首页 心理咨询师基本要求



心理咨询师基本要求心理咨询师基本要求 心理咨询师基本要求 一、职业道德 (一)职业道德基本知识 (二)职业守则 1、尊重求助者的意愿; 2、促进求助者的身心健康; 3、对求助者的个人隐私及所提供的资料保密; 4、与求助者建立平等的咨询关系,不得产生和建立咨询以外的任何关系。 二、基础知识 (一)基础心理学知识 (1)绪论 (2)心理活动的生理基础 (3)感觉和知觉 (4)记忆 (5)思维、言语及想象 (6)意识与注意 (7)需要与动机 (8)情绪、情感、意志 (9)人格 containing gr...

心理咨询师基本要求 心理咨询师基本要求 一、职业道德 (一)职业道德基本知识 (二)职业守则 1、尊重求助者的意愿; 2、促进求助者的身心健康; 3、对求助者的个人隐私及所提供的资料保密; 4、与求助者建立平等的咨询关系,不得产生和建立咨询以外的任何关系。 二、基础知识 (一)基础心理学知识 (1)绪论 (2)心理活动的生理基础 (3)感觉和知觉 (4)记忆 (5)思维、言语及想象 (6)意识与注意 (7)需要与动机 (8)情绪、情感、意志 (9)人格 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the (二)社会心理学知识 (1)概述 (2)社会化与自我 (3)社会知觉与归因 (4)社会动机与社交情绪 (5)态度 (6)沟通与人际关系 (7)社会影响 (8)爱情、婚姻与家庭 (三)发展心理学知识 (1) 概述 (2) 婴儿期的心理发展 (3) 幼儿期的心理发展 (4) 童年期的心理发展 1. (1) 青春期的心理发展 2. (2) 青年期的心理发展 3. (3) 中年期的心理发展 4. (4) 老年期的心理发展 (四)变态心理学与健康心理学知识 (1)关于《变态心理学》 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the (2)正常心理与异常心理及其区分 (3)常见异常心理的症状 (4)常见精神障碍 (5)心理健康与心理不健康 (6)关于《健康心理学》 (7)心理不健康状态的分类 (8)压力与健康 (五)心理测量学知识 (1)概述 (2)测验的常模 (3)测验的信度 (4)测验的效度 (5)项目分析 (6)测验编制的一般程序 (7)心理测验的使用 (六)咨询心理学知识 (1)概述 (2)历史上的几种理论观点 (3)心理咨询的对象、任务、分类和一般程序 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the (4)不同年龄阶段的心理咨询 (5)婚恋、家庭心理咨询 (6)性心理咨询 (七)相关法律法规 (1)《中华人民共和国婚姻法》相关条文; (2)《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》、《中华人民共和国妇女儿童保护法》相关条文; (3)《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》相关条文; [返回] 心理咨询师工作要求 本标准对各级别的工作要求依次递进,高级别涵盖低级别的要求。 一、心理咨询师三级 职能 工作内容 能力要求 相 关 知 识 功能 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 心理咨询师的仪态和礼貌语言 1( 2( 心理咨询工作的性质和工作方式 3( 求助者的权利与义务知识 4( 心理咨询的保密原则 1.能按心理咨询原则完成对求助 5( 心理学的谈话法 者的初诊接待 (一)初诊接 待与资料的6( 摄入性谈话的技巧 2.能收集临床诊断的资料 搜集、整理 7( 主要心理测验的性质和使用范围 一 3. 正确使用心理测验 8( 心理测验的针对性原则 、 9( 人口学、个人成长史、目前心身状态心 资料的知识 理 10. 资料的整理格式 诊 心理健康与心理障碍的知识 断 心理与行为的年龄特征 1( 能依据初诊资料,做出精神精神病与非精神病判断原则 病和非精神病的判断 关于分析和解释心理测验结果的知识 (二)初步诊2( 能做出一般心理问题的诊断 断 心理健康水平的判断指标 3( 能进行严重心理问题的诊断 压力与应激的知识 4( 能提出心理评估 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 心理问题严重程度的区分 (一)建立咨1( 咨询态度对咨询关系的重要 能把握咨询态度,与求助者建立询关系 良好的咨询关系 2( 尊重、热情、真诚、共情和积极关注 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 二 1.确定咨询目标的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 、 2.