首页 认知无线电与认知网络_CH08认知网络的跨层设计



认知无线电与认知网络_CH08认知网络的跨层设计null跨层设计跨层设计BY SCNUCRN_XXHContentContent跨层设计的本质 跨层设计架构 跨层实施方案 CRN跨层设计 CN跨层设计方案 黑板架构 the challenge of Cross-Layer desgin of CN 参考文献跨层设计的本质 跨层设计的本质 ——通过对协议栈进行垂直的整合,实现对系统资源的有效管理,即通过在协议栈的各层之间传递特定的信息来协调各层之间的的工作,使之与无线通信环境相适应,从而满足系统的各种业务的不同需求。网络中各层都不是单独设计的,而是把所有层作为一个...

null跨层 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 跨层设计BY SCNUCRN_XXHContentContent跨层设计的本质 跨层设计架构 跨层实施方案 CRN跨层设计 CN跨层 设计方案 关于薪酬设计方案通用技术作品设计方案停车场设计方案多媒体教室设计方案农贸市场设计方案 黑板架构 the challenge of Cross-Layer desgin of CN 参考文献跨层设计的本质 跨层设计的本质 ——通过对协议栈进行垂直的整合,实现对系统资源的有效管理,即通过在协议栈的各层之间传递特定的信息来协调各层之间的的工作,使之与无线通信环境相适应,从而满足系统的各种业务的不同需求。网络中各层都不是单独设计的,而是把所有层作为一个整体设计。层与层之间信息的交互保证了协议能够根据应用需要和网络条件进行全局自适应的变化,而且各层协议都能够在系统整体约束和整体性能要求下进行联合优化设计跨层设计架构跨层设计架构不是完全否定传统的分层设计模式,而是通过各层之间的交互信息,对网络各个子层的有关参数进行统一的调整各个参数,从而实现对网络资源的有效分配,提高网络的整体的性能。 核心——层与层之间如何进行耦合。即如何打破原有的各个独立的层打破协议的限制,在各层间进行相互通信。 在原有的层之间创造新的接口。 将原有的体系架构中的相邻的层进行合并。 将原有的层进行对于耦合,而不需要创造新的接口。 将整个系统所有层进行纵向校正。(图来源:李钊陈、广泉《无线认知网络的跨层设计》)ex:如果一个端到端TCP连接包含一段无线链路,在无线链路中由于信道变化所导致的丢包率的上升会使TCP发送端误以为在网络中发生了拥塞,导致网络性能恶化而做出错误的判断。 (下层—上层的反馈接口。路由给TCP的发送端的传输层—send—ECN)ex:应用层可以通知链路层数据延迟的需求,链路层可以按照时延敏感的优先级来发送数据。 向上的信息流是通知高层底层网络状况。向下的信息流则作为底层树立处理数据的参考。两个功能不一样的层,在运行时相互协作。经常这种情况出现在两层间的迭代循环,信息在两层间来回传递。 ex1:NDMA协议(Network-assisted Diversity Multiple Access,网络辅助分集多址接入) ex2:双向信息传递解决无线Ad Hoc网络。将两个或多个相邻的层合并,构成一个“超级层”来提供被合并的那些层所提供的服务。 不需要创造新的接口。 从结构上来讲。超级层能用原有的接口和未合并的层进行通信。在两个或更多的层之间进行耦合设计,而不需要在运行时为了信息共享而创建新的接口。结构的花销来自于当要替换一层时必须对耦合的层做出相应的变化。通过 调整参数来实现层与层之间的通信。如图,基本上,应用层所表现出的性能,可以表示为其所有下层的参数所构成的函数。因此,联合调节参数比单独调节能获得更好的性能。跨层实施方案跨层实施方案层间直接通信 跨层共享数据库 全新架构层间共享信息最直接、最快捷的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 就是允许他们彼此互相通信。 图中是通过创建新的接口来达到层间直接通信的目的。 >>利用协议头投在层间传递信息 >>将“层间”信息作为内部分组进行处理。 >>跨层发信捷径(CLASS,Cross-Layer Signalling Shortcuts)方案。用于支持协议栈的非相邻层之间的直接的信息交换。主要是引入了一个能被所有层链接的通用数据库,如右图,这个通用数据库可以被看成是一个新层,为所有层提供存储/修复信息的服务。 这种方法尤其适用于纵向校正跨层设计,优化程序可以通过共享数据库的同时与不同层连接。《From Protocol Stack to Protocol Heap – Role-Based Architecture》的作者Branden 等人提出的RBA(Role Based Architecture)是一个全新架构。角色模块以功能实现的传递连接完成了层间信息的交互过程,取代了用设计接口实现分层间的交互方式。CRN跨层设计CRN跨层设计MAC/物理层跨层设计 路由/物理层跨层设计 传输/物理层跨层设计 其他跨层设计MAC层与物理层的交互尤为频繁。 在CRN中,MAC层必须能够适应通信资源的有效性,以及用户状态。它使用了信道分配技术,机会性使用信道,动态适应认知网络信道的高度时变性特征。 物理层高级技术,包括编码、MIMO和OFDM技术、超宽带等 ,为改善时延、吞吐量和丢包率提供了很大的潜力。 MAC物理层的跨层设计方法,可以更进一步提高频谱利用率,改善系统性能。? 如何改善系统性能 ——————————————————————————————————— >>可能出现误检情况下的跨层设计。这种方式,通过物理层频谱传感器和MAC层认知协议的联合设计将频谱感知和频谱接入相结合。 同时,在物理层和MAC层降低误检概率,并,最大化频谱效率的同时防止对授权用户产生干扰。>>基于跨层的多信道机会MAC控制协议,将无线Ad Hoc 网络的频谱感知聚合到物理层,分组调度聚合到MAC层。>>优化无线网络中的最大吞吐量和最小化能量消耗之间的关系。提出了一种跨层联合链路调度和功率控制的方式。采用调度策略l 时链路i 的系统速率采用调度策略l时链路i 的发送功率采用效用函数算法选取调度策略和功率分配使效用函数值达到最大。有效利用功率的同时提高系统吞吐量。认知无线电支持无线网络物理层的基本参数,如发送功率和星座图大小的动态控制,这种动态控制欲传统无线电固定的资源分配方式相比,极大地提高了系统性能。频谱共享、流程演算与认知无线电网络干扰的联合设计的最优跨层架构。 在给定的多个源节点到目的节点的多种传输要求下,推算出一种混合整数线性规划形式的最优化问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,求解出一条公平的路由选择。>>多跳网络中,链路的容量是会随着干扰、信道条件、衰落等因素而改变的。 >>无线网络中,丢包可能会因为拥塞、信道差错或者节点移动等因素而产生。 >>因而,要优化端到端的传输机制,必须考虑链路容量的变化。这种跨层设计的方式大致有两类: # TCP的拥塞控制算法可以通过参考物理层收集的信息进行优化。 (ex:根据物理层收集的信息来判断丢包的原因——拥塞问题或者链路质量差,同时TCP采取的被动分析。) # TCP和物理层控制方案进行联合优化。这其中涉及了更为复杂的算法、协议和实现过程。就不仔细探讨了。跨层优化还可以在从应用层到物理层的其他不同协议层之间执行。 