterious, suspense and brimmed with violence, revenge, and death plot. Gothic novel’s structural model reflects in the story scenes, characters paradigms, themes and other aspects of a series of innovative awareness. One of the biggest highlights is that there are not only “gothic castle”, but also “surreal horror.” The so called “surreal terror”, it refers to the people in the works subjecting to some form of ghosts, ghosts, monsters or something unknowable. So that they often manifest a feeling of high anxiety such as fear of death or insanity. Because of the extreme exaggeration and rendering, the feeling of the fear about characters is not only “imminent”, but also the body is set. In fact, this “fear” is brought by a virtual “great world”, and it does not have actual harm. Actually, this fear allows readers to create a special ambiguous pleasure. The more absurd, bizarre, weird, the horrible scene is described. The description is too close to the ordinary life, even if it is with a lot of little-known adventures, we also due to the lack of pain and outrageous so that we can’t leave memory or thinking. 5 3. An Analysis of Characters A Rose for Emily 3.1 Emily In this short story, as a sole survivor of a southern family, Emily Greisens maintain an aloof dignity from her neighbors. Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town. From the whole passage, we can see that she was a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small. She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes ,lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. From her appearance depict, Emily Greisens – the main character of the story, is a aging spinster in Jefferson, whose life and death is central focus on us readers of the south of the United States. Emily’s fate very misery in that time ,that was two year after her father’s death and a short time after her sweetheart- the one we believed wound marry her-had deserted her. After her father’s death she went out very little, after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all. When townspeople next saw Miss Emily, she had grown fat and her hair was tuning gray. During the next few years it grew grayer and grayer until it attained an even pepper-and-salt iron-gray, when it ceased turning. Up to the day of her death at seventy-four it was still that vigorous iron-gray, like the hair of an active man. When she died, she felt ill in house with dust and shadows, with only a doddering Negro man to wait on her, people did not even know she was sick, people had long since given up trying to get any information from the Negro. He talked to no one, probably not even to her, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuses. She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain, her gray head propped on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight. That time townspeople just said ,”Poor Emily,” behind the jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the 6 glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins, and whip in a yellow glove. The townspeople of ladies began to say that it was a disgrace to the town and a bad example to the young people. The men did not want to interfere but at last the ladies forced the Baptist minister –Miss Emily’s people were-Episcopal- to call upon her. He would never divulge what happened during that interview, but he refused to go back again. The next Sunday they again drove about the streets, and the following day the minister’s wife wrote to Miss Emily’s relationship in Alabama. So she had blood-kin relatives under her roof again, and people sat back to watch developments. At first nothing happened. Then people were sure that they were to be married. Unfortunately, Homer Barron abounded her. Her fate was very misery. 3.2 Emily’s father In a parlor, on a tarnished gift easels before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily’s father. In townspeople mind ,they had long thought of a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a straddled silhouette in the foreground, his bank to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door. So when she got to thirty, she was still single. What’s worse, her father had driven away the young man when she can get to marry with others. Her father had driven all of her suitors away from her, lost most of the family fortune gambling, refused to allow her to be educated. Above all the facts, we can know that her father was a stubborn, cruel and indifferent person. So the day after her death all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and aid, as is our custom. Miss Emily let them dress as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. She told them that her father was not dead. She did that for three days, with the minister calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. Just as they were about to resort to law and force, she broke down, and they buried her father quickly. From above describe, Emily’s father is an autocratic selfish. He hoped that can conduct 7 her daughter life goals. He took a lot of things belong to her, such as her happiness. When Emily grows up to marry with other people, his father gets rid of all suitors who want to date with Emily. Aristocratic identity even have fallen, or a time to resist the happy life