咨询 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的格式、内容 1.能确定咨询目标 (二)制定个心 3.各咨询阶段之间的内在联系 体心理咨询2.能制定咨询方案 理 4.估计咨询失误的知识 方案 3.能评估咨询效果 咨 5.关于心理问题轻重程度的知识 询 6.效果评估的基本知识 1.能运用参与技术进行咨询 1.参与性技术 2.能运用影响技术进行咨询 2.影响性技术 3.能初步识别和处理阻抗 3.阻抗的表现形式和产生原因 4.能初步识别和处理移情 (三)个体心4.移情的表现形式和处理方法 5.能初步进行行为矫正 理咨询方案 5.行为疗法基本原理和阳性强化法 的实施 6.能运用合理情绪疗法进行咨询 6.合理情绪疗法的理论和方法 7.能进行心理咨询阶段性、全程 性的 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 7.咨询效果的评估标准 8.能写出咨询案例报告 8.咨询案例报告的格式、内容、要点 9(能协调咨询关系和及时转介 1( 能进行韦氏成人智力测验 (WAIS-RC) (一)智力测三 2(验 能进行联合型瑞文测验(CRT) 、 各类测验的功能及针对性 1( 3( 能进行中国比内测验 2(心 各类测验实际操作的步骤 1( 能使用明尼苏达多项人格调 查表(MMPI) 理 3( 各类测验的计分方法 2( 能使用卡特尔十六项人格因(二)人格测测 4( 测验报告的内容及格式 素问卷(16PF) 验 验 3( 能使用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ) 4( 能使用应对方式问卷(DSQ) containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 能使用症状自评量表(SCL—1( 90) (三)心理与 行为问题评2( 能使用焦虑自评量表(SAS) 估 3( 能使用抑郁自评量表(SDS) 1( 能使用生活事件量表(LES) (四)应激及 相关问题评2( 能使用社会支持量表(SSQ) 估 3( 能使用应对方式问卷 [返回] 心理咨询师鉴定比重表 1、理论知识 比 重 (%) 项 目 三级 二级 一级 职业道德 5 5 5 基本要求 基础知识 45 40 15 初诊接待 6 - - 相 初步诊断 9 - - 鉴别诊断 - 15 - 心理诊断 识别病因 - 10 - 会诊 - - 4 关 疑难案例分析 - - 4 建立咨询关系 5 - - 知 制定个体心理咨询方案 8 - - 心理咨询 个体心理资询方案的实施 8 4 - 团体心理咨询 - 10 - 识 心理咨询方案的审定 - - 5 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 心理咨询方案的实施 - - 5 危机干预 - - 15 智力测验 3 - - 人格测验 4 - - 心理与行为问题评估 3 3 - 应激及相关问题评估 4 - - 心理测验 特殊心理评估的实施 - 2 - 测验结果的解释 - 2 - 修订国内外心理测验工具 - - 4 编制心理测验 - - 4 人格投射测验 - - 4 指导下级心理咨询师工作 - 5 - 指导与培训 实习带教 - 4 - 业务督导 - - 15 工作督导 - - 15 督导 二级、三级心理咨询师个人心理健康- - 10 的督导 共计 100 100 100 2、专业能力 比 重 (%) 项 目 三级 二级 一级 初诊接待 10 - - 初步诊断 20 - - 确定诊断 - 15 - 心理诊断 鉴别诊断 - 15 - 能 原因的识别 - 13 - 会诊 - - 10 力 疑难案例分析 - - 10 建立咨询关系 5 - - 制定个体心理咨询方案 18 - - 要 个体心理咨询方案的实施 12 24 - 团体心理咨询方案的制定 - 5 - 心理咨询 求 心理咨询方案的审定 - - 10 团体心理咨询方案的实施 - 5 - 心理咨询方案的实施 - 10 危机干预 - - 13 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the 智力测验 10 - - 人格测验 15 - - 心理与行为问题评估 5 5 - 应激及相关问题评估 5 - - 心理测验 特殊心理评估的实施 - 5 - 测验结果的解释 - 5 - 修订国内外心理测验工具 - - 4 编制心理测验 - - 4 人格投射测验 - - 4 指导下级心理咨询师工作 - 4 - 指导与培训 实习带教 - 4 - 业务督导 - - 15 工作督导 - - 15 督导 二级、三级心理咨询师个人心理健康- - 5 的督导 共计 100 100 100 [返回] containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the
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