ex:超级层——将不同的协议层合并成一层。虽然可以消除跨层信息传输信息所带来的开销,但与网络匹配的准确度会下降。CN跨层设计方案CN跨层设计方案认知网络的跨层设计需要再设计单节点协议栈的跨层方案的同时考虑各节点之间如何跨层传输信息。基于多方面的考虑,通常会选择能够适应现有分层模型特性的架构。跨层接口的操作和管理,根据网络问题或数据传输问题来调整一层或者多层参数。 可以通过引入一下组件来实现节点级的跨层。>参数提取 >跨层优化 >决策和回应 >跨层管理器 >网络跨层接口分析接口模块储存的数据类型,查找改变某一层的数据值对其它层产生的影响,根据需要调整参数值。在网络跨层设计中,从多个节点提取的数据可以帮助从整个网络的角度考虑如何采取进一步的操作,以更好地解决问题。并且,通过将回应信息直接导向其所对应的某个层,节省时间开销。在认知节点之间增加跨层设计在认知节点之间增加跨层设计相邻节点交互。 每个节点与所有的跨层节点交互。 通过中心节点交互。 通过簇头交互。——————————————————————————————————中心节点簇头簇头黑板架构黑板架构无线认知节点接口,负责链接认知节点和黑板。控制器负责接收信息,对消息进调度,并指导选择合适的操作。知识库包括一系列的生产规章和执行这些规则的推理机。控制器和知识库和查询处理器进行交互,以查询日志的方式处理消息。Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(1)[1]Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(1)[1]The main challenges that the design of the ultimate CognitiveCross-layer Architecture shall meet are modularity,interpretability, imprecision, scalability and complexity. Cross-Layer——breaking the traditional encapsulation of communication of protocal stack to enable a more effective optimization of the overall communication quality.Unfortunately, the current state of the art in wireless communication systems research is still quite far from an effective formulation of the ultimate Cognitive Cross-layer Architecture. In the last decade, cross-layer optimization strategies have been widely studied and adopted, but in most cases the aim was to achieve performance enhancements in specific scenarios. For instance, a vast number of those cross-layer solutions had the aim of improving the performance of a particular multimedia application or transport protocol over a given radio link such as 802.11 or UMTS. In most cases these solutions cannot be reused for different wireless technologies or applications without a significant re-design effort.Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(2)Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(2)Modularity: traditionally, protocol encapsulation has always been effective in providing modularity, i.e., in allowing independent implementation of all layers (e.g., wireless interfaces, drivers, protocol stacks, applications). In the definition of a cross-layer framework, care should be taken in preserving the modularity of the architecture, in order to allow components with cross-layer capabilities to be designed independently of each other, and to be used interchangeably.Abstracting from the underlying technology is a key prerequisite to this concept of modularity. As an example, suppose we are designing a cognitive transport protocol implementation which can exploit link state information from the link layer to provide enhanced performance. If we can get the necessary information from the link layer in an abstract way, say channel error and congestion status, we can succeed in designing a modular transport layer which will work with different technologies. If, on the other hand, we are forced to rely on technology-specific information, e.g., the value of 802.11 Network Allocation Vector as a measure of link congestion, our design will be unusable when we switch to a different link layer technology such as UMTS or WiMax.Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(3)Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(3)Information interpretability: As stated above, in order to achieve modularity it is necessary to choose a knowledge representation base which can accomodate different implementations of layer modules. While necessary, this practice brings further design challenges related to information interpretability. Suppose for instance that we identify SNR as being a generic and useful information shared by all wireless technologies, and as such we include it as a relevant link-layer information in the cross-layer knowldege base. The interpretation of SNR by other layers or entities would be misleading, since it is impossible to, e.g., infer the goodness of a wireless link from SNR without technology-specific knowledge such as the type of modulation and FEC/ARQ schemes used.Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(4)Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(4)Imprecision and uncertainty: Most information to be exported by the different layers is obtained from measurements, which are affected by errors in precision and accuracy. These issues can often be properly dealt with by jointly designing all layers of a specifically targeted cross-layer optimization system. Unfortunately this is not feasible in a modular cross-layer system where all components are designed independently. Data can be easily misinterpreted if precision and accuracy are not known. The example of SNR is once again enlightening. Suppose that upper layers (transport, application) possess the technology-specific knowledge (BER curves, etc.) needed for a correct interpretation of SNR measurements, and use this information for cross-layer optimization. In most consumer devices SNR measurements are very inaccurate, and in many systems, such as 802.11, BER performance has a very sharp transition (within a few dBs) from excellent to bad performance. As a consequence, if a SNR measurement is considered as an exact value, a bad channel might be misinterpreted as good and vice versa.Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(5)Challenges of Cognitive Cross-layering(5)Complexity and scalability: The ultimate Cognitive Radio is required to be able to span over all available resources (e.g., available wireless interfaces and protocols, with all possible parameter configurations) in order to find the best solution to meet the user’s needs. Cross-layer optimization is often a computationally intensive task even in fixed scenarios; as the number of layers involved in the optimization process increases, the computational load can easily become unbearable. Moreover, if the information and parameters exported by each layer are high in number and very different in nature, the complexity of designing optimization or AI algorithms can make Cognitive Radio impractical.参考文献参考文献[1]Nicola Baldo , Michele Zorzi. Fuzzy Logic for Cross-layer Optimization in Cognitive Radio Networks [2]Zhao Q. Cross-Layer Design of Opportunitistic Sprectrum Access in the Presencing Error[C]//CISS'06,Mar. 2006:778-782.
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