out of door. 3.3 Negro Homer Barron Homer Barron, a Yankee-a big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face. The little boy would follow in groups to hear him cuss the niggers, and the niggers singing in time to the rise and fall of picks. Pretty soon he knew everybody in town. Whenever you heard a lot of laughing anywhere about the square, Homer Barron would be in the center of the group. From the description, we know that Homer is boyfriend of Emily, he is a tragedy character in the short story, he was killed with arsenic and his body on her bridal bed for many years. Finally, the man himself lay in the bed, his body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him. What was left of him, rotted beneath what was left of the nightshirt, had become inextricable from the bed in which he lay, and upon him and upon the pillow beside him lay that even coating of the patient and biding dust. Then townspeople noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, people saw a long strand of iron-gray hair. Homer was killed by Emily. 8 4. An Analysis of the Origin of Emily’s Tragedy 4.1 Southern Complex and Social Condition in History Emily’s tragic life has its deep historical and cultural roots, during the United States new and old replace in particular. Due to the special geographical difference Gender and cultural identity, the American South and the North have different cultures and religious traditions. Northern barren en land and other natural conditions sparked Northern people keen interest in physics and science, pragmatism occupied mainstream position in the north. In contrast, most Southerners believed in religious ritual faithful. While all southerners are indulging in such a sunshine, joy the pastoral life, enjoy the distinguished identity and a prosperous life, the impact of the Civil War defeat non-suspect almost devastating. The war destroyed the southern survival of slavery. With the destruction of tradition economic system is next tradition life of way, culture and ideology of collapse. After devouring ruthless economics system by the new north, they are still stubbornly live in within their own fantasy of Eden, lofty superiority. Let them to contempt northerners humble origins, regarding them as a “foolish and misery person.” It is the last descendant of the family to stick to the typical southern complex of Emily and her father as the Gleason. They dare not to face reality, only with southern aristocratic to its former glory to numb themselves and maintain their own aristocratic image. “Tradition culture and American Puritanism is important part of southern culture. Its core content is Patriarchy, Racism and Womanhood Righteousness.” It is this deep-root ideological control of the entire relationship and codes of conduct in the south, but also provides for such social environmental of men and women of affiliation and status. For a real “Southern Belle” has been hailed as a pure and noble saint. The importance of women’s clean infidelity and innocent is far more than their lives. Let me to toast that we are living in the south of these lovely women. They like the crystal clear water as pure innocence, like an ice crystal as a stern. We are willing to swear their purity and chastity throw the head shed blood”. Therefore, a woman born in the south 9 will lose her as a people should enjoy the right to the free of development. They must obey the man for the “Southern Belle’’ standards to shape themselves. Their actually a natural process of growing female personality constantly oppressed and “Southern Fang Ladies” personality continue to strengthen the process. Women are a no-self I will, self-deter monition and self-authority behavior embodied materialized Vassal.” In this Puritanism bondage, southern women to compliance from the four natures: piety, obedience, housekeeping, and perfect. In the “ladies wind under the scope” of the constraints, women must suppress their nature, observe women road to comply with the so-called good match thinking. This is Emily and “Yankees”, the most fundamental social conditions causes lover tragedy of love. And it is such a tradition ideology, women created her concept of Miss Emily twisted personality and abnormal inner world. 4.2 Cruel Oppress Under Father Control After the Civil War, Lincoln realized the southern government’s rule. After that, the penetration of the northern industrial civilization makes the entire society deeply steeped in the romanticism which was deepened, but the former glory and ancient beauty has becoming a thing of the past. Faced with these threats something different with bowing in front of force is that they still exhibit their arrogance and nostalgia for the glory. There is no doubt that the Emily’s father is householder in Greer Johnson family, Emily’s father is the representative in aristocracy groups. Yet this arrogant attitude that makes her from a white girl into a zombie spinster. So what makes Emily become so miserable, patriarchal oppression is one of the most important reasons? Specifically in the following areas: First, he is severely harsh. He has always been strict to young Emily. Day after day she is instilled a social obligation to Greer Johnson family, the father holding image-handed whip awesome and always lofty. Emily is growing in this strict regulation and control of high pressure. Second, he is autocratic selfish. His hope and code of 10 conduct her daughter life goals. He took a lot of things belong to her, such as her happiness. When Emily grown up, she married with other people, his father was away all suitors who want to date with Emily. Aristocratic identity even has fallen, or a time to resist the happy life out of door. It seems these suitors in his father is age aren’t cover with, because the flat background and black complexion and so on. All these factors make these people in inferior social and position. Meanwhile the noble identity need someone to inherit, his father simply do not want to let Emily to leave this building. Emily’s father autocratic makes her happiness, freedom and pursue all become private property. Third, the huge of patriarchal let Emily have a great impact of dependence on her father’s silhouette in front legs splayed back to Emily, holding a root whip, a back door open just the two of them lived embedded figure depiction Emily wrote implies a life in the shadow of his father. Since his father is dead, Emily simply overwhelmed and can’t accept his father’s death. She did not know where to go in the future, and it is in this case, the Emily gradually lost the protection and become the talk of the town as a resident gossip, critical and focus vision deteriorated. Emily’s situation is nothing to rely on. From the novel, we can feel the word of “father” is like an invisible and giant net which make Emily inexorably trapped in the dilapidated house that symbolized the power of the southern aristocracy. Without freedom, no power of “father” is obvious. In the article, Miss Emily had never been mentioned his mother, even if it is introduced to the reader that why Emily’s mother was dead, when she has so young, and Miss Emily’s dependence his father is because of the lack of maternal love and father since childhood professionals horizontal control. About Emily on the relationship with his father, the second chapter of the novel depicts such a picture: “For a long time, we have been watching this family as a picture of the characters: slim figure, dressed in white Emily small sister standing in the back, legs splayed her father’s silhouette in front, holding a root whip, a back door open just embedded live their body shadow. From this description, we can see that the father who holding whip has a strict social hierarchy, it seems he is getting rid of it. There are 11 getting rid of those close her daughter and people he thought that is not good enough. Although he believed that everyone is not good enough her daughter who has south of noble descent in the town. And he is back to Emily, her daughter refused to meet the relative, without communication face to face, understanding her true inner thoughts and willing. Because lack of the communication with her daughter, the overbearing behavior that cut off all of possible of contacting with the outside. Father in professionals system cruelly deprived of a stubborn young woman heated love for life, and the normal rights of a longing for better life. Her father always dominated Emily in real life and the spiritual world. When her father was alive, Emily is in the flower of age. As a young girl, she did not realize her father and her stifle freedom of thought actually fuse imprison her in tragic fate. Her lifetime is trapped in the old house which is a symbol of the south’s prestige and dignity. Miss Emily heart longing for romantic life gradually withered. 4.3 A Screwy Psychology of Emily Faulkner pointed out that Emily is not be avoided a tragedy, nothing can be stop it. Mentioned in the novel: “Miss Emily was alive, she was a traditional incarnation and obligation symbol, also the objection of people concern.’’ As a southern aristocracy representative, Miss Emily’s blood retains the lofty and aloof of unique southern aristocrat. This is reason why Emily’s father died in a non-behaved significantly. After her father died, Emily realized that he had to face the reality alone of the outside world. With the outside world contacts with the town residents, it promotes to intensify of conflict. In Emily’s ribs, the noble sense of superiority and aristocratic lady that let her pity for town residents Benjamin and regret seen as a shameful thing. So she gets rid of his father designed of the horizontal control and she refused to pay for it, she ignored the letters of the municipal tax reminder. When his father died in the summer day, townspeople saw to her again in the town. She was cut her hair that hair color like an angle church on tinted windows. There are a few point pathos and solemnity. Bobbed 12 hair seems to imply that Miss Emily has faced to break out the past life, it courage her to pursuit own happiness. So she was desperate to put aside the shackles of her long-south of the old traditions, to abandon the world of gossip, she is fanatical dedication Yankees get a daily wages of love. Just when we all thought it would be a turning point in life of Emily, finally the Yankees Home lost, and Miss Emily front door shut up again. Emily threw himself into this not being optimistic feeling of people, she found her boyfriend like man, he cannot rely on lifetime shoulder, at this moment, Emily’s personality and psychological has been completed full twisting deformity. In order to retain his lover, she brutally poisoned lover and long-term sleep with corpse lovers. In a love, Emily got in return that she chose to use such a way hairy bone intimidating way to homage to her lover of this life only once. This novel ended with the death of death began at the same time , the surface narrative form was expressed its profound theme, a symbol of the United States south of the country and the decline of the decline of the old tradition of growing irreparable destruction. In the deep under the double oppression engraved historical and cultural traditions. In patriarchy, Emily most could not get rid of the fate of the tragedy. Her tragic fate is dead. Emily’s death metaphor old southern traditions, value concept, lifestyle completely destroyed and disappeared. It is like a monument slump, in the beginning of the article was described. In Miss Emily’s world, the whole town holds a funeral for her, because a monument is to fall. Through the “A Rose for Emily,” we can find that patriarchal repression, attention, and love failure from town resident makes Emily ultimately can’t have the happiness. So went to the road the serial killer. This may allow us to see the facts that among the decades after Civil War, the North- South difference cannot be devoid in the short term, on behalf of the advanced civilization transformation to the southern aristocracy have to go through the throes of a long period. Rose is faded, Emily does not own love likes rose, but fortunately she was dedicated to the rose the author sanded to her. As the sole survivor of a southern family, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, a sort hereditary obligation upon the town. Faulkner gave our readers the impression of endless thought and imagination. 13 5. Conclusion thWilliam Faulkner’s being a prominent writer in 20 century’s American literature. His most stories set in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County. The novel’s plot is full of Gothic atmosphere, and the primary background of writing are relate to social condition in south. A Rose for Emily mostly describe three kinds of roots of in tragedy, there are southern complex and social historical condition, depression from her father and twisted mentality. The decline of southern social history indicates that the sinking of old society will be displaced by new society, but the deeply southern complex makes the southern aristocrats hardly accept the cruel facts. They escape the change of social decline, standing that they are still noble as the declining aristocrats. The main character in A Rose for Emily is infected by this southern complex. From the Faulkner’s work, it have a picture, Emily’s father in the novel drives all the men who propose her daughter, because he think her daughter is so perfect that no one can match her. The acts from the father make his daughter be an old lady, even a killer. These reasons of tragedy are mutual related. Faulkner sees the process of tragedy with his own eyes, in the novel, Emily’s twisted psychology is completely presented and she does nothing after her father died. She also killed her lover who is a homosexual, so that she can own her lover in her whole life. The people in the town didn’t know the truth until Emily is died and the plot makes people creepy and horrible. In real life, a beauty is always cares free and innocent. But in Faulkner’s work Emily is a flower destroyed who live her lives with a mission of the declining aristocrats and she died with loneliness. Faulkner’s time is gone far away, but his vivid descriptions about southern complex still attract many readers. Only by reading his work works can we have more understanding about southern history in America. 14 Bibliography [1] Cleanth Brooks. Faulkner and the Muse of History. [2] Olga W. Vickery. The Novels of William Faulkner: A Critical Appraisal. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964. [3]福克纳. 献给艾米丽的玫瑰[M]. 陶洁编, 南京: 译林出版社,2001. [4]李文俊. 福克纳传[M]. 北京: 新世界出版社, 2003. [5]肖明翰. 威廉.福克纳研究[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1997. [6]威廉.福克纳. 献给艾米丽的玫瑰[M]. 杨瑞, 何林, 译. 广州: 花城出版社, 1980. [7]王钟祥. 世界短篇小说精华选品尝[M] .武汉: 华中师范大学出版社, 1997. [8]常耀信. 美国文学选读[M]. 天津: 南大, 1991. [9]刘爱英. 从淑女到魔鬼-试从析社会批判角度看献给艾米丽的玫瑰的悲剧 意义[J]. 四川外国语学院报, 1998(2). [10]何 畅. 由献给艾米丽的玫瑰中的”缺失”看其历史意义[J]. 外国文学研究, 2006(5). 15 Acknowledgements Upon completion of this research, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have ever helped me. Firstly, I make grateful acknowledgements to Professor Yan Fuxiang, for his kindly and generous offering me a vast amount available suggestions ,and I also want to thank my friends and classmates who have provided me with assistance and companionship in the course of preparing this thesis. Especially thanks for my classmates who contribute disputable viewpoints and gave me much inspiration and many constructive suggestions. Next, I want to thank my parents. Without their permanent support and care, I could not have overcome so many difficulties in my study. Finally, I am really grateful to all of the people who devote much to reading this paper and give me many suggestions, which will benefit me in my future life. 